Nepal’s largest selling English daily Vol XXIX No. 151 | 8 pages | Rs.5 O O Printed simultaneously in , Biratnagar, Bharatpur and Nepalgunj 33.7 C 14.5 C Monday, July 19, 2021 | 04-04-2078 Nepalgunj Jomsom Deuba set to govern for a year and a half as he wins House confidence As many as 165 lawmakers vote in favour of Deuba’s trust motion while 83 vote against and one remains neutral.


Five days after his appointment as prime minister, President on Sunday evening won the vote of confi- dence in the reinstated House of Representatives, ensuring that he will lead the government for a year and a half—or until the periodic elec- tions are held. Deuba’s confidence vote win also saves Parliament from dying an untimely death after two earlier assaults by the erstwhile prime minis- ter, KP Sharma Oli, in December last year and May this year. On Sunday evening, 165 lawmakers voted in favour of Deuba and 83 against. One lawmaker remained neu- tral. Only 249 lawmakers in the 271-strong lower house were present Post Photo: Hemanta Shrestha RSS during voting. Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba Buddha images installed at Barbot in Namobuddha Municipality, Kavrepalanchok. The park was built at a cost of Rs7.6 million with an aim to develop the spot as a pilgrimage site. “I hereby declare that the vote of confidence motion tabled by Prime party lost badly. Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba has After Oli’s CPN-UML merged with been endorsed with a majority,” the Communist Party of Speaker Agni Sapkota said after the (Maoist Centre) in May 2018, he was voting. leading a near two-thirds majority Inside As vaccine storage becomes issue, officials Deuba, 75, took over from Oli government, set to rule for the full whom he had handed over power five-year term. exactly three years and five But after the fall of Oli’s govern- In Kalikot, gender months ago on February 18, 2018 after ment, Deuba now has the support of discrimination begins at birth mull inoculating those above 18 in cities overseeing the first elections, held 60 percent of the lawmakers. under the new constitution, which his >> Continued on page 2 KALIKOT: Three weeks ago, Jaisinghe BK became the proud father of a healthy baby. His joy knew no bounds Millions of jabs are arriving later this week from China. for his wife had successfully borne him a baby boy on their first try. The More from Japan and China in grants have been 23-year-old resident of Bhaisakhal in Narharinath Rural Municipality, committed. Experts call for equitable distribution. Kalikot hired traditional musicians to play the Panche Baja to celebrate the occasion. The musicians led a procession from Primary Health Centre, where the baby was born, to the couple’s home. In the cen- tre of the procession was the new mother, BK’s 21-year-old wife, smiling happily adorned with a garland of currency notes, accompanied by her family members. “A daughter-in-law who brings a baby boy into the world and our home deserves every bit of pomp and show,” said Manbirey BK, Jaisinghe’s father. (Details on Pg 2)

Chitwan nature guides worry about uncertain future KATHMANDU: Born and brought up in Sauraha, one of the major hubs of wildlife tourism in the country, Post file Photo Rajendra Dhami grew up hearing sto- Experts say vaccinating as many people as possible against Covid-19 is a good idea. ries of wildlife and wild adventures. As almost everyone in the neighbour- ARJUN POUDEL made, if we have problems in storing hood was somehow dependent on KATHMANDU, JULY 18 vaccines, we can administer them to a wildlife tourism, Dhami, now 32, maximum number of people in big could not remain untouched. Having As millions of doses of Covid-19 vac- cities and bordering areas.” an elder brother as a nature guide cines are set to arrive in the coming Public health experts say that pro- and seeing others in the same locality days and storage space for them is an viding vaccines to a maximum number also working as nature guides issue, officials are mulling vaccinat- of people residing in big cities and inspired him to choose the same path. ing all those above 18 in Kathmandu those living in areas bordering India In 2010, Dhami started working as a and other big cities. and China is not a bad idea but author- nature guide in Sauraha. With an At least 2.4 million doses of Vero ities should ensure that those residing impressive academic background, it Cell vaccine are arriving next week as in the remote areas are also inoculated. did not take him long to excel in the to Beijing are scheduled for “As the vaccines were provided to profession. (Details on Pg 3) July 21, 22 and 24, according to Nepal elderly people, who were in a very Airlines. Each brings at least high risk group in the earlier phases, 800,000 doses of vaccine. authorities should now ramp up vacci- Finance minister presents But, according to officials at the nation drives in the big cities and budget ordinances in House Ministry of Health and Population, bordering areas,” Dr Binjwala only around 1 million doses of the Shrestha, a public health expert, told KATHMANDU: Despite the present rul- vaccine can be stored in the central the Post. “To continue economic activ- ing coalition’s earlier reservations facility in Kathmandu. ities and prevent a massive outbreak, over the introduction of the budget “We are working on how to manage people residing in the densely populat- through an ordinance by the outgoing the internal supply of the vaccine,” an ed areas should be vaccinated.” KP Sharma Oli-led government in official at the Department of Health According to Dr Sarad Onta, May, Finance Minister Janardan Services told the Post, asking not to be another public health expert, authori- Sharma on Sunday presented three named. “We will supply some vaccines ties should also ensure equitable dis- budget-related ordinances at the joint to the provincial stores upon arrival tribution of vaccines to all eligible session of the federal parliament held and make room in the central storage populations. after the restoration of the House of for others.” “We have been asking the authori- Representatives by the Supreme The Chinese Vero Cell vaccine, like ties since the beginning that the dis- Court. There were expectations that AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson tribution of vaccine should be equita- the Nepali Congress-led government Covid-19 vaccines, needs to be stored ble and it is the responsibility of the could bring a new budget or revise it. at a temperature between 2 and 8 government to prevent the disparities The Oil government on May 29 had degrees Celsius. in vaccine distribution,” said Onta. introduced a Rs1.64 trillion budget Officials are also thinking of immu- “We have seen that the priority group through an ordinance. (Details on Pg 5) nising all those above the age of set by the authorities are not followed 18 living in cities as the vaccines properly [for immunisation]. All peo- arrive since there is more risk ple whether they are residing in the of the coronavirus infecting village or cities should get equal people living in densely populat- opportunities to get vaccines.” ed areas. So far the government has been vac- “As people in the densely popu- cinating people on the basis of their lated areas are highly vulnera- age and other groups most at risk like ble, and the risk of outbreak is frontline health workers, journalists, very high there, vaccines can be those working in banks and financial administered to all eligible citi- institutions, and people’s representa- zens,” an official at the Health tives. Migrant workers are also being Ministry told the Post on condi- vaccinated as destination countries tion of anonymity. “Though the bar entry to unvaccinated workers. final decision has not yet been >> Continued on page 2

C M Y K MONDAY, JULY 19, 2021 | 02 National Briefing In Kalikot, gender discrimination begins at birth Local unit to distribute laptops Despite efforts from social organisations and local authorities to raise awareness on gender discrimination, prejudices against girls are still prevalent. to community school teachers PALPA: Rambha Rural Municipality in TULARAM PANDEY Taran Bahadur Shahi, mayor of Palpa district is planning to distrib- KALIKOT, JULY 18 Tilgufa Municipality. It is in fact ute laptops to the teachers of equally practised in well-to-do educat- all community schools in the local Three weeks ago, Jaisinghe BK ed families, he says. unit to promote technology-friendly became the proud father of a healthy “Around 80 percent of the so-called education. “The local unit will baby. His joy knew no bounds for his educated families send their sons to a provide a special subsidy to wife had successfully borne him a boarding school while their daughters purchase laptops in the upcoming baby boy on their first try. The 23-year- are sent to public ones,” said Shahi. “I fiscal year that began from old resident of Bhaisakhal in enrolled my son, who was studying in Friday,” said Krishna Prasad Regmi, Naraharinath Rural Municipality in a boarding school in Surkhet, to a pub- the spokesperson of the rural Kalikot hired traditional musicians to lic school in the municipality to set an municipality. According to him, play the Panche Baja to celebrate the example for others. However, many Rambha Rural Municipality has occasion. employees of the municipal office and allocated Rs 2.3 million for the The musicians led a procession people’s representatives are discrimi- ‘one teacher, one laptop’ programme. from Kumalgaun-based Primary nating against their daughters.” There are a total of 29 Health Centre, where the baby was The rate of girls being married off community schools in the rural born, to the couple’s home. In the cen- before the legal age of 20 is also high municipality. tre of the procession was the new in the district, according to Prakash mother, BK’s 21-year-old wife, smiling Shahi, a child rights activist in happily adorned with a garland of Kalikot. Passage opened for currency notes, accompanied by her According to him, marriages of Khulalu-Laifu-Sallisalla road family members. children between 12-15 years of age KALIKOT: Passage for the “A daughter-in-law who brings a have gone down in recent years but 62 Khulalu-Laifu-Sallisalla road along baby boy into the world and our home percent of the total marriages in the the Karnali Corridor has been deserves every bit of pomp and show,” district accounts for marriages of opened after around seven years of said Manbirey BK, Jaisinghe’s father. those under the age of 20. continuous efforts. A task force of the “We are going to sacrifice a goat to “Girls constitute 80 percent of the Nepal Army completed the mark the birth of my grandson.” underage marriage cases,” said Shahi. construction of 122 kilometres of When asked if his sentiments would Although some rural municipalities the road by setting up army camps be the same if his daughter-in-law had in Kalikot have formed ‘girls groups’, at seven different places along borne a girl instead of a boy, he said, where young girls work towards rais- the road stretch. Milan Karki, “It’s not wise to spend money on the ing awareness against gender discrim- chief of the task force, said, birth of a girl. ination, they have not been effective in “The six metre-wide road has She is bound to leave us and go away ending the prejudices against girls. been handed over to the one day. Where is the sense in spend- Post Photo: TULARAM PANDEY Manshova Budha, vice chairman of Department of Roads.” The road ing on someone who is destined to People celebrate the birth of a baby boy at Bhaisakhal in Naraharinath Rural Municipality, Kalikot. Naraharinath Rural Municipality, section, which lies on rocky look after someone else’s household points out poverty and a lack of educa- terrain, falls under the national when she grows up?” same municipality has six children— Sejuwal says the families’ indifference tices,” Oli told the Post. “After mar- tion and awareness as the main rea- pride projects. The 53-year-old head of the BK fam- five daughters and a son. She is suffer- towards new mothers and their girl riage, they become victims of violence sons behind the prevalence of gen- ily speaks for most families in rural ing from serious uterus ailments from children is a leading factor behind the at the hands of their husbands if they der-based discrimination in Kalikot. Kalikot where gender discrimination having borne many children without high rate of malnutrition among girls fail to bear a son.” “The younger generation is more Early warning system installed is still deeply rooted; where the birth getting proper postnatal care. in the villages. According to the District Police aware of the evils of gender-based of a boy calls for celebrations while a In the absence of postnatal care for “We have introduced programmes Office in Kalikot, 36 complaints of discrimination and orthodox customs. to check wildlife movement girl child is considered a burden. new mothers and negligence toward to teach the local people to prepare violence against women were regis- However, the older generation is yet to BARDIYA: An early warning The mothers who give birth to girls girl children, women and girls have to healthy meals and distributed eggs tered in the past year with cases of let go of their biases,” said Bijaya system has been installed at five go through the same discrimination live with ill health and malnutrition, and nutritious flour to new mothers,” domestic disturbances reported Bista, the deputy mayor of different places of Madhuwan as their daughters. say health workers. said Sejuwal. “But when a girl child is every day. Khandachakra Municipality. Municipality in Bardiya district to Twenty-seven-year-old Bimala A 14-month-old girl of Koligaun in born, the family does not take care of Bhupendra Shahi, information Bista informed that the municipali- monitor the movement of wildlife Bishwakarma of Tadi Dalit settle- Municipality died due to acute either the mother or the child.” officer at the police office, said, ty, in an effort to minimise gender and prevent loss of life and property ment in Khandachakra Municipality-4 malnutrition two years ago. The moth- Most women who fail to bear a son “Despite efforts from social organisa- discrimination, had introduced a to animal attacks. Such early has five daughters. She has been giv- er of the infant is pregnant again, for the family are subjected to physi- tions and local authorities to raise campaign wherein couples opting for warning systems have been installed ing birth every one and a half years in hoping to give birth to a boy. cal violence and mental abuse, with a awareness among the local population family planning measures after the at Machan, Pattharbojhi, the hopes of bearing a son for her According to Katak Mahat, chief of possible threat of eviction from the about the ills of gender-based discrim- birth of two girls were offered Sonaha, Kailahi, Bhagaraiya and husband, 28-year-old Khadak the health service office in Kalikot, house. The men in want of a son do ination, instances of husbands abus- Rs100,000. Sattisar of Madhuwan Municipality. Bishwakarma. Their youngest daugh- malnourishment among children, not hesitate to bring home another ing their wives and seeking a divorce “It has been one year since we intro- Work is underway to install a ter is one-and-a-half years old. Bimala especially girls, in the district is a case wife while neglecting the one at home. for failing to give birth to a boy go duced the policy, and no one has come similar system at Rajipur and is pregnant for the sixth time now. for concern. Gender-based discrimination is the unabated.” to claim the amount so far,” she said. Sarkhol of Geruwa Rural “My wife is three months pregnant. “Malnutrition among children is root cause for violence against women, The prejudice against girls begins But for Khadak Bishwakarma, Municipality as well. The I want a son to carry forward my lega- rampant in the remote villages of says Sangita Oli, a social worker who at birth and continues onto their adult Bimala’s husband, family planning is campaign was launched with the cy. What will I do with so many daugh- Dhaulagoha and Khandachakra has been actively working on the life. They are neglected as infants and not an option, at least not until his initiation of Bardiya National ters?” said Khadak. “If Bimala does municipalities,” said Mahat. “Around ground in Kalikot with victims of gen- are not being given equal opportunity wife bears him a son. Park and the Division Forest not give me a son this time, I will bring 70 percent of the malnourished chil- der-based violence. in education and other sectors of their “Having a son is important to me for Office and support of various home another wife.” dren are girls.” “Women are the victims of child life. But the discrimination against posterity. He will carry the family lin- organisations working in the conser- Bimala has no say in the matter. Khandachakra Municipality health marriage, polygamy, non-consensual girls does not begin and end with poor eage forward,” he said. “I have no use vation sector. Sapura Bharati, 38, of Baratu in the division coordinator Rabindra marriage and several other evil prac- families with little education, says for daughters.” Deuba set to govern for a year and a half as he wins ... As vaccine storage

