Outfield Play

Too often do not understand the importance of their position. Contrary to popular thought, outfielders are not just placed in the field to await another turn . Instead they are critical defensive players who have the opportunity to make plays to or hinder their team. Furthermore, they must be intelligent players who can take into account:

1. Where to position oneself? 2. Where the hitter is most likely to the next ? 3. The score, strike/ball counts and the number of outs 4. Where to throw the ball if it is hit to me 5. The wind and the length of the grass 6. A possible play that will require a back up 7. Possible caroms off the fence 8. The sun- Make sure you take care of before you lose the 1st ball in the sun! 9. Steps from the to the wall 10. How to take good routes

The Goal of Outfield Play is to Good Routes, Fly Balls and Throw the Ball to the Right Base so as to allow the opposition to Receive Only what they have EARNED! Take pride in hitting your cut man or throwing through his chest!

The following is an outline of all of the parts that go into quality outfield play.

Stance A. Take short creep steps in as the delivers B. When the ball gets to the hitter, you should be squared to the plate with your weight on the balls of the feet

Most Balls Hit Down The Line Will Be Doubles Anyway I. Where to Play- Depends on our pitcher, batter, score, and player’s ability to cover ground. A. - Pinch the gap (in line with 2nd and 1st base) Right Hitter- Play Deep when pitcher is behind in (2-0; 3-0; 2-1; 3-1 count) Play even when pitcher is even or ahead in count (0-1; 0-2; 1-1; 1-2; 2-2; 3-2 count) Lefty Hitter- Pinch the gap (3-6 steps toward line if necessary) Play even to deep when pitcher is behind in count Play even to close when pitcher is ahead in count B. - Play towards one gap or the other Right Hitter- Same as left fielder *Consideration taken when they have a stud hitting Left Hitter- Same as *Can play opposite when pitcher is ahead in count C. Right Fielder- Pinch the gap (in line with 2nd and 3rd base) Right Hitter- Play even to back when pitcher is behind in count Play close when pitcher is ahead in count Lefty Hitter- Pinch the gap (3-6 steps toward line if necessary)

***Late in Game, May Play a Little Deeper

I. Footwork in running Down a Ball A. The key to good outfield play is to get behind the baseball B. The shortest distance between two points is a straight route (line) C. If in doubt, your first step is back D. You have priority over an on a fly ball 1. Call it early 2. On a tough play, you have the low route (bent leg ) and the infielder has the high route (jump) E. Ball hit to your right 1. Drop step with right foot, then crossover on left F. Ball hit hard over your head 1. Turn and Burn- DO NOT BACKPEDAL 2. Look back for the ball on your third step a. RF- Look over your right shoulder (ball goes to the line) b. CF- Look over throwing arm side c. LF- Look over your left shoulder (ball goes to the line) G. Ball hit hard to your left 1. Drop step with your left foot, then crossover with your right H. Ball skied but not hit extremely hard over your head 1. Call “Ball, ball, ball”- DO NOT BACKPEDAL

II. Hitting Cut-Offs-Get Rid Of Ball Quickly A. Left Fielder: To 2nd base----- is cutman To 3rd base------shortstop is cutman To Home------3rd base is cutman cut left field gap-----shortstop is first cutman 2nd base is second cutman B. Center Fielder: To 2nd base-- 2nd baseman is cutman To 3rd base-- shortstop is cutman To Home----- 1st base is cutman Double cut to left field gap------shortstop is first cutman 2nd base is second cutman Double cut to right field gap----2nd base is fist cutman shortstop is second cutman C. Right Fielder: To 2nd base-- 2nd base is cutman To 3rd base-- Shortstop is cutman To Home----- 1st base is cutman Double cut right field gap-- 2nd base is first cutman shortstop is second cutman

III. Backing Up The Bases A. Left Fielder-Ball coming to 2nd base from right field Ball coming to 3rd base from right or center field All pick-off plays at 3rd base Steal attempts to 3rd base All between 2nd and 3rd and 3rd and home Ball thrown to 2nd or 3rd from an infielder B. Center Fielder-Pick-off attempts to 2nd base Run downs between 1st and 2nd and 2nd and 3rd Steal attempts to 2nd base Throws to 2nd from all C. Right Fielder-Ball coming to 1st on all plays, pick-offs, put-outs, and bunts) Ball coming to 2nd from left fielder All rundowns between 1st and 2nd and 2nd and 3rd Ball thrown to 2nd base from 3rd baseman or shortstop

***On Run Downs-Right Fielder- comes directly into 1st base Center Fielder- comes directly into 2nd base Left Fielder-comes directly into 3rd base

