New Publications Offered by the AMS
New Publications Offered by the AMS appropriate generality waited for the seventies. These early Algebra and Algebraic occurrences were in algebraic topology in the study of (iter- ated) loop spaces and their chain algebras. In the nineties, Geometry there was a renaissance and further development of the theory inspired by the discovery of new relationships with graph cohomology, representation theory, algebraic geometry, Almost Commuting derived categories, Morse theory, symplectic and contact EMOIRS M of the geometry, combinatorics, knot theory, moduli spaces, cyclic American Mathematical Society Elements in Compact cohomology, and, not least, theoretical physics, especially Volume 157 Number 747 string field theory and deformation quantization. The general- Almost Commuting Lie Groups Elements in ization of quadratic duality (e.g., Lie algebras as dual to Compact Lie Groups Armand Borel, Institute for commutative algebras) together with the property of Koszul- Armand Borel Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, ness in an essentially operadic context provided an additional Robert Friedman computational tool for studying homotopy properties outside John W. Morgan and Robert Friedman and THEMAT A IC M A L N A S O C I C of the topological setting. R I E E T M Y A FO 8 U 88 John W. Morgan, Columbia NDED 1 University, New York City, NY The book contains a detailed and comprehensive historical American Mathematical Society introduction describing the development of operad theory Contents: Introduction; Almost from the initial period when it was a rather specialized tool in commuting N-tuples; Some characterizations of groups of homotopy theory to the present when operads have a wide type A; c-pairs; Commuting triples; Some results on diagram range of applications in algebra, topology, and mathematical automorphisms and associated root systems; The fixed physics.
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