AUGUST 2021 Issue #412 interview with hALLeY DeveStern interview with eDDie MArtin LAwrence Lebo’S coLUMn bLUeS boYS A LonG wAY FroM hoMe (ArticLe) cD reviewS viDeoS Halley DeVestern CONTACT:email:
[email protected] We : @bluesinthesouth IN THE MEAN TIME, DON’T GO TO GIGS IF YOU ARE NOT ABSOLUTELY SURE THEY ARE COMPLETELY SAFE, MAINTAIN SOCIAL DISTANCE AND REMEMBER: The CORONA VIRUS DOES NOT CIRCULATE PEOPLE CIRCULATE IT MUSIC VENUE TRUST LAUNCHES #TAKEATEST INITIATIVE Live Music Fans Urged to Self-Test Before Attending Gigs London, 19th July 2021 - Music Venue Trust (MVT), which represents hundreds of grassroots music venues, has announced a new campaign to encourage live music fans to take a voluntary lateral flow test ahead of attending gigs. The #takeatest initiative follows the UK government’s lifting of most COVID-19 restrictions from today (July 19th), allowing music venues to fully re-open for the first time in over 16 months and is a response to the move towards ‘personal responsibility’ as the principal guidance moving forward. Music Venue Trust, in consultation with grassroots music venues around the country are launching a social media led campaign urging music fans to accept responsibility to keep themselves, their fellow gig-goers safe and the staff at music venues safe as restrictions are lifted. Using the hashtag #takeatest the messaging will be very clear: Be Kind: Be respectful. Be part of the live music community #takeatest or Artists are taking a test to protect you. Staff are taking a test to protect you. Be part of the live music community: #takeatest before you attend a show Music venues, artists and fans themselves will be asked to promote the initiative on their own social media platforms before they host, perform at or attend an event.