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TOPIC TITLE AUTHOR date Architecture Alvar Aalto Frederick Gutheim 1960 Architecture American Architect 1926 Architecture American Architecture - An Illustrated History Robin Langley Sommer 1996 Architecture American Architecture for the Arts STEWART 1978 American Architecture Since 1780 A Guide to the Architecture Styles Whiffen 1969 Architecture American Architecture: Volume 1 1607-1860 Whiffen & Koeper 1983 Architecture American Architecture: Volume 2 1607 - 1976 Whiffen & Koeper 1981 Architecture American Architecture: Volume 2 1860-1976 Whiffen and Koeper 1983 Architecture American Building; The Forces that Shape It James Marston Fitch 1970 Architecture American Civil Engineering Practice, Volume 2 Robert W. Abbett 1956 American Urban Architecture -Catalysts in the Architecture Design of Cities Wayne Attoe and Donn Logan 1989 Architecture Antonio Gaudi George R. Collins 1960 Architecture Arcades the History of a Building Type Geist 1983 Architecture Architect and the City Whiffen 1966 Architects- of the United States of America Volume Architecture 2 Paul A. Latham and Alessina R. Brooks 1991 Architectural Character Guidelines Sequoia Architecture National Park NPS Architecture Architectural Conservation in Europe Cantacuzine 1975 Architecture Architectural Forum 1969 Architecture Architectural Graphic Standards Ramsey Sleeper 2007 Architecture Architectural Renderings Halse 1960 Architecture Architecture 2006 Architecture Architecture and the American Dream Craig Whitaker 1979 Architecture Architecture and Urbanism David M. Childs 1993 Architecture Architecture From Prehistory to Post Modernism Tracktenber & Hyman 1986 Architecture Architecture of Washington DC Volume I Bates Lowry 1979 Architecture Architecture of Washington DC Volume II Bates Lowry 1979 Architecture Architecture Pack, The Ron Van Der Meer and Deyan Sudjic 1997 Architecture Berlin Tomorrow Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani 1991 Biographical Dictionary of American Architects Architecture (Deceased) WITHEY 1970 Architecture Biography of Frederick Law Olmsted, A Roper 1973 Architecture Campus Architecture Dober 1996 Architecture Cass Gilbert, Architect Irish 1999 Architecture Commercial Buildings Lopez 1953 Architecture Dallas Architecture David Dillon 1936 Architecture Data Book for Civil Engineers Design Volume 1 Elwyn E. Seelye 1945 Architecture Design Like You Give a Damn Architecture for Humanity 2003 Chermayeff, Wurman, Caplan & Architecture Design Necessity Bradford 1773 Architecture Design Reality Second Federal Design Assembly 1994 Architecture Dictionary of Architecture and Building Volume 1A Sturgis 1902 Dictionary of Architecture and Building Volume Architecture 2A Sturgis 1902 Dictionary of Architecture and Building Volume Architecture 3A STURGIS 1902 Dictionary of Architecture and Construction Architecture 2nd Edition Harris 1993 Architecture Editing by Design Jan V. White 1928 Architecture Encyclopedia of American Architecture PACKARD & KORAB 1995 Architecture Encyclopedia of World Architecture Volume 1 Stierlin 1979 Architecture Encyclopedia of World Architecture Volume 2 Stirelin 1979 Architecture Experiencing Architecture Rasmussen 1959 Architecture Frank Lloyd Wright Vincent Scully Jr 1960 Architecture Frank O. Gehry the Complete Works Dal Co & Forster 1998 Architecture Guidebook to Sustainable Design, The Mendler & Odell 2000 Architecture Helmut Jacoby New Architectural Drawings Praeger 1969 Architecture Highlights of Recent American Architecture Wright 1982 Architecture Hints on Public Architecture Owen 1978 Architecture History of Modern Architecture: Volume 1 Benevolo 1985 Architecture History of Modern Architecture: Volume 2 Benevolo 1985 Architecture History of Theory and Criticism of Architecture Whiffen 1965 Architecture History of Western Architecture, A Watkin 1996 Architecture Introduction to Early American Masonry McKEE 1973 Architecture Introduction to Modern Architecture Richards 1962 Inventory of Significant Structures Sequoia Architecture National Park Harrison 1989 Architecture Journal of the American Institute of Architects 1944 Landmark Architecture of Allegheny County Architecture Pennsylvania VanTrump & Ziegler 1967 Architecture Landscape Architectural Graphic Standards Leonard J. Harper 2007 Architecture Landscape Architecture Simonds 1961 Landscape Architecture - A Manual of Architecture Environmental Planning and Design Simonds & Starke 2006 Architecture Le Corbusier Francois Choay 1960 Architecture Light & Shade Cross 1897 Architecture Lost Examples of Colonial Architecture Howells 1963 Architecture Ludwig Mies Van der Rohe Drexler 1960 Architecture Massachusetts Avenue Architecture Volume 1 (2) Commission of Fine Arts 1973 Architecture Massachusetts Avenue Architecture