96 bus time schedule & line map

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The 96 bus line (Chelmsley Wood - Kingstanding via Erdington) has 4 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Chelmsley Wood: 4:18 AM - 11:15 PM (2) Erdington: 5:03 AM - 11:33 PM (3) Fort Shopping Centre: 10:15 AM - 5:15 PM (4) Kingstanding: 5:33 AM - 6:53 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 96 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 96 bus arriving.

Direction: Chelmsley Wood 96 bus Time Schedule 67 stops Chelmsley Wood Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 8:45 AM - 11:15 PM

Monday 4:18 AM - 11:15 PM Kingstanding Circle Eastside, Kingstanding 452 Kings Road, Tuesday 4:18 AM - 11:15 PM

Rc Primary School, Warren Farm Wednesday 4:18 AM - 11:15 PM

Plumstead Rd, Warren Farm Thursday 4:18 AM - 11:15 PM Brackenbury Road, Birmingham Friday 4:18 AM - 11:15 PM

Dovedale Rd, Perry Common Saturday 4:18 AM - 11:15 PM Little Owl Close, Birmingham

Hales Gardens, Perry Common

Maxted Rd, New 96 bus Info Hurstwood Road, Birmingham Direction: Chelmsley Wood Stops: 67 Hurstwood Rd, Trip Duration: 66 min Line Summary: Kingstanding Circle Eastside, Archers Close, New Oscott Kingstanding, Rc Primary School, Warren Farm, Archers Close, Birmingham Plumstead Rd, Warren Farm, Dovedale Rd, Perry Common, Hales Gardens, Perry Common, Maxted Old Beeches, New Oscott Rd, New Oscott, Hurstwood Rd, New Oscott, Archers Old Beeches, Birmingham Close, New Oscott, Old Beeches, New Oscott, Maxted Rd, Perry Common, Witton Lodge Rd, Perry Common, Maxted Rd, Perry Common Turfpits Lane, Short Heath, Sheddington Rd, Short Churchacre, Birmingham Heath, Abbeyeld Rd, Short Heath, Chaceley Grove, Short Heath, Flackwell Rd, Short Heath, Jerry's Lane, Witton Lodge Rd, Perry Common Short Heath, Madehurst Rd, Short Heath, St Margarets Church, Short Heath, Steel Maitland Ave, Turfpits Lane, Short Heath Short Heath, Somerset Road, Short Heath, Station 239 Witton Lodge Road, Birmingham Rd, Erdington, Machin Rd, Erdington, Six Ways Island, Erdington, Barnabas Road, Erdington, Wilton Sheddington Rd, Short Heath Rd, Erdington, Erdington Fire Station, Erdington, Mason Cottages, Yenton, Moor End Lane, Yenton, Abbeyeld Rd, Short Heath Allman Rd, , Woodacre Rd, Pype Hayes, Quincey Drive, Fort Shopping Centre, Kingsbury Chaceley Grove, Short Heath Road, Fort Shopping Centre, Spitre Road, Fort Shopping Centre, Wingfoot Way, Fort Shopping Flackwell Rd, Short Heath Centre, Fort Shopping Centre, Dunlop Way, , Jerry's Lane, Birmingham Fort Industrial Estate, Bromford, Tangmere Drive, Bromford, Drive, Bromford, Berrandale Jerry's Lane, Short Heath Gardens, Buckland End, Heathland Avenue, 176 Court Lane, Birmingham Buckland End, Cole Hall Lane, Buckland End, Bridgeford Rd, Buckland End, Heath Way, , Madehurst Rd, Short Heath School Lane, Shard End, Hawcroft Grove, Shard End, 159 Court Lane, Birmingham Thistledown Road, Shard End, Timberley Lane, , Castle Bromwich Junior School, Smith's St Margarets Church, Short Heath Wood, Springeld Rd, Smith's Wood, Clevedon 94 Jarvis Road, Birmingham Avenue, Smith's Wood, Morris Croft, Smith's Wood, Singer Croft, Smith's Wood, Rover Drive, Smith's Steel Maitland Ave, Short Heath Wood, Riley Drive, Smith's Wood, Wolseley Close, 30 Jarvis Road, Birmingham Smith's Wood, Swift Close, Smith's Wood, Village Centre, Smith's Wood, Rd, Smith's Wood, Somerset Road, Short Heath Smiths Wood School, , Woodlands Green, 183 Gravelly Lane, Birmingham Bacon's End, Bacons End Island, Bacon's End, Cooks Lane, Bacon's End, Clopton Crescent, Bacon's End, Station Rd, Erdington Chelmsley Rd, Chelmsley Wood, Chelmsley 79 Gravelly Lane, Birmingham Interchange

