CARES? Lost Faith in This Country.’’ Decree That the Flag of the Unit Rt
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PAGE TWENTY I ? --A . » \ T H U R S D A Y , J U L Y 8, 19«9 V illanrb^^pr lEvFtting H^raUi Average Daily Net Press Run Ror The Wsek Ended " The Weather Jnne 28, 1888 i Chamber Group \ Dancers Win About Town No Herald Tom orrow Masonic Lodge , Cloudy, warm with scattered Studies Effect Because of the Holiday on Fri showers and thunderstorms. The Rev. Dr. J.' Manley Shaw, ^\At Festivals Tlis Henald win not publish To Have Picnic 15,459 Low/In 60s. Sunday fair, not so pwrtor of South United Metho- to m o rro w . Independence wis™> MX* 80. O f Rt. 6 W ork Six iMdi step dancers, stu Pay, ^ v e a safe hidlday^j The annual summer picnlO of day, are giying our employes Manchester——4 City of VUlage Charm Church, will, conduct a \ dents o f\ ^ e Erin Seiiool of Friendship Lodge. of Masons \ . service Sunday at 8:M a.m. on Joseph Uarman has told the \ will be Sunday, July 13, at the V<Mi. L X X X V ra , N O . 234 (FOURTEEN PAGES—TV SECTION) radio staUon WINF. The pro Dance, w c ^ medals at a fpls a long holiday weekend fcy being MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JULY 5, 1989 AdvertM ag on 18) Mancheefter Chamber of Oom- Crystal Lake cottage of Charles PRICE TEN CENTS at FaWield\unh^wlty/ Fair- Plibiic Records gram Is sponsored by the Man merce Town Affairs Committee and Mary Pirle. ‘ ' chester Council of Churches and that his subcommittee responsi field last Sundi David R. Nichols of 74 Arriott the a e rg y of Manchester. Warrantee Deed ble for gathering information in Sheila and ,AIh|y Connolly, Rd. is general chairman, and CtoSED SATURD.4Y Raymotid S. Hotoombe Jr. to « \ * regard to Rt. 6 oompletlon and daughters of/Mr. ted Mrs. H. Clifford W. SUcer Oondtructlon he has asked that reservations All town libraries will be its resultant Impact on Man be made with him by July 5. closed .tomorrow. They will al J. boimoUy bf 133 #torence St., Co., Inc., three parcels on Bush chester will review in depth the Hill Rd., conveyance tax $21.48. The picnic begins at U a.m. so be closed Saturdays during following areas: each won- A second ploc^ medal During the day, chowder, clams July and August. .Administrator’s Deed CORE! CASUALS Kenyan Minister for "The Three Tunes." on the half shell and beverages (1 ___ 1. The impact of Rt. 6 com Robert B. Lucas, administra pletion on Monchestelr residen Chil*«n of Mr. and Mrs\M. wlU be avaflable, and a steak The Lutz Junior Museum will tor of Ifie estate of May D. Lu tial are^. • J. Donachie of 296 Porter gt. dinner wlU be served in the be closed ■ tomorrow, July 4th. cas, to Dr. John V, Gregan and won -several awards: Maured late afternoon. Members will be ?. Effect of Rt. 6 oompletlon Evelyn W. Gregan, property at J. CARMAN on area availability ^to new in and Michael Donachie, second’ asked to provide some of the place medal for "The Three Schaller Rd., conveyance tax side dishes and desserts. Each Killed by Assassin dustry. 887 MAIN STREOir Tunes;’’ Andrew Donachie, sec laijlB. Damage Notice 3 Effect of comptetlon on ex Is to provide his own hardware. ond place medal for a four hand Trade Name isting Industry. During the day there will be reel; Brian Donachie, first Antold E. Harrla, doing busi horseshoes, badminton and NAIROBI, Kenya (-AP) Served on Town 4. Impact, on retail business ttorm photo place medal for solo hornpipe, ness aj-,^rne’s GuM, 280 W. Mid- swimming. Those, attending are —Tom Mboya, Kenya’s 8^ An Ellington man has noti estobUshments not only on Main Engaged/ second place for solo ‘jig, first die T^l asked to bring lawn chairs. year-old minister of eco St. but also througtiout Man fied the Town of Manchester place for a three hand Jig, and licenses nomic planning and devel chester. The engagement of Miss CMND OPENING Party Split that he will look to It tor alleg second place for a four hand Edward Vtowles, Hartford, NATKMiAUV-FAMOUS FOR FINN WORKMANSHIP. OUAHTY. AND opment, was assassinated 8. Effect of Rt. 6 on traffic ^ reel. ed damagie to his 1961 automo- Susan Aim Lundgreh and Joel and B e a tr lc ^ H a r ^ e t Begin, G R E e n n e c a r d s HOFUST PRICES m in a crowded city center in hHe, when dt was parked Jime flow on Main St. and auxiliary Two students .of the Orlffith Jay Rottner, both of Manches Hartford. FOB AU . OCOAflIONi Causes Crises Nairobi at lunch time to 18 in the parking lot of the 0th roods. ter, has been smounced by her School of Irish Dancing won David