National Strategy for Disaster Risk Management, 2009

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National Strategy for Disaster Risk Management, 2009 Unofficial translation Government of Nepal Ministry of Home Affairs National Strategy for Disaster Risk Management, 2009 (Approved on 11 October 2009) Table of Contents S.N. Titles Page • ACRONYMS • EXECUTIVE SUMMARY I 1. Existing Situation of Disaster Risk in Nepal 10 1.1 Natural Disasters 10 1.1.1. Flood 10 1.1.2. Landslide 10 1.1.3. Fire Breakouts 10 1.1.4. Earthquake 11 1.1.5. Drought 11 1.1.6. Epidemic 12 1.2 Disaster Risks, Loss, and Interlinked I ssues 12 1.2.1. Disaster Risks and Vulnerability 13 1.2.2. Losses due to Disasters 13 1.2.3. In ter-relationship between Disaster and Poverty 13 1.2.4. Natural Disasters and Environment 14 2. Disaster Management in Nepal: Existing Policy, L egal and Institutional 16 Frameworks 2.1 Policy Measures 16 2.2 Existing Legal Framework 16 2.3 Central Institutions Involved in Disaster Management 17 2.4 Departments/Agencies involved in Disaster Management 20 2.5 Existing Technical Capab ility 21 3. National Strategy for Disaster Management 24 3.1 Introduction 24 3.2 Long -term Vision 25 3.3 Long -term Mission 25 3.4 Directive Principles of DRM Planning 25 3.4.1. Mainstreaming DRR Concept into Development 26 3.4.2. Assur ance to Life Safety and Social Security 26 3.4.3. Gender and Social Inclusion 27 3.4.4. Decentralized Working Process 27 3.4.5. Personnel Safety and Security 28 3.4.6. Operation to be Based on One -window Policy and Cluster Approach 29 3.4.7. Holistic Approach 29 3.5 Strategic Priorities 30 3.6 Sectoral Strategies for DRR 52 3.6.1. Sectoral Strategy for Agriculture and Food Security 52 3.6.2. Sectoral Strategy for Health and Nutrition 54 3.6.3. Sectoral Strategy for Educ ation 56 3.6.4. Sectoral Strategy for Housing (inlcuding shelter, infrastructure) and 59 Physical Planning 3.6.5. Sectoral Strategy for Livelihood Protection 62 3.6.6. Sectoral Strategy for Water and Sanitation 64 3.6.7. Sectoral Strategy for Forests and Soil Conservation 66 3.6.8. Sector Strategy for Information, Communication, Coordination & 68 Logistics Capacity 3.6.9. Sector Strategy for Search and Rescue (SAR) and Damage Assessment 71 and Need and Assessment (DANA) 4. Propo sed Organizational Structure and Approaches for DRM 74 4.1 . Introduction 74 4.2 . National Council for Disaster Management (NCDM) 75 4.3 . National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) 75 4.4. Establishment of Committees 76 4.5. Regional Disa ster Management Committee (RDMC) 79 4.6. District Disaster Management Committee (DDMC) 79 4.7. Establishment of Sub -Committee 80 4.8. Local Disaster Management Committee (LDMC) 80 4.9 Community Based Organizations 81 4.10 Arrangement for Loc al Level Disaster Management Authority 81 5. Implementation and Monitoring 82 5.1 Working Strategy of National Disaster Management Authority 83 5.1.1. Building Support for the Plan and Sector -specific Action Plans for DRR 83 5.1.2 Supporting al l Initiatives 84 5.2 Monitoring & Evaluation 85 6. Improvisation of English Nepali Terminology on Disaster 86 ANNEXES : I Officials in Central Disaster Management Authority 87 II Formation of National Council for Disaster Management 88 III Format ion of Preparedness Committee 89 IV Formation of Rescue and Relief Managment Committee 90 V Formation of Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Managment 91 Committee VI Formation of Regional Disaster Management Committee 92 VII Formation of District Disast er Management Committee 93 VIII Formation of Local Disaster Management Committee 94 IX Glossary of Disaster Terms 95 Biblography 98 List of the contributors for formulation of NSDRMN 104 Clusters and Global “““Cluster Leads ””” 123 National Policies a nd Protocols influencing aspects of DRM in Nepal 124 ACRONYMS BCPR Bureau of Crisis Prevention and Recovery CBDRM Community Based Disaster Risk Management CBO Community Based Organization CDO Chief District Officer CDRC Central Disaster Relief Committee CEO Chief Executive Officer CFT Cash for Training CFW Cash for Work DDMA District Disaster Management Authority DANA Damage Assessment and Needs Analysis DDC District Development Committee DDMC District Disaster Management Committee DEOC District Emergency Operations Centre DIA Disaster Impact Assessment DIMS Disaster Information Management System DMC Disaster Management Cycle DoLIDAR Department of Local Infrastructure and Agricultural Roads DRM Disaster Risk Management DRMMP Disaster Risk Management Master Plan DRR Disaster Risk Reduction DWIDP Department of Water Induced Disaster Prevention EDCD Epidemiology and Disease Control Division EIA Environmental Impact Assessment EOC Emergency Operations Centre EPP Emergency Preparedness Plan FAO Food and Agriculture Organization GHG Green House Gases GIS Geographic Information System GLOF Glacier Lake Outburst Flood GO Government Organization GoN Government of Nepal