Machin Rd, Erdington 98-106 Swan Gardens, Birmingham

Six Ways Island, Erdington 39 Road, Birmingham

Barnabas Road, Erdington 32 Machin Road, Birmingham

Wilton Rd, Erdington Wilton Road, Birmingham

Erdington Fire Station, Erdington 4 Road, Birmingham

Mason Cottages, Yenton 65 Holly Lane, Birmingham

Moor End Lane, Yenton 46 Arthur Road, Birmingham

Allman Rd, Pype Hayes Holly Lane, Birmingham

Woodacre Rd, Pype Hayes

Quincey Drive, Fort Shopping Centre 530 Holly Lane, Birmingham

Kingsbury Road, Fort Shopping Centre 587 Kingsbury Road, Birmingham

Spitre Road, Fort Shopping Centre

Wingfoot Way, Fort Shopping Centre

Fort Shopping Centre

Dunlop Way, Bromford Fort Parkway, Birmingham Fort Industrial Estate, Bromford

Tangmere Drive, Bromford A452, Birmingham

Tameside Drive, Bromford

Berrandale Gardens, Buckland End

Heathland Avenue, Buckland End Heathland Avenue, Birmingham

Cole Hall Lane, Buckland End 60 Buckland End, Birmingham

Bridgeford Rd, Buckland End Brook Meadow Road, Birmingham

Heath Way, Shard End Polesworth Grove, Birmingham

School Lane, Shard End

Hawcroft Grove, Shard End

Thistledown Road, Shard End

Timberley Lane, Castle Bromwich

Castle Bromwich Junior School, Smith's Wood

Springeld Rd, Smith's Wood

Clevedon Avenue, Smith's Wood Green Lane, Birmingham///

Morris Croft, Smith's Wood

Singer Croft, Smith's Wood Bentley Court, Castle Bromwich

Rover Drive, Smith's Wood

Riley Drive, Smith's Wood

Wolseley Close, Smith's Wood Lanchester Way, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley

Swift Close, Smith's Wood

Village Centre, Smith's Wood

Chester Rd, Smith's Wood

Smiths Wood School, Kingshurst

Woodlands Green, Bacon's End

Bacons End Island, Bacon's End Cooks Lane, Bacon's End Chester Road, Birmingham

Clopton Crescent, Bacon's End

Chelmsley Rd, Chelmsley Wood

Chelmsley Interchange Chelmsley Circle, Birmingham Direction: Erdington 96 bus Time Schedule 42 stops Erdington Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 9:30 AM - 11:33 PM

Monday 5:03 AM - 11:33 PM Chelmsley Interchange Chelmsley Circle, Birmingham Tuesday 5:03 AM - 11:33 PM

Chelmsley Rd, Chelmsley Wood Wednesday 5:03 AM - 11:33 PM

Clopton Crescent, Bacon's End Thursday 5:03 AM - 11:33 PM Friday 5:03 AM - 11:33 PM Cooks Lane, Bacon's End Chester Road, Birmingham Saturday 5:03 AM - 11:33 PM

