
The Sunday of : March 28, 2020, 10:00AM

Rebecca Fraser, G race, collage, watercolor, and ink on paper.

About Holy Week From early times Christians have observed the week before as a time of special devotion. As the pilgrim Egeria recorded in the late fourth century, Jerusalem contained many sacred places that were sites for devotion and liturgy. Numerous pilgrims to the holy city followed the path of in his last days. They formed processions, worshipped where Christ suffered and died, and venerated relics. From this beginning evolved the rites we observe today on Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, , and Holy Saturday. These services provide a liturgical experience of the last days of Jesus' earthly life, as well as the time and events leading up to his resurrection. The BCP provides special liturgies for each of these days. The three holy days, or Triduum, of Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday are at the heart of the Holy Week observance. Holy Week ends at sundown on the Saturday before Easter, or with the celebration of the Easter Vigil.

During Holy Week, the All community invites everyone to engage with us on M aundy Thursday at 7pm (Thursday, April 1) a nd Good Friday at 7pm (Friday, April 2) t ogether via live streamed services.


Palm Sunday Procession

Today we joyfully celebrate the arrival of Christ into Jerusalem. We parade around the block to recreate the moment in history when Jesus rode a donkey into Jerusalem and to prepare ourselves as we welcome Christ into our hearts.


Processional | “Hosanna (Praise Is Rising)”

1. Praise is rising, 2. Hear the sound of Eyes are turning to You, Hearts returning to You; We turn to You. We turn to You. Hope is stirring, In Your Kingdom Hearts are yearning for You; Broken lives are made new; We long for You. You make us new.

When we see You We find strength to face the day; In Your presence All our fears are washed away, Washed away.

Hosanna! Hosanna! You are the God who saves us, Worthy of all our praises. Hosanna! Hosanna! Come have Your way among us; We welcome You here, Lord Jesus!

WORDS & MUSIC: P aul Baloche and Brenton Brown © 2005, 2006 Integrity's Hosanna! Music and Thankyou Music

Opening Acclamation BCP 270-271

Officiant Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord. All Peace in and glory in the highest.

Officiant Let us pray.


Assist us mercifully with your help, O Lord God of our salvation, that we may enter with joy upon the contemplation of those mighty acts, whereby you have given us life and immortality; through Jesus Christ our Lord. All Amen.

Officiant The Lord be with you. All And also with you. Officiant Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. All It is right to give him thanks and praise.

Officiant It is right to praise you, Almighty God, for the acts of love by which you have redeemed us through your Son Jesus Christ our Lord. On this day he entered the holy city of Jerusalem in triumph, and was proclaimed as King of kings by those who spread their garments and branches of palm along his way. Let these branches be for us signs of his victory, and grant that we who bear them in his name may ever hail him as our King, and follow him in the way that leads to eternal life; who lives and reigns in glory with you and the Holy Spirit, now and for ever. A men.

Officiant Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. All Hosanna in the highest.


Passion Written by Erin Moughon

Cast List All Angels’ Children play the parts of: Peter, John, Andrew, James, Philip, James A, Judas Thaddeus, Bartholomew, Thomas, Simon the Zealot, Matthew, Host, Host’s Daughter, Donkey Colt, Donkey Owner, Buyer, Seller, , Other Mary, Mary Mother of Jesus, Mary C, Crowd (And Others) Special Appearances by: Isaiah Liu as Jesus, Paul Johnson as Pilate, Jimmy Lawrence as

Credits Script and Direction: Erin Moughon Music Direction: Paul Johnson Music Production: Seth Little Video Editors: Erin Moughon, Jimmy Lawrence Stop Motion Film: Will S Voice and Instrumentalists: Chris Somers, Colin Dixon, Bryan Brown, Arnaud, Ghillebaert, Matt Slavatierra, Philip Sheegog, Brian Gonzales, Peter McCulloch, Sam Wedelich, Paul Johnson, Russ Wedelich, Seth Little Videographers: Virtually Every AAC Parent Producer: Mary Ellen Lehmann

Music Used throughout the Play Ease On Down the Road - Charlie Smalls Money Makes the World go Round - Kander & Ebb Away in a Manger - Traditional Carol Jesu, Jesu - Ghanian Folk Song Let us Break Bread Together - Afro-American Spiritual Bread of the World - "Rendez a Dieu" Were You There When They Crucified My Lord - Afro-American Spiritual O Sacred Head - J. S. Bach Roll Away the Stone - Leon Russell Gesthemene - Webber & Rice


Homily Rev. Jimmy Lawrence

Announcements Jordan Wesley

The Blessing CW:Palm Sunday Blessing

Officiant May the Father, who so loved the world that he gave his only Son, bring you by to his eternal life. All Amen.

