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SWEAW Manual Macjan2007 Copy.Pdf


SECTION 1 INSTALLATION SECTION 5 UNITS AND STRUCTURES Installing The Game ...... 2 Unit Tactical Strategies...... 27 Unit Special Abilities...... 27 SECTION 2 INTRODUCTION Rebel Alliance ...... 28 What is : Empire at War?. . 4 Galactic Empire...... 33 How do you play Star Wars: Empire Special Units and Structures...... 38 at War? ...... 5 Creatures ...... 40 Getting Started ...... 6 Pirate Forces ...... 40 SECTION 3 PLAYING THE GAME Indigenous Forces ...... 40 The Galactic Map View...... 8 SECTION 6 PLANET FEATURES Galactic Map Screen ...... 8 Space Features ...... 41 Zooming In on a Planet...... 12 Land Features ...... 41 Building Your Forces ...... 13 Planetary Bonuses ...... 41 Galactic Economy ...... 13 Building Structures in Space . . . . . 13 SECTION 7 OPTIONS Building Structures on the Ground . 13 Audio Options...... 42 Creating Units in Space ...... 14 Video Options...... 42 Creating Units on the Ground. . . . 14 Network Options ...... 42 Controlling Your Forces in Keyboard Options ...... 42 Galactic View ...... 14 Game Options...... 43 Tactical Battle View...... 15 Attacking vs. Defending ...... 15 SECTION 8 MULTIPLAYER Space Tactical vs. Land Tactical . . 16 Game Modes...... 44 Tactical Battle Screen ...... 16 Multiplayer Game Options...... 45 Special Commands ...... 18 Playing Online ...... 46 Unit Commands...... 19 Controlling Your Army in Appendix (Charts)...... 47 Tactical View ...... 20 Garrison Units ...... 47 Economy in Tactical Combat. . . . . 21 Rebel Upgrades ...... 48 Using Build Pads ...... 21 Imperial Upgrades ...... 50 Combat Features...... 22 Planetary Bonuses ...... 52 Space Combat Features ...... 22 Indigenous Forces...... 55 Ground Combat Features...... 23 Credits...... 56 Note on Skirmish Play...... 25 Tech Support ...... 59 Saving and Loading the Game ...... 25 License and Warranty ...... 60 Default Controls ...... (Back Cover) SECTION 4 TECHNOLOGY LEVEL Upgrading Space Stations ...... 26 Acquiring New Heroes ...... 26 Increasing Your Technology Level . . . 26

1 SECTION 1 installation

INSTALLING THE GAME 3. Drag the STAR WARS®: EMPIRE AT WAR™ folder from the DVD to the location on your To install STAR WARS®: EMPIRE AT WAR™: hard drive you would like to install the game. 1. Insert the STAR WARS®: EMPIRE AT WAR™ DVD into your DVD-ROM drive. 4. To start the game, double-click the STAR WARS®: EMPIRE AT WAR™ application on your 2. Double-click the DVD icon that appears on your desktop. hard drive.

