Volume 1 Issue 1 October 2014

Middlehead Hike Story p. 3 OCTOBER 2014 Volume 1, Issue 1

Featured Member Artist—Carmel Craig

Inside this issue: possible for me to pursue these skills. I enjoy the friendship both new & old Featured Artist 2 that I encounter here at Crossroads.

Updates 3 Questions for Carmel: Updates/ Upcoming 4 Events How long have you been a mem- ber ? Featured Colleague/ 5 I was one of the original members of Birthdays Crossroads , which makes me a mem- ber of 19 years. Members in School / 6 New Member Up- Carmel holding one of her paintings. How long have you been interested date/ Summer Group in art? TEs I’ve been interested since I was about Carmel grew up in Whitney Pier, she 5 years old. I started out on my own Calendar 7 grew up as an only child . Carmel’s then I took courses to develop through- Dad was a pianist & her mom wrote out the years. But as I grew up there Summer Group TEs 8 poetry for the Historical Society. Car- was always some kind of music around mel has 6 children, 3 step children & 3 & mom had many skills in the arts. of her own biological children. She attended to Holy Angles High School, What benefits do you get from your Hours of Operation then she went to business school, & art? I find it a form of meditation and then on to Patrick’s School for Cos- it helps me focus. Monday-Friday metology. Last but not least she at- tended School of Fisher- What kind of art do you prefer? I en- 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM ies in Pictou. joy painting, charcoal, and drawing. Wednesdays I enjoy Crossroads and find fellow If you could buy any art supplies 8:30 AM to 8:00 PM members help inspire my art work. I what would you buy? also enjoy Karaoke, decorating & cre- I would buy oil paints & brushes. ating displays. Crossroads makes it Location: 40 Bentinck St. Some of Carmel’s Artwork... Sydney, Nova Scotia B1P 1G2 (902)-567-7961 The Password

Crossroads’ Major Hike 2014 — Middlehead Trail Crossroads colleagues finish the whole trail! wiches on whole wheat participated in the 2nd There were some tough bread with trail mix, ap- Annual Major Hike on sections especially the ples, peaches, oranges, Aug 21st/14. We had a large hill on the way cheese and granola bars beautiful day to com- back but we all did it! as snacks! plete the Middlehead Trail in Ingonish. We stopped for lunch at Before heading home we a scenic location on the stopped off at Mary Ann The Middlehead Trail is trail overlooking the Falls to enjoy more 3.8 Km long with eleva- ocean and Cape beautiful scenery! tions of 5 meters to 45 Smokey. It was a great We can’t wait for the meters. It took the group view to enjoy our healthy next major hike in 2015! 2 hours to hike the trail meal. Scrubs helped us Our beautiful lunch time & everyone was able to prepare turkey sand- spot!

Some pictures of the hike…..

Saturday Programs This summer the club did something different. Since the club was una- ble to open on the weekends, the members decided to take over the Saturday Programs themselves. Every second weekend in July and August, two volunteer member drivers and a group of members took the vans out to various locations. They went to Gabarus Beach, Bad- deck, Derek’s Pool Party, Cheticamp, St. Peter’s & Port Hawkesbury! These weekends were such a hit they extended them into September and October! Please see the Wellness and Leisure Calendar on page 7 to see the upcoming Saturday Program activities! You must be signed up before hand and pay the activity fee the day before the The group enjoying their lunch in Baddeck on a event! Saturday Program.

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Asian Night…. We had a wonderful celebration of Asian Specifically Japanese cul- ture, the night of Wednesday, July 30th. The Crossroads’ dining room had an exotic atmosphere. The tables were decorated with Japanese objects which Jackie had received as gifts through her jobs, table cloths with Japanese writing, Jackie and Chiyo both displayed their own kimonos and Japanese music was played in the background. Christopher, Sarah & Chiyo shopped for and prepared a delicious meal for us. The menu consisted of Japanese Curry, a beef bowl, and sunomore, a Japanese cucumber salad. Many people used chop sticks-some for the very first time. It was fun! Thanks to everyone who attended and to those who helped out. It was a truly awesome evening – the second cultural experience night we have had in the last few months. If you have any ideas for future cultural nights- make sure you take them to the Wellness & leisure Meetings held the last Tues- day of every month at 2:30pm.

