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4-11-1929 Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)

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Recommended Citation "Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)" (1929). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 1420. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news-issues/1420

This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Bulloch County Historical Newspapers at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THURSDA Y, APRIL 4, 1929 .GUT

� , IBROWN-TSURSDA Y ...... Mrslo,. Roger Holland �a8' ;�:;s1tor Mrs E C Oilve=;='w:S�r In ------·--:-:-:-:--:-::--,,�:-:�_�IO!!!I"""�!�,p,�Steplll!nfl'sjlent Interest to a of friends TO end w.th relatives In Bruns m Suvannah 'I Savannah the week Of number COIIIJ: hursday during .. was the lnar.lItge of M.ss Glenn ��:cweek Mr and Mrs .Purse visited • At... and Mrs Cecil Kennedy anl! COME TO Social therWeek To� to 1 hurs, BULLOCH COUNTY, HapptiiinRs lor Mrn We�ley' Mmcey of BreQklet. I elatlves III Savannali Mrs J P Foy were "SltOI), In Sa Brown of Statesboro Harry Sunila� which took was the of Mrs A J Frartklin 'M.ss Aldina Cone IS some vannah day of Michigan, place BULLOCH COUNTY • J) guest spending Thursday THE HEART OF GEORGIA, TWu PHONES 100 AND 268 •' at tho home Fr.da) time with relativ es m Fitzgerald Mrs Robert Parker ana little son quietly Tuesday evening Mrs E D Holland on I THE HEART OF GEORGIA.. Mr alvl �r. s Fred T Lanier and MISS Eloise Wttght, of Metter. VIS of Savann�h vlslt@d her parents Mr of Judge lind "WHERE NATURE SMILES" motored to Savannah Sun itcd fr-iends tn the W Rustin the street Judge Holland per Adams last week Cibson Johnston has returned from children city last week end and MIs B dUllllg Gardy NATURE SMILES" TIMES Miss Juhn spent "WHERE after noon MI and Mrs 'I fOi med the ceremony a of several days In Atlanta dny Floyd Akins were week BUl-4LOCN end In Savannah stay VIOla Belcher of IS who I etui to a In Juke F'ine left for Games lI'.ss among those vlsited Sa, annah Mrs A F Mikell has ned ATESBORO EAGLE) Miss Hattie Powell was VIsitor Sunday Brooklet MISS MALLA:RD HOS rESS ATESBORO NEWS_:ST this week with hCI aunt hor horne In DeLand Fla after a (ST Savannah Monday Ville to VISit his s'll' who IS In school spending Sunday entet W E Gould M.s L B Paulino Mallard dehghtfully was a VISltOI In there Mrs Raft of Cameron S C. VISit to her mother Mr. Harrison c------. MI s Bruce Olliff tained twenty t ve of her small !lSSO MISS Juanita Everett of Savannah Mrs Annie Burnes. of Scarboro IS viaiting he. parents, Prof and Mrs I Olliff, and her stster Mrs J B Av IIulloc+t Tlm.·•• llJ.ta"HIl...d 1';01: JU'ilUJ' 17. 1111'7. APRIL 11,1929 Savannah Tll'Ulsdny ciates With an Easter egg hunt F.I STATESBOROr GA. THURSDAY'. was the of Mrs R E Talton R �I Monts erttt Establilh.ed 1001 }Oon80lIdated Mts Jesse 0 Johnston "as a VIS visited her rnothe r, MIS Leona Ev, �uest hunt cold atatelboro "ews. 11l20. . afternoon After the 1917_ConlOndated December Il. the week Sunday several days Jast. week DI and Mrs J C Lane and SOil day !ltatelboro Eagle. Estal:Jlisbod rtor In Savannah dur-ing crctt, drinks and crackers were served and viaited of N MIS John G Kennedy ann Mrs CUI us were visttors In Savannah dur BIRTH Robert Riner of Atlanta, Hubert Slruptrine, Chnr'lotte wei e !\Ill and Mrs Thad . rrs announce marshmallows roasted Biddies week list week end w ith his Maude Stephens of Savannah, VIS tng the week Students relatives 111 the city during the spent PUI Brannen was College relatives week Mrs J P the birth of a son March�29th Iflven as favors Doris Former Normal Boy EMORY GLEE CLUB Barnett McCart of Athens, ents MI and Mrs W 0 Shuptrine Ited here thiS( Foy and little daughter IPRESBYTERY MEN Mrs awarded the prize for finding the TREND TO SOUTH Miss Jones the MIS of Mr and Mro Jesse Waters Betty Biro visited relutives tn Met Honor Visited relatives in the city during John, Kennedy Savannah Bnrn to Mr and Mrs W M Heg ESSAY CONTEST TO severnl the week Wnynesboro "ere the guests of her tel Weduesda) • lucky egg Stars at Oglethorpe week I spent days dur-ing �Oth a son Will . . . (B) LORRAINE WILLIAMS) marl March, He be and ltttle son with her sister Mrs J L Mathews mother, bJro W E Goilid. Sunday 'Ballli Cone, of Columbus spent last Bell) COMING MONDAY Mrs C Z .Donaldson namen W.lham J. U D C l\IEETING (By Cy INWAYfROSS of .Mr Mrs J of week end ,Vlth his Mr and IIfathe". M.s3 WIllnle Jones. Statesboro, Graham were visttors III Savannah Dr S J Crouch left Wednesda) �Q� lInd �tditchell FJg)pt parents • of the U D south 'JOR \veek end of hOI The regular meeting CLOSE SATURDAY Pulaski, thriving ltttle city of in chief of the col DeLand and Qumcy F'la wherc he were tli. guests pUi I I Y FAcrORIESI�T was elected editor VARIED PROGRAM OF NEGRO JOLL with MIS D Monday KNOTTERS o chapter WIll meet an FACTORIES FIND CHURCHES TO BE REP- 1'111 M"" M W f>.'oelor e �RENCH cast has turned out ath MILLS AND OP-'1RlRTY M has returned from will spend several days on business �el)ts anp M�rsC $I "60n�huDtrt� visited her The French were as Georgia The Wesleyan, SPIRITU ALS AND INSTRUMEN­ Mr J Thayer Knotters B Turner and Mrs \V L Jones TO MEETING TO lege Itterary magazmc, m Mrs H E Kessler are Mr. Clarence m CHILDREN INVITED .t .s ERAT1NG COSTS ARE LOWER -RESENTED AT a to her Mrs Weeks. Juage and MIS E D Holland were a"li ctuldll'n nall¥hte Chance. entertamed on Wednes of 'SCHOOL lete for "hose accomphshments visit mother. dehll'htfullyJOllYi\1 JOint hostesscs at the reSidence at a student body meetmg yest�rday TAL SELEC'llIONS COMPRISB A. III Claxton to the fu- "pendlt\g tn.s weelC"wlt'h'tter'n'fott\er tSAvannil� Sunday J f ON THE BE HELD NEXT MONDAY. Amcncua , Sunday attend �rs Wells at Turner on afternoon. COMPETE FOR PRIZES Tile malll � outh IN SOUTHERN STATES �fr day b(terno'l.� by Guy Mrs Thursday ,_, paruonably prou� when the el1ltre staff for LIVE PROGRAM. and Itttle son are nClal of hel bJOthet In law Elizabe�lt.i\t..y.Jlll'\lSprlDgfteld land �r. Lloyd d morning Mrs Dally Crouse Jo�hu., Jlfrs B¥a�n�� ber p�etty on the Normal cam 11th. at 4 o'clock A full at LIFE OF BENJAMIN HILL ath Mr and � r J J h�me April rather, IS Asa Wall, husky young nominated thll! har Mrs at Collins GeQ�gq, Parflsh. of l'np ,I(r� Zelite'i'ower w��e After m men of next yenr, by year's VISltlllg s.ster, Cplhns, Mr� pus hour spent socially tendance of the membersh.p .s deSired Met- to The annual meeting of the IW� iilf��nd Isitors In· Savannah of U'lllvers.ty Atlanta, GR. Xpr.l 9 -MoYlng a varied oe­ Fort Screven Mrs Thomas l'omlm .hus 10tUlned jSylvlmla guests Sunday and re Will be lete Oglethorpe Italr was euected Pre.entmg program of 'l salad was served 8It�. .ophomore ' 1.; at the of an�: �The lovel) an honored Geur a four yeur stay a In favor of a Southern of the club John Everett S C t LeWIS . . . m.n H.Il. year from a VIS.t to her daughtet. Mrs J to Savannah Sunday and �he �tllster Jolin celebrated hiS Harvey FollOWing spmdle Louise Mackay. Macol'. advert.sinl vI�ltfd 1 ( to There are churches uf the Mr and Mrs J B Everett ot lit. and Mrs F B afternoon subm.tted must be m Pulask Asa drifted a