>•».*-« 'y %\)t Clarendon Chrmrick* One Dollar a Year. A Faithful Chronicle o f t ooal and General Events. Advertising Rates on Applicatio?i


ICucroaclitng Wealth M essage Tillm an Scored tbe N egro andA Voice: “ How about the negro v- d e e . , ; e e : e Them e. • hrltized Mayor Dunne, judge? Senator Tillman,” It is given out from Washington Chicago Nov. 28.—Senator Till­ “ Well I will tell you about the that in his annual message to Con­ man gave his adress Monday negro judge and your political gress President Roosevelt is going night protected by forty dectives mayor in putting him on the ticket Christm as to startle the country anew on the under command of Assistant Chief and bamboozling those poor igno­ subject of wealth and its incroach- of Police Chuttler. In anticipation rant baboons into electing him, tnents. of trouble a number of policemen and when, afterwards, you fellows He is going to ask for legislation were kept in nearby stations in re­ who voted the ticket without that will still father curb corporate serve, but they were not called for. knowing what was on it, find a GOODS! wealth and also compel individual Six negro policemen mingled with way to cheat him out of it. wealth to recognize its obligation of white people and the No matter what the people inthe,crowd to the country. negroes which blocked the street in the north may do or say, the white Taxation of large wealth is to be front of the hall. ■ race in the south will mever be A Great Assortment of things Beautiful one of the President’s most stren­ In the audience were many ne- dominated by the negro, and I uous demands upon Congress. groes, but they listened to Senator want to tell you now that if some annd com- Fine Farming' Lands 1906 was $34,^48,605 more than Winter lap robes, finest ever mited other depredations. that shown for the dividends of A voice: “ How about the law?” brought to the panhandle, at For Sale. practically the same roads in 1905. Senator Tillman continued: Rutherford & Adair’s. About 3200 acres of the Adair TOWN LOTS FOR SALE. laud near Southard 7 to 9 miles This preliminary report relates to "The law? To hell with such law.” “ So Mamie went way out West operating roads only, and does not After telling in detail how the ne­ I am now offering for sale, -all west of Clarendon. All excellent to teach school. Did she like it ?’’ the Clarendon town lots and acreage level land, and surveyed into 160 include the statement of any divi­ gro is prevented from casting his dends paid by leased lines from the. “ Oh yes; she married within six property formerly owned“ by — the to 250 acre tracts. No better farm­ me they received as rent. The | ballot in the south, Senator Till­ months.” —Detroit Free Press. C. C l . & A. C~Co. Tf'''For prices and ing land in the County. For ends declared by the snbsidia- man said: “ There is a great deal A good printer can find a steady terms applyE to prices, terms, etc., apply to psed Fries for the year 1905 more to this question than the RM cCl RU-AND, agent, J .B. M cCi.ki.land , Agent, job at this office. No shirk or J Clarendon Texas. abou!* $35,750,000. little racket here in Chicago.” boozer tolerated. Clarendon, Texas. The Clarendon Chronicle Sacred Cattle For Texas. WASHINGTON LETTER. Published Twice-a-Week by The sacred cattle that A. P. WILL MISSTHHIR l’ASES. W. P. BLAHE, Editor and Proprietor. Borden of Pierce, Tex., bought in India to use on his ranch arrived C h r o n ic le C orresp o n d en ce. entered tfebruaiy 10, 1008,atOlarenduu.Tea., M Second class matter, under Act of Congress at the yards this morning, stopping Washington, D. C., ov N . 17— JUrcta S. 1879. v over for feed and water. The con­ —There is hi Washington every CLARENDON, TEX., PEC. 11906. signment embraetd thirty-four ani­ indication of the approaching ses­ mals, all bulls with the exception sion and season. Members of Con­ Cottou went up £4 50 per bale of a cow and two heifer calves. gress and their wives are arranging | offer ever made j this week. This advance was The original purchase included for their winter homes here. The caused by’ the fact that speculators about fifty animals. The govern new Cabinet Minister, Mr. Straus, suddenly discovered that they had ment held this consignment in late Ambassator for Constantinople I Before in Clarendon! | no Nov. cottou with which to lill $ £ quarantine for six months, during has leased one of the newest and orders. which time eighteen died. most elegant residences in the city. Senator Bailey has been made The cattle were in fine condition, The President is expected back president ot a trotting horse breed­ showing good health and some early next week and very soon ers’ association in . If were in very fat condition. Quite after Thanksgiving the last session this goes on it will be bard to tell a crowd was attracted by the unus­ of the Fifty Ninth Coiigrees will ie 1S TI Prilii-SIeriu ^ P la »! 