1 viii H/C Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) (for 3rd Term) CLASS: VIII SUBJECT: HISTORY & CIVICS ======Chapter – 11

Question 1) Who is the expontent of the theory of economic drain of India. During the British rule? (a) Dadabhai Naroji (b) MN Roy (c) Jai Prakash Question 2) Which character Act directed the company to spend one lakh rupees on the education of Indians? (a) Character Act of 1813 (b) Character Act of 1854 (c) Character Act of 1831 Question 3) In 1854, who was the President of company’s Board of control. (a) Charles wood (b) James Prinsep (c) Thomas Macaulay Question 4) Who was the first law member in the Governor General’s council, promoted the English language? (a) Thomas Ma caulay (b) James Prinsep (c) MN Roy Question 5) Who has Supported Macaulay’s view? (a) William Bentinck (b) Charles wood (c) James Prinsep Question 6) The tradional educational in institution for Hindu are called. (a) Gurukul (b) Pathshala (c) School Question 7) The ______rule had wide- scale impact on the social, economic and cultural life of the Indians. (a) England (b) Europe (c) British Question 8) The state of owing money to same one (a) Oebt (b) Debt (c) Vebt Question 9) The educational institution for Islamic learning. (a) Muslims (b) Madrasas (c) upnishads Question 10) The English introduced Ryotwari settlement in (a) Presidency (b) Madras Presidency (c) Bombay Presidency Question 11) Who among the following Indian freedom fighters made an attempt to estimate the per capital income of India? (a) (b) Feroz Shah Mehta (c) Question 12) Who among the following has started the Public works Department in India in 1848 (a) Lord Dalhousie (b) Lord Wellesley (c) Lord Cornwallis Question 13) Who authord the book ‘Poverty and the British Rule in India’ ? (a) Dadabhai Naroji (b) Gopal Krishna Gokhale (c) Amrita Kumar Sen Question 14) Permanent settlement was a feature of : (a) Zamindari system (b) Ryotwari system (c) Mahalwari system Question 15) The Period of industrial growth in England. (a) Industrial Revolution (b) French Revolution (c) none of these Question 16) These policies made the life of the farmers very ______(a) unhappy (b) miserable Question 17) Indian landlords who had the right of collecting tax from the peasants are called (a) Zamindar (b) Ryotwar (c) Mahalwar Question 18) The Mahalwari system was introduced in ______(a) Italy (b) Gujarat (c) Punjab Question 19) The ______of the mahal was responsible for collecting revenue from the villages. (a) Zamindar (b) Talukdar (c) Sarpanch Question 20) In the Ryotwari system the land revenue was a fixed for a period of ______years. (a) 20 (b) 30 (c) 40 Question 21) The British policies destroyed ______and the cheap manufactured goods of British factories flooded the Indian markets. (a) France Industries (b) England Industries (c) Indian Industries Question 22) In the field of education, the British introduced ______in India (a) western education (b) eastern education (c) Indian education Question 23) The killing of in fonts soon after birth : (a) Infanticide (b) Invanticide (c) vanticide Question 24) The first railway line was opened to traffic in ______(a) 1852 (b) 1853 (c) 1854 Question 25) In ______, English became the official language. (a) 1854 (b) 1834 (c) 1844

Chapter – 12

Question 1) Which of the following was the main reason for out break of 1857 revolt? (a) Introduction of Doctrine of Laps (b) Introduction of subsidiary Alliance (c) Both a and b Question 2) The first half of the ______century also witnessed a number of tribal revolts. (a) 16th (b) 18th (c) 19th Question 3) Whose adopted son was not permitted to sit on the throne of Jhansi (a) Rani Lakshmi Bai’s (b) Tantia Tope’s (c) ’s Question 4) In Bihar the revolt wasted by ______(a) Bahadur shah (b) (c) S.K Singh Question 5) Who led the revolt in Kanpur? (a) (b) Rani Lakshmi Bai (c)

