Ancient Greek, and Roman-Rhetoricians: A.Biographical Dictionary
42. DOCUMENT RESUM2 ED* CS 501 177 AUTHOR Bryant, Donald C., Ed.;. And 'Others TITLE Ancient Greek, and Roman-Rhetoricians: A.BiograPhical Dictionary. INSTITUTION Sp.eech Ass'ociatfon of.-America, New Yor,k, PUB DATE. 68 NOTE \ 113P. AVAILABL-32',FROM Speech Communication Association, 5205 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church, Virginia 22041 ($2.50 meiber, $2.85 onmember)- EDRS PRICE MF- Y.0.76 HC-$5.70 Plus" Postage DESCP:IPT6RS Anci Higtory; Authors; *Biographic-al Inventories: *Clas cal Literature;'*Reference ffooks;NR4ference -Matsria s; *Rhetoric;,Speech;,Speech Education IDENTIFIERS Greece; ome 1 , ABSTRACT This hiograp ical dictionary contains over 200 entries on Greek and Roman rh toricians. The compilation omits persons who were exclusively peiformers or composersunless they were also theorists, critics, authors\of treatises or textbooks, or teachers of speech. Bibliographical notes are attached to particular -biograph;les rarely and only for Sp ial purpose's. Generally, the standard biographical compendia and he particular sources,relevant to each rhetorician havebesn drawn upon for the entries. Includedin this dictionary are such people as Acyas, Adrian, Antipater, Ariston, Aristophanes, Aristotle, Blandds, CelSus, Chrysippus, -Cicero, Cleanthes, Corvus, Crates, Dion, Epicurus, Favorinus, Glycon, Hyperidss, Isocrates, Lycon, Lysias, Menecles, Philo,' Plato, Sedatus, -Theophzastus, and Verginiug Flavus. (TS)._ b `lk *******************1*************************************** ********** DocumentsaCijiirecyby ERIC include many informal unpub4shed * materials nol available from other sources; ERIC makes every`ffort * * to obtain the beSt copy available. Nevertheless, items of margnal * * reproducibility are often encountered and,thisaffects the qual"ty * * of the. microfiche and hardcopyreproductions EPIC makes availabl\ * via the ERIC Document Reproduction Service (EDRS). EDRS is riot * * responsiblO for the quality of the original document.
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