5* whether Mr. Bailey will be a sport ual sight of so many sacred ani­ begin. While it is expected that or a statesman. mals. this short session will be active and $ We will give you 10 cents buck lor ever Dollar s worth ^1 The question was raised why even notable in a legislative way, A11 $18,000 fine was assessed goods you buy from us, in certificates, which you yan ,♦! Mr. Borden bought these cattle to it is doubtful if there will be as Tuesday against the American Su­ save up until you get £15 or more, when you can turn ,♦< cross with Texas, andC. H. Toops, much gayety and entertaining in gar Refining company. The “ Su­ them in for any goods we have in our stock that you ,♦< brand inspector, threw some light the Congressional set as there was gar Trust” was found guilty last! **« may select, we absolutely give our customers about ,♦« on the subject by stating that they ast winter. There will be fewer week in federal*court ot accepting half our profits. The increase in our business and the were immune from ticks, even to of the wives, daughters, cousins New Cash System enables us to do this. Our .> and 10 cent ,♦! rebates from the York Central. eighth blood; that they make better and mothers-in-law of members and ►*« counter Sales will be continued indefinitely. You will ,♦! rustlers, and are stronger Stock senators in the city for the reason The Oklahoma Constitutiohal 8 find many Novelties and useful Household articles on „♦< Convention delegates turned down than the home animals, for they that tinder the new law these will ►J these counters. >*< an invitation from a railroad to g o , confine themselves close to not have free railroad passes. off on a junketing trip. Now, not the water, keeping the grass short Every congressman and senator as much time will betaken by the del­ in that locality, while the cross of it is well known has his mileage 1 CHRS1S1MAS GOODS! 1 egation t* argue the liberality ofjthe the imported stock would stray ful­ paid by the Government and this $ roads when it comes to drawing up ly ten miles away and would re­ mileage is so generous that it Our Store has in the past been headquarters for Holi ►$« the constitution. turn to the same point.—St. Louis enables him to ride first class with g day Goods. This season we will have the most Attractive Stock Reporter. meals and Pullman car accomoda­ j»* Line Ever Before put on display in Clarendon. We can £< The inflation of bank currency tions and yet have something to j$ suit the most fastidious taste at prices that the cash sys-. and the increased coinage at the STATE NEWS. spare. Nevertheless he has been $ tem alone can afford. All our goods are marked down as £[ mints has made a telling mark on traveling on free passes and turn­ $ low as we possibly can sell them. bank deposits. The increase in the ing bis mileage perquisites into The Panhandle Brick Manufac­ individual deposits in all the bank cash. Now all of this has changed. turing Company, capital stock £75,- and saving trust companies in the He will have to ride on his mileage 000, has been incorported at Can­ I E. DUBBS & SONS,! country for the last decade has and pay for the tickets of his fe­ yon City. been 146.63 per cent. In the past male entourage. But the absence year individual deposits exceeded A four-room house of J. B. May- of a hundred ladies more or less yfigyreajicgagAT« kv;i icsakwamMr twelve billion dollars. field and a four-room house of ]. of the congressional class will not H. Horton, both located in Lawn The Santa Fe has commenced throw an impentrable pall over I Donley County Lumber Co., Place, Mineral Wells, were destroy­ Vanity Fair in Washington. Real work on the Southern Kansas di­ (Sftccessors to Yellow Pine Lumber Co.) ed by fire Wednesday. They estate agents report that never vision for a bridge across the Cana­ were partially insured. dian River at Canadian. The before has there been such a demand J. J. WOODWARD, Manage?'. to lease large and well furnished bridge will consist of four 260 foot Taylor Boyd, in an altercation H CLARENDON, TEXAS. houses by wealthy people from spans resting on five pneumatic cas- with Ben Gibson accidentally shot other cities who are coming here sions sunk to a depth of ninety Marcus Hester, a bystander, and it pi » for the express purpose of mixing The best of Lumber, Shingles, Doors. Sash, Posts, feet and will have treated pile tres­ is believed mortally wour.ded him, in the social gaieties of the tle approaches. The work will re­ at Mill Creek. I. T. M Fencing, Lime, Cement, Etc. — greatest capital in the Western Kg' quire about tight months to com­ If you want to build let 11s make you quotations. A federal judge came to the as­ hemisphere. plete. I £’3-“* , V8ftag .A5KS»* IBS sistance of the Telephone TO URGE SHIP SUBSIDY. It is estimated by officials