(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2006/0128589 A1 Shriner (43) Pub
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US 2006O128589A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2006/0128589 A1 Shriner (43) Pub. Date: Jun. 15, 2006 (54) LOW VOC AIR INTAKE SYSTEM CLEANER Related U.S. Application Data (60) Provisional application No. 60/634,721, filed on Dec. (75) Inventor: Kenneth E. Shriner, Wichita, KS (US) 9, 2004. Publication Classification Correspondence Address: (51) Int. Cl. SHOOK, HARDY & BACON LLP CLID (7/00 (2006.01) INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY DEPARTMENT (52) U.S. Cl S10/407: 51O/499 2555 GRAND BLVD Oa - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - s KANSAS CITY, MO 64108-2613 (US) (57) ABSTRACT Disclosed is a method and a Volatile Organic Compound (73) Assignee: BG Products, Inc., Wichita, KS (VOC) cleaning composition for cleaning the air intake system of a engine, the cleaning composition comprising, a pyrrolidinone, an alcohol, and a VOC solvent. The Volatile (21) Appl. No.: 11/298,254 Organic Compound (VOC) cleaning composition is used to clean contaminants from the plenum of an internal combus tion engine by spraying or otherwise introducing the com (22) Filed: Dec. 9, 2005 position into the plenum. US 2006/O128589 A1 Jun. 15, 2006 LOW VOC AIR INTAKE SYSTEM CLEANER 0009. This chemistry includes a combination of: (i) sol vents in which VOC compliance is required, and (ii) VOC CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED exempt solvents. The formulation meets specific viscosity APPLICATIONS and volatility requirements, and utilizes a synergistic inter action which occurs between a pyrrolidinone and an alcohol. 0001) This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provi Preferably a volatile alcohol. These agents have been shown sional Application No. 60/634,721, filed Dec. 9, 2004. to achieve optimum cleaning of engine air intake plenums. STATEMENT REGARDING FEDERALLY 0010. In summary, at least one component of the engine SPONSORED RESEARCH OR DEVELOPMENT cleaning chemistry includes a synergistic combination of a pyrolidinone with a C1 to C12 alkyl, alkenyl, cyclo paraf 0002) Not applicable. finic, or aromatic constituent in the 1 position and a C1 to C8 alcohol. A preferred pyrrolidinone is 1-methyl-2-pyrrolidi BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION none. The preferred other component is an alcohol, prefer 0003. The invention relates to the maintenance of auto ably methanol. These components will form a cleaning mobile internal combustion engines, and more particularly, composition containing a specific ratio of VOC compliant to a method of cleaning a fuel injected engine plenum and VOC exempt solvents with a viscosity between 0.4 to through the idle air control (IAC) port using a particular 2.0 cSt (a 40° C. More specifically, the viscosity will be cleaner. between 0.5 and 1.0 cSt (a 40° C. 0004. In order for automobile engines to function effi 0011. In other embodiments, the air intake system clean ciently, it is important that sludge, varnish and other ing composition is prepared to acetone or methyl acetate as unwanted elements are not allowed to accumulate on the the VOC exempt component. surfaces of the air intake assembly. Prior art systems for 0012. In some embodiments the cleaning composition cleaning these impurities exist. For example, U.S. Pat. No. may include a petroleum distillate with less than 1% aro 6,655,392 issued to Erwin et al., which is commonly owned matics, paraflinic, naphthenic, or a blend of paraflinic and along with this application, discloses the use of a solvent naphthenic molecules and a vapor pressure of less than 0.1 which is introduced into the plenum through the IAC port. mm Hg and a dry point of less than 350° C. as the VOC 0005 Recently, numerous states, including the North compliant component. More specifically, the VOC compli East Coastal states, have adopted new Volatile Organic ant solvent might comprise a petroleum distillate with less Compound (VOC) regulations. These regulations restrict the than 1% aromatics, a blend of paraflinic and naphthenic amount of Smog producing chemicals that can be allowed to molecules and a dry point of less than 300° C. evaporate into the atmosphere. Particularly in areas having 0013 In another embodiment, the air intake system high population densities. Because of this, the prior art cleaning composition may contain a volatile aromatic Sol methods for cleaning fuel injected engine plenums have vent. This volatile aromatic solvent might comprise toluene, presented compliance problems. Thus, there is a present Xylenes, or an aromatic distillate with a distillation dry point need in the art for an effective plenum cleaning method in by ASTM D86 of less than 225° C. which VOC's standards are met. 0014. The invention is designed to be atomized and then introduced into the internals of an engine. As noted earlier, DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE one way of accomplishing this is the method described in the INVENTION 392 patent. BG