SENATE 8721 Mr
1942 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 8721 Mr. McGEHEE: Committee on Claims. lJ, in this temple of the people's hope There being no objection, the state R. 7518. A bill for the relief of Bernice reverently pause in a little shrine of ment and messages were ordered to be Pyke, Arthur P. Fenton, Carl E. Moore, and Clifford W. Pollock, without amendment qUietness, lest we forget whose ministers printed in the RECORD, as follows: (Rept. No. 2622). Referred to the Committee we are. From the framing of laws and STATEMENT ISSUED BY THE WHITE HOUSE RE• of the Whole House. the forming of policies h<;>lding in their GARDING THE AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCE reach the woe or weal of the common IN AFRICA PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS wealth, we would come amid all the shat In order to forestall an invasion of Africa tering events and tempestuous emotions by Germany and Italy, which if· successful, Under clause 3 of rule XXII, public of our time to an inner sanctuary where would constitute a direct threat to America bills and resolutions were introduced and the world's angry voices die and . Thou across the comparatively narrow sea from severally referred as follows: alone art real. western Africa, a powerful American force, In drab days of bitter loss which must equipped with adequate weapons of modern By Mr. HEBERT: warfare, and under American command, is H. R. 7758. A bill to authorize the use of be endured on the way to final victory today landing on the Mediterranean and part of the United States Capitol Grounds for the right, strengthen our he~rts that Atlantic coasts of the French colonies in east of the Union· Station for the parking we faint not.
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