at the monopoly in Louisville, K y., the Political prophets, who like most United States land office at Lawton other day, and issued an injunc­ other prophets are most accurate in W. H. Cooke, Pres, and Cashier. A.M. B e v il l e, Vice-Pres. that 200,000 personal and letter ap­ tion preventing the council from auguries after the fact, are now plications for literature and bidding oweri ng the rates in that city. predicting that the President will blanks concerning the sale of the Did that judge have a telephone strongly urge a Ship Subsidy Bill Kiowa-Comauche Indian pasture pass as well as one from all the THE CITIZENS’ BANK, in his message to congress. This Clarendon, Texas lands near there will be filed before railroads and the Pullman company? they have been enabled to infer Openedfot business Nov./, 1899. the closing of the bids Saturday, —Ex. from the addresses of Secretary Dec. 8, by the laud office and the Transacts a General Ranking Business. J. V. Sheen, born in New Or­ Root of the State Department and substation at Anadarko, Hobart leans June 6, 1801, died in St. jo, Secretarj’ Shaw of the Treasury The accounts of Merchants, Ranchmem Farmers, and Frederick. Over 35,000 in­ Tex., last Sunday. Daring the These gentlemen deplore the ef- Railroad men and others solicited. quiries have been answered by the War of 1812 he was a drummer boy facement of the American flag on Money to loan on acceptable securities land office alone. under Andrew Jackson at the bat­ the seas and claim that a subsidy The President of the Ward County tle of New Orleans. He was a re­ alone will make it fly again. Batik at Barstow presented each markably well preserved man. If you want some fine residence pupil in their public school with He had labored all his life. He lots, near the college, call on. £1.00. It was a free gift, with no picked 100 pounds of cotton per M cC l e l l a n & CRisr. strings to it, except that the day this fall. He was twice mar­ Just drop in at Dnbb’s Globe and money should be left in the bank ried and the father of six children. see their Big line of Holiday goods Dealers in for at least 24 hours, and that each on display. Useful goods, such child, in drawing out their money, Fresh shipment of Reunion Cof­ as is needed by everybody. Lumber. Sash, Doors, Blinds, Shingles, fee received at The Powell Trading should write their own checks. Co. Go to Rutherford & Adair’s for This was a pretty good scheme. cottonpicker’s knee pads. Pan Posts, Lime, Cement and It will give the bank the good will Hugs, Hags! Hag*I! handle supply. of the children, teach them economy Will pay 3 cts, per pound for If you want fine locust trees, ap­ PALACE CAR PAINT, and business methods, besides it is good clean rags. ple trees, peach trees, grape vines a big advertisement for the bank Clarendon Water Lt., & Power Co. or shubbery, see Egerton of the and will bring in deposits in the Panhandle Nursery. He now has DR. P. F. GOULD 100,000 trees in his new nursery. future. Finest grapes in the world at from J . H Gooch’s case in which he is DENTIST. $5 to $10 per 100 and other stock in The City Barber Shop, charged with being one of the lynch CLARENDON, ; TEX. like proportion. A fine lot of ber­ ry vines also. Call and see his BERRY <& POTTS, Proprietors. ers of the three negroes at Spring- Office Davis building, next to Dr. Car- roll. stock. field, Mo., last spring, has been New shop, new building, new fixtures and furniture, large clean bath room with cold or hot water, the best of workmen andour service continued to next March. The Go to the Globe for bargains in will please you. This is what we are here for. service DRS. STANDIFER & CAYLOR, “ Moneysworth” clothing for men cases will be worn out and that will and boys. be the end of the governor’s and Physicians $ Surgeons. attorney-general’s dire threats to Special attention given to disease Farmers—You Can Save A trial wil convince. Call inJ of women and c hildren and electro 25 to 50 per cent on your plow punish the lynchers. theropy. Office phone No. 68. Residence work by taking it to Eph Taylor’s The National Tube Works Com­ phone No. 55-3 rings. shop. pany of Pittsburg has received an order for 430 miles of 8-inch iron C»ty Meat Market. f m # ;■ M’Clellan& Crisp, Austin Dewberry Plants W . I. L A N E , Proprietor. pipe to be used for an oil pipe line LAND AND LIVE STOCK to connect the oil fields of Indian Commission Agents, For Sale Beef, Pork, Mutton, Sausage and Cooked Meats * Good Farms and Ranches for Territory with Port Arthur. Texas. Sale in all parts of the Pan­ Only $1 per 100, or $8 pr 1000. In the market for any class of hogs. Phone 1 handle country. Old newspapers cheap at this of­ We put buyers and Sellers together. T. E. JONES, fice. Only 15 cts per 100. Write us what you want. CLARENDON, TEXAS — O hroniole JoTo For ANY KIND of ERINTED^TATKINER r