Rollli\ Moseley, 50 tiee Onr Isurge DUqpIay Hole Refreshment Stand, on day. 6. Impact on parking situa parents Mr. end Mrs. Herbert awards at a fels in Stamford. Clyde Rd., and ^aclyn Lee Z ^ L T O EXTERIORS Ldne St. The stand ds on prop Daniel Humphrey,. Mn of Mr. Mlxnya was shot twice or tion, particularly in- downtown E. Lundgren of m Conway Rd. Chrlstadore, ' 21 w izard Rd., For Italy erty maintained by the Man and Mrs! Patrick.Humphrey, 32 AftTHUR DRU8 No Moiwy Down thrte times by a lone as business dUtrlct in relatlon^p Her fiance is the iwn of Oscar July 12, St. Mary’s'>E^;>lscopaI ******* #A★* * chester Country Club. Knighton St., won second place N Dent-Refiftonl Siding > sassin as he left a phar to present parallel parking ar D. Rottner ot 10 Lawton Rd. Church. V ^ completely insukiteae Aluminum Siding ROaiR (AP) —Roly’s anU- Frederick Lennon, in a let in solo hornpipe, and Olenna rangement and Main St. traf Miss Lundgren, a teacher in H never point againe **********#**% macy in Government Road. ter filed In the town clerk's of- Sullivaii, daughter of Mr. and (j) save Fuel in w in ter > tnitnunlri Soolallsts broke fic llRht scheduling. the Wefhersfiehl school system, Forgygr Itoofing He fell to the ground after fioe, claims that a tree limb stay cool in summere ************* the party ranks and 7. Effect of-highway construc graduated from Manchester Mrs. John T. Sullivan, 84 Niles lieing shot in the chest-^ fell on his automobile, damag tion on water sheds and con High School in 1968 and Alber- Dr., won second place In solo led their own party today. apjtarently killed instantly. ing the windshield, hood, and servation regions. tus Magnus College in New Ha jig. with ^ h i ft ir coupon FANTASTIC SAI^INOS Their aetian threatened Pre- 'The osnasto was describsd os right fender. Hohfest HilPFocliage Store on aluminum ownings • 8. Long range Inipert as to ven In 1967. Mr. Rottner, also Keven Marceau, son of Mr, gutters and leaders - oder Mariano Rumor'e coalition a young African, who fled in a car. future hutldlng and town design a 1968 graduate of Manchester and Mrs. William Murceau of ‘% O F T storm windows and doorse govenment and <»nfronted Ita programming. High School, is a teacher- at 8 Tracy Dr., won third place Will Be bp^ AII Doy PoUce immediately sealed off ON ANY VISIT OUR NEW OFFICE a SHOWROOM ly wlth\u second major poUtl- 9. Oomparison of road con Robinson School, West Hart in individual sOlo jig. He is a oal otlri^ln eeven montha the area. >(jueri2ontog wteiessijs. ford. EXTERIOR at 539 MAIN ST.. MANCHESTER or struction Im-pect cn communi student of Duffy’s Dance School DECORATING coll for froo ostimoto 303 643-3178 " -As the hew party was being The Kmwa News Agency, two in Bast Hartford. July 4lK ties ki other Coiwntlout towns He graduated in 1967 from net up uridlm three breakaway hours later, confirmed Mboya Is dead. having SlmUar situation to that Wesleyan University, Middle- Griffith School winners at a S A V E ■ ■ - fioclalipu who quit chb Rumor Tom Mboya of Manchester. town, whers; he was a member feis in Waterbury sponsored by 9 cun. » 8 Cabinet, F o reW l^ntrier Pie Mboya wxta a leading arcM- 5 the Ancieilt Order of Hlberril- at the Pal Upetlon Fraternity. # Shop Psro's for Your HoHdoy Needs # tro Nhnnl tallcM with the pre tect of Kenya’s Independence, The wedding la pUumed for ans included Joyce Ollphant, Mcmdiestor Porin mier, Preetdent^luseiipe' Bara- attending the London coder- FOR Sept. 1 . daughter'of Mr. and Mrs. Les N ATIVE: Strawberries, Peas,' Cukes, Hot House Toms- got, and top SoclAllat leaden to ence that worked out the de lie Oliphant, Gerald Dr., Ver toeo. Green and Yellow Sqoash, Green and Yellow decide whether h^ sleo khoukt tails. Independtnoe came on non, - first place in five hand Beans, Beet Greens, Swiss Chard( Boston Lettuce, quit the governmi Germ Proof, Dec. 12. 128$. Cosmetics Jig; John Henderson, son ot Mr. Salad Bowl, ScalUon, Badlshes, Leeks, Raspberries, Nennl, prejtident of\uw Social Aa leader of Kengra's.slx mil- Synod Elects Currants, Sweet (Sierries, Bomoine Lettuce, Corn on and Mrs. Joseph P. Henderson 1st party rinte World War n, ne- Won blacka, Mboya was the of 20 Packard St., first place in tlte Cob. EN0U6H PROTECTIOm n * 8 A slgnad the jpaity poetXbut re AstrQnaiits youngert member of (he BOrman Mrs. Simpson solo hornpipe; and Daniel Hum CORRECTION! mained In the Cabinet w e r he delegation sent to Lomfon. Not if someone suss you. phrey, second place in solo ir OPEN AU DAY JULY 4rii ^ Mrs.