Harbor Information
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Vineyard Sound MV Land Bank Property * Keep our Waters Clean Moorings/Launch Service ad * eek Ro ing Cr Herr \ REMEMBER: All local waters are now a \ TISBURY TOWN MOORINGS are located insideWEST CHOP the VINEYARD Vineyard HAVEN Haven Harbor L (Town of a breakwater and can be rented on a first-come, first-servek basis. e Tisbury) NO DISCHARGE ZONE. T Drawbridge a s h m o o CONTACT THE HARBORMASTER ON CHANNEL 9. No Anchorage No Anchorage Heads must be sealed in all waters within 3 miles of shore and Moorings are 2-ton blocks on heavy chain and are maintained Channel Enlarged area Lagoon Pond the Vineyard Sound. regularly. They are to be used at boat owners’ risk. For ANCHORAGE, see map other side and/or consult the har- We provide FREE PUMPOUT service to mariners in Vineyard bormaster. Haven Harbor, Lagoon Pond and Lake Tashmoo. Call Vineyard o Haven pumpout on Channel 9 between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., RUN GENERATING PLANTS AND ENGINE POWER o Anchorage seven days a week. EQUIPMENT BETWEEN 9 A.M. AND 9 P.M. ONLY. m I Ice * h R Repairs s Private moorings are available to rent from Gannon & WC NO PLASTICS OR TRASH OVERBOARD. Littering is MV Land Bank a Restrooms Property subject to a fine (up to $25,000 for each violation) and arrest. Benjamin, Maciel Marine, and the M.V. Shipyard or contact T Boat Ramp W Boaters must deposit trash only in the dumpsters and recy- Vineyard Haven Launch Service on Channel 72. e Water k dd Dinghy Dock cling bins at Owen Park and at Lake Street. a L * Beach Tashmoo10 Vineyard Haven Harbor Boatyard H Please CLEAN UP AFTER YOUR PETS. TWI has provided R T plastic bag dispensers for this purpose at Owen Park, at the \ In the harbor, beginning at Buoy #6, and in the Lagoon o T L Do o dd ak w Do e S nto wn ferry terminal at the beach entrance and the Lake Street W tre wn to the speed limit is 4 m.p.h. et wn Landing. WC NO WAKE within 150 feet of moored or anchored boats, floats and swimming areas. Lake Tashmoo and the Lagoon Showers/Restrooms WATER SKIING/PERSONAL WATER CRAFTS are only The following regulations and features apply to both allowed beyond the outer harbor, well clear of moored boats. Lake Tashmoo and the Lagoon (see maps other side): \ Showers and bathrooms are available at Owen Park. There ANCHORING is allowed only in designated areas. Photo by Nis Kildegaard are also public restrooms at the ferry terminal and, across the Important: Make note of the WIDE FERRY CHANNEL RAFTS of more than 3 vessels are prohibited. street, at the Water Street parking lot across from the police designated on the map, other side. station. LIVING ABOARD a boat for more than 3 days is not allowed. Welcome to If you are anchored, you must attend your boat at least every Town Dock at Owen Park 24 hours. TISBURY Misc. Information \ Boats may tie up to the “T” at the end of the dock for up A SHELLFISH PERMIT must be obtained at the town hall to 15 minutes for loading and unloading at no charge. Consult before taking shellfish. \ LAUNDRY: There are laundromats at the airport 508- the harbormaster for a fee schedule. Overnight dockage is NO WAKE within 150 feet of moored/anchored boats, floats he three waterways that comprise 693-5005 and in Oak Bluffs, Wash Ashore, 508-696-6999. only accepted after privately-run marinas are full. No charcoal and swimming areas. Tisbury, also known as Vineyard Haven, Vineyard Cleaners 508-693-7389 is located on upper State T grills, barbecues or other open fires may be used on the dock SPEED LIMIT is 4 m.p.h. Road. There is no pickup/delivery service. make up a most fragile aquatic system. In or aboard any boat tied up. No generating units on a vessel For information regarding water skiing and use of personal WINE/LIQUOR: Wine and beer is served in some Tisbury may be used while the vessel is tied to the dock, or rafted to water craft, see posted Rules and Regulations. spite of ever-increasing use and misuse by another boat tied to the dock. restaurants. For