Fauna Helvetica 9. Apidae 4
Eur. J. Entomol. 105: 163, 2008 http://www.eje.cz/scripts/viewabstract.php?abstract=1317 ISSN 1210-5759 (print), 1802-8829 (online) BOOK REVIEW AMIET F., HERRMANN M., MÜLLER A. & NEUMEYER R.: FAUNA figures of some characters, taxonomic classification of species HELVETICA 9. APIDAE 4 (Anthidum, Chelostoma, and commentary on the individual species (description of Coelioxys, Dioxys, Heriades, Lithurgus, Megachile, Osmia & females and males, distribution of each species with a map of Stelis). Centre suisse de cartographie de la faune (CSCF), the records for Switzerland, flight period, cleptoparasites or host Neuchâtel, 2004, 272 pp., 249 figs, 117 distrib. maps. ISSN and additional notices). The records are graphically presented as 1422-6367. Hb: ISBN 2-88414-021-2. Price CHF 45.00. recent or old (before 1970). In the 5th volume, the recent records are further categorised as before of after 1990. At the end of AMIET F., HERRMANN M., MÜLLER A. & NEUMEYER R.: FAUNA each book there are references and a species index. HELVETICA 20. APIDAE 5 (Ammobates, Ammobatoides, The keys are well constructed. They are suitable for identifi- Anthophora, Biastes, Ceratina, Dasypoda, Epeoloides, Epeolus, cation by beginners. The identification keys are constructed as a Eucera, Macropis, Melecta, Melitta, Nomada, Pasites, Tetralo- sensu lato; for example, the Osmia key includes species of seve- nia, Thyreus, Xylocopa). Centre suisse de cartographie de la ral other supraspecific taxons (Hoplosmia, Hoplitis, Metalli- faune (CSCF), Neuchâtel, 2007, 356 pp., 423 figs, 142 distrib. nella, Neosmia, Protosmia, Erythrosmia and Tergosmia). I maps. ISSN 1422-6367. Hb: ISBN 978-2-88414-032-4. Price prefer identification keys that branch according to supraspecific CHF 50.00.
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