Notes on the History & Origins of the Family Name Mingay
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NOTES ON THE HISTORY & ORIGINS OF THE FAMILY NAME MINGAY CONTENTS . PREFACE 1 Page. INDEX TO MAIN SECTION 60 Pages MAIN SECTION 291 Pages INDEX of MINGAY WILLS & ADMINISTRATIONS 4 Pages TRANSCRIPTIONS & ABSTRACTS of WILLS & ADMINISTRATIONS 87 Pages APPENDIX 1:- INDEX to BENEFICIARIES & WITNESSES 16 Pages APPENDIX 2:- INDEX to LOCATIONS 6 Pages APPENDIX 3:- LIST of OTHER MINGAY WILLS 1 Page. EXTRACTS from the RESEARCH of the FAMILY NAME of MINGAY by JAMES ARTHUR MINGAY. Original Held by NORFOLK RECORDS OFFICE, NORWICH. Reference Number:- MS 4410 57 X 5. Transcribed by ANTHONY JOHN MINGAY. PREFACE . The compiler of these fragments of history has no other object in view than that of preserving the notes he collected whilst endeavouring, as a hobby, to trace the descent of his own branch of the family of MINGAY. The first member of that family who arrived in England, however his name may have been spelt, probably came from France, most likly from either Normandy or Brittany, or from the Channel Islands where there are still residing families named Maingay, Mainguy, Minguet, Mingot and Menguy. The patronymic may perhaps be derived from the French 'mine',- countenance, and 'gai',- lively, cheerful or merry,- thus 'the man with a lively countenance' or, as suggested by the arms of JULIEN MAINGUY,Sieur de la Brosse, Brittany,- gules, an open handed argent,- it may signify 'the open-handed or generous man'. The motto of the family in England is "Prodesse quam conspici", i.e. "To do good rather than be famous". The first records of the presence of the family in England, so far discovered, are the wills of Waryn MYNGI of London, dated 1328, and of Olive MYNGY of Norton- Manderville, Essex, dated 1345. The first record of its presence in Norfolk is probably that of Henry MINGO, of Erlham, who was admitted a Freeman of Norwich in 1368, then follows that of Hugh MYNGGE, rector of Pencethorpe in 1403;Robert MINGAY of Pulham Market who was rector of Shelton in 1431, and William MYNGGE of Shotesham whose will is dated 4 th of April 1442. In the XVI th and XVII th centuries the family had numerous representatives in the County of Norfolk residing at Norwich and its vincinity, several of these were known in official life. Three members of it served the offices of Sheriff and Mayor of Norwich; two members, father and son, were Diocesan Registrars, and one member was Recorder of Norwich. Generally the source of the information given in this book is acknowledged at the foot of each note, but where that has not been done, a record of the source not having been kept, the compi ler acknowledge his indebtedness to the unknown contributor and tenders his thanks to all upon whose works he has drawn. He especially thanks the Reverend C.J.Buckmaster of Hindley Vicarage, Wigan who supplied nearly all the extracts from the Wills, and many notes. (Signed) MINGAY . JAMES ARTHUR London, May 1915 . INDEX James Arthur Book Corresponding ‘Word’ Surname First Names Page Numbers Page Numbers A ABRAHAM Son of DEULECRON 106 93 ACTON NATHANIEL 171 134 ADDAMS MARGARETTA 251 176 AGNES ? ALBEMARLE DUKE of 347 225 ALDOUS ROBERT 143 117 ALFORDE ....../in KENT 151 121 ALLEN 365 234 ALY THOMAS 283 191 AMYOTT THOMAS 283,425,427 191, 266, 267 ANGUISHES Aldeman 323, 329 213, 216 ANGUISHES ALEXANDER 121 104 ANGUISHES ANNE 229, 239 164,169 ANGUISHES EDMUND 341 222 ANGUISHES JOHN 229, 239, 327 164,169, 215 ANGUISHES Mrs. 329 ANGUISHES ? ANGUISHES ? ANGUISHES Daughter of 339 221 ARUNDELL ELIZA 575 343 ARUNDELL Sir THOMAS 575 343 ARUNDELS LORD(?) 