Bacons End Island, Bacon's End

Woodlands Green, Bacon's End 96 bus Info Overgreen Drive, Smith's Wood Direction: Erdington Stops: 42 Chester Rd, Smith's Wood Trip Duration: 40 min Line Summary: Chelmsley Interchange , Chelmsley Village Centre, Smith's Wood Rd, Chelmsley Wood, Clopton Crescent, Bacon's End, Cooks Lane, Bacon's End, Bacons End Island, Bacon's Swift Close, Smith's Wood End, Woodlands Green, Bacon's End, Overgreen Drive, Smith's Wood, Chester Rd, Smith's Wood, Village Centre, Smith's Wood, Swift Close, Smith's Wood, Wolseley Close, Smith's Wood Wolseley Close, Smith's Wood, Riley Drive, Smith's Lanchester Way, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley Wood, Rover Drive, Smith's Wood, Singer Croft, Smith's Wood, Morris Croft, Smith's Wood, Clevedon Riley Drive, Smith's Wood Avenue, Smith's Wood, Springeld Rd, Smith's Wood, Hurst Lane, Smith's Wood, Timberley Lane, Castle Rover Drive, Smith's Wood Bromwich, Thistledown Road, Shard End, Hawcroft Humber Grove, Smith'S Wood Civil Parish Grove, Shard End, School Lane, Shard End, Bridgeford Rd, Buckland End, Haxby Ave, Buckland Singer Croft, Smith's Wood End, Berrandale Gardens, Buckland End, Tameside Drive, Bromford, Fort Industrial Estate, Bromford, Morris Croft, Smith's Wood Dunlop Way, Bromford, Fort Shopping Centre, Wingfoot Way, Fort Shopping Centre, Spitre Road, Clevedon Avenue, Smith's Wood Fort Shopping Centre, Tyburn Rd, Fort Shopping Green Lane, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley Centre, Quincey Drive, Fort Shopping Centre, Woodacre Rd, Pype Hayes, Allman Rd, Pype Hayes, Springeld Rd, Smith's Wood Moor End Lane, Yenton, Mason Cottages, Yenton, Hart Road, Yenton, Erdington Fire Station, Erdington, Hurst Lane, Smith's Wood New Street, Erdington, Barnabas Road, Erdington, Chester Road, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley Six Ways Island, Erdington

Timberley Lane, Castle Bromwich

Thistledown Road, Shard End Timberley Lane, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley

Hawcroft Grove, Shard End

School Lane, Shard End

Bridgeford Rd, Buckland End Brook Meadow Road, Birmingham

Haxby Ave, Buckland End Buckland End, Birmingham

Berrandale Gardens, Buckland End

Tameside Drive, Bromford

Fort Industrial Estate, Bromford

Dunlop Way, Bromford Fort Parkway, Birmingham

Fort Shopping Centre

Wingfoot Way, Fort Shopping Centre

Spitre Road, Fort Shopping Centre

Tyburn Rd, Fort Shopping Centre 621 Kingsbury Road, Birmingham

Quincey Drive, Fort Shopping Centre Holly Lane, Birmingham

Woodacre Rd, Pype Hayes

Allman Rd, Pype Hayes Holly Lane, Birmingham

Moor End Lane, Yenton

Mason Cottages, Yenton 67 Holly Lane, Birmingham

Hart Road, Yenton 90 , Birmingham

Erdington Fire Station, Erdington 4 Orphanage Road, Birmingham

New Street, Erdington New Street, Birmingham

Barnabas Road, Erdington

Six Ways Island, Erdington 19 York Road, Birmingham Direction: Fort Shopping Centre 96 bus Time Schedule 13 stops Fort Shopping Centre Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 10:15 AM - 5:15 PM

Monday Not Operational Six Ways Island, Erdington 39 York Road, Birmingham Tuesday Not Operational

Barnabas Road, Erdington Wednesday Not Operational 32 Machin Road, Birmingham Thursday Not Operational Wilton Rd, Erdington Friday Not Operational Wilton Road, Birmingham Saturday Not Operational Erdington Fire Station, Erdington 4 Orphanage Road, Birmingham

Mason Cottages, Yenton 65 Holly Lane, Birmingham 96 bus Info Direction: Fort Shopping Centre Moor End Lane, Yenton Stops: 13 46 Arthur Road, Birmingham Trip Duration: 10 min Line Summary: Six Ways Island, Erdington, Allman Rd, Pype Hayes Barnabas Road, Erdington, Wilton Rd, Erdington, Holly Lane, Birmingham Erdington Fire Station, Erdington, Mason Cottages, Yenton, Moor End Lane, Yenton, Allman Rd, Pype Woodacre Rd, Pype Hayes Hayes, Woodacre Rd, Pype Hayes, Quincey Drive, Fort Shopping Centre, Kingsbury Road, Fort Quincey Drive, Fort Shopping Centre Shopping Centre, Spitre Road, Fort Shopping 530 Holly Lane, Birmingham Centre, Wingfoot Way, Fort Shopping Centre, Fort Shopping Centre Kingsbury Road, Fort Shopping Centre 587 Kingsbury Road, Birmingham

