Established October 1895 ICBL extends paid paternity leave for employees PAGE 4

Thursday March 18, 2021 $1 VAT Inclusive SOLID WASTE PLAN ON THE HORIZON MINISTER of Environment Revenue and Expenditure for China and Japan, all those and National Beautification, the next financial year,that it is places, are reducing the amount Adrian Forde says that imperative that greater focus is of refuse that they’re taking Barbados will soon have an also placed on such concepts as from other countries. So it’s high integrated solid waste man- reducing, reusing and recycling time that we now start speaking agement plan. in an effort to see a decrease in about integrated solid waste He told the House of Assembly the amount of garbage that is management and waste to en- yesterday as the debate contin- generated in this country. ergy,” Minister Forde said. Minister of Environment and National Beautification, Adrian Forde. ued on the Estimates of “It is common knowledge that SOLID WASTE on Page 2

Minister: Most COVID cases now restricted to certain communities MINISTER of Health and Wellness, Lt. Col. Jeffrey Bostic says COVID-19 cases in recent days have been restricted to cer- tain communities in Barbados. “We still have community spread but it not widespread community spread as we were having before, but there is still elements of community spread out there. Fortunately,the cases that we have had in the past seven to 10 days have been re- stricted to a number of commu- nities and we are not seeing that spread of cases in several communities like we were see- ing before, and that is a good sign. But for me, I would like for us to be able to return to the pre-December days and then I will be satisfied that we are really on the right track and that we are on top of things.” Bostic was speaking to the media yesterday at the Harrison Point Isolation Facility, one of the locations visited during the Minister of Health and Wellness, Lt. Col. Jeffrey Bostic (left), presenting a token of appreciation on behalf of his ministry to staff tour conducted by officials. The at the Harrison Point Isolation Facility. occasion marked the first an- niversary of Barbados’ first domly tested for COVID-19 and about the reason for the notice- In explaining, Bostic said pre- of contact tracing and those positive COVID-19 case. this exercise is going to be ex- able reduction in the number of viously when cases were “in the persons would have had a lot of He stated members of various panded even more. He was re- COVID-19 tests that have been dozens” and even greater,“those primary contacts”. neighbourhoods have been ran- sponding to a question asked conducted daily. cases would have required a lot TESTING on Page 3 2 • Thursday March 18, 2021 The Barbados Advocate COVID-19 update: 13 new cases, 31 recoveries THIRTEEN people were The 13 persons identi- ratory has so far com- diagnosed with COVID-19 fied as COVID-19 positive pleted 134,448 tests. on Tuesday, March 16, comprise four men and As part of the National from the 418 tests con- nine women. Vaccination Programme ducted by the Best-dos The island has recorded for COVID-19, 1,493 peo- Santos Public Health 3 471 confirmed cases – ple were vaccinated on Laboratory. 1 648 females and 1 823 Tuesday. Meanwhile, 31 persons males – and 3 285 people To date, a total of recovered from the have recovered from the 54,631 vaccinations have virus. The number of ac- virus since the first case been administered – tive cases has been was identified in March 22,870 men and 31,761 steadily declining and is 2020. women. now 147. The public health labo- (BGIS) Barbados COVID-19 Situation Report for March 16, 2021. Industry can create new jobs, says minister SOLID WASTE from money aspect – I try to Page 1 let people understand that it’s important for The environment min- them to do their part in ister made the point order to have sustainabil- while indicating that ity,” she stated. their goal is to determine how to create a “circular Limited process Barbados”. His com- Adding to her comments, ments came as he said Manager of the that there are job oppor- Sanitation Service tunities for persons to ac- Authority (SSA), Janice cess by pursuing that ap- Jones explained that in proach. Barbados, the recycling “There needs to be a process is limited, as this conversation, because country is only able to re- every single tonne of move the recyclables garbage we can create from the waste stream. three jobs from this “There is no market whole industry; out of right now for recyclables every single tonne we since a lot of the coun- can create three to five tries have reduced the jobs,” he reiterated. importation of the recy- Meanwhile, Thora clables. SBRC, our trans- Lorde, Waste Manage- fer station, they are sup- ment Coordinator in the posed to take the recy- Ministry of Environment clables when the garbage and National Beauti- goes to the transfer sta- fication, maintained that tion; but then again there Barbadians need to have really is no market. What a sense of responsibility SBRC does is that they in terms of waste man- would make compost agement. from the green waste and “Recycling is some- in that regard there re- thing that has been hap- ally is no market for it. So pening in Barbados what you have would be a through the private sec- stockpile of material sit- tor for many years, about ting there. The last fire 20 years now as far as that was at SBRC was I’m aware, and it offers the result of the compost the avenue not only for just sitting out there on waste minimisation, but the stand, and with the also in case of repair, heat, they had the fire,” and in case of recycling, she noted. for us to be able to also Jones contended that have that employment until there is manufac- aspect. turing of recyclables in Persons are able so- this country, we will con- cially, to take their recy- tinue to simply move the clables back to a depot in recyclables from one area order to get money, and of the country and place while they don’t always them in another. push this – the whole (JRT) The Barbados Advocate Thursday March 18, 2021 • 3 NCC concerned about use of skips Plans to SOME bulk waste and Estimates Debate,Als said times per week. We are Als told those gathered within the construction in- construction debris are that they usually collect hindered somewhat by our in the Chamber, that with dustry and persons who making their way into garbage from those skips finances, but we try our over 83 sites where the have restaurants etc., they skips located at beaches once per week in the rural best where we can facili- NCC has such skips, it is can rent skips from the expand and parks across this is- areas and twice per week tate, to remove them as rather difficult to have to Sanitation or private per- land, and those engag- in the urban areas. persons fill them.We often empty the skips more often sons, or they can have the ing in this practice are However,he said they have find that even on remov- that they are used to. refuse taken to the sani- random being urged to stop. had to increase the fre- ing them in the afternoons, “I know the minister has tary landfill,” he stated. The call is coming from quency of those collections by the next day we find cameras at some locations The NCC General General Manager of the as some persons have been that there are some per- and we appeal to persons Manager’s comments came National Conservation going to those location and sons with their trucks or not to come to the parks or as he maintained that such testing Commission (NCC), Ryan depositing garbage. persons come to the site the beaches and empty actions are really an incon- Als. Responding yesterday “This has caused some and empty all of their re- their refuse, but simply venience to the public who TESTING from morning to a question challenges, it has caused fuse into the skips, usually call the sanitation hotline utilise these areas to recre- Page 1 from Minister of Energy, us to increase our expendi- construction debris or bulk and Sanitation [Service ate and he is calling on the Small Business and ture to remove the refuse waste, and we have to go Authority] will get to them guilty parties to cease and He said what is taking Entrepreneurship, Kerrie from the skips on a regular the following day to re- and pick up the bulk desist. place presently is a Symmonds during the basis – sometimes three move it,” he said. waste... For those persons (JRT) more focused approach to testing. “So that we are getting persons that we want to Ongoing work be tested because they have been exposed to con- tacts, and what we have at outpatient also started to do is to do some random testing within various communi- clinics on schedule, ties and we have done about three or four communities so far – should be done soon communities of interest By Marsha Gittens at the beginning of this to us. And fortunately, month, so we had exactly for the most part, those WORK at two of this is- four weeks.” results have come back land’s rural outpatient She added that external negative except for one clinics is said to be ahead of works and finishes are the in a particular commu- scheduled and it is antici- major things still to be car- nity.” pated it will be completed ried out, in addition to He continued, “That by month end. some block work. The cost exercise is going to This was disclosed by ar- given for work there was be expanded and we chitect Raquel Thompson, $1.2 million. will actually go into some who is in charge of the Meanwhile, she said Minister of Health and Wellness, Lt. Col. Jeffrey Bostic (left), Chief Medical of the country communi- projects at the St. Andrew work at the St. Joseph fa- Officer, Dr. Kenneth George (second right), and Permanent Secretary in the ties so that we can be Outpatient Clinic in cility is “scheduled to be Health Ministry, Janet Phillips (right) speaking to architect Raquel Thompson sure that we don’t have Belleplaine, St. Andrew; finished in another three about the work at the St. Andrew Outpatient Clinic. residual impacts of and the St. Joseph Out- weeks…and we are also COVID cases still in the patient Clinic in Horse ahead of schedule on that have the space and the ca- to expand the facilities, re- up and running within a community. So we expect Hill, St. Joseph. project.” pacity to be able to handle furbish the facilities, espe- few weeks so that those to see a ramp up in the Both locations were vis- In remarks to the media, general service clinics cially the one in St. Joseph persons within the catch- numbers and we have ited yesterday by Minister Bostic explained because within a COVID environ- where a number of the ment area, St. Andrew, St. also issued a press re- of Health and Wellness, Lt. of COVID-19, “The two ment which required spac- rooms were not used for so Joseph, would be able to lease asking persons to Col. Jeffrey Bostic; Chief clinics were closed and ing.” several months and even benefit from the services come forward for testing.” Medical Officer,Dr. have been closed for a He stated what is hap- years, and so we are trying at those two outpatient (MG) Kenneth George; Per- while because they did not pening is they are “trying to get those two facilities clinics.” manent Secretary in the Health Ministry, Janet Phillips; and other officials. This occurred as part of a tour to a number of med- ical facilities, including the one at Harrison Point. The tour marked the first anniversary of Barbados’ first positive COVID-19 case. It was also used by officials as an op- portunity to say thank-you to staff for the work done in Barbados’ fight against COVID-19. Speaking at the St. Andrew site, Thompson told the media work they are “actually two days ahead of scheduled and I believe that we are going to finish on time.The contrac- tor is definitely working overtime. He has had to get passes and everything seems to be coming to- gether pretty well, so we expect to complete the project at the end of the month.The project started A look at the ongoing work being done at the St. Andrew Outpatient Clinic in Belleplaine, St. Andrew. 4• Thursday March 18, 2021 The Barbados Advocate ICBL extends paid Light & Power welcomes FTC’s acceptance of on-bill paternity leave financing programme THE Barbados Light & Once approved, the Power Company is pleased programme will provide for its employees that the Fair Trading financing for the replace- Commission (FTC) has ac- ment of lighting to energy LEADING insurance com- to a strong family unit and cepted its application for a efficient LED lighting, pany ICBL extends paid support policies which Customer Energy Savings energy efficient air con- leave for its employees work towards achieving Financing Programme. ditioner units, and who are fathers of newly this,” She added, This is the Integrated Uninterruptible Power born babies. “Parenting is a shared Utility Services (IUS) or Supply (UPS) systems This new policy took ef- responsibility,and fathers on-bill financing pro- that can support their fect from February 23 should have the opportu- gramme discussed with equipment during brief 2021, and doubles the pre- nity to bond with their the media by Director – power interruptions. vious period of leave from newborns during this im- Customer Solutions Kim Customers who want to ten paid working days or portant stage.” Griffith-Tang How last install solar PV systems two weeks, to twenty paid New fathers within the October. on their roof to generate working days or four company expressed grati- She added, “The fact their own electricity can weeks. tude to the management that the review has begun also obtain financing AVP Human Resources of ICBL for implementing means that money may through the on-bill pro- at ICBL Gail Hinkson the policy,noting that they soon be available to our gramme. They will benefit says, “As a progressive were looking forward to customers to purchase en- from having the conven- company which values its spending time with their ergy efficient equipment ience of flexible repay- employees, we recognise children and caring for and renewable energy sys- ments through their the importance of fathers their partners. AVP Human Resources at ICBL Gail Hinkson. tems.” monthly electricity bill. US gifts drones to the CIMH YESTERDAY the silience in the region. United States, through Speaking with Dr. the United States Farrell, US Ambassador Agency for Inter- Linda Taglialatela stated, national Development “I want to congratulate (USAID), provided five you on the continued part- drones to the Carib- nership with CDEMA and bean Institute of various organisations in Meteorology and the region. It ensures that Hydrology (CIMH) to limited resources, such as strengthen the region’s the drones, are shared and capability to predict placed at the disposal of and respond to climate countries in critical times variability and natural of need. This approach disasters. complements our support One of the drones has already been deployed to support the region’s disaster response to the recent La The CIMH will allocate to CDEMA where we are Soufrière volcanic activity in St. Vincent and the Grenadines where it has provided invaluable information to the drones, worth US strengthening their opera- the authorities. $130 000, for use as tional response systems as needed in Antigua and part of our focus to build canes, fight COVID-19 Barbuda, Barbados, resilience in the Eastern and build resilience to Dominica, Grenada, St. Caribbean.” climate variability and Kitts and Nevis, Saint She continued, “The natural disasters. The Lucia, and St.Vincent and strong relationships that United States and the the Grenadines. Presently, you have built with enti- Caribbean are a commu- the CIMH has allocated ties such as the National nity with many shared use of one of the drones by Oceanic and Atmospheric values and interests – the Caribbean Disaster Administration, the what affects one in- Emergency Management National Weather Centre evitably affects all of us. Agency (CDEMA) and an- in Florida, as well as mul- Together, we can other by Dominica. One of tiple Universities in the strengthen resilience to the drones has already United States support the disasters, make communi- been deployed to support quality and relevance of ties more vibrant and the region’s disaster re- your work. This work mu- expand economic opportu- sponse to the recent La tually benefits our citizens nities in the Caribbean. Soufrière volcanic activity and economies through We are neighbours, part- in St. Vincent and the forecasting of weather ners, and friends.” Grenadines. The drone patterns and climate re- The drones are part there provided invaluable lated events, and that ulti- of the US$1 800 000 information to disaster mately makes the region “Strengthening Disaster USAID Eastern and Southern Caribbean Regional Representative Clinton White, management authorities safer for all.” and Climate Resilience CIMH Principal Dr. David Farrell, and US Ambassador Linda Taglialatela celebrate to include impacts on the Regional Represen- programme” (SDCR) by strengthened regional disaster and climate variability prediction and response atmosphere. tative, USAID Eastern USAID in partnership capacity enabled by five new drones delivered to CIMH by USAID. During a ceremony re- and Southern Caribbean, with the CIMH . Through cently at the CIMH head- Clinton White stated,“The this programme, the cal and hydrometeorolog- ural disasters. The SDCR drought, and sea level rise, quarters in St. James, the American people and United States is working ical early warning sys- addresses challenges pre- impacting economies and CIMH’s Principal, Dr. USAID are also there in with CIMH to build re- tems. The programme sented by the increased well-being through im- David Farrell expressed the Caribbean’s time of gional resilience through assists decision makers in quantity and intensity of pacts on areas such as appreciation of the United need. We are helping the improved disaster recov- the region plan, design, storms and variability in health, tourism, and agri- States’ continued support region respond to emer- ery and response systems and implement projects to climatic patterns in the re- culture-related infrastruc- to disaster and climate re- gencies, including hurri- and improved hydrologi- reduce the impacts of nat- gion such as flooding, ture and livelihoods. The Barbados Advocate Thursday March 18, 2021 • 5