HAYTER BROS, The New Store With Bran NEW Goods FOR MEN end BOYS

Our Winter Stock of

Clothing. Hats, Caps, Gloves, Shoes, Rooties. Hosiery, Fndorvvear, Collars, Neekwear, J and Other Wear

For Men and Boys is Full and Complete.

The Quality, Make-up, Style and Fit of the goods and the Economy of the Prices are well worth Special . When you pay your hard - earned money for Merchandise in our store you get a square deal.

WE CARRY A complete line of GOOD UNDERWEAR the largest and best line of suits O VERALLS and extra TROUSERS. A Fleece lined Garment 50c. in the city. Good, ribbed Garment 50c. $7.50 on up. 85c on up. Cooper’s Patent. $ 1.25 on up. SUITS FOR BOYS OVERCOATS Cravinettes, HATS in Blue Serge and other good Maekinettes ana Stetson, $4.50 to $7.00. materials. Overcoats. Others, $1.75 to $3.50. Copyright 1906 hv TT^rr SrRafFner I f AA" $2.50 on up. $11.00 on up. Men’s and B o y s ’ Caps, 35c to $1.00.

SHOES WE GIVE YOU A SQUARE DEAL. TRY US. Clarendon, Tex Buy the best, the Walk-over. $3•50 to $5 50.

