House of Representatives
1943 CONGRESSIONAt RECORD-HOUSE 4981 the Navy, with the rank of lieutenant (Junior may we deny ourselves, take up our cross, every facility within its domination to grade), to rank from the 16th day of December and follow Thee. He who knocks at the serve the war effort. The slogan was 1940. donr of every heart and stretches forth "Full production for victory." His arms in every hour of need, will teach '!'he Ford Motor Co.'s production lines WITHDRAWALS us the fortitude of unrequited labor and deliver the following ,fleets of weapons: Executive nominations withdrawn the joy of humble tasks done in love. M-4 tanks, Pratt & Whitney aircraft en from the Senate May 27 <legislative day Almighty God, with great soul might gines, jeeps, M-10 tank destroyers, am of May 24) , 1943: lead us to have faith that we are a phibian jeeps, universal carriers, Con WAR MANPOWER 'COMMISSION mighty part of a world plan that shall solidated Liberator bombers, truck and APPOINTMENTS carry with it the rapture of moral vic- jeep engines, transport gliders, Army John Bradley Haight to be area director tory and the aspir~tions of a free people. trucks, rate-of-climb indicators, tank en 1n the Indianapolis area otHce. In our Redeemer's name. Amen. gines, gun mounts, magnesium castings, Agnes S. Cronin to be area director in the The Journal of the proceedings of yes- aircraft generators, armor plate, turbo- western Long Island area office. terday was read and approved. superchargers. , His fa-ther, Mr. Henry Ford, now in THE PRESIDENT OF LIBERIA his eightieth year, With his faithful wife CONFIRMATIONS Mr.
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