2 3 HOW DO YOU PLAY SECTION 2: STAR WARS: EMPIRE AT WAR? introduction Campaign and Galactic Conquest game modes are played from three different but WHAT IS STAR WARS: connected views of the battlefield: EMPIRE AT WAR? GALACTIC MAP In the Galactic Map you have control over all of your fleets, armies, and planets. This From the dirt of the battlefield to the depths of space, STAR WARS: EMPIRE AT WAR puts the is the primary game mode where building and unit construction takes place, income is epic struggle for control of the galaxy at your fingertips. You will take command of either gathered, and your global strategy is planned. To move your forces to other planets, the burgeoning Rebel Alliance or the oppressive Galactic Empire. As the ultimate galactic grab and drag them to a slot on another planet. If your army enters a planet controlled commander, you must construct your army and strategically deploy your forces by the enemy, a tactical battle will begin in space or on land. The attacker must conquer throughout the galaxy to conquer each every enemy controlled planet. Wage war on land both the space and the land map of a planet in order to take control and in space. of a system. Doing so earns instant credits and will get you closer to your goal of STAR WARS: EMPIRE AT WAR’S action is persistent, meaning that strategic decisions on the galactic domination. Galactic Map and results from previous battles will have a lasting impact on the galaxy. SPACE TACTICAL COMBAT Your space forces in orbit over a planet can reinforce your fleets in the heat of battle or When your space fleets encounter an enemy in orbit above a planet, a space tactical assist in ground assaults. You can also choose to retreat from any battle, regroup your battle will be initiated. In space tactical combat, the attacking fleet must destroy the forces, and return better equipped in the future. defender’s entire enemy fleet and space station (if a station is present). Be aware that There are three different ways to play STAR WARS: EMPIRE AT WAR. Each way focuses on a you cannot build any new units during a tactical battle. You will need to rely on ships different method of capturing planets and offers a unique play experience. you’ve built on the Galactic Map, and garrison units produced by your space stations and destroyers. If the attacker is victorious, they will take control of the space above the CAMPAIGN planet. The attacker may then launch an attack on the planet’s surface. Play as the Empire and conquer the galaxy or choose the Rebels and liberate it. The choice is yours as you play through a series of epic story-based missions on land and in space. LAND TACTICAL COMBAT Your forces will be small at first, but as you progress through the campaign more of the In land tactical combat, the attacking army must destroy the enemy’s base structures galaxy will become yours to command, including new planets, technologies, and heroes. and units. To do this you must land reinforcements from orbit above the planet within If you want to experience the exciting events leading up to Star Wars: Episode IV from the radius of any friendly reinforcement point. As in space, be aware that you cannot the perspective of the Empire or the Rebels, then this is the game mode for you. build new units during a tactical battle. The attacker can only reinforce with existing units built on the Galactic Map. Military structures will allow the defender to purchase GALACTIC CONQUEST bonuses for their units and provide a steady supply of Garrison Units to help defend Conquer the galaxy your way! Choose from several different starting scenarios that the base. While exploring the planet, your units may discover valuable structures include galaxies of different sizes, technology levels, and starting credits. This freeform that they can capture and control. game mode offers an open-ended experience that includes all the elements from the story campaign, allowing you to create your own extraordinary scenarios to decide your path NOTE ON SKIRMISH MODE: Skirmish play is a single tactical battle, and there is no to victory. This game mode can be played against the computer or a human opponent. Galactic Map. Unlike Campaign and Galactic Conquest modes, when playing a Skirmish game unit construction does occur during battle from the buildings that are SKIRMISH BATTLES present on the map. Each player receives a steady flow of credits but can increase their Conquer a single battlefield in one intense battle. Skirmish battles are shorter conflicts income by capturing strategic points on the map. fought either on land or in space and always between two teams. In this mode all resource gathering and construction will take place on the battlefield itself, since there is no persistent Galactic Map. You can play this mode one on one against a human opponent, or with a combination of up to seven human or CPU opponents. Players on a team cooperate to secure victory. Skirmish mode offers a familiar experience in the style of many classic real-time strategy games, but with a focus on fast-paced action.

4 5 GETTING STARTED TOOL TIPS Tool tips provide you with a lot of useful information at a glance. TUTORIAL The tutorial is a great place to start the game, even for experienced players. If you’ve TOOL TIPS never played a strategy game before, start with Tutorial 1. If you have played strategy Units Planets games before, feel free to skip ahead to the more advanced tutorials. Here you will POPULATION COST POPULATION BONUS discover the innovative features that make STAR WARS: EMPIRE AT WAR unlike any other strategy game. NAME CONTROLLING FACTION SPECIAL ABILITIES NAME DESCRIPTION DAILY CREDITS BASIC CONTROL UNITS IT IS STRONG AGAINST WEATHER CONDITIONS You can play the entire game using only your mouse. Simply click the left mouse button to UNITS IT IS WEAK AGAINST DESCRIPTION make a selection. You can click and drag your units between slots on the Galactic Map, or drag a selection box to choose multiple units in battle. In battle you can click the right SPACE STATION LEVEL mouse button to issue orders to your selected troops, or to choose a unit’s special GROUND CONSTRUCTION SLOTS abilities. You can use the mouse wheel to zoom in on a planet on the Galactic Map, or to adjust to your viewpoint during combat. For more information about the interface or on specific units, let your mouse cursor rest over the icon. A tool tip will appear with more information. DROID ADVISOR For a complete list of default controls, refer to the back cover of the manual. Remember The droid advisor is your one-stop resource for hints and information. For more that you can customize your controls however you like in the game options. information, see page 9.

CHOOSING YOUR FACTION The Rebel Alliance and the Empire employ very different tactics in their pursuit of galactic domination. Consider these unique strategic factors when choosing your faction.


