Issue 16 | Winter 2008 britpave news Rail fastening systems for high speed lines and upgraded tracks in Germany have been considered as references and benchmarks for up-coming projects. Therefore, fastening systems with high dynamic elasticity are indispensable for achieving a low maintenance track with high availability. Further information in the next edition. Picture: High speed line Nürnberg / Ingoldstadt with Vossloh Fastening system 300-1 Diary Dates 2008 Britpave Conference: For all your technical issues, please note Britpave’s new email address at:
[email protected] 29 & 30 September, Stratford-upon-Avon 2 Issue 16 | Winter 2008 news round up Britpave Goes Continental The 23rd World Road Congress was held in As well as booking a well positioned stand, Paris between 17 and 21 September 2007. Britpave had an attractive display which, as Britpave were situated in the UK pavilion expected, helped generate more visits and with organisations such as the Highways enquiries. The Vicki Butler-Henderson DVD Agency, TRL, IHT and Transport for London, was a popular feature once again, playing amongst others. on a continuous loop and drawing lots of attention and interest. It was also the launch of The week’s congress was a unique opportunity the new promotional item, the ‘concrete step for anyone involved in road infrastructure and barrier stress toy’ which, due to the number safety to come together and share ideas, collected, we imagine are now spread all across research and development. Attendees came the world! from all around the world, whether in an exhibitor capacity, networking or information Britpave Stand gathering.