Officiant May Christ, who accepted the cup of sacrifice in obedience to the Father’s will, keep you steadfast as you walk with him the way of his cross. All Amen.

Officiant May the Spirit, who strengthens us to suffer with Christ that we may share his glory, set your minds on life and peace. All Amen.

Officiant And the blessing of God almighty, The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, be among you and remain with you always. All Amen.


Recessional Hymn | “O Sacred Head Now Wounded”

WORDS: , medieval; German tr. Paul Gerhardt, 1656; English tr. James W. Alexander, 1830, alt., P.D. MUSIC (HERZLICH TUT MICH VERLANGEN D): Hans Leo Hassler, 1601; adapt. and harm. Johann S. Bach in St. Matthew Passion, 1729, PUBLIC DOMAIN.


The Peace

Officiant The Peace of the Lord be always with you. People And also with you.

Holy Week and Easter services at All Angels Church

Thursday, April 1, 7pm: M aundy Thursday Friday, April 2, 7pm: Good Friday Sunday, April 4, 10am: E aster

streaming LIVE to Facebook & YouTube at 10am Sundays Worship services broadcast to both F acebook and Y ouTube at the same time. Additionally, YouTube viewers will be able to access the service recording immediately after the live event has ended. We'll continue to treat Facebook as our primary livestream platform, engaging the comments there, etc., but we hope this development is good news for those who prefer to tune in on YouTube!


Announcements Every week @ AAC

➢ Coffee Hour Zoom Join us on Zoom just 5 minutes after the Sunday morning service and bring your own coffee. C lick the Zoom link here to join.

➢ Meal Ministry: New Registry We have yet another baby joining the All Angels’ family! C lick here to support the new registry for the McCulloch family. Homemade meals are of course welcome, but delivery works too if you live far away or don't cook. This is a helpful, easy way to serve our community. We also always need more volunteers! You will get a link to a new registry as needs arise. Please add your name to the registry by emailing k [email protected].

➢ Community Ministries: Continuing To Love Your Neighbor Thank you for supporting CM this month by donating hand sanitizer, hand warmers, and much more from our Amazon wishlist! W e have been so blessed by your generosity. We have a new way to participate in March as we seek to love our neighbors together: H elp stock the CM men's clothing shelves! We are in need of men's clothing to meet the needs of our Pathways participants. If you have gently used items you are able to donate, please contact c [email protected] t o share what you would like to give and set up a time to drop off your items. Please do not leave items without contacting us first.

➢ Covid-19 Task Force: Vaccine Assistance Are you eligible for a Covid-19 vaccine and would like help getting an appointment? The Covid-19 task force is ready with information and willing hands. We can do anything from scheduling a vaccine on your behalf to sharing info about appointment websites. We also welcome hearing from volunteers who can help with bookings or might be able to accompany a parishioner to a vaccine appointment. To get help or offer help, please email c [email protected].


What’s new @ AAC

➢ Newcomers' Evening: Wednesday, April 14th @ 7pm New to All Angels'? Want to learn more about the church? You are cordially invited to a Newcomer's Evening. Join us on Zoom to meet some clergy, staff, and parishioners and find out more about our community. Register for t his event here.

➢ Easter Kintsugi Workshop: Saturday, April 17, @9am Kintsugi is the ancient Japanese art of mending broken ceramics with precious metals, restoring the vessel's usefulness and elevating its beauty and value--a wonderful Easter image! Register to take part in a reflective, hands-on workshop to learn this redemptive art in Eastertide with facilitator Vesper Stamper on S aturday, April 17, 9:00am-12:00pm. The workshop will be presented virtually with a limited in-person option. Individual registration is $65 and includes one Kintsugi kit. Additional materials for virtual participants will need to be obtained separately, but we'll ship your kit to you directly. Learn more by visiting the r egistration link here or contact Seth Little, [email protected], with questions.