6 7 SECTION 3: playing the game 1 CONTROL PANEL unit production, the location and status of all units, and the eco- The control panel provides you with nomic status of all planets from the most important information about THE GALACTIC MAP VIEW this screen. You can sort the the galaxy in one easy location. information by clicking on the On the Galactic Map you construct and move your armies, as well as manage your A. The Droid Advisor Offers hints title above a column. and tips, projects holograms with economy and technology. Take control of planets on the map to increase your income and C. The Mission Holocron Click here to mission objectives, and provides gain new territory on which to build structures. review active and completed mis- information when you mouse over sions. You will be alerted by the an object. GALACTIC MAP SCREEN droid advisor when a new mission B. The Droid Log Click the droid becomes available, and you will see log button to access four types of the holocron button flash. gameplay information organized D. Planetary Information When a by tabs. 10 planet is selected on the map this • Log Tab This screen lists all the area will display the faction that droid advisor’s messages, and controls it, the planet’s name, and provides a legend of all galactic how many credits the planet gener- mode icons. ates each day. • History Tab This screen dis- E. Play/Pause Button Click this to plays charts comparing relative pause or resume the game. While 11 progress of the opposing factions. paused galactic time will stop, allow- You can toggle between economy, ing you to plan your strategy without military, and planet control. risk of attack. You can purchase units • Tech Tree Tab This screen and structures while paused. How- ever, construction won’t begin until 1 displays the technology tree for your faction. you resume play. You cannot move units while paused. • Summary Tab You can review NOTE: The Play/Pause button is not 5 9 your controlled planets and their active in multiplayer games. 2 3 6 8 A 4 7 C D 1 CONTROL PANEL 5 CINEMATIC CAMERA BUTTON 9 PRODUCTION QUEUE 2 MINI-MAP 6 SPACE PRODUCTION TAB 10 HERO ICONS B 3 GALACTIC MAP FILTERS 7 LAND PRODUCTION TAB 11 TOOL TIPS 4 MAIN MENU BUTTON 8 PRODUCTION BAR G E F H I J

8 9 F. Fast Forward Click and hold this NOTE: Population Caps in tactical 3 GALACTIC MAP FILTERS HOW DOES GALACTIC UNIT button to speed up game time. combat are different from Unit These buttons make additional CAPACITY WORK? Release to resume normal time. Capacity on the Galactic Map. information appear on the Galactic Map. • Each planet you control adds to the total G. Time The green bar indicates the J. Total Credits This is the total number These filters are off by default. number of units you can command. Capture more planets to increase your Unit Capacity. passage of time. When it fills up, one of credits you have available. At the A. Planetary Credits galactic day ends and you receive end of the day, more credits will be Displays the number of • Building or upgrading a space station at the credits generated by your planets. added to your total. a planet you control will further increase credits each planet will your Unit Capacity. The current galactic day, the progress provide each galactic day. of time, and the number of credits you 2 GALACTIC MODE MINI MAP • Some units cost more unit capacity points B. Structures Displays than others. Mouse over a unit to see its will receive at the end of the day are population cost in the upper left corner. displayed here. The colored dots represent planets. Planets the level of each planet’s you control are green and enemy-controlled space station and • For more information on population cap in Tactical Combat mode refer to page 16. H. Technology Level Your technology planets are red. Planets controlled by available structure slots. level determines which units and pirate factions are yellow, and unexplored structures you can build. See page planets are gray. The location of an C. Planetary Effects 26 for more information on increas- imminent battle will flash red. Hover the Displays each planet’s 7 LAND PRODUCTION TAB ing your technology level. mouse cursor over a planet to have the weather and the special Click this button to select the available Droid Advisor display information. Click advantages granted by units and structures that can be built on I. Unit Capacity: The total number of controlling the planet. units you can command throughout on any planet to select and center your the ground. the galaxy is restricted by the num- view on it (highlighting the planet in blue). D. Show Heroes Brings ber of planets and space stations Click on the magnifying glass in the lower heroes to the top of the 8 PRODUCTION BAR under your control. When you reach left of the Mini-Map to zoom in on the stack in whatever fleet Units available for construction will your galactic population cap, no new currently selected planet. they occupy so you can appear in this area. Each button has a units can be constructed. Your current see where they are. NOTE: In most scenarios, Pirates control number representing its price in credits. population appears on the left, the some of the galaxy. Pirates are not as well Click on a button to purchase a unit, maximum appears on the right. 4 MAIN MENU BUTTON armed as either main faction, making them structure, or upgrade. appealing targets early in the campaign. Click on this button to bring up the main menu to access Save / Load Options, 9 PRODUCTION QUEUE Audio Options, Video Options, Key- board Options, Game Options, or to Exit Any structures and/or units currently in the game. You can also access this menu production will appear here as a hologram, by pressing Esc on your keyboard. with a percentage showing how complete it is. Space production is in blue, while 5 CINEMATIC CAMERA BUTTON land production is in orange. Right click on a hologram to cancel its production. Click on this to watch a sweeping view of the galaxy. Press Space to switch between 10 HERO ICONS different camera angles. Move the mouse cursor to exit this mode. All of your available heroes are displayed here. Click on a portrait to 6 SPACE PRODUCTION TAB center on the corresponding hero in the galaxy. Click this button to select the available units and structures that can be built 11 TOOL TIPS in space. For more information on tool tips, see page 7.