>> Continued from page 1 when lawmakers were addressing. He, Oli, in turn, has become the leader however, joined his members when becomes issue, officials of the opposition party despite lead- the voting started. ing the largest party in the House with After the Speaker announced that 121 members. Deuba had won the vote of confidence, On Sunday, as many as 22 lawmak- Oli was seen making a beeline for mull inoculating those ers from the UML, including from the Deuba to extend congratulations. Madhav Nepal faction, which has been Deuba became the prime minister waging its own war against Oli in the for the first time on September 12, party, voted in favour of Deuba. 1995. He served until March 12, 1997– Until Sunday afternoon, Deuba had above 18 in cities by then the Maoist’s “people’s war” the support of all 49 lawmakers from had completed one year. the Maoist Centre as well as 17 law- He was again appointed prime min- >> Continued from page 1 ages of 50 and 54 from Monday. makers of the Upendra Yadav- ister on July 26, 2001 when the Maoist So far, 2,999,214 have taken the first The United States of America has Baburam Bhattarai faction of the war was at its peak. Under pressure dose of Covid-19 vaccine and of them provided 1,534,850 doses of the vaccine Janata Samajbadi Party. from his own party not to extend the 1,129,908 have taken both doses, through the COVAX facility. However, while addressing the state of emergency, Deuba dissolved according to the Health Ministry’s Each vial of Johnson & Johnson House, Mahantha Thakur, who leads the Parliament. After he sought post- data. vaccine contains five doses. another faction in the Janata ponement of elections, then king But as millions of doses are set to Data on daily new infections show Samajbadi Party, declared that he and Gyanendra sacked him on October 4, arrive, authorities say that priority that the number of people getting lawmakers in his group would vote for 2002, branding him “incompetent”. groups may change. infected from the coronavirus from Deuba. However, after two governments, “The government can take deci- big cities like Kathmandu Valley The Janata Samajbadi has 34 mem- Gyanendra appointed him prime min- sions on whom to vaccinate as per the remains high. bers in the lower house, but two ister again on June 4, 2004 only to dis- situation,” Dr Samir Kumar Adhikari, Of the total 667, 109 infected in the remain suspended. miss him on February 1, 2005 when the joint spokesperson for the Health country since the pandemic began last When Oli took the trust vote on May now deposed monarch assumed abso- Ministry, told the Post. “As we have to year, more than 36 percent have been 10, the Thakur faction had stayed neu- lute power in a royal coup. immunise a maximum number of peo- from the Valley. tral, while the Yadadv-Bhattarai fac- After the promulgation of the con- ple and the government has declared On Sunday, the Ministry of Health tion had voted against. As many 28 stitution on September 20, 2015, Deuba it will vaccinate all eligible people free and Population reported 1,223 new lawmakers from Oli’s party, who returned to power on June 7, 2017, for of charge, appropriate decisions will cases of which 334 were from belonged to the Nepal faction, had the fourth time, with the backing of be taken once vaccines arrive.” Kathmandu Valley. abstained. the Communist Party of Nepal Of the 4 million doses of BBIBP- “If we can prevent an outbreak in “Oli’s ego brought him to the pres- (Maoist Centre). After his party faced CorV vaccine Nepal has purchased big cities, infection will not reach the ent situation,” Surendra Labh, a polit- Post Photo: angad dhakal a drubbing in the elections held in under a non-disclosure agreement, villages,” Dr Baburam Marasini, for- ical economist, told the Post. “His UML Chairman KP Oli shakes hands with Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba. November-December 2017, largely 800,000 doses have already been deliv- mer director at the Epidemiology and self-centredness and failure to keep because the Maoist Centre formed an ered. Disease Control Division, told the his own party united pushed him to decided to do so on Sunday, on the first Countering Gaywali, Nepali electoral alliance with Oli’s UML, The Chinese vaccine manufactured Post. the opposition bench.” day of the House session. Congress leader Minendra Rijal said Deuba handed over power to Oli on by Sinopharm comes in packages with Despite losing the trust vote, Oli Sunday’s voting commenced after the court did not appoint Deuba the February 18, 2018. one dose in one vial unlike the was appointed prime minister on May lawmakers addressed the House, prime minister, but it just reminded But after Oli’s two House dissolu- Covishield vaccine, brand name of the On Sunday, the 13 as leader of the largest party in which went on for hours. everyone of constitutional supremacy. tions in less than six months, Deuba AstraZeneca vaccine manufactured in Parliament as per Article 76 (3) While tabling the vote of confidence “Why attack the Supreme Court? once again took over from Oli. India, with which Nepal started its Health Ministry because Deuba, then the leader of the motion in the beginning of the second Your ego compelled Pushpa Kamal In what many call an irony, it’s once Covid-19 vaccination campaign in opposition, did not lay claim to the meeting of the House, Prime Minister Dahal and Madhav Kumar Nepal to again the Maoist Centre’s support January, of which ten doses are in one reported 1,223 new post of prime minister for a coalition Deuba sought support from all. He said use their vote of conscience against which has once again catapulted vial. government as per Article 76 (2) after that while healthy criticism and com- your government,” he said, respond- Deuba into power. In addition to the 3.2 million doses Covid-19 cases. failing to garner support from the petition among parties are essential in ing to Gyawali. “The court has only Those who have followed Nepali of the Vero Cell vaccine yet to be deliv- Nepal faction. But Oli skipped a democracy, there is a shared respon- reminded everyone of the fact that no Congress politics closely say Deuba ered, China has also announced that it the constitutional provision of secur- sibility to fight against Covid-19 pan- one can breach the constitution.” has an opportunity to correct Oli’s will provide another 1.6 million doses But authorities’ focus is on ing a vote of confidence laid down in demic and poverty among others. The leaders from the ruling coali- highhandedness and disregard for of the vaccine under a grant assis- managing the internal supply of vac- Article 76 (4) and asked President “I will take every step to take all the tion said UML leaders were trying to Parliament and constitution. tance. cines and accelerating their adminis- Bidya Devi Bhandari to invoke parties together,” said Deuba while create an illusion by misinterpreting “History has given Deuba an oppor- Besides vaccines coming from tration so that the maximum number Article 76 (5). asking all to vote in favour of his Article 76 (5). tunity to right Oli’s wrongs,” Taranath China, Japan has declared it will pro- of people are immunised at the When Deuba presented his claim motion. Addressing the House, Pushpa Ranabhat, a former Speaker, told the vide 1.6 million doses of AstraZeneca earliest. with the signatures of 149 lawmakers, Pradeep Gyawali, spokesperson for Kamal Dahal, the Maoist Centre chair, Post. “Performance of Deuba will vaccine through the COVAX “We have not yet decided to including 26 from the Nepal faction, the UML, said though his party said Article 76 (5) was introduced in determine how well the people per- facility and these too are expected to provide the vaccine to all eligible age Oli himself claimed that he had the accepts the verdict of the Supreme the constitution after long discussions ceive the Congress in the next elec- arrive soon. The Health Ministry has groups,” Dr Shyam Raj Upreti, support of 153 lawmakers—121 from Court, its decision had introduced a in the Constituent Assembly with a tions. It is in the hands of Deuba to said that the AstraZeneca vaccine coordinator of Covid-19 vaccine his UML party and 32 from Janata partyless system in parliamentary view to allowing individual lawmak- better the future of the country and from Japan, will be administered to Advisory Committee, told the Post. Samajbadi Party. President rejected democracy. ers to use their conscience to choose the party at the same time.” around 1.4 million people above the “We have decided to provide the jabs both claims by Oli and Deuba, follow- He claimed that the court misinter- an individual lawmaker as prime min- On Sunday evening, minutes after age of 65, who were given the first to certain age groups, based on the ing which Oli dissolved the House. preted Article 76 (5) of the constitution. ister. Deuba won the vote of confidence, dose of Covishield vaccine from risks. I think this decision will not be The Deuba-led opposition alliance “Attempts have been made to dis- “You (Oli) tried to dismantle the Indian Prime Minister Narendra March 7 to 15 and are waiting for the changed.” filed a petition at the Supreme Court, mantle the pillars of separation of constitution time and again and now Modi extended congratulations. second dose. Upreti is aware that changing prior- and as many as 23 lawmakers from the powers,” he said. “It was wrong on the you are talking about constitutional- “Congratulations Prime Minister @ The COVAX facility has also ity groups on the basis of residency Nepal faction supported. On July 12, part of the court to declare an individ- ism and separation of powers,” said DeubaSherbdr and best wishes for a informed the government to deliver could bring disruptions to the whole the court overturned Oli’s House dis- ual a prime minister.” Dahal. “Your ego, individualism and successful tenure. I look forward to another 348,000 doses of AstraZeneca vaccination campaign. solution and asked the Office of the Gaywali said that his party has no self-centeredness will take you working with you to further enhance vaccine within July. “If we take the decision to provide President to appoint Deuba as prime qualms over leaving the government. nowhere. You have already started our unique in all sectors, Meanwhile, the authorities in vaccines to all eligible people in the minister. “But we have serious reservations facing the consequences, you will con- and strengthen our deep-rooted peo- Kathmandu Valley are preparing to densely populated areas, then our vac- Though Deuba had until August 11 about the court appointing the prime tinue to face in the future as well.” ple-to-people ties,” Modi wrote on administer the single shot Johnson & cine administration plan will be dis- to secure a vote of confidence, he minister,” he added. Oli was not present in the House Twitter. Johnson vaccine to those between the rupted,” said Upreti.

