Portland Daily Press: December 23,1880
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• ——-PORTLAND DAILY —■——■———■————| ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862—-YOL. 18. PORTLAND, THURSDAY* MORNING, DECEMBER 23, 1880. THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, EDUCATIONAL miscellaneous Toledo Published every (Isy (Sundays excepted,) by the _MISCELLANEOUS.__ MISCELLANEOUS TI-Qh] PIIKSS. PORT LAND PUBLISHING CO., PORTLAND Nasby. At 10!) Exchange St., Portland. ACADEMY, THURSDAY MORNING, DEC. 2:1. Term Eight Dollars a Year. To In mail subscrib Motley Blook.. CONFEDERATE X Ko.UtS. I *r, Seveu Dollars a Year, it paid fn advance. Fall Term begins Aug. 30tb, 1880. PupUs WHAT Every regular attache of the Piti'ss is furnished (Wicli is in tlio State uv Kentucky) THE THDof both sexes received at any time during the with a fTirrJ certificate signed by Stanley Pullen, Dec. 0, 1880. \ MAINEOTATE PRESS term. Special attention given to for fitting pupils * Editor, All railway, stemboat and hotel is the High School. Private received as usual. managers Last week I rceeveil the folierin published Thubsday Morning at $2.50 a pupils opistle: every For further particulars to the will confer a favor ujmnus by demanding credentials Kinmi year, if paid In advance at $2.00 a apply Principal, TO BUY sm, III., Xov. 27, 1880. year. ETTA A. FI I,EX, of every person claiming to represent our journal. PKTnoLEi'W V. Xasiiv—Dear Sir:—We. the un- aul4e)dtl No. II Known been Rates of Advertising: One inch of the Street. dersigned, having constant readers of your space, letters for some and °* co^umc* constitutes a “square.” Opening time, observing that you were To-Day We do in need a clean not read letters and of we take the libortv 91.6a par square, first week; 75 cents per X MAS 1880. anonymous communi- greatly shirt, ween daUy Westbrook of one that we will entire after; three insertions or less, $1.00; conticu Seminary cations. The name and address of the writer are in presenting you hope give satisfaction. We to soon. otlier day after first 50 cents. AND FOR A hope hear from you week, all eases uigHyery imlispeu.-able, not necessarily for publica- Dr. W. O. Half square, three insertions or less, 75 cents; Spirit, tion but as a of faith. Sun t>uo week, $ 1.00; 50 cents per week after. Female guaranty good R. W. n. College, J. K. Special Notices, one-third additional. We cannot undertake to return or preserve com- Donovan. Under head of “Amusements” and “Auction The Winter Term will begin TUESDAY, O. X. Tyner, CHRIST- munications that are not used. Ueo. F. Pit *3ales,” $2.00 per square per week; three inser- Dec. 98th. Address kckino tions or less. $1.50. I.. L. Hollister. Advertisements inserted in J. P. WEMTON, President, the “Maine State Titer wuz a shirt enclosed, hut it wuz like I uess (which has a large circulation in every part deOeodd\v&w2w STEVENS Me. Tut: military enrollment of Connecticut Hancock in the last election, and the Dime- of the State) for $1.00 for PLAINS, per square first inser- kratic successes too tion, and 60 cents for MAS shows that there are in the State 711,2:10 citi- generally, very much short per square each Would «*all attention to llioir subsequent large aud well se- for onnv practical There hev bin MISS BROWN. lected stock of zens lit for military duty. yoose. may Address all uoiniiiunications to a period in my life when 1 cood hev worn siclt a shirt, but at present writin, a live foot UORtLAXD PUBLISHING CO. Teacherof Since the Democratic insists that it eight press man, weighiu 233, can’t git himself into a shirt ~ FINE GIFT, CHRISTMAS is in earnest about civil-service referui, the six inches long, and correspondingly wide. French and GOODS! 1 felt when I looked at it as I did when I ENTERTAINMENTS. German, A Set of Ladies’ Furs from Scranton Republican concludes that the De- §3.00 up wuz reodin the eleckshun returns. This six Will A Set of Children’s Furs from 75 cts receive Pupils at up. mocracy have given up all hope of control- inclt affair is a shirt, but it is too small for A Good Warm Fur Cap from §1.00 up. onsistiDg of all tlie Standard Works in Medium and eny An the offices. voose whatever, tlio it Iz a shirt all the same. New Portland Theatre. Imported Scotch Cap from 75 cts up. Fine Bindings, also all the illustrated Books pub- ling 643 A The iz a from a Frank Congress Street. Boy’s Winter Cap from 25 cts up. lished. The latest Juvenile and Toy Books. Dimocrisy party alljcomplete Curtis.Lessee and Manager. ootll dtf A Pair candidate for the of Seal Gloves from §5.00 up. In Russhia Leather