NATIONAL BIODIVERSITY STRATEGY & ACTION PLAN – INDIA FOR MINISTRY OF ENVIRONEMENT & FORESTS, GOVERNMENT OF INDIA BY KALPAVRIKSH URBAN BIODIVERSITY By Prof. Ulhas Rane ‘Brindavan’, 227, Raj Mahal Vilas – II, First Main Road, Bangalore- 560094 Phone: 080 3417366, Telefax: 080 3417283 E-mail: <
[email protected] >, <
[email protected] > JANUARY 2003 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Nos. I. INTRODUCTION 4 II. URBANISATION: 8 1. Urban evolution 2. Urban biodiversity 3. Exploding cities of the world 4. Indian scenario 5. Development / environment conflict 6. Status of a few large Urban Centres in India III. BIODIVERSITY – AN INDICATOR OF A HEALTHY URBAN ENVIRONMENT: 17 IV. URBAN PLANNING – A BRIEF LOOK: 21 1. Policy planning 2. Planning authorities 3. Statutory authorities 4. Role of planners 5. Role of voluntary and non-governmental organisations V. STRATEGIC PLANNING OF A ‘NEW’ CITY EVOLVING AROUND URBAN BIODIVERSITY: 24 1. Introduction 2. General planning norms 3. National / regional / local level strategy 4. Basic principles for policy planning 5. Basic norms for implementation 6. Guidelines from the urban biodiversity angle 7. Conclusion VI. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 35 2 VII. ANNEXURES: 36 Annexure – 1: The 25 largest cities in the year 2000 37 Annexure – 2: A megalopolis – Mumbai (Case study – I) 38 Annexure – 3: Growing metropolis – Bangalore (Case study – II) 49 Annexure – 4: Other metro cities of India (General case study – III) 63 Annexure – 5: List of Voluntary & Non governmental Organisations in Mumbai & Bangalore 68 VIII. REFERENCES 69 3 I. INTRODUCTION About 50% of the world’s population now resides in cities. However, this proportion is projected to rise to 61% in the next 30 years (UN 1997a).