Land (Title Proceedings) Act, 2011 (Act 2011-7) NHC finding it hard FORM 3 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR DECLARATION OF OWNERSHIP AND CERTIFICATE OF TITLE IN RESPECT OF to maintain units ALL THAT LAND situate at Train Road, Marchfield in the parish of Saint Philip in this Island containing by THE National Housing programme that was in- explained. admeasurement 1675.6 square metres or thereabouts. Corporation (NHC) has troduced by the previous “So basically, we are been finding it ex- administration, where 75 only getting funds for one AND tremely difficult to per cent of the housing fifth of our units. So in keep up with the main- stock in Barbados was terms of financing, it is tenance of NHC units, given to tenants.That has very difficult with limited ALL THAT LAND situate at Kirtons given the limited led to a significant reduc- financing to maintain all in the parish of Saint Philip in this Island containing by rental income it now tion in rent that we used of these units. We have admeasurement 4129.9 square metres or thereabouts receives on account of previously to plough back challenges with the the previous adminis- into the maintenance of sewerage system and the SUPREME COURT OF BARBADOS tration’s 20-year divest- the units and that has maintenance of that.We IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE ment programme. caused us tremendous also have challenges with Clyde Cummins, strain,” Cummins re- just the general upkeep, CLAIM NO. LTP5/2021 General Manager of the marked. but we do our best with Clyde Cummins, General NHC called attention to Dwight Thornhill, Chief what we are given and we Manager of the National IN THE MATTER OF SECTION 3 OF THE LAND the issue during the Estates Officer at the try to make the most of Housing Corporation. (TITLE PROCEEDINGS) ACT, 2011; Estimates debate this NHC, reiterated what what we have and we deal week, after Minister of Cummins said, also out- with the situations, espe- as possible,” Thornhill AND IN THE MATTER OF ALL THAT LAND situate at Health and Wellness, Lt. lining how challenging it cially the critical situa- pointed out Train Road, Marchfield in the parish of Saint Philip Col. Jeffrey Bostic pointed is for the NHC to main- tions, as expeditiously (RSM). in this Island containing by admeasurement 1675.6 out the need for the refur- tain all of the units for square metres (inclusive of 30.1 square metres in bishment of a number of which it has responsibil- road) as shown on a plan made and certified on the the housing estates in The ity. 1st day of June 2019 by Kenton T. Jones, Land City, which he represents “Due to the fact of the Surveyor (hereinafter called ‘the Plan’) ABUTTING as a Member of Parlia- 20-year divestment pro- AND BOUNDING towards the South on lands now ment. Bostic also queried gramme, we still have a or late of Stanley Chase on the said Plan towards whether supervisors to lot of rent coming in, but the West on lands now or formerly of Hampton oversee maintenance four fifths of our rental in- Plantation on the said Plan towards the North on work could be assigned, as come has been slashed lands now or late of Marion Y. Lorde on the said in former days. and at this point in time, Plan and towards the East on a road leading “The maintenance of until those units are fully towards Highway 5 in one direction and to the NHC units has be- divested to the tenants, we Foursquare (Cart Road) in the other direction on come a very difficult still have to maintain process and this process those units because we the said Plan or however else the same may abut has been exaggerated due legally still have owner- and bound. to the fact of the 20-year ship of them,” Thornhill AND IN THE MATTER OF ALL THAT LAND situate at Kirtons in the parish of Saint Philip in this Island containing by admeasurement 4129.9 square Infrastructure metres or thereabouts (inclusive of 118.5 square metres in road) as shown on a Plan made and certified on the 2nd day of June 2019 by Kenton T. developers, local Jones, Land Surveyor (hereinafter called ‘the Plan’) ABUTTING AND BOUNDING towards the South on lands now or late of Prince E. Pilgrim and suppliers get tips James Whitwright on the said Plan towards the West on lands now or late of Benjamine Garrett on the said Plan towards the North on lands now or on innovation late of Kenville B. Conliffe on the said Plan and towards the East on a road leading towards BUILD from IDB, Ángela María Orozco Sterling Plantation in one direction and to Kirtons Back Page Gómez, Minister of No.3 in the other direction on the said Plan or Transportation of Colom- however else the same may abut and bound. This tool was developed bia, José Luis Domínguez, by ConnectAmericas, the Undersecretary of TAKE NOTICE that MARCEL DACOSTA FIELDS of Church IDB platform created to Transportation of Chile, Village in the parish of Saint Philip in this Island, LISLE help small and medium- Estefanía León, Invest- CARLTON CLARKE of 207 Green Hood Road, Bakersfield sized enterprises gain ment Director at John Nottingham, England, NG37 7FT, MABLE FIELDS of Buttals in access to international Laing in Colombia, and the parish of Saint George in this Island and JASON OMAR markets. This social net- Jorge Seré, Director of JEFFERSON CLARKE of Eastlyne in the parish of Saint George work has close to 500 000 PwC’s global Capital registered users, of which Projects & Infrastructure in this Island have applied to the High Court for a declaration of 40 000 work in companies (CP&I) division. their ownership and a certificate of the title in respect of the that offer goods or serv- After the seminar, at- properties described above. ices related to infrastruc- tendees participated in a ture. presentation where they Any person having any adverse claim, lien or charge or right or As part of the pro- learned about the most interest against the said properties should submit the claim duly gramme, over 1 500 infra- important infrastructure authenticated on oath to the Registrar of the Supreme Court, structure developers and tenders for the region’s Whitepark Road, on or before the 7th day of May 2021. local suppliers partici- economic recovery over pated in a seminar with the next two years, fi- Any other person who has any information relating to the international experts on nanced by the IDB. They ownership of the said properties is invited to give such innovation in the provi- also participated in a information in writing to the Registrar of the Supreme Court, sion of infrastructure business roundtable Whitepark Road, on or before the 7th day of May 2021. services and its impact on where international infra- employment and supply structure developers Dated the 18th day of March 2021 chains in the region. The explored business oppor- forum was attended by tunities with local suppli- Makala K. Broome Mauricio J. Claver- ers throughout the region. Attorney-at-Law for the Claimants Carone, President of the (PR/AS) 6 • Thursday March 18, 2021 The Barbados Advocate


Institution: Inter-American Development Bank Country: Barbados 9. All Corporate Tenderers must include with their application a copy of the company’s Articles Project: Public Sector Modernisation Programme and Certificate of Incorporation as evidence that the company is an existing registered Sector: Modernisation of the State company as at the date of application. Note that firms that do not submit the Certificate of Abstract.: Consultancy to Conduct a Review of the Legislative Framework to Support Incorporation at the time of submission of EOI’s will be given a maximum of two weeks to a Digital Government and Digital Transformation submit their Certificates of Incorporation. The Certificate must be in the name of the applicant. Loan Contract No: 4920/OC-BA This Certificate will not be counted as part of the twenty (20) pages required at paragraph 5. Contract/Bid No.: IDBBPSMP-EOI05 Deadline: April 7, 2021 10. Tenderers are advised that the Certificate of Incorporation referred to at paragraph 9 above means a Certificate of Incorporation issued under the 1985 Companies Act of Barbados or 1. The Government of Barbados has received financing from the Inter-American Development where applicable a Certificate of Continuance and/or Certificate of Amalgamation. Certificates Bank (IDB) towards the implementation of the Public Sector Modernisation Programme (PSMP) must be dated after December 31, 1984. and intends to apply part of the proceeds of the loan for the procurement of consulting services for which this expression of interest is issued. 11. APPLICANTS SHOULD BE AWARE THAT THE LABOUR CLAUSES (PUBLIC CONTRACTS) ACT CAP. 349 SHALL, IN SO FAR AS IS APPLICABLE TO TENDERER APPLY 2. The consulting firm is required to assess the legal framework as it relates to the digital TO ANY CONTRACT MADE IN RESPECT OF THE TENDER. FULL DETAILS OF THE government and digital transformation, identify any gaps which may exist in the current CONDITIONS OF ACT, CAP. 349 MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE GOVERNMENT PRINTER, legislations, regulations, policies etc. and provide appropriate recommendations and drafting GOVERNMENT PRINTING DEPARTMENT, BAY STREET, ST. MICHAEL, BARBADOS OR instructions for an effective and robust digital government to support digital transformation. The THE FOLLOWING LINK: project is expected to be implemented over a period of nine (9) months.

3. The consulting services required for the project include: TENDERERS SHOULD SUBMIT THE CERTIFICATE REQUIRED BY PARAGRAPH 3 OF THE SCHEDULE TO THE ACT WITH THEIR TENDER. (i) Undertaking a review and gap analysis of existing legislations, policies, and frameworks taking into consideration but not limited to the following: the 2001 Telecommunications Act, 12. Any firm incorporated outside of Barbados, which is awarded a contract, will be required to 2001 Electronic Transaction Act; and Computer Misuse Act, that relate to the digital be registered in Barbados as an External company under the ‘Companies Act of Barbados’. government ecosystem and digital transformation; 13. Interested Consultants can obtain further information at address 1 below during office hours (ii) Formulating recommendations regarding amendments to existing legislations and/or the of 8:15 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday, except on public holidays. creation of new legislations and the legislative framework relevant to the digital government and digital transformation; Address 1:

(iii) Preparing detailed drafting instructions to inform how the legislations should be Attention: Mr Rodney Payne, Project Manager presented to enable the digital government and support digital transformation; and Ministry of Innovation, Science and Smart Technology 3rd Floor, Baobab Towers (iv) Conducting such research as may be necessary in order to ensure that the drafted Warrens legislations are consistent with the best practices adopted in countries which have St. Michael implemented or seeking to implement a digital government agenda and support digital Barbados transformation. Telephone number: 1-246-535-1282 E-mail: [email protected] 4. The Government of Barbados, through the Programme Execution Unit, Ministry of Innovation, Science and Smart Technology (MIST) now invites eligible consulting firms 14. One original, one (1) copy and an electronic copy of the Expression of Interest clearly (“Consultants”) to indicate their interest in providing the services. Interested Consultants should marked “Request for Expressions of Interest – Consultancy to Conduct a Review of the provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant Legislative Framework to Support a Digital Government and Digital Transformation” experience to provide the services. must be prepared in English and delivered in sealed envelopes to the following address no later than 4:30 p.m., Wednesday April 7, 2021. 5. The EOI should be no more than twenty (20) pages, presented using the Arial or Tahoma fonts with a font size of 12. The following shall be presented but not limited to: Address 2:

(i) A description of the firm (Company Profile); The Chairman (ii) An Understanding of the assignment; Special Tenders Committee (iii) Experience of the firm in provision of the required Consulting Services including Government Procurement Department assignments of similar scope; and technical specialization completed; Fontabelle (iv) An overview of proposed Approach and Methodology for the assignment; and St. Michael (v) Proposed Consulting Team. Barbados