GSHAP Global Seismic Hazard Assessment Program HDI Human Development Index HDR Human Development Report HFA Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015 HCFC Hydro chlorofluorocarbons HOPE Hospital Preparedness in Emergency IASC Inter Agency Standing Committee IED Improvised Explosive Device INGO International Non-Government Organization INSARAG International Search and Rescue Advisory Group IOM International Organization for Migration i IRP International Recovery Platform ISDR International Strategy for Disaster Reduction LSGA Local Self-Governance Act MoCTCA Ministry of Culture Tourism and Civil Aviation MDG Millennium Development Goal MoAC Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives MEOC Municipal Emergency Operations Centre MoE Ministry of Education MoEn Ministry of Environment MoHA Ministry of Home Affairs MoHP Ministry of Health and Population MoIC Ministry of Information and Communication NCDM National Council for Disaster Management NDMA National Disaster Management Authority NEOC National Emergency Operations Centre NGO Non-Governmental Organization NIDRS National Integrated Disaster Response System NPC National Planning Commission NRCS Nepal Red Cross Society NSDRM National Strategy for Disaster Risk Management NSET National Society for Earthquake Technology – Nepal OCHA Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs OFDA Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance OSSOC On-Site Safety and Security Operations Centre PAHO Pan American Health Organization PRSP Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper RNCRC Regional Natural Calamities Relief Committee RRT Rapid Response Team SAARC South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation SAR Search and Rescue SOP Standard Operating Procedure TA Technical Assistance TC Technical Committee TDRM Total Disaster Risk Management UNDAC United Nations Disaster Assessment and Coordination UNDP United Nations Development Programme UNEP United Nations Environment Protection Agency UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund USAID United States Agency for International Development VDC Village Development Committee WAT/SAN Water and Sanitation WCDR World Conference on Disaster Reduction WECS Water & Energy Commission Secretariat WFP World Food Programme WHO World Health Organization ii EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Introduction National Strategy for Disaster Risk Management is a National Framework with commitment of the Government of Nepal for protection, growth, and promotion of national heritages and physical infrastructures. Absence of mainstreaming disaster reduction in the development process in the past resulted not only in the loss of physical properties and human lives, but also destructions of basic infrastructures. Thousands of people face tragic consequence of annual recurrence of disasters such as floods, landslides, fires etc. The fact that beside the important role of the government in disaster risk reduction, every person and community has equally important role to play is obvious from instances of disasters caused due to haphazard construction of buildings and other structures. In a situation whereby natural resources are not being utilized scientifically and optimally, reducing disaster risks to acceptable and possible minimum level for the protection of highly valuable natural resources and heritages is necessary. Besides, it is also necessary to takemitigation, preparedness, and response measures for reduction of the effect on the environment resulting from natural and non- natural disasters. Objectively, this Strategy Paper is an integrated effort on reducing disaster risk in the days ahead through materialization of spirit of participation. In the process, sincere effort is made by defining five main priorities and associated activities by assigning responsibilities to each sector line agency. Disasters do not remain contained within any national boundary, but they leave geographical and natural imprint at bilateral, multilateral and international levels. This document is the result of the necessity felt for a concrete, meaningful and integrated document based on Hyogo Framework of Action (HFA 2005-2015) reflecting the global common concept, which the United Nations declared in 2005 in participation of 168 nations including Nepal. As such, this document is prepared and issued with the realization of the necessity of a meaningful, and integrated document based on studies of internationally and regionally recognized standards for translating the national responsibility into action. National Strategy on Disaster Risk Reduction is an inseparable component of all other sector strategies contributing as a supplement document for developing Aggregate National Plans. Inherent objective of this Strategy shall be to guide towards reducing disasters in the process of execution of development programs
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