Northern nllll. and thirty Heralded both at home and abroad C Barfield, In Ametlcus Wormsloe Gardens I. a'l.i\7r81 Thlg"en. and' li\,fth Iilrthda)/, Monday by SrATESBORO YOUNG LADY, gIan All essays h.gh schopl •• texttle mill over Carohne Owen. Waverly of a ter.an fa.th w.thln the bounds manager. MIS ht Mr and M,s Frank Everett '3pent last enil chlldrqn Savannah !Vls.ted her .ov.tmg of hiS f.rlends IN OPERA the .s de Prl!flb) as one of of Mr and A C Ollifflaml "pns Wright wee� nUll1ber h�tle TO SING GR�ND III the hands of Mrs Cone by Satur Statesboro and attentied Georg.a of thiS item $640 .n labor." the finest groups colleg­ B�adlcYland Hall a••lstant manager. VIS JI m Sa,annah "ith thett Mr. her Mrs E D Holland to Afteh the esk.mo has and an advertlsmjf tie daughter Sarah Altce we.e Frank and Billy spent \ast ,teek daughtpr. durtng play games) p.es MISS MarlOn Coope! o( th.s c.ty trans I he was an out.. the Savannah Presbytery, •• I I, of the week, for Normal School There c1ared Mr Ithroughout lat ingers In the cauntry. the Emory t e "eek were served present Mayne Itors m Savannah end In JacksonVille ",th he. MarVin Blewett 'hot The fa'(ors 'Vere bal been chosen to sing In the chorus of day to all of Josephme Humphetles IIapeville. Sunday Fla, the end on the fact InVitation has beon ex�ended direction of Dr. Mrs Wells and Mrs B H I\1ISS Elasterl and Easter m.sslon to the state comm.ttee by athlete. plaYing Industrial leaders pOInt to the Glee Club. under the Mrs W H Colhns Mrs Ehza slstm Mrs W L Huggllls GU} Agnes Temples has leturned loons. eggs bid two gr md operas whICh w.lI be pre standIng alumnae Elizabeth Anderson. men and the of these editor, we.e \lSltors III on to !Ulanta after d.es HIS for the school of coun the pastors Malcolm now a dis_ GrIme and MISS Alh.Donaldson "ere Mr and Mrs Elhott Palrlsh of Su Ramsey Syilianta spendmg several days blrthdaj cake was Iced tn sented by Brenau College Conserva J6th gr.d squad and p.tchmg that III partlculat section and Dewey. enjoys tlt.s at thiS meet Macon. exchange ed.tor. Mary WCle to uttcnd ,,,th her and hela five a Nor_ lOf to be present ViSitors In Savannah vannah 01 hel Thursday haVing gone the parents. Judge pmk 29th and 31st as t of are as senIOr the �. tinction few Mondu} guests Sunda� M�s Allwhlte/a"d� 17 tapers tory Ma) pu. rules of the committee mne Durtng h.s year there .s a large potent.al man- held by but organizations r E ••• 1 The try Columblu. circulatIOn Mr AlVIS Downs artd 0' sistel Mrs J B and her PTA meetmg , Temples mammoth SIX: semi centenmal a attendance .s antic. �otton. I children, Av!,rltt, day pro· mal school team played seven games of supply,Saxon mg. and large of it. kind In the V'nitad States The M. and Mrs Paul H Womble and Mr and Mrs Lannle IUESDAV BRIDGE CLUB WI follo" s o.f the highest type Anglo �laxton. were the guests of mother, M.s Hartlson Olhff Simmons ap!! gram The operas are Gounod's ager Sl'turday trite \ s.x Asa m every club's faithful pretllenta­ L Mt and Mrs Oarl Bacon of Savannah are httle dallghter Martha \r.I'uesdaY Bridge clUb met 011 The Georg.a D.v.s.on U D C again and won p.tched workers These people speak Enghsh, pated been actIVe In the l"Ilmarkably her mother, MrMs E Jay Ed'\ln Gtoo,el and vlsltmg WIlma, spent HFaustU and Flotow's 'Martha," and M.ss Jones hus " afternoon of stflke for w.lI .. children hcr M. and F se,eral days the week III Wednesday With Mrs W contest and had an average 15 m Officers the ensumg year tlOn of southern negro 'spir.tual bas MISS Annte Laurie Klckhghtcr has Edwlll Jr. } VlrgmlO and parents M�s James durtng At five grand opera stars have been cho offers prizes to the successful game were raised In the commumtles of the She E lat her on htel �ry nctlvlty college returned to her home In Montezuma John motored to E, erett of Ohve. thiS week lanta on bustness McDougald home Zetter_ which .s better I be elected at thiS meetmg to su�ceed It of 'THe South'. Savannah son to take the of the dOing th the title Sunday leadmg palts the school children outs per game. the m.lls unnerstand I Il of tho gained OWer avenue I was used m l1nts among wh.ch jlettle. was elected a to her Mrs and VIsited WOI MISS Salhe Mautlc who IS Mrs D C and Dogwood m recently n;ember after VISit aunt. Gordon msloe Galdens Temples McDougald Bernaro MISS has been promlllent be expected and the present officers, who arc M Rus S" "etest profUSIOn about the looms In Coop�r state of than could hardly and the customs give the hte-ary Slngers" Mays Mrs Guv Wells. Mrs B H teaching at Red Hill consoltdated McDougald left Wednesda) for Ashe- which mUSICal and othe. act.vllles lit Bre Georgia country Scnbes and PhllrlSees. Ramsey her thtee at the Statesboro sell of S,,'annah, pres.dent, Included In the elub's neat Millen Ville N C to VIS.t tables were She Banner w.1I be awarded graduatIOn to their employers Baker, was also Emory reper­ Mr and Mrs J A Addison and and Mrs J 0 Johnston attended the school. spent last week Jess. MoDougald arranged nau and 10( a student of choral sing The Selden Upon loyal support of the tfnd she for "" tOll and vice club college, Misses Ehzabeth and Lou PTA at end With her and Mrs who is serIOusly ,11 gave high score prize a lovely p.o the mstltutlon Asa took up the mills have B D Brantley of Blackshear. Cory of spirituals are "Couldn't Hear daughters, meetmg Unton high school palents. Judge mg under Dt Ben J Potter associate ! to the U D C chapter showmg It .s shown further that editor tn elllef for the \ ture and for low score a elected Jumor Ise were vIsitors tn Savannah Sat In Candler A E Mr and Mrs W E Dekle and candle holder baseball He Dr Frances M Turner, of Low Sweet county Friday aftel nlon Temples of the Royal ,College of and In the numbe. of \ IClssltudes of semi_pro to bl mg their preSident. Nobody P.ay." 'Swing aDd taper She served .prgam.ts -greatest mcrease found It advantageous I freshmlln elhtlon of the collego chicken Charhe Howmd a Misses Esther PreetollUS Lucy Mae daughtel M,ss Irm!! and MISS salad Gu.M of Jumo. urday student at the Dekle, Fellow of the St Ceclha, m 30 games With Thomas mater I Savl)nnnh secretary tteasurer "Good News," "Water Boy," al1(l a sweet course wlltten In the schools appeared neal the supply of raw The Watchtower. Challot," MI and Mrs Thomas Evans. of UllIvel51ty of Geolgla Athens and Hazel Deal have returned to Ath Vlrgtnla DeLoach motored to Savan London essnys plants weekly neWspupe. spent ••• hud a battmg average of I IS the pi ogram "Llttlo DaVid on Your HarP,' nah fOl , I III the state are Ville ntne and the necesBlty Followmg Play "eek are at the the \ lequest Sylvanm spent last end With several days dUI Illg tho week With hiS ens. where they students Sunday day All teachers lals thus eltmmattng IS to next Thursday AND WI th which appear Klllle a MR MRS KARR HOSTS that can the fall of 1926 he enter for 6 m Ca 11 to OllI e •• open StelL! to "Am' Gonna her Mr and Mrs Frank N parents !