6. Consultants will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the Inter-American OR Development Bank’s Policies for the Selection and Contracting of Consultants financed by the Inter-American Bank (GN-2350-15) and participation is open to all eligible bidders as defined in Submit an electronic copy of the Expression of Interest clearly marked “Request for the policies. Expressions of Interest – Consultancy to Conduct a Review of the Legislative Framework to Support a Digital Government and Digital Transformation” in English to the 7. Consultants may associate with other firms in the form of a joint venture or a following email address no later than 4:30 p.m., Wednesday April 7, 2021. sub-consultancy to enhance their qualifications. For the purpose of establishing the shortlist, the nationality of a firm is that of the country in which it is legally incorporated or constituted and Email Address: [email protected] in the case of Joint Venture, the nationality of the firm appointed to represent it. 15. Late submissions will not be accepted and will be returned unopened to the applicant. 8. A consulting firm (Consultant) will be selected in accordance with the Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS) method set out in the policies mentioned above. 16. The Government of Barbados reserves the right to accept or reject any application received. The Barbados Advocate Thursday March 18, 2021 • 7 People show more interest in China’s diplomacy CHANG ZHICAI, a businessman who Foreign Ministry spokesman from 2001 community while it strives for its own is visiting relatives in Hamburg, to 2006. development, he said. Germany, watched the Chinese According to Kong, some 20 years ago, “After growing interaction with the foreign minister’s news conference what Chinese people learned from the world in recent years, China realises that on March 7 via livestreaming on his ministry was limited, nothing more than communication is more effective when phone. news such as that China had sent it is carried out in a way that is Among the 27 questions from media personnel to Mali for a United Nations understandable to others,” Li said. that were answered by State Councillor peacekeeping mission. According to Li, since China has made and Foreign Minister Wang Yi, Chang Today, the public is able to get much progress in bringing prosperity to its said he was most concerned about ques- more information it needs or is interested people, the international community, tions related to China-United States re- in regarding China’s position on world especially most members of the UN, are lations and the Belt and Road Initiative. affairs, foreign relations, exchanges and also expecting the country to contribute Chang is the head of a company that cooperation from the ministry,Kong said. its good experience to global development produces and sells green tea to Middle Kong added that when the public gets by making its voice heard. East and African countries, most of which a better understanding of the ideas and Experts said that there is a high degree are involved in the BRI. principles that China follows in interact- of consistency in the interests of the Chinese State Councillor and Foreign “I want to keep updated on China’s lat- ing with the world such as building a Chinese government and the Chinese Minister Wang Yi est foreign policies and also our relations community with a shared future for people. with countries that I deal in business mankind, people, in turn, will practice Jia Qingguo, a professor at Peking Western countries over issues related to with,” the 58-year-old said. this philosophy in their interpersonal University’s School of International China’s internal affairs. Like Chang, many Chinese people have exchanges with people in other countries. Studies, said that as China continues to “Such acts affect not only China’s been paying greater attention to China’s Li Haidong, a professor of US studies at improve its economic, technological and development interests but also ordinary foreign policies in recent years. China Foreign Affairs University, said comprehensive national strength, China’s people, thus attracting even more Kong Quan, former Chinese ambassa- that the way China elucidates its foreign policies on internal affairs and foreign attention from the public to the country’s dor to France, said that over the past policies is also different from before. relations are exerting an increasing im- foreign policies,” Jia said. years, China has been increasingly “In the past, we tended to keep a low pact on the world. Li, from China Foreign Affairs integrated into the international profile. Now we stress that China should “This incurred anxiety and prejudice University, said the response of some community and established unprece- play a more proactive role in the world,” among some Western countries over Western countries shows that they are dented interconnection with the world. Li said. a fast-changing China has led them to still not accustomed to “a more confident, “Everyone might know someone As a result, China now communicates resort to slander and smears against the energetic and forward-looking China”. around them who travels, studies, works with the world in a more candid and nation,” Jia said. “They consider it a challenge to the abroad or engages in business with other direct way to express the country’s He cited recent false accusations and international system dominated by countries,” said Kong, who served as the willingness to contribute to the global rumours made by the US and certain themselves,” Li said. Xi’s vision on supporting developing China approves new type countries in fight against COVID-19 BEIJING – China has been unwaveringly At the 46th Session of the UN Human of vaccine for emergency use supporting other countries,especially de- Rights Council, China has called for a veloping ones, in their fight against the people-centered global response to the CHINA approved a recombinant protein and Indonesia, with plans to inoculate COVID-19 pandemic. COVID-19 pandemic. subunit vaccine against COVID-19 for 29 000 volunteers, the institute said Upholding the vision of building a The country has urged strengthening emergency use yesterday, its developer, on Monday. community with a shared future for cooperation on vaccine research and de- the Chinese Academy of Sciences’ On March 1, Uzbekistan’s Ministry of mankind, Chinese President Xi Jinping velopment, production and distribution, Institute of Microbiology, said. Innovative Development said it had has pledged continued support to so as to make vaccine truly an accessible It is the first vaccine with the approved the vaccine for market use in developing countries in curbing the and affordable public good for the people technique approved by the country for the Central Asian nation under the name deadly virus. of all countries, especially developing emergency use against COVID-19. ZF-UZ-VAC2001. In a telephone conversation with Prime countries. Currently, China has given conditional Rather than injecting a whole Minister Keith Rowley of Trinidad and Earlier this month, in a phone conver- market approvals for four vaccines man- inactivated pathogen to trigger an im- Tobago (T&T) on Tuesday, Xi said since sation with Polish President Andrzej ufactured by Sinopharm, Sinovac and mune response, like previously approved the COVID-19 epidemic broke out, the Duda, Xi said that China is willing to pro- CanSino. Two by Sinopharm and one by vaccines, subunit protein vaccines two sides have helped each other in times vide COVID-19 vaccines within its capa- Sinovac are inactivated vaccines, while contain purified pieces of the virus’s pro- of adversity. bilities to Poland in accordance with the CanSino makes adenoviral vector ones. tein to train the immune system. These Trinidad and Tobago is the first among European country’s demand. The new vaccine was developed by the fragments are incapable of causing dis- Latin American and Caribbean countries Since the outbreak of COVID-19, China institute and Anhui Zhifei Longcom ease, making such vaccines very safe. to donate aid materials to China, and and Poland have been looking out for Biopharmaceutical. It is currently in Notable subunit vaccines include the China has also provided anti-epidemic and helping each other,with the two sides late-stage clinical trials in countries vaccine for hepatitis B.They do not need supplies and technical assistance for T&T engaging in cooperation in pandemic including Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Ecuador to be manufactured in high-biosecurity through various channels, Xi said. prevention and control as well as resump- laboratories, have high output and low China is willing to strengthen vaccine tion of work and production, which storage requirements, the institute said. cooperation with T&T, and to continue to opened a new chapter of their friendship, The vaccine completed early-and mid- support the country in fighting the he said. stage clinical trials in October, and there epidemic, Xi said. During his telephone conversation were no severe adverse effects recorded, On the same day,in a telephone conver- with his Tajik counterpart, Emomali it said, adding the protection rate for the sation with Guyanese President Irfaan Rahmons, the Chinese president pointed vaccine is on par with other COVID-19 Ali, Xi said China and Guyana, though far out that since last year, the Chinese and recombinant subunit and mRNA vac- apart, enjoy a deep and close friendship. Tajik people, in the face of the COVID-19 cines. It did not disclose efficacy details. China stands ready to strengthen pandemic and the transformations rarely US biotech company Novavax is the cooperation with Guyana in COVID-19 seen in a , have sticked together maker of another recombinant nanopar- vaccines and continue to provide through thick and thin, joined hands in ticle subunit vaccine for COVID called assistance and support within its unity and coordination, and achieved NVX-CoV2373, whose late-stage trials capacity for Guyana’s economic and social fruitful cooperation in various fields, results, released last week, showed it development, Xi added. especially in battling the pandemic. was 96.4 percent effective against mild, China has provided and is providing Xi added that China is willing to moderate and severe disease caused COVID-19 vaccine aid free of charge to provide assistance of COVID-19 vaccines by the original COVID-19 strain. 69 developing countries in urgent need, to Tajikistan in a bid to promote the The mRNA vaccines developed while exporting vaccines to 43 countries, building of a community of common Chinese-made Sinopharm COVID-19 by Pfizer and Moderna both have according to official figures. health for mankind. vaccines. a protection rate of around 95 percent. 8 • Thursday March 18, 2021 The Barbados Advocate ‘For the cause that lacks assistance, ’Gainst the wrongs that need resistance, For the future in the distance, And the good that I can do’ Editorial 2 jurors dropped from Chauvin trial Waste management after $27M settlement MINNEAPOLIS – A ing the chance of Cahill Cahill retained five Seven jurors remain, judge on Wednesday granting a defence re- other jurors, including including four men and a challenge dismissed two jurors quest to delay the trial. a Black man in his 30s three women. Four are who had been seated Cahill was careful to who told Cahill he heard white, one is multiracial FOR many years, successive governments have been for the trial of a former ask jurors if they had about the settlement on and two are Black, and seeking, with limited success, to address the matter Minneapolis police officer heard the news of the set- the radio Friday evening their ages range from 20s of waste management in this country, given the accused in George Floyd’s tlement without giving but could put it aside and to 50s. Fourteen people, thousands of tonnes of garbage Barbadians have death over concerns they details, saying only that decide the case only on including two alternates, been generating on a daily basis. had been tainted by the there had been “extensive evidence presented in the are needed. When the current Administration came to power city’s announcement of a media coverage about courtroom. As questioning of po- in 2018, it did away with the tipping fee that was $27 million settlement developments in a civil “It hasn’t affected me tential jurors resumed causing some consternation for waste haulers and with Floyd’s family. suit between the city of at all because I don’t Wednesday morning, their customers, and introduced a Garbage and Hennepin County Minneapolis and the know the details,” he three were excused, in- Sewage Contribution to help with the challenges the Judge Peter Cahill re- family of George Floyd” said. cluding a man who said country had been experiencing with respect to called seven jurors who and asking if they were Jury selection had been he would tend to believe a garbage collection, on account of the lack of garbage were seated before the exposed to it. proceeding faster than police officer’s version trucks.We have since seen the fleet of garbage trucks settlement was an- The first dismissed expected, with opening of events over that of a increase three-fold, with now as many as 36 to 40 nounced last week, and juror, a white man in his statements tentatively citizen, and a Black man trucks traversing the island daily, collecting our questioned each about 30s, said he had heard expected March 29 at the who expressed negative garbage. what they knew of the about the settlement. “I earliest, but the two dis- views about the Still it seems that there are not enough trucks to settlement and whether think it will be hard to missals could imperil Minneapolis Police collect the garbage being generated by Barbadians it would affect their be impartial,” he said. that start date. Nine peo- Department. and therefore the announcement yesterday that the ability to serve. Former “That sticker price ob- ple had been selected Chauvin is charged Ministry of Environment and National Beautification officer Derek Chauvin’s viously shocked me,” the for the jury before with murder and is developing an integrated solid waste management attorney, Eric Nelson, second juror dismissed Wednesday’s dismissals; manslaughter in the May plan for the country is indeed welcomed. Certainly had requested the recall. said. The Hispanic man 14 are needed. 