Some ‘model’ She shoots, individuals she scores! Volunteers donate to educate others HEALTH, 1D Check out the Athlete of the Week SPORTS, 3B WILKES-BARRE, PA TuESdAy, SEPTEmBER 3, 2013 50¢ WyomingArea strike is on for today what should be the fourth day of progress, teachers will not be ranging from 1.83 percent to Teachers may school, and likely until the end returning to the classroom until 3.02 percent in each of the of the month. Sept. 30. seven years. The district offered not be back Teachers of the Wyoming Dolman said the last round of raises from 2.28 percent to 2.86 Area Education Association talks were held Thursday, and percent for five years, but not until Sept. 30 begin a strike today after more there was “some movement on for the 2011-2012 school year, than three years of failed nego- the side of the (school) board” in which a wage freeze was pro- tiations on a teachers contract — the removal of a true wage posed. STEVE MOCARSKY that expired in August 2010. freeze for the 2011-12 school The teachers have proposed
[email protected] The union announced the year. But the board’s offer also a seven-year contract and the strike in July, hoping nearly eliminated percentage raises for district has proposed a six-year EXETER — The grounds two-months notice would help four of the remaining years of agreement. of Wyoming Area High School provide an impetus for moving the contract, she said. Dolman said the union hopes and JFK Elementary across the talks with the school board for- “Really, all they did was shift to meet with district negotia- street were devoid of students ward.