goods, our ‘stock is unsur- Detroit Post: While there are millions Presidency to a Nashnel A Pair of Beaver Gloves §4.00 up. passed in the State. Committy. but it proved itself too short at both A of unclaimed and fertile acres in Instruction in and Traveling Bag from 75 cts up. the West, eends, aud not wide enuff across the middle, CHRISTMAS English Class- have a Fiue Stock of them.) (We land and wuz uv no account. A Good Trunk from pirates should lie compelled to let the earthly AFTKRJTOON and EVENING-. ical CHRISTMAS §1.00 up. Jewel f Studies. FURNISHINGS. A Soft or Stiff Cases, Fans, Glove and Hand- Still, thank the donors hartiiy. A six inch Hat from §1.00 up. Indian Territory severely alone. A Silk or Gingham Umbrella. kerchiefs shirt, tho it be but a reininisence uv a shirt, Given to private pupils by the subscriber. i-iets, Cigar Cases, would be than A Stylish Silk Hat from $3.00 up. A Florida better none at all to a man Cigarette Cases, Pocket orange grower recently shipped wicli wuz pertikeler about shirts. josephTroctor a of me uv no Books, Letter Cases, largo quantity his fruit to England, But for it is yoose. I wear a shirt AND COMPANY, IN J. W. wlteu it is to. C0LC0RD, where it found a ready market. The result occasionally handy proooor em, Photograph Albums, but I never travelled on shirts. Wen I am Writ- is an order for another and a 143 Pearl Street. ROBES. Portfolios, consignment walkiu at 12 at nite, and I see a line full uv I am not above % l>csks demand for Ameri- em, borreriu one, or perhaps jan24 dtf iiigr rapidly growing popular two, and X even yecld to the pre.judis uv our IICKOFTflE WOODS Buffalo $4.00, $0.00, $6.00, $#.00 and up. Comh and Brush Sets, &o., &«. The can oranges. civilisashun em but I WOLF $7.50, $10.00, $12.0(kand up. latest by puttin on, keer very Juvenile and Toy Books. little fer em. The good aro to Tm. Charleston News anil prinsiple they Courier, which me is to spout em at Bascom's for the actooal dcc2D dtd ALLEN remembers from necessities uv life. I hev & probably personal experi- kep Bascom in CO., shirts fer Our Stock of ence the value of harbor fortifications, is not tnenny yeers. BRAND At the Corners I very seldom ware a shirt, Christmas! -- COE CHRISTMAS BALL. --np— with the of ’pleased economy Congress on for one loses caste by puttin on siclt frills. The Now is the tiro* to purchase uesirable and suitable man lias an immense of CHRISTMAS CARDS Mie It showin a while shirt at the Corners is tak- articles for Christmas at stock the above goods, aud the subject. believes that “to make this EAGLE HOOK AND LADDER NO. Gifts, and en fer a 2, prices are very low. Kepublikin, especially of it is clceu. respectfully announce a Grand Christmas Ball, at country resected in emergencies it must he is yery complete, styles not to be found in any other Wen I am goin out speekin in the East I CongreM Hall, Portland, on Even- store in the to succutn to Priday No. 229 Middle Street. City. ready fight, and it is rank fooli Guess to predjodis enuff to put on a paper Dec. collar, hut. nn uliirt. in nflosurv I Imv n xmot ing, 24, 1SSO. dec!8 eodtdeo22 leave our harbors defenseless.” CHAMBERLIN k close about the Music by Portland Band. HOIK throat aud pin a paper collar Gold Pencils. inside the collar uv Tickets admitting Gent and 50 cts. For Pens, Charms, Box Mis. the vest onto the under- Ladies, 'Jr. W. Sji.vli.ev, the London corre- shirt. Ef Sale at the door. dcc22 Hit Cor. & Elm COE Paper &c. my finanscs, or opportoonities uv Congress Sts., spondent of the New York Tribune, be- borrerin off uv clothes lines, are so limited thet I hev no un can be found an excellent assortment of the follow- Children’s lieves that the Gladstone Government is lershirt, I pin it onto the in- ing goods: Black and Colored Silks; Cashmere Theatre, side uv the collar uv my vest. The shirt is res lived to set a Hymalayan, Velvet and Woolen Shawls; Em- A SEW TOY. definite limit to conces- then understood, it is and broidered Piano and conceded, yon git Table Covers; Cream and THE ez well. CHRISTMAS sions to and says that three-fourths along jist BAIL, White Damask Covers, with colored bor- Ireland, We can assure the of PortlUlnl that it will Wat is the yoose uv a shirt it ders and Napkins to match; plain white Covers people of the members of the House of enuyway'.' l>e for their interest to examine our Commons don’t no with Napkins to match; Cardinal and stoek before giv warmth, and only a few square Tnrkcy- elsewhere, as it is none will a of CITY red Covers with Napkins to match; plain White purchasing entirely new, support policy coercion.