Deliveries call package stores in Oak Bluffs: BOAT RAMPS AND DINGHY space are available. man, the harbor remains an important Our Market, 508-693-3000; Jim’s Package Store, 508-693- CAUTION: The depth at the end of the dock is 6 feet at * * * * * spawning and feeding ground for several 0236; Tony’s Market, 508-693-4799. low tide. AT LAKE TASHMOO, public restrooms are located uphill from the town landing, behind the public tennis courts. GETTING AROUND: Martha’s Vineyard Transit Authority species of edible fish and bait, while the Fifteen minute tie-ups are the maximum permitted at the town (VTA) vineyardtransit.com offers Island-wide bus service Dinghies landing which is one mile from Vineyard Haven. There are no Lagoon and Lake Tashmoo provide an excel- from the ferry terminal, steamshipauthority.com. \ Dock at Owen Park town dock or at the Steamship public fuel facilities. lent locale for breeding and harvesting shell- Authority (SSA) dinghy dock, on the north side of each of those AT THE LAGOON the town boat ramp is located 100 yards from fish. This folder is intended to help you Fuel piers. Dinghies may be beached north of the Owen Park pier, the drawbridge on the Tisbury side. There are no restrooms. but please do not beach on property marked private. The SSA THESE WATERWAYS ARE RESIDENTIAL AREAS enjoy and protect this beautiful and unique \ Vineyard Haven Marina, the Tisbury Wharf Co., and terminal area includes taxi stands, pay phones, public restrooms AND SOUND IS AMPLIFIED OVER WATER. PLEASE Maciel Marine in Lagoon Pond. environment. and the Chamber of Commerce information booth. RESPECT OUR RESIDENTS. Key Our Waterways To West Chop Anchorage Welcome to h I Ice Lighthouse $ ATM Machine WEST CHOP * Beach v Library > Movie Theater * Vineyard Haven Harbor 1 Bike Rental Vineyard ! Office Supplies Owen Little Way H Boat Ramp Haven Police Station Harbor & Book Store Outer L a k VINEYARD * e Post Office * B Bus Stop Harbor T GREENWOOD Buoy a HAVEN s h EAST CHOP L Launch Q AVENUE Moorings m (Town of Car Rental N6 o P o Pump Out C Chamber of Commerce Tisbury) R Repairs > Church E. Drawbridge CR V WC Restrooms OCKER A D Dockage OWEN S Showers dd Dinghy Dock WOODLAWN PARK OAK BLUFFS dd A Synagogue PIER 11 ] Drugstore AVE. L Enlarged area Lagoon Pond T 8 P W Inner - ? Taxi Stand WC D E Fish Market WILLIAM STREET Harbor % Telephone S * N L F Fuel FRANKLIN STREET MAIN STREET N E + Visitor Info G A N Grocery H N W Water Harbormaster ? C A Wireless Internet Marinas • Shipyards • Ferries h Hardware Store c Y H Woods Hole & R C H Haul Out 11 R Martha’s Vineyard Shipyard 508 693-0400 PINE STREET New Bedford E N F O Tisbury Wharf Company 508 693-9300 LAKE STREET Ferries T I CLOUGH LANE $ dd A To Lake Tashmoo B 3 West Marine/Marine Supplies 508 693-2906 § ߑ G § UNION 7 I 4 Vineyard Haven Marina 508 693-0720 CHURCH STREET STREETQ T V H STREET WATER R $ ¤ A 5 Gannon & Benjamin (Marine Railway) 508 693-4658 N I I WC F 5 Sponsored by CENTER STREET WC W 1 The Loft/Sail Maker & Repairs 508 693-3312 I D D G L 6 Black Dog Wharf 508 693-3854 § W W 2 ¤ C Q BEACH H I 7 Steamship Authority (SSA) 508 693-0367 EET $ R STR ST. EXT.6 W W Service to Woods Hole ING G W PR CAMP 5 F D S $ B 7 New England Fast Ferry 866 683-3779 STREET 1 E D ¤ A 2 To Drawbridge, Oak Bluffs, C 4 Service to New Bedford Q H L 3 A R O 2 Eastville Pt. Beach & the Hospital 8 Town Dock & Harbormaster 508 696-4249 ET G AD RE O ST Post Office Box 4375 M O h ߑ LAGOON POND 9 Maciel Marine 508 693-4174 IA N ILL D ? Vineyard Haven, MA 02568 W STREETLOOK A DRAWBRIDGE O P Tisbury J Tashmoo Boatyard & Crane Service 508 693-9311 R O www.tisburywaterways.org E N (Channel 16) T D Market Place © 2013 A Lagoon Pond 111 Sail Martha’s Vineyard (SMV) 508 696-7644 ST R 8:15-8:45 a.m. O H A D R 10:15-11:00 a.m. Up-Island F To Edgartown, Airport I 3:15-4:00 p.m. HARBORMASTER: CHANNEL 9 9 5:00-5:45 p.m. www.tisburyma.gov 7:30-8:00 p.m. POLICE/FIRE/EMS/EMERGENCY 911 ¤ BROCHURE DESIGN BY MELISSA NELLIS / ABOUT SIGNS AND DANIEL WATERS / THE INDIAN HILL PRESS.