\Ill and M.s of after spcndlng Temples student 'at the n Di'DYOU' R'uS'NN and to their of 325 In and allo" mg p m chIef Away Jesus/, pa.ents, Althur How Untverslty Georgia KtNow e'll to encourage urge storage aleas Joncs se. vod as editor thcn Iverslty of The boys and girls o� the mterme to dato lalge MISS nntl 'Go Down Grimes nrd the sptlng holidays at home With Georglll Athens, spont 1 give you,an up Photog.aph ed I pi nyer Study Wllr no More," were on ... to enter the contest Oglethorpe class of matetlal scctlon of the Macon several the dmte B Y P U entel talned flOm of Mother or " "pupils a Lettel for tho WeBleYlln Mr and Mrs C R R,nel anll M IS G M Stllckland left palents days durmg week With that el)largemen� that he went out serVIce, directIOn t Ileal Satutdaj for Smce the first 5 to 6 15 Song u. Moses" "Coudn Nobody Pray" hiS parents Dl and Tuesday evemng at the home of this Rules .nd RegulatIOns Contestanls day uctlOn costs also 81 e consld wa� out daughter MISS Vera Rountlee of Sa for SwulllsbolO to VISit lolatlves bo Mr and �hs D W Lee and Mrs A Templeo Mr Father, matte yea"s ago? .If pIC Canst! Tclegl uph, which blOUght ciaugh Mrs Kerrtlltt Kalr at Petrel mstmltOll Mac'Fee 1 Sa' annah and gteal are now on Victor and Numerous ture IS 01 Hln for nthletlcs the W S ey hter Away' vannah. VISited relatives III the city 101 cleaving fOl North Caroltna to SUI Hh and Thelma MISS". Bllbe Cone. who has beon vlsltmg fantng spottm!!,. DON'T Subject BenJumlll Harvey less III South due to bet Tn addition to ters, ulld were erably thq rew weeks ago games and prom the features of a star He plays end 6 20 of meetmg lecords Strtckland an hiS uncle. DI In St WAIT. but have thiS done befoto you all white Wall hus been 6 16 to PUlposes 0I In maklllg then MlllY Lec L,ZZie Mac l"Thetn Shu Wesley Cone, The contest .s open to ter conditIOns and to the fact Janos 18 l\ member entertamment Late m the ovenr(lg clllnatlC Y WOI k, MISS OUldn who IS hO;::'eMr returned home last lose thnt pr'ectOUs ltk�ness � Then too. team and seve I al po 0fillnomtnattng com '" In "l1dltlon to their records made in SU;f�:r Temples. tCllch of and MI and 1\111. Petersburg Fla, from the fifth on the football IS and llppomtment an OIl.lcer man, Lecfield, the guests were carrted to Hoiland's ch.ldren of GeOl gla that the actual cost of bUlldmgs I W C A cnbmet and IS ,., If It a small we can I Y mg at B.uns,vICk S pentitas week en d M '" I II Lamer and Mrs J 0 Bell Lune and Olhe Bell "eok and spent sfrveral days bl>fore he lSI only ttntype as was tho thiS the wh.le daughtel qf store where Ice cream and cake sltlOns on the dtamond squad mlttee country. club, playing and returned to Tech drug DU a SIze or th.ough the lugh school-eight lawel than elsewhere Judge lIlrs A daughtel Blooklet were Sunday of 1\11 give � photograph, any grade with ��ISS Mu.y guests were served members III the recent selles 20 to 6 35 'Men of the Church" at the noted Aeohan Hall London, on Twenty_nme or an If e V-, IIm.t demonsttated wei of the 5 Elt�e��l�:rellts, ����k�t"d k�ndand of PemblOke were and Mrs Walter W WIlliams Mrs S H Part.sh has retUi ned enlargement your pi een years belllg till age The hydro electriC po I �O;f;t�h:;o�J;;U�n;;,�or�c;"la=s=s======were present Unhke most athletes Woodson. Thoma.. lts last tour, mnde a senel Mrs J N Waters, Mrs EA Snllth th e klc of MI a to relatives In ;!r1e shall be the Crackers van Rev M,Hshall Eluropcnn guests und MIS Attendlllg the B Y P U con'ven from VISit Augusta • • The length of the essay North Georgta hills and of the I by ..nd Stanley Maters were III Savannah D pW�ve��t� MISS MarlOn last ANOTHER THING You'lI be pleased havmg a very high of twenty four records for the Metro_ tlOn In last week end were M. Shuptrmo jlpent OCTAGON CLUB to fifteen hundred Asa Isn't dumb, has made 'the Baxley With 'from one thousand ous rivers It \Vas shown, A t� attend the In your framing done at RUS EVENING Saturday Elyea Shop M I lind M r5 R J Ploctor 1111 and week end lier sister of London. and IItrs Kernllt Carr Mlsse� Savanna!q\V.th Mrs <1.rady Sm.th delightfully en and from mark III hiS studies 5 36 to 6 Gettmg Acquamted' LADIES. pole Gramaphor,e Company herd TlN'S Pteserve those PHOT@ ,vords for the hlg'her grades. of tlperatlOn consld weddntg Mrs R C Hutehllls and little Dor II Chance tertalned of Illce Item ":'echamcal mter_ teen Caruthers Betty McLemore',ClVIS lIf!"i>'Clarence the membels the Octagon 7 30 for supper On both of the club's European tours GRAPHS and hav thousand words m Northern \Vllle6 to fancy to a .s Mr and Mrs R M Monts "pcnt the othy An n Walton 0f At! anta. wei e Rev and Mrs A E Mrs club and a few others of hcr PIC�UlOS by eight hundred lower than It Reces� gmla DeLoach MarlOn ann M"ude Spencel, friends � \... erbaly secured the Illg them framed REMEMBER THE With muslcnl selectIOns by ItS presentat.ons have llRst week end In Cameron S C With h e end guests of MI and M.s B 'A Deal Mrs E four af for the Sixth and seventh grades spersed OCCASION Cobb, lIfalJect may w.th the I Law NER M.ss LOUIse Brunson have retm Keown and CeCile Brannen motoled Gllbort McLemore E M Kennedy man and Mrs Hopkin, wete In Sa cd the room In whICh she entertamed FOR RENT-One up .talrs apart bearmg MULES community co eperatlon its BY TEAM OF Communton sorvlCe OCCASION here Will be tho seeond upan reg­ III 7 30 to 8 DELlGH1'FUL a stay of several weeks In At.- to Savannah afternoon lind M Y HendriX Robert Bruce and vanna Thursday to the pres_ guests Afte. the a ment ptlvate bath 1�6 North be used to the sectIOn, and Sunday jler game lovely plants eommg I IUlar tour Routh Thl. anta With Mrs Grant rlllntan \ / a�tend children .n 8 15 "Our Definite Task," by spring pf tile from ne'll Gardens Stanley byterY served Mam street No (7mar4tp � The must be w�.tten the voted 8'\0 �__ _ essay IN THE various tax exemptolns I vlslted__!ormsloe Wate� ,_� s�����s ANIMALS FRIGHTENED the � Two al)d guests tour. 101l0wlr'l upon. wlnWi' of a hundred�bers of the teacher or, some Llkew.se Georg.a has layman of shortly 'Presence STRIKE �he countlos lad.es· n.ght banquet Will six con­ FIELD RUN AWAY AND 8 30 'A Practical Demon_ attended the of tho east. incorporate local UD C eomm.ttee Use tax nor "tafe mher 8 15 to tlle no state mcome Commerce Tuesday the PAUL Can be Done," by the Chamber of certs In a aeven-day trip Uplln loti "War betwe6n the DOWN MRS stratlon of What the express Itance tax Normal School were I evening at the Georgtn club's eastern tour COIleerta pre­ SII.KS "C1Vl} War" Walter H :WilY. of Savannah States" and not add.tlon to the factor•• the South a and fest dIed In and hall It was gay sented tn Washmgton. DC. Balti� WIth a D aged 47 yea·s. 30 Forum," general d.nlng Each shall be Mrs J Paul, a nch � HOpen essay slgrted, 18 more and more offerIng mar_I With a peppy program Charlotte and other VOILES the Dr Ben Deal farm J N Moore of Sa­ .ve occasIOn more. Ly""hbufg. New a mascu­ at her home on m d.scusslon led by 'ftCtltIOUS name (boys usmg of the m.lIs Sale ket for the products necessary accompan.ment c.tles In North Carolina aud Salel!f Statesboro of Black­ and everY Virginia, of B D Brantley I!f DIMITIES ami a femlnme name), at the snuthern edge It of_ vannah and Ime name girls W1thtn Its borders H.gh hata and wg,lk as a result of operation for enthus.asm Ge9rgla by a sealed early Sunday morning for shear 1UId shall be accompanIed fers also excellent port fac.litles the mon and fancy caps to othel' the afternoon off.cers .ng canes for ID addition Its travels, WIth the same InJur.es sustamed Fnday ElectIOn 01 addressed _ envelope hracelets for the ladles club has m struck down by a run ex�ort shipment and gaudy glee ap1l"ared copcerta Suits Wlthm th.s envelope must be the when "he was mto the to R. Simmons before entry (Successors Co.) and crushed I were 8upplted Spring of the \IIr.ter. away mule team badly address real name ond hall (Contlnued on page 2) Mrs Paul was m the field ass.stlng dining PRESENTDAYCOWS Midas and hiS GEORGIA tobacco P.