Spitre Road, Fort Shopping Centre

Wingfoot Way, Fort Shopping Centre

Fort Shopping Centre Direction: Kingstanding 96 bus Time Schedule 77 stops Kingstanding Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 5:33 AM - 6:53 PM Chelmsley Interchange Chelmsley Circle, Birmingham Tuesday 5:33 AM - 6:53 PM

Chelmsley Rd, Chelmsley Wood Wednesday 5:33 AM - 6:53 PM

Clopton Crescent, Bacon's End Thursday 5:33 AM - 6:53 PM Friday 5:33 AM - 6:53 PM Cooks Lane, Bacon's End Chester Road, Birmingham Saturday 5:33 AM - 7:03 PM

Bacons End Island, Bacon's End

Woodlands Green, Bacon's End 96 bus Info Overgreen Drive, Smith's Wood Direction: Kingstanding Stops: 77 Chester Rd, Smith's Wood Trip Duration: 67 min Line Summary: Chelmsley Interchange , Chelmsley Village Centre, Smith's Wood Rd, Chelmsley Wood, Clopton Crescent, Bacon's End, Cooks Lane, Bacon's End, Bacons End Island, Bacon's Swift Close, Smith's Wood End, Woodlands Green, Bacon's End, Overgreen Drive, Smith's Wood, Chester Rd, Smith's Wood, Village Centre, Smith's Wood, Swift Close, Smith's Wood, Wolseley Close, Smith's Wood Wolseley Close, Smith's Wood, Riley Drive, Smith's Lanchester Way, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley Wood, Rover Drive, Smith's Wood, Singer Croft, Smith's Wood, Morris Croft, Smith's Wood, Clevedon Riley Drive, Smith's Wood Avenue, Smith's Wood, Springeld Rd, Smith's Wood, Hurst Lane, Smith's Wood, Timberley Lane, Castle Rover Drive, Smith's Wood Bromwich, Thistledown Road, Shard End, Hawcroft Humber Grove, Smith'S Wood Civil Parish Grove, Shard End, School Lane, Shard End, Bridgeford Rd, Buckland End, Haxby Ave, Buckland Singer Croft, Smith's Wood End, Berrandale Gardens, Buckland End, Tameside Drive, Bromford, Fort Industrial Estate, Bromford, Morris Croft, Smith's Wood Dunlop Way, Bromford, Fort Shopping Centre, Wingfoot Way, Fort Shopping Centre, Spitre Road, Clevedon Avenue, Smith's Wood Fort Shopping Centre, Tyburn Rd, Fort Shopping Green Lane, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley Centre, Quincey Drive, Fort Shopping Centre, Woodacre Rd, Pype Hayes, Allman Rd, Pype Hayes, Springeld Rd, Smith's Wood Moor End Lane, Yenton, Mason Cottages, Yenton, Hart Road, Yenton, Erdington Fire Station, Erdington, Hurst Lane, Smith's Wood New Street, Erdington, Barnabas Road, Erdington, Chester Road, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley Six Ways Island, Erdington, Machin Rd, Erdington, Station Rd, Erdington, Somerset Road, Short Heath, Timberley Lane, Castle Bromwich Steel Maitland Ave, Short Heath, St Margarets Church, Short Heath, Madehurst Rd, Short Heath, Thistledown Road, Shard End Jerry's Lane, Short Heath, Chipstead Rd, Short Timberley Lane, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley Heath, Chaceley Grove, Short Heath, Abbeyeld Rd, Short Heath, Sheddington Rd, Short Heath, Turfpits Hawcroft Grove, Shard End Lane, Short Heath, Witton Lodge Rd, Perry Common, Maxted Rd, Perry Common, Archers Close, New School Lane, Shard End Oscott, Hurstwood Rd, New Oscott, Epsom Grove, Warren Farm, Brackenbury Road, Perry Common, Bridgeford Rd, Buckland End Plumstead Rd, Warren Farm, Danesbury Crescent, Warren Farm, Kingstanding Circle Eastside, Brook Meadow Road, Birmingham Kingstanding, Kingstanding Circle, Kingstanding, Pedmore Grove, , Southgate Rd, Old Haxby Ave, Buckland End Oscott, Weybourne Rd, Old Oscott, Middle, Old Buckland End, Birmingham Oscott, Oaks Medical Centre, Old Oscott, Felstone Rd, Old Oscott, Old Oscott Hill, Old Oscott, Old Oscott Berrandale Gardens, Buckland End Lane, Old Oscott, Birdbrook Rd, Old Oscott, Maryvale J & I School, Old Oscott, Cardinal Wiseman School, Tameside Drive, Bromford Old Oscott, Harringay Road, Kingstanding, Kingstanding Library, Kingstanding Fort Industrial Estate, Bromford