Products, Inc. located in Wichita Kans. 0006 The present invention has overcome these prior-art markets a product referred to as the BGAIS Cleaning Tool compliance problems. This has been accomplished by devel Kit, Part No. 9206 which embodies at least some of the oping a low VOC, organic-solvent-based air-intake-system disclosures in U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,772,772 and 6,478,036. The cleaner which has proven to have Surprising Success in chemical cleaner may also be used in an aerosol form removing engine deposits. In one embodiment, this cleaner referenced as BG Air Intake System Cleaner, Part No. 406 may be used with the method and apparatus as outlined in which embodies disclosures from U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,772,772 the 392 patent discussed above. The 392 system and and 6,478,036. method should not, however, be considered a limitation of 0015 The air intake cleaning chemistry includes a com the present invention. Other methods of delivery or uses are bination of VOC exempt or VOC compliant organic solvents possible, even probable which would fall within the scope of and takes advantage of a synergistic cleaning effect between the present invention. a pyrrolidinone and an alcohol. 0007. The solvent includes a low VOC cleaning chem 0016 A VOC is defined as any compound of carbon, istry having a VOC content of less than 45 mass percent. excluding carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, carbonic acid, This makes it subject to compliance in terms of the VOC metallic carbides or carbonates, and ammonium carbonate, standards set by, e.g., the OZone Transport Commission’s which participates in atmospheric photochemical reactions. “Model Rule for Consumer Products' and other standards In more practical terms, an organic solvent is considered a held by other government agencies. VOC under the following conditions: (i) the compound 0008. This chemistry is capable of removing a very high evaporates under the conditions of ARB Method 310 (EPA percentage of air intake assembly deposits in a short time method 24), (ii) has a boiling point that is less than 216°C., span and restore air flow, control systems, sensors, and (iii) has a vapor pressure that is greater than 0.1 mm emissions. This results in better drivability and pollution HgCa20° C., or (iv) is a chemical compound with less than control. 13 carbon atoms. VOC compliant solvents would meet one US 2006/O128589 A1 Jun. 15, 2006 of the four criteria. VOC exempt solvents do not meet any rated into the cleaning formula Such as toluene, Xylenes or of the criteria but are considered non-VOC because they are an aromatic distillate with a dry point of less than 225°C., proven not to be photo-chemically reactive and contributing and in like fashion, if the VOC compliant petroleum fraction to Smog formation. is an aromatic solvent, then a paraflinic/napthenic solvent 0017. These requirements, however, have tended to inter may also need to be incorporated into the chemistry of the fere with past Success in the field of cleaning engine con cleaner for optimum efficiency. taminants. Such cleaning applications require a high degree 0022. The VOC fraction, because of various environmen of volatility and a low viscosity in order for the cleaning tal regulations must be reduced to a certain level, depending chemistry to successfully atomize and effectively clean the on the application as described in, for example, the OZone far reaching areas of the air intake plenum in relation to the Transport Commission’s “Model Rule for Consumer Prod idle air intake port. The chemistry also must not have Such ucts” (OTC) regulations governing the North Atlantic States. a slow evaporation rate as to allow the chemistry to collect, For example, the OTC regulations call for Air Intake System or puddle in low-lying areas of the plenum. This phenom Cleaners to contain a maximum of 45% VOC solvents enon has the potential to cause hydro locking if the puddled starting Dec. 31, 2004. A primary attribute of this cleaning cleaning solvent enters the combustion chamber too rapidly. composition this that the VOC level is less than 45% by a SS. 0018. Some conventional volatile, low viscosity solvents 0023 The pyrrolidinones are very effective at softening are exempt from the VOC criteria. But these compounds, and removing hard, baked on carbon deposits. Especially at including acetone and methyl acetate, exhibit inferior clean elevated temperatures. Examples of pyrrolidinones include ing abilities. Especially in terms of eliminating the hardened 1-methyl-2-pyrrolidinone, 1-ethyl-2-pyrrolidinone, 1-Ethe types of deposits found in a dirty air intake plenum. nyl-2-pyrrolidinone, 1-propyl-2-pyrrolidinone, etc. Still 0019. The exempt halogenated organic solvents are another example of a pyrrolidinones is a cyclohexyl pyrro unsuitable since they will form acids during combustion lidinone The alkyl groups which can be attached to the with Subsequent corrosion and damage to emission control pyrrolidinone molecule can be C-1 to C-12 including cyclo systems.