25 death of Floyd, a Black one wishes the ministry all the best in this endeavour, The dismissal of only in his 20s said he thought Nelson called the tim- man who was declared especially taking into consideration that this is two jurors suggested the he could set the news ing of the announcement dead after Chauvin, who definitely not the first time that such a plan has been impact of the settlement aside, but wasn’t sure, in the middle of jury se- is white, pressed his knee proposed. What is hoped is that this is the last time on the jury pool was less and after a long pause, lection “profoundly dis- against his neck for about that such a plan is proposed and that we do indeed than feared, likely reduc- Cahill dismissed him. turbing” and “not fair”. nine minutes. see it come to fruition in the not too distant future. Whether we want to admit it or not, disposal of waste in this country remains a challenge, and if we Biden recommits to Good Friday are to seriously address it, then solid solutions are needed to deal with the garbage, with the view of finding ways to reduce the waste that makes its way accord on St. Patrick’s Day to the landfill. We have to, as a matter of urgency, focus on the Five R’s of Waste Management – refuse, WASHINGTON – Biden’s third with a for- tained. own bloc,” DUP leader reduce, reuse, repurpose and recycle. We here in President Joe Biden is eign leader since he took The UK’s Jan. 1 exit Arlene Foster said. Barbados understand to some extent the concept of marking St. Patrick’s Day office eight weeks ago – from the EU has created The free movement of recycling, but the other four R’s are not embraced as as he recommits the included the presentation new tensions over trade goods and people across much. US to the Good Friday of an engraved bowl of and travel at the Irish the border between Barbadians have willingly recycled PET bottles Agreement, which has shamrock, which was border. EU authorities on Northern Ireland and the and metal, and benefited monetarily from such come under increasing sent ahead to Monday initiated legal Republic of Ireland un- efforts, and perhaps similar incentives can be stress following the Washington. It ensured action against the British derpinned the 1998 Good introduced for other items. But, we are cognisant United Kingdom’s exit that a tradition that government for violating Friday Agreement by that recycling efforts have in recent years been from the European began in 1952 continued the Brexit agreement’s spurring economic devel- experiencing some challenges as some countries Union. uninterrupted, if modi- Northern Ireland opment and permitting which import waste are ceasing to do so. If we have Biden, the latest fied by COVID-19 con- Protocol, which was the removal of border no place to send that waste to, the onus is on us as a president of Irish cerns. designed to keep the posts that were once a country to call on our people to use their creativity to descent, held a virtual The White House said border open and protect magnet for violence. More develop an industry or industries that can make use meeting Wednesday with Biden would also drop the peace process in than 3,000 people died of such waste, giving things that would otherwise Ireland’s prime minister, in on Vice President Northern Ireland. during decades of fight- make it into our waste stream a second life and Taoiseach Micheál Kamala Harris’ meeting That sparked an angry ing between republican provide much-needed employment. Martin. with Northern Ireland’s response from Northern forces, unionists and the Such businesses would embrace the reuse, Before the meeting, the First Minister Arlene Ireland’s Democratic British military. repurpose and recycle concepts of waste president attended a Foster and Deputy First Unionist Party, which In order to protect the management, to help cut down on the garbage going morning Mass at the Minister Michelle O’Neill said the EU was more in- peace process following to the dump. Think about such things as tyres – aptly named St. Patrick’s in a show of support terested in protecting its Brexit, Britain and the there are so many of those at the landfill, but such can Church near his family for the Good Friday internal market than the EU agreed to keep the be used to make patio furniture and material for home in Wilmington, Agreement. peace process. The party, frontier open but conduct road construction; plastic bottles can be made into Delaware, then returned Signed in 1998, the which wants to maintain some border checks at roof tiles; glass bottles into water goblets and organic to the White House to Good Friday Agreement ties to the UK, has criti- ports in Northern Ireland waste into compost. The possibilities are limitless. partake in the St. helped end sectarian vio- cised the protocol for before goods are shipped Many of these activities are being pursued in other Patrick’s Day celebra- lence that had raged for treating the province to the republic. parts of the world, and with the intellectual capacity tions, which were toned three decades over the differently from the rest After Britain left the we have on the island, there is no reason they cannot down due to the coron- issue of Northern Ireland of the country. EU single market at the be done here as well. avirus pandemic. In keep- unifying with Ireland “Rather than showing beginning of this year, There has also been talk about using some of our ing with recent tradition, or remaining part of the concern for stability in a grace period allowed solid waste to help expand the island’s energy mix, the water in fountains UK. Northern Ireland or re- some of these checks to by way of a waste-to-energy plant.The benefits to this outside the White House Biden told Martin that spect for the principle be delayed until April 1 would be two-fold as this country is seeking to reduce ran green for the day. it is “critically important” of consent, Brussels is because both sides agreed our reliance on fossil fuels, becoming carbon neutral Biden and Martin’s vir- that the Good Friday foolishly and selfishly they weren’t ready to im- by 2030, and it would help to eliminate waste from tual bilateral meeting – Agreement be main- focused on protecting its plement the new system. our landscape. What is becoming increasingly clear is that we Telephone: 467-2000 News Fax: 434-1000 News Editor: Dorian Bryan Executive Editor: Allison Downes need a multipronged approach to the matter of waste E-mail Address: [email protected] Business Editor: Jewel Brathwaite General Manager: Sandra Clarke Assistant Managing Director: Sean Eteen Website: Sports Editor: Corey Greaves management, for no one solution will solve all of our Publisher: Sir Anthony Bryan challenges. @The Barbados Advocate @barbadosadvocate The Barbados Advocate Thursday March 18, 2021 • 9 Thirty years of the Common Market of the South By Felipe Solá isted in the region is the belief that the products, many of the exports made be- would boost trade in our industries was Minister of Foreign Affairs, only way to gain something is to take tween the bloc’s partners are industri- not correct. Faced with this reality, the International Trade and Worship of it from someone else. This logic was alised products, with automotive trade bloc has had difficulties in developing the Argentine Republic changed to that of building common in- standing out (almost 50% of the trade joint policies for the development of com- terests on the basis of common needs. between Argentina and Brazil). petitive advantages that serve to equi- THIS year the Common Market of the It was the belief that relations between At the same time, we are working on tably distribute the advantages of re- South (MERCOSUR) celebrates thirty countries are a zero-sum game. Faced harmonising technical regulations so gional integration among the partners. years since its foundation, carried out with this way of thinking, our democratic that they provide safety for production We believe that the meaning of inte- through the signing of the Treaty of governments proposed a model of mutual and consumers without unnecessarily gration is to seek agreements, respecting Asunción in 1991. benefit in which trade generated profits impeding trade. In terms of public the diversity of our countries. Even when MERCOSUR is a historic achievement for all countries through the expansion health, co-ordination between our coun- we think differently about certain issues, of the countries that make it up, which of the market and economies of scale and tries has always been important, and ultimately the willingness to want to in- has allowed us to advance from a logic of specialisation, making our production even more so during the current COVID- tegrate, our common agenda, prevails. rivalry towards one of co-operation. systems more competitive, and benefit- 19 pandemic. Our citizens can also settle Our countries promote a solidarity re- Regional integration has a long tradi- ing all parties. The same, it was under- in another country of the block and work gionalism in political, economic and so- tion in Latin America, in which we could stood, could be done in political, social, freely in an easy way, something that is cial matters because we know that facing mention the theoretical works of Raúl cultural and educational matters. It is a not common in the rest of the world. difficulties together makes us stronger. Prebisch since the 1950s, or the founding model of co-operation versus another of In 2004, we created the MERCOSUR MERCOSUR is the most relevant for- of the Latin American Free Trade conflict. Structural Convergence Fund, through eign policy instrument of the last thirty Association (ALALC) in 1960. Later, in Co-operation within MERCOSUR which more than US$1 billion have been years for our countries. It is, in short, a 1980, the current Latin American extended to many areas: culture, invested today in non-reimbursable state policy that has been preserved Integration Association (ALADI) was education, science and technology, the loans for infrastructure and productive beyond the changes of government. In created and, in the middle of that decade, confidence achieved in the defence development projects, among others, these thirty years we have achieved the rapprochement between Argentina and development of nuclear energy (a which has allowed us to increase compet- many coincidences: the commitment to and Brazil began (Act of Iguazú of 1985). fundamental aspect in the eighties), the itiveness of our economies and improve democracy as a fundamental condition These two countries will later be joined construction of a common citizenship, our living conditions, especially in the for the life of our peoples; respect for by Paraguay and Uruguay to culminate the co-ordination of social and economic most backward areas of our countries. human rights as an essential and in- with the creation of MERCOSUR in policies, and so on. The areas of joint On the other hand, from its early years alienable value for coexistence; recogni- 1991. In the Caribbean region, the cre- work in the bloc are multiple and varied MERCOSUR sought trade agreements tion of our diversity; the co-ordination of ation of CARICOM through the Treaty and are changing as changes in the with all the countries of the region, which our growth policies to integrate our pro- of Chaguaramas and the creation of international context and in that of our today has allowed it to build a free trade ductive structures. This is a job that we the OECS with the Treaty of Basseterre countries require it. area with most of the Latin American must continue to do day by day, so that also stand out. Starting in 1991, we created a free countries. Likewise, we have also in thirty years we can look back, as we do The bloc was born in a climate of re- trade zone so that our goods and services negotiated trade agreements with the now, and feel proud of what we have turn to democracy in Latin America and circulate without restrictions, and also European Union, EFTA, Israel, Egypt, built. from the beginning our countries under- a common external tariff that allows us India, and the countries of southern The world is experiencing a reconfig- stood it as a central tool for regional co- to manage the exchange with the rest of Africa, among others. MERCOSUR is uration of the world power structure, operation to leave behind the danger of the world.This allowed our mutual trade not a block closed to foreign trade, but a along with a crisis in the international dictatorships and de facto governments. to grow vigorously.We were also able to platform for our countries to project institutions that have ruled us for the Our governments understood that the promote an exchange of value-added themselves to the rest of the world. past seventy years. elimination of barriers in our region products among our partners that al- As always happens, not all the expec- Faced with the challenges and uncer- would be important to improve our eco- lowed us to boost non-traditional export tations that the creation of the block gen- tainties posed by this scenario, we have nomic well-being and also to eliminate activities and create quality jobs (biofu- erated could be fulfilled. In this sense, al- no doubts that the integration of our the hypotheses of conflict that previously els, chemicals and petrochemicals, plas- though industrial and high value-added countries will continue to be the best existed between some of our countries, tics, pharmaceuticals, iron and steel, au- trade is important among partners, there way to boost our development, preserve through a broad process of building mu- tomotive, among other areas). Indeed, is still much to be done in terms of active our sovereignty, and promote the well- tual trust. Precisely,the logic behind the while the MERCOSUR countries are tra- industrial policies. The initial expecta- being of our people. All power is weak, conflict hypotheses that previously ex- ditionally strong exporters of primary tion that the expanded market alone unless it stays together. A development allocation of SDRs should benefit all developing countries irrespective of their income levels By Alicia Bárcena solidarity are the only means to confront and financial stability. accompanied by the closure of more than Executive Secretary of the United and overcome the COVID-19 crisis. Developing countries have, without 2.7 million firms, and the rise in number Nations’ Economic Commission for Latin A truly multilateral and global re- doubt, borne the brunt of the social and of jobless persons to 44.1 million, and in America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) sponse to the Pandemic must extend the economic impact of the current crisis. the number of people living in poverty benefits of this initiative to all develop- The increases in poverty and extreme from 185.5 to 209 million people, reach- THE recent call to action by the ing countries, irrespective of their level of poverty rates, the number job losses and ing 33.7% of the total population. Secretary of the Treasury of the United income, including to middle-income coun- declines in per capital income have been Extreme poverty has increased by 8 mil- States, Janet Yellen, to the G-20 for a tries (MICs). MICs represent 75% of the unprecedented. These impacts are not lion, to 78 million people. By the end of new issue of IMF Special Drawing Rights world’s population, and roughly 30% of only concentrated in LICs, but also affect 2020 the level of per capita GDP equalled (SDRs), which the G-20 recently ap- global aggregate demand. More impor- MICs. that of 2010 (ECLAC, 2020); another “lost proved, and the re-allocation of excess tantly, MICs account for 96% of develop- Latin America and the Caribbean decade” by any measure. SDRs to low-income countries (LICs) is ing country public debt (excluding China (LAC) has been the most impacted region The effects of the pandemic and the a much welcome and needed initiative. and India). Their success in confronting in the world in terms of real GDP con- Concerted international action and COVID-19 is central for global recovery traction (-7.7% for 2020). This has been GLOBAL RESPONSE on Page 10