10 11 BUILDING YOUR FORCES ZOOMING IN ON A PLANET GALACTIC ECONOMY To see a detailed view of a selected planet, click on the zoom icon located on the galactic Mini-Map, scroll the mouse wheel up, or double-click on the planet. In this view you have Building structures and units requires credits. At WHAT SHOULD I DO the end of each galactic day, you will earn easy access to: TO IMPROVE MY ECONOMY? credits from all of the planets you control. 4The three large areas for organizing space fleets which correspond to the three slots • Build more mining facilities on your planets to greatly increase their daily credit value. visible in the zoomed out view. There is no limit to the size of a space fleet and they NOTE: You can store up to 10,000 credits for can contain a combination of space and land units. • Take over planets by winning tactical each planet you control. You cannot earn more battles for an immediate credit boost, and credits than your planets can support. 4The slots available for ground units: you are limited to only ten land units stationed to add a new source of daily income. • Capture planets connected by trade routes on a planet at any one time. for increased profit. BUILDING STRUCTURES 4The slots for building ground structures (the number will vary depending on the planet). Take on missions that include a credit bonus. • IN SPACE 4Space Stations and other space structures • Deploy a smuggler to steal credits from an enemy planet. Select a planet, and then select the space 4Planetary information • Sell unused units or structures by right production tab. Space stations are the primary clicking on their icon in the zoomed in view. From the zoomed in view, click Planet Info for more detailed information about the planet’s structures you will construct in space. You may advantages, history, weather, indigenous species, and terrain. only construct one space station per planet, but most planets will allow you to upgrade your Thanks to its detailed information, the zoomed in view is ideal for moving units between space station as your technology level increases. Zoom in, or use the Structures filter land and space, combining fleets, or beginning construction on a planet. on the Galactic Map to see the maximum space station level for the planet. In addition to the space station, two other slots for structures also appear in space. These can be filled with long range scanners that provide information on enemy movements, or 1 gravity well generators that prevent enemy retreat. When construction on a space station is complete, it will automatically be placed in orbit above the planet. NOTE: You can queue up five land and five space constructions per planet. You are charged for the unit or structure when you add it to the queue. However, you can cancel construction of anything still in the queue by right clicking on it to receive a full refund. 5

2 BUILDING STRUCTURES ON THE GROUND 4 Select a planet, and then select the land production tab. Each planet has between two and eight land slots that you can fill with whatever combination of structures you like. 6 Each structure that you build fills one slot. 3 NOTE: Some planets, such as Bespin and the Vergesso Asteroids, do not have any land slots to build on. Planets destroyed by the Death Star can no longer be used to build land structures. Some structures have prerequisites that must be met before they can be built. Refer to the Tech Tree tab in the droid advisor menu for complete information about structure prerequisites.