C M Y K 03 | MONDAY, JULY 19, 2021 National Government routinely renews prohibitory Clearing the backlog of orders but does little to enforce them smart licences a challenge Public health experts say the government’s rapid reopening of the economy may invite a third wave of coronavirus. for transport department SHUVAM DHUNGANA department had halted all its services ANUP OJHA KATHMANDU, JULY 18 after a nationwide lockdown was KATHMANDU, JULY 18 imposed. The department resumed its When Saurav Pokharel, 22, of service after nine months on Last Thursday, the three chief district Gothatar, Kathmandu filled up the December 29. officers of Kathmandu Valley held a online driving licence application For the transport department, clear- meeting to extend the Covid-19 prohib- form in March 2021, he was surprised ing the backlog has always remained a itory orders by 10 days starting Friday to see the written examination date big challenge. There are still over without any substantial changes in allotted to him was in January 2022. 600,000 smart licences yet to be their earlier announcements. Pokharel was already frustrated printed, officials said. This time also the Valley adminis- upon learning that he would have to The department had tried different trators announced to continue the ban wait for over 10 months to sit the writ- ways to clear the backlog. on public gatherings and rallies, and ten exams. His concern has increased On October 23, 2018, the department close business houses that attract even more after the Department of had awarded a contract to Malika crowds. The prohibitory orders notice Transport Management stopped Incorporated to print more than states that barbershops, beauty par- accepting online applications from 500,000 backlog licences, but the firm lours and gyms will remain closed April 29, as the authorities enforced was able to print just 360,000 cards during the period of restrictions. prohibitory orders in Kathmandu during its contract period. The orders, however, are limited to Valley following a surge in Covid-19 In July 2019, the department pur- a mere ‘announcement’ as hardly Post file Photo cases. chased its own printer to meet the anyone is following them, health Prohibitory orders, which are in place since April 29, have been largely relaxed. “My brother had bought a second demand for driving licences, but it has experts say. hand scooter for me as travelling by not been able to provide licenses Last week rallies and mass gather- 1,223 new cases of Covid-19 with 23 trend of unchecked public and mass their capacities. Although the govern- public transport is risky during the on time. ings were ubiquitous in the Valley’s fatalities. Of the total infections, movement could lead to devastation. ment has not yet allowed public trans- pandemic, but I haven’t been able to “We had to import the cards for the roads after the Supreme Court over- Kathmandu Valley recorded 334 new “We are still in the risk zone, and any- port vehicles to operate on long routes, use it because I don’t have a driving licences and a new printer and the turned KP Sharma Oli’s May 21 deci- cases in the past 24 hours. According time the third wave could hit if the private and public bus operators are licence,” said Pokharel, who have process was time-consuming which sion to dissolve the House of to the Ministry of Health and pandemic is not taken seriously,” said still carrying passengers by charging been using public transport to com- resulted in a huge backlog of applica- Representatives and ordered President Population, 234 cases were confirmed Marasini. them exorbitant fares by misusing mute to his work at Baneshwor. tions,” said Bhusal. “Also, the number Bidya Devi Bhandari to appoint in Kathmandu, 64 in Lalitpur and 36 in He even charged the government passes issued by local authorities. While the authorities are gradually of applicants is very high and as we Nepali Congress President Sher Bhaktapur. authorities with not coordinating Announced on April 29, the prohibi- lifting the restrictions, the depart- have run out of the licence cards, we Bahadur Deuba as prime minister. Marasini says there are three things with public transport operators for tory orders have stayed in Kathmandu ment has not yet started accepting couldn’t print any licence during the As per the prohibitory orders, pub- lacking between the government effective implementation of the health for over two months now even though online applications and this has affect- prohibitory period.” lic vehicles can carry passengers only authorities: mobilisation, capacity protocol. most of the restrictions have been ed thousands of people like Pokharel. According to the department offi- to their seating capacities by following building and coordination. “After Although the notice published by relaxed over the past few weeks. In the According to Dr Loknath Bhusal, cials, they have asked for 1.4 million the health protocol and restaurants these authorities make their decisions the Kathmandu District first week of June, the lockdown was spokesperson for the department, cards from their French supplier. can provide takeaway services only they should mobilise necessary man- Administration Office states that pub- gradually loosened. After the third online applications will not be accept- However, the cards have not arrived until 7pm, among other things. power to ensure that the decisions are lic vehicles operating inside the Valley week of June, when public buses were ed until the Covid-19 Crisis yet, according to Bhusal. There, however, are complaints that implemented,” said Marasini. will have to make sure that passengers allowed to ply on odd and even num- Management Centre recommends the “Once we receive the cards, we will the Valley authorities are paying little In the past one week, almost all the wear masks, and drivers and helpers ber basis and businesses to operate on Cabinet to allow the examination start printing licences,” Bhusal added. attention to enforcing the curbs. The eateries have opened to customers wear masks, visors and gloves and alternate days, the authorities paid no process. Amidst the delay in service delivery, district heads appear only to be renew- with some looking quite full of people place sanitisers at the door of each heed to enforcing the curbs effectively. “We already have over 700,000 the department has changed the ing the orders periodically. enjoying meals with family and public vehicle, they are hard to find. Dr Sher Bahadur Pun, chief of the applicants who are waiting for their licence test criteria as well. “The problem with the Valley friends. Safa tempos and blue micro buses can- Clinical Research Unit at the Teku- trial dates, so we don’t want more “The authorities were unable to administrators is that they meet and “The chief district officers could not carry more than nine passengers based Sukraraj Tropical and people to be on the queue,” said supply licences even when the trial make a decision. They do not care have coordinated with the Hotel and are required to put a plastic sheet Infectious Disease Hospital, says Bhusal. “The driver’s licence exams exam was tough. Now that the exam about implementing their announce- Association of Nepal and with their separating two sides in the aisle but the laxity shown by both government have been placed under the school/ has been made easier, more people ment effectively,” said Dr Baburam help they could have made certain that is hard to find. agencies and the public may create college category. We can resume will pass the test and the authorities Marasini, former director of the protocols for serving customers but Most of the tempos and micro buses a difficult situation. If there is a new accepting applications only after the will have a hard time meeting the Epidemiology and Disease Control they are too lazy to make effective are being operated without installing variant of concern, this will fuel government reopens school and col- demand.” Division. plans,” said Marasaini. plastic screens and public vehicles are a potential third coronavirus wave, leges.” Smart licences were first issued in On Sunday the country reported He expressed fears that the present seen carrying passengers beyond said Pun. Even last year, on March 24, the December 2015. Chitwan nature guides worry about future Most of the nature guides are jobless and struggling for survival since the pandemic began last year.

CHANDAN KUMAR MANDAL also made him a nature guide in long time, they must have gone into vaccine so that arriving tourists, as KATHMANDU, JULY 18 2001. alternative jobs. Others are engaged well as wild animals, can be safe.” But, he says, he had never seen in daily-wage work or surviving on The association has also demand- Born and brought up in Sauraha, times like these in his two decades loans,” said Dhami, who is also the ed that the government explore the one of the major hubs of wildlife of career. president of the association. possibility of employing the out-of- tourism in the country, Rajendra “I had seen obstacles when there “Besides their departure, another job guides in other similar jobs so Dhami grew up hearing stories of were occasional protests and worry is that skilled human that their experience does not go to wildlife and wild adventures. As demonstrations, and natural disas- resources like nature guides, who waste. almost everyone in the neighbour- ters like the 2015 earthquake,” have extensive knowledge of wild- “It takes around five years for a hood was somehow dependent on Chaudhary, 47, told the Post. life and biodiversity as well as local nature guide to master his job. wildlife tourism, Dhami, now 32, “Things would get better in a few culture, are being lost. After spend- They are well-informed about biodi- could not remain untouched. months, but this pandemic is end- ing so many years, they are quitting versity and conservation as guides Having an elder brother as a less.” the profession.” not only talk about wildlife but nature guide and seeing others in Chaudhary said he has been out A nature guide’s daily income explain their significance. This the same locality also working as way, they are also raising conserva- nature guides inspired him to tion awareness among visitors and choose the same path. contributing to the protection of In 2010, Dhami started working biodiversity,” said Dhami. “These as a nature guide in Sauraha. With people also take part in conserva- an impressive academic back- tion activities in buffer areas of the ground, it did not take him long to park. Nature guides are skilled peo- excel in the profession. ple and can be utilised in other “As I was good in studies, I had conservation-related activities .” the required information. All I According to Dhami, they can be needed was some skills that I had to employed to clear alien invasive learn from other seniors who had plants like parthenium, which is years of experience,” Dhami told growing fast inside the park, or the Post over the phone from cleaning the river. Sauraha. “There was always the A few months of resumption of motivation to choose this profes- tourism activities after the first sion which is also a dignified one. wave of the pandemic had given Nature guides like me also feel the respite to nature guides in the town. responsibility to protect wild ani- Although tourist influx was not mals, which are our assets. I feel like the pre-pandemic time, the proud telling tourists about wildlife arrival of domestic tourists meant which are rare and not found else- income for tourism entrepreneurs where.” like hoteliers, transport and ele- All these years, Dhami has phant safari providers, and nature become one of the most sought Photo courtesy: RAJENDRA DHAMI guides. after nature guides of the tourist Rajendra Dhami (front row right) with guests during his last trip in April. The association said nearly 100 town. nature guides found work when His responsibility, like any other of work for several months and his ranges between Rs1,500 to Rs,2000, things were normal before the sec- nature guide, includes accompany- savings are depleting fast. excluding tips, although the income ond wave struck. ing tourists—domestic or foreign- Chaudhary, the sole bread earner also depends on individual skills But things again turned worse ers—on trips in and around the for the five-member family, has and experience. Besides, there are after districts started enforcing Chitwan National Park and inform- taken loans to take care of daily also salaried guides who are associ- prohibitory orders in the wake of ing them about the biodiversity and expenses and has started working ated with travel companies and the second wave of the pandemic. its significance. odd jobs but even such jobs are hard hotels. Protected areas around the country But since the start of the pan- to find these days, he says. “Some would even earn USD100 once again closed for outsiders and demic last year, which has badly hit His last trip into the jungle was per day while others were getting suspended tourism activities. the economy including the tourism on the Nepali New Year’s Day, around Rs20,000-22,000 per month,” “The 2015 earthquake disturbed industry, things have turned upside which was on April 14 this time. said Dhami. “If a guide is able to tourism activities across the coun- down for Dhami, a resident of “There is no work. The park is work for 30 days regularly then they try, including in Sauraha. However, Ratananagar-6, Chitwan. closed for outsiders so tourists are could earn up to Rs 60,000 in a after a few months, it revived due to As tourist arrivals to the town not coming,” said Chaudhary. “I am month which is not bad.” domestic tourists,” said Dhami. have dropped sharply, nearly 700 waiting for everything to return to Battered by the pandemic, the “This time, things are different due tourist guides here like Dhami have normal.” association has put forth several to the fear of the virus. The second lost their source of income. The But there is a much bigger con- demands with the government. wave of the pandemic only wors- Covid-19-induced restrictions and cern for the wildlife tourism town The demands include Covid-19 ened everything. People only go out suspension of tourism activities at except hardships faced by Dhami vaccine for nature guides, waiver to visit places when they are happy. Chitwan National Park have made and Chaudhary. of the annual license renewal fee, At present, everyone is worried and life difficult for these tourist guides. After bearing back to back blows alternative employment opportuni- living in fear, so we don’t know It was in April first week when by two waves of the pandemic, ties for them, formulation and when things will improve for us.” Dhami had taken a group on a jun- which rendered them jobless for enforcement of guidelines for mak- Unlike other nature guides, gle walk. Since then, he has been over a year now, nature guides have ing the profession dignified and Chaudhary has not given up hope. without work. started either changing professions managed as well as introduction of He has not thought of changing his “There is nothing to do so I stay or migrating abroad. strict criteria for issuing nature profession yet. at home. It is not sure when tour- There are around 700 nature guide licenses. His hopes hinge on mass rollout ism will bounce back, and visitors guides who are registered with the “The renewal fee is only Rs2,000, of vaccines when everyone can get will start coming to Sauraha Chitwan National Park. Of them, but if the government waives it, the Covid-19 vaccine. again,” said Dhami. “It’s all empty 400 are actively engaged and about then it can send a positive message “If people get vaccinated, they and frustrating.” 300 are highly skilled with years of among nature guides. Despite being will start coming to Sauraha again. Dhami is not alone in his predic- experience. jobless for a long time, they might I have not thought of quitting my ament. According to the Nature Guide still be encouraged to renew their job as nature guide,” said Ramgir Prasad Chaudhary from Association, a group of nature licenses and remain in business,” Chaudhary. “I am waiting for the Sauraha has been a nature guide guides working around the Chitwan said Dhami. “Since tourism activi- new tourism season, which begins for the last two years. His interest National Park, nearly 25 guides ties cannot resume without vacci- in October. If things do not get bet- in wildlife conservation and the have already migrated abroad. nating all those engaged in the sec- ter by then, I will have to find some influence of growing up in Sauraha “After being unemployed for a tor, nature guides should be given other job.”