2 viii H/C Question 6) The revolt in Jhansi was led by (a) Rani Laxmibai (b) Kunwar Singh (c) Bahadur Shah Question 7) Mangal Pandey was executed on (a) 2nd June, 1857 (b) 4th May, 1844 (c) 9th May, 1857 Question 8) Who was the emperor of Britain at the time of 1857 revolt? (a) Queen Victoria (b) James I (c) Charles XIV Question 9) Queen victoria’s proclamation was read at Allahabad Durbar on (a) 2nd May, 1845 (b) 1st Nov, 1858 (c) 6th July, 1844 Question 10) A tribe in Bengal and Bihar are called (a) Kalapani (b) Santhals (c) Sepoy Question 11) The rich merchants, traders and zamindars of ______helped the British to suppress the revolt. (a) Gujarat (b) Jhansi (c) Bengal Question 12) The main centres of the revolt were Delhi, Kanpur Jhansi and ______(a) Lucknow (b) Punjab (c) Allahabad Question 13) The Queen of ______became the Empress of India. (a) France (b) Europe (c) England Question 14) The English edueated middle class helped the revolutionaries to fight against the British (a) True (b) False Question 15) An Act in ______allow a Hindu who had converted to chirstianity to inherit his ancestral property. (a) 1850 (b) 1860 (c) 1870 Question 16) ______was the capital of Awadh. (a) Punjab (b) Gujarat (c) Lucknow Question 17) The British finally attacked Delhi and for ______there was desperate fighting. (a) six days (b) five days (c) seven days Question 18) There the muntinous ______were joined by the disbanded Soldiers from the Old Awadh army. (a) Sepoys (b) Santhals (c) anthals Question 19) Literally “black water” the term refers to the caste tab against sea voyages. (a) Kharapani (b) Kalapani (c) Safed pani Question 20) Indian Sepoys formed more than ______% of British troop in India. (a) 67 (b) 87 (c) 77 Question 21) Indian Sepoy could not rise to a rank higher than that of a ______(a) Talukedar (b) Zamindar (c) Subedar Question 22) The first expression of organised resistance was the Revolt of ______. (a) 1857 (b) 1858 (c) 1859 Question 23) ______and Jhasi were annexed under the Doctrine of Lapse. (a) Kanpur (b) Nagpur (c) Lucknow Question 24) ______would not be allowed to live in the Red Fort. (a) Tantia Tope (b) Rani Lakshmi Bai (c) Bahadur Shah II Question 25) The Meerut Metiny marked the beginning of the Revolt of 1857. (a) True (b) False

Chapter – 13

Question 1) Who was among them a great patriot, scholar and humanist. (a) (b) Ishwar Chandra (c) Keshab Chandra Question 2) Who is known as the ‘Father of the Indian Renaissance’ (a) Raja Ram Mohan Roy (b) Nana Saheb (c) Question 3) Ram Mohan Roy was born in ______in Radha nagar, a small village in Bengal. (a) 1752 (b) 1762 (c) 1772 Question 4) In which city Ram Mohan Roy has settled and dedicated his life to the cause of Social and religious reforms. (a) Bengal (b) Punjab (c) Calcutta Question 5) Who was the most important journal brought out by Ram Mohan Roy? (a) Samved Kaumudi (b) Ramvad Kaumudi (c) Kamved Kaumudi Question 6) He celebrated the Suecess of the revolution in ______in 1823 by hosting a public dinner. (a) France (b) Japan (c) Spain Question 7) He himself published journals in Bengali, Persian, Hindi and ______to educate the public on carious current issues. (a) Sanskrit (b) Urdu (c) English Question 8) Who was a firm believer in internationalism? (a) (b) Singh Sabhas (c) Ram Mohan Roy Question 9) Ram Mohan Roy founded a new religious society known as the ______. (a) Amiy Sabha (b) Atmiya Sabha (c) Anmiya Sabha Question 10) The establishment of Hindu college in 1817 was a major event in the history of ______. (a) Punjab (b) Bengal (c) Lucknow Question 11) Who was among them born in 1809? (a) (b) Henry Vivian Derozio (c) Keshab chandra sen Question 12) Who was responsible for revitalising the Samaj? (a) Rabindranath Tagor (b) Dwarkanath Tagore (c) Question 13) In ______, he merged the Brahmo Sabha and Tattwabodhini Sabha and named it Calcutta . (a) 1834 (b) 1843 (c) 1853 Question 14) ______was a philosopher and Social reformer who carried on an intensive programme of social reform. (a) Henry Vivian Derozio (b) Keshab Chanda Sen (c) Debendranath Tagore Question 15) Who was born in poor Brahmin family of Birsingha village in Bengal. (a) Swami Vivekanand (b) Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar (c) Singh Sabhas

3 viii H/C Question 16) After prolonged struggle the widow Remarriage Act was passed in ______(a) 1857 (b) 1858 (c) 1856 Question 17) Rama Krishna was born in a poor Brahmin family in ______village. (a) Birsingha village (b) Kamarpukur village (c) Radhanagar village Question 18) Swami Vivekananda was born in Calcutta in January, ______. (a) 1861 (b) 1862 (c) 1863 Question 19) The practice of having more than one wife : (a) Monotheism (b) Polygamy (c) none of them Question 20) Who founded the ? (a) Mohammad Iqbal (b) Swami Vivekananda (c) Dayanand Saraswati Question 21) Who was an active member of the Theosophical Society? (a) Sarojni Naidu (b) (c) Question 22) The Singh Sabhas spearheaded the reform movement among the ______(a) Muslims (b) Hindu (c) Sikhs Question 23) Ranade and Bhandarkar founded the Prarthana Samaj in ______(a) Delhi (b) Punjab (c) Bombay Question 24) Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, Ramjrishna Paramabamsa Swami Vivekananda were other reforms from ______(a) Punjab (b) Bombay (c) Bengal Question 25) Annie Besant was a ______woman who came to India. (a) French (b) Irish (c) none of them

