C Alian D Exam
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THE NEW .NORTHWEST, THUBSDAY, JUKE 16, 188L ' WrTttep for lb New NqrthwwtJ Prune, Apple, Acorn, Lemon ; aqT for small Trults " 4 WHAT'S INA NAME?" we baye Berry, Mayberry, and a Newberry. The Garden with its Gardner has Root,' Plant, Flowers Outldj Us own special sphere of usefulness for and Seed, Rose and Thorn," Vine, .and what TO are-probb- ONE ALL! Lusiuess purpose, there ly few book always grows best In a garden. Weed. A'Mlner P.RICE --which gWe lew promise of either amusement or can find Silver and Diamond, and for his Under-- uirec--v. d Information to the general reaaertnanacity bojFlint and Steel. To complete the Jandncape iln tto u c t o r y . tmt. to one who take an Interest in the we have several Townsy Halls, Houses, Barnes is tudy of name- s- study which, even If pursued and Churches,ior which we can supply a Pope, in a sanerflclal and unscientific manner, cannot Abbot,' Prior and Bishop. Showers, Rains, Snow fall to be found interestIng-compendI- um pf jjil and Storms will serve to vary, the appearance of OUR DRY GOODS DE PARTMEN T! kind affords more entertainment and Instruction our landscape from time to time. than at first glanco one might Imagine, and we The next clasa of names, and perhapthe most Suppose, there are few, If any, cities of the same. numerous of all, Is that deflved from the trades ixmulatlon whose directories ruruisn so great a ahd professions ; and first of these, claiming prece a T 4.1 1 W 01 dence-ove- r .diversity of nanies as inose roniino. in 1001 r all other, English' names tn point of 1n through them, one finds names from all Eu numbers, Is that of Smith. It has been said that ' ronean nations and somebf the Asiatic ones, from Adam's other name was Smith; at all events, I TwhlchTt Is possible to extract a list both odd and there was an Adam Smith who achieved great no - fantastic, and also many which" seems Inexplicable. toriety. Tins name would seem to have been The study of of Inquiry Into the origin of names common one for a long time, as Byron, In his ac- tnay seem a trivial matter to some, ghakspeare count of the taking of the fortress of Ismail, says " ipaldr'What's In a name? That which we call a of the volunteer In army : the Russian j ntai would smell aa sweet, by; any other." But 'Monfmt them Wer aeTrml Engllnhmn of pith. -' Jiad he lived to see, as the writer did not long Rlitn called Thompaon and nineteen naiued Hinlth since, his own Immortal name spelled In forty-si-x . Jack Thompson and BUI Thompaon ; ail the rest different ways, hewowd have concluded that, Jiad bean called Jtmmy after the ureal bard. wise as he was, he had had but little Idea of what "Three of the Kmlths were Pelersj there was "In a name," and he w6uld also proba The rest were Jacks and GUIs and Wills and BUI.". be from be- bly havebecome a champion or--toe spelling re-- It will seen this that the custom of now being agitated. stowing numerous Christian names. had not then form - The'ctawofnamer which claims notice first, on ome in vogue In the Smith family. But now,- In 184 No. 184 Fl rot Street. 184 account of antiquity, t that ending In son or hav order to prevent his letters from being taken from 1ng a prefix or termination equivalent. If we the postman by some namesake, it Is necessary for """" The necessity has long been felt of a Dry Goods House which has for its standard the-oldes-t a to as turn to the Bible, of our books, we find Bmltn have about half thealphabet Initials, SQUARE TO SUIT ithat persons are In most cases designated by a or else change his name to Bmythe or NesmTthT DEALING - AND PRICES THE TltTEl name consisting of but one word, as Abraham, The names belonging to this . class are very . With the view of satisfying this dally Increasing want of our patrons, and deeming It incumbent Isaac or Jacob. It therefore was necessary, In numerous, but we have room for only a few of the upon us to showour appreciation of the generous support vouchsafed us, we concluded to make this order to' distinguish family connections, to specify more common;, as, Arrowsmlth and - Archer, Une otie-o- f our specialties, and Instructed our California and Eastern buyers to make a careful selec- ' whose son a person was, and accordingly we And Butcher,, Baker, Butler, Carpenter, Cooper, Cur tion of the goods desired, wblch we have Just received aud offer to the public, comprising a full line of long lists of such' names as Jehudi the son of rier, Carter, Driver, Dyer, Draper- - Fisher, Farmer, Gardner, HunteT, Miller, Miner, Rider, IMPORTED AND DOHESTIO DRY GOODS. Jsethanlah, the