-T. A. COUNCIL At the door King on 6) In transplanting STATESBORO, (Contlnued page the fam.ly and Mrs Z S a team daughter (Mr The work was being done W1th lovely Henderson). appropriately costumed. STATE to a transplanter ELECTRICITY of mules attached FRIDAY MAKE back. rEACHERS MEETING handed out diamonds and green about tIme and Mrs SOUTH It was qUltlng I were AND sur- tables NORTH Atlanta. Oa. Apnl 8 -Seven to everybody At the Paul had started toward the house County P -T A CounCil In of MEET IN SAV�NAH I The Bulloch elements have been found checks on the "Bank Prosperity" / sons was drlvlll" the mules pr.smg O"'! of her at 10 30 o'clock fol' the met Fr.day. April 6th, cow's mhk They are substances calltn&, for S6p happy days and Summer AGAIN UNITED when !became fnghtened "'TId meet PROGRAM OF MORE THAN ORDL Sale ARE 'they first ' .ts the court house for m the lacteal menu eardl\ were prmted !!I I house at never before Ident.fied bearer The Siring a towaro the ANNUAL started at to order INTEREST/FOR gallop was called htcr menu was a lav.sh on6 :!tIARY FOR GRAVES OF and the mg The meetmg flUid. pOlntmg the fact that you In gold The HEADSTONES The fell or Jumped off The GATHERING NEXT WEEK. boy PreSident Fred Hodge" take a was VETERANS TO Mrs by VICe dnnk fireworks when you printed til French Every guest CONFEDERATE mules out of con&,rol read ally proceeded was an order for such THE U S resignation of Mrs Bllghes of milk directed to give BE FURNISHED BY WIth mtent to stop tbe animals. glass aud Paul. a noml- from the and Mr Hndges appomted of these elements wa!! dishes a. he might sclect In front of them and waved D.scovery {>OVERNMENT stepped of Har- tbe waitresses. lovely �I natlng comm.ttee, composed made recent developments menu, but when her arms Instead of stopptng. they pOSSible by Ii 11 I MISS Earle handsome DRESSES.... 1 Metz and occaro- young 1.. ,,,son Mr ladies and 9 _"Another eVI her The mo- Olltff, m spectrescoplc photograpby. youn!)' Atlanta. April ran directly over body nommated Th.s comm.ttee here men from the Normal School. brougbt that ours .s a com Woods to a rece.ved today dence of the fact chme a one mangled her bad_ mg report PURCHASE ENABLES US TO heavy new conta ..ned the SPECIAL 'Ex'1'RA� for the presl_ m everyon� AI, OFF,ERl I IS tne pas Fred W Hodges Atlanta sClenttsts the plates. re umted country hved m t.n Sun by pletely Iy She g;eat agony of the dent and Mrs K E Watson Reg.s- elements IS strontIUm. same thmg an act congress durmg Bes.des her husbapd. One of the ORDINARY VALUES FOR MONDA;Y sage of by day mornmg credit FRIDAY, SATU�DAY, of the red fire of rhe service was a laVish one. IL ! the survIved seven dill ter for vlce_pres.dent wh.ch .s tho base last seSSIOn, s.gned by presldept. Mrs Paul IS by R E Fulh_ I was atong the hnes of Another for wh.ch IS tlue to Mrs I th new summer the War Department to Th.s meeting Fourth �elebratlOns An 'sprIng a(ld authorlzmg nren that the July sha��s. tit Wad deemed element Io've, of the domestlc �clCnce depaj.'t­ headstones to mark unmarked The Paul came to Dr Deal's orgamzatlon titanium" an t�at 40 furnish fam.ly is, The con­ WIde, regular $1.50 va:lue meet four t.mes per the worlds�pPheds war ment bf -tho school progra.rt Irlfhes of Confederate veterans" farm the first of the pr�sent cuncil sllOuld the smoke screens o� graves y,ar The next muslca) numbers. stunts and G C on the third Saturday m buhdlng and slstedlof Th.s statement 1S made by J Hubert, where they had been en- lIear. Vanll(hum, welllleft"Hv�r. ( - , J -1':, nurse I hurned successful r· ''''.I I a pricll that be to be Edwlll L Swam. Mn Aver.lI. every- fo< the health mi\k "as drl d. These swts are Will now oti have come and are sUD canno� duplicated. to the of headstones pro to ask statC'C1 that the closed w.th a $29.95 vruue_lust are B,Ild �ome ,the dresses just in, tney style member of Walter McDougalt1 q�o�l'ng, that these body's mother. Bertha Hagm, Lark counCil became a slltY.ClCne electhc �'ur­ mches wide and fast colors. .t IS The to and talk In 'he out newest fot wear. , vlded. but probable IIshes tlll.ely sertQUS whlc!) commg-th& summer Ma's mece, aslt to convert cr�lOns ,Sj)l1��iifi'4 \., be s.m. Mane Sumner. engaged the orgamzatton rent to the wlthm headstones w.1I aprox.mately .!;ate the al'plted !il,ed those tf.ings to be found We have -all m one and an low on them. CalVIn Mc the support of By th.s grouPed 'tll�m gTOUP markj!d astoJlIshmg price for the veterans to Wally. Evelyn Olhff. We are urgmg I' vapor lar to those prOVided to m�o \Hffi'li2scent our commumty whlCh prosper_ I ONLY a hen husband. James A to council regIstered "Jean �Ve of these dresses. It one best Which are made of Cay. pecked local P -T help plntes he llntlrc to(J strongly the value is of the of other wars t�e 1; ht. Itotd�aph.c Ity II) a true sense 'I l!ro­ �annot J!mDh�lze' PER Mrs Blossom Wife hve wife nes of whICh 19c YARD marhle varytng �rom Clarke, McCay. h\s become a real the 1 assortments and most of all the lowest iinces we' hav� ever offered such merchandise for. wh.te Amerlcan tte sp!tr�. reve,al gram featured prospenty � " 13 and boss. Jame Lob Zetterower, Har COUNTY9rga�rlzntA·onP of the elements 119 to 42 mches m length. 12 to BULLOCH cd the presen�e Congressman Chas G Edwards wos Corne Icarly and be convmced. m real COUNCIL. found sub- '". Inches tn th.ck- ry»ooth, estate. Floyd Clark. t� se newly made a Inches III Wldth, and 4 Whether a guest of the occaSion and at Ma t to nUtr.·lol.I.. 1.1 .�. the cook A;verlll·s. I 'II WhIeh ·he,,1 S�u"ge. • arc slgmfican and On nscrlp�on • I stances short talk ness, :was said timely Nora Kitten Blake. a .t of the full name of the vet- Zetterower. Prices Paid remams t/be detclmm d! consists Fancy as DICk announced ON ,- specmhst, Nell Collms. }1ERnINGTON I sta"" fr0 wh I ch he came • beauty ThClr JIJDGE DIn TIES eran. the !ju�nt.tt.es a.r,e a real estate salesman. Bill Car of Poultry BENCH �'OR THE WEEK d.vlslOn. and date Smith. For small and defimte hiS rank, reg.ment, --- Ga.l. Wally's J>al. Bobble - __.� selectIon of Jones. Roger her hu band BIg Dlm,ttes and all of death of loaded 8f ",omlln keeps of the BatIste, Nona Tom's s.ster. an A poultnr. A wise Al!te,l He�flhgton. JU Ie WIll be shipped flolght Clark, Spat:k. carlOi'd too many Headstone" on the Georgl8 not askmg ltlm has been figured strIpes, checks and flowered, 36 m. duckllng The Rcone .s la.d m Statesboro and pOints truthful by c.ty court of Sw'aln8boro, prcpmd by the govcrnment only to lhe ugly turned WIde and Ma Aver.lI·s boardmg house m a hve & Florida mllroad yesterday. '$8.95 fast colors, regular 35c value. rallroad statIOn or steembont nearest _:_---='?'-=-===::==��"-:::- must town III dunng a real e8- landmg The apphcant. therefor Cai.forma� sure and tlee what " them at of de tate boom Be agree to accept place ONLy' 'Real Pal" means to Time, 8 15 and erect lJ1em on tIle unmark yo!' Three PER YARD hvery 15 and �5 days "nlv: Friday, Saturday••onday. 19c allowance IS Friday IIdmisllOn, eli grave. No money evenlpg,