Chapter – 14

Question 1) The was established in ______. (a) Lucknow (b) Delhi (c) Bombay Question 2) The Bombay Presidency Association formed in ______. (a) 1851 (b) 1852 (c) 1853 Question 3) The Revolt of 1857 was the first manifestation of the feeling of nationalism in ______(a) Europe (b) British (c) India Question 4) ______, as a platform to put forward the grievances of Indians against the British. (a) 1883 (b) 1884 (c) 1885 Question 5) Who was the president of the first Session? (a) AO Hume (b) WC Bonnerhi (c) Badruddin Tyabji Question 6) , Bipin Chandra Pal and , together, they were called ______(a) Bal – Lal – Pal (b) Lal – Bal – Pal (c) Pal – Bal – Lal Question 7) ______was an important Radical leader. (a) Lala Lajpat Rai (b) Bipin Chandra (c) Bal Gangadhar Tilak Question 8) The government separated East Bengal, Which was dominated by Muslims, and merged it with ______(a) Punjab (b) Orissa (c) Assam Question 9) The INC stands for : (a) INDIAN NATIONAL CONGRESS (B) INDIAN NATIONAL COUNCIL (C) INTERNATIONA CONGRESS Question 10) The chief aims of the congress were to remove the ______, creed and religion among the Indians. (a) barriers of caste (b) barriers of marriage (c) barriers of trade Question 11) The main demands of the Moderates were : (a) Promotion of education (b) Repeal of the Arms Act (c) all the above Question 12) In the moderate stage, the congress members were mainly the educated ______(a) Indian class (b) French class (c) both a and b Question 13) Who has specially composed songs celebrating the brotherhood of the people in Bengal. (a) Rabindranath Tagore (b) Bankim Chandra Chattopadhay (c) Mohammad Iqbal Question 14) Bengal was reunited in ______. (a) 1910 (b) 1912 (c) 1911 Question 15) The ______and Boycott movements had become a mass movement where a large number (a) Swadeshi (b) Pardeshi (c) deshi Question 16) Rabindranath Tagors was the son of Debendranath Tagore. (a) True (b) False Question 17) Keshab Chandra Sen was the follower of ______(a) Ram Krishna Paramhansa (b) Raja Ram Mohan (c) Debendranath Question 18) Bal Gangadhar Tilak belonged to (a) Radicals (b) Moderates (c) none of them Question 19) was started by ______(a) (b) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (c) Lala Lagpat Roy Question 20) A. O Hume founded Indian National congress (a) True (b) False Question 21) The Partition of Bengal angered people all over India. (a) True (b) False Question 22) Lala Lajpat Rai was active in ______while Bipin Chandra Pal was a provinent leader in Bengal. (a) Orrisa (b) Punjab (c) Bihar Question 23) ______adopte a ‘Divide and Rule’ policy to suppress . (a) (b) Lord Curzon (c) A.O Hume Question 24) The Muslim Leageu was set up in ______in 1906. (a) Nepal (b) Bihar (c) Dhaka