C M Y K MONDAY, JULY 19, 2021 | 04 Opinion EDITORIAL Streamlining Nepal’s trade competitiveness Critical fortnight The amendment to the Railway Services Agreement Nepal’s Covid-19 response needs to see a radical between Nepal and India is departure from the shot in the dark decisions. a major milestone.

Close to a year and a half into the Covid-19 pandemic, the government continues to gamble with people’s lives. Like the Chandra Ghimire Oli administration, the new Deuba administration has shown little grit or urgency to swiftly do what’s needed to chart a prevention and exit strategy amid a never-ending threat of a new second virus wave peak. A public health emergency of this scale would warrant that prime minister Sher Bahadur Deuba immediately appoint a health minister and spearhead The second amendment to the Railway the country’s Covid-19 response instead of leaving such an Services Agreement (RSA) between essential task in the hands of bureaucrats and security per- Nepal and India earlier this month has sonnel. But continuing in his predecessor’s footsteps, a com- finally come as good news for those who are concerned about the transit placent Deuba has also prioritised politics over public health. rights of a landlocked country like As vaccines finally trickle in with new procurements and Nepal. RSA is a bilateral arrangement grants, the government seems to have forgotten the mayhem, that governs and facilitates the coun- try’s transit concerns via India. As the which in May left the country’s fragile health system collaps- cost implication of railway vis-a-vis ing and killed thousands of people, could repeat and trigger road connectivity is much cheaper a surge in new infections and deaths. The miscalculations while serving its international trade, and missteps reflect in the recent government decisions as it any progress in RSA signifies a great deal in reducing transaction cost, plans to lift various restrictions even as the case positivity thereby increasing Nepal’s trade com- rate in the country continues to remain way higher than the petitiveness. permissible limit of 5 percent. The country’s Covid-19 Nepal and India signed the RSA back Shutterstock response direly needs to see a radical departure from these in 2004 and amended it for the first time tial breakthrough in this regard, as it Nautanwa-Belahiya, Nepalgunj- more than 98 percent out of the total in 2008. By nature, the agreement itself helps end the monopoly. Any author- Rupaidiha and Kakarvitta-Panitanki. stretch passes through Indian territory, shot in the dark decisions, potentially keeping us in a loop of is associated with a dynamic attribute ised cargo train operator (ACTO) from Thankfully, Bhairahawa and which demands the response of the lockdown cycles and causing more tragedies. of railway services. The sector is India, regardless of whether the gov- Biratnagar would be opened following Indian side commensurate with the Nepal’s epidemiological profile shows that we have a criti- ever-changing, with the acceleration of ernment or the private sector owns it, the amendment in the Treaty of length. But the level of response has infrastructural development and tech- can now serve Nepali cargo. Likewise, Transit. One Letter of Exchange (LoE) gone off reasonably insufficient. The cal fortnight ahead. In the week ending July 16, the effective nological adoption. In India’s case, the the door is also open to any Nepal is yet to come into effect for this to hap- more the Nepal border comes closer, reproduction rate of Covid-19 or the ‘R’ factor, based on a country has successfully achieved mas- Railway-owned trains working in cargo pen. the more the railway condition gets seven-day average, stood at an alarming 0.97. New infections sive changes in its railway sector over movement, as per an amendment made Similarly, the railway infrastructure poorer. For example, electrified railway are once again on the rise despite inadequate testing and the last few years. in Article 14. Nepali operators intend- required to add border entry points is has been a far cry, leading to the stop- Nepal and India had been sitting at ing to engage in the evacuation of either completed or in progress. page of cargo on the route for changing contact tracing. On Saturday, the highest number of cases the talks table for the second amend- Nepali cargo to and from Indian sea- Commerce secretary-level erstwhile locomotives once the non-electrified were found in Kathmandu, Sunsari, Morang, Kaski and ment since 2012 without much to show. ports will now be allowed to do so. meetings of the two countries have railway system begins near the Nepal Lalitpur districts. According to epidemiologists, the ‘R’ fac- The year 2014 invited a significant Moreover, the rake mode now com- agreed to keep opening up entry points border. tor above 1 is dangerous as the number of new infections turning point in Indian politics after prises only containerised cargo moving depending upon infrastructure devel- Last but not least, annexures of RSA the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) came in flats/box wagons and break-bulk opment. It is imperative to do so as all require an overhaul of procedural keeps increasing thereon, so Covid-appropriate behaviour to power under Narendra Modi. The cargo loaded in covered wagons. But these trade routes own industrial corri- modalities. The annexure is primarily and pandemic restrictions are essential to lower the infection Modi government initiated public sec- reefer containers, BCN/BCNA, and dors on Nepal’s side. Prospects for divided into import and export proce- rate and break the chain of transmission. But a botched reo- tor reforms that incorporated the rail- BCX type wagons are neither allowed rapid industrialisation are relatively dures. Having faded up with sluggish way sector reform through its first nor require prior permission on a case high provided that direct railway con- procedures, the trade fraternity of pening of the economy sans monitoring, combined with a budget itself. It prioritised railway sec- by case basis. The current consumer or nectivity is linked with Indian sea- Nepal has been complaining of compli- possible spread of the highly contagious Delta variants of tor reform by engaging the private sec- industrial consumption pattern is viv- ports. Against this backdrop, the rail cated clearance requirements. The the coronavirus, has put the country at risk again. tor in building railway infrastructures idly different from that of the past, network works like a big booster to requirements indeed run mainly The Deuba administration, foremost, needs to assess the and their operation. The policy shift owing to growing economic activities import raw materials and link export against the current global notion of raised new hope for Nepal to entice the and global trade. Keeping them into markets. trade facilitation which argues for a country’s epidemiological profile and immediately readjust private sector in the implementation of account, all types of wagons mentioned A severe impairment lies with seamless border. Contrary to it, these public health measures supported by data and science. It RSA. above are essential. The amendment Article 4, which impedes the capability annexures are obsessed even today needs to consult leading scientists, epidemiologists and infec- The reality of RSA, as per Article 14, has addressed this requirement as well. of Nepali authority while procuring with security or control approach tious disease doctors and review current strategies and had created a duopoly of two state- Now onwards, rail traffic will encom- Inland Container Depot (ICD) terminal while dealing with Nepali cargo in owned companies, namely Indian pass all types of cargo in all kinds of operator. As per the existing provision, transit and are punishing for traders in trends. Take testing, for instance. Both polymerase chain Railways and Indian govern- rolling stock. The new provision a terminal manager would either be terms of time and cost. It is high time reaction and antigen tests are abysmally low to give us a clear ment-owned Container Corporation of includes container, reefer container, from a Nepali company or an Indian such outdated rules are substituted picture of the scale of transmission. Without this crucial India (CONCOR). In practice, CONCOR break-bulk, bulk, bagged cargo, liquid company or a Nepal-Indo joint venture with the intervention of IT and other was hugely involved in carrying Nepal- or oil cargo, automobile traffic, and company. This narrow provision has technology-based practices. data, we risk making decisions that could derail our plan to bound cargo plying between Indian sea- parcel traffic. Likewise, the provision disregarded the scope of international It is worth recalling that during the contain the transmission. Therefore, we must change our ports and Birgunj. Yet CONCOR consists of an array of rolling stocks, bidding in selecting an ICD terminal commerce secretary-level meeting in approach of dealing with the situation when an outbreak seemed to have all the standard fea- including flat wagons, covered wagons, manager. If international bidding was 2018, both sides agreed to do a compre- occurs and adopt a reverse strategy instead, where we draw a tures of an inefficient govern- open wagons, box wagons, tank wag- allowed, foreign direct investment hensive review of transit-related trea- ment-owned company, due to which ons, and parcel vans. (FDI) and newer and more sophisticat- ties cognisant of Nepal’s transit needs. calibrated roadmap to meet our goals of controlling the pan- Nepali trade fraternity suffered. The Despite this praiseworthy outcome, ed technology, including management That is yet to come to fruition. Since demic and keeping the economy afloat. cost and time involved in the evacua- some issues on Nepal’s side seem to know-how, could have joined hands to RSA is a crucial instrument in this The past 15 months have shown that controlling the pan- tion of Nepali cargo in transit routes have been left unresolved. According to modernise dry port management. This regard, the Nepali side needs to consid- demic is not rocket science, but it will take science-guided remain pretty high compared with Article 12, rail traffic between Kolkata part needs a revision. er the takeaways mentioned above many South Asian countries. Traders or Haldia or Visakhapatnam and Of course, Article 7 urges respective while addressing its concerns. government interventions and public discipline to lower the complain of the unavailability of rakes Birgunj-Raxaul is allowed for Nepal- sides for the maintenance of rail infra- infections and ease restrictions. on Indian and Nepali sides both. bound cargo. The provision excludes structure in their respective territo- Ghimire is a former secretary of the The recent amendment is an essen- Biratnagar-Jogbani, Bhairahawa- ries. Looking at the responsibility, Ministry of Commerce & Industry. Self-medication can be harmful

Drug reactions There have been The use of Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and zinc has increased significantly from no proven herbal last year in the belief that these medi- cations prevent infection while there medications that help is no proven data to date. The use of paracetamol for self-diagnosed fever is treat coronavirus. justified and is also recommended by the WHO, but the use of prescription medicines like antibiotics, hydroxy- YUNIMA SAPKOTA chloroquine and steroids should be based only on the prescription of a medical doctor. These medicines do not have any preventive role in Covid- 19 and can lead to adverse drug reac- tions if misused. Previous research has found dexa- methasone helpful in treating severe A few days ago, I got a call from a Covid-19, but researchers have sug- friend asking if he could get some gested its use only in patients with advice about Covid-19. He said his test hypoxia. It is not recommended to be came back positive. He had no symp- self-used in mild to moderate cases toms but took a medicine combo that due to its inherent safety problems. an Internet article had suggested for Staying updated on the treatment of preventing coronavirus deaths. On diseases is certainly good, but relying further inquiry, I realised that he was on self-judgment to treat illnesses can consuming some antibiotics, antiviral lead to complications, so one should herbs, vitamins and so on. I asked him always seek medical advice on the to stop those medications and visit a treatment of Covid-19. doctor if he developed any symptoms. In Nepal, although the sale and dis- This incident made me question the tribution of narcotics and psychotrop- self-medication practice patients are ic substances require a prescription; engaging in currently. other drugs including antibiotics are The World Health Organisation purchasable without a prescription. (WHO) defines self-medication as the This has led to the irrational use of use of drugs as intermittent or contin- antibiotics, a major cause of antimi- ued consumption for self-diagnosed dis- crobial resistance. Strict regulation orders, chronic or recurrent diseases on prescription drugs is a necessity. and symptoms. The pandemic has cre- Health facilities, especially consulta- ated serious concern among the public tion with healthcare professionals, regarding the disease and its treatment. should be made easier to discourage To date, there isn’t any proven treat- self-medication. ment for Covid-19. In such a scenario, Shutterstock The media should be encouraged to possible therapeutic options are being from plants. If we consider that, some ing from and any harm that may ing results are not yet available. This was very popular, especially dur- inform the public about the rational used by medical professionals based on herbs could be helpful against the dis- occur, and then prescribe it or opt for Consuming a plant may seem ing the first wave. Some local authori- use of prescription medicines and the their clinical judgment and research ease and finding that could help end some other medication. harmless, but it can result in deleteri- ties allegedly made a list of medicines safety concerns they are used irra- done all over the world. the pandemic. ous effects, especially when no one everyone had to consume when isolat- tionally. The government should mon- Some people rely on medicinal At the same time, we also need to Herbal medications knows what it does to the body. ed, including antibiotics. Two people itor false or misleading advertise- plants and herbs for Covid -19 preven- look at the haphazard use of herbal Similarly, a herb that made me feel Excessive use of some herbal reme- infected with the virus could have dif- ments that encourage self-medication. tion and believe that they will protect remedies. For example, salicylic acid better when I caught a cold last year or dies makes the problem worse, and it ferent outcomes. One may not even The people themselves should be more them from getting infected and having in the Spiraea genus of shrubs was had diarrhoea a few years back does has made people so sick that they had notice the infection and the other responsible while sharing informa- a life-threatening disease. The idea extracted to make aspirin, a drug used not necessarily help me against Covid- to be hospitalised during the pandem- could become so sick that they have to tion on social media. Let’s unite and behind using herbal remedies for for several diseases. This does not 19 and could potentially cause more ic owing to the toxic effects of the be hospitalised and administered sup- fight this pandemic by avoiding Covid -19 is not bad in itself, and there mean that it can be used for any condi- harm than good. Currently, there have remedy itself. plemental oxygen and medications self-medication practices. could be some medicines that are tion. It is also associated with a lot of been no proven herbal medications Another group of people copy the through their veins. Should the first helpful against the infection and dis- side effects. When a person is pre- that help treat coronavirus. Many prescription written for a specific person get medication through their Sapkota is a clinical pharmacist ease. After all, a lot of medicines that scribed aspirin, the doctor has to con- studies are being done to look for patient and pass it on to others with veins because the second person got currently working at the Nepal Health we use today were initially extracted sider the disease the patient is suffer- some herbal remedies, but encourag- different exposure and disease history. the same? Of course, not. Research Council.