IV. Backing Up Other Outfielders (Groundballs and Pop flies) A. Ball hit to leftfield or down the line 1. Leftfielder has ball 2. Centerfielder comes to back up 3. Rightfielder backs up possible throw to 2nd base B. Ball hit to Left-centerfield gap 1. Left and Centerfielder go get ball (Communicate with each other) 2. Rightfielder backs up possible throw to 2nd base C. Ball hit to Centerfield 1. Centerfielder has ball 2. Rightfielder has backup 3. Leftfielder has backup throw to 3rd base D. Ball hit to Right-centerfield gap 1. Right and Centerfielder go get ball (Communicate with each other) 2. Leftfielder backs up 2nd or 3rd depending on where the play will most likely be made E. Ball hit to right field or down the line 1. Rightfielder has the ball 2. Centerfielder has backup 3. Leftfielder backs up possible throw to 2nd or 3rd base

V. Playing the Line drive-- Open up to the ball ***Ball will be moving towards the foul lines Lefty batter Right batter Rightfielder Ball will travel farther Charge it hard Leftfielder Charge it hard Ball will travel farther Centerfielder Ball will travel towards Ball will travel toward right field leftfield ***Check swing by the batter--As a rule -All players move in and towards opposite field EX. Right hand hitter--Move in and towards your left Left hand hitter---Move in and towards your right

VI. Throwing To The Proper Base ***Does not take into account , # of outs, or the score 1. Ball hit sharply or directly at you, throw lead runner 2. Ball hit so you are running towards the play, look to see if you have a play on the lead runner, if not you will have time to re-adjust and throw ball into 2nd base ex. Guy on 1st base and ball is hit to right-centerfield gap and rightfielder fields the ball 3. If you are going away from the play, throw to 2nd base ex. Guy on 1st and ball hit to right-centerfield gap and centerfielder fields the ball 4. Ball hit for extra bases, throw will be made by relay man NOTE***Other outfielders should be looking to see where play will be made A. Take into account where the base runner is in relation to the base when you have control of the ball. If the runner has just touched the base and the is coming up throwing, there should be a play made at the advance base. B. Runner rounding 3rd base- As the runner touches 3rd, if outfielder is in throwing position, the play should be made to home plate. If the runner has already rounded 3rd, the throw should be to 2nd or 3rd. C. Runner rounding 2nd base- As runner rounds 2nd base, the fielder should have a play at 3rd if the runner is less than 3-4 strides pass 2nd base and the fielder is in throwing position. GENERAL RULE***If a throw is made, a play should be made at the base, Otherwise, throw to 2nd to keep possible in order.

VII. Footwork A. Run like a track runner and pluck the ball out of the air. DO NOT run with glove away from body! B. Show proper ready position before each pitch Ball over left shoulder; ball over right shoulder Ball directly over your head- Turn and show #’s to infield Ball hit in front of you Line drives- open up to ball (whatever is more comfortable to you) --Glove side or throwing side C. Groundballs -- 3 styles 1. 1 knee- nobody on base and ball is hit in front of you 2. Infield style- With runner on base 3. Do or die- When tying or winning run is on second or a situation in which the feels it is necessary to get the runner

On balls you are meeting at a point A. Right-handed-Ball hit to your left side, scoop up and turn back to infield and throw off your right foot -Ball hit to right side, back hand and plant off right foot B. Left-handed---Ball hit to left side, back hand and plant off left foot -Ball hit to right side, scoop up ball and turn back to the infield and throw off your left foot

***IF YOU THINK YOU CAN CATCH THE BALL, GO GET IT*** Know the situation in the game and ground conditions (soft ground, the ball will stick: Hard ground, the ball will kick)

VIII. Outfield Drills A. Throwing 1. 4 seam drill, wrist snaps 2. Indian style 3. 1 knee 4. stand-up 5. Crow hop and throw 6. crow hop and throw 7. Long toss 8. Shuffle and throw

B. Footwork drills 1. Circle and catch 2. 3 ball drill 3. Communication drill 4. Wall drill 5. Line drives 6. Ball over left and right shoulder and directly overhead 7. ground balls- 3 styles 8. Moving towards left and right 9. Quick step drill- partner tosses ball over left or right shoulder or directly behind player. Player is working on his first several steps to the fall 10. Z Drill- When a ball is hit and you take a wrong route. Player starts running and coach/partner throws ball over opposite shoulder so as to make him change directions. You can reverse pivot and stay open to the ball or you can look over shoulder and take eyes off ball for split second. 11. Playing the Sun Drill 12. Go Drills—Straight Back and 45 degree Z cuts 13. Shoe-String Catch 14. Ball against Wall Drill