SPACE EXPLORATION Jennifer F. Nemeth, Ph.D. Dates (Zoom Meetings) Pack 408, Troop 542 Thursday, May 14 (7:00-8:30 PM) Merit Badge Counselor Sunday, May 17 (10:00-11:30 AM) Paul Schlosser Wednesday, May 27 (4:00-5:00), Troop 1 attendance optional Merit Badge Counselor Thursday, May 28 (7:00-8:30 PM) Saturday, May 30 (10:00-11:30) space-administration-nasa-grant-research-funding/ SPACE EXPLORATION Jennifer F. Nemeth, Ph.D. Pack 408, Troop 542 Merit Badge Counselor Paul Schlosser Troop 1 Merit Badge Counselor space-administration-nasa-grant-research-funding/ Your Merit Badge Counselors: Jennifer F. Nemeth-Seay, Ph.D.
[email protected] Attended Space Academy ▪ Degrees in Chemistry and Mass Spectrometry ▪ Space Exploration Enthusiast for 40+ years ▪ Grew up during the Shuttle Program years ▪ First Year Space Exploration Merit Badge Counselor Space Camp Contest….1988 “Where the IS will be in space exploration in the year 2000” At the dawning of the year 2000, Liberty, the first manned spaceship to leave the confines of Earth’s gravity, is preparing to leave the docking bay of the U.S. space station “Taurus I” for its maiden voyage to Mars. The craft will fly at speeds close to that of speeds close to that of light. I hope to be on that ship with its elite March 1989, 10th Grade crew from nations all over the world to explore the universe beyond Earth.