Minutes, Council, 2019 06 06
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MICKLEFIELD PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON THURSDAY 6TH JUNE 2019 MEMBERS PRESENT: Cllr J L Auty (until 9.29pm), Cllr D Backhouse, Cllr J A Crossley, Cllr R M Czwarno, Cllr N Duff and Cllr G A Rycroft ALSO PRESENT: Public (5) In Attendance: J L Hebden, Clerk to Micklefield Parish Council The meeting opened at 7.15pm and was chaired by Cllr J A Crossley, Chairman. 19/49 - PUBLIC FORUM (a) A resident requested an update on the proposed travelling showpeople’s site, which was covered by agenda item 19/59/6. (b) A resident requested the right to speak during agenda item 19/59/5, which was approved by members 19/50 - DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS 19/50/1 – DECLARATIONS There were no declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests or any other significant interests for the purposes of the Localism Act 2011, s31 and the Members’ Code of Conduct paras 10-14 19/50/2 – DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members noted the receipt of all members’ Declarations of Acceptance of Office. 19/51 - APOLOGIES 19/51/1 – RECEIPT Members received apologies for absence from Cllr D Brown. 19/51/2 – REASONS No reasons were required to be approved. 19/52 – DISPENSATION REQUESTS No dispensation requests were received by the Clerk prior to the meeting. 19/53 – EXCLUSION OF THE PUBLIC No items were identified items requiring the exclusion of the public in accordance with the provisions of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, s2. 19/54 – MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL MEETING HELD ON THURSDAY 9 MAY 2019 Proposed by Cllr R MC Czwarno Seconded by Cllr G A Rycroft RESOLVED by unanimous vote that the minutes of the annual meeting held on Thursday 9 May 2019 are an accurate record. The Chairman signed the minutes for verification. Approved_4th_July_2019 Page 1 19/55 – MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL MEETING HELD ON THURSDAY 9 MAY 2019 Members noted the following matters arising from the minutes of the annual meeting held on Thursday 9 May 2019: 19/15/16/17 – The Clerk reported that she had updated the working groups list and distributed it to members. 19/18 – The Clerk reported that she had informed YLCA about the Leeds branch representatives and deputy. 19/24 – The Clerk reported that the two vacancies had been advertised with an application deadline of Wednesday 22 May 2019. No applications had been received, so the vacancies had been re-advertised with a deadline of Wednesday 19 June 2019. 19/44/7 – The provision of litterbins in the Recreation Ground was referred to the Trustee, which confirmed that it would provide 8 litterbins – the existing 7 and the one to be installed at the skate park. 19/56 – CRIME FIGURES Members noted crime figures for May (supplied by Garforth NPT). They also noted alternative crime figures sourced from Streetcheck, an internet site, after receiving a resident’s concerns about the discrepancy between the two sets of figures. Members requested the Clerk to ask PCSO Butler the reason for the discrepancy. 19/57 – CORRESPONDENCE Members noted correspondence received (list attached as Appendix A). 19/58 - FINANCE 19/58/1 – ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT Proposed by Cllr J A Crossley Seconded by Cllr D Backhouse RESOLVED by unanimous vote to approve the accounts for payment. The Chairman and the Treasurer signed the schedule for verification (schedule attached as Appendix B). 19/58/2 – BANK RECONCILIATION Members noted a bank reconciliation to 30 April 2019 and 29 May 2019 (attached as Appendices C and D). 19/58/3 – BUDGET UPDATE Members noted a budget update to 22 May 2019 (attached as Appendix E). 19/58/4 – INTERNAL AUDITOR’S COMMENTS Members noted the internal auditor’s comments regarding the annual financial audit. No issues were raised. 19/58/5 – BOWLING GREEN DONATION There was no update on the future use of the restricted donation given to Micklefield Parish Council by the now defunct Micklefield Bowling Club. 19/59 - PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT CONTROL 19/59/1 – APPLICATION NOTICES Members noted that no planning application notices had been received. Approved_4th_July_2019 Page 2 19/59/2 – DELEGATED RESPONSES Members noted the Parish Council had not made any delegated responses. 19/59/3 – PLANNING DECISIONS Members noted the following planning decisions received: 19/01654/FU – 42 Hall Farm Park: Single Storey Rear Extension. Approved. 18/03252/COND – Newtown Farm: Discharge of Conditions. Members also noted an appeal notice: 17/00432/UH03 – 39 Churchville: Appeal against notice to remove boundary fence. 19/59/4 – ENFORCEMENT CASES Members noted the key enforcement cases relevant to the Parish. 