Use UC To Combat EL GAUCHO Uiban Crises-Hitch Vol. 48 - No. 130 Santa Barbara, California Monday, May 20,1968 By RICK ROTH student recruitment program. EG Staff Writer Calling his special report "a part of a very rapid upward Calling for "a University that slope on the part of the Uni­ is as large in spirit as these versity (concerning minority times demand/* U.C. President aid),” Hitch expressed the hope Charles Hitch presented a that his proposal would "cause broadly based special report an increase in momentum, if advocating a mobilization of possible.” University of California re­ The U.C. President empha­ sources to combating Ameri­ sized "research, public ser­ ca ’ s urban crises to the Board vice, and education” as the of Regents Friday in the UCen areas in which the University Program Lounge. should take action. He said that ASUCSB President Greg Sta- he has asked the heads of Cali­ mos and ASUCD President Steve fornia’s public and private col­ Woodside also presented pro­ leges and universities, as well posals to the Board on behalf as federal and state agencies o f their respective student bo­ and public secondary school dies. It appeared, however, that officials, to join U.C. in find­ the Regents rejected the two ing out "what must and can be student proposals (both of which done” to offer minority groups called for the appointment of the opportunity for higher edu- advisory committees composed cation. of various administrators, fac­ ulty members, and students), in UCEN LUNCH CROWD— Part of the 200 Davis and Santa Barbara students who waited over three favor of the plan set forth in IN GRIPS OF CRISIS hours to gain admission to the General Session of the Regents Meeting Friday afternoon. President Hitch’s report. "Our nation, our state and — photo by Steve Riede. our cities are in the grip of "NON-EXPLICIT" PROPOSAL a crisis,” he delcared. "It is Hitch’ s proposait also calls a moral, economic and racial for the formation of a commit­ crisis. It is also an educational Cautious Optimism Felt by Student tee with members of the fac­ crisis. This trouble will be with ulty, student bodies, and ad­ us until every man is allowed ministration. He seemed reluc­ his full measure of human dig­ tant to spell out completely the nity,” Leaders Over Regents Actions makeup of the committee, Specifically, Hitch announced caHing it "too soon to be ex­ four immediate steps: ( 1) pro­ plicit,** although he did saythait viding $1 million in new revenue By BECCA WILSON various student leaders would from student fees fo r the Edu­ EG Staff Writer be included on the committee, cational Opportunity Program, Davis and Santa Barbara students expressed cautious optimism about Regent reaction to their specifically mentioning A.S. thus doubling the amount avail­ proposals. Presidents. able to aid minority and low Disappointment was not generally felt, following the Friday afternoon meeting, because, ac­ Hitch’s proposal came after income students who need spe­ cording to one Davis student, "W e didn't come down here expecting very much.*» O fficial statements the disclosure of an earlier cial help; (2) focusing attention from both Davis and UCSB student leaders revealed that students w ere ’ ^leased” that the Regents report by the Southern Educa­ on minority teacher training; "responded and listened.»* tion Foundation which praised (3) establishing a fair employ­ Davis AJS. President Steve Woodside explained that, although the Regents are still talking about the University for its minority ment co-ordinator to push U.C. existing programs such as EOP, campus programs for hiring “ some of them still understand members of minority groups, what we*re saying — that we and (4 ) asking for a review of want programs over and above Thousands Rally in Berkeley Plaza minority group enrollments in all others.»’ graduate schools. 'FIRST STEP, BUT... TAKES EXCEPTION UCSB Aj3. President Greg To Honor Campus Draft Resisters Hitch, as well as Regent Co- Stamos remarked that even if fa lentz and UCLA Chancellor President Hitch’s report *Alid By JOHN RETHORST 70 minutes long; the rally on lations were broken by the Franklin Murphy, articulated demonstration, the only com­ exception to the student pro­ not give us what we asked for, EG Staff Writer Friday lasted an hour. "The ment was from Regent Grant, posals. He did admit that "ou r it is a first step.’’ Pointing O ver seven thousand U.C. cutting down was just in the who warned " I just hope your objectives are the same.” out the importance of "trying Berkeley students filled Sproul length of speeches,” Scheer information is accurate.” He explained that he differed to get students into advisory Plaza Friday to honor draft noted, "all the essential con­ with the proposals on the basis positions,” he added, " It is up resisters. tents were the same. $18,000 SUIT of mechanics, financial feasi­ to us to follow through on this The noon rally as originally CDO member Debbie Heintz The Regents may have some bility, and possible underesti­ first step.” planned was in a “ commence­ thought that since the demon­ troubles from the American mation of far-reaching national Perhaps because the demands ment” form to be held in Berke­ stration was' held in Sproul C iv il Liberties Union (A C LU ), implications. As Murphy put it, o f the Davis students w ere not ley’s Greek Theatre, the Re­ P laza and did not take the form however, which has announced "A problem of this sort can, included in Hitch’s report, their gents objected on the grounds of a commencement, the Re­ that it wiU appeal the court de­ ultimately, have only one mana­ reservations about the outcome that such a ceremony would gents had little cause for com­ plaint. When Berkeley Chancel­ cision favoring the Regent’s ger: that responsibility rests of the Regents meeting were resemble an official University lor Roger Heyens told the Re­ veto of the original commence­ with the President.” stronger than those of UCSB function. students. " I don’t think the Uni­ gents at their Friday meeting ment ceremony. They plan to Stamos had requested the es- versity really gives a damn CDO CHALLENGES at UCSB that no laws or regu- (Continued on p. 8, col. 5) (Continued mi p. 8, col. 3) about m inorities—you have to Campus Draft Opposition see that there is a difference (CDO), sponsoring the com­ between their rhetorics and the mencement - rally, challenged reality of what they do,” said a the Regents* authority in a San student observer from Davis. Francisco court on Thursday. Another remarked, "They’re That court decided in favor of giving us little concessions . . . the Regents, saying that it was but it ’ s time fo r us to start within their power to regulate thinking of new tactics, because such activities. these channels just aren’t get­ At the rally, 150faculty mem­ ting us anywhere!” bers signed a statement indi­ cating that they were present at DISAPPOINTED WITH UCSB the rally and that they sym­ Explaining what these tactics pathized with the draft resis­ might be, a Davis campus leader ters. announced, "W e ’ll continue working with the Regents, as W ILL NOT GO much as possible, but we’ll also Two hundred students signed have to be doing some money pledges declaring either that raising elsewhere — like lob­ they would not report for induc­ bying of foundations.” tion or that they supported those Other Davis students, in par­ who would not go if called. ticular those who came to UCSB Mark Schechner, cme of the two weeks ago to gain support organizers of the rally, told EG for their proposals, were more that signatures for the pledges disturbed by the reaction of w ere not solicited or en­ UCSB students than by the Re­ couraged, but just resulted from gents* attitudes. the meeting. Outside of changing Russ Bishop, Off-Campus the location from the Greek ■Rep from Davis who tried to Theatre to Sproul Plaza, the organize this campus for sup­ only changes in the ceremony 3000 SCREAMING, TIN-EARRED mini-hoppers are going to buy your tickets to the Cream Concert port, felt that ‘Ahere was a large was the time: in the original (Continued on p. 8, col. 4) plan the ceremoney was to be if you don't buy them before Tuesday afternoon— good luck! P A G E 2 ----E L G A U C H O ---- MONDAY. MAY 20. 1961 Pantagleize Opens Tonight; ATTENTION To Run Through Saturday SENIORS!! SPECIAL SENIOR OFFER EXTENDED

The Bookstore has extended the deadline for purchasing tim graduation announcements and renting caps and gowns to May 31. The Senior Class Council, in cooperation with the Alumni Association, wish to bring the privileges listed below to your at­ tention.