1 FLEET AREA 3 STRUCTURE AREA 5 SPACE STRUCTURES Once you build a structure from the Galactic Map, it is automatically placed on the 2 GROUND UNIT AREA 4 SPACE STATION 6 PLANETARY INFORMATION planet in a strategic location. Structures cannot be moved once they have been built. As soon as construction is complete you will have access to the benefits provided by the structure. To sell a structure, right click on its icon while zoomed in on the planet. 12 13 CREATING UNITS WHAT DO SPACE STATIONS PROVIDE? to reach distant planets that may be out of your range. If you control a route by capturing the connected planets, you gain a bonus to your credit income. IN SPACE • The ability to build starships. Increase the Space Station level to get access to more Select a planet, then select the space production tab. advanced ships. COMBINING UNITS The upgrade level of the station will determine which • Defensive weapons to combat the enemy’s You can combine units by dragging one friendly icon over another. Combine fleets to units can be built. Space units are automatically attacking fleet make them larger and more powerful. You can separate fleets in the zoomed in view added to one of the three large fleet areas above the • Defensive technology upgrades that can be by dragging some units into one of the other two fleet slots above the planet. planet as soon as construction is complete. purchased during a battle NOTE: You can combine ground and space forces in your space fleets, but only ground • Increased galactic unit capacity units can be used on a planet’s surface. Ground units in a space fleet will ride aboard lightly • During battle, a space station produces CREATING UNITS ON garrison fighters. armored transport ships that are vulnerable to attack and cannot contribute to the battle. THE GROUND SPECIAL ABILITY SLOTS Select a planet, and then select the ground Some units have special abilities that allow them to perform special actions on enemy production tab. The types of units that you can build are determined by the types of planets. For example: Smugglers can steal credits from enemy-controlled planets when structures you’ve built on the planet, and your technology level. Once a unit is created it moved into the steal slot located on each planet. Bounty hunters can neutralize enemy will be added to one of the ten reinforcement areas on the planet’s surface. If a planet heroes without engaging in tactical combat. already contains ten land units, any additional units will be placed in a space fleet. RAID PARTIES A Rebel fleet consisting of four or fewer ground units, any number of CONTROLLING YOUR FORCES heroes, and no space units is a raid party. Raid parties are able to bypass IN GALACTIC VIEW enemy fleets in orbit and land on the surface of a planet directly, skipping space combat entirely. Only the Rebel Alliance can use Raid parties. ICONS Units in galactic mode are represented by icons, located either on a planet or above it in STEALTH FLEETS space. An icon representing multiple units will appear as a stack with the most powerful Stealth fleets can be moved to an enemy planet without initiating a unit on top. Any unit in orbit above a planet is known as a fleet. The more powerful the tactical battle. Stealth units can be used to spy on enemy planets, or in fleet, the taller the icon stack will be. some cases steal credits or technology. MOVING UNITS TACTICAL BATTLE VIEW Click on a unit and drag it where you want to move. Units can only move to another planet that is within the orbital radius of the current planet, this appears as a green ring when the A real-time, tactical battle occurs whenever you enter space or land territory that is planet is selected. Fleets can jump between multiple friendly planets to reach a controlled by enemy forces. destination, or use a hyperspace trade route to reach remote planets. Units occupy slots, represented by the ovals on or near planets. Simply drag a unit to the slot you want to occupy. ATTACKING VS. DEFENDING COMBAT In tactical battles, the defender initially has the advantage. The defender can upgrade Combat occurs when a force is moved into the same orbit as an enemy fleet, or brought his troops during