Upcoming Events….. Mental Health Awareness Night: This year MHAN is taking place on Satur- day October 4th/14 at . Crossroads will be having an information booth, handing out resource cards, leading a Flash Mob Dance and much more! We need your help to make this a success, please come out & help!

Cabot Trail Trip: Our drive around the trail will be happening on Oct 15th/14. We will be taking our 3 new vans plus one rental van for the trip which will allow us to send 21 members & 3 staff! This is always a wonderful day, please keep your eye out for a trip update in our next Password addi- MHAN 2013 tion in January!

Living with Mental Illness Conference: The Conference will be held this year on Oct. 23rd/14 at the Membertou Trade & Convention. Crossroads’ own Stand Up for Mental Health comedians will be performing at the confer- ence as well as talks from Steven Page (co-founder of Barenaked Ladies), Scott Boyd and Starr Dobson. A group of members and staff will be attend- ing the conference, if you are interested please visit Crossroads prior to the conference to put your name on the sign up sheet!

Cabot Trial Trip 2013

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Featured Colleague - Lloyd Willett Lloyd grew up in ; he went to school at Central Elementary, Caledonia Junior High, and St. Anthony’s Junior High School. He has been a mem- ber of Crossroads for about 10 years. Lloyd says Crossroads gives him something to do and he like the relationships with staff & members. Lloyd is currently working on a Crossroads T.E. position at the CBRM incin- erator. Lloyd reports that he loves it and loves working with Dean “He is a good guy and we are good friends”. In Lloyd’s spare time he likes watching action & super hero movies, wres- tling, doing art of all types, and going to the gym with Patrick. Lloyd also likes going on trips with the club & dancing. When asked what he would like Password readers to know about him, Lloyd stated “A few years ago at Employment Development Center I sold my first painting at an Art Exhibition and I’m taking a correspondent course at ISSA to Lloyd holding a picture of the painting he sold. become a Personal Trainer. I’ll probably take the test by spring of next year and I’m also hoping to start art lessons soon.”

Thanksgiving Dinner - Important Update! Thanksgiving Din- Mental Health Day closed for a few ner will be held on Flash Mob Dance hours on Oct 10th to Thursday Oct. 9th taking place at the accommodate this this year at 12 Cape Breton Region- event.

noon . This is due to al Hospital on Oct. Come on down on th Crossroads partici- 10 at 12 noon. Thursday Oct 9th to pating in the World The Club will be enjoy some turkey!

October Member Birthdays Oct 6th- Shane G Oct18th- Patrick B Oct 7th- Joseph Mac D Oct. 21st- Byron L Richard Mc C Oct. 25th- Mary OR Oct12th-Leonard Mac D Oct. 27th- Warren Oct14th-Claire McN Oct. 29th- Pamela D Carmella SD Janice A

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Celebrating Members Returning to School…..

This September we have several members returning to and starting school! Jay Y. is starting courses out at Cape Breton University. Amanda M., Erin C., Cynthia D., John M. are all taking courses at NSCC. Steven L. and Stephen K. are both taking employment skills courses at Pathways. Tish M. just completed a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique course in Alabama, USA. Good Luck Everyone!!!! Jay Y. who just started taking cours- If you are in school or taking a course and we missed you, please call us and let es at Cape Breton University us know! We’d love to celebrate you and your achievements!!

New Member Updates…. In the month of Septem- with my mental health is- and friends are busy with ber we welcomed two sues. I had no family doc- their own lives. So I look new members to Cross- tor and my family was to Crossroads to fill that roads. These members quite worried about me. gap. At first I wasn’t sure are Louise L. and Brenda With help of Crossroads I it would work out because M. Louise L. took some- finally have a family doc- it was so different from time to talk to us about tor and a psychiatrist Dartmouth. But 3 months being a new member which made me feel com- later I look forward to here. fortable with being home Crossroads everyday and Coming home to Cross- again. I knew I would it’s nice to know that I roads was a big help be- have to find something to have a new family there. cause I needed support fill my days as my family -Louise L. Our new member Louise L.