“ Pantagleize,” by Michel de Ghelderode opens tonight at 8 p.m. In the Main Theatre and continues through May 25, including a matinee on Saturday, May 25, at 2 p.m. Alumni Membership Privileges Through a montage of episodic incidents “ Pantagleize” mirrors the events of a day in the life of Pantagleize, the eternal innocent. Ghelderode's hero awakens on the morning of his fortieth birthday to find that his destiny has finally begun. Today Free cap and gown rental for graduation ($5 value) he will discover his identifiable role in society. Inadvertently, Pantagleize's conventional greeting to the world that day turns Free graduation announcements (one dozen, a $2 value) out to be the secret, long-awaited code announcing the beginning of a revolution. He says, *Oh, what a lovely day** and finds himself the bewildered leader of a group * Reduced rates at Berkeley's Lair o f the Bear - vacation center in of revolutionaries. northern California Pantagleize eventually discovers his destiny, not in the revolution itself but through the incidents which surround it. The revolution tosses Pantagleize from * Free lifetime subscription to the award-winning UCSB Alumnus incident to incident through scenes burlesque, absurd, and surreal until his final discovery and transcendence. magazine. The Alumnus has received national awards in 1965, Gary M arec, a UCSB graduate student in Dramatic A rt, w ill perform the title 1966 and 1968. role. The supporting cast includes Dana Craig as Innocenti, the educated, embittered waiter; Larry Hill as Blank, the modern poet; Robert Pratt as Banger, the nihiiisH« * Library privileges at UCSB, UCLA, UC Irvine, UC Santa Cruz, UC gangster; and Carey Williams as Bamboola, the native African. Peter Robinson will appear as Inspector Creep, Christina Schwarz as Rachel, San Diego, and U C Davis. UC Berkeley offers library privileges to John Matlack as Macboom, Jim Caron as the Generalissimo, and Dan Dorse as the UCSB Alumni members who pay an annual library administra­ Distinguished Council. Others in the cast -include Don Boughton, Michael Douglas, Edward Fortner, tive fee o f $10. Martha Harvey, Robert Jordon, Michael Kain, Bob Keats, Sol Rosenzwelg, and Randy Street. * Priority seating and reduced rates for UCSB athletic season tickets. Members

Regional programs - members will be able to enjoy organized educational and social affairs throughout California Alumni will

have an opportunity to hear and question University personnel, and guest speakers will discuss topics o f University, national, and Introducing . . . international interest. OUR OWN Proposed programs: The Alumni Board o f Directors currently has under study the establishment o f a year-around vacation and con­ ROAST B E E F ference center and the operation o f a summer resort program. SANDWICH Come In And Try One! TO JOIN THE

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Also With Any Purchase Get One 1. Go to the Alumni Office, UCen Information Desk, or during the

week o f May 20, to the Senior Class table in front o f the Library. FREE 2. Brochures listing additional information will be available. COKE 3. Complete an application and pay your membership fee to the Alumni Association. A life membership may be purchased with With This Ad one payment of $90 or 7 annual payments of $15 each which at may be paid over a 10 year period.

4. If you specify at any o f the above locations that you wish the

Senior Class to get credit for the purchase, the Senior Class will receive $5 toward the senior gift.

5. You will receive a certificate which will enable you to order your

cap and gown and to receive 12 graduation announcements. The Bookstore will bill the Alumni Association.

Embarcadero del Mar at If you have any question, please come to the Alumni office, on the first floor of the Administration Building or call 968-1511, Pardall extention 4121. You may also contact Dave Moss at 968-4374. MAY 20. 196 8----EL- G A U C H O ---- P A G E 3 REGISTRAR ANSWERS QUESTIONS How to Succeed in Pre-registering Without Really Trying

