No.162 November 2016 THE REDHACKLE Treatyourselfand your family to theperfect highland holiday. You’ve earned it. the perfect highland retreatinthe heartofroyal deeside Freshclean air, greathospitality, breathtaking viewsand so much to do.Treat yourself to theperfect highland holiday at Douneside House, acharmingScottishcountry houseoffering holidayssubsidisedbyTheMacRobert Trustfor all servingand retiredofficersofthe armedservices andthe reserves. Perfectfor youngfamilies with excellentfacilities includingspa,pool, gymand indoor gamesarea. Forreservationsand details of ourspecial offersavailable throughout theyear, contactuson+44 (0)13398 81230 or email
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[email protected] No.162 42nd 73rd November 2016 THERED HACKLE The Chronicle of The Black Wa tch (Royal Highland Regiment), its successor The Black Wa tch, 3rd Battalion The Royal Regiment of Scotland, The Affiliated Regiments and The Black Wa tch Association Jock Torrie of The Black Watch Association holds one of the 5,000 ceramic poppies that made up the display Poppies: Weeping Window which was exhibited at Balhousie Castle from 30 June to 25 September 2016. 120,529 people visited Balhousie Castle to view the poppies. (Courtesy DCThomson) november 2016 THE RED HACKLE 1 DEDICATED LEGAL PROFESSIONALS Providing legal advice for over 100 years Proactively serving the Armed Forces: Family,Child &Matrimonial Law Property Conveyancing Property Shop &Estate Agency Wills, Powers of Attorney and Executry Commercial Law 26 Church Street, Inverness IV1 1HX Injury &Compensation Claims T: 01463 221727 E:
[email protected] Accountants to The Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment) For over 60 years the primary concern of Morris & Young has always been to provide sound business advice which is truly appropriate to the client’s needs.