^ locals five cents per line W. P. Powell made a business Rathjen has just received a new for fa st insertion and 3 cents for sub­ trip to Whitesboro and Greenville line of seasonable shoes. Be sure A n d sequent insertions. A ll locals run this week. and see them. LIVERY. FEED and are charged for until ordered out. Transient notices and job work The rain interfered considerably J. H. Hodges wasdown from Clar­ are cash, other bills on first ot month. with the teachers’ meeting which endon the first of the week. Jim SALE STABLE, began yesterday. says he is doing well in Clarendon. Business Locals. — Childress Post. HENRY STOCKETT, Proprietor A. M. Martin, lather of Mrs. F. Get your plow harness from “ ‘Switt’ is dead,” said Rev. New and First-class Rigs: Well-kept Gentle Horses: Prompt A. White, is here from Cross Plains Rutherford & Adair. Goodman Thursday. “ He was on a visit as well as prospecting for Attention to all orders. For Saddles and Harness go to only a dog and did not possess a 1 a location. Horses Hoarded by the Day, Week or Month at Low Rates. Rutherford’s & Adair. soul, yet every soul might imitate The Clarendon Bakery is here to A wreck below yester him in faithfulness. He was a Transfer meets all trains and calls. stay, your trade will be appreci­ day kept the northbound passen­ ated. high-bred animal but became maim­ / ger train from getting through £3ih“ A ll business after Dec. 1 Strictly cash. Call at Powell’s and see their new ed whilst on duty and an outcast. yesterday. line of ladies collars—they are “ just 1 His adopted guardian being call All Patrons are cordially thanked for business in the the thing’’ . Still raining last night as we ed to another country, he failed to past and a coutinuance is kindly asked. Phone (52 Go to the Globe to get your; made up our paper. We are get­ find another home for him because tailor-made shirts—the best and 200 ting a full dose of east Texas he was a cripple and rather than samples to select from. weather. It is hard on the cotton leave him the “ butt and sport’ ’ of Washington & Beverly LOCAL AND PERSONAL.1raisers, the old cows and the freight evil disposed persons he was given % --*0—■*- hauler. But when it quits the a painless death and decent burial. = ORAYMEi\f- M. T. Crabtree went to Cottle; farmer can turn the oil for the Two wagons, suited'■ to any sized load, d special Clarendon Teachers. county Thursday after a bunch of | next three months— if lie wants to. spring wagon for pianos, folding beds, parlor cattle. The following teachers were furniture, etc. Annual Bazaar and Turkey present at the teachers’ meeting Your Hauling Solicited The coal famine has been relieved j D inner yesterday: Careful Handling Guaranteed. by a few scattering cars of coal is to be given by the ladies of the Profs. L. P. Gamble and Green Episcopal church Wednesday, Dec. coming in. of Amarillo; Profs. W. F. Johnson 12 Place will be announced la'er M. F. Lee returned home and S. G. Moore and Misses Wednesday night from a visit over Episcopal Church. Brandon, Gamble, Donnell and WARM SHOES in Greer "county, Ok., and at Elec- Servicts next Sunday—The Mrs. Thompson of Canyon; Prof. tra, Tex. Rev. H. C. Goodman will officiate C. N. AtkissoJi, Denton; Miss for the last time as rector Mr. bertha Donell, McLean; Miss Dora 7 Mr. and Mrs. Rich Bowlin, of Le- Goodman will leave next week for W e have in stock a Nice \ m lia entertained the Martin families his new field of labor in old Mexi­ Burdette, Paladoura; aud several Line of Women's Warm, lined others. of the Martin-Benuett firm Thanks­ co at Chihuahua. The Clarendtou teachers were; Shoes and Felt cornless. giving. Scale Books For Sale. Drs. Mood aud Burkhead; Profs. Scale, Books with 500 neatly They are the very kind to F. A. White will next week Quigely, Silvey, Willis and Misses printed -perforated tickets for sale make your feet feel comfort­ open his tailoring and cleaning es­ in this office, only 75c. Burdette, Gabie Betts,* Stout, tablishment in the old postoffice McLean, Pearl Betts, Stevens, able and your face smile ^ room. He has secured the services Maid and the Dispensary. Cole and Patterson. of R. T. Johnson, of Amarillo, to It is commonly supposed that tha They are especially suited persons who use the public fflsp’en- Fresh shipment of Reunion Cof­ do inside work. jsaries cannot afford to pay • doctor. for Xmas prerents. fee received at The Powell Trading $ Mr. Elsie Kerbow, the Lelia If the dispensary statistics are large ; then (It Is thought) the number out of Co. Call and See them. merchant, and Miss Edna Boles, of work Is very great This Is not a fair Wichita F^lls, formerly of Claren­ Inference. A large number of the pa^ Our home made candies are the don, were married at the residence trons of dispensaries are poor, but a best that can be made. On sale at ! large number are not At Johns Hop­ Clarendon Bakery. of the latter’s parents at Wichita kins hospital a story is told of a wom­ JOHN H. RATHJEN Falls Wednesday. They will an, who, after being treated, fingered J. H, O’NEALL, make their home at Lelia. in the dispensary. “ Is there anything further, madamT** a young doctor Do not miss our special sales. asl,:d **Oh, no; Tm Just waiting till And Notary Public. GOOD JOB W O R K Every Saturday. they’ve treated my mald/'-World’s Clarendon, Texas. E. D u bb’s & Sons. Work. v Office over Ramtey’s AT SATISFACTORY PRICES.

i r


A First-Class Stylish Suit ? One 1 V o l .

We have Some Specials that Please Good Dressers, The w for an it the case and Would Kindly ask that you call and see them. Twenty- / without dent Rc t-here is 1 the neg WE ARE MAKING A SPECIALTY OF the citfR record c not gene HIGH-CLASS CLOTHING. fore at I fantry “ The al Fort Sti the negr Fifteen Dollars page sim Texas, i killed a 1 HERE citizens t own ham under pa name of ing and Will Buy One lynched I the Best Of A pai ing aboi Suits On Earth for lost his last Wet toxicate< the Money. an outgo drawn 1 This is our brajf Suit we want you to frightful see it, examine it and compare it. They unknowr determin are Beauties. Have them in a bi# range —Chann of patterns in all the newest worsted weaves. t - -LA * The G THEY ARE PERFECT-FITTING, lion doll WELL-WEARING Austin S e to build and SHAPE-KEEPING. line from Territory Tex., a miles. A RAIN COATS.— Kersclibaum Rain Coats are as Good for Dry Weather as for wet. In dry are: W. ] R. B. Me weather they make a handsome, light overcoat, falling below the knees. In wet weather they keep of Pittsbu a man dry and well dressed at the same time. posed to ^ Standard