➢ Fellowship for presents Easter Passion: The Final Days of Jesus Through Scripture and Song Experience the last days of Jesus through a unique, dramatic presentation of Mark’s with Max McLean and a cast of dynamic Broadway artists. Easter Passion follows His steps from the triumphal entry, to the cleansing of the temple, the , Gethsemane, the trial before Pilate, Christ’s agony and the , culminating with His glorious resurrection. Easter Passion is a benefit for FPA. Learn more and r egister for free here.


Easter with AAC

➢ Easter Sunday In-person worship service | April 4 @ 10AM (Rain or shine!)

All Angels’ Church will celebrate the Eucharist and the together. To help with our planning, please let us know if you will be attending in-person, and include the number of attendees if you are responding on behalf of your household. Additionally, if you can volunteer to help us coordinate this event (set-up, hospitality, clean-up, etc.), we would love your involvement.

Please click this link to let us know if you plan to attend and/or if you can volunteer.

Easter will be a hybrid service, both in-person and online via Facebook and YouTube. If you will be participating online, we look forward to seeing you in the comments! After Easter, we will return to livestream worship for the foreseeable future.

Important Safety Details

- Face coverings will be required throughout the service, regardless of vaccination status at that time. - When you arrive at Broadway and 80th Street, you will be shown to a “pod” area that will include seats as well as standing space to allow for social distancing. - The Eucharist will be received “in one kind” (meaning you will take only the bread; the priest will take the bread and wine on behalf of the congregation). - Lay Eucharistic Ministers will approach each pod to serve the bread in ways that minimize movement and hand-to-hand contact, rather than parishioners forming a line to the altar. - We will not be offering refreshments after the service, however we hope that you will find safe ways to connect with other members of the congregation.

If you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to reach out. While we may simplify some elements of a traditional Easter service to facilitate the complexities of meeting outside after months without in-person worship, our key goal is to simply be together as an All Angels’ family to celebrate our risen Savior.


Introducing our newly formed Rector search committee Here is our newly formed All Angels’ Church Rector search committee. We're excited about starting our work of discerning the new rector together.

Jeannette Larson: Jeannette Larson lives in western Queens and is an editor by trade. She has been grateful for the All Angels' community since she arrived in NYC from the west coast just over eleven years ago and has served AAC in various roles, including the vestry, usher/greeter hospitality teams, and prior rector search committee.

Karen Chien: H ello, I'm a California Bay Area native and have called New York City home for thirteen years. I live in Harlem and currently work as an analyst at the Fortune Society, a non-profit that supports individuals with criminal justice history with reentry. I've been attending All Angels' for two years, and appreciate this community's heart to welcome the stranger.

Kevin Oro-Hahn: The Oro-Hahns have been All Angels attendees for ~6 years--Kevin, Tania, Zoe (a college junior) and Max (a high school senior). Kevin is a partner at the investment firm Saddle Point Management where he focuses on evaluating public equity investments. In what sometimes feels like a prior life he was a campus minister with InterVarsity and a pastor at a church in downtown Manhattan.

Lisa Policano Pearson: I crossed the Sanctuary threshold for the first time on Palm Sunday in 1991. It was Martyn Mims' second to last Sunday at the church. I have left NYC twice in the intervening years but the road always seems to lead me back to All Angels' Church!

Minjue Kim (co-chair): Minjue joined All Angels four years ago after moving to New York from Los Angeles to work for Restore NYC. A former litigation attorney, she was drawn to the church for its warmth and diversity. She is a member of the vestry and Wagner house church.

Rebecca Vander Meulen (co-chair): Rebecca moved to New York in 2018 and found her way to All Angels’ by way of the Madeleine L'Engle conference in October 2019. Before moving to New York, she spent 15 years leading the health and community development work of the Diocese of Niassa in northern Mozambique.