Registrar’s Office. (This same fornia, Santa Barbara, Santa receive will simply list the Q. What Is pre-registration? A. A measure of fairness to procedure applies for a deficit Barbara, California 93106. classes in which space has been A. It is the same thing most all students. It eliminates load.) Complete the required Q. When is the last day to reserved. It must be assumed of you have been doing each having to get up very early to Information and present the pe­ pay fees to protect space re­ that a class requested and not quarter-filing preferred pro­ file cards on the’ first day or tition to your college or school served through pre-enroll­ listed on the reply was either gram cards for reservation in depending on someone else to for approval. They will give you ment? closed, cancelled or a time con­ classes and the procedure r e ­ do it for you. a "P etition on F ile*’ card which A. If fees are paid between flic t. mains basically the same. Q. Once I have filed my must be filed with your pre­ August 1 and September 3 the Q. If I need to replace the Q. When can I file preferred cards how can I make a pro- ferred program cards. Other­ packet and notification of space pre-punched preferred pro­ program cards? ' gram change? w ise you w ill not be pre-en­ reserved will be mailed between gram cards why do I have to A. May 31, or as soon after A. Open Registration, Sep­ rolled in any classes. September 3 and 10 to the pay for them? the Schedule of Classes is avail­ tem ber 27. Q. How can I be assured of permanent address. If fees are A. The cards become a part able and you feel your program Q. When is the first day to obtaining space in an extremely paid after September 3 the ma­ of the registration packet. Pre­ is firm . Processing w ill not pay fees? terial must be picked up in punching the cards with your popular class? begin until May 31. A. August 1. A. List your courses in order Q. If my parents send a check person at the Registrar’s Office alpha number has been done Q. Why does everyone have to for your protection. An incor­ of preference. Nothing is for or money order for my fees after September 10. file preferred program cards rect alpha number or cards sure. Students w ill be pre-en- should it be sent to the Regis­ Q. If I do not receive my by mall? filed without an alpha number r oiled into their first choices trar’s Office? Pre-Registration Packet what would invalidate your cards and as long as class space is avail­ A. No. The check or money should I do? you would not be pre-enrolled able. Protect yourself by listing order should be made out for A. Contact the R egistrar’ s in any classes. alternate courses. the exact amount and made pay­ Office, Pre-enrollment Center. Q. I would like to request Q. There is no place to list able to the Regents of the Uni­ If you have moved since thebe- an excess load for next quarter. w here we want our packet versity of California. If you want ginning of Spring Quarter and KIOSK What do I need to do and when? mailed. When do we tell you the Student Insurance, this failed to report a change of A. Obtain à petition at the where to mall it? amount should be included in address the packet has pro­ Information Counter in the (Continued on p. 7, col. 1) the check. The pink insurance bably been returned to this PEACE & FREEDOM card must be returned with office. either the application completed Q. What do I do with the third Come meet and talk with your » é candidate fo r UJ3. Senate. The or the waiver completed. In­ copy of the preferred program INA CASHEN & happening is a no-host cocktail clude your full legal name and cards? MARTHA WENDT party for Paul Jacobs tomor­ alpha number cm the check or A . Complete it and keep it row between 4 and 6:30 p.m. money order. Mail to: Cashier's for your record of the classes OPEN A NEW SHOP Make your resevations now at Office, Administration Bldg., requested. The notification of the table in front of the Library. Room 1311, University of Cali- space reserved that you will : p a n n e SAPPHO'S... JUDO An all-campus Judo Tourna­ ANDERSON'S NORTH AMERICAN MOVING CLOTHES & THINGS ment will be held tomorrow and DRESSES & PONCHOS Wednesday at 2 and 2:30 p.m. EARRINGS Weigh in at 1:30 in the Old v* STORAGE Gym on Tuesday afternoon. POTS & PAINTINGS OPEN 10-6 ETC. ORALS COMPLETE MOVING SERVICE TUESDAY “ SUNDAY The oral qualifying examina­ tion for the Degree of Doctor LOCAL or WORLDWIDE MOVING EL PASEO - AB of Philosophy, with a major in (GARDEN ENTRANCE - OFF LARGE STORAGE FACILITIES Chemistry, will be held for OF DE LA GUERRA ST.) Davis A. Hasman today at 1:30 510 E. MASON, Santa Barbara TELEPH ONE 965-821 81 in Chem 2111. Phone 963-20% Interested faculty members t^HwmaaawmwcHMaaaaaMesanagvaesesesesesesesesesesesesesesesi are invited to attend. MISCELLANEOUS Project Action meets tonight at 8 in UCen 2292.

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5*8*8888*88S* 8*888888888®8888g8888S®88®®S®®8®8®S8®8888888888888g888888888888®888888888S888888®8g888g888g8888888g888Ä