Celebrating Summer Group Transitional Employment & Group Employment

The Ports - The four mem- Cape Fest Clean Up - This bers, who work this Group was a group employment TE, welcome all the cruise opportunity for Crossroads. ship passengers to Sydney We were hired by Martin to obtain passenger emails Entertainment to clean up so they can receive an during and after the Aer- online survey about their osmith Concert at Open cruising experience! Hearth Park. This oppor- So far Sydney has 4x as tunity gave 27 members many online surveys com- work over three days! pleted compared to the rest Everyone who participated of the Atlantic Ports! Good in this employment did an Marilyn and Natalie talking with a amazing job! Way to Go! The crew in FYM tees before heading down to cruise ship passenger. job! Cape Fest to clean up during the concert!

Group TEs and Group Employment continued on page 8.

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Volume 1, Issue 1 October 2014 - Menu

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3 4 Roast potatoes & Spaghetti & meat Pizza Burgers & carrots sauce salad

5 6 7 8 9 Thanksgiving 10 11 TBA Cabbage Roll Mexican Pile-Ups Dinner (Free) Sandwiches & Casserole Turkey Salad

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Thanksgiving Chili Stir fry Fish Hash brown Bake Day 1- 4 M&M Meats 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 TBD Pork chops Tammy’s Sausage Homemade Chicken Penne Hamburger &

26 27 28 29 30 31 Cold Plate Homemade Soup TBD Sweet & Sour Goulash Meatballs & Rice

Wellness & Leisure

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3 4 MHAN— Group Decides Screaming Eagles Game (p 4)

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 TBD EE Dinner Thanksgiving Meal World Mental Day (free) Flash Mob at Regional 12 noon 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Cabot Trail (p 4)

19 20 21 22 23 Living with 24 25 No Wed. Evening Mental Illness & Celebrations & Fright Night Program Addiction Conference Halloween $8 (pg 4) 26 27 28 29 30 31 Exploration Night - CB Trivia

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Summer Group Transitional Employment & Group Employment…..continued

Field Of Peace - This is a Group Painting - This was a Group TE that looks after group employment oppor- property maintenance at tunity where 5 members the Field of Peace. The went out to various locations Field of Peace is the site in New Waterford over 2 where clients of the Cape days. Members painted Breton Hospital were bur- fences, barns, swings, gar- ied. This Group TE em- bage cans and planters. ployed 5 members over the Susan hard at work at summer! Sandy painting a fence in the Field Of Peace New Waterford.

Lawn Care - This Group CBRM Incinerator- This TE is responsible for Group TE started off with a property maintenance of large clean up in May which Sadler Court. It includes had 12 members working mowing, line trimming, over 4 days. Dean B. and brush removal and gar- Lloyd W. were picked for bage pick-up. This TE the TE positions. They are employed 6 members still working every week and over the summer months! Steven working at continue to do a great job! Sadler Court. Incinerator crew before heading out to work.

Concert on the Dock Clean-Up Crew! Post Winter Clean Up - This group employment involved raking leaves, garbage pick up, pruning bushes and sweep- ing up in various location within 40 Bentinck St. Sydney. This employment op- Sydney, Nova Scotia portunity employed 5 members over 3 days in late April/ early Concert on the Dock Clean-Up - B1P 1G2 Martin Entertainment hired a group May 2014. from Crossroads to clean up the Phone: 902-567-7961 marine terminal after their Concert on the Dock. Martin Entertainment’s regular clean-up crew had to cancel Fax: 902-539-2827 last minute and after hearing great reviews about the work Crossroads Email: does, Martin gave us a call! We were thrilled to accept the job and [email protected] Martin Entertainment was thrilled with our work. Through this oppor- We are on the web! tunity we were asked by Martin Entertainment to work the clean up www.crossroadscapebreton.ca for Cape Fest. Eugene working at one of the various post winter locations in the Sydney area.

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