Mix of sunshine and clouds with a few brief isolated light showers.

High: 6:16 a.m. and 7:10 p.m. New York: 06°C Yesterday: 0 mm Miami: 27°C Low: 12:07 a.m. For the month: 14.5 mm Max: 29.2°C Boston: 09°C and 12:56 p.m. For the year: 189.6 mm Min: 23.5°C Toronto: 09°C Montreal: 07°C London: 07°C 6:04 a.m. 6:09 p.m. 10 • Thursday March 18, 2021 The Barbados Advocate Parental leave could be an option in future MINISTER in the “So one of the things because that is what is burden of care. Ministry of Economic that we have been work- going to be important for She indicated that, Affairs and Invest- ing on is paternity leave women.” “Barbados has done a lot ment, Marsha Caddle, and I don’t want to speak She noted that 40 years of work in terms of how to says Government is ex- out of turn, but I think ago, it was “felt that we re-engage women in the ploring the possibility that what is more likely had to deal with women’s labour market, how to get of there being parental is, that we are kind of ex- access to childcare and more women working leave for both genders. panding that to look over- that was important”. through access to child- She said paternity leave all at parental leave.” However now, it has also care and so on, [and] ma- has also come under She continued, “So how been realised “that we ternity leave. But one of the microscope and are families encouraged to have to encourage fami- the things that we have Government has been share care responsibility lies to share care responsi- also looked at is what is working on this. Caddle to make sure that we are bility and that is one of the men’s role in sharing care stated this recently while not just saying to women, things that we are also responsibility, so that [it] she was a participant ‘we are going to help you working on”. helps women be able to in the UN Women care for your newborn Caddle also said dedicate their time to ex- Multi-Country Office child’, but to say to fami- Government has been panded choices, to what – Caribbean, Media lies, ‘we are going to help paying attention to the they want to do, to more Takeover Instagram Live you – men [and] women – kinds of policies it can leisure because leisure is entitled, ‘Why do you deal with this care respon- implement that will allow an economic good…” Lead?’. sibility as a unit’, it to address women’s (MG) Vaccine passports being considered WHILE several discus- indeed leaving Barbados just discussing the possi- on the UK, Brazilian, sions have been held on to go to other countries. bilities, recognising the South African and other the implementation of We believe in Barbados limitations of the vaccine variants, the use of the ‘vaccine passports’, no de- that that is something as it relates to transmissi- various vaccines available cision has yet been made. we should be considering. bility where it has been on the market was still Speaking at a recent We should be focusing shown that the transmis- supported by the science. COVID-19 Management on vaccinating as many sion rate can be reduced, “I think we would have update, Chair of the people as possible within but all of this is still in to focus on what is hap- Minister in the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Cabinet Sub-Committee Barbados, before we get the realm of science and pening in the United Investment, Marsha Caddle. on COVID-19, Dr. Jerome into that. further research,” the States, where we are now Walcott, said while other “Within the region, I Minister of Foreign Affairs seeing, I think, a New York tourism destinations have believe the Cayman’s has and Foreign Trade variant and there is a Teachers feel challenged developed their own pro- a protocol and persons stressed. California variant. These tocols, Barbados was at have been vaccinated, and Questioned as to are the things we need to By Cara L. Jean-Baptiste what should be the a “rudimentary” stage in I know that some other Government’s response focus on, but I think all of responsibility of the talks. tourism destinations have to the several variants of the science shows that the PRESIDENT of the Ministry of Education “There has been initial come up with their proto- COVID-19 present in the vaccines are all effective Barbados Union of should be to sanitise as discussion about persons cols. In Barbados, I would region, Walcott stressed in terms of controlling the Teachers (BUT), Pedro adequately and often and who have had vaccines say this is at a rudimen- that while scientific stud- symptoms in whatever Shepherd, revealed that assist children with the coming into Barbados, or tary phase now, we are ies were being conducted variant it is,” he stated. teachers are feeling chal- correct wearing of masks, lenged. etc. He highlighted that “Those are things that while teachers were teachers cannot afford to grateful to be able to have spend as much time with.” LAC the most indebted region in developing world the opportunity of face-to- Another challenge faced face teaching last term as by teachers as highlighted GLOBAL RESPONSE stantially increase their relevant than ever; indis- ing power of IMF board of it provided them with the by Shepherd was CXCs from Page 9 debt levels without jeop- pensable for placing the governors) would generate opportunity to interact and being able to properly ardising their credit rat- Sustainable Development que equivalent of US$56 with students, there were prepare students for the policies implemented in ings, exchange rate stabil- Goals, within developing billion in additional re- many challenges and upcoming exams. response have increased ity, or even their interna- countries’ reach. serves for Latin American risks that the teachers He reported that Music the liquidity needs of de- tional reserve positions. Access to SDRs is an and Caribbean countries. had to deal with. and Home Economics veloping countries, includ- The bulk of the global indefeasible right of all This would benefit some “Having to speak with teachers, in particular, ing those of LAC. At the counter-cyclical monetary IMF members. SDRs do of the most indebted children constantly about have reported having same time, fiscal emer- and fiscal measures to not generate additional economies in the region. social distancing, having challenges with preparing gency measures to contain combat the Pandemic – debt nor do they require Since any new issue of to speak to them about the students. the decline in output have amounting US$12 and conditionalities. Also, SDRs would be allocated wearing the mask prop- He stated that the led to rising debt levels US$7 trillion in 2020 (24% they are not subject to the mainly to developed coun- erly and gathering with Union understood that which – if not carefully of world GDP) – were im- fastidious negotiations tries (roughly 60% of the their friends and so on the dates for CXC have monitored – may jeopar- plemented by developed of quota increases or bor- total) a mechanism must took away from the actual been agreed on and there dise the recovery and countries. A new and sig- rowing arrangements. be put in place for the vol- teaching time. Yes, there was nothing that they countries’ capacity to build nificant issue and reallo- A new SDR issue would untary reallocation of ex- were monitors placed in could do in terms of that. forward better. cation of SDRs is the most strengthen the IMF’s cess SDRs from developed schools and they assisted, As such, he noted that LAC is the most in- effective and expedient “fire power” (currently at to developing countries. A but I think education is the Union was of the view debted region in the devel- manner to guarantee roughly US$800 billion, mechanism to pool SDRs critical in this and the that various secondary oping world. The debt of enough liquidity for de- a third of the estimated within the existing multi- parents would have a role schools, where possible, the general government in veloping economies, and financing needs of devel- lateral facilities and their to play in educating their could arrange a schedule 2020 reached 79.3% of provide the required pol- oping countries) and pro- reallocation to strengthen children as to what safety to meet with students to GDP and the external icy space to confront the vide greater incentive for the financial capacity is,” he said. assist with their SBAs, debt service stood at 57% effects of the pandemic. all countries to participate of Regional Financial “Precautions should be once the protocols were in relative to exports of goods Linking the creation of in this initiative: IMF’s Arrangements (RFAs) and taken. And having gone place. and services (IMF, 2020). new international re- financial support for other regional financial in- through that, I don’t think He said that the BUT In contrast to developed sources with financial COVID-19 represents stitutions should receive that teachers at this stage believed that with this economies, LAC – as transfers to developing barely 12% of its lending serious consideration as a want to be bogged down schedule in place, teach- the rest of developing countries to attend their capacity. means to increase liquid- with that sort of responsi- ers may be able to assist economies – face enor- development require- A new issue of 500 bil- ity and put SDRs at the bility. But having lost so their students with com- mous obstacle to create ments is a long-standing lion SDR (requiring the service of economic and so- much face-to-face teach- pleting their SBAs and the policy space to sub- demand. Now it is more approval of 85% of the vot- cial development. ing time, I think that practicals. The Barbados Advocate Thursday March 18, 2021 • 11 Ministry helping third sector Raising organisations to become more effective standards MINISTER of Labour and tions, among others – to them what to do, but one of the things they have Social Partnership gather resources and to rather to be facilitators,” found with these GOVERNMENT is Relations, Colin Jordan, participate in the said Jordan. organisations is their working with the said that Government has renewable energy space He noted that his capacity to generate the Barbados National reserved a percentage of and thereby create ministry is therefore funding which is necessary Standards Institution to the renewable energy revenue for themselves. tasked with the to execute their work. broaden its base of business for the third “The mechanics for that responsibility of helping He said that they will be operation in both the sector. are to be determined, but the organisations to seeking to establish a good and services Jordan said in the House we have already started maximise their influence register for those bodies. sectors of the economy. of Assembly yesterday conversations with some and effectiveness. “We will be working with In addition, a new that this decision would third sector organisations There is also a draft other sections of Vending Bill and a Policy allow the sector – and we have to intensify Cabinet paper, which Government and once Framework legislation will comprising such entities that going forward,” he seeks to establish a their work is done, we can be brought to Parliament, as faith-based remarked. framework for these say to the world these as well as policy organisations, civil society “Our approach is not to bodies so as to make them bodies are credible and interventions by way of a organisations, and non- take over third sector more credible. deserve support,”he Micro Small Medium governmental organisa- organisations or to tell The Minister said that stated. Enterprises piece of Minister Kerrie legislation. Symmond The Minister Kerrie Symmonds revealed these platforms are being sought, Tribute to Sir Courtney initiatives as he led off standards also defeat By Marion Williams ambassador, he was debate on the technical barriers to trade thoughtful and Appropriations Bill on erected by Barbados’ THE passing of Sir encouraged creative Monday. He said that an trading partners. Courtney Blackman is a thinking. He saw the amount of over $3 million As for vending, he said sad moment for all Bank as a centre of had been allocated to that the government is Barbadians whether or excellence and worked cause since training people providing a range of not they knew him. Sir hard to make that a and businesses in the area measures to benefit the Courtney has left a lasting reality. of standards is micro and SME sector, mark not only on the Outside of Barbados he exceptionally important as which will include Central Bank of Barbados helped to frame a concept part of the way forward. financing and develop- where he served with of the Barbadian He stated that it limits mental opportun-ities and distinction, but on intellectual as a substandard services and building a small business Barbados generally. thoughtful but practical goods in the economic network. He was a visionary. He thinker who appreciated space, as well as helping to He explained that a set high standards for the the challenges and enhance Barbados’ policy framework Bank and conveyed to his compromises of small competitiveness in the legislation has already staff that nothing else was economies in a world trading of goods and passed the House of good enough. He also set which favoured the services. Assembly and that they in himself goals for the Bank powerful, but who The Minister revealed government will and instituted strategic continued to work toward that once export levels decriminalise vending. planning in order to overcoming them. achieve those goals. He Though he was believed in education and essentially a Central BANK RATES training of his staff and Banker, he believed that would send them on management and Commercial bank rates to the public at the close of attachments to management practices business yesterday by the Central Bank of Barbados. prestigious institutions. were critical to obtaining Valid for March 18, 2021 Similarly, he launched good outcomes for any an education programme institution, not only for the Sir Courtney Blackman Notes: in economics and central public sector but the Currency Buying Selling banking in Barbados so private sector as well, and and the Frank Collymore his ex-staff were able to Belizean Dollar 1.00000 1.00000 that the ordinary man he emphasized this Hall were examples of his fill top positions in other Canadian Dollar 1.58975 1.63677 could understand terms whenever he had the contribution to organizations inside and East Caribbean $ 0.73704 0.74445 like the ‘Balance of opportunity. In fact, he encouraging cultural and outside of Barbados. He Euro 2.34454 2.44326 payments’ etc and know would frequently quote his intellectual activities in saw this as a contribution Pound Sterling 2.73169 2.84671 how it affected him; favourite management Barbados, not only by of the Bank to society. United States Dollar 1.98000 2.02857 helping the public to thinker – Peter Drucker – Barbadians but for Sir Courtney was able Demand/Sight: Currency Buying Selling understand his press to make his point. As a Barbadians. The Hall and to realize much of his Belizean Dollar 0.99688 1.00313 conferences and press result of his belief in the the Grande Salle are vision for the Bank and by Canadian Dollar 1.59880 1.63533 releases. He was open to importance of good examples. extension for Barbados East Caribbean Dollar 0.73843 0.74306 foreign banks even when management, several Most importantly he and we who shared space Euro 2.37894 2.42810 this was not popular and central bankers, and developed a culture of in the Bank and in the Guyana Dollar 0.00940 0.00946 would have been others as well, benefitted intellectual exchange in island with him can attest Pound Sterling 2.77177 2.82905 disturbed to learn that from Management the Bank and believed to his outstanding United States Dollar 1.99000 2.02768 some were planning to courses put on locally. that his staff should be contribution. Telegraphic Transfer leave the region. He believed in the social represented in as many I wish to extend our Currency Buying Selling Sir Coutney represented obligation of public international conferences deepest condolences to his Belizean Dollar 0.99688 1.00313 Canadian Dollar 1.60183 1.63533 Barbados with distinction institutions and the as possible and affordable. family. East Caribbean Dollar 0.73843 0.74306 long before he became an Central Bank building As a consequence, many of May he rest in peace. Euro 2.38341 2.42810 Guyana Dollar 0.00940 0.00946 Pound Sterling 2.77698 2.82905 Uber to give UK drivers minimum wage United States Dollar 1.99375 2.02768 UBER is giving its U.K. The ride hailing giant’s wider implications for at least the minimum INDICATIVE RATES FOR SOME REGIONAL drivers the minimum announcement the country’s gig wage, which currently CURRENCIES AS ADVISED BY THE wage, pensions and Tuesday comes after it economy. stands at 8.72 pounds RESPECTIVE CENTRAL BANKS. holiday pay, following a lost an appeal last month Uber said it’s (US$12.12), after N.B. These rates are not meant to be used for trading. BDS$ recent court ruling that at the U.K. Supreme extending the benefits accepting a trip request Guyana Dollar 0.00943 said they should be Court following a immediately to its more and expenses, and will Jamaica Dollar 0.01370 classified as workers and yearslong court battle. than 70,000 drivers in still be able to earn T&T Dollar 0.29674 entitled to such benefits. The court’s decision holds the U.K. Drivers will earn more. 12 • Thursday March 18, 2021 The Barbados Advocate The Barbados Advocate Thursday March 18, 2021 • 13 14 • Thursday March 18, 2021 The Barbados Advocate After first month of availability, over 8,000 T&T leads Grenadians received first dose of vaccine region with ST. GEORGE;S, Grenada – One month after commencing the 29 MIS-C cases Covid-19 vaccination campaign, the Ministry of Health said that over 8 000 people have been inoculated. PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad – So far, Grenada’s goal is to have 60% of the at 29, TT has had the most cases 112 000 population be vaccinated of Multisystem Inflammatory with the AstraZeneca vaccine Syndrome in Children (MIS-C) in by June/July 2021. the Caribbean. “To date, we have recorded 8 606 Dr Joanne Paul, head of the people who received the first dose of the Paediatric Emergency Department, AstraZeneca vaccine,” said Health Eric Williams Medical Sciences Minister Nickolas Steele who was among Complex, made the statement the first policymakers to be inoculated on Saturday, during the Health with the vaccine. Steele is scheduled to Ministry’s virtual press conference. receive his second dose by the end of the She believed this was because TT had month. a Covid-19 surge before other At present, the vaccine is available at Caribbean islands, and because health centres and other sites set up at the country’s doctors were paying strategic locations that are deemed as attention. easily accessible for citizens. “Some days Grenada’s Minister for Health Hon. Nickolas Steele receives Covid-19 vaccine on “The paediatricians have are busier than others, but there is a February 12. been much more aggressive and constant flow of citizens at the much more aware so we haven’t vaccination sites,” Steele disclosed. healthcare providers interacting with vaccines through the COVAX facility as been under-diagnosing. We have been Steele has, however, expressed Covid-19 positive cases or elderly citizens well as receive thousands of free vaccines picking (MIS-C) up really, really disappointment with the number of would not want the added protection for from the Government of India.The Indian quickly... healthcare workers who are either them and those in their care… I cannot Government has donated 500 000 “But I think it’s only temporary.By delaying or refusing to be vaccinated, contemplate how someone, who is on the vaccines for sharing among Caricom the end of this year, maybe even while at the same time administering the frontline would contemplate not being members. half way through, Jamaica will have vaccine to those who are choosing to vaccinated.” Grenada, as of March 15, 2021 recorded increased cases and so will Bahamas obtain the added protection. Scientific research and review have 154 Covid-19 cases since the first confir- and also Barbados.” “I think that is unacceptable. They are concluded that the vaccine does not stop mation were announced on March 22, Four or more of the body’s systems, the ones that have the information, know transmission, but it reduces the possibil- 2020. Only two according to the island’s including the brain, heart, lungs, the benefits of vaccination, have access to ity of developing severe Covid-19 infec- dashboard are currently classified as kidneys, bowel, liver, blood, and skin, all of the proper information if they so tion, especially for those with underlying active. The two active cases, both in self- had to be affected for it to be choose, so they can make an informed medical conditions such as cancer, isolation, are incoming passengers who classified as MIS-C. Also, it usually decision as opposed to an emotional diabetes and high blood pressure. were each on commercial flights from the occurs in mostly Afro and mixed decision,” Steele said.“It is worrying that Grenada is scheduled to receive 45 600 United States and Jamaica respectively. children, four to six weeks after a Covid-19 infection. Of the 29 cases of MIS-C, three had covid19 at the time of testing and 18 were positive for covid19 antibod- Brazil health service in ‘worst crisis in its history’ ies so they had covid19 at some point. Three were in the intensive care unit BRAZIL is experiencing a historic That figure constitutes a large jump while “lockdowns were used in extreme and the others had moderate illness collapse of its health service as intensive from the previous high of 2 286 situations, they could not be government but there were no deaths. There was care units in hospitals run out of on March 10 . policy”. no one in hospital with MIS-C capacity, its leading health institute, That drew a strong response from as of Saturday. Fiocruz, has warned. ‘Extremely critical’ João Gabbardo, the head of Sao Paulo’s She said worldwide, about 30 per Covid-19 units in all but two of Brazil’s In a statement [in Portuguese], Fiocruz Covid-19 emergency body. cent of the children with MIS-C had 27 states are at or above 80% capacity, said that the situation was “extremely Posting on Twitter, Gabbardo said no Covid-19 indicators. But Covid-19 according to Fiocruz. critical in the entire country”. private hospitals had been requesting prevention was still important by In Rio Grande do Sul state there are no “The analysis by our researchers space in the public health system washing hands, wearing masks, and intensive care beds available at all. suggests it’s the biggest collapse of the because of the demand for intensive care physical distancing. The warning came as the country hospital and health service in Brazil’s beds.“When he [Queiroga] takes over,he She added that parents and registered its highest daily death toll yet history.” will face the worst numbers in the guardians needed to be aware with 2,841 dying within 24 hours. Health officials in Brazil’s most popu- pandemic,” Gabbardo tweeted, adding: and look out for symptoms such as lous state, São Paulo, which on Tuesday “Suggestion: do not take a stand against fever for about five days, persistent also registered a record daily death toll, a national lockdown.” diarrhoea, rash, as well as brain and have called on the new health minister to President Bolsonaro has consistently heart effects. If a child had these consider imposing a national lockdown. played down the dangers of the pandemic symptoms, she advised parents to go Marcelo Queiroga – who was formally – last week telling people to “stop to the doctor and say they believe the appointed as health minister yesterday – whining” about Covid-19. child has MIS-C, ask for blood tests to is the fourth person to hold the office Brazil has the second highest number see if the child’s organs were affected, since the pandemic began. of infections and deaths in the world, as well as a Covid-19 PCR test He was given the job on Monday by behind the US. In total, the country has and anti-body tests. President Jair Bolsonaro, who has faced registered more than 11.6 million Treatment included steroids, widespread criticism over his handling of infections and 282 000 deaths since intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg), the pandemic. the pandemic began. antibiotics, and aspirin. President Bolsonaro has consistently The latest surge in cases has been “The whole thing we have been opposed quarantine measures introduced attributed to the spread of highly doing during this entire pandemic on by state governors, arguing that the col- contagious variants of the virus. the Trinidad side is trying to make lateral damage to the economy would be The government has also faced sure we do it very aggressively and worse than the effects of the virus itself. criticism for the slow rollout of vaccines. we do it early to make sure we protect It is currently distributing the the population.” Lockdown ahead? Oxford-AstraZeneca and Chinese- She said internationally,effects last In remarks to the media on Tuesday, developed CoronaVac jabs and has placed from three to six months in children. Queiroga urged Brazilians to wear masks orders for the Pfizer-BioNTech, Johnson So far, in TT, children suffer from and wash their hands but stopped short &Johnson and Russian Sputnik V inflamed heart vessels, joint pain, of endorsing a lockdown or even social vaccines. So far about 4.6% of the and slow cognitive abilities for a New health minister, Marcelo distancing measures. population have received at least one few months. Queiroga. The cardiologist told CNN Brasil that dose. The Barbados Advocate Thursday March 18, 2021 • 15 Motive in Georgia spa shootings may not be race ATLANTA – A white seven were women. It follows a lull in mass Trump and others have gunman accused of The shootings appear to But Asian-Americans fearful killings during the used racially charged killing eight people, be at the “intersection of attack “some type of porn potential theft. pandemic in 2020, which terms to describe it. most of them women of gender-based violence, industry.” Sheriff Frank Reynolds had the smallest number President Joe Biden said Asian descent, at three misogyny and “He apparently has an said it was too early to tell of such assaults in more the FBI briefed him on the Atlanta-area massage xenophobia,” state Rep. issue, what he considers a if the attack was racially than a decade, according to shootings and noted that parlors was charged Bee Nguyen said, the first sex addiction, and sees motivated – “but the the database, which tracks Asian Americans are with murder yesterday Vietnamese American to these locations as indicators right now are it mass killings defined as concerned about a recent in an attack that sent serve in the Georgia House something that allows him may not be.” four or more dead, not rise in violence, a surge he terror through the and a frequent advocate for to go to these places, and Cherokee County including the shooter. has previously condemned. Asian American women and communities it’s a temptation for him authorities say Long was Many suspects who He called the attack “very, community that’s of colour. that he wanted to charged yesterday with commit mass shootings very troublesome” but was increasingly been Atlanta Mayor Keisha eliminate,” Cherokee four counts of murder and have a history of violence waiting for answers on the targeted during the Lance Bottoms said that County sheriff’s Capt. Jay one count of assault. against women. The shooter’s motivation. coronavirus pandemic. regardless of the shooter’s Baker told reporters. The attack was the sixth killings horrified the Asian Vice President Kamala Robert Aaron Long, 21, motivation, “it is When asked whether mass killing this year in American community, Harris offered condolences told police that the attack unacceptable, it is hateful somebody could have the U.S., and the deadliest which saw the shootings as to the victims’ families. was not racially motivated and it has to stop.” sexual encounters at the since the August 2019 an attack on them, given a Nico Straughan, 21, who and claimed to have a “sex Authorities said that businesses, Bottoms did Dayton, Ohio, shooting recent wave of assaults went to school with Long, addiction,” with authorities they didn’t know if Long not answer, saying she did that left nine people dead, that coincided with the described him as “super saying he apparently ever went to the massage not want “to get into victim according to a database spread of the coronavirus nice, super Christian, very lashed out at what he saw parlors where the blaming, victim shaming compiled by The across the United States. quiet” and said Long as sources of temptation. shootings occurred but here.” She said police have Associated Press, USA The virus was first brought a Bible to high Six of the victims were that he was planning to go not been to the parlors in Today and Northeastern identified in China, and school every day and would identified as Asian and to Florida in a plot to her city beyond a minor University. then-President Donald walk around carrying it.