^8S® ® S8888888888888S888888888g88888S888S888?v ______'______ever, was a mention of hail conditions; lets keep on the ball, bqys!) Venturing Out Perhaps you could print the THE LAST HIPPIE COMEBACK weather conditions as received from the Geology Department— in four or five lines—and leave Into Reality the rest of the column blank, a true oasis for overly burdened eyes. MARK CANTOR By RICK SALZMAN Fun time is almost over. You will one day soon be forced (Editor’s Note: The report was to leave these hallowed halls o f learning and participate in the real obtained from the campus wea­ ther station in South Hall. The world—a world filled with people who are poor, starving, dying, article was printed by the Public rioting, mis-(or un-) educated, and growing more bitter every day Information Office.) about their plight. And now that you are an educated, sensitive, intellectual person, the question is: What are you going to do about it? In Eye of You can go in one o f two directions: you can either accept the material gains and secure social position your degree can lead v\ B eh older you to, or you can devote yourself to an attempt to ameliorate the conditions in our society which have trapped so many. There is no To the Editor: r/Sf.-Zfl Cheadle has an office over in middle ground; unless you are willing to support the effort with the Biology Department. That’s your whole being, and not merely a donation check, the battle why it is so incongrous that can never be won. this school should have its trees in concrete boxes, its lagoon V planted with ice plant and its MAINSTREAM OF SOCIETY ocean cliffs terraced in pink Although society has given you a break since you were concrete. born, transcend the narrow perspective o f your personal experi­ The most recent and probably ence and realize that too many people in our country live outside most inane effort to beautify this factory by the sea is a park the mainstream o f society; and they are held there by the society consisting of a circle of pink itself which fosters such values as the Protestant ethic and keep­ concrete which is presently be­ ing up with the Joneses. ing built down by the lagoon. These social outcasts (poor, black, etc.) are great in number Appropriately enough, this park and they cannot be isolated (witness Hitler’s society) nor allowed is adjacent to the ChanceUor’s home. to exist in their present state, as the “ riots” (revolutions?) in our Relatively few people have cities have shown. And the tokenism o f the small changes (civil seen this park. Relatively few rights bills) is minute compared to the cataclysmic change neces­ people ever go down to the la­ sary to extract our society from its present predicament. goon. Those that do sure as hell TUITION! YE GODS ... What is needed is a reordering o f values, a new system don’ t want to walk around in a WHY, I HAVENT EVEN BEEN c irc le of pink concrete. which substitutes humanitarianism for the materialism and pragma­ ABLE TO AFFORD In the few years of its exis­ tism o f today. The present situation calls for what might be termed A H A IR C U T tence, this school has covered altruism were it not for the fact that aiding others today could a greater surface area with pink IN THE LAST YEAR! help insure a tomorrow for us all. This new value system is both concrete than either Stanford rational and practical when you consider that for a society to exist or Berkeley. These proliferous, yet obscure, paths are of value equitably for all, the basic needs o f others are o f prime importance to no one. to everyone. Otherwise, a continued lack o f fulfillment o f these Moreover, they have neglec­ 51.2 per cent would stop the basic needs will bring about disruptive forces which will eventually LETTERS ted any aesthetic value which bombing and 28.4 per cent this school once possessed.In bring the society down. Stating this pragmatically to help your­ prefer temporary suspension. I self, you had better help others. fact, now it is the ocean, beach, M cC arthy can assure you I shall keep and lagoon, not the concrete these views in mind as I try planters, pathways, and ice to develop intelligent re­ BURDEN OF RESPONSIBILITY G ratitude plant, which seem out of place. sponses to changing inter- Th is zoo belongs in downtown There is so much to be done that the possibility o f satis­ To the Editor: n atonal relations. L.A. I am writing to you in the The emphasis of students for factorily building a better society is unfortunately slim. If it is ever RUSS FLEGAZ to be done, though, you bear the burden o f responsibility. Don’t hope that you w ill communicate McCarthy on education and job my appreciation to the students training in our urban recon- pass it on to the next generation under the gradualism doctrine. on your campus for their ciUation efforts is reassuring E L G A U C H O The situation is too urgent for such procrastination. CHOICE 68 votes. to me in a very personal way. Ghetto children need dedicated teachers, teachers who are Not only because my candi­ Let us remain together, and I Rich Zeiger Editor interested in them and will imbue them with the spirit to break the dacy was favored in the ballot­ am confident that our common cycle o f poverty into which they were born. Social workers and ing am I grateful. More signi­ cause can change the direction Published five t’mes a week, ficant than the success or the of our country. Monday through Friday, ex­ community developers are needed in poverty districts to try and losses of individual candidates e u g e n e j . McC a r t h y cept during holidays, exam pe­ make them better places for people to live. riods and dead week, by the in CHOICE 68 is the partici­ Publications Board gf the As­ To those o f you going into the professional world as doc­ pation by one million students sociated Students, University tors, lawyers, and dentists, remember that the inhabitants o f “ the on some 1200 campuses in the W eath er of California, Santa Barbara. Entered as second class matter other America” are in dire need o f such services. Although the political process. Student opinions, debated and expressed on November 20, 1S51 at Gol- material remuneration will be small compared to the high income To P rin t eta, California 93017. Printed democratically, will influence by the Campus Press at 323 white world, there is more personal satisfaction to be gained from elections throughout our nation. To the Editor: Magnolia, Goleta, California. helping people who have NEVER had what you take for granted. CHOICE 68 opinions on m ili­ I feel compelled to compli­ It all boils down to this: you can accept society in its pre­ tary action, bombing and the ment you on your excellent Steve Bailey—Executive Editor urban situation have been for­ Oave Hyams— Managing Editor sent form, lose yourself in it, and become a selfless, soulless hunk article concerning University warded to me. I note that 55.4 weather conditions. Your adroit Mike Litton — Editorial Editor o f flesh or you can realize the perniciousness o f American society p er cent of my student sup­ staff writer was able to stick Dave Court — News Editor and its value system, make an honest attempt to transform it into porters favor a reduction of a m ere handful of boring, un­ Jim Bettinger — City Editor something suitable for human habitation, and live with yourself military action in Vietnam and essential facts into a boring, ' Ann Shaffrath—Asso. City Ed. knowing that at least you have tried. 29.1 per cent are for with­ unessential full column article. Nancy Cutshall — Copy Editor drawal. Among students fo r me, (Conspicuously missing, how­ MONDAY. 1 9 6 8 ----E L G A U C H O ---- P A G E 5 PHIL OCHS INTERVIEW Militarism Cause of Spiritual Decline in America ENTERTAINMENT: Written after the Kennedy assassination, “ it*s a study of hero By RICK RAWLES slaying, the creation of martyrs, the founding of religions; how i ! GUIDE EG Staff Writer people kill the best in themselves publicly, then go through a purg­ « FOR SHOW-TIMES ; “ I started out with the CIA along with,the rest of the crowd,»* ing of guilt after the fact, and how they sort of enjoy this process SEE MOVIE TIME TABLE. . joked folk singer Phil Ochs. «They trained me as a youth, raised o f s o rro w .»»' ' Ochs was asked to identify what he felt the spiritual decline me with wolves, and taught me song writing.** of America, the subject of his forthcoming album, is. It exists, Ochs, author of such current song favorities as "Th e Cruci­ I GRANADA claimed Ochs, “ in the militarism, in the materialism, in the chok­ fixion,** «Outside a Small Circle of Friends,*» and ‘»There But \ 1216 State St. • 965 6541 for Fortune,»* is engaged in a series of benefit concerts for groups ing of all the spirit that used to be here.** He views the campaign of Senator McCarthy ‘»as a possible supporting Eugene McCarthy’s Presidential campaign. attempt to bring back America from the brink of the grave which For the past six years, Ochs, along with several other song SANDY DENNIS w riters, has been concerned with “ expanding the meaning of what a is where I think it was when I made the album.*» McCarthy, Ochs feels, is more specific than his opponent, song is.»» Although Ochs classified himself a folk singer, he qualified KE1R DULLEA Robert Kennedy. He handles himself “ in a looser and more honest this by remarking that he wasn't fully a folk singer “ in the sense ANNE HEYWOOD that I was a song writer first and then a song writer writing off fashion,»» commented Ochs. ___ Ochs does not share the anti-Kennedy sentiment of many Me- "T H E FO X " the folk idiom.** TT . Carthy supporters. Originally an advocate of a Kennedy candidacy, Discussing his most recent album, “ Pleasures of the Harbor, AND Ochs switched to the Minnesota senator when McCarthy attacked Ochs maintained that it w ill last longer than many recent pop al­ the CIA, and called for the replacement of such prominent figures »’ SOL M ADRID" bums which are considered by “ hip reviewers»» to be revolution­ as J. Edgar Hoover, Dean Rusk, and General Hershey. ary. This is because the music in “ Harbor»» is more general. “ McCarthy discusses the general nature of politics and govern- “ No thought was given to the contemporary, in the sense of what is ment, de-emphasizing this sort of ram-rod type of government ! ARLINGTON ! going on in pop production,** said Ochs of the album. One of the best known songs on the album is “ The Crucifixion.** we*ve been developing,** judged Ochs. ] 1317 Slate St. ■ 966 6837 I