Volume 2 (2) Commission of Fine Arts 1975 Architecture Masters of Modern Architecture PETER 1958 Mechanical Drawing (A Manual for Teachers and Architecture Students) Anson K. Cross 1902 Architecture Michael Graves Building & Projects 1990 - 1994 Nichols, Burke 1995 Architecture New World Architecture Cheney 1930 Of Plans & People: Planning the City of Washington Architecture for its People and as a Worthy Symbol of a Great American Institute of Architecture 1950 Architecture Oscar Niemeyer: Works in Progress Papadaki 1956 Architecture People's Architects Ransom 1964 Architecture Philadelphia Architecture Thomas H. Creighton 1961 Architecture Pier Luigi Nervi Ada Louise Huxtable 1960 Places of Commemoration: Search for Identity and Architecture Landscape Design Joachim Wolschke-Bulmahn 2001 Architecture Post-Modern Architecture, The Language of Jencks 1977 Public Buildings Architecture Under Public Works Architecture Administration 1933 to 193 Short & Brown 1939 Architecture Rise of an American Architecture Hitchcock, Fein, Weisman, Scully 1970 Architecture Sixteenth Street Architecture Volume 1 The Commission of Fine Arts 1978 Architecture Story of Architecture Nuttgens 1983 Architecture Theatres & Auditoriums Progressive Architecture Burris-Meyer & Cole 1949 Time Saver Standards for Architectural Design Architecture Data 6th Edition Callender 1954 Visions / Revisions Second Biennial Exhibition of Design Committee of the Washington Architecture Washington Architects' Work at the National Chapter/ AIA 1992 Architecture Washington Architecture 1971-1957 Washington - Metropolitan Chapter 1957 Washington Architecture 1791 - 1861 Problems in Architecture Development CFA 1971 Cities Action for Cities 2 Copies Public Administration Service 1943 Cities Aesthetic Townscape ASHIHARA 1983 Cities American Cities Their Social Characteristics Hadden & Borgatta 1965 Cities American City Ciucci, Dal Co, Manieriella, Tafuri 1980 Cities American Skyline Tunnard & Reed 1955 Annals of The American Academy of Political Cities Science Building the Future City MITCHELL 1945 District of Columbia Housing Cities Arthur Capper/ Carrollsburg Dwellings Authority 0 Cities Black Heritage Sites The North Nancy C. Curtis 1996 Cities Black Heritage Sites The South Nancy C. Cutis 1996 Cities Building Healthy Cities Samson James Opolot 2002 Cities Can Our Cities Survive? Sert & C.I.A.M 1947 National Capital Area Chapter, Cities Capital News 50th Anniversary Issue 1947-1997 American Planning Association 1998 Cities Center of Our Society the American City President Johnson 1966 Cities Ceremonial Routes National Capital Commission 1983 Cities Chicago's West Loop West Central Association 1991 Cities Cities MORRIS 1963 Cities Cities and the Federal System Martin 1965 Cities Cities and Space Wingo 1963 Cities Cities in the Suburbs CARVER 1962 Cities City Its Growth, Its Decay, Its Future Saarinen 1966 Cities City and the Arts Heckscher 1964 Cities City is the Frontier 2 ABRAMS 1965 Andrew J. Cosentino and Richard W. Cities City of Magnificent Distances The Nation's Capital Stephenson 1991 City of San Antonio, Texas Southside Initiative Cities Community Plan City of San Antonio 2003 Cities City Planning in Washington DC 1790-1958 Harland Bartholomew 1958 Advisory Committee on City Cities City Planning Primer Planning and Zoning 1928 Cities City Space - An Open Space Plan for Chicago Chicago Park District Cities City Upon a Hill SMITH 1966 Cityscape - A Journal of Policy Development and U.S. Department of Housing and Cities Research Regulatory Barriers to Affordable Urban Development/ Office of Policy 2005 Cities Collage City ROWE & KOETTER 1983 Cultural Resources in Massachusetts: A Model for Cities Management U.S. Department of the Interior 1979 Cities Death and Life of Great American Cities Jane Jacobs 1993 Demonstration Cities and Metropolitan The Washington Center for Cities Development Act of 1966 Metropolitan Studies 1966 Development in the District of Columbia - A Cities Reference Guide Washington, DC Marketing Center 2005 District of Columbia Strategic Neighborhood District of Columbia Office of Cities Action Plan Neighborhood Cluster 1- Adam Planning District of Columbia Strategic Neighborhood District of Columbia Office of Cities Action Plan- Neighborhood Cluster 10 Planning District of Columbia Strategic Neighborhood District of Columbia Office of Cities Action Plan- Neighborhood Cluster 11 American Planning District of Columbia Strategic Neighborhood District of Columbia Office of Cities Action Plan- Neighborhood Cluster 12 Forest Hills. Planning District of Columbia Strategic Neighborhood District of Columbia Office of Cities Action Plan- Neighborhood Cluster 13 Foxhall Planning District of Columbia Strategic Neighborhood District of Columbia Office of Cities Action Plan- Neighborhood