Fq56(11):Fq56(01).qxd 22/09/2010 19:01 Página i O gênero Billbergia Thunberg (Bromeliaceæ) no estado do Paraná, Brasil Daniel FERRAZ GAIOTTO, Rosângela CAPUANO TARDIVO & Armando Carlos CERVI FONTQUERIA 56(11): 81-100 [seorsim: 1-20] MADRID, 23-IX-2010 Fq56(11):Fq56(01).qxd 22/09/2010 19:01 Página ii FONTQUERIA is a series of botanical publications without administrative affilia- tion. It publishes original works in Botany, particularly those that are of interest to the editors. Its publications are in any language, the only limitation being the ability of the editorial team. Accredited with the International Association for Plant Taxonomy for the purpose of registration of new non-fungal plant names. PRODUCTION Database consultant: Guillermo GONZÁLEZ GARCÍA Typesetting: Ambrosio VALTAJEROS POBAR, Ulpiano SOUTO MANDELOS Screen operators: Samuel FARENA SUBENULLS, Emilio NESTARES SANTAINÉS Preprinting: Sonja MALDÍ RESTREPO, Demetrio ONCALA VILLARRASO DISTRIBUTION Postal distribution: Contact the editor Mail for electronic distribution:
[email protected] EDITOR Francisco Javier FERNÁNDEZ CASAS. Madrid (MA) JOINT EDITOR Hans Joachim ESSER. München (M). German texts EDITING CONSULTANTS for this fascicle Josep Maria MONTSERRAT i MARTÍ (BC) María Eugenia RON ÁLVAREZ (MACB) ISSN: 0212-0623 Depósito legal: M-29282-1982 Fq56(11):Fq56(01).qxd 22/09/2010 19:01 Página 81 O gênero Billbergia Thunberg (Bromeliaceæ) no estado do Paraná, Brasil* Daniel FERRAZ GAIOTTO, Biólogo. Mestre em Taxonomia Vegetal pela Universidade Federal do Paraná. (
[email protected]) Rosângela CAPUANO TARDIVO Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa (UEPG), Departamento de Biologia Geral. (
[email protected]). Co-orientadora da dissertação & Armando Carlos CERVI Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR), Departamento de Botânica, Caixa Postal - 19031 - SCB – UFPR, CEP - 81531-980, Centro Politécnico - Curitiba – PR (
[email protected]).