Shown at 6.45 8.20 JOHN LENNON ! » # MICHAEL CRAWFORD and 10.15 HOW I WON THE WAR


BATTLE BENEATH FILMED AT THE NEWPORT FOLK FESTIVAL THE EARTH AND DAY OF THE EVIL STARTS THURSDAY "THE STRANGER’ GUN PAGE 6——EL GAUCHO——MONDAY. MAY 20. 196 8 Adams’ Army Gun Down Field in Regional Showdown By GERALD NEECE high jump mark with a leap of EG Staff Writer 6 ’ 8” . Paul Vallerga, his UCSB teammate, was second at 6*6V. Good guys always wear white. Bob Engelstad and Brian And John Pappa, U.C. Davis Downer took one-two In the track coach is now a believer. javelin, Engelstad throwing the Saturday’s NCAA Pacific spear 230* 6” and Downer, Coast Regional Meet at U.C. 226* 5 1/2” . Jerry Wygant, Davis was billed as the biggest competing for the first time showdown since Hipshot P e r­ cussion met Sudden Demise, but it turned Into a rout as the UCSB track team compiled 86 points, nearly double the 44.1/2 points for second place Cal State Hayward. Highly touted Nevada was fifth with 32 points. “ It was a tremendous team effort all the way and very probably Is the finest perform­ ance ever achieved by a Gau- cho track team,” Adams re­ joiced. “ The entire squad did a really great job.” Jay Elbel, the Gauchos* out­ standing junior middle distance WINNING FORM— UCSB high jumper Joe Cantrell exhibits form that allowed him to clear 6'8" to runner from San Antonio, tie his own school record and win the NCAA Regionals Saturday. The Gauchos also won team honors Texas, and San Diego Mesa COACH SAM ADAMS with 86 points, almost twice the second place score. J .C „ led the UCSB attack that included - seven firsts, seven since a back injury sidelined seconds, two thirds, two him a midseason, won the triple fourths, and two fifths. Elbel set jump with a 47* 8” leap and Social Committee Harrier Outlook Bright in '68 a new school and meet rec­ was followed by Gaucho Jeb ; >. present ord o f 47.3 in the 440, and an­ Burgess who took fourth with a 44* i i * » jump. chored the victorious mile re­ lay team with a blistering 46.4. Jeff Rawlings won the three Despite Loss of Rawlings The mile relay team of Bill m ile with a 14:35.6 to lead the Millar, Bob Millar, Dennis running event assault with El­ ICREAM When UCLA basketball Coach Adams. “ He’sdone an outstand­ Chiniaeff, and Elbel smashed bel. Dave Blemker was second John Wooden loses Lew Alcin- A N D TH E ing job for us for four year snow the old NCAA Regional mark of with 14:37.6. The brothers M il­ d o r, he’ ll know how UCSB cross and I don’ t know If we*U be able 3 :16.1 with a 3:12.6, only a half lar also took seconds, Bill in the country Coach Sam Adams feels to replace him.** a second off their school mark. 440 and Bob in the 880. losing Jeff Rawlings. For this reason, the key word ELECTRIC Other splits on the relay in­ Next week, the Gauchos host “ Jeff is going to be a hard next year will be ‘team’* In­ cluded B ill M illar In 49.7, the AU-Cal meet in preparatimi man to replace,** lamented stead of ‘ individual.** Three of brother Bob In 48.3, and Chini­ for the Nationals. FLAG the top seven from this year LIGHT BY “DRY PAINT” a eff in 48.2. will be returning, Mike Bell, A ll but one of the remaining Bill Word, and Barry Foose. Overland Expedition-Men and firsts came in the field events. GALERIA DEL SOL Women-12 weeks-London-1 ndia M ore than ever “ good grouping Clark Chelsey, the Gauchos* and return via Moscow to Lon­ Is the key to success** will now 516 SAN YSIDRO RD. don by air. A ll inclusive to wonderful weightman, hurled MAY 24 b e true. $700. Leaving June. Write the discus 166 feet and came Montecito G. Wood Encounter Over­ ‘Our level of competition 8 :3 0 P.M. back to take second In the shot May 26th through land, 665 West Ewing, Seattle w ill be about the same next ROBERTSON GYM 98119. put with a 55* 9 3/4” toss. Joe June 21st year as it was this year,” not­ U.C.S.B. C antrell tied his own school ed the Coach, “ although w e’ ll A L V IN PIN E Tickets no longer be competing in the MAKER OF THINGS and drawings by UCEN Box Office NCAA College Division.” Students $3.00 NEED The season opens September Robert Bausch 28 with Long Beach State and % Public $3.50 Frank Duquenne STORAGE!! San Fernando Valley State. Jim McMenamin FREE POSTER TO FIRST C alifornia and UCLA at Berke­ 2,000 TICKET BUYERS “Let LYON Guard ley should be one of the high­ Jerry Rothman Your Goods” lights of the season. The an­ 129GAST Robert Stites nual Santa Barbara AAU run and CARRUJO Nicolas Van Horn the AU-Cal Crosscountry meet r e a s o n a b l e Bill Williamson w ill be held on campus. o £ f i ' 9662SIO Tuesday through — Neece RATES Sunday, 11—5 Friday and Saturday 27 E. Cota St. evenings, 6 -1 0 966-7103 BORSODIS EU R O PE ( 5 weeks) $ 339. Amsterdam R.T. July 4/Aug. 9, JET Spirt Cut l I S T H E COFFEE HOUSE O R IE N T (6 weeks) $ 500. Tokyo R.T. July 1/Aug. 13, JET Dnss Slacks ON THE LOOP. SIERRA TRAVEL INC., 9875 Santa Monica Bird. ifpiciaHy far Beverly Hills, phone: (213) 272-3330 or 272-8081 the cadili JANTZEN LORD JEFF Formerly a member o f the Banking Fraternity, but now ARROW with UCSB Wage Administration Staff, Robert serves the LEVI «A LL NEW ’68 s Credit Union as President and Chairman o f the Board o f CACTUS CASUA Directors. * SERVICE JOCKEY ADLER P * PARTS Robert extends a cordial invitation to all Faculty and For top* Staff to share the benefits a Participating Membership in 614 CHAPALA in quality ft style the Credit Union affords. It’s the best Investment today for only $2.00. ROBERT SCOTT * USED CARS Good Returns----Reliable Service President 716 CHAPALA Savings Matched with Life Insurance* master charge i iMKUincut

iVosfcfcu/lll m Chetirvofot IL U 0mn UNIVERSITY & STATE EMPLOYEES CREDIT UNION the MEN S SHOP 3887 State Street - Suite 203 DOWN TOWN DISCOUNTER €551 Trigo Road Santa Barbara, Ca. 93105 with the Phone: 967-5641 •SHARPEST PENCILS 968-4810 ON THE COAST’ 5850 Hollister Ave. Hours: Mon thru Thurs 9 to 4 - Fri 9 to 6 WE DO NOT CLOSE FOR LUNCH! 7 DAYS/NITESi 967-4801 ______AFPHJATED^iyiTH THE CALIFORNIA CREDIT UNION LEAGUE AND CUNA INTERNATIONAL. INC. MONDAY. MAY 20. 1968----EL GAUCHO—"PAGE 7