C M Y K 05 | MONDAY, JULY 19, 2021 Money

FOREX US Dollar 119.60 Nepal increases flights in Kathmandu-Delhi sector Euro 141.20 Pound Sterling 164.74 New frequency of flights will be effective Monday. As the number of flights had not increased, passengers were paying up to six times the normal fare. Japanese Yen 10.86 and most lucrative route out of Chinese Yuan 18.46 Kathmandu, remain capped due to an Qatari Riyal 32.65 air bubble arrangement between Nepal and India that allows one week- Australian Dollar 88.54 ly flight in either direction. Malaysian Ringit 28.41 Dim Prasad Poudel, managing director of Nepal Airlines, said they Saudi Arab Riyal 31.89 would immediately apply for the slot Exchange rates fixed by Nepal Rastra Bank at the Delhi airport once they received the approval letter from the Nepal Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal. Shares Shyam Raj Thapaliya, managing director of Osho World Nepal, one of Nepse 2,980.61pts 3.37% the leading travel agencies in Nepal, said as most of the embassies based in highest gainers Kathmandu have started issuing visas SINDU NGPL SFCL HPPL SHEL SBL 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 8.53% from New Delhi, travellers have to go to the Indian capital to get their entry moderate gainers MLBL EDBL PPCL NICA MBL MERO permits, resulting in a travel rush. 7.86% 7.71% 7.56% 7.14% 7.01% 6.98% “Many Nepalis are also travelling to

moderate losers Delhi for medical treatment,” he said. MFLD85 RHPC MPFL SLCF SRD80 SBLD84 According to Osho Travel, seats on -1.35% -1.38% -1.77% -1.8% -1.9% -1.99% Air India are sold out for July 23. The highest losers cheapest ticket on the next flight on NICAD8283 ADBLD83 KEF GBD80/81 GWFD83 NIBSF2 July 30 costs Rs48,500. -1.99% -2.12% -2.38% -2.41% -3.33% -5.36% Air India operates the New Delhi- Kathmandu service every Friday. The normal charge for the 1 hour 15 min- ute hop is Rs9,000. Price Per tola Nepal’s flag carrier Nepal Airlines, bullion which currently makes reciprocal flights to Delhi, operates services Fine Gold Rs 92,600 every Wednesday. Flights are sold out for July 21 and July 28 too. Silver Rs 1,295 The Nepal Airlines fare on the Kathmandu-Delhi sector is capped Source: FENEGOSIDA at Rs30,000. An unnamed official of the airline said they had applied for a daily flight gasoline watch on the Kathmandu-Delhi sector in Shutterstock mid-March, when the second wave Currently, the services remain capped due to an air bubble arrangement between Nepal and India that allows one weekly flight in either direction. started in India. With coronavirus cases surging in SANGAM PRASAIN Airlines and Air India have been per- by the authorities of the respective Travel agencies have reported that neighbouring India, Nepal was caught KATHMANDU, JULY 18 mitted to operate three flights a week countries. the price of a seat on a flight to Delhi off guard. On April 29, the govern- each and will be effective from “Both carriers--Nepal Airlines and has reached Rs50,000, almost six times ment announced a second lockdown. Nepal’s civil aviation body on Sunday Monday. Air India--applied to raise their fre- the normal cost because flights It restricted domestic flights from permitted the national flag carriers of While, as per the approved sched- quencies on Sunday after the govern- between the two neighbours have not midnight of May 3 and international Nepal and India to increase the num- ule, Air India will operate flights on ment decided to increase the frequen- been increased despite a massive flights from midnight of May 6 as the ber of the weekly flights on the the sector on Sundays, Tuesdays and cies in the sector. We have approved surge in travel demand. second wave of Covid-19 gripped the Kathmandu-Delhi route under the air Fridays Nepal Airlines, which oper- their operating permits accordingly,” Flight frequencies on other interna- country. While all international sched- bubble arrangement from two at pres- ates services every Wednesday, is yet said Chettri. tional sectors have returned to near uled flights connecting Kathmandu ent to six. to get the slot approval from India’s However, according to Chettri, normal levels. On July 5, a Cabinet have been ordered to halt, the govern- With an increase in demand for tick- civil aviation regulator. under the air bubble arrangement, meeting had allowed the resumption ment decided to continue with the two ets as there has been an exponential Currently, the services remain other airlines in India are still restrict- of passenger flights on international flights a week on the Kathmandu- rise in the number of outbound pas- capped due to an air bubble arrange- ed to operate on the Kathmandu-New sectors based on the country’s needs Delhi sector. sengers from Kathmandu, mostly trav- ment between Nepal and India that Delhi route. India’s low-cost carrier and travel demand. Passengers travelling between the elling for medical treatment, passen- allows one weekly flight in either IndiGo and startup carrier ​Vistara The government moved to resume two countries have to follow strict gers have been scrambling to get tick- direction. have also applied to operate in Nepal. flights following complaints about travel protocols. ets on the route, the busiest and most In December last year, Nepal and Demand for tickets on the expensive air tickets in the interna- “The increased flights will bring lucrative one for airlines. India entered into an air bubble agree- Kathmandu-Delhi route has been tional sector after a limited number of relief to passengers who are forced to Raj Kumar Chettri, spokesperson ment, a dedicated flight service going off the charts, and airfares have flights were permitted to some key pay hefty airfare due to limited for the Civil Aviation Authority of between the two countries following been soaring due to the limited fre- destinations. flights,” said Chettri, of the Civil Nepal, told the Post that Nepal strict health and safety protocols set quencies. But services to Delhi, the busiest Aviation Authority of Nepal OPEC+ agrees Finance minister presents ordinances Asia’s apparel industry oil supply boost on budget at reinstated House threatened by rising sea from August as levels, study warns The erstwhile Oli-led government had introduced the budget on May 29 through an ordinance a week REUTERS prices surge after the House was dissolved. Leaders say the option of presenting a supplementary budget remains. Dhaka, JULY 18 REUTERS Large swathes of apparel-producing areas in Asia will be MOSCOW/DUBAI/LONDON, July 18 income and expenditure a legal form just a underwater by 2030, an analysis released on Friday which week ahead of the date of budget presenta- overlaid maps of rising sea levels onto factory locations OPEC+ ministers agreed on Sunday to tion and to introduce policies and annual showed, threatening thousands of suppliers with submersion boost oil supply from August to programmes of long-term importance by a unless they relocate to higher ground. cool prices which have climbed to caretaker government instead of introduc- The analysis, produced by two Cornell researchers as part 2-and-a-half year highs as the global ing expenditure arrangements for just com- of a paper commissioned by the International Labour economy recovers from the coronavi- pulsory liabilities of the government,” the Organisation (ILO), warns that the problem of rising sea lev- rus pandemic. court observed. “If such non-parliamentary els is receiving little attention from those leading sustainabil- The group, which includes OPEC practices are continued, they lead to the ten- ity efforts in the sector. countries and allies like , cru- dency of avoiding Parliament, devaluing “Rapid increases in sea level rise and heat that will affect cially agreed new production alloca- constitutional provisions and exercising dis- many of Asia’s apparel workers directly have received tions from May 2022 to overcome dif- cretionary powers.” little attention,” authors Jason Judd and J Lowell Jackson ferences between Saudi Arabia and Former finance minister Ram Sharan of Cornell research centre the New Conversations the United Arab Emirates (UAE) that Mahat told the Post last week that the new Project wrote. threatened the plan. government should introduce a full budget “It appears some of apparel’s production centres represent- OPEC+ last year cut production by at Parliament. ing a significant percentage of current output will not escape a record 10 million barrels per day “After the Supreme Court pointed out the the projected acceleration of the climate crisis.” (bpd) amid a pandemic-induced slump move of introducing a full budget by avoid- While larger, trans-national suppliers may be able to shut in demand and collapsing prices. It ing Parliament as a fraudulent activity, down facilities in vulnerable areas and consolidate production has gradually reinstated some supply the budget introduced by the outgoing gov- on higher ground, smaller-scale suppliers will be most impact- to leave it with a reduction of about ernment cannot be implemented,” he had ed, the paper’s authors said, highlighting the example of 5.8 million bpd. told the Post. —the second-largest apparel exporter. From August until December As per the constitution, the annual budget “We’re worried. This is a real threat. More and more 2021 the group will increase supply should be presented at both houses of parlia- factories are going greener. Still our factories could go under- by a further 2 million bpd or 0.4 mil- RSS ment on Jestha 15 (which fell on May 29 this water,” Shahidullah Azim, vice president of Bangladesh lion bpd a month, OPEC said in a Finance Minister Janardan Sharma speaks at the joint session of the federal parliament held after the year) every year. But, a week before the Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association, said of statement. restoration of the House of Representatives by the Supreme Court, on Sunday. budget presentation date, President Bidya the findings. “But we can’t move our factories to a higher loca- The group had agreed to extend Devi Bhandari dissolved the lower house in tion overnight. We are already passing through an unprece- their overall pact until the end of 2022 PRITHVI MAN SHRESTHA midnight of May 21 and the budget was pre- dented time due to the pandemic. Where will we get money? from an earlier planned date of April KATHMANDU, JULY 18 sented through the ordinance. Who will pay us?” 2022, to leave more room for manoeu- Observers said the “It is not that we were in favour of the The analysis, which covered Jakarta, Phnom Penh, Tirippur, vre in case global recovery stalls due Despite the present ruling coalition’s earlier presentation of the budget through ordi- Dhaka, Guangzhou, Columbo, and Ho Chi Minh City, overlaid to new virus variants. reservations over the introduction of the government led by nance,” said Dev Gurung, chief whip of rul- a map of factory locations from open-source factory database Whilst both Riyadh and the UAE budget through an ordinance by the outgo- Congress had the option ing CPN (Maoist Centre). “The government the Open Apparel Registry onto data from U.S. climate change had been supportive of an immediate ing KP Sharma Oli-led government in May, had to table the ordinance at the Parliament think-tank Climate Central on where elevation will fall below output boost, the UAE had objected to Finance Minister Janardan Sharma on of presenting a new to follow the legal norms and procedures to the level of a coastal flood on average once per year by 2030. the Saudi idea to extend the pact to Sunday presented three budget-related take ownership of the expenditure and reve- Climate Central’s data is based on projections from global December 2022 without getting a high- ordinances at the joint session of the budget or revising it. nue collection made through the ordinance.” datasets published in peer-reviewed science journals, accord- er production quota. federal parliament held after the restoration He said that the new government could ing to its website. To overcome the disagreement, of the House of Representatives by the introduce a new budget or supplementary OPEC+ agreed new output quotas for Supreme Court. Energy Minister Pampha Bhusal told the budget after getting the vote of confidence at several members from May 2022, There were expectations that the Nepali Post that the Cabinet on Saturday decided to the House of Representatives. including the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Congress-led government could bring a new register these ordinances at the Parliament “But whether to introduce a new budget or Russia, Kuwait and Iraq. budget or revise it. as government agencies need to function and supplementary budget is up to the new gov- The Oil government on May 29 had intro- revenue should be raised. ernment to decide,” he said. duced a Rs1.64 trillion budget through an “The ordinances needed to be tabled at the According to Gurung, the government can ordinance, as then prime minister Oli on first meeting of the Parliament,” she said. continue with the ordinance through a May 21 had dissolved the House of According to Article 114 (2) of the consti- replacement bill too if it wants. After contin- Representatives for the fiscal year 2021-22, tution, every ordinance should be tabled at uing the ordinance in the short-term, the which began on July 16. the first meeting of the new session of both government also has power to introduce a Finance Minister Sharma on Sunday houses of the federal parliament. supplementary budget as per the Article 121 presented the Financial Ordinance, After the Deuba government was formed of the constitution. Appropriation Ordinance and Ordinance on on July 13, Finance Minister Sharma had “The finance minister shall, in any finan- Raising Public Debts. indicated a new budget could be presented cial year, present supplementary estimates The Financial Ordinance has made provi- by scrapping the ordinances. The ordinances before the House of Representatives, if it is sion of hiking or reducing the revenue rates were presented hours before Deuba’s floor found that the sum authorised to be spent for and amended the existing revenue laws. The test. Even the Supreme Court made strong a particular service by the Appropriation Appropriation Ordinance has authorised the comments against running the state based Act for the current fiscal year is insufficient, government to spend from federal consoli- on ordinances in its verdict on restoring the or that a need has arisen for expenditure dated funds and allocate resources to vari- House of Representatives on July 12, saying upon new services not provided for by the ous government agencies to provide servic- that it is inappropriate and is against the Appropriation Act for that year, or the REUTERS es. The ordinance on Raising Public Debts representative governance system. expenditures made during that fiscal year A file photo shows a drilling rig at the has allowed the government to raise domes- “It is not appropriate to dissolve the House are in excess of the amount authorised by Yarakta oilfield in the Irkutsk region, Russia. tic debt. of Representatives and give estimates of the Appropriation Act,” reads Article 121 (1).

