With Regard to the Other Part of the Said Line, in the Event Of
4779 with regard to the other part of the said line, in the Somerford cuni Radnor, Davenport, Hulme Wai- event of the said Eastern Counties Railway Com- field, Swettenham, Kermincham, Sandbach, Twem- pany not procuring, in the ensuing session of Par- low, Goostrey cum Barnshaw, Blackden, Rosthorne liament an Act, authorising the extension of their otherwise Rosthern High Legh otherwi se HighLeigh existing line of railway to Bedford, as aforesaid. Peover Superior, Tabley Superior, Mere, Tattoo, —Dated this eleventh day of November 1845. Knutsford, Toft, Bexton, Over Knutsford, Nether John Robinson Gibson, 9, Knutsford, Bowden, Ashley, Altrincham, Hale Copthall-court, and and Mobberley, all in the county of Chester; and Owen, Gray, and Ittidge, BUI also to make and maintain another railway from 25, Great Tower-street, ' lor toe JSUL and out of the line of the said first-described rail- London. way, with all proper works and conveniences con- nected therewith, to commence at or near a field in the township of Shelton, in the parish of Staffordshire Potteries, and Liverpool and Man- Stoke-upon-Trent, in the county of Stafford, occu- chester direct Railway. pied by Daniel Cotton, which said field adjoins a TVTOTICE is hereby given, that application is timber yard, in the township of Shelton aforesaid, _Li intended to be made to Parliament in the occupied by I. and T. Dimmock, and the turn- next session, for leave to bring in a Bill or Bills pike road leading from Stoke-upon-Trent to for making and maintaining a railway or railways, Shelton,
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