COMiMlSSION Kevin P. LeMaire Ptairieville, LA 70769 ' OFFICE OF GfNFPAl COUNSEL December 7,2011 Office of General Counsel Federal Election Commission 999 E Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20463 Re: Enclosed S^m Complaint MUR^. Calvin C. Fayard, Jr. Cynthia Fayard Chalyn Fayard Carolyn Mistoler Dear Ma'am/Sir: Enclosed please find my Sworn CQnq)Iaint regarding tfae individuals referenced above. Should you find this matter wanants investigation, please take into consideration that Calvin Fayard, Jr., his law firm of Fayard & Honeycutt, and Ids law partner, D. Blayne Honeycutt, made campaign contributions to the US Attorney for tfae Middle District of Louisiana, Donald Cazayoux, in 2008 when Mr. Cazayoux was seeking a congressional seat In order to avoid even tfae ayppearance of impropriety, it may be prudent to have a different office conduct the investigation. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Respectfully, Kevin LeMaire Enclosures FEHERAL ELECTION COMHISSION SWORN COMPLAINT 20IIOEC2I AHII: 28 STATE OF LOUISIANA OFFICE OF GENERAl PARISH OF EAST BATON COUNSEL BEFORE ME, the undersigned autfaonty, personally came and appeared, KEVINP.LeMAIRE />, <^/^ CComplainant**) herein, who, after being duly sworn, did dqxise and state: Complainant resides at , PrairieviUe, Louisiana.. Complainant's telephone number is Complainant submits tfais Swom Complaint base^ upon fais personal knowledge, fais oral and written communications with others, documents attached as exhibits, and tfae existence of documentary evidence in fhe possession of otfaers. For tfae reasons that follow. Complainant reasonably believes violations of tfae Federal Election Campaign Laws or Commission Regulations faave been committed by: 1. Calvin C. Fayard, Jr. wfao presently resides at.
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