Initial Environmental Examination
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Initial Environmental Examination Project Number: 48424-002 October 2015 KAZ: CAREC Corridors 1 and 6 Connector Road (Aktobe–Makat) Improvement Road Prepared by the Ministry of Investments and Development, Republic of Kazakhstan for the Asian Development Bank. This initial environmental examination is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. Your attention is directed to the “terms of use” section on ADB’s website. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status or any territory or area. «клзлкг глн р г < у ;ч :м к л ( ы El I Vк П Н У К >■(; ИПШ .С 11 Ц И ЯЛ Л Р к’.)!; , Д А м > ( К У Д А PC I П Н И ! > •. м .н 1111! М 1М 1ИС П 11П Ш К \!ГГО '|'<КН /1‘ - кч • Н-Т \! ПУМ ’'Г-Н I пм \Д О Р Ж О Д 1А РЫ КО М И ! ' ! |.> М 1!||И ( ! I Г( в л п< м м .м !;:( i и н и я И Р А Ш 1г IM П У E JIИ К A JT Ь ! К И) Р Е С Г П ii. Ill К Г1 Г л .А 'Д ; А Н . М Е М Д ? .K E T T IK VI- К Т . :1.С ! С 100С П Acia.i,i к : \аГ -ниГ >;|(| Hi 1 ы г. л а й ; t т .* 3 5 /1 11 OtHiO r. .VcbHa tip. f!(7 72) 7 5 - 4 > 5 5 . ;]«<<.■ : 7 : ;c 4 4 -к м .: X; ■ 172) 7 -40-55 e-mail: 1 "m ii.;:< v .l;y e-mail: kad b n id si.iv.k № J b o / J~i Asian Development Bank Regarding publication o f RAP and IEE a! the website Herewith Committee tor Roads of the Ministry for Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan sends the documents agreed with the Bank and approved by the Committee - ‘'Land acQuisition and resettlement Framework” and “Initial Environmental Examination” on project “Aktobe - Makat” for publication at ADB website. Appendixes: RAP and IEE. Deputy Chairman =---- - ~~Ж . B ek ov Ex.: A. Karymbaeva Tel.: 754641 Ь о - А з иатский Банк Развития К асат ельно разм ещ ения на сайт е /7/73/7 и ГГЭО Комитет автомобильных дорог М инистерства по инвестициям и развитию Республики Казахстан направляет согласованные с Банком утверж денны е К ом итетом докум енты - «П лан вы купа земель и переселения» и «П редварительная оценка воздействия на окруж аю щ ую среду» по проекту «А ктобе-М акат» для разм ещ ения на сайте А БР. П рилож ение: П П З П и П Э О . Заместитель председатель "ys — ------- А - В е к о в Исп.: А . Карымбаева Т ел .: 754641 CAREC Corridors 1 and 6 Connector Road (Aktobe–Makat) Improvement Project (RRP KAZ 48424) Initial Environmental Examination October 2015 Republic of Kazakhstan: CAREC Corridors 1 and 6 Connector Road (Aktobe-Makat) Improvement Project Prepared by the Ministry of Investments and Development (MID), Republic of Kazakhstan, for the Asian Development Bank. CAREC Corridors 1 and 6 Connector Road (Aktobe-Makat) Improvement Project Initial Environmental Examination Table of Contents A. Introduction ............................................................................................................... 17 A.1 Purpose of the report ....................................................................................... 17 A.2 Identification of the Project and Project Proponent .......................................... 17 A.3 The Nature, Size, Location and Importance of the Project ............................... 17 A.4 IEE Boundaries ............................................................................................... 17 A.5 Methodology Applied ....................................................................................... 18 A.6 Constraints and Limitations ............................................................................. 18 A.7 Structure of the Report .................................................................................... 18 B. Legal, Policy and Administrative Framework .......................................................... 20 B.1 General ........................................................................................................... 20 B.2 Country Policies and Administrative Framework .............................................. 20 B.2.1. Overall legal framework..................................................................................... 20 B.2.2. Administrative Framework ................................................................................. 21 B.3 Air, Water, Land and Noise Quality Standards ................................................. 22 B.3.1. Air Quality Legislation and Standards ............................................................. 22 B.3.2. Water Quality Legislation and Standards ......................................................... 24 B.3.3. Land Quality Legislation and Standards .......................................................... 26 B.3.4. Noise Standards .............................................................................................. 27 B.4 Asian Development Bank Safeguard Policies 2009 ......................................... 28 C Description of the Project .......................................................................................... 32 C.1 Type of project ................................................................................................ 32 C.2 Category of Project .......................................................................................... 32 C.3 Need for the Project ........................................................................................ 32 C.3.1 General .......................................................................................................... 32 C.3.2 Project Road .................................................................................................. 33 C.4 Locations & Size of Operations ....................................................................... 35 C.4.1 Project Locations ............................................................................................. 35 C.5 Scope of Works ............................................................................................... 35 C.5.1 Project Phases ............................................................................................... 35 C.5.2 Major Components and Design Characteristics .............................................. 36 C.5.3 Source of Materials ........................................................................................ 40 C.5.4 Temporary Storage Areas .............................................................................. 40 C.5.5 Road Safety ................................................................................................... 41 C.5.6 Snow Barriers ................................................................................................. 42 C.6 Contracting and Institutional Issues ................................................................. 42 C.7 Alternatives ..................................................................................................... 42 C.7.1 The No Action Alternative .............................................................................. 42 C.7.2 Alignment Alternatives .................................................................................... 43 C.7.3 Alternative Road Corridor ............................................................................... 44 C.7.4 Alternative Transport Modes .......................................................................... 45 C.8 Proposed schedule for implementation & Cost ................................................ 45 D. Description of the Environment ................................................................................ 46 D.1 Physical Resources ......................................................................................... 46 D.1.1 Air quality & Climate ....................................................................................... 46 D.1.2 Topography .................................................................................................... 47 D.1.3 Soils ............................................................................................................ 48 D.1.4 Hydrology ....................................................................................................... 49 D.1.5 Geology & Seismicity ..................................................................................... 50 2 CAREC Corridors 1 and 6 Connector Road (Aktobe-Makat) Improvement Project Initial Environmental Examination D.2 Ecological Resources ...................................................................................... 51 D.2.1 Flora ............................................................................................................... 51 D.2.2 Fauna ............................................................................................................. 52 D.2.3 Forests & Protected Areas ............................................................................ 54 D.3 Economic Development ................................................................................... 55 D.3.1 Industries & Agriculture .................................................................................. 55 D.3.2 Infrastructure and Transportation facilities ...................................................... 56 D.3.3 Land use ........................................................................................................ 56 D.4 Social and Cultural Resources .......................................................................