• ceDftl. ;' fur1u.hed in lieu of "i!adat�lI. _ BunOCH TIMES.AND.STATESB0!30 NEWS

needs of the children of this section COUNTY SCHOOLS which is one of tho most wealthy in EMORY GLEE CLUB our county. This is the last of the

COlllING MONDTY mu­ in Bulloch and sh uld NORMAL we 3S welt lace the consolidations GAINS 1 fi POUNDS; FHtS GEORGIA FIb;, may sic. The outlook for further help from and no doubt will be one of the very of 1) the state is anything but good. Those besc, a rrom ew or 0 FINER THAN IN 5 YEARS SC:;'�I:' �i�:Ir;;��:n���:ttye,n�:: N(ContyinuekdCIftromty HPugeavana, CUba The trustees of the iIliddle Ground .• of you who have read the daily pa­ On it. return from bhe tour visitor 011 the campus Wednesday. present told school have elected a for the Sof� Mass pers know thnt we have been by faculty "Sargon and' Sn rgon the club will Dr. George Foster Peabody, of present its annual At­ term of 19�D-30. Prof. J. B. Wilson PiU.. have been wort.h their weight in the attorney general and the govern- LOWER was a visitor lanta concert at the Atlanta FLOUR AT for what have done for me," I Saratoga, N. Y., Friday. spring school has been retained us principal. But BETTER QUALITY Bold they 01" of Georgia that our 1929 ap­ Fairbanks auditorium. This ...id R. H. Hicks, 1439 St, He wus en route to Mucon. regular concert, in teachers will return propriations will be ,cut 30 per cent. few of the grade Atlanta. "1 have gained fifteen Sa- whose presentatoin the club has it is made S. W., Dan G. Bickers, editor of the been PRICES. This possible by selling easy menu one and for another YCRt·. This will approximately Wl.IS a visitor assisted such operatic notables as aking vannnh Morning Nows, by Warnock teachers have been one-hall' months which we will have The, Miss Helen Keener and Miss Louise the From Manufae­ on the campus Sunday. Rufus Murtin was selected Birdsey Way-Direct to finance with local means or else elected. has become one of the out­ AIrs. Emily B. Perkinson, of Ashe- Hunter, Most of the teach­ to not have at all.· In the nnme of com­ as principal. grade events of the Atlanta musical for turer to Consumer. N. is visiting her daughter, standing ·enjoy retanied. But few schools ville, C., will be you mon sense and common justice, how era Miss Katherine Perkinson. Mrs. year.. elected teachers for the it for the executive depart­ that have not A featur-e of tlie Glee Club's '" possible Perkinson motored down from Ashe. pro- school ment to go counter to the law making next year. ville with Comer Beauford. grams upon the present tour will be teachers who �AR or stnte Trustees must Best BIG advan-tages. department of our state any employ Birdsey's Fairplay President H. Wells and Mrs. selections by the club quartet, the in our Guy as fot' that? We do not meet the state requirement 01' nation Super Crade Plain or and the . PI.in or Wells were called to Lithia Springs Emory Four, Emory Stringed and accr-edited schools. Self·Rlal"lr forward-looking people to sutisfy believe the law making powers of the standurd Super Grade Self-Ri.inll illness of Trio, which, under the nnme become for are On account of the playing Now it has easy '.' are of teachers who urrday Pontiac state of Georgia will tolerate such There plenty of the Freshman fill.d a of The New Big Mrs Wells' �andmothcr. Mr. Wells Trio, 1'811: desires for a finer'automobile. after the Those who are not, permit I �·lb. sack .. their a mandate. That, coming qualified. sack . 63c club's on Euro­ them to 12·lb. several days in Atlanta. the progrnnls Its last it for 'has do qualify. spent I for that. It :makes possible major portion of the school year them to wait until they Tickets for local con­ Six is responsible 1Il0- pean tour. the of our 24·1b. 'sack Mr. and Mrs. Alvin A. Singley advr nlages of a already'been made nnd the accounts A mnjority of the teachers 24-lb. sack $1.21 cert arc priced at 75c and 50c. all the and performance tored to S. to spend the $1.00, enjoy style, luxury attend the G. E. A. to he Columbia, C., them to practically all been paid from loans county will car It enables sack weckene" with Mrs. Singley's mother. car without a big price. in Savannah 19th and 20th 48-lb. sack 48-lb. DfRTHDAY PARTY big paying secured by the pledg�s of the county's held April $2.37 without for H. Wells, president of the col­ \ tbelr au tornohiles stepping. is a real opportunity Guy en. of from the stnte inst. This Miss Mamie Reid delightfully step up the qrralrty npportionment banking He attend these lege, motored to Jesup Thursday. was when the arnblt.ion. such an order been all of our teachers to of her friends with .••. Time institutions. Had tertninad thirty out of the low-priced field went down to dedicate the school four Brothers help a at a the beginning of the pres: important meetings. party Saturday night, April 6th, automobile could beisatisfi��d by onJy issued at lightbouse own fine at Hortense. to a realJy We could An order board will Grade, Plain or building the home of h I' parents, Mr. and Mrs. ent year, September, 1928, by the county High Pontiac Six Plaia or Prof. J. E. Carruth is an so now. The New Big an Fancy Patent, conducting E. J. at fortunate few, But rrot have better to meet such be isslied soon calling for the election 5elf-Riaina Rsid; Stilson, celebrating planned Self·Riai"lI extension class in Register. within the reach of practically Our has done well of trustees in the newly created liis. Margaret White's birthday. Numer­ car advantages emergency. county an brings 'big c President H. Wells delivered taxes so fur. At to fill the vacancies to occur 12-lb. sack 51 Guy ous games and prom .were t.he fea­ in the payment of tricts and : of a motor car. . . 54c address on consolidated schools at every buyer we on 12·lb. sack tures of entertainment. After the the present rnte of collections, the first of July. This will he done sack 98c near 24-lb. tho Union high school, Metter, so the same the county. R. H. HICKS games refreshments were served, delivery llu.ml)l'rs, s�jri"lJ shall soon he in very goad shape day throughout Pric(!s $74.,'; to $895,j. O. IJ. Porulnc, Micll., plus cll(l�gP!lf. 24·lb. sack ------extra ('0."". Ch"e" $1.�4 on afternoon. nl. and will be in. Friday shock. absorbf'rs fHIUipm('lIt. /(11�!'t far as the county-wide tax levy Warnock and Register cut,,'rsarld regntnr 48-lb. sack , UJl1f'jOY dlttrgfl�. Cencral $1.91 better than E. Miss Kath- i,lt'l"dc lowt!:d IWllrllwJj pounds, and I am feeling Mrs. R., Fullilove, M9ore;' Reading, Dell Hagin; Im­ Oakland-Ponl.iac dC/iVt!TCd Jlrice�-tJlf�'y the local district levies affect us. eluded in the new districts along with sack . minimum rut.c. 48·lb. $2.03 five jJ) Afotors Timf1 Povmetu: IJlan available at I have in years," enne P. erki M'Iss JI' abel Brun- much like the al. An new promptu speeches, "Why I Like the It now looks very West Side et" entirely Mr. Nix is connected with the Con- .Inson, ..