Authorities investigate a fatal shooting at Young’s Asian Massage on Tuesday in Acworth, Ga. Deadly shootings also occurred at two other spas in Atlanta. A good boy again: Russia recalls its Biden’s dog will return ambassador to the to the White House WILMINGTON, Del. – rescue dog, and Champ, US for consultations There is Major breaking who is 12, were moved to MOSCOW – Russia is report from the US news: President Joe the Bidens’ Delaware home recalling its ambassador national intelligence Biden’s wayward pup is no after the incident, but the to the United States for director’s office that finds longer in the doghouse. president said they would consultations, the foreign President Vladimir Putin Biden, in an interview return to the White House. ministry said yesterday authorized influence that aired yesterday, said The president said “the without citing a specific operations to help Donald that his dog Major,who had dog’s being trained now” in reason. Trump in last November’s been involved in a biting Delaware but disputed the The move to bring presidential election. incident at the White idea that the pup was sent Anatoly Antonov to White House House, was “a sweet dog.” away after the incident. He Moscow comes amid spokeswoman Jen Psaki He explained the biting by said the dogs went to rising tensions with said: “We will be direct, saying that the dog had Wilmington because the President Joe Biden’s we will speak out on areas “turned a corner, there’s first couple was going to be administration, which where we have concerns, two people he doesn’t know out of town. has imposed sanctions and it will certainly be, as at all, you know, and they “He was going home,” over the poisoning of the president said last move and moves to Biden said.“I didn’t banish opposition leader Alexei night – certainly, the protect.” him to home. Jill was going Navalny, who is now in Russians will be held Biden added that “85% to be away for four days. I prison. accountable for the of the people there love was going to be away for It also comes on the actions that they have him.” Major, a 3-year-old two,so we took him home.” heels of a declassified taken.” 16 • Thursday March 18, 2021 The Barbados Advocate Demi Lovato says she was sexually assaulted as a teen DEMI LOVATO has after being found uncon- said she was raped scious at her Los Angeles as a teenager while home. working for the Disney “My doctors said that Channel. I had five to ten more The 28-year-old re- minutes.” vealed in her documen- After suffering three tary “Demi Lovato: strokes and a heart-at- Dancing with the Devil” tack, she’s previously said that the person faced no she had been “left with consequences after she brain damage and I still came forward. feel the effects of that”. The singer does not say Those effects include who the offender was, blurry vision that means only that she “had to see she can’t drive and made this person all the time” reading difficult. afterwards. Weeks before the inci- The documentary was dent, she released a song shown at the South titled “Sober”, in which by Southwest virtual she revealed that after festival. Demi Lovato. six years of sobriety: “I’m “My MeToo story is me not sober any more.” telling somebody that alleged rape saying, “We some young stars includ- Demi has previously someone did this to me were hooking up but I ing herself and the Jonas been open about her and they never got in said – hey, this is not Brothers, as a commit- struggles with addiction trouble for it,” says Demi going any farther. ment to only have sex and bulimia. Lovato in it, according to “And that didn’t matter after marriage. She re-launched her Variety’s review. to them, they did it any- “So what, I’m supposed singing career at last “I’ve just kept it quiet ways. And I internalised to come out to the public year’s Grammy Awards because I’ve always had it and I told myself it was after saying I have a and sang the national something to say, and I’m my fault because I still promise ring? Six months anthem at the 2020 tired of opening my went in the room with later, I’m supposed to say, Super Bowl. mouth.” him.” well I had sex, even In January, she sang The YouTube do- She says she coped though it was rape? Some on a TV special which cuseries tackles issues in through self-harm, and people aren’t going to see marked US President Demi Lovato’s life such as going through the eating it that way.” Joe Biden’s inauguration. trauma, addiction and disorder bulimia. The series also shows Demi Lovato: Dancing her relapse into a drug In the series, she also the damage Demi’s drug with the Devil will ap- overdose in 2018. talks about a “promise overdose had in 2018. pear on YouTube from Bridge She speaks about her ring” which was worn by She was taken to hospital March 23. The Barbados Advocate Thursday March 18, 2021 • 17 SPORTSSPORTS Road Safety Series: India Legends reach final beating WI , Yuvraj Singh and Brian Lara star SACHIN Tendulkar and Vinay dismissed Lara and Tino India Legends finished on 218 Yuvraj Singh starred as Best in the penultimate over to for 3 in 20 overs. India Legends survived a leave 17 in the final over, which Prior to Yuvraj’s heroics, scare from Brian Lara and Irfan defended without much Sachin Tendulkar had turned Dwayne Smith to beat West fuss. back the clock scoring 65 off 42 Indies Legends in the Smith gave West Indies a balls including three sixes and semifinal of the Road Safety quick start in a knock that saw six fours.Virender Sehwag made World Series T20 at the two sixes and 9 fours. He added 35 off 17 to give the team a quick Shaheed Veer Narayan 99 for the second with start while Mohammed Kaif (27) Singh International Deonarine. Lara then took over and Yusuf Pathan (37) chipped Stadium on Wednesday. smacking two sixes and four in too. Batting first, India Legends fours before he was bowled. Yuvraj had hit four posted 218 for 3 in 20 overs Earlier,For the second time in consecutive sixes in India with Sachin Tendulkar two matches, Yuvraj Singh Legend’s previous match, smashing 65 off 42 and smashed four sixes in an over – against South Africa Legends on Yuvraj Singh blasting an three of them consecutive – to Saturday. unbeaten 49 off 20 balls. turn back the clock. Playing for “I was looking to hit the fifth However, West Indies got as India Legends, Yuvraj smashed consecutive six because I close as they could and reached West Indies Legends legspinner remember that there was one 206 for 6 with opener Smith M Nagamootoo for four sixes in dot ball in the over. And I was smashing 63 off 36 while Lara, the 19th over, almost waiting for the bowler to bowl in 51 years old, made 46 off 28. threatening to repeat his 2007 my areas. So after the fourth six, Narsingh Deonarine played his heroics of six sixes at one stage. I was looking for the fifth six but part making 59 off 44 before Yuvraj smashed the first three there were also two overs to go being run out in the final over. balls for six before Nagamootoo so I decided to rotate the strike Virender Sehwag made 35 off 17 to give the team a quick West Indies were in the chase managed a dot ball in the fourth and bat till the end to have a big start. for the most part and needed 32 .The fifth ball went over score.The wicket was really good off the last 3 overs with seven the ropes again before another and South Africa had won the in hand. However, dot ball ended the over. In the last game. So I wanted to bat till Manpreet Gony, Vinay Kumar next over, Yuvraj sent the end and I am happy to do and Irfan Pathan held their Suliemann Benn for a couple of that,”Yuvraj had said then in nerve to give India the win. sixes to finish on 49 off 20 as the post-match press conference.