BLACK UTES at Incredibly un-Am- Bare side shifts, bare back shifts, ANNOUNCEMENTS------1 erican prices. No quotes to avoid custom bikinis, one of a kind shirts, Exciting Campus Diamond HUAC subpoena. Call 968-5343. dresses, trunks, Carnaby Coats, but­ Flying club meets Wed. the 22 8:30 terfly dresses, and other original CLAY KALLAM pm SHI 128. Elect officers. Morey-Pope Surfboard. 9*9". Good originals. Bikini Factory - 314 ------cond. $90. Call 968-0132. Chapala, SB 962-8959 11:30-5:00. PEACE «W e want to turn your bones to Silent protest. Bumper, body or win­ GROOVY WOOD ROUNDTABLE $30 candy." In the great tradition o f UCSB’s exciting atmosphere, the dow stickers. White doves, set of 966-9623. 3/$l. Box 645 California 90213. Storage Problems? Let Student Stor­ Gauchos’ athletic fields are named Campus Diamond, Robertson Summer Wedding Dress and Veil size age Service store all of your problems Gymnasium and Multipurpose Bleachered Campus Facility. Those People! We store everything - 962- 9-10 Ph. 966-4888. for the summer. We store bicycles, names sort o f grab you----a lot like C&O 4, or Music. Annex, etc. 5210. motorcycles, books, TV’s, radios, Bargain 12 String Guitar $15 968' stereos, furniture, guitars and ampli­ Robertson Gymnasium can pass. There is a lot o f tradition POETRY WANTED for anthology. In­ 9480. fiers, typewriters, boxes and cartons behind naming gyms after people, but how many people do you clude stamped env. Idlewlld Press, of dishes, clothes, hardware or any 543 Federlck, San Francisco 94117. HARBOUR CHEATER-9*6 " Excellent other personal property. For In­ know named Old? O f course, in their infinite wisdom the Regents Cond. $65 Ed 968-0335. formation or reservations call 962- decided that this campus would never get larger than 5,000 (it’s Auto Stereo Tape Exchange-99ÿ TV- 5210, 7863, 8546 or 4112. 50 cent H1 FI-Auto Radio Repair. Stereo & BUFFET CLARINET: 1937 model; a charge for pickup and delivery. Bond­ fine Instrument, unplayed since re ­ now up to 25,000) and so they built a gym that seats 3,200 and T V Center-5848 Hollister. 964-5911, ed, and Insured. condemned the other. The Old Gym goes after one more year o f cent, complete, overhaul $250. 964- 4564. Keep the eleven bucks, just give service. Logical. APARTMENTS TO SHARE :------2 back the wallet and the cards. Dave HUMAN HAIR FALL-Dk. Br.,-27»- 6822 Trlgo. Put It In the mailbox or But, as Max Shulman says, I digress. Stadium? Well, 1 Girl to sublet Fall apt. $60 per Call 968-6237-Sally. something. something along that line. Devereux Diamond? I ’m sure that you month Call 968-7306. SACRIFICE must sell Jacobs Surf­ NO RUST, NO DUST, bicycle storage, can do better. After all, we’re college students. Surely we can G irl needs roommate to share apt. board make offer 965-1956. fre e plckig) & delivery for reserva­ now thru summer 968-8585. think o f more interesting names than East Hall, West Hall, North tions, Call 968-7573 or 968-6940. 9 «6 " Harbour Banana good cond. $70 Hall and South Hall. I realize that naming things is difficult but G irl needed for 2-man for WHOLE Bruce 968-7465. there must be more to it than reading o ff a compass. Ah, well, summer. Call 968-7669. Must Sell almost new sailboat 14ft. RIDES OFFERED------16 any suggestions are welcome; bring them up to the EL GAUCHO Need rmmate 2&3 qtr. next year. A ll gear Included Call 968-0286. Office, third floor o f the UCen and I ’ll publish the best (if any) Plush Del Playa w/fireplace & sep­ Drive new Mercury Station-wagon to arate bedrm Call 968-6171. Pick up your Spring Sing Records at New York about June 15 w ill pay next week. Campus Book Store. gas, oil, repairs, etc. Call 967-6546. Need grad, student for Fall. Own bdrm. Quiet $67.50. B ill, 968-6510. Muntz car Stereo Tape Deck $30, RIDES WANTED------W INDY PREVIEW 2 Crager SS Mag Wheels tor Ford Indianapolis and Andy Granatelli are getting a lot of press UD girl for fall 5-man Del Playa $40, Armallte AR7 Survival Rifle$38, Need ride to Mexico City or on route (beach side) 968-693 L Coleman Icebox dix. mod. $15, 2 after finals 968-6235. this week; so to go along with Newsweek, Sports Illustrated and complete BSA Wheels $15 ea., Surf Sport Magazine, we publish our exclusive interview with Eddie .1 Girl needed to share 4 - man racks $10, *62 Triumph 650 many new 'Castillian $57/mo. 968-6952. parts 8-8148. SERVICES OFFERED------17 Gruntalot, Indianoplous driver and mechanic. Group--better get a move on! Re­ EG: What do you think of A.J. Foyt's statement that Indy 1 G irl (grad/sr) needed Summer Ses­ Complete Photo Dark Room - Blk & sion Abrego Apts. $50/mo. 966-5375. Wht. Enc. Developer Enlarger Chems serve space for your bicycles, furn­ is for cars, not airplanes, in reference to the turbines? Tools. Good for beginner $75. 962- iture, trunks, boxes of personal prop­ AUTOS FOR SALE------3 9060 Evenings. erty or other items. For info, or GRUNT: Well, airplanes fly, right? Well, den ya gotta dis­ reservations call 962-5210 or 962- qualify all de guys that ever flipped de car if ya go by that, right? 5 8 VW Van good shape $495 Ph. 968- 9 *8 " HOBIE noserlder good condi­ 7863. Bonded & Insured — We*re running out of space! EG: Right, Eddie, I guess. How long have you been driving? 7852 Or 967-3089. tion $70, call 968-4591. Alterations, reweaving, Isla Vista GRUNT: After running out of fingers, taking off his shoes 64 VW Sdn sunroof r/h lo mi xlnt FOUNO------7 cond $1050 968-6002. Sewing Shop, 6686 Del Playa Dr., uh, gee, over twenty. Clay. I started off as a kid. Found-Wallet, SAEblkepath, call968- IV , 968-1822, Open 9-5; Saturdays EG: I see. How did you get your start in mechanics and 59 Volve Sedan $450 phone 7155 betw 6-7 p.m. 9 am-noon. 968-0384. racing? FOUND—GIRLS HYBRID BIKE IN Chequered Flag Service for foreign GRUNT: As a kid, we used to work on cars for free, and JAGUAR XK 140 MC new clutch, top, AESTHETICALLY PLEASING LOUSY car repairs. All makes & models, COND. PH: 968-7403. European mechanics. Work fully guar. when we wuz caught, we had to learn to go pretty fast to get away front end, rugs, rebuilt transmis­ sion - best offer - desperate. Stewart VW incl. 964-1695, 375 Pine. from de fuzz. Brown 968-4217. HELP WANTED------8 Design your own original earrings EG: Well, one final question, Eddie, who do you like in G irls wanted for pin-up and figure 61 Flat 1200 Conv. good cond. needs at no charge from our fabulous col­ photography. Replies kept conflden- this year's Indy? engine work ph. 968-2344. lection of beads. MOSAIC CRAFT tla L 963-2489. CENTER, 3443 State Street, SB, GRUNT: You know, dat's a good question, buddy, but I 966-0910. 61 VW Conv. New paint & top in gd SUMMER EMPLOYMENT figure that de guy who can go 500 miles faster than anyone else . mech shape Offer 968-7029. ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNIC A Our training program has a real good chance. 55 Chevy 2dr. Column shift pretty and Incentive program TRAVEL------W clean • runs fine; asking $150 EG: Thanks a lot, Eddie. are second to none. Possible 968-7749. Y ear round jet charters to Europe (The Indy will be shown on closed circuit Thursday at the part time this fall. many flights left call Kayo.968-7261. $550.00 per month 60 Olds ex cond best .offer Call 968- Granada Theatre in Santa Barbara for all of you Lotus, Offen- guarantee If you meet our 9484 after 7 pm. $ EUROPE - JAPAN hauser, American Eagle and ambulance fans.) requirements. Secure your $319 Loudon R.T. June 17/Sept. 18 summer 10b now. Phone 67 Camero SS 350 Factory air rally $362 Am str., London June 20/Sept.ll Ventura 648 - 1861 and pac & console, tach, $2950 warranty $295 London, Amstr. Aug. 22/Sept. 20 ask for Mrs. Hughes to IM POTPOURRI 968-6833 or 968-0438. $500 Tokyo R.T. July 1/Aug. 13 Women’s intramural football is good. After some bruising arrange personnal mt. From New York to London $245 R.T. Sierra Travel of Beverly Hills games (a broken arm in one), it’s all down to the Strapp vs. the 64 Convalr Monza conv. extras $595 best offer Patty 968-7432. LOST------11 9875 Santa Monica B., 274-3330 D.G.’s on Wednesday. The Strapp, led by halfback Judy Sanders, REWARD! For return of stolen flute 57 MG Magnette, much new equip­ UNIVERSITY JET CHARTERS": June 968-9494 ask for Neal. No questions. 13-Spet 12 LA/London/Amsterdam/ the women’s answer to Tom Broadhead, destroyed the Pi Phi’s 21-7 ment, but needs some work, $200/ offer, must sell. 968-3626/968-6107 L A $350; June 28-Aug 27 LA/London to reach the finals. Check ’em out Wednesday behind R.G. Please return the 183 Book-Dynamics after 5 and weekends. Amsterdam/LA $370; Sept 4 LA/Lon­ Softball is coming down to wire too. Three undefeated o f Personality-left outside the book­ don $164. B ILL BROWN, EDUCA- teams are left: Lambda Chi, Sigma Chi and the Canadian Club. Sig­ Rare Cltroen2cv Truckette, new store. Call Ann 968-8622. TOURS, 4348 Van Nuys, Sherman brakes, tires, wiring, etc. Call 966- , Cal. 91403. Lost-Siamese kitten-May 9th Trlgo- ma Chi looks like the class o f the bunch behind pitcher John Irvin, 2510. S abado Tarde area Call 968-8079 who’s having a great year .... 