• son and MISS Marguel,te Turner mo­ state will he asked to .set of trustees will-have to be elected tinental Gin Company and has been on Oglethorpe Society," Stella Vnnland­ citizens'of this BIRDSEY'S e- tored to Snvananh Friday. of 8 bond issue for of to with the Mascot Wheat feed the road for his company thirty_on ingham; "Wat I Don't Like the Ogle­ KENNEDY MOTOR COMPANY vote the question in all' these comply and is Mrs. Ynrn II Barnes went to an such districts. yenrs erecting gin machinery, Doug- Society," Harriet at some later date. Should stnte laws governing thorpe ;Roberts; GA. roads WHOLE WHEAT Colton Sacka well known throughout th. south. las Frida to Coaeh STATESBOKO, Y accompany "How \Vo May Improve OUT Society," opportunitly liRa that come, school B. R. OLLIFF" Supt. "lIFor five years I have not known GRAHAM FLOUR Barnes horne. Miss Perkinson. do their state u grave in­ what a well day was. And n yenI' .J<-atherine folk WQuid Mrs. B. Mrs. R. unless 75·1b. sack $1.77 J had to give lip my position on Emily Perkinson, The i'JJ;atesboro and Bulloch to give it any support School Girl ago County THE justice Local c tbe rond on account of my condition. E. Fullilove Miss Katherine Perkin­ not less than s.n, sack 27 Chamber of Commerce observed their; it carries a provision for sack henlth nil time. Prize IOO.lb. $2.35 I was failing son Comer' Benufor(I and Jack and schools Wins National i� .the annual "Ladies' even­ million dollars for the 10 Ton no und I ute Night" Tuesday eight 51c (Speclalrrice Loh) I had appetite .' :;" sack nothmg Seaborn ullilove motored to Savan­ IO-lb. F The dinner was the state. And pay agreed with me. Gas on my stomach ing. in the form of and colleges of Wormsloe (",vUn.Cay U1 ouvannan Press) April G.-Nannie that it almost nah Sunday. They visited we can Columbus, Ohio, 'Would get .0 bad would a "prosperity banquet," and u very these bonds, as they claim pay SULA LUCILE of Statesboro High "EVERY SACK GUARANTEED" cut my breath off, and J couldn't walk Gardens and Tybee MISS DENMARK, advalorern taxes, Waters, a pupil . elaborate program wus carried out. without a cent . to them, n sixth II block without stopping to rest. I of the of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Denmark, whose marriage School Statesboro, has won R . MM'j. onts,. superintendent Dr. Attraceive daughter tax on etc. If "FRESH FLOUR FROM THE MILL" condition thnt George D. Godard, of Milner, by a direct gasoline, DIRECT, got in such nervous I occur on 20th. notebook contest Statesboro gave a very in, Mr. Hosen Karl of Savannah, will 'April prize in a building automobile. schools, will deliver baccalaureate sermon Durden, should talk road bonds to you, bad to give up driving my the. anyone Current n morn­ Looselea. Top­ ,I can eat talk in chapel Monday or no road bonds sponsored by Aiter taking Snrgon any- teresting at the college on Sunday, June 2nd. you talk school bonds DENMARK-DURDEN current events pnper fo1' J and all of it 1 wani. 1 We are always glad to have Mr. from' the ics, a weekly tbh�g wnnt. ing. Dr. W.·If. Kilpatrick, of Cblumbia Statesboro Man and we can save the state Domino don t have indIgestIOn and am not Young Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Denmark, of scbool room usc. Sugar Mon ts VlSI"t ladder education­ New City, will be bottom rung of the bothered with gas on my stomach. I us'. University, Yor� MathIS spent the weekend Mercer Statesboro, announce the engagement Nannie's notebook was made up of CLOTH SACKS' George ----,---- Honored at can walk nny rensonable distnnce the commencement speaker at the ex­ ally. theii' Sula to Mr. maps, haven't dri- with Cilyclp at his home, of daughter, Lucile, nn election for clippings, .cartoons, pictures, 'WIthout tiring pnd w1,ile I Greenway ercises on l\'Jondny evening, June 3 I'd, It is reported that new life and pcp. fo1'­ ven car J feel sure thnt I near MAN 50 NERVOUS FEELS phates, etc., give 9.--Rceves Lewis, Hosea Karl Durden, of Savannah, and written material. It is my yet Adrian. at 8 :30 o'clOCk. l\iacon, Ga., April the of local tnx in the origin,,1 .. ELLIS purpose votillg . tastes delicious. W. H. could. because nervousness has Vinol for the mar­ text 26c sack my Jlllss Emma Blount and MISS HIS STOMACH JUMP has been nominated merly of Charleston, S. C., district will be called really n self-made current history 5-lh. sack 25-10. $1.31 The Y. W. C. A. held a very im­ CO. (4) 666 of Statesboro, new West Side left me and J feel equal to almost nny- An�le from Ruth ]\foore the weekend WIth treasurer of the junior riage to take place on April 20th. this book. Her notebook was selected � spent business in aecrefary and at an dnte. That will put thing. portant meeting the lobby i. a PrelCription early so nervous stomach felt NOTICE for hundreds submit.ted from "J wouldn't tnl an all-day sing at par ment has built me and me ,- holds a lip given Wommack spent the weekend at Mercer wili b� April is this Looseleaf' Current Topics Gladys were elected as fo attend than in years."-J. C. Duke. mn on known. election day on the third When a new building sLipplied, back my strength and health." delegates J. R. Watkins Products and I It i. th.;, 'moll speedy remedy Upper Black Creek church Elizabeth Newton of Millen. ali student officers teachers similar contest each semester open to be obtained in States- with i\liss Vinol is a compound of iron, phos­ 26. On this date in- distJiict will require eleven Sargon may the Religious Welfare e�nference at my wny to see you with n full line on old April 21st. Everybody is Flour Mills liver etc. The r:OST-Lnst Friday, probably Sunday, readers. '!lhe is Birdsey's boro from Jliisses Katherine Brett, Retn Lee phates, cod peptone, for next year wili be elected. nbout five school trucks to sup­ nil of its paper pub. City Drug Co.-A,h'. Wilkins, near Athens, Friday, of Watkins Wait for me. I rh'er box of super come and dinner. Es. and Camp "oods. ,:oad, five-pound . vited' to ______bring of very first bottle make. you sleep American Education Press, nnd Clifford Griner were the guests foundation for use in frames. demands. The citizens of this lished by and Sunday: Miss Addie B. a also have 11 full line at W. H. Altlred'5 hOlley to be with ply the I 46 East Main Saturday better and have BIG appetite. the French cab. pecially are singers inviteq Soutl! S.treet Waters of Brooklet last will L. N. It looks as though ' with headquarters at 40 Finder . Hodges behind Miss Imogene vice Miss Emma tired are sur­ st.ore. When in town. call there. please notify district can not afford �o lag fric., Parker, president; Nervous, easily people into its old us and help us. week. the (21mar2tp) Ll. V. COLLI S. Oliver, Ga. (4aprltp) iaet is going to relapse because of tbe Third St., Columbus,' Ohio. Blount, chairman international rela­ pri�ed how QUICK iron, phos- R. D. FORDHAM. in this ease�ial step Bennie Clark and Lavert habit, I Well-now Misses t.ions; Miss Mary Swain, st.udent spent the weekend 'in Garfield Gay representative; �fiss Gladys Wom_ Ecottomical r,.on,porlatiiri with Miss Lewis. fo,. Agnes mack, chairman social committee, and "bout. Brett visited Miss Sara your Miss Dickey Miss Virginia Lewis, presid�nt. 