Whenever virtue declines and unrighteousness rises, I manifest KKrriisshhnnaa Myself as an embodied being. To protect the Saints and Sages, to destroy the evil-doers and to JJaannmmaasshhttaammii establish Dharma(righteousness), I am born from age to age. -Bhagavad Gita 4.7 - 4.8 Blue Star Centre Trinidad and Tobago No. 39 Bandoo Street, Union Village, Claxton Bay Trinidad and Tobago West Indies Monday 14th August, 2017 Tel.#: 868-659-0440 A Publication of Email:
[email protected] Blue Star Trinidad and Tobago Website: www.blue-star.org CONTENT YADAA YADAA HI DHARMASYA Yadaa Yadaa Hi Dharmasya 2 1. YADĀ YADĀ HI DHARMASYA Krishna Gayatri Mantra 2 GLĀNIR BHAVATI BHĀRATA Swaagatam Krishna 2 ABHYUTTHĀNAM ADHARMASYA Krishna-Ashtakam 3 TADĀTMĀNAḾ SRJ̣ ĀMY AHAM Achyuta-Ashtakam 4 Madhur-Ashtakam 6 2. PARITRĀNĀYA SĀDHŪNĀM Shri Krishna Sharanam Mama 7 VINĀSHĀYA CHA DUSHKRITĀM Jai Radha Madhava 8 DHARMA-SAMSTHĀPANĀRTHĀYA Baat Nihaara Ghanshyaam 8 SAMBHĀVAMI YUGE YUGE Brindaava Kaa Krishna Kanhaiyaa 9 Kaanha Kanhaiyaa Nandalaala 9 Whenever and wherever there is a decline in religious practice, O O Paalanhaare 10 descendant of Bharata, and a predominant rise of irreligion -at that time I descend Myself. In order to deliver the pious and to Gopaala Radha Krishna 11 annihilate the miscreants, as well as to re-establish the principles of Hare Krishna Hare Rama Radhe… 11 religion, I advent Myself millennium after millennium.-Bhagavad Rama Krishna Hare Mukunda Murāri 11 Gita: Chapter 4 Verse 7 Mahaa Mantra 11 *** Narayana Narayana Govinda Hare 11 KRISHNA GAYATRI MANTRA Radha, Radha Krishna Radha 12 OM DAAMODHARAYA VIDHMAHE Shri Krishna Govinda Hare Maraari 12 Govinda Bolo Hari 12 RUKMINI VALLABHAAYA DHEEMAHE Govinda Gopaala 12 TANNO KRISHNAH PRACHODAYAAT Names of Krishna 12 Om, Let us meditate on the God Hey Krishna Gopal Hari 13 whose belly was tied by a rope, Karo Karuna He Gokul Ke Vasi 14 Oh, the divine consort of Rukhmani, Bhajo Keshava Hari Nandalaalaa 14 give me higher intellect, Hari Sundara Nanda Mukunda 15 May Lord Krishna illuminate my mind.