battle at friendly structures, and use defensive emplacements to hold to the surface of an enemy occupied planet. Once combat is initiated, you will have a off the enemy. If the defender has built military structures on the planet’s surface, he will choice to enter tactical mode, or allow the game to automatically resolve the conflict for you. be rewarded with garrison troops from these facilities to aid in the planet’s defense. The victor of the battle takes control of either the space above the planet or the surface. When both battlefields are conquered, the victor gains all advantages that the planet provides. The burden is on the attacker to bring the right units to carry the battle. The attacker can even the odds by finding secondary structures on the map that may provide NOTE: Auto-resolve is not available in Story Campaign—only in Galactic Conquest. Using Auto- upgrades, lift the fog of war, or provide friendly indigenous troops. If there are friendly resolve often results in the loss of many more units than if you had fought the battle yourself. bombers in orbit, the player can call for a bombing run to strike key targets. TRADE ROUTES Neither the attacker nor defender can create new units or structures during a tactical battle. Planets with established Trade Routes are connected by a line. Trade Routes will allow you Both must be prepared to make the most of what they constructed on the Galactic Map. 14 15 SPACE TACTICAL VS. LAND TACTICAL Although the principles behind both tactical combat modes are the same, space and land 1 CONTROL PANEL Land In land tactical combat differ on some key points. • For more information regarding control the attacker’s population cap is panel functions, please refer to page 9. tied to the reinforcement points Space Tactical Combat Land Tactical Combat The tactical control panel differs in the they control. Each reinforcement following ways: point provides a population • POPULATION CAP IS 20. • ATTACKER’S POPULATION CAP IS BASED ON bonus. You must capture and hold THE NUMBER OF REINFORCEMENT POINTS Planetary Information Only the • REINFORCEMENTS CAN ENTER THE BATTLE YOU CONTROL. these points in order to increase IN OPEN SPACE. planet name is displayed during the number of units you can bring • DEFENDER’S POPULATION CAP IS ALWAYS 10. tactical combat. • THE SPACE STATION IS THE PRIMARY STRUCTURE to the battle. The defender’s pop- THAT MUST BE DEFENDED OR DESTROYED. • REINFORCEMENTS CAN BE BROUGHT DOWN ulation cap is always 10. It is not FROM SPACE AT A REINFORCEMENT POINT. Time Galactic time is frozen during • CAPITAL SHIPS AND SPACE STATIONS ARE tactical battles. No indication of time tied to reinforcement points. For MADE UP OF HARDPOINT TARGETS, EACH • THE PLAYER MAY NEED TO DEFEND OR or income is displayed during battle. more information on Reinforce- OF WHICH CAN BE DESTROYED INDIVIDU- DESTROY MULTIPLE BASE STRUCTURES ments, see page 18. ALLY TO DISABLE THAT TARGET’S ABILITIES. THROUGHOUT THE MAP. Population Cap The population cap in tactical combat is different from WEATHER EFFECTS AND INDIGENOUS CREA- • NEBULAE AND ASTEROIDS PRESENT • galactic unit capacity. 2 TACTICAL BATTLE MINI MAP ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS. TURES PRESENT ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS. • EITHER FACTION CAN CONSTRUCT OFFENSIVE • Space In space tactical combat Friendly units are represented in green, OR DEFENSIVE EMPLACEMENTS AT BUILD PADS. your population cap is fixed when while enemy units are red. Pirate units you enter the battle. Different are yellow. The same color scheme ships have a different impact on applies to structures, which appear as TACTICAL BATTLE SCREEN your population. For example, a rectangles on the map. Reinforcement Star Destroyer costs more popu- points concealed by the fog of war are lation points than a TIE Scout. represented by gray triangles, friendly 9 If you bring several of your large reinforcement points are green triangles, ships into the battle at once, you and enemy points are red. The location will reach the population of combat will flash red. Areas covered cap quickly. by the fog of war are dark, while the area your units can see is bright.