C M Y K MONDAY, JULY 19, 2021 | 06 world Briefing Europe flooding toll over 180 Police fire rubber bullets, Divers join search for 14 people in flooded tunnel in China tear gas at protest against BEIJING: Divers have been dispatched as rescuers dig deeper in the search for 14 workers missing since water flooded a tunnel under Climate scientists say the link between extreme weather and global warming is construction in southern China three Thai prime minister days ago, authorities said on Sunday. unmistakable and the urgency to do something about climate change undeniable. Zhang Yisheng, the vice mayor of AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE nation, the rewriting of the constitu- Zhuhai city, told a news conference ASSOCIATED PRESS BANGKOK, JULY 18 tion and reforms to the kingdom’s that the water level in the tunnel had BERLIN, JULY 18 long-unassailable monarchy. dropped by 11.3 metres. Underwater Thai police deployed rubber bullets, Prayut had managed to hold onto robots, unmanned ships and sonar The death toll from flooding in tear gas and water cannon against power after 2019 elections—which detectors would also be deployed, Western Europe climbed above 180 on protesters in Bangkok Sunday as dem- were held under an army-scripted Zhang said. Search teams have been Sunday after rescue workers dug deep- onstrators defied Covid-19 restrictions constitution—while popular opposi- slowly advancing into the tunnel as er into debris left by receding waters. to call for Premier Prayut Chan-O- tion figures were increasingly hit with water is pumped out. Heavy rain fuelled new floods in Cha’s resignation and mark the one- legal troubles. southeastern Germany and Austria, year anniversary of a pro-democracy That protest marked the beginning though not on the scale of last week’s movement. of a movement that has widened the 200 flights cancelled at Lisbon devastating onslaught. The kingdom is currently facing its discourse on taboo topics, including airport at start of strike Police put the toll from the hard-hit worst Covid-19 wave, registering the role of the royal family—protected LISBON: Two hundred flights were Ahrweiler area of western Germany’s daily case records as hospitals buckle under a draconian defamation law. cancelled at Lisbon airport on Rhineland-Palatinate state at more under pressure. But as the impact of Covid-19 rapid- Saturday at the start of a two-day than 110 and said they feared the num- Exacerbating the toll has been the ly chipped away at Thailand’s econo- strike by Groundforce handling com- ber may still rise. In neighbouring government’s slow procurement of my, the government’s handling of the pany workers, with more cancella- North Rhine-Westphalia state, vaccines, which has drawn criticism pandemic has become one of the tions likely before the action ends on Germany’s most populous, 46 people AP/rss as Thailand’s economy reels from movement’s main grievances. Sunday evening, the company that were confirmed dead, including four A man helps with the cleanup by carrying rubbish and debris after heavy rain and flooding increasingly severe restrictions on manages Portugal’s airports (ANA) firefighters. And Belgium has con- along the Erft in Bad Münstereifel, Germany on Saturday. businesses. said. A spokesman for the Union of firmed 27 casualties. Defying rules prohibiting gather- The protest also Airport Handling Technicians, Chancellor Angela Merkel on ings of more than five people, protest- which called the strike, told local Sunday arrived in Schuld, a village Landslides kill at least 30 in Mumbai after heavy rains ers piled mock body bags flecked with marked the first news agency Lusa that around 100 located on a curve of the Ahr river red paint near the intersection of the percent of workers had taken part in that was devastated by the flooding, to MUMBAI: At least 30 people died in the past 24 hours, crippling India’s capital’s Democracy Monument. anniversary of a the strike in Lisbon on Saturday, the see the damage for herself. Her visit three Mumbai suburbs after several financial capital. The mega-city and “We will die from Covid if we stay busiest airport in the country. The comes after Germany’s president went houses collapsed when heavy rain the coast of India’s industrial home, that is why we have to come pro-democracy strike has had a huge impact on to the area on Saturday and made triggered landslides, officials said Maharashtra state are expected to out,” shouted a protest organiser, who the Portuguese flag company TAP, clear that it will need long-term on Sunday, and forecasts of further receive heavy to very heavy rainfall in listed three demands. movement. which uses Groundforce’s handling support. downpours could force authorities the next four days, the weather depart- “Prayut Chan-O-Cha must resign services, but has not affected low Finance Minister Olaf Scholz said to relocate people living in danger ment said. “We’ll take the decision to without any condition; the second is a cost companies. . he will propose a package of immedi- zones. shift the people who are living in a budget cut to the monarchy and army Thailand announced earlier this ate aid at a Cabinet meeting on Rescuers resorted to using their dangerous situation to permanent set- to be used against Covid, and the third week it would pair a dose of the Wednesday, telling the Bild am hands to dig up the ground in an tlements immediately,” said Nawab is to bring in mRNA vaccine.” Chinese-made Sinovac vaccine with Zuma graft trial to resume Sonntag newspaper that more than attempt to find survivors, local televi- Malik, a state cabinet minister, accord- A giant banner with a picture of the UK-developed AstraZeneca after 300 million euros ($354 million) will be sion showed, as authorities said more ing to a tweet by news agency ANI, a Prayut—the mastermind of a 2014 authorities found that hundreds of despite deadly S Africa protests needed. And he said that officials people could be trapped inside the Reuters partner. coup—was unfurled on the road, with medical staff who received Sinovac JOHANNESBURG: The dragging corrup- must start setting up a rebuilding pro- debris. Emergency workers carried Torrential rain, especially during protesters then stomping on his face. jabs had contracted the virus. tion trial of South Africa’s jailed gramme which, from experience with the injured through narrow lanes on India’s July-September monsoon, As they marched on the Government “You do not need to do any mix-and- ex-president Jacob Zuma resumes on previous flooding, will be in the makeshift stretchers. often triggers the collapse of build- House, they were led by a frontline match vaccines—just give us good vac- Monday despite deadly violence that billions of euros. Several areas of Mumbai have been ings, especially older or illegally built group wearing gas masks and hard cines,” demanded a young protester swept the nation after his imprison- Pope Francis offered a prayer for hit by floods due to heavy rainfall over structures. (REUTERS) hats and were joined by motorbike Sunday. Acclaimed Thai director ment in an unrelated case. Zuma the flood victims and for support of drivers who hoisted the mock body Apichatpong Weerasethakul also faces 16 charges of fraud, graft and the “efforts of all to help those who bags. But authorities deployed water highlighted the country’s situation on racketeering related to a 1999 pur- suffered great damage.” Although rain has stopped in the killed. The railway line to cannon early and blocked the main Saturday during his acceptance chase of fighter jets, patrol boats and “I express my closeness to the popu- worst-affected areas of Germany, Berchtesgaden was closed. road, forcing protesters to retreat. speech for the jury prize at Cannes for military gear from five European lations of Germany, Belgium and Belgium and the Netherlands, storms A flash flood swept through the Authorities also fired rubber bullets “Memoriam”. arms firms when he was South Holland, hit by catastrophic flooding,” and downpours have persisted in nearby Austrian town of Hallein on and tear gas, according to AFP report- “I’m really lucky to be standing Africa’s deputy president. He is he said in his first public appearance other parts of western and central late Saturday, but there were no ers on the ground. here and while many of my country- accused of pocketing four million to the faithful in St Peter’s Square Europe. There was flooding Saturday reports of casualties. Further west, It sent protesters scattering, cough- men cannot travel. Many of them suf- rand ($277,000) in bribes from one of after major surgery. “May the Lord night in the German-Czech border parts of the town of Kufstein were ing non-stop as they tried to rinse fer greatly from the pandemic with the firms, French defence giant welcome the deceased and comfort the area, across the country from where flooded. Heavy rain and storms caused their eyes with saline solution. the mismanagement of resources, of Thales, which has been charged family members.” last week’s floods hit, and in serious damage in several parts of By late afternoon, the two sides health care and vaccine accessibility,” with corruption and money launder- Officials in the Ahrweiler area Germany’s southeastern corner and Austria. were standing off as clouds of gas rose he said. ing. The trial started in May after asked people not to make any more over the border in Austria. Climate scientists say the link in the air. It remains unclear how “I want to call out for the Thai numerous postponements and delays. donations in kind for now. Police said About 130 people were evacuated between extreme weather and global many were injured. and Colombian government (where The 79-year-old Zuma appeared in “the overwhelming willingness to from their homes in Germany’s warming is unmistakable and the Exactly one year ago, thousands of ‘Memoriam’ was filmed)... to person for the opening and said he help” had left storage facilities for Berchtesgaden area after the Ache urgency to do something about cli- protesters amassed at the Democracy please wake up and work for your peo- was innocent. (Agencies) clothes and food full. River swelled. At least one person was mate change undeniable. Monument calling for Prayut’s resig- ple now.” Iran insists prisoner swap deal was agreed with US

REUTERS programme in exchange for a lifting KABUL, JULY 18 of sanctions on Iran. Washington abandoned the deal in 2018 and reim- Iran insisted on Sunday that a prison- posed sanctions on Iran. er swap deal has been agreed with the Tehran and President Joe Biden’s United States, the Iranian foreign min- administration have been communi- istry spokesman said, a day after cating on prisoner exchanges aimed at Washington denied such an agree- securing the release of Iranians held ment had been reached. in U.S. jails and other countries over “’Outrageous’ = the US denying violations of U.S. sanctions, and of simple fact that there IS an agreed Americans jailed in Iran. deal on the matter of the detainees. Iran has arrested dozens of dual Even on how to announce it,” Saeed nationals, including several Khatibzadeh said in a tweet. Americans, in recent years, mostly on “Humanitarian swap was agreed espionage charges. with US & UK in Vienna-separate from Rights activists accuse the country JCPOA (the Joint Comprehensive of trying to use the detentions to win Plan of Action)- on release of 10 pris- concessions from other countries, oners on all sides. Iran is ready to though Tehran dismisses the charge. proceed TODAY.” The sixth round of indirect talks The United States on Saturday between Tehran and Washington in accused Tehran of an “outrageous” Vienna adjourned on June 20. Iranian effort to deflect blame for the impasse and Western officials have said that in the nuclear talks and denied still significant gaps remain to be that any deal had been reached on a resolved. prisoner swap. Iran has said that the seventh round Earlier on Saturday, Iran’s top of the talks will not resume until nuclear negotiator, Abbas Araqchi, Iran’s hardline president-elect, tweeted that the United States and Ebrahim Raisi, takes office in early Britain must stop linking a humani- August. tarian exchange with the nuclear A hardline lawmaker said Raisi, talks. who like Iran’s top authority Supreme The talks are aimed at reviving a Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has 2015 deal between Iran and six major backed the talks, will adopt “a hard AP/rss powers that curbed Tehran’s nuclear line” in the Vienna talks. People visit a cattle market to buy animals for the upcoming Muslim Eid al-Adha, or Feast of Sacrifice holiday, in Peshawar, Pakistan on Sunday. Covid-19 response runs underground in junta-ruled Myanmar