19/59/5 – DEVELOPMENT AND FOOTPATH NO. 6 Members noted various correspondence sent regarding the impact of housing development works on PF No. 6, including letters sent to the PROW enforcement officer and principal definitive map officer. Leeds City Council officers were dealing with the case. A resident raised concerns that the developer was already not following the approved plan (by starting work before pre-commencement conditions had been discharged) and that this did not bode well for the rest of the development. She also raised concerns about the Planning Authority’s enforcement and communication and suggested that this issue could be examined by a Scrutiny Board. 19/59/6 – FORMER NATIONAL COAL BOARD LAND Proposed by Cllr J A Crossley Seconded by Cllr N Duff RESOLVED by unanimous vote to contact the successor to the National Coal Board (NCB) regarding any covenants or restrictions on the use of former NCB land at the Peckfield Colliery site sold to Leeds City Council. Cllr N Duff left the meeting at 8.44pm. 19/60 - POTENTIAL CYCLE PATH 19/60/1 – JOINT WORKING GROUP RECOMMENDATIONS Members received the revised recommendations of the joint PROW working group and Highways working group meeting regarding the creation of a cycle path between Micklefield and Garforth. Cllr J A Crossley gave a report on a site walk along route C to examine its suitability. 19/61 - KIPPAX LEISURE CENTRE 19/61/1 – MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT Members noted an email from the manager of Kippax Leisure Centre regarding the management and development of the Centre. 19/61/2 – MICKLEFIELD PARISH COUNCIL’S ROLE Members considered Micklefield Parish Council’s role in the management and development of Kippax Leisure Centre. No proposal was made. Cllr N Duff returned to the meeting at 8.56pm. Approved_4th_July_2019 Page 3 19/62 - PECKFIELD LANDFILL SITE 19/62/1 – LIAISON COMMITTEE MEETING Members received a verbal report of the Peckfield Landfill Site Liaison Committee meeting from the Parish Council’s representatives, Cllr J L Auty and Cllr D Backhouse, who both attended. They reported that tipping was still taking place in cell 11b, restoration works were being undertaken in some areas and that planning approval for the eastern neb had not yet been given. 19/63 - ANNUAL PARISH MEETING 19/63/1 – REPORT Cllr J A Crossley gave a verbal report on the Annual Parish Meeting held on Thursday 30 May 2019. The meeting was better attended than others in recent years. 19/64 - YLCA 19/64/1 – LEEDS BRANCH MEETING Members noted a meeting of the Leeds branch to be held on Tuesday 11 June 2019 and that the Council’s representatives, Cllr J A Crossley and Cllr R M Czwarno intended to attend. 19/65 - HIGHWAYS 19/65/1 – GARDEN VILLAGE OFF-STREET PARKING There was no update from Housing Leeds with regards to proactively helping tenants of Garden Village to have off-street parking where they currently have none and to publicise and encourage other residents to have off-street parking where they currently have none. However, members noted the refurbishment of the garages in Garden Village and that the garage area had been tarmacked. Cllr G A Rycroft left the meeting at 9.26pm and returned at 9.27pm. 19/66 - PUBLIC TRANSPORT 19/66/1 – TRAIN TIMETABLE There was no update on the correspondence sent regarding the new passenger train timetable effective from 18 May 2018 for services to and from Micklefield. However, members noted the WYCA Leeds District Sub-Committee and Transport Committee minutes regarding services. 19/66/2 – BUS STOP ACCESSIBILITY There was no update on the correspondence sent to Metro regarding accessibility problems at the Churchville Terrace, northern bus stop. Cllr J L Auty left the meeting at 9.29pm. 19/67 - BOWLING GREEN SHELTER 19/67/1 – QUOTATION PROCUREMENT The Clerk reported that she had exhausted possibilities to procure three quotations and was concerned that the single quotation acquired was not accurate as it had been based on photos and not a site visit. Approved_4th_July_2019 Page 4 19/68 - MULTI USE GAMES AREA (MUGA) 19/68/1 – CONDITION Members noted no change in the condition of the MUGA. 19/69 - GARDEN VILLAGE BUS SHELTER 19/69/1 – WEEKLY INSPECTIONS Members noted the weekly inspections sheet. 19/70 - VANDICOURT ACCESS SAFE ENVIRONMENT (V.A.S.E) 19/70/1 – REVISED LEASING ARRANGEMENTS There was no update on a set of revised leasing arrangements and the identification of what would be required from the Parish Council at each stage in terms of indicative and final designs for the V.A.S.E Scheme and legal and administrative charges. 19/71 - VANDICOURT INFANTS’ PLAY AREA AND GREENSPACE 19/71/1 – WEEKLY INSPECTIONS Members noted the weekly inspections sheet. 19/71/2 – MOSS REMOVAL There was no update on approved remedial works i.e. to remove moss growth on the equipment and the wetpour surfacing. 19/72 - MICKLEFIELD RECREATION GROUND 19/72/1 – WEEKLY INSPECTIONS Members noted the weekly inspections sheet.