Ronald Fleming: Ronald is a retired MTA Subway Train Operator and Navy veteran. He has 13 granddaughters, 7 grandsons, 3 great grandsons, and 1 great granddaughter. Through the freezing cold winter, Ronald has been volunteering every Thursday with the Pathways Program as a Server Coffee Outside. He has been a part of All Angels for six years.

Sushil DaSilva: S ushil da Silva is a computer scientist, educator and long-time resident of Harlem. He has been attending All Angels Church with his wife Winnie and three daughters since 2009.


CM Pathways Update During Covid-19

Psalm 91 Relief Fund For those needing financial relief in the midst of this pandemic, our Psalm 91 relief fund is available. These funds are here to help. Apply by f illing out this form and emailing it to r [email protected] m .



Upper West Side (1) meets Mondays in the church with potluck brunch on Sunday mornings and evening on Zoom. We are singles and couples and outside or on Zoom periodically for other All Angels include people newer to All Angels and people who events-related get-togethers. R ichard and Kathryn have been around the church for 10+ years. We Narramore typically follow some sort of guided study that doesn't require much (if any) outside reading, and we Uptown House Church is a multi-generational and intersperse topical conversations/study with diverse group of people who live in northern spiritual practices like lectio divina, examen, Manhattan and the Bronx. Before the pandemic our extemporaneous prayer, and compline. We try to structure consisted of a pot luck meal followed by "meet" 1x a month to play and relax together as well. prayer, compline prayer, a study or book Jordan Wesley and Ryan Sears study. We met weekly from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Tuesday in Harlem. Since the pandemic, we have Upper West Side (2) meets monthly, currently on been meeting from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on Zoom but Zoom. Most of our 14 members have been together have had several outdoor and socially distanced for twenty years. Our age range is folks from 50yr to gatherings. We also spend time fellowshipping with 90yr. so our interests and concerns are with our adult one another outside of our normal meeting time. J eff children and aging issues, either with current medical Mays and Yavonne Robinson problems or aging parents. P aul and Mary Johnson East Harlem h ouse church meets fortnightly (every Upper West Side (3) is a multi-generational house other week) on Tuesdays from 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM. church that currently meets every Tuesday evening We offer casual group meetings via Zoom focused on on Zoom to study scripture, pray for each other, share fellowship and prayer. J ohnathan and Johna our stories, highs and lows. We laugh together, weep Hansen together, love together, and try to follow Jesus more closely together. J ohn Wagner and Abigail Hartley Brooklyn house church meets weekly on Thursdays at 7pm. It is a multigenerational group diverse in Bergen County NJ house church is a family background and work, but united in our love of God, friendly group that meets monthly, often on the first pastoring to one another, laughter, and Saturday of the month. With better weather, we've socially-distant picnics. We don’t back away from been meeting in a local park in Ridgewood, but soon discussing difficult topics or the occasional nerd-out, we'll return to Zoom meetings. We often study a topic but always in the most relaxed and supportive way together over the course of a few months and possible. And you don’t have to live in Brooklyn to fellowship together over a meal (even over Zoom). join – our in-person meeting location is on the first Lately we've been offering a corresponding youth stop in Brooklyn of several subway lines so we’re not conversation for the 5th -9th graders in our house as far away as you think! P am Wong church. K imberly Malone and Joe Solway Jersey City does not have a formal “house church” but a group of people meet regularly for live/Zoom

FOR MORE INFORMATION AND/OR TO BE CONNECTED TO A HOUSE CHURCH PLEASE EMAIL [email protected] ______This service conforms to Morning Prayer Rite II, beginning on page 78 of the Book of Common Prayer (BCP). Scripture readings are appointed by the Revised Common Lectionary (Episcopal) and are excerpted from the New Revised Standard Version(NRSV) of the Bible. Psalm texts are taken from the Book of Common Prayer. Other liturgical elements may include materials from publications including Common Worship: Times and Seasons (CW:TS). Confession of Sin is adapted from a litany by Emilia Allen and the Episcopal Church in Minnesota. Litany for Peace and Justice is from Episcopal Peace Fellowship Litanies - EPF National. CCLI License #53025.

p. 212.362.9300 www.allangelschurch.com 251 West 80th Street New York, NY 10024