REUTERS deaths from Covid-19 reached a it has imposed on some private oxygen ment of elected leader Aung San Suu MANDALAY, MYANMAR, JULY 18 record 233 in Myanmar on Saturday, suppliers in the name of stopping Kyi, who is now deposed and on trial but medics and funeral services hoarding. on an array of charges. For a week, 21-year-old student Phoe say the real toll is much higher, and A health system that was already Suu Kyi’s government had the Thar has been out by dawn to gather crematoriums are overloaded. among the region’s weakest foundered advantage of volunteers who manned oxygen cylinders from the homes of The total official death toll has risen after the coup as many health workers quarantine and testing centres and coronavirus sufferers in Myanmar’s more than 40 percent already this joined a Civil Disobdedience helped to take some of the weight at second city of Mandalay. month to 4,769 with the spread of the Movement to oppose the junta. Covid- public hospitals. He and fellow volunteers line the Delta variant that has also surged 19 vaccination, testing and prevention But far fewer are coming forward to tanks up outside charities for filling elsewhere in Southeast Asia. measures all stalled. help a military government that and returning, trying to save lives in a Reuters was unable to reach the One underground doctor who still faces daily protests against country whose health system has health ministry or a junta spokesman recently volunteered help on social its seizure of power after alleging largely collapsed since a Feb. 1 coup for comment on the outbreak and pub- media said he was inundated with fraud in an election landslide by and which now faces its worst surge lic response. A junta spokesman said hundreds of requests. When he made Suu Kyi’s party last year. of Covid-19 infections. last week there were difficulties in house calls he found almost all the Most of the volunteers in Mandalay Funded by donors on social media, fighting the outbreak and urged peo- sick had coronavirus symptoms and from the first and second waves of Phoe Thar and his team are part of a ple to cooperate with the government. most had low oxygen levels. coronavirus infections had growing grassroots effort that bypass- The state-run Global New Light of “The situation is severe,” said the disappeared, said Phoe Thar. es the authorities and echoes the way Myanmar newspaper said the health doctor, who works under the name Pa Instead, groups like his are Myanmar’s people responded to crises minister, Thet Khaing Win, held a Gyi. “The hospitals can’t do anything organising by themselves, resembling during previous decades of army rule. meeting on Saturday “to accelerate for them... I can’t just sit and watch as the way Myanmar’s people often “Since the number of people who the momentum” in tackling Covid-19 - the patients are getting helpless.” helped each other during disasters need oxygen tanks is massive, it’s a including through an increase in oxy- He contrasted the situation with in the past— notably after a limited huge challenge for us,” Phoe Thar told gen supplies. that during two previous waves response by a previous junta REUTERS Reuters by phone from Mandalay. The junta’s critics say lives have of the coronavirus that were largely to the devastating Cyclone Nargis A volunteer fills an oxygen tank as Covid-19 cases surge in Mandalay, Myanmar on July 13. Health ministry figures showed been lost because of restrictions brought under control by the govern- in 2008.

C M Y K 07 | MONDAY, JULY 19, 2021 Sports | Medley Briefing New Covid-19 cases spark cluster scare in Olympics Coach Malla replaced after testing positive for Covid-19 Fifty-five cases linked to the Games have been discovered this month in Tokyo 2020, facing a backlash in Japan due to the risk of fresh Covid-19 outbreaks. KATHMANDU: Indra Kumari Malla will be replaced by Santosh Shrestha as Agence France-Presse even got inside there. I think it’s dan- athletics coach for Tokyo Olympics TOKYO, July 18 gerous,” cosmetics company employee after Malla tested positive for the Riyoka Kasahara, 23, told AFP. coronavirus on Sunday. Malla was Two South African footballers and a Separately, South Korean supposed to accompany sprinter video analyst have tested positive for International Olympic Committee Saraswati Chaudhary as coach in the the coronavirus in the Tokyo Olympic member Ryu Seung-min tested posi- 100 m sprint for the Olympics set to Village, officials said on Sunday, rais- tive on arrival in Japan and was begin from July 23. Nepal athletics ing fears of a cluster just days before placed in isolation, a spokesman for team were set to leave for Tokyo on the opening ceremony. the body said. On Saturday, IOC presi- July 25. Malla tested positive during The cases further darkened a dent Thomas Bach appealed for the mandatory test which required all gloomy atmosphere around the 2020 Japanese fans to show support for the athletes and officials to undergo Games, which will finally open after a Games, saying he was “very well Covid-19 test for seven days in a row year’s delay on Friday but remain aware of the scepticism” surrounding prior to their departure for Tokyo. widely opposed by the Japanese pub- the event. According to Nepal Olympic lic. Players Thabiso Monyane and Athletes are arriving to find a Committee, she tested positive in the Kamohelo Mahlatsi and analyst Mario restrictive environment, with daily very first test while sprinter has Masha are in isolation after testing testing, social distancing and no move- Chuadhary tested negative. However, positive, Team South Africa said, add- ment possible outside the Olympic Chaudhary is also now under straight ing that the whole delegation had been “bubble”. They are under orders to contact tracing. She would miss the following anti-coronavirus rules. leave Japan 48 hours after their event. mega sporting event if she tests posi- “They have been tested on arrival, In another example of the difficulties, tive in the upcoming tests. daily at the Olympic Village and com- Australia’s entire athletics team was Chaudhary’s entry was confirmed at plied with all the mandatory meas- quarantined before departure after a the last moment as replacement of ures,” a statement said. member of their entourage returned marathon runner Gopi Chandra South Africa’s rugby sevens coach an inconclusive test. The official later Parki. (SB) Neil Powell also tested positive and is tested negative. in isolation in the Japanese town “We expect that there’ll be cases where the squad are training. “The associated with these Games and real- Sompal Kami named timing of the positive results suggests ly what’s going to matter is how we captain of Chitwan Tigers that the PCR test in these individuals AP/RSS respond to that and to ensure that was done during the incubation peri- Protesters against the Tokyo Olympics gather outside Akasaka Palace, Japanese state guest house where the welcome party for IOC President there’s no complacency,” said David KATHMANDU: Chitwan Tigers have od of the infection, which is how they Thomas Bach and its officials were held in Tokyo on Sunday. Hughes, medical director of the named national team’s bowler could be negative in South Africa and Australian Olympic team. Sompal Kami as their captain for the then positive in Japan,” said chief the world for the pandemic-delayed infections. The Japanese capital limited. We keep the risk to an abso- On Saturday, Games chief Seiko upcoming medical officer Phatho Zondi. Olympics, which are facing a backlash remains under a coronavirus state of lute minimum level,” Olympic Games Hashimoto admitted athletes are (EPL), a franchise cricket Organisers earlier said two athletes in Japan due to the risk of fresh Covid emergency and has been battling a executive director Christophe Dubi “probably very worried” about com- tournament, on Sunday. The fourth and a member of their support staff outbreaks. sharp uptick in cases. said on Sunday. “We can ensure that ing to Japan, pledging full transparen- edition of the EPL is set to take place had become the first cases in the The Olympic Village, a complex of Olympic officials have been at pains transmission between the various cy over Covid cases. Japanese and from September 25 to October 9. “We Olympic Village, without identifying apartments and dining areas in Tokyo, to play down the health risks of the groups is almost impossible.” Olympic officials have also been are enthralled to unveil marquee those involved. Fifty-five cases linked will house 6,700 athletes and officials Games, which are taking place in But Tokyo residents appeared forced onto the defensive over a wel- player Sompal Kami as the skipper of to the Games have been discovered at its peak when the Games get under- stringent anti-coronavirus conditions unsettled by the cases in the Village. “I come reception for Bach attended by Chitwan Tigers,” reads a press this month, including four athletes. way. The Tokyo Games will be held with athletes tested daily. “Mingling thought the Olympic Village would be 40 people, while Tokyo remains under release issued by IDS Group, the Competitors are flying in from around largely behind closed doors to prevent and crossing of populations is very safer, so I am amazed that the virus a coronavirus state of emergency. owner of the franchise. “I am thank- ful to the Tigers management for trusting me with the leadership responsibilities for the next season of the EPL. I am equally excited to start with it,” Kami Krejcikova wins said. Altogether six teams will Ramos, Donnarumma strengthen Paris vie in the franchise tournament to be played in the round robin Prague Open title league and playoff format. (SB) Agence France-Presse Saint-Germain, but Mbappe’s future uncertain PRAGUE, July 18 Spezia hit with eight Covid-19 Associated Press the Champions League — the trophy a free transfer after running out his No 2 will react. French Open champion Barbora cases in pre-season training PARIS, July 18 that still eludes PSG. Ramos has won contract with AC Milan. It seems like PSG’s other main signing of the Krejcikova eased past fellow Czech MILAN: Serie A club Spezia announced it four times. Silva’s last game for the a big coup for PSG. season is right back Achraf Hakimi. Tereza Martincova in the Prague on Saturday that a further six players Paris Saint-Germain wanted an expe- club was in the 2020 final, which PSG But it may also create tension, The 22-year-old Morocco international Open final on Sunday to collect a third and one staff member had tested pos- rienced central defender with leader- lost 1-0 to Bayern Munich. because Navas proved last season that joined for a reported fee of 60 million title in four tournaments. itive for coronavirus during the ship skills to shore up its defense after PSG reached the semifinals of the he is among European football’s best euros after helping Inter win the Krejcikova, the world number 13, team’s pre-season training camp at losing eight games and the French competition last season, losing to goalies. The 22-year-old Donnarumma Italian title. He was widely considered beat 78th-ranked Martincova 6-2, 6-0 in Prato dello Stelvio in northern Italy. title last season. Manchester City. The route to the was voted Euro 2020’s best goalie, and the best fullback in Serie A and his an hour and five minutes on Prague’s It brings the total to eight after a play- So, the club went for Sergio Ramos, semis came after a complicated group he is 12 years younger than Navas — foraging runs, passing skills and eye hardcourt. The 25-year-old Krejcikova er tested positive on Thursday in the handing the former Real Madrid cap- stage and then entertaining knockout so clearly could become a major player for goal will benefit PSG. won in Strasbourg in May and at north-western side now coached by tain a two-year contract at the age of matches against Barcelona and for a long time at PSG. But it still The major question, however, is Roland Garros in June before losing in former Italy midfielder Thiago Motta. 35. Ramos arrives a year after a bitter- Bayern Munich. PSG’s best player seems unfair on Navas, given that it whether these three signings are the last 16 at Wimbledon to eventual The news follows a two-year transfer ly disappointed Thiago Silva left the throughout was arguably Keylor was largely because of him that enough to persuade striker Kylian champion Ashleigh Barty. She redis- ban imposed on the club Friday by club, at the age of 35, after talks over a Navas. He made key saves to keep his PSG stayed in contention so long Mbappe to stay. The 22-year-old France covered winning form in Prague, tak- FIFA for bringing underage Nigerian new deal for him collapsed. He had side from going out of the group stage before losing the title to Lille on the star is out of contract at the end of the ing her tally to 20 wins from the last 21 players to Italy in breach of national wanted a similar deal, but PSG and was outstanding against last day. season and, unlike teammate Neymar, matches. immigration laws and the world foot- was reluctant to offer it given his Barcelona and Bayern. Ramos knows him well, too, having he has yet to commit to a new deal. He “I’m really happy it ended up like ball governing body’s regulations. advanced age. His reward for a superb season? played five seasons with him at has been linked with a move to Madrid this,” Krejcikova said. “Tereza is play- The US-owned outfit will not be Somewhat ironic, then, that PSG PSG signed Italy’s European Madrid. When PSG opens its cam- for several months. ing great tennis these days, and it allowed to sign new players for four has signed Ramos. Perhaps it would Championship-winning goalkeeper paign away to promoted Troyes next Mbappe netted a career-high 42 wasn’t as clear as it looks,” she added. transfer windows starting from next have made sense to keep Silva, who Gianluigi Donnarumma. He was given month, it will be interesting to see goals in the last campaign, and his On Monday, Krejcikova is leaving January 2022. (AFP) joined Chelsea last summer and won a five-year contract and his arrival on who wears the No 1 jersey and how the departure would be a huge blow. for the Tokyo Games. HOROSCOPE ARIES (March 21-April 19) **** CANCER (June 22-July 22) *** LIBRA (September 23-October 22) *** CAPRICORN (December 22-January 19) **** Lay low under Monday’s skies, Aries. It’s easy to get riled Save the heavy lifting and laborious activity for It’s easy to get flustered over your finances today, Direct your energy towards your goals today, Capricorn. up over relationship matters—especially those that trigger another day, Cancer. The moon sifts through sensual Libra. The conservative Scorpio moon sends your You don’t have to make a major effort to make strides old wounds. The deep-diving Scorpio moon pushes you to Scorpio all day, turning your attention towards your focus towards the ins and outs of your money story, today, as the sharp-focused Scorpio moon allows you to explore the depths of intimacy. But her square with agitat- creative potency and the personal projects on your helping you discern where things may have become powerfully aim your focus. Luna’s uncomfortable encoun- ed Mars and lover Venus can make that less than pleasant. to-do list. unbalanced. ter with Venus and Mars can spark relationship tensions.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20) *** LEO (July 23-August 22) *** SCORPIO (October 23-November 21) *** AQUARIUS (January 20-February 18) *** Send your focus to the close relationships in your You’ve got so much stirring beneath that sunny face Don’t let yourself get pulled off your self-care course It’s full steam ahead towards accomplishing your dreams, life, Taurus. Are you getting back what you’re put- you present to the world, Leo. Monday’s skies find today, Scorpio. The moon’s presence in your sign Aquarius. Don’t stop now, as the moon’s presence in ting in? The moon’s presence in sensual Scorpio you focusing on unresolved emotional material— sends your attention to your physical wellbeing and sharp-minded Scorpio allows you to direct heaps of energy helps you sort out what needs adjusting in close especially concerning family issues and your current unexpressed needs. towards your ambitions. Luna’s disagreement with lovers partnerships or collaborations. home environment. Venus and Mars can highlight unresolved relationship issues.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21) **** VIRGO (August 23-September 22) **** SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 21) *** PISCES (February 19-March 20) *** Turn your attention towards your health and work- Your mental health requires your attention today, Keep to yourself for the first part of the day, Sagittarius. You’re You’re reaching peak visibility with your abilities, flow today, Gemini. Luna dips into Scorpio’s highly Virgo. Aim to sort out what’s actually important in no mood to interact with draining people or circumstances, Pisces. The moon’s presence in conservative Scorpio focused waters, helping you devote ample energy versus what you’re obsessing over. The deep-feeling as the moon’s presence in healing Scorpio helps you quietly helps you direct your energy towards stretching your towards getting productive and ahead of the curve Scorpio moon has you probing for your own depths. re-energize. Luna’s squabble with Venus and Mars can high- horizons today. Luna’s disagreement with passionate for next week. light mental tensions that are in need of reorganization. Venus and Mars can highlight underlying tensions. Crossword Sudoku