Dunlop Way, Bromford Fort Parkway, Birmingham

Fort Shopping Centre

Wingfoot Way, Fort Shopping Centre

Spitre Road, Fort Shopping Centre

Tyburn Rd, Fort Shopping Centre 621 Kingsbury Road, Birmingham

Quincey Drive, Fort Shopping Centre Holly Lane, Birmingham

Woodacre Rd, Pype Hayes

Allman Rd, Pype Hayes Holly Lane, Birmingham

Moor End Lane, Yenton

Mason Cottages, Yenton 67 Holly Lane, Birmingham

Hart Road, Yenton 90 Orphanage Road, Birmingham

Erdington Fire Station, Erdington 4 Orphanage Road, Birmingham

New Street, Erdington New Street, Birmingham

Barnabas Road, Erdington

Six Ways Island, Erdington 19 York Road, Birmingham

Machin Rd, Erdington 28-33 Dorsheath Gardens, Birmingham

Station Rd, Erdington 50 Gravelly Lane, Birmingham

Somerset Road, Short Heath 158 Gravelly Lane, Birmingham

Steel Maitland Ave, Short Heath 20 Jarvis Road, Birmingham St Margarets Church, Short Heath 98 Jarvis Road, Birmingham

Madehurst Rd, Short Heath 134 Court Lane, Birmingham

Jerry's Lane, Short Heath 180 Court Lane, Birmingham

Chipstead Rd, Short Heath Chipstead Road, Birmingham

Chaceley Grove, Short Heath Cossington Road, Birmingham

Abbeyeld Rd, Short Heath

Sheddington Rd, Short Heath

Turfpits Lane, Short Heath 239 Witton Lodge Road, Birmingham

Witton Lodge Rd, Perry Common Oak Drive, Birmingham

Maxted Rd, Perry Common Churchacre, Birmingham

Archers Close, New Oscott

Hurstwood Rd, New Oscott

Epsom Grove, Warren Farm Watney Grove, Birmingham

Brackenbury Road, Perry Common College Road, Birmingham

Plumstead Rd, Warren Farm Brackenbury Road, Birmingham

Danesbury Crescent, Warren Farm

Kingstanding Circle Eastside, Kingstanding Kings Road, Birmingham

Kingstanding Circle, Kingstanding Kingstanding Road, Birmingham

Pedmore Grove, Old Oscott 40 Templeton Road, Birmingham

Southgate Rd, Old Oscott 144 Templeton Road, Birmingham

Weybourne Rd, Old Oscott 59 Thorncliffe Road, Birmingham

Middle, Old Oscott 150 Shady Lane, Birmingham Oaks Medical Centre, Old Oscott 171 Oscott School Lane, Birmingham

Felstone Rd, Old Oscott Oscott School Lane, Birmingham

Old Oscott Hill, Old Oscott 45-51 Oscott School Lane, Birmingham

Old Oscott Lane, Old Oscott 231 Old Oscott Lane, Birmingham

Birdbrook Rd, Old Oscott 196 Birdbrook Road, Birmingham

Maryvale J & I School, Old Oscott 128 Old Oscott Hill, Birmingham

Cardinal Wiseman School, Old Oscott 53 Old Oscott Hill, Birmingham

Harringay Road, Kingstanding 690 Old Oscott, Birmingham

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