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Tests Set by State first With The News! For Value - Shop The Advs KrTn Astride All The Activities Of The Town With Your The Largest And Best Shops And Home-Town Paper Services In The Area Arc Our Advertisers! Patroniie Them' XXXIII—NO. 31 CARTERET, N. J., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1954 PRICE EIGHT CENTS hiinNamed Leaders of Newly Formed Kiwanis Club (Radiation Increase in Relief Rolls Record Tax President Ciled by Welfare Bureau Tests Set CARTKRET Relief rolls In on the rolls, Mrs. Chester said, Collection the borough are continuing to as compared with twenty-five, increase, It wnn revealed today last year She «xpreswd the ti- Kiwanis By State by Mrs. Helen Chester, welfare hope trmt the rolls would not director. mount ' during the winter Maintained months. ,\ Formed Club at Mrs. Chester, who is assisted Kailioactivity Counts to with her work by Mrs. Jerome In Addition to taking care of Yield So Far Tlii> Yrir ii>l Krgular Session Wbjciechowski. said that the In- unemployed, It is the job of the Bo a Part of Aircrease Is due to unemployment welfare bureau to handle domes- Is 92 IVr lldil. Tax conditions. A number of men tic and non-support cases. When Pollution Survey have been laid off at their places things slow down, she said, of Bureau Shows 1 K R ET — The newly of employment and being heads course, non-support CRSPS In- CARTERET — Radioactivity of families, require relief. crease and Klve the welfare CARTERET — Cartf-nt's t.-x 1 Knvanis Club held Its first counts will be made in conjunction There are now some fifty cases bureau additional "headaches." yield from January 1 unU Wed- ;;iiHieon meetlns at Club with the air pollution tests to be nesday continued at a h;.;ii iir.ik. , -tcrdiiy afternoon, when li conducted In the Carteret area according to figures pup.a. I t>y "AW ollieers were seated: and other New Jersey'metropoli- Tax Collector Alex C'omtia ,<:i i re- „ superintendent Edwin tan centers. Caution on House Breaksleased today by Couiu-ilimn .1I4H ! in Jr.. president; Erwin This was revealed yesterday by Nemlsh, chairman of the f:n,>in-i' first vice president; William A. Munroe. State Health committee. nabinowitz, second vice Department i coordinator for the CIVIC l.KAOKKS: (iroup at yesterday's merlins of KiwTtnis, included, left to riftlit: seated Joseph Urged; Two Jobs Net $280 Borough taxpayers p iid iiitu •'-o I t'" , Joseph E. Mittuch, air contamination project to be E. Mjtturh, Erwin Wnntodi, Hrrman IHttmar, Edwin S. Quin Jr., llerliert Harris, I'rter Kocsi, Kd- CARTERET- -Borough residents placp where there Is a light. Don't treasury on nccount of this M : S 1 Herbert Harris, secre- conducted jointly by the state and taxes the total sum of $!.;>4L\- I ?. wanl Ouididas, Andrew Win; standing, Orville Smith, Lou Haverhill, Walter Dtimansky, Rev. Or- the United States Public Health were advised todtiy by Police Chief forget to try your door when you ville N. Davidson, Milton Rablnowltz, William Bahlrs, Ernest Saho, Harry (iriohansky and Stanley leave, to make sure It is locked 744.64. against a tot.il leiy l,u- h>:A ,,,s are: William Kochek, Service. George Sheridan to use extra pre- j J^,"^ (.hula. of amounting to $1.664.874.33. ,ii N. Davidson, George Radiation has received increas- r cautions against burglars as police money in the house. "Tax receipts arc hn!,lii>- wi ^ '"istrate Robert Louis ing attention and it has been made continued their Investigation into The burglar collected the casl the subject of one separate divi- as well In 19S4 as they |>,ave i!ur- i,an wolskl, William Ba- six house breaks In the Parkview from the homes of Chester Dapko, \ufe Home Decoration sion In the state bureau of adult lng the past ten years," di-c'.uvd Pt ;t i- Kocsl. 0' section 'that netted the intruder 170 Marion Street, and Stanley Clubwomen Map Record Yule Mail an dindustrial health by Dr. Mir- Mr. Comba. "It is very ivuliiit ilnviland, a member of Contest for Horough the sum of $280 in two homes, i Najdzen. 62 Ash'Street. Also en- iam Sachs. The other divisions are that our taxpayers are veiy n- .mill Kiwanls led the They obtained no loot In four tered were the homes of Mrsoperatlv. e with the povcnur.i'ii!.1' Vr. Quin announced that industrial health and air contami- Holiday Program CAR-SKRETr-Resldents of the Predicted by Sabo others. Thomas/Weber, 152 Cartrret Ave- Of the total levy, there Is iis:..- , !;•.