Brian Lara and Sachin Tendulkar. Sachin Tendulkar smashed 65 off 42. WIPA congratulates Michael Holding on sports journalist awards JAMAICA – The West Indies by former Jamaica and West Holding and Sky Sports for said Holding “captured the general. His frank, but Players’ Association (WIPA) is Indies fast-bowler Michael their “editorially superb mood of the event perfectly, measured commentary on celebrating the Sports Holding. coverage of a moment of huge bringing a personal perspective social injustice in today’s world Journalism Association (SJA) Holding and Sky Sports significance” with Holding to bear on a moment of huge are well documented. WIPA Best Pundit Award and the received the SJA Award on speaking out about racial significance.” congratulates him on the Royal Television Society (RTS) March 15, 2021 and the RTS injustice in the wake of the “Michael Holding continues quality of his body of work,” Sports Presenter, Commentator Award on March 16, 2021. killing of George Floyd in May to be a true ambassador for the WIPA President and CEO, or Pundit Award for 2020, won The awards recognised 2020. Royal Television Society West Indies and cricket in Wavell Hinds said. 18 • Thursday March 18, 2021 The Barbados Advocate NBA roundup: Damian Lillard Chelsea march into Champions scores 50 as Blazers rally League quarters with DAMIAN Lillard made two free throws with 1.2 seconds left to cap a win over Atletico season-best 50-point ef- CHELSEA reached the they can be. fort as the Portland quarter-finals of the However, Tuchel set his Trail Blazers rallied Champions League for the side up perfectly with from a 17-point, fourth- first time in seven years N’Golo Kante and Mateo quarter deficit to post a with a 3-0 aggregate win Kovacic stifling the space dramatic 125-124 home over Atletico Madrid. in midfield and using the win over the New Having established a ball intelligently when in Orleans Pelicans. slender first-leg lead, possession. Lillard, who also had 10 Emerson Palmieri’s late Forwards Ziyech,Werner assists, was fouled by Eric strike sealed the win after and Havertz were also Bledsoe before making Hakim Ziyech had earlier integral in that regard, both attempts. New put the hosts firmly in with one of the trio often Orleans’ Zion Williamson control with a low effort triggering the Chelsea saw his short bank shot after good work from Kai pressing game and setting bounce off the rim as time Havertz and Timo Werner. the tone as they stifled expired. Until then their their opponents. The 50-point game was dominance in possession Werner, who has the 12th of Lillard’s career, had not translated into endured a difficult time in tying him with LeBron chances in front of goal, and front of goal since his James for seventh on the in a nervy opening they switch to Chelsea, was all-time list.The only play- also appeared fortunate to particularly impressive. ers above them: Wilt survive a penalty appeal Exhibiting pace and Chamberlain (118), after visiting winger composure, the German Michael Jordan (31), Kobe Yannick Carrasco was forward accelerated onto a Bryant (25), James pulled back by Blues Havertz pass before Harden (23), Elgin Baylor Cesar Azpilicueta. superbly playing the ball (23) and Rick Barry (14). Italian official Daniele into Ziyech’s path for the Gary Trent Jr. scored 22 Orsato waved away the opening goal. points for Portland, and CJ claim, and the incident was It proved a pivotal McCollum scored 10 not examined by VAR. moment on the night and points in 26 minutes in his Atletico knocked laid the platform for the return from a fractured Liverpool out of the assured way in which the left foot that cost him 25 competition in dramatic Blues saw out the tie. games. Brandon Ingram fashion at the same stage scored 30 points, last term, but the La Liga Disappointing Atletico Williamson had 28 points leaders rarely looked While Atletico can now and a career-best eight as- capable of recovering after turn their attention to sists and Lonzo Ball con- Ziyech’s goal. holding off Barcelona and tributed a career-best 17 Mar 16, 2021; Portland, Oregon, USA; Portland Trail Blazers point guard Instead Chelsea, who Real Madrid at the top of assists for the Pelicans. Damian Lillard (0) prepares to shoot a free throw during the second half remain unbeaten in 13 La Liga, this was another Los Angeles Lakers 137 against the New Orleans Pelicans at Moda Center. games since Thomas disappointing exit for a - Minnesota Tuchel took charge, had club that has reached the Timberwolves 121 Jayson Tatum scored 29 Houston Rockets 107 host Miami past opportunities to extend final twice in the past LeBron James recorded points and Jaylen Brown Danilo Gallinari scored Cleveland. their lead before Emerson’s decade. a second consecutive added 28 to lead the a team-high 29 points, and It was Butler’s seventh stoppage-time effort and Simeone and his side triple-double to reach 99 Celtics. Daniel Theis had he and Atlanta teammate straight game with at least deservedly progressed have been known for for his career, delivering 15 points, 11 rebounds and Tony Snell each hit five 3- 27 points. The Heat, who against an Atletico side revelling in these Los Angeles a victory over six assists while Robert pointers to lead the visit- won their fifth straight that had Stefan Savic sent occasions, using their visiting Minnesota. Williams III chipped in 14 ing Hawks to a win over and improved to 11-1 in off late on for elbowing energy and application to James moved within one points and nine boards off Houston. their past 12 games, got 17 Antonio Rudiger. often emerge as winners of becoming just the fifth the bench. The Rockets matched a points from Kelly Olynyk The Blues join Premier when tagged as the in NBA history to reach franchise record with their and 15 from Tyler Herro. League rivals Liverpool underdogs. 100. James and Montrezl Chicago Bulls 123 - 17th consecutive loss Cleveland, which has and Manchester City in the However, this Harrell led six Lakers in Oklahoma City Thunder while Atlanta extended its lost four straight games, draw for the quarter and performance exhibited few double figures with 25 102 season-best win streak to was led by Collin Sexton, semi-finals on Friday at of those qualities and there points apiece, and James Zach LaVine scored 40 six games and improved to who had 21 points. JaVale 11:00 GMT. was also a noticeable added 12 rebounds and 12 points and Lauri 6-0 under interim coach McGee added 16 points Summer signings set the vulnerability in defence assists. Markkanen added 22 to Nate McMillan. and eight rebounds. tone whenever Chelsea Karl-Anthony Towns boost host Chicago to a Kevin Huerter added Efficient rather than attacked with pace and and Anthony Edwards rout of Oklahoma City. three 3-pointers and Philadelphia 76ers 99 - entertaining has been the purpose. paced the Timberwolves LaVine reached the 40- scored 16 points while New York Knicks 96 mantra since Tuchel took They were no better in with matching game highs point plateau for the third John Collins (20 points, 10 Tobias Harris scored 30 charge at Chelsea, with the attack. Luis Suarez, the of 29 points. time this season, shooting rebounds) and Trae Young points as host club’s defensive solidity man they had hoped could 15-for-20 in just under 31 (13 points, 14 assists) Philadelphia rallied past contributing to 11 clean unlock Chelsea’s defence, Utah Jazz 117 - Boston minutes. Thaddeus Young recorded double-doubles New York. sheets in their 13 matches was withdrawn before the Celtics 109 put together 17 points, for the Hawks. Victor Seth Curry added 20 in all competitions. hour mark after getting Donovan Mitchell scored nine rebounds and six as- Oladipo scored 34 points, and Ben Simmons con- And while this little change from Kurt 21 points and Jordan sists for the Bulls. Kevin Porter Jr. paired 22 tributed 16 points, 13 re- performance can also be Zouma, Rudiger or Clarkson added 20 off the Shai Gilgeous- points with eight assists bounds and seven assists filed away under that Azpilicueta and looking bench to lead Utah to a vic- Alexander led Oklahoma and rookie Jae’Sean Tate for the Sixers, who earned description, it delivered a like a player very much in tory at Boston. City with 21 points,ending tallied a career-high 25 a season-best sixth win in fine result against final stages of his career. Rudy Gobert had 16 a streak of three straight points for Houston. a row. seasoned European They were restricted to points, 12 rebounds and games with at least 30. The Knicks’ Julius campaigners. just a single chance of note four blocks for the Jazz, Moses Brown finished Miami Heat 113 - Randle compiled 19 points, Diego Simeone’s side in added time – when Joao who swept the season se- with 20 points and 16 re- Cleveland Cavaliers 98 15 rebounds and eight as- may not be known for their Felix saw home goalkeeper ries against Boston. Mike bounds. Jimmy Butler had 28 sists. Alec Burks added 19 flair or invention but they Edouard Mendy save his Conley chipped in 17 points and a season-high- points and RJ Barrett had showed at Anfield just over fierce drive – underlining points and five assists. Atlanta Hawks 119 - tying 12 rebounds to carry 17. a year ago how dangerous the gulf between the sides. The Barbados Advocate Thursday March 18, 2021 • 19 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE Inchcape, St. Philip Rublev joins Zverev 4355 sq ft $ 96,000 in slamming ATP’s Belle, St. George 4 acres $400,000 revised ranking system Haggatt Hall, St. Michael RUSSIAN world number normal system, I would be 6336 sq ft $126,000 Under Offer eight Andrey Rublev has like No.4 in the world I TEL: 247-4469 joined US Open runner- think,” Rublev told Cel: 253-6319 Cane Garden, St. Thomas up Alexander Zverev in reporters when asked 828-4800 7,000 sf to 18,000 sq ft criticising ATP Tour’s cur- about Zverev’s comments. Email: Private entrance. rent rankings system dur- “So what do you think is caribbeanpropertiesltd From $187,681 ing the COVID-19 pan- better for me, to be No.8 Ragged Point, St. Philip demic, saying the revised or No.4?” PROPERTIES 8,267 sq ft $166,000 rules do not fairly reward The Russian has won performance. his last four ATP 500 Kirtons, St Philip Rolling Hills, St. George Zverev, ranked seventh, events, dating back to 3 bedroom plus 12,000 sq ft said it was “absurd” he Hamburg last September, 2 bedroom apt 4,790 sq ft $310,000 (negotiable) $685,000 remained behind Roger and only Federer has a Ocean City, St. Philip Federer under the sys- longer winning streak at Amity Lodge, Ch Ch 6150 sq ft $123,000 tem, having won two the level with 28 victories. 3 bedroom plus titles and finishing run- The revised system for 1 bedroom apt Fortesque, St Philip ner-up at a Grand Slam calculating rankings was 6,646 sq ft $650,000 LeBron James wants an NBA Agricultural Land and a Masters 1000, given this month extended until 494,500 sq ft $1,100,000 Gibbons, Ch Ch franchise after Fenway stake that the Swiss was out the week of Aug. 9 and the 3 bedroom plus Silver Sands, injured for over a year. ATP anticipates that the 2 bedroom apt Christ Church LOS ANGELES Lakers franchise, and you know Rublev has won 16 of traditional process with 9,835 sq ft 7,129 sq ft $160,000 forward LeBron James it’ll be sooner than his 18 matches in 2021 points dropping off on a $675,000 (reduced) says he wants to own an later.” and extended his winning 52-week basis will restart Bushy Park, St. Philip NBA franchise after The Boston Globe streak at ATP 500-level after that. Breezy Hill, St Philip 24,000 sq ft $190,000 3 bedroom, 2 bath taking a stake in reported on Tuesday tournaments to 21 on reduced to $298,000 Apes Hill, St. James Boston-based Fenway that James had joined Tuesday after defeating NOTICES 31,000 sq ft upward Sports Group (FSG). FSG as a partner, mak- Finnish qualifier Emil Black Rock, St Michael Large lots at $15 per sq ft “My goal is to own a ing the four-time Ruusuvuori 6-4, 6-4 in his 3 bedroom, 1 bath 6732 sq ft $360,000 team, own an NBA National Basketball Dubai opener. Mount Wilton, St. Thomas team,” he said after Association MVP a part- “If we would have the 15,500 sq ft and 22,066 sq ft Enterprise, Christ Church $300,000 and $220,000 the Lakers beat the owner of Major League 3 bedroom, 2 bath Minnesota Baseball’s Boston Red NOTICES 5062 sq ft Union, St. Philip Timberwolves at the Sox. $390,000 (reduced) 7560 sq ft Staples Center on FSG also owns BARBADOS $150,000 The Belle, St George Tuesday night. Premier League soccer IN THE SUPREME COURT “I got so much to give champions Liverpool. OF JUDICATURE Plantation style House Thorpes, St. James Standing on 4 acres 11,376 sq ft with structure to the game, I know HIGH COURT $1.1M $235,000 what it takes to win at NOTICES IN THE ESTATE OF this level, I know talent MYRTLE AGNES HUNT Frere Pilgrim, Cottage, St George and I also know how to also known as Christ Church 5000 sq ft run a business as well. MYRTLE HUNT, Deceased 3 bedroom, 2 baths with $110,000 (negotiable) two bedroom apartment. So that is my goal. My PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given 4,387 sq ft. $850,000 Morningside, St Philip goal is to own a NBA 4567 sq ft $133,000 that an application is being made for Hanson Heights, St George REAL ESTATE the following Grant of Probate 8321 sq ft $595,000 Jupiter Gardens, St Peter namely:- 7312 sq ft operational $2,950,000 neg Ealing Grove, under offer $133,000 (negotiable) PROBATE OF THE WILL dated Christ Church the 13th day of April, 2017 of 3 bedroom, 2 1/2 baths Bagatelle, St. Thomas Dalkeith, Christ Church MYRTLE AGNES HUNT also 9320 sq ft $565,000 62000 sq ft into 2 lots 17,371 sq ft approved for MYRTLE HUNT $520,000 each, or shops and offices known as late LOTS FOR SALE $1M for both $495,000 of 140 Saint Edwards Street, Brooklyn, New York 11201 in the Boarded Hall, Marley Vale, St Philip Roebuck Street, United States of America who died Christ Church Bridgetown 21,780 sq ft $275,000 at The Phoenix Rehabilitation and 10,429 sq ft $157,000 Shopping Mall/Office space Nursing Center, 140 Saint Edwards Sandford, St Philip $8,100,000 negotiable St. Brooklyn, New York 11201 in the Westbury Road, St Michael 16,356 sq ft $300,000 2,520 sq ft $45,360 Batts Rock, St Michael United States of America on the Guest House, 12,078 sq ft 4th day of May, 2020 by TONY Goodland Gardens, COMMERCIAL $2,850,000 negotiable EVERTON RICHARD HEADLEY Christ Church referred to in the Will as TONY E.R. 9,605 sq ft $145,000 Cane Garden, St Thomas Mount Standfast, St James HEADLEY, the sole Executor 3.6 acres approved Two properties on named in the Will of the said Nursery Road, St Philip 22,714 sq ft. Roadfront Deceased. 9,266 sq ft $139,000 Asking $1,200,000 $1,650,000 negotiable

Lashley Road, St Philip Black Rock, St. Michael Fitts Village, St James An application shall be submitted to 5,839 sq ft, $150,000 Warehouse/Storage Guest House, 4 Suites the Supreme Court fourteen (14) 4000 sf space 23,861 sq ft 6,135 sq ft days from the date of Notice in the Salters, St George $900,000 (reduced) $750,000 negotiable Official Gazette 2 lots 32,760 sq ft, $230,000 and from the date of the second notice of advertisement. Foul Bay, St. Philip Mason Hill Street The City Cave Hill Drive, St. Lucy Approved for condos, 26,500 sq ft with buildings 14,876 sq ft. $110,000 39,242 sq ft $1,600,000. $4,000,000 negotiable Dated this 18th day of March, 2021

Bushy Park, St. Philip Dover, Christ Church All enquiries to Messrs Carrington & Sealy 17,000 sq ft $170,000 Hotel 18 rooms fully (246) 253 6319/ 828-4800 Attorneys-at-Law or (246) 247 4469 20 • Thursday March 18, 2021 The Barbados Advocate

Regular Market BARBADOS STOCK REPORT Security Volume High Low Market Advance/ Price Decline

March 17, 2021 Deposit Receipts There was no activity on the Regular Market. Security Previous Current Advance/ Close Close Decline EMERA DEPOSIT RECEIPT $21.28 $21.41 $0.13

BARBADOSBARBADOS STSTOCKOCK EXCHANGEEXCHANGE SHARE SUMMARY INFORMATION Wednesday March 17, 2021 INDICES LAST TRADE VOLUME HIGH LOW LAST CURRENT PRICE BID ASK BID ASK TODAY'S TRADING LAST TRADING CHANGES DATE CLOSE CLOSE CHANGE PRICE PRICE SIZE SIZE March 17, 2021 March 16, 2021 Local 2,445.02 2,444.88 0.14 ABV Investments Incorporated 15-Oct-20 - - - $0.05 $0.05 - $0.02 $0.30 8,080 10,498 Cross-list 933.43 933.43 - BICO Limited 21-Sep-20 - - - $3.10 $3.10 - $3.10 - 70 - Composite 595.77 595.74 0.03 MARKET CAPITALISATION (in millions) Banks Holdings Limited -+ 09-Dec-19 - - - $4.85 $4.85 - - - - - TODAY'S TRADING LAST TRADING CHANGES Barbados Dairy Industries Limited -+ 04-Oct-19 - - - $3.00 $3.00 - - - - - March 17, 2021 March 16, 2021 Local 4,914.68 4,914.39 0.29 Barbados Farms Limited 22-Jan-21 - - - $0.40 $0.40 - $0.35 $0.68 1,000 25,342 Cross-list 119.19 119.19 - Composite 5,033.87 5,033.58 0.29 Cave Shepherd and Company Limited 28-Jan-21 - - - $4.10 $4.10 - $4.00 $4.10 72 1,100 MUTUAL FUND FirstCaribbean International Bank 24-Feb-21 - - - $1.80 $1.80 - - $1.80 - 14,251 March 17, 2021 ENDED NAME OF FUND NAV OFFER BID NAV Eppley Caribbean Property Fund SCC 19-Feb-21 - - - $0.16 $0.16 - - $0.16 - 5,066 CHANGE - Dev Fund 12-Mar-21 REPUBLIC CAPITAL GROWTH FUND w 1.2348 0.0206 12-Mar-21 REPUBLIC INCOME FUND w 1.2592 0.0011 Eppley Caribbean Property Fund SCC 26-Feb-21 - - - $0.56 $0.56 - $0.56 $0.57 40,000 1,000 12-Mar-21 REPUBLIC PROPERTY FUND w 0.6714 -0.0005 -Value Fund 12-Mar-21 FORTRESS CARIBBEAN GROWTH FUND w 6.7027 6.7027 6.7027 0.2114 12-Mar-21 FORTRESS HIGH INTEREST FUND - ACC. w 2.0989 0.0036 Goddard Enterprises Limited 15-Mar-21 - - - $2.15 $2.15 - $2.10 $2.20 17,805 3,476 12-Mar-21 FORTRESS HIGH INTEREST FUND - DIST. w 1.0217 0.0017 28-Feb-21 ROYAL FIDELITY SELECT BALANCED FUND m 5.6018 5.6018 5.4998 0.0320 Insurance Corporation of B’dos Limited 23-Feb-21 - - - $2.00 $2.00 - $1.80 $1.99 1,087 500 28-Feb-21 ROYAL FIDELITY STRATEGIC GROWTH FUNDm 1.0369 1.0369 1.0162 0.0128 28-Feb-21 ROYAL FIDELITY PREMIUM INCOME FUND m 1.6427 1.6427 1.6098 -0.0002 One Caribbean Media Limited 18-Feb-21 - - $1.80 $1.80 - - $2.20 - 1,000 12-Mar-21 SAGICOR GLOBAL BALANCED FUND w 2.78 0.05 Sagicor Financial Corporation Pref 6.5% 23-Jun-16 - - - $2.26 $2.26 - - - - - 12-Mar-21 SAGICOR SELECT GROWTH FUND w 1.70 0.05 12-Mar-21 SAGICOR PREFERRED INCOME FUND w 0.98 0.00 Sagicor Financial Corporation Limited -+ 29-Nov-19 - - - $2.80 $2.80 - - - - - * Indicates the Fund is currently ex-div NOTES: QUOTATIONS AND NET ASSET VALUE PER SHARE ARE SUPPLIED BY THE West India Biscuit Company Limited 03-Mar-21 - - - $31.25 $31.25 - $31.35 - 100 - FUND MANAGEMENT. THE OFFERING PRICE INCLUDES NET ASSET VALUE PLUS ENTRY COSTS. Emera Deposit Receipt 14-Aug-20 - - - $21.28 $21.41 $0.13 $30.00 - 50 - m = monthly valuation, q = quarterly valuation, w = weekly