325 214 ASH ALICE MARY 383 243 ASH Rev.WILLIAM 383 243 ASHBY F. 589 350 ASHLEY(?ASTTLEY) Sir FRANCIS 341 222 ASHLEY(?ASTTLEY) Sir JACOB 339 221 ASHWELL NATHANIEL 229,231,235 164, 165, 167 ASHWELL REBECCA 7,229,231,235 41, 164, 165, 167 ATFIELD Rev.AMBROSE 161 127 ATKINSON MARY 482,483,491,493 299, 300, 306, 307 ATWOOD ANN 117 100 ATWOOD JOHN 117 100 ATWOOD ROBERT 117 100 B BACON Cousin 327, 331 215, 217 BACON DOROTHY 127 108 BACON FRANCIS 207, 283 153, 191 BACON Sir EDMUND 335 219 BACON Sir NICHOLAS 127, 323 108, 213 BACON Mr. 331 217 BACON Young 343, 345 223, 224 BADGER ALLEN 119, 163, 165 102, 128, 129 BADGER MARY 55, 93, 119, 163, 165 67, 86, 102, 128, 129 BAGGE Mr. 199 149 BAILEY ? BAKER MARY 119, 163 102, 128 BALAAM ELIZABETH 479 296 BALAAM JOHN 479 296 BALDWER JAMES 89, 147 84, 119 BALDWER JANE, Mrs. 35, 89, 147 57, 89, 119 BALDWER RICHARD 147 119 BALE SIMON 589 350 BARILEY(BERNEY) Sir RICHARD 341 222 BARING VISCOUNT 329 216 BARKER ROBERT ? BARKER MARY ? BARKER Mr. 199 149 BARNARD J. 423 265 BARNES MARY 263,321 182, 212 BARNWELL ANN 227 163 BARNWELL CHARLES 227 163 BARON ANNE 103.155 91, 331 Reverand JOHN (Dean of 11,103,116,117, 155, BARON Norwich) 285 43, 91, 99, 100,124, 192 BARON MARY 103, 116 91, 99 11,103,116,117, 155, BARON SUSAN 285 43, 91, 99, 100, 124, 192 BARRETT ETHEL MARGARET 383 244 BARRETT L.BROOKE 383 244 BARRETT ALICE 589 350 BARRETT ANN 589 350 BARRETT CHARLES 589 350 BARRETT CHARLES,junior 589 350 BARRETT CORNELIUS 589 350 BARRETT JOHN 589 350 BARRETT THOMAS 589 350 BARRY RICHARD 369 236 BARTHLET LORD & LADY 291 196 BARTON THOMAS 109 95 BARWICKE JAMES 339 221 BASSINGHAM GAWDY 127 108 BATEMAN 387 246 BATEMAN ANN 589 350 BAXTER MARY 479 296 BAYFIELD GEORGE 339, 343 221, 223 BAYLEY JOHN (Father) 103 91 BAYLEY JOHN (Son) 103 91 BAYLEY RUTH 103 91 BAYNES JOHN 431 269 BEAUCHAVY Brother 245 173 BEAUMONT ELIZABETH 39, 311, 325, 433 59, 206, 214, 270 BECHER Mr. 205 152 BECKETT ? BEDINGFIELD EDMUND 231 165 BEDINGFIELD EDWARD 239, 315 169, 208 BEDINGFIELD MARY 231.233, 239(?) 165, 166, 169? BEDINGFIELD Mr. 333,341,343 218, 222, 223 BENCE 343,345 218, 224 BENCELEY 120 103 BENCELEY RICHARD 120 103 BENNET ROSE 127 108 BENTALL THOMAS 357, 361 230, 232 BERNEY(orBARNEY) HENRY or HARRY 333,339,343 218, 221, 223 BESSEY ANN 255 178 BESSEY WILLIAM 255 178 BEST HENRY ? BIBY Dame 345, 347 224, 225 BIRKIN(Burking) ELIZABETH 11,103,116,117,285 43, 91, 99, 100, 192 BIRKIN(Burking) JANE 116 99 11,97,103,116,117, 155, BIRKIN(Burking) JOHN 285 43, 91, 99, 100, 124, 192 BIRKIN(Burking) MARY 116 99 BISHOP CATHERINE DOROTHY 379 242 BISHOP EDWIN JUDSOR 379 242 BIVYEN JOHN 411 258 BLACKNALL MARY 35 57 BLANDELL ELIZABETH 527,537,543 324, 329, 332 BLANKES Mr. 199 149 BLOMEFIELD JOHN 71 75 