Yesterday’s Solution

C M Y K MONDAY, JULY 19, 2021 | 08 Culture & Lifestyle (C.R.P.D.) - 3/052/053 What pairs with beetle? Startups seek to make bugs tasty As the Earth’s growing population puts more pressure on global food production, insects are increasingly seen as a viable food source.

KELVIN CHAN LONDON Two billion people iziana Di Costanzo in 130 countries makes pizza dough from scratch, mixing eat insects together flour, yeast, a pinch of salt, a dash of regularly. olive oil and some- Tthing a bit more unusual—ground acheta domesticus, better known Mealworm burgers, meanwhile, as cricket powder. are “tasty and very easy to make,” Di Costanzo is an edible insect and powdered mealworms have a entrepreneur who holds cricket mild taste that allows them to be and mealworm cooking classes at incorporated into cakes, bread her West London home, where she and pasta. also raises the critters in a back- “Definitely, I think the future is yard shed with her husband, Tom. products made with insects rather Her startup, Horizon Insects, is than the actual insect,” said Di part of Europe’s nascent edible Costanzo, who also bemoaned insect scene, which features doz- post-Brexit government red tape ens of bug-based businesses offer- that’s leaving small UK edible ing cricket chips in the Czech insect entrepreneurs in limbo. Republic, bug burgers in Germany Antoine Hubert, CEO of and Belgian beetle beer. The France’s Ynsect, says the most European Union headquarters in lucrative opportunity will come Brussels is also backing research from the sports and health nutri- into insect-based proteins as part tion markets for its meal- of a broader sustainable food worm-based protein powder. The strategy. company also makes insect pro- As the Earth’s growing popula- tein for fish feed that Hubert said tion puts more pressure on global helps farmed salmon grow bigger food production, insects are and faster while reducing the need increasingly seen as a viable food for fishmeal—smaller fish caught source. Experts say they’re rich in AP/RSS in huge quantities—which helps protein, yet can be raised much Tom Mohan, co-founder of Horizon Insects, holds a handful of Tenebrio molitor larvae, at the company’s London insect farm. improve the ocean’s biodiversity. more sustainably than beef or Investors including Hollywood pork. absolutely safe to eat, maybe even al countries to impose their own insect farm Micronutris. The EU for use in fish feed and pet food. star Robert Downey Jr’s FootPrint Around the world, 2 billion peo- more nutritious than meat prod- rules. To bring rules in a line Commission’s food safety regula- The company also has a line of Coalition were among the backers ple in 130 countries eat insects ucts,” with the only risk coming across countries, the EU in 2018 tors said in a scientific opinion bug-based snacks and ingredients contributing to Ynsect’s latest regularly. The global edible insect from allergies, because insects are launched a directive that covers that mealworms are safe to eat, like cinnamon mealworms and round of funding worth $224 mil- market is poised to boom, accord- closely related to crustaceans like insects but requires approvals for though they warned of possible cricket protein falafel mix and, lion. The money will fund a verti- ing to investment bank Barclay’s, shrimp, van Huis said. individual species, paving the way reactions in people allergic to after getting final approval, plans cal farm north of Paris that it says citing data from Meticulous Instead, humans may end up for a wave of authorizations. crustaceans or dust mites. to market frozen, dried or pow- will be one of the world’s biggest Research that forecasts it will eating more insects indirectly European production of insect- Regulators issued another posi- dered grasshoppers as an ingredi- when it’s completed next year, grow from less than $1 billion in because the market that shows the based food products is forecast to tive opinion this month for grass- ent for breakfast cereals, pasta, capable of producing 100,000 tons 2019 to $8 billion by 2030. most promise is for feeding ani- mushroom from 500 metric tons hoppers, based on an application baked goods, sauces and imitation year of commercial mealworm But despite all the European mals. The EU approved insect pro- currently to 260,000 metric tons by from Protix, a Netherlands-based meat. products, as well as expansion in startups working to make insects tein as feed for fish farming in 2030, according to the International insect farming company. In London, Di Costanzo’s North America, where it plans to appetising, don’t expect them to 2017. The US Food and Drug Platform of Insects for Food and “Our vision is that insects will Horizon Insects is developing an build another farm in the US and start appearing at mainstream Administration approved it for Feed, a Brussels-based lobby go from niche to normal,” said insect-based cooking ingredient apply for FDA approval for its food restaurants or on dinner tables chicken feed in 2018, while EU group. Protix CEO Kees Aarts, who pre- after discovering that there wasn’t products. just yet. One big reason is a strong approval for poultry and pigs is Insects require a tenth of the dicted an “explosion of food appli- much of a local market for the Downey Jr has been promoting cultural “yuck” factor in Western due later this year. land, account for a fraction of cations” to EU regulators. fresh edible mealworms they were the benefits of mealworm powder, countries that Arnold van Huis, a Regulatory change has also greenhouse gas or ammonia emis- At Protix’s state-of-the-art verti- selling. supplying a tub of it to talk show professor of tropical entomologist made things easier for European sions and need much less water cal farm in Bergen op Zoom, green Di Costanzo says the cricket host Stephen Colbert. at Wageningen University in the companies looking to market than cattle or pigs, van Huis said. plastic crates stacked in towering powder she uses in her pizza gives “I could put this in a smoothie Netherlands, says will be hard to insects directly to consumers. The The first approval came earlier columns are filled with wriggling it “a very nice, meaty, healthy or something?” Colbert asked. change. EU didn’t previously govern edi- this year for Tenebrio molitor black soldier fly larvae. taste” while boosting the nutri- “You’ll be making all kinds of “It’s very difficult to turn peo- ble insects because they weren’t larva, or dried yellow mealworm, The high-tech facility turns the tional content with protein, stuff out of it,” Downey Jr replied. ple’s minds around but insects are considered food, leaving individu- after an application from French larvae into protein meal and oil macronutrients and omega acids. — Associated Press How can you become a space tourist? As finally lifts off, people can finally come closer to galactic experience.

LUCIE AUBOURG year. Two seats on one of the first WASHINGTON flights are up for grabs in a prize draw: registrations are open until hrill-seekers might September 1. soon be able to get their As for , no detailed adrenaline kicks—and calendar has been announced. envy-inducing “We’re planning for two more Instagram snaps— flights this year, then targeting from the final frontier, many more in 2022,” a spokesper- Tas space tourism finally lifts off. son told AFP. All you’ll need is a bit of Another way to get to space is patience. And a lot of money. via reality television. Space Hero, Here’s a rundown of where an upcoming show, says it plans to things stand. send the winner of a competition to the International Who’s offering ? (ISS) in 2023. Two companies are offering short “suborbital” hops of a few min- How much will it cost? utes: Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin and The first tickets sold by Virgin , founded by Galactic went for between $200,000 Richard Branson. and $250,000 each, but the compa- Blue Origin’s ny has warned that the cost for rocket takes off vertically and the future sales will go up. crew capsule detaches and crosses Blue Origin hasn’t announced the Karman line (62 miles, or 100 prices. The anonymous winner of kilometres, in altitude), before a public auction for a seat on the falling back to Earth with three first crewed flight paid $28 million parachutes. but decided to defer their trip. Virgin Galactic uses a massive It’s not known what amount was carrier plane, which takes off bid for the seat secured by Dutch from a horizontal runway then teen Oliver Daemen, who will fly drops a rocket-powered space- in the auction winner’s place. plane. This in turn soars to over 50 The more “budget-conscious” miles altitude before gliding back. might consider spending $125,000

Virgin Galactic has said regular commercial flights will begin from 2022,

following two more test flights. AFP/rss Sir Richard Branson speaks after he flew into space aboard a Virgin Galactic vessel, a voyage he hopes will usher in an era of lucrative space tourism.

In both cases, up to six passen- for a seat on Space Neptune: a cap- No—you’re only expected to be in tower) and being between 5’0” and take him and three other passen- people, organised by intermediary gers are able to unbuckle from sule that offers 360-degree win- reasonable shape. Virgin 110 pounds (152 centimetres and 50 gers into orbit around the Earth Space Adventures—the same com- their seats to experience a few min- dows and is lifted to the upper Galactic’s training lasts just five kilograms) and 6’4” and 223 on a SpaceX Crew Dragon, pany in charge of the flight of the utes of weightlessness and take in atmosphere by a balloon the size days. pounds (193 cm and 100 kg). launched into space by a Falcon 9 Japanese billionaire Yusaku the view of Earth from space. of a football stadium. Blue Origin promises to teach rocket. Maezawa to the ISS in December, Despite the promise of spectac- you everything you need to know What about SpaceX? Then in January 2022, three aboard a Russian rocket. When can you go? ular views, the balloon ascends “the day before you launch,” and Elon Musk’s company is also get- businessmen will travel to the ISS Maezawa is also supposed to Virgin Galactic has said regular only 19 miles—far from the bound- its first crewed flight includes pio- ting into the space tourism game, with an experienced . take a trip around the Moon in commercial flights will begin from ary of space, and weightlessness. neering aviator Wally Funk, who but its plans involve journeys that The mission, named Ax-1, is being 2023, this time aboard a rocket that 2022, following two more test The 300 seats for 2024 have all at 82 will become the oldest astro- are far longer. The costs are also organized by the company Axiom is still under development by flights. Their waiting list is been sold, but reservations are naut. predicted to be astronomical— Space, which has signed up for SpaceX, called Starship. already long, with 600 tickets so open for 2025. The company’s requirements tens of millions of dollars. three other future flights with He invited eight members of the far sold. include being able to climb seven In September, American billion- SpaceX. public to join him—but applica- But the company predicts it will Are the physical requirements flights of stairs in under 90 sec- aire has chartered Elon Musk’s company is also tions are now closed. eventually run up to 400 flights per tough? onds (the height of the launch a mission called to planning a trip to orbit for four — Agence France-Presse

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