65 Malibu SS 327 Hl-perf. 4-spd. 5-6PM, REWARD. TUTORING------W Pete H ail seems to have a lock on Most Valuable IM person P,S. G-70Wldebootsw/magsex.cond. Why F when 6 hours of help might get or whatever; championship football, basketball, winner o f badmin­ 8-0332. _____ REWARD Green Jacket & blue sweat­ e r lost In F . Torres parking lot or you a C or D? Math, Mech, Physics, 968-5307 Near Towers. ton, etc., etc., and he does a good job as Sandy Geuss’s assistant in FOR RENT------» along El Coleglo. Contact Rm 311 F . Torres or office there. running the complex men’s program. Summer-Beach side Del Playa girls TYPING------20 $ 50/month utilities pd. 967-2811. K APPA ALPHA THETA PIN on bike path call 968-6337. REWARD. Exper. typist. 50Ç/pg. Reports, etc. Apt. House Rentals. Summer & Fall 967-7430. wkdy eves; anytime wk- Old B. of A.btdlding967 Emb.delMar Lost-tan wool jacket at Spring Sing e a d s. Shibui, Abrego, Fontainebleu, Sun­ Practice. Call Trudy 968-8284. Pre-Registration rise, Seacrest & many others, lncl. TYPIN G , electric 30Ç a page one day Duplexes. Ocean & mountain views Glasses w/sllver frame In blue case. service! 968-4657. avalL Carnesale Devel. Corp. 968- Pre-Registration Packet and Left In Spch 1201 May 13 REWARD (Continued from p* 3) 3585. 968-7544. Manuscripts of all kinds expertly A. All final registration ma­ withdraw from school during proofread & typed. Mary Menztes F or Rent Steinway Baby Grand Plano 968-7802. terial will be mailed to the Spring Quarter but intend to re ­ MOTORCYCLES------$3 turn for Fall Quarter can I still good condition June through Septem­ permanent address on file in ber call ext 3281 or 966-0735. Typing. IBM Electric, fast accurate. file the cards I received? Triumph Cub-tt runs $150 or offer the Registrar's Office. It is the 968-8106 (soon). 968-6285. A . No. The cards would not 2-man apt. Fall near beach call student's responsibility to in­ be processed. At the time you George 968-2860, 6595 S.T. $55 mo. A Great Buy! *66 Yamaha Big Bear WANTED------21 form the Registrar's Office of a apply for re-admission and the Scrambler 250cc only 1800 ml. like Duplex like new In Goleta change of either local or perma­ application is approved you will new $450 Firm . 962-7565. 2 Senior, Grads or married couple to 3 bdrm, 1 bath, lg. kitchen area sublet big quiet apt. Pool, c a ll Susan nent address. be sent a new Pre-Registration stove, living room w/flreplace Suzuki X5 Scrambler 6months old 968-4243 or Kathy 968-4243 for fall Q. If I have received my Packet. aU utilities pd., $175 mo., 969-2645. only $435 966-7519 eves. •68, C o o lE lcld apts $55 2bdrm fall sum­ Honda 50 1968 500 miles $175 Great 2 girls to siblease apt next year mer $80 1 bdrm 6510C Sab ado Tarde cond. 964-5467 Or 6735 Abrego *40. 6595 Cordoba 968-2192. 968-3480. 1967 Kawasaki Samurai 2501owmlle- 2 girls to share 4-man apt fall at Income Property Management is new age exc. cond. $625/otf 968-9729. Berkeley $55 Call 968-1903. located between IV Market & Village Store - $15 Emb. del Mar - 968-9681. PERSONALS------14 Lots of great apts for summer A fan Vital natural foods now for sustained Desperate! Need 5 girls to take con­ energy and tun during finals. Stress tracts for Del Playa apt. Spacious p ills If It's too late. Sun & Earth ALL NIGHT cheapest rent on Beach Call 968-2829. Natural Foods. 6576 Trlgo, by Rexall Drugs. FOR SALE------• ! ,1 A.M .-S.30 A.M. Please return the 183 Book-Dynamics Fndr Bandmaster $200, Gibson ES- o f Personality-left outside the Book­ 335, $200 or Offer 968-9922. store. Call Ann 968-8622. KCSB-FM Erly Amer. Hide-a-Bed; bge & brn ; 91 ! 1----77 0 AM Just arrived - Lady Wrangler - light 12-15 wool carpet - rosy - bge i IN D O R M S blue, light green, Ice, wheat, loden, 968-2963. and sailing blue - Clothes Colony. P A G E 8----E L G A U C H O ---- MONDAY. MAY 20. 196 8 Hitch Reports: Attack Urban Crises Rafferty Raps Leaders of (Continued from p. 1) Regents of “ an irresponsible no longer tolerate the current tablishment of a permanent approach to the Investment lack of appropriate conduct by com m ittee rather than a tem­ C ommittee. When we talk of the the Investment Committee.” porary study group as proposed need fo r funds these days, there Simon specifically decried late­ by Hitch. He also pointed out are several million m ore that ness and lack of attendance at Vietnam Commencement can be gained and used out of Investment Committee meet­ that he was not steadfastly com ­ mitted to the proposal "as it our Investment funds. We can ings. By ANN HENRY stands,” but that he endorsed EG Staff Writer it in principle. He told the Re­ Berkeley Rally gents that he hoped such a com­ Optimism Severe criticism was meted out to the proponents of the Viet­ (Continued from p. 1) mittee would allow students to (Continued from p, 1) sue for damages in a Federal nam Commencement last Thursday by State Superintendent of problem of ego on both sides — have an organization that would Court, reportedly for six thou­ Public Education Max R afferty. w e thought we had your sup­ be advisory to the Regents. sand dollars for each of three Rafferty told EL GAUCHO that he considered the proposed port, but it turned out we didn't. commencement a prostitution of public education.»» DEFENSE TIES KEPT The remarks of some of your defendants. At the same time, the controversial Regent praised the aims One of the major opponents Earlier _Jh the meeting the student leaders antagonized a of both the Davis and UCSB requests for aid to minority students of the rally was Governor Rea­ Regents had rejected part of lot of us — because we thought at the University. gan, who questioned the pro­ the report of the Committee it would be a real unity thing— When questioned about the actions of the Regents concerning priety of allowing the event to on Educational Policy which students working for students." the Vietnam Commencement, Rafferty replied, " I think that anything take place anywhere on campus. would have instructed Hitch to T o the Criticism by some that's held on a public campus which is controlled and governed by begin terminating ties with the /UCSB students that the Regents In a letter to Regent Chair­ the general public, by the democratic, by the elected representatives Institute for Defense Analysis. would not be able to afford the man Theodore Meyer, (released of the people, should be in accord with the arrangements made by On the initiation of Regent Davis program, Bishop an­ Thursday by the Governor's of­ the Administration.*' John Canaday, who stated that swered, "W e recognized the fice), Reagan had called for Rafferty charged that the proposed ceremony was “ a celebra­ such' action would be miscon­ problems of feasibiUty, and the disciplinary action against fac­ tion of North Vietnam," "collaboration with the enemy," and strued into meaning that the Regents did too—what was most ulty members "who have been Peneath contempt." University did not wish to take important was a commitment to directly involved” in the mock responsibility in this area, the the ideal, though. I just fa il to commencement ceremony. IN SYMPATHY WITH GOALS Regents separated the section see why the students (from In the same letter, Reagan In regard to the demands of the Davis students, the State concerning the termination and UCSB) couldn't see the same also asked why the CDO should Superintendent declared, "I'm in sympathy with their goals, and then passed the rest of the re­ thing.” be allowed to be registered as I'm going to try to help them.” port. Subsequently they voted Asked what she saw fo r the an on-campus organization. The Rafferty continued, "What they want is to get a situation disapproval of the termination future of . programs to aid University “ should show cause where they will have more scholarships and more help for the section. minorities at the University, a why the Campus Draft Opposi­ underprivileged people from our slums, from our big cities, to go In other business, Regent weary girl from Davis sighed, tion registration should not be to the University. Norton Simon accused fellow "W e have a long way to go.” invoked,” according to Reagan, "We have very few of those people now; I'm going to do all I can to try to help get them there." Concerning his opinion on the alternate proposal by the UCSB | WHERE WERE Associated Students, Rafferty commented, “ I have spoken to your YOU WHEN | student body president, and I have read the letter which he sent to K C S B — F M the Regents. | I NEEDED YOU? * "I am in sympathy with it, and I'm going to speak in favor of it ." Reg Cards The Registrar's Office is con­ cerned that students w ill not have their pictures taken for the fall Registration Cards, therefore causing extreme pain and anguish fo r all concerned. A fter all, what is a plastic, unfoldable, non - destroyable, semi - permanent Reg Card without a full-color picture of lovable old you gracing its up­ per right-hand corner? Be­ sides, it is mandatory. Today is the last day to have your picture taken: 8-5 p.m. in UCen 2292. Please enter from the balcony side. Correction In the EG story on the Regents meeting (EG May 17), references were made to undergraduate enroU- ment being cut. The story should have read: lower di­ vision enrollment, not un­ dergraduate enrollment.