•, moetlnR will be held nation. Borough will have an oppor- Don't leave your home at night nue; Lawrence Dougherty, 58 Ash 129.69 still to be collected, or .ib-ut ,'.y ;it 12:15 P, M. instead It was indicated the radioac- CARTERET—A film and lecture tunity to vie for honors in CARTERET—Postmaster Lester unless one light is burins, Street; Mrs. Daniel Thorp, 60 Ash 8 per cent of the total tax bi'l Mr, .: (i.iy because of the Christmas home decorations this tivity or radiation tests are de- the chief. A thief usually will avoid j Street, and John Hart, 03 Mulberry on interior decoration featured the A. Sabo today announced a thr.ee- sired to provide background in- Comba figures Unit about 97 prr ,:ti". holiday. • year! entering a home or a business I Street, cent of the total tax will In1 niU n DiUmar, a member of November meeting of the Carteret point program designed to insure formation. There Is measurable Woman's Club held yesterday The Carteret Woman's Club delivery of all Christmas cards lected at the end of the fisi ul yvr. •; ;.i.:r: Kiwanls outlined is sponsoring a Christmas Homo natural radiation from the earth's afternoon at Fire House No. 2. I and gift packages by December 25. surface as well as the type, in the "This is 1100111- the same as l.^t :ivcs of Kiwanls. Decoration contest, open to all year." he added ,: i that a Kiwanls Club Mrs. Robert Farrell, chairman of "I've, found," he explained, "it's limelight elsewhere, coming from Project to Aid Thank Offering the American Hqme Department residents of the borough who not enough to slap up posters all Mr. Comba also rweavd I'.'.it ; ... lommunity. It pro- register with the committee In atomic explosives and other man- In its 1954 budget, the buMtiuli of the club, presented the program. over town saying 'Shop Early, Mail made objects. :, organized and proven charge of arrangements. A reg- anticipated $20,000 111 ba.'k .iv-s Two new members were welcomed: Early.' That's the main idea, of The survey will seek data on Needy Children Set atjit. Mark u.rpssful performing of istration fee of 50 cents will be The treasurer said this ha.s ^ :i and Mrs. course, but I'd like to be more spe- comparative air pollution in cer- ;•. it 0 charged. CARTERET — The fall-in exceeded by $3,000 and ny 11's cific." tain categories and not exhaustive .:;>rii)ute to^^^iSinSntir" this work In Mrs. Erwin Wantoch and Mrs. CARTERET — As their 1954 gathering of the United Thank back tajes for years li)4!i I > l!>>:(. Mrs. B. W. Harrington, presi- Specifically, then, the Post- study of contamination in any one Christmas project, members of the Offering of the Women of the nv of men of business Thomas Chester, co-chairmen master first urged business firms There is usually a spurt in ): x dent, conducted the meeting which place. Mr. Munroe and his asso- Evening Department, Carteret church will take place nt both niul standing, of the contest, will announce to mail their regular correspond- payments around the C'.:n Unas preceded the prouram and tea ciates now have most of the equip- Woman's Cliih decided to make, .services on Sunday at the St. is, he said, a moving regulations and clasu divisions ence before 4 P. M. throughout holidays when homo ownem, wijp pllltls Ci e ment reaijy for the tests. needy children of the borough at Mark's Episcopal Church, The ,,:m force toward newel-1 »' ' <™ule for a benefit for the contest on November 26. the Christmas season. They can are Christmas Club s.nvr-;. n c Present plans call for five air the holidays. Fellowship and Hospitality com^. : uhiili. It is the open! dessert-social to be held at theThe contest judging will take help even more, he added, by with- some of the funds for lux t>>u;n • v home of Mrs mittee will collect the envelopes) -H,i,unty for men who' - Edward Kucinski place on Monday, December 20. testing stations including the Car- Mrs..Theodore Kleban, Christ- The continuous ltt--.lt n >;:l nf holding all circular «nd catalogue teret-Perth Amboy area, Eliza- Members of the Pride of Puri- : l,y the service motive Eilsl chet|y Sll'wt- on Moll!laJ Prizes will be awarded to the mall until after the critical period, mas welfare chairman said today tax payments is very rnraurj :.i , k beth, Jersey City, Trenton and that the club, membership has de- tan Council 32 Duuuhters of ,v,ili/.e that teamwork. evL-niiiB. November 29, Mrs. Jame winning home displays. December 15-25. Mr. Comba added. Camden. cided to foreRo the annual ex- America will attend the 9:30 A. M. : ip of able and friendly! O'Donnell and Mrs. John Kind "This will leave elbow room at zierski, Jr.. are chairmen of tin members. service in a body.
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