Cornell Alvmni News Vol
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CORNELL ALVMNI NEWS VOL. III.—No. 6. ITHACA, N. Y., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1900. PRICE TEN CENTS. PRESIDENT SCHURMAN ON is, it is continuously hot there day and NEWS OF THE NAVY. gers and all, except some small de- night and after a time you begin to feel OPENINGS IN THE PHILIP- it—it tells on you. You long for a whiff tails, such as oarlocks and parts of PINES. of air from the cool mountains or the Boat-building at Cornell— the sliding seats. It is even expected sea, and, while you do your work, you Colsou Klectecl Assistant that in the near future all the oars drag. You work from a sense of duty Coach. used by the Navy will be made at the Tall* to Students—Openings lor and not from a sense of pleasure. The boathouse. In this way much ex- Teachers, Έngmeers, and way to get on is to work slowly and not Others. as hard as you do at home. I worked as Although the attention of the Uni- pense has been saved to the manage- hard as I do at home, but I knew I was versity is now chiefly centered in ment, and the boats themselves, their going to stay not more than a year, and maintenance in perfect condition, and On Wednesday afternoon last, perhaps less. If I had intended staying football, the naval interests have not President Schurman in response ot longer, I should have adopted the habits been allowed to lag and the prospects the innovations which have been in- many enquiries in regard to edu- of the European residents, I should have are that the season next spring will troduced with the counsel and assist- cational positions in the Philippines, gotten up later in the morning, and had see a considerable and encouraging ance of Mr. Courtney, have made servants around me, as many as I could Cornell crew conditions much more addressed several hundred students afford, to provide me with the comforts advance along all the lines connected at Sage Chapel on the subject. His of life, and I should have given up work with the sport of rowing. satisfactory than they have ever been remarks, made in an informal way, in the afternoon and taken a mid-day This is particularly noticeable in before. brought out much information of siesta. The third season, from July to the boat building line, presided over Since this activity was started the November, is wet and hot. The glaring following boats have been built : A general interest. We are glad to sunshine is interrupted by rains—not such by the efficient John Hoyle. Mr. present the speech entire. as you know—downpours in which the Hoyle is a Canadian by birth and four-oared gig. the gift of the class of k 1900 the '99 Varsity eight-oared ' 1 will say first that I have had. several different letters from Mr. Atkinson, shell a four for the '99 crew an Superintendent of Public Instruction in eight-oared gig an eight-oared shell the Philippine Islands, about teachers. for Syracuse University, which was They want first, elementary teachers, a used by them last year in the race greater number of elementary teachers than any others secondly, superinten- with the Francis Club the Όo Var- dents, eight or ten young men for super- sity shell an eight-oared gig and a intendents, at a salary of from $2,000 to pairffor the Francis Club, the latter do- $2,500 per year, and a normal school nated by Mr. Charles Francis, '77 principal at $3,000 a year. It is possible some of these positions have been filled. and a single for John M. Francis, '02. The elementary school teachers will be The '96 Varsity boat is now being paid from $75 to $100 per month the year overhauled and re-rigged. A new round. The expenses out, I ought to Varsity eight and pair and two sin- add, will be paid by the government. I have been asked a number of questions gles for private individuals are in in regard to these positions and I think prospect. it best to take them up as they now occur At the request of Mr. Courtney to to me. the Athletic Council for an assistant '' Would you advise me to go to the Philippine Islands if I could get a posi- coach, Frederick Colson, '97, who tion? I answer that question in this was coxswain of his freshman boat way. If your object is to make money— and of every Varsity crew for four if your object is to receive a larger compen- years afterward, and whose exper- sation for the time being than you can get at home, possibly it would be worth ience and ability have ever since your while to go, but you must make been at the full disposal of the Navy sure that the position offered you there on the Council and the Board of will net you more than the position of Stewards of the Intercollegiate Asso- which you might avail yourself at home. I believe persons who take these positions ciation, was elected unanimously by will be able to earn more during the the Athletic Council to that position. period of time spent in the Philippine His assistance will add much to the Islands than they would at home at any From the Cornellίan. crew training in the future. rate it would be necessary to pay larger salaries to induce young men and women BOAT BUILDER JOHN HOYLE. The rowing schedule for next spring to come there, than are paid here. I has not yet been announced but it think you can safely count on the same heavens are opened and the earth is began active work in life as a cabi- will probably introduce one or two financial advantage for the next two or deluged—downpours that transform a three years. Furthermore you can count net-maker. Later, his attention was new features, which cannot be men- place over which you walked dry shod a tioned definitely at present. on a very novel experience. I find t iat short time before into a place over which turned to ship-building and he appeals to the students who have talked you must travel b}^ canoes. This is the entered the employ of the Cramps, The launch "Cornell" has been with me regarding this matter. As sort of downpours they have there some- where he learned the greater part of put into winter quarters, and will' be Matthew Arnold says, life is somewhat times of course they are not always so what he knows about boats. He is thoroughly overhauled by next spring. monotonous. Here we all look alike, we terrific. After such a rain, under a glar- speak the same language, and our modes ing sun immediately following it, you do conceded to be one of the best boat- of living are similar to each other. Underclass Klagf K.usl». k l not feel very comfortable. In the house builders in the country. Finding Anybody who goes to the Philippine your clothes and especially your boots that the business was a paying one, Islands, however, will come in contact The two underclasses held a flag begin to get green, and they remain he set up an establishment of his own with human beings of an entirely differ- green all through the season. Still you rush on the Campus near the ent stage or stages of civilization and will can get through it. We have had thous- in Philadelphia and made his reputa- find them in all stages from savagery and Armory under upper class super- sands and thousands of men out there tion as a builder of shells and gigs. vision last night. The rush barbarism up—he will find men of differ- and I have had young men tell me that He became identified with the boat- ent languages, different races and differ- included three bouts, fifteen men they do not mind the climate there more ing interests of Philadelphia and ent colors. The experience seems to me, than they do at home. I must add too, on a side. Each bout lasted five all considered, to be the most attractive that the climate I have described is the although he has never rowed in a feature in the program. Let us assume minutes, at the expiration of which Manila climate. It is typical, however. race, he is himself an enthusiastic the hands on the flag were counted. then that there will be a financial ad- I was over it all, and there are constant oarsman and knows the art from its vantage and that young men and women The freshmen won the first and the deviations in every part of the archi- foundation. who go there will enjoy a rich and varied pelago. High ranges of mountains sophomores the last two bouts, the experience. These seem to me to be the divide the islands—the highest, moun- A couple of years ago, Mr. Court- total score being 23 to 19, two prominent advantages. tain in the Philippine Islands being ten ney began to look around for some '' What off-sets should a young man or thousand feet high—and consequently one to build boats for the Cornell women take account of? He or she Professor Morse Stephens ad- you might have a terrific rain storm on Navy, and through Coach Ward of must take account of, first, the climate. one side of the island and sunshine on dressed the Cornell Association of The climate, I think, has been greatly Pennsylvania, who had used Hoyle the other.