3 RETREAT 2 7 6 4

1 CONTROL PANEL 4 MAIN MENU BUTTON 6 UNIT COMMANDS 9 HERO ICONS 2 MINI-MAP 5 CINEMATIC CAMERA 7 COMMAND BAR 10 MISSION OBJECTIVES 3 SPECIAL COMMANDS BUTTON 8 PRODUCTION QUEUE 16 17 There are additional icons on the map DEPLOYING REINFORCEMENTS you have set up your Guard Click on this when playing in skirmish mode. A large • Often not all of your units are on the attack, activate the button, then right-click credit icon indicates a mining build site; a battlefield when the battle begins. cinematic camera and on a friendly unit to small credit icon indicates a resource pad. • Whether you are in space or on the enjoy the show. command your troops to A star on the map represents a structure ground, you will need to bring in rein- follow and protect the forcements from your fleets. that may grant you new units or abilities. 6 UNIT COMMANDS target. Guarding units will chase enemies • It’s a good idea to keep some units safe only a short distance before returning to a in the Reinforcement queue until they Each button issues a command to the position near the guarded unit. 3 SPECIAL COMMANDS are needed. currently selected units: • In Skirmish mode, you still need to deploy A. SPECIAL ATTACK new reinforcements from your fleets, even Attack Click on this button, then right- 7 COMMAND BAR though they are constructed during battle. click a target to Bombing Run All selected units are represented here command your troops (Land Only) by icons. You can select an individual to attack it. During a land battle you unit from the group by clicking on its can take advantage of • Space Units can be deployed in any corresponding icon. You can also Y-wings or TIE bombers open space. Attack-Move Click on activate special abilities by clicking on in orbit by caling for a bombing run. this button, then right- Land Units can be deployed within the the ability icons located just above the • click on the battlefield Ion Cannon radius of a friendly reinforcement point. unit icons. (Rebels/Space Only) or the Mini-Map to NOTE: If you have reached your population command your units to The ion cannon is 8 PRODUCTION QUEUE constructed on a planet’s cap, or attempt to drag a unit into battle move to that position, surface. It fires a blast that would exceed the population cap, you but also stop and Anything currently in production will capable of disabling a capital ship will not be able to deploy reinforcements. attack any enemies they encounter along appear here as a hologram, with a in space. the way. percentage showing how complete it is. D. RETREAT Upgrades appear in blue, while units Move Click on this Hypervelocity Gun appear in orange. Right click on a Sometimes you may want button, then right-click (Empire/Space Only) hologram to cancel its production. The hypervelocity gun is to withdraw from a battle on the battlefield or the constructed on a planet’s to save your units from Mini-Map to command 9 HERO ICONS surface. It fires a losses. Click on the your units to move to powerful blast at enemy capital ships that retreat icon next to the that position. They will Available heroes are displayed here. Click can penetrate most shields. command bar to initiate a retreat. ignore any threats until they reach their on a portrait to center on the corresponding Whenever retreat has been initiated, a destination. hero. Heroes that are providing a global B. PLACE BEACON timer will begin counting down, at which Waypoint Move Click bonus will have a glow around their portrait. time your units are more vulnerable to Places a beacon on the on this button, then right- attack. The retreat is executed once the map which can be seen click on the battlefield or 10 MISSION OBJECTIVES timer ends. The surviving units will regroup at by other human players the Mini-Map to create a nearby friendly planet. Note that in some Primary and secondary objectives to be in a multiplayer game. waypoints for your cases, retreat will not be possible. This completed during the battle appear in the troops to move to. Right-click multiple includes right at the beginning of a battle, lower right portion of the screen. Only C. REINFORCEMENTS times to tell units to move from one and when gravity well generators are primary objectives must be completed waypoint to the next. Click this button to open in effect. for victory. the reinforcement queue. Stop Click on this button Available units will 5 CINEMATIC CAMERA BUTTON to cancel any previous appear in a small orders, and stop your window in the upper left Click this button to watch your strategy troops where they are. part of the screen. Drag units from the unfold in real time through variety of They will engage queue to the map to deploy them. spectacular cinematic camera angles. Once enemies within range after stopping.