TOTAL SHARES BOUGHT & SOLD - Fixed Income Last Trade Last Current Bid Ask Bid Ask Date Close Close Price Price Size Size * = Security is Trading X-Div GOB Series B 15-Mar-21 $60.00 $60.00 - $60.00 - 47,010 GOB Series D 12-Nov-19 $50.00 $50.00 - - - - *+* = Security is Suspended GOB Series F 03-Nov-20 $89.00 $89.00 - - - - ** = Rights Issued GOB Series I 24-Mar-20 $65.00 $65.00 - $70.00 - 19,617 NOTICES NEWS

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETINGS Airline consolidation set back

West India Biscuit Company Limited – Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders of West India Biscuit Company Limited, originally scheduled on February 12th, 2021, is now set to take place on March 26th, 2021 at the Hilton five years, IATA chief says Barbados Resort, Needhams Point, Bridgetown at 11:00 a.m. PARIS – The large-scale Airline tie-ups already BICO Limited – Notice is hereby given that the One Hundred and Thirty-sixth Annual General Meeting of the shareholders of BICO government intervention faced obstacles before the Limited is scheduled to take place on April 13th, 2021 at the Company’s registered address: Harbor Industrial Park, Bridgetown, in airlines triggered by the crisis, including ownership BB11145 at 5:00 p.m. coronavirus crisis will hold rules linked to bilateral avi- Emera Incorporated - Directors have fixed March 22nd, 2021 as the record date for the determination of shareholders entitled to back sector consolidation for ation treaties. That has not receive notice of the Annual General Meeting of the Company which will be held on May 20th, 2021. up to five years, the head of prevented the emergence of global industry body IATA multinationals such as IAG, BSE NOTICES predicted on Wednesday. Lufthansa and Air France- COVID-19 PROCEDURAL UPDATE Alexandre de Juniac, the KLM that preserve national Kindly note that effective February 26th, 2021, the offices of the Barbados Stock Exchange Inc. (BSE) and the Barbados Central International Air Transport carriers within their group Securities Depository Inc. (BCSDI) remain closed in accordance with the recommendations contained in Directive No. 5 issued by the Association’s outgoing structures. Government of Barbados for the period March 1st, 2021 to March 14th, 2021. director general, made the Aid has further raised the Kindly note, however, that while our physical offices will be closed, all trading, clearing and settlement operations will remain fully comments in an interview hurdles by piling up debts, operational as staff will all be working remotely during this period. While our offices are closed, we remain easily accessible via email. with Reuters as the organi- shielding potential targets For Stock Exchange related queries, kindly email us at [email protected] and for Shareholder related queries contact us at sation called for a new and tying would-be buyers’ [email protected]. round of subsidies to hands. EU rules bar recip- weather the COVID-19 ients such as Lufthansa We wish to thank you in advance for your understanding and trust that all and sundry remain safe during this time. pandemic. and Air France-KLM from TRADING SUSPENSION “Governments have taken making acquisitions until The Barbados Stock Exchange Inc. (BSE) wishes to advise that due to non-compliance with Section 4.01.3 and subject to Section big stakes in many of their bailouts are repaid. 3.01.5.(1)(b) of the Rules of the Barbados Stock Exchange Inc. trading in the Common Shares of Banks Holdings Limited were national airlines, so it will The IATA head, who suspended effective December 10th, 2019. be difficult for them to sell hands over next month to The Barbados Stock Exchange Inc. (BSE) wishes to advise that due to non-compliance with Section 4.01.3 and subject to Section this asset to any foreign IAG veteran Willie Walsh, 3.01.5.(1)(b) of the Rules of the Barbados Stock Exchange Inc. trading in the Common Shares of Barbados Dairy Industries Limited actor and explain that to also urged governments were suspended effective December 10th, 2019. the taxpayer,” De Juniac that have already provided said.“It will be a factor that $225 billion in sector aid to The Barbados Stock Exchange Inc. (BSE) wishes to advise that to facilitate the closing of the Scheme of Arrangement effected by way of Section 99 of the Companies Act 1981 of Bermuda involving the transfer of all the issued and outstanding shares in Sagicor will prevent consolidation support a travel recovery Financial Corporation Limited to Alignvest Acquisition II, it has suspended trading in the security Sagicor Financial Corporation Limited. in the coming three to five through new air ticket and years.” route subsidies. The Barbados Advocate Thursday March 18, 2021 • 21 Tiger Roll claims fifth Cheltenham Festival win TWO-TIME Grand National winner Tiger Roll claimed a remarkable fifth Cheltenham Festival triumph with victory in the Cross Country Chase. The 11-year-old, ridden by Keith Donoghue, put recent defeats behind him to score by 18 lengths from Easysland. Tiger Roll (9-2) won for Denise Foster, who has stepped in while trainer Gordon Elliott serves a six-month ban. Put The Kettle On took the Queen Mother Champion Chase as odds-on favourite Chacun Pour Soi finished third. The 17-2 winner, ridden by Aidan Tiger Roll’s latest Cheltenham win comes seven years after his first. Coleman for trainer Henry de Bromhead, prevailed by half a length from runner-up Chase. record-equalling third Grand National at the 8-13 favourite for Willie Mullins Nube Negra. Nearing veteran status, there had been Aintree last year before the race was in the Champions Chase, but Put The It sealed a big-race double for calls for the horse to be retired after cancelled because of the coronavirus Kettle On just comes to the boil at De Bromhead after Honeysuckle’s recent lacklustre runs, but he was back to pandemic. Cheltenham. Champion Hurdle win on Tuesday and his best here, jumping beautifully and He was withdrawn from this year’s race, The seven-year-old mare, winner of last was part of an Irish sweep of the first travelling sweetly throughout. which is on April 10, with owner Michael year’s Arkle Chase, got the best of a five races on St Patrick’s Day yesterday. “It’s unbelievable. If it wasn’t for this O’Leary stating he was unhappy with the thrilling finish to clock up a fourth course horse I wouldn’t be riding. Never weight his horse had been allocated and distance victory. The Tiger roars again underestimate the Tiger,” said emotional despite his previous form in the race. “It was just a thrill. She’s the toughest The diminutive Tiger Roll cemented his winning jockey Donoghue. The decision came during the fall-out mare I’ve ever ridden and maybe one of place as a little legend of racing by win- “We know the horse he is. He loved it from a photo emerging of Elliott sitting the toughest mares there has ever been,” ning the Cross Country Chase for the and that’s the Tiger we see at home. astride a dead horse, which saw him said Coleman. third time to add to Festival wins in the He is just a legend.” suspended for six months. Last year’s winner Politologue was Triumph Hurdle and National Hunt Tiger Roll had been due to bid for a Chacun Pour Soi was sent off withdrawn before the start. 22 • Thursday March 18, 2021 The Barbados Advocate NZ retain America’s Cup title with 7-3 victory

TEAM NEW ZEALAND (TNZ) sealed the 36th America’s Cup with a 7-3 victory over Italy’s Luna Rossa after a 46-second win in race 10 off Auckland’s coast. TNZ retained the Auld Mug, international sport’s oldest trophy,with a dominant display in the best-of-13 series. “We’re blown away by what we’ve achieved as a group,” said helmsman Peter Burling. New Zealand celebrate America’s Cup win. Team New Zealand won five races in succession having been 3-2 down in the This was TNZ’s fourth triumph, series. following wins in 1995, 2000 and 2017. again in 2023,” she added. “The Auld Mug.” “It was a fantastic experience, New Zealand prime minister Jacinda government has already agreed that This was Italy’s third defeat in three and we want to congratulate TNZ – Ardern said the team had made the the successful America’s Cup team will America’s Cup matches, having lost they did a fantastic job,” said country proud. be supported to stay together while it 5-0 to TNZ in 2000 and 4-1 to the Luna Rossa co-helmsman Francesco “We want to see it all over plans its next defence of the United States in 1992. Bruni. The Barbados Advocate Thursday March 18, 2021 •23


Aries - People should appreciate you for the unique A person you are. Refuse to let anyone try to mould you into N the person they expect you to be. If someone criticises D everything you say or do, they are envious of your talents C or feel threatened by your energy. Love yourself O for who you are. N S Taurus - You will concentrate more easily when there are no distractions around you. Even in a team effort you can choose to get on with jobs behind the scenes. Check all documentation and new rules on travelling if you are planning a journey. It's always better to be safe than sorry.

Gemini - You're worrying over nothing, feeding your Z thoughts with things that are unnecessary and a waste of time. Discussions last longer than expected when you had I hoped to get on with an important project. A friend T who never stops talking will keep you on the phone. S Time is precious. Don't waste it.

Cancer - An older relative is making a meal out of an apology you recently gave them. You were only trying to restore harmony. Now you wish you hadn't bothered. Plans you are making with a friend are changed once again due to their unreliability. Your patience is wearing thin. R Leo - Group and community activities help to keep you E motivated and inspired especially if these relate to young X people or charity concerns. You are keen to continue with exciting plans recently begun and you're hoping your M family will understand your enthusiasm. If they volunteer O to join you, even better. R G A Virgo - A friend isn't just being negative in their approach N to joint activities, they are aggressive and opinionated. You don't agree with their views but they don't want to know. Their company makes you nervous and you are right to think the time has come to consider the value of this relationship.

Libra - You deserve all the praise coming your way and you should feel proud to have made some worthwhile P achievements. It has taken a lot of effort to get to this point and you will be ready to concentrate on yourself now. H Give priority to personal concerns that have been neglected A while you've been so busy. N T O Scorpio - An irrational friend or workmate is about to follow an ill-advised course. It may be necessary for you M to take charge of an emotionally tense situation. Changes to outmoded rules need to be implemented in the workplace. Someone in a senior position needs to be reminded they have a duty to protect their staff.

Sagittarius - The impact of having been through some M tough times is making itself felt now. From having to stay at home to being restricted from seeing close friends and A relatives, many aspects of your life have been affected. R In the here and now, you're ready to start building better Y relationships. W Capricorn - You have plenty of patience for a partner or O close friend who is overworked and exhausted. Their R irritability has a lot to do with the intense period of T responsibility they've been through. If you're worried about H their health, do your best to pamper them. It may be necessary to adopt a parental role towards a relative who isn't looking after themselves.

Aquarius -Acolleague who has always been there for you M could do with some support. They've taken on too much and O this is your chance to repay all the help they have given you. T If you can take a few phone calls and run some H errands on their behalf this will make all the E difference to their day. R

Pisces - Focus on your goals. Have faith in your creative G talent and believe you can achieve success in your desired O field. Dreams can be realised but not without effort. Be O willing to put every ounce of energy into achieving your S aims. A talented teacher can help you develop your skills. E Road Safety Series: India Legends reach Final beating WI Page 17

Thursday March 18, 2021 IDB launches Build the HSFB BOOST Americas app Rotary Club fitness tracker donation to help youth fight obesity A new tool to incentivise greater competition in THE young persons under the Yute St. John said that the presentation was made available to members of the media, Gym programme of the Heart and timely and would augur well for the that her organisation recognised that the infrastructure bids Stroke Foundation of Barbados recipients in their fight. pandemic had placed several hurdles in THE Inter-American Development Bank (HSFB) will be better armed in their “We have an enrollment of close to 100 the way of young people getting in their (IDB) yesterday launched Build the fight against being overweight as students, although during the period of physical activity and saw the need to Americas, a mobile application designed they received a donation of 50 fitness lockdown and COVID our enrollment has assist. to increase transparency and competition trackers from The Rotary Club of fallen because students cannot make it “Following multiple discussions with the in the bidding process for infrastructure Barbados. With their in-person here because of the protocols in place.We Heart and Stroke and taking note of the projects it finances in Latin America and sessions being suspended due to the are not able to use the gym as we like but projects of our two other Rotary Clubs in the Caribbean. COVID-19 pandemic, the youngsters we are doing online classes which have Barbados, we decided to encourage The app provides access to information will now be in a more sound position started recently. So thank you very much physical activity through the donation of on upcoming IDB-financed procurements to surveil their progress during the for the kind generosity which will go a long 50 Fitbits. We recognise the particularly in sectors such as energy,transportation, pandemic period. way in our programme against childhood important work done by HSFB in and water and sanitation, while During the official handover of the obesity,” she said. combatting obesity generally in both facilitating the connection between devices yesterday at the Foundation’s With the presentation made by some of adults and children and endeavour to work infrastructure developers and local headquarters in Ladymeade Gardens, the head officials of the Club, President with them to continue this fight against suppliers of goods and services. Director for Youth Health Professor Anne Fiona Hinds noted, in a release that was obesity, especially in children.” (MP) The IDB generates close to 500 bids totaling more than $3 billion in infrastructure contracts per year. For infrastructure developers in the region and around the world, it is difficult to access bidding opportunities in a timely manner or, oftentimes, they are unfamiliar with local companies they can work with. A 1% reduction in logistics costs could increase exports for countries in the region by up to 8%. “Build the Americas is an extremely important tool for infrastructure development in Latin America and the Caribbean. It promotes intra-regional trade at a greater scale, efficiency and security,” said Fabrizio Opertti, Manager of the Integration and Trade Sector,IDB. “Investments in logistics and transportation are key to better integration.” “Investing in infrastructure is critical to the economic recovery of the region in the context of this pandemic, as it is a labour-intensive activity with a multiplier effect for growth,” said Agustín Aguerre, Manager of the IDB’s Infrastructure and Energy Sector.“When infrastructure investment is efficient, each dollar invested generates up to eight dollars of gross domestic product.” The tool was presented yesterday during the virtual event Build the Americas: Infrastructure Linkages for Economic Recovery, which took place during the Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors of the IDB Group. Build the Americas was designed for entrepreneurs in the infrastructure, construction, trade and related business organizations in Latin America and the Caribbean. The app is free to download and available for iOS and Android smart devices. Director for Youth Health at the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Barbados Professor Anne St. John (left) accepting the devices from Rotary Club of Barbados President Fiona Hinds. BUILD on Page 5

Printed and published by Advocate Publishers (2000) Inc. Fontabelle, St. Michael. Telephone 467-2000, Fax 434-2020/434-1000