son of Sheleralah, the son . of instructed,-iinder-penalty-of-dlsrolssahf- ShepherdrTariner,-Taylot-an- d and - Our clerks are make goods. Cushli-Jeh- u the soirof Nlmshlreto That sort.of Walker f-- the thing might do very, well when people lived nine writer once knew a man, and a very good sort of man, too, blood-curdlin- g, nerve-thrillin-g . hundred anr sixty, and. nlneyearabut-on- e can with the "WE"rKEFEETOTHE P0LL0WIHO PRICE LI8T faintly a Herculean It name of Toothacher but he denies being the man realize what task must DebegeTall who Invented toothache. - v MISCELLANEOUS, - wool; double width .........80o, nave oeen to can trre muster roil or one or the Im 10 for..., 1 00 Personal characteristics have furnished many Cashmere, double width, from ......... ...30c to $1 00 Test Prints, yds ..i.v. ...... f dense armies, so common In. those days, whose - width, per 15 ; DOMESTICS. numbers could only be compared to the sands on with names. We find Long, Low, Short, Young, " single yard............. to Silk Lustres, plain and brocaded, per yd.., JSc Fancy colors, per yard lOo sea-shor-e; Old, Wise, Little) Bigger., Small, Sharp, lawns, fancy the if (he chosen people. In per Stout, fc- - and their Worsted Brocades, double width .'JO to Swift, Straight, Stoop, Child, Ladd, Good White Pbiue 10o egrinations through the desert, were In the habit of and camel's iiair, an wool, per yu 4....... to hs Grass Cloth........... 100 ; -- Best and for colors we have Black, White, Green, per yard, from ..... V ee r...., 15 calling, the roll every day, it will, perhaps,' In llalls, r tmm a ; a m Fine Drees LI nens ....... ...... and 20o -- mi yu Gray, Brown and. Dun. Others, again, are de- nix anujinsei, iter .......-4.- c Table IJnen, plain and checked.... ....85 to 40o tome measure account for' the extraordinary Momie Cloth, width, worsted...... places, ' double. Fine Nottingham Curtain Lace....... ............ 75o of spent compar- rived from the names of as EnglishIrlsh, 4 .. "length time in traversing such a .u alnirl wliltti a l.Mn"Sn Florida Flannels... 150 Ireland. French, Scott, Turk, Russ, Bristol and 15o All-wo- atively short distance. Tills style of designating .- Grenadines, ail shades Extra Width ol Flannel... 50o the children of toen prevailed for a longtime; but Holland- We also And names derived from the Worstel Dress, Goods, per yd..........M....M.12jo Cheviot.. 10 to l&o Repps, 15 when the duration of human life was cut down to tour cardinal points of the compass, as North, from to Ifto Heavy lWuaaes..............ir.niuO 800 Snowflakes to iso 80-lht- h' ten- - Northrup, Eastman, Southcot, Souther, West, la Gingham.. 12Jo three score and years, It was not found prac- Isabella Suiting, peryd....M... 80 10 tW r Westcott. We also have Day-an-d Week and Insdale Muslin, yards for.....;...M.. fl ticable to continue it longer, and some genius Fine Black Satin, per yd.. ................ ...... OOo rter vard . to lfceeaaaa isOlt lrash. Spring, Summer and Winter. Sale, Seller, Price IilCk 11 esjfte a as T invented a surname. This made names a' bi t Mtt fjtf " Canton Flannel, extra heavy 15o and Byers ought be business men. Epithets of Velvcld. .........5c harterta It theti became tle custom to give athlld to EMBROIDERIES ridicule seem to have furnished In some Tamlse Cloth .........25 to 50o a Christian name and add the word son to Its fath nanies Empress Cloth, all wool, all shades....... ......... 4)c From 5 cents per yard upward. er's first name for a surname. This gave a change instances, as pea boily, Swisher, Snufflns, Hen-roos- e, - of name' for each generation. ; as, the son of Tom Scruckshanks and Lawless, while chance person e Johnson being christened Robin, his name would circumstances sometimes give a a name, NOTICE T O , M1JjJj1JSJBaJI. S be Robin Thomson, vfhoseson In turn might be as we real recently Jn an evening paper of a sea Tick Robinson, and so on a system one might captain who had been, picked up at iea when a Wo aro now opening our suppose would tend to produce, some slight confu child and was called Bythesea. What commer- Ion in largejamllies, but which Is said to be cial papers call hog products fun 1 1 sbus with Ham NT El "Wl O still - TOO tu-u- Bacon. N,WM.OF sei n the Shetland Islands. Names of"this" and . class are common among those of nearly, all Euro--pea- n There are many names so odd that one is at a natlOhs.Th'e most common of the English loss to conceive how they were ever conferred on MltrLITJERY C OODSI ones are Thomson, Dickson, Benson, anyone, as Call, Bray, Bellow, Brine,': Bureau, IMPORTED Harrison, DIRECT FE0M .