'Miss St.atesboro for the week­ Hartman .of Carrie Law Clny, head of the El)glish end. ii\�uTCU\ce? department, will accompnny the of spent '·D. Robert Perry, Savannah, young women. with his mother Too of,ten insurance is some time Monday On Thursday evening the' Stephens nnd Mrs. Emma Perry and both ordered and writ- sister, Li.terary Society met in the new audi­ Miss Viola Perry. torium. A very interesting progrum And , ten by guesswork. at Wednesday morning chapel, was given. After devotional and roll , Garvin and Miss Lucile then ther,e comes a loss Miss Mildred. call, Mrs. Henderson, Miss Jewel Futrelle ented a vocal "The pre duet, Smith and ?vIiss Jewel Cowart gave which is accompanied .. Rose of PJCRrdy,1l accompanied by; several seJections of instrumental 'IOU thut vain regrets Mrs. Z. S. Henderson at the piano. a hU'l''10ur by music. Boswell gave splen_ eforo Sidney this Milton R. the insurance policy After. number Little, did declamation, after which H. A. of the of Jr., superintendent schools Woodle inspired the society with a cover com. didn't as a inter- Jefferson county, gnve very on travel. t.alk the importance of automobile . DAY AT which OUR talk BIG everyone enjoyed. next or as' close for A .pletely accllratel¥ es.ing The college will spring �ILL BE The members of the Y. W. C. A. afternoon. Most' it might hlave. holidal'S Wednesday and their an _ some of friends enjoyed of the students will go to their 1.. that Easter after- It is all-impartant egg hunt Wednesday .pective homes and the members of over' be writ­ noon. learn every policy the faculty will atend the Georgia whlJ ten carefully and ac­ It was a pleasure to the people of Educational Association in Savannah. curately. Statesbor'o and neighboring towns to H. A. Woodle motored to Jesup Fri­ ha\le the of Glee University Georgia day to serve as l·e.fel'ee for the tr9.ck in Statesboro Insurance Club sio!, St.atesboro Wednesday meet. 30/0.000' night. The program was a pig suc_ ==""'",.. ,.,."==...... ,,,� Agency. cess, especially t.he number b)! Hugh " Hodgson. The people of Stntesboro 4 West Main St. PhOD� 711 felt highly complimented ill having The COACH have alreadq ��������_�����==�=-=-���:..� I Prince Preston, Jr., in the club as its 1eader. TAX BOOKS OPPEN the New. On Monday evening, April 15th, we chosen The city tax. books aJ'c now open to will have the Emory Glee ClUb witb "I BtIFlUIIl a lood receive returns of taxes for the while before I roUDd city u,. a crowd wiJ1 turn We hope large that would yell, 1929. It is imperative that you .omethiDg out to !:Ier the "South's Sw.t\etest. '. Mr. ma'ke returns 8i yo,l1 are 'Subject to help_ me," wriw i1"AD!mlR ;; ; �525 Chevrolet S'ix being double taxed for failure to file Singers." E. W.Berry. ofNeoaho, 1929. Mo. trouble w.. Books close "My .. '525 ret)!,.n. May 1.5th., The Dramatic ClUb met Thursday �li"AETO� ; ; over have' chollen . Since January firs!, peQple BENJ. H. HOLLAND, Olerk. Indi,eRloJl, pUu In 3.00,000 afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. O. (:b_t ana. tillht, .;., •• $595 And sees an increase in (28!par6le my �UPE the Chevrolet Six. every day Johnston on Savannah avenue. Th. bloated feelill, that •••••• this tremendous acceptance-- make me feel �AN $675 public . TAX RECEIVER'S ROUND would. program for the afternoon dealt with 8mOthered. Susan ftAo....�._ ... '695 round current writers, Caspel being 01''''. to ��B1fi'8urr -for the new Chevrolet not only brings ,njoYql"nt I will mal,e my third am! In.t th� writer chosen for • ... i for the reception of �t"te and county the study. Miss 6imd"J ....;: ?Zf2ir: ','725- of 8ix-cylinder performance �ithin, the"r,�b- of every­ - , told me that Black. '1 (.In as Perkinson a in. tax Tetums T.uesday, April 16th, Katherine gave very I the 'Chc!vrol�t a Dnolllrht .... looP fer thUo trou· � �;"'T . ,'595 body etervwhere, bur gives buye!" follows; terest' Ik on the I'ife and ,,'orks rng ble, ,1 '.eat over bO\l.ht .. paCk. car. 8:()() to 8:30 a. 44th .tn greater dollar value than' any other low'priced Register m.; �,,�!�Ic._Mi•.·400 of the writer and Sara Hartman read ,.... It certaialy did Iielp m.,. 110 district court ground, 9 to 9: 15;. Jim ""atinued to UH it. a one.act written Susan Cas- I Six! The Willi"ms' store, 9.30 to 9:45; Ne"i1s play by n;;,;�"" Cho.;•••$545 Just consider what you g�t in the Chevrolet "] am In the tran.fer blWD.... 8ta�jon, to ]0:39; Denmark, I pel entitled, "Supressed Desires," a a cd ...metimea whea I ..ould be' �b .$650 flexibility and power of six-cylinder 11. : W. C. ller's store. �t:;.�!;:� 8moo�hness, tQ 10:�� in t...·o scenes. After the and to I would 10,45 comedy hilapy reac1y -t. which delivers bcttcr (ha.n twenty mile� to the 11:]6 to 11:30; J. W. Donaldson's at All pt'�.,u,(..... b. fK�_ engine a busine s was have • call awl would have'" ••t gram short meet.ing Plhl', Mich. lIoon; 1340th district court gl'ound later. Thea I "'ould _t too much gallon. The beaut)' and, luxury of bodies by Fisher with eourt called the president. Blanc)\e l:W to 2':()(); 47tli groJnd (Strl- by ·or too Thia would hurriedly. adju8table driver's tieat. The effortlellS control of bi" lIOn),. 2:41i �o ;1:15; Arcola, �:30 to Parker and Myrtle Freeman ...pro-I-ere - India_lion. After htart.d brake5 and ball 4:()()'to 4:30; Brooklet ' I roUDd it 4-whc!e1 bearine 3:{5; Loefiehl, eIectod to charge of the program '!IIlq B1aCk-Dr.ulht,· quiet, non,IOfking 4:411 fo 5'30; 5:45 to 6. b�"e did me a world of lood It fa C"O M PAR E will Emit, and entertainment of t.he next meet­ steeting. Then consider Chevrolet price.! And you Weaneselay, April l7th-48th dis_ .p)adid for bili_ ad th.. ddl,,�red pricc .. well •• which will he held on 25th. " discover that fine quality Six can actually be triet oourt ground, 9 to 9:30; Hodges ing April I atomaab troubl... ��:'t!::'''ltlt.:��; u��,.,a;�i��':,� thi� 10:00 to Lane's afternoon delicious in. Let UI brothe��' store, 10'30; During the TlU:DFORD'S rull"'" tlllli"ered I'ri�ft include bought 'in the pricc range.ofltllc·/our! ,Come to district ...... ,.wl"c c:I�1lteII ru, store, �1:00 11:39; 1575th fre hments were the bost""s. "nl" by �n� that who can afford any car Clall afford l,,'Tound, 12!()() to 12:30; Dave .served .J�;i""ry financinG. prm1e an)'one c'!�rt Plans are bemg worked .out for FInch's ·stOre, 2:()() 'to 2:30; Aaron re-I a Chevrolet Six! lltat;ion, �:OO"to '3:30; .Portal, 4:()() an oratorical contest hetween the two 5:00 o'clock. Ple!,se lIleet me prompt_ liter.ary clubs. Guy H. Wells is of- . . . t(l make your return. The book<" ly fel1ng a PrJze to th e final Winners. wili c:ose }lay·lst. Averi'U Bros. Auto Co. The E. HUDSON DON:At.DSON, Oglethorpe SOCiety held its , Tax Rer"ivel·. tOI IDee ing In STA CA. .�apr�r.) Ir'egular ThurBoay evening. TESBORO. ESTRAY-There cams to my.pla"'e he ubEencc of the president, Walton , of week a .' Tllesday last si"e Usher Bill Thom'"f ... the pi ,large , ce·preSl- .II..,.,���=:;;:::.;:.,.=.�::.::.::=::._ male hop', unmarked colored sandy !. onl dent, After a short bu i .. black can r: pre�I' "'itA. Bpot�.• O.":n.er ov(:r €d; A SIX THE PRier. RANGE OF THE FOUR! neSl! lbe IN . Upon �yrnent of D. l!!