4 viii H/C Chapter – 15

Question 1) The first world war stated in 1914 in ______(a) Bengal (b) France (c) Europe Question 2) The Indians decide to support the British in the war, but they demanded the establishment of self- government in ______(a) France (b) Europe (c) India Question 3) The Home Rule Movement was led by Bal Ganga Dhar Tilak and ______(a) Sarojini Naidu (b) Pandita Ramabai (c) Annie Besant Question 4) Who has founded the Theosophical Society in India. (a) Sarojini Naidu (b) Sarada Devi (c) Annie Besant Question 5) The Congress Session held in ______in 1916. (a) Punjab (b) Bihar (c) Lucknow Question 6) Who was among them born in 1869 in Porbandar, Gujarat. (a) Lal Bahadur Shastri (b) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (c) Mohandas Karamchandra Gandhi Question 7) Champaran movement was led in Bihar in ______(a) 1987 (b) 1917 (c) 1967 Question 8) Jallianwala Bagh Massacre was oceured in ______(a) 1920 (b) 1919 (c) 1921 Question 9) In ______Gandhi launched the Non-co operation Movement. (a) 1918 (b) 1918 (c) 1920 Question 10) Gandhiji wanted to reform the society, so he setup the Sabarmati Ashram in ______(a) Lucknow (b) Bihar (c) Ahmadabad Question 11) Gandhiji went to ______to study law and then he went to South Africa to practice. (a) America (b) France (c) England Question 12) Gandhiji called ______as Harijans. (a) SC (b) untouchables (c) OBC Question 13) To protest against the arrest of Dr Saifuddin kitchlew and Dr Stya Pal, a large crowd had peacefully gathered in Jallianwala Bagh in ______(a) Bihar (b) Bengal (c) Amritsar Question 14) In March ______, Gandhiji was arrested and sent to six years of imprisonment. (a) 1921 (b) 1922 (c) 1923 Question 15) In 1923, the ______formed the Swarajya Party. (a) No changes (b) Pro-changes (c) ex-changes Question 16) Vallabh bhai Patel was the leader of ______(a) Pro- changes (b) ex- changes (c) No- changes Question 17) The Russian Revolution of ______inspired the growth of social ideas in India. (a) 1961 (b) 1917 (c) 1918 Question 18) Gandhiji asked the people not to cooperate with the British, in a peaceful way. (a) True (b) False Question 19) In ______Gandhiji launched the Non-co operation Movement. (a) 1918 (b) 1917 (c) 1920 Question 20) The government of India Act was passed as ______Reforms. (a) Robert clive (b) Montague Chelmsford (c) none of them Question 21) Rabindranath Tagore relinquished his knighthood as a mark of protest. (a) True (b) False Question 22) The Non-co operation Movement was suspended in February ______(a) 1920 (b) 1921 (c) 1922 Question 23) In ______, Gandhiji took up the cause of workers at Ahemdabad cotton mills who were paid very poorly (a) 1917 (b) 1916 (c) 1918 Question 24) Gandhiji urged the Indians to protest through non-violent, peaceful methods, which came to be known as ______(a) violence (b) non-violence (c) Question 25) In ______British government decided to send a commission headed by Sir John Simon. (a) 1921 (b) 1925 (c) 1927

Chapter – 5 (Civics)

Question 1) Immunisation is the process of becoming immune to a disease by vaccination. (a) True (b) False Question 2) The UNDP was formed in ______(a) 1930 (b) 1940 (c) 1950 Question 3) The UNDP has its headquarters in ______(a) France (b) Paris (c) Rome Question 4) A large portion of UNESCO’s funds comes through the sale of greeting cards. (a) True (b) False Question 5) The ______provides loans and grants to encerverage self- help activities in the poor countries. (a) UNICEF (b) UNESCO (c) UNDP Question 6) The who helps countries to strengthen their ______system. (a) health (b) money (c) vegetation Question 7) The headquarters of the WHO is in ______(a) Newyork (b) Paris (c) Geneva Question 8) The ILO helps the member countries in Vocational training and small- scale handicrafts. (a) True (c) False

5 viii H/C Question 9) The ______attempts to improve the conditions of work and the standard of living of workers. (a) ILO (b) WHO (c) UNESCO Question 10) The WHO was established on 7 April ______(a) 1949 (b) 1946 (c) 1948 Question 11) The ILO pays special attention to the problems of women and children. (a) True (b) False Question 12) The main purpose of ______is to improve the standard of health all over the world. (a) UNISEF (b) WHO (c) OHW Question 13) The ILO was setup in ______(a) 1819 (b) 1817 (c) 1918 Question 14) ILO has its headquarters in ______. (a) Paris (b) Newyork (c) Geneva Question 15) The UNICEF operates in about ______countries in the world. (a) 180 (b) 190 (c) 170 Question 16) UNICEF was established in ______(a) 1943 (b) 1945 (c) 1946 Question 17) ______aimed of providing aid to children and their mothers is countries devasted by the second world war. (a) UNESCO (b) UNICEF (c) UCICEF Question 18) The UNICEF looks into the issues of child health nutrition and education. (a) True (b) False Question 19) ______assists in running of child care centres. (a) UNESCO (b) UNICEF (c) USICEF Question 20) There are ______agencies of UN (a) 3 (b) 5 (c) 4 Question 21) The UNESCO was created with its headquarters in ______(a) Bombay (b) Newyork (c) Paris Question 22) Unesco encourage the spread of Universal education (a) True (b) False Question 23) The ______devolts a large portion of its funds to projects for educational and scientific development in Third world countries. (a) UNESCO (b) UNICEF (c) ILO Question 24) The UNICEF has its headquarters in ______(a) Paris (b) New York (c) Hong Kong Question 25) The FAO was founded in ______. (a) 1946 (b) 1945 (c) 1943