Make plans now for an This is the most exciting English transportation since Lady apen house Godiva’s horse. And that was only a one passenger model. Saturday, May 25th A few hundred years ago all eyes were turned on English transportation. A young lady went riding with her top 12 ’til 6:00 P.M. down and got 2 or 3 miles to a stallion. It was quite an event. at N o w Ford’s Model C Cortina has everyone watching again. And they’re not just watching, they’re buying. The And no wonder. This car gets up to 30 miles to a gallon o f gas. The 2-door deluxe model (above) costs only $2052.48. It’s built ANNAPURNA with the tradition o f Ford’s Model A firmly in mind. The engine is larger than that found in many imports. And the seating room is larger, too. Automatic transmission and G T styling are available. Front disc brakes are standard.

INN Those are the features that help make Ford’s Model C Cortina the largest selling car in England. And these HORS d’OEUVRES features make it so right for America. (Sales more than doubled in the U.S. last year.) One other thing helps DOOR PRIZES in this country. Parts and servicing are available at hundreds o f Ford dealers across the nation. They never Need not be present to win horse around. ______"■ ^ I f "m j r 1 1 g 1st Prize is a Portable Stereo 9 Other outstanding prizes c o r t in a 4 ®^ bora s M o d el (_! DANCING! •Price quoted is manufacturer's suggested retail base price at East Coast P.O.E. The price includes Federal excise tax and suggested dealer delivery and handling charge. State and REGISTER TODAY local taxes and transportation charges to your local dealer are additional. at THE ANNAPURNA INN 785 Camino Del Sur Channel City Motors For further information LINCOLN CONTINENTAL-MERCURY-COUGAR-COMET-FORD CORTINA call: 968-1084 ______314 STATE STREET PHONE 963-8611