�enr.'g program was giVEn. etiage·s. O�Shu-1 , DIan, Stntesboro. (4aprltp) a. folic"".: Pi,,"O tIIllo, Annie Ruth IM·S 1'OORSDAY, APRIL 11, .1929 / APRIL 11, 1!l29' THURSDA , Y, --, -- POsTPONED' RECITAL MEETING . P.-T. A. "" 'rhe' regular Pe-T; A. meeting has', FOUlt the E\·cning. April 16, 8:30. . been postpQ1led on account of 1 Tuesday to Qualified '1 I.w EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETS N�tiee Ute Registered' 0_. npxt state convention in Savannah pianist' anll Establishes :Voters of the To..-n of Brooklet, I 'Miss Margaret Aldred, from E S Chevrolet lDaDJ' week, will be given lIIi.s Sara Bess U L L 0 C H TIM Georgia. , Reports 'violinist; 'Renfroe, 'pi. B W. M, .. A. Record T"� executive .I'9!lrd of the this convention at the next P anlst and accompanist, pupils of Miss " Production that on AND New You are hereby notified ) held 23 the Ogeechee River Association meeting will be �p";T\ Duren. ,U,'o.f' the 15th day of May, Poods .which �.� Wednesl'1ay, Rachmaninoff , in the G 6'ht, au cne h ome 0f Mrs. H Popular I High Prelude in Minor, S£atesboru iU�'9 8.-AII monthI pro- met 'Apri'1 election will be held in said a'!"htonum. �be Detroit. Apr-il y 1929. an I S�hoo! Renfroe. women attended. will be submitted to low CIRCLES --;-Miss of the B, which olE•••d at "•• - duction records in the history Strange. TW,enty town at 2Sc daUJ' J' Rondo Caprrccioso, Mendelssohn TUHNER. Editor and Owner to be very voters for their deter; of the woman's mission. :.' B, were bro- and the meeting proved the qualified "AdcP" The circles Chevrolet Motor Com1,any p.loe. ID .aob church lIii'ss Aldred. Mrs. E A. the question whether bonds of the Methodist interesting and beneficial. -, mination, ISc ary society Der Sohn del' Keler- .sUBSCRIPTiON HATES: when the company pro- of Size at 4 Haide, violin. ken in Wheat. afternoon at the Cream March. said in held Monl'1ay • shall be city will be Rogers ussociutional superintendent; issued by Aldred. Shop I f'ac- week-end on not Bela-Miss SIX Months, 750, COl'" and trucks, A Smith, We have wonderful apeelill for the lIeml Mro. Car, :(tnft Year. $1.50; duced 147,274 o'clock. Ruby Lee circle, Renfroe, on our watch- Inquietude. Pfeiffer-Miss that this gave a very helpful or e at Miss Louise Hughes' 60c. explained �alk S • �yentY'lthfousatnhdI "Ited Afternoo.. and Satur­ ruth Four Months. statement daglgl0 ar v- I ,PI mcipu In thll ,,�. Vilit UI FrldlY leader. tory • r�go(��?OsOuOno' OOOf) Black (b)ButterHy J" Etude;' , ,S·lb. . (aj Key Confidence e "En 1 spare Sadie Maude With excess 0f.word for th year, arge, funds in that on Savannah avenue; was considerably In purpose of providing Royal Aldred, seeond-ctaas mattor l'naro' flgure Clay 10 that you rna!, take advant.De of Our luper-value•. Etude, Chopin-c-Misr, bkred 8a Advance- con. 38c lIIoore Mrs. Henderson, leader, schedules and .Lengthen, Strengthen." amount with which to purchase, flour circle, at Btate. production Inot; Cake Fantaisie Impromptu, Chopin-Mis. best 1906. at tbe IJostoih"e preliminary Patent Pkg. L. M. Durderls' on Crescent Confident that you 'will get the in pure fOC!ds .1, branches of the work is a and maintain n .system at IIlrs .. the Act of Ct.n more 'ment in nU struct, equip "" Renfroe. under was made necessary to fully lIIrs. C. will save You boro. Ga., in said to be } idrive ; Anne Churehi.l circle. -and confident that you money. 1879. the women of the associa- of works town, OUR OWN On Wings of Song, Mendelssohn- ... March 8. an demand neea' which :watel' at Mrs. Chas. Cone's, WTe l accommodate increasing And known as "Water 'I- E. C�ne, leader, not save on our but OUT every­ their rnis- designnted IS·oz. .,t Aldred. only special prices, six. tion should urge through Gold ILiszt-M is_s ,_ new CI1 evrolet . in Anoersonville. or e . 'Yorks Bonds." AI· f th ',. Drdla-Miss a tax refund of I Serenade, violin, day prices speak big savings. if we eve!' get With societies 1'2c' PUBLICITY CHAIRMAN. Well, record slonul'y All of said bonds shall bear date as .Currents March compares \�ele lb. 25c This ', :':eports • • dred. it in the papers �e��d, Medal Pkg. TEA, Y2 I �. • can put numbered $20000 they March of year from the 'of June' ht, 1929; shall be Dett 133,657 units for .last ass�clUtoonal offl�ers_and CHRISTIAN WOMEN'S UNION (aj Butterflles, Olsen; (b)Juba, care. White Cross one to inclu­ fo,.'all we of this were encouragong. The from (1) twenty (20). ALL 5 'CENT Chris- Renfroe, and with 121.249 for February -The meeting of the ,�Miss . WHITE LILY-Plain or be in denomination of one quarterly Aldred, Self.Rising the \\'ill be pne contri- sive; shall Statesboro Czardas, McDowell-MISS admiration for exceeded nearly 7.000 work for year tian Women's Union of· our II year, It by 9 Cho- We proclaim box of thousand dollars ($1,000.00) each. No.2 Can church on Nocturne, Op, No.2, volin, the cash 01' a, sup- a�d ISc was, held at the Baptist when a month in but ion (either, chuckle best . SIX Stephens' IOc , units the previous ,,', shall bear interest at the nate of for Aldred. but secretly .,., PEAS Candies 3 tbrift of pin-Miss ISt H afternoon with the ladies .' t' OSp'· which was to the Georgia nap bl e Tuesday - Miss FLOUR plies) centUrn pay{l .' company, per a of the . (6) per annum, .. E. PolichineJle, skins liight·wad. history church as hostesses. Mrs. A. Ruehmal}inoff 'grafter -_ ital. that -_- when the totalled and one to 11 foreign semi- annually on the first (1st) days A&P Renfroe. 1928, output tal. hosPI, chairman of the program " NURSE May. our No.2 Spencer, lb. lb. . been made EEP THE BEI\LTH An has by of June and December in each year; Etude - K units, appeal 11 most interest. C?ncel't •. L�szt--;-r.hss Aldr�d. I 1.0.776 shall committee, prepared 12 S, C. the of said bonds violin, 24 75c the mission and principal IOe Powder 4 15c was pre- Liebesf'rend, Bag $1.39 Bag enabled study Pkgs. program. The meeting Murch performance Can ' the local Red Tho ehairma�, M."s. as follows: Washing Aldred. as- become due and _ Three months ago on the L. __ all records for the G,'OOV r, that society sided over by Mrs, E. Smith. presi- nurse to to exceed paya�le of June a health company ev:ry $1.000,00 on the first day After the ARKANSAS WHITE OLD FASHIONED employed a contribution to • on . COR� the organization. RECIT 1\1 Cross the with a total sociation send dent of • of year, In each of the· years, tO�Wlt: refreshments . . _:. of the county, past quarter . following Krelsier-Mlssl the teasr No.2 ling most work among people tesb program delightful \\1 , \V ts S Label ,'th . umts'Ias �ompare( Mrs, J G .01'0. 1937, 1938, Blue 8:30. have been of 354.701 a.,on. �a 193J. 1932. 1934. 1935. served on the church IS\n1. \Vcdnesdy Evening, 4·\pri) 17, Since that time the people I two of were throe months of for USe on buyong 1944. 194,G. 1947. ISe Pk. 39c kind for the first urel·. �ets 1940. 1911, 1043. CORN Can MEAL A, to understand the 342,184 clrculnt· Sweet Miss Myrtis Aldermnn, pianist; RICE brought of, mission books for the 1960, 1952, 1953, 1966, T. E. L. CLASS of this 1928, study 1949. .1956. M, Seligman and Fred Paige, violin· there is for a helper . and so that all of PEARL 'lass of the work to Please send th,s money 195. 1959, 'o"