This pa We Pride Ourselves in Selling the Best Clothing Sold in this Country. up for J. made agg months, 1 more by \ Groceries Fee*; Ladies And wanted to And The Powell Trading Co., Gents- ate than b Supplies Clarendon, Texas, Furnishings We will a transpirin more con The Editor And The Preacher. bu'. this does not mean that the both are called upon to suffer; and Watson’s New Magazine. Rest of Year Free. guilty tb Several editors of secular ‘ papers editor must be short-sited and seek similar rewards, the approval Thomas E. Watson has announced All new and old subscribers who brought 01 in Texas have recently remarked atheistic nor that the preacher of the highest, thatfis, the approval that he would establish a new pay a full year in advance, may that their work is very similar to must be impractical. The preacher of the conscience of God. magazine at Atlanta to be called It will I have the Chronicle the rest of that of the minister, and that deals more with the individual, his Each is honored in his sphere the Monthly Jeffersonian. The first Bailey wri this year free, the figures being motives, his habits, and his rela­ Security ( each is giving the best service that and each ought tb maguify his issue will appear shortly before marked up to Jau. 1, 1908. Twice- is rendered civilizaton. tionship; the editor appeals to the calling and twice blessed is that Christmas and will be the January a week and only $1 a year. And now It is not to be doubted that the community life, its appearance, its man who has the privilege of number. H. Clement, now with made joi attitude, its condition and its the Cotton Journal, has been en­ W ANTED :-by Chicago wholesale and mal Standard duties of both are closely allied and working in both spheres.—The order house, assistant manager (manor woman! needs. Westeru Evangel. gaged as circulation manager. for this county and adjoining territory r i compat that they touch each others territory aml expenses paid weekly: expense money The preacher presents his facts The Weekly Jeffersouian recently advanced. \Vork pleasant; posftion permanent, federal coi at many points. Both are edu­ m. Investment or. experience required? Spare with the emphasis of personality, started at Augusta will continue time valuable. Write at once for particulars them with cators, both should be champions HISTORIC ROCK MUST GO. tnrd inclose seif addressed enve’one Address the editor ma .. s his data in the ♦ v ---- GENERAL MANAGER, 134 f ' Lake s?’ laws. Thu of the right, enemies of evil, and publication just as at presant, Mr Chicago. p, j ' both are advocates of p ro g ress most pleasing or forceful style. An interesting historical monu­ Watson writing for both. Thej has been ment near Ulm, on the Danube, ia kresh bread and rolls every ever and development. The work of The editor reaches the larger crowd Monthly will not differ materially j has voltuu threatened with destruction—to wit, baked at home by home people, at hut the preacher touches not alone from what Watson’s Magazine has j to aid the the editor is not altogether on the the rock on which Napoleon stood Rutherford & Adair’s saddle shop, by his apppal and his manner but been for the past year. Mr. Wat- Jj|^j^|>ende material side of these unde i takings, on October 20, 1805 , and watched j by his life. While the Divine son offers to transfer the Weekly or : If you read T hr Chronicle nor is that of the preacher alto the capitulation of the Austrian you are always abreast of the times The coti blessing is upon the noble work of Monthly Jeffersonian without ex j gether on the side of the spiritual. Field Marshal Mack. The conquer­ and know what is doing. You Times-Dei They complement each other. the editor the minister’s preaching pense to any subscribers of W at-1 or met Mack on the rock, and told don’ t have to wait until .its contents of corresp Both are acquainted with hu­ may be accompanied by the son’s that ask it. The new Month­ are too old to be of interest. him to remain his sovereign, that all cotton bell manity’s want and its sin. The Divine power in a peculiar sense. empires must have an end. For ly will sell for 15 cents a copy, or Twtce-a-week and only $1.00 per year. . of 1906-7 1 true type of of editor seeks to up­ The editor and preacher ought a hundred years the historic rock $1.50 a year. has been decorated with a tablet in lift the soul ard to relieve ignorance to have many sympathies iti com­ For a live paper trylttae C hronicle Winter and squalor. The editor is con­ mon. They both cherish the high­ memory of the event. It is now to brought Old newspapers for sale at this est ideals; they both are not work­ be blown up to make room for an Rutherfon cerned more with the tempQral and office printed an 1 postpaid at this office. and the preacher with the eternal, ing for money, but in service; they extension of Ulm goods station. m

' I