BOHLLM AUDREY 133,135 111, 112 BOHLLM NICHOLAS 133,135 111, 112 BOLLIN 495 308 BORLASE Mr.W.C. 567, 577 339, 344 BORRETT of Laxfield 120, 121 103, 104 BORRETT CATHERINE 120, 121 103, 104 BOSCAWEN Mr. 573 342 BOSOIRLE ? BOSON THOMAS 567 339 BOWLES HENRY MINGAY 215 157 BOYS Rev. 95 87 BRADY MARY 251 176 BRADY 482, 493 299, 307 BRAMPTON ? BRASYER RICHARD 81, 85, 89 80, 82, 84 BRERETON ELIZABETH 183 141 BRIDG Mr. 333 218 BRIDGEWATER Cousin(?) ? BRIGGS MARY 263 182 BROMFEILDE ROBERT 275, 277 187, 188 BROOKE ANNARETTE ? BROOKE FRANCES 11, 61, 118,285,309 43, 70, 101, 192, 205 42, 43, 70, 89, 101, 192, BROOKE WILLIAM 9,11,61,99,118,285, 309 205 BROOKE Rev.WILLIAM 99 89 BROWN BENJAMIN 479 296 BROWN ELIZABETH 479 296 BROWNE RICHARD 53, 93 66, 86 BROWNE ....BERT,(?) ? BROWNE Sir THOMAS 120 103 BROWNE WILLIAM, Sheriff 307 204 BROWNE CAPTAIN 329 216 BROWNING Mr. 389,393 247, 249 BRUNTON SARAH 253 177 BUCKLE JANE 457 284 BUCKLE Rev.STEPHEN 37,456,457 68, 283, 284 BUCKLE MIRABELL 253 177 BUCKMASTER Rev.CHARLES JOHN see preface BUCKMASTER JOHN 459, 465 285, 289 BUCKTON SALLY MINGAY 43 61 BUCKTON THOMAS 43 61 BUGG ELIZABETH 35,457 57, 284 BURGAVENNY LORD (ABERGAVENNY) 291 196 BURGESS ANNIE 525 323 BURLACE WILLIAM 575 343 BURRARD CHARLES,Capt R.N. 445 277 BURROUGHS ...Mr(TIVETSHALL) 333 218 BUTTES Mr. 71 75 BUTTOLPH.. ANN ?, 179,181 ?, 139, 140 Dr.THOMAS (Dean Of BUTTOLPH.. RAPHOE) 179,181,343 139, 140, 223 BUTTON CELIA 591 351 BUTTON DOROTHY LUCY 480, 485, 591 297, 302, 351 BUTTON ELIZABETH 591 351 BUTTON HARRIET 591 351 BUTTON HANNAH 591 351 BUTTON JAMES 591 351 BUTTON JANE 591 351 BUTTON JOHN 591 351 BUTTON LUCY 591, 593 351, 352 BUTTON MARY 591 351 BUTTON SAMUEL 591(2),593,595. 351(2), 352, 353 BUTTON SARAH 591 351 BUTTRY ELL 79 79 BUXTON Mr. 201 150 BYGRIFT MARY 259 180 BYNG GEORGE, Hon. 439 274 C CADOGAN Lieut.General His Regiment) 191 145 CADY WILL 321 212 CAINE OLD 335 219 CALTHORP PHILIP 319 211 CAMBESTRE MATILDA de 349 226 CAMBESTRE MARGERY 349 226 CANDLER ELIZABETH 259 180 CANDLER JOHN 259 180 CANNUM(CANHAM) WILLIAM 339 221 CAPPS Mr. 343 223 CARLISLE LORD 333 218 CARLYON Mrs.ANNE 577, 583 344, 347 CARLYON Rev.THOMAS 577 344 CARMEN Miss (THETFORD) 387,391 246, 248 CARTER ELIZABETH 277 188 CARTER Mr...... 333,337,341,347 218, 220, 222, 225 CASTLETON LORD 329 216 CASWELL J.H. 511 316 CASWELL LILIAN 511 316 CATLINE Mr(?) 331 217 CATLYN RICHARD 63 71 CECIL Sir WILLIAM 131 110 CHALRLOTTE QUEEN of GEORGE III 247 174 CHAPMAN Mr. 203 151 CHAPPLE RICHARD 337 220 CHARLES 11 KING 179 139 CHARLES I KING 179 139 CHARLTON ANNE MAY 519 320 CHARLTON EDITH JANE 519 320 CHARLTON HUGH 519 320 CHARLTON MABEL ELLEN 519 320 CHARLTON MADELINE 519 320 CHARLTON MARY FLORENCE 519 320 CHARLTON MARY JANE 519 320 CHARLTON SARAH (nee.PATTINSON) 519 320 CHARLTON THOMAS FRANK 519 320 CHARLTON THOMAS PATTINSON 519 320 CHESTER WILLIAM 353 228 CHESTER Sir ANTHONY,bart> 575 343 CHESTER ANNE 575 343 CHESTER WILLIAM 567, 575 339, 343 CHISNALL GRACE 495 308 CHISNALL THOMAS 495 308 CLARKE ANDREW 22 49 CLARKE ANNA 311, 457 206, 284 CLARKE ISSAC 311, 457 206, 284 CLARKE GEOFFREY 75 77 CLARKE JABITHA 22 49 CLARKE MARY 311 206 CLARKE ? CLAXTON Rev.HAMMOND 3 39 CLAXTON MARY 3 39 CLEMENT Dr.