18 19 CONTROLLING YOUR ARMY 4In space battles, enemy fighters will have red fighter squadron icons which can IN TACTICAL VIEW be targeted in this same way. Attacking enemy fighter units by right-clicking on them will force your units to attack the entire squad of units. ADJUSTING YOUR VIEW 4Attack-Move: Holding CTRL while right-clicking on the battlefield will command In tactical combat you can use the mouse wheel to adjust your view of the battlefield. For your units to move to that position, but also stop and attack any enemies they an even wider view of the action, press the TAB button for a bird’s-eye view. Press TAB a encounter along the way. second time for an even wider perspective. Pressing TAB a third time returns you to the standard game perspective. You can also zoom out to a bird’s-eye view by scrolling out ECONOMY IN TACTICAL COMBAT with the mouse wheel until the camera stops moving. Scroll again once the camera has In Campaign and Galactic Conquest, you enter tactical combat with the same number stopped to switch to bird’s-eye view. of total credits that you had on the Galactic Map. Galactic time stops during tactical combat, so you will not earn daily credits during the battle. You will have opportunities SELECTING UNITS to spend credits during combat, so it is in your best interest to have some funds ready Units are designated as infantry, vehicles, or ships or heroes. at all times in case you are attacked. 4To select a unit, left click on it. 4To select multiple units, left-click and drag the mouse to draw a box over the units. GAINING CREDITS You can gain credits during combat by: 4Double-clicking or holding ctrl while clicking on a unit will select all units of that type 4Capturing a resource facility. on screen (for example, ctrl-left-clicking a squad of stormtroopers will select all visible stormtrooper squads.). 4Completing some secondary objectives. 4Hold the shift button while clicking or dragging the cursor to add units to those 4Selling structures or build pad emplacements (right click). already selected. PURCHASING UPGRADES 4In space battles, select fighter squadrons by clicking on their icons. The defending faction can purchase offensive and defensive upgrades for their units at 4All selected units are represented on the Command Bar by portrait icons. Left-click friendly structures. To purchase, click on the structure then choose an upgrade from the on a unit’s icon to select it individually from the group. production bar. Upgrades are persistent, so if you purchase an upgrade in one battle, and are attacked again, your units will retain the bonus in the next battle. COMMAND GROUPS If the attacking faction is able to locate a Mercenary Outfitter on the map, they too will 4Once you have units selected, press Ctrl and any number key to assign the units to a be able to purchase upgrades for their units. command group. A number will appear next to each member of the group to let you know which group they belong to. Any time thereafter, press the corresponding USING BUILD PADS number key to select that group. This allows you to control and organize many Build pads are extremely versatile construction sites that either faction can capture. groups of units without having to click on them. Click on a build pad near your units to purchase one of six emplacements. MOVING UNITS Anti-Vehicle Turret: Automatically attacks enemy units. Very effective against vehicles. 4 Right click directly on the battlefield or on the Mini-Map to command selected units Anti-Infantry Turret: Automatically attacks enemy units. Very effective against infantry. to move to a position. Anti-Aircraft Turret: Automatically attacks enemy units. Very effective against aircraft. 4A single click move command will force your units to move in formation, at the speed of the slowest unit; while double clicking will allow your selected units to Bacta Healing Station: Heals friendly infantry units within its radius. move at their own pace – breaking formation. Repair Station: Repairs friendly vehicles within its radius. 4Holding ALT while right-clicking creates waypoints for your troops to move to. Hold Sensor Node: Pushes back the fog of war a great deal, improving your visibility. alt and right-click multiple times to tell units to move from one waypoint to the next. NOTE: In addition to their primary function, all build pad emplacements count as ATTACKING friendly units, and therefore clear the fog of war in their immediate vicinity. They do 4Right click on an enemy to have selected units attack it. They will ignore all other not count toward your population cap, so they are a great way to add firepower and threats until the target is destroyed. support without increasing the size of your army. 20 21 COMBAT FEATURES THE DEATH STAR When the Empire brings the Death Star into a space battle there will be a countdown SECONDARY OBJECTIVES at the top of the screen until it is in range. While the Death Star approaches the planet In tactical combat your goal is to defeat your enemy, but in many situations secondary the Empire must fight the space tactical battle. Once in range the Death Star can fire at objectives will be available that can be extremely rewarding. Whenever possible, try to will and completely destroy the planet’s surface. After a planet has been destroyed, its incorporate the secondary objectives into your strategy to get the most out of the tactical battle. land tactical map is eliminated from the galaxy. However, the space tactical map will remain as an asteroid field. The Rebels can only counter the Death Star by winning a space tactical battle against SPACE COMBAT FEATURES the Death Star, while Red Squadron is in their fleet.

REINFORCEMENTS Reinforcements can be dragged from the queue into GROUND COMBAT FEATURES areas where your units have already cleared the fog of war. Reinforcements cannot be deployed in Asteroid REINFORCEMENT POINTS Fields, Nebulae, Ion Storms, or near enemy bases. Reinforcement Points are tactical positions that increase the owner’s SHIELDS population cap and allow reinforcements to land. You must eliminate Most ships have shields in addition to their armored hull. all nearby enemy units and then have at least one infantry unit near the Shields are represented by the blue bar just above the Reinforcement Point hologram until it turns green. Only infantry units unit’s health bar. Shields regenerate over time. Certain can capture Reinforcement Points. Once you have control, you can weapons can bypass shields to damage the armored hull drag units from the reinforcement queue to anywhere within Reinforcement Point directly. radius. This range is designated by a green circle around the reinforcement point. STARSHIP HARDPOINTS INFANTRY UNITS The larger ships and space structures are made up of Infantry units are necessary for capturing reinforcement points. They are also able to individual components, called hardpoints, which can be take advantage of natural cover on some terrain increasing their offensive and targeted. These may include weapons, shields defensive capabilities. Most infantry are able slip by anti-vehicle weaponry, so you generators, or engines. Destroying one of these will can use them to reach objectives that may be inaccessible to your vehicles. cause that component to cease functioning. WEATHER Your troops will have to deal with planetary weather. Weather effects cause the following reductions in capabilities: SPACE HAZARDS Rain of Ash Snowstorm ASTEROID FIELDS Infantry sight range Vehicle sight range While small ships can avoid damage from asteroids, reduced. reduced. larger ships entering into an Asteroid Field will take damage over time. Heavy Rain Wind/Sandstorm NEBULAE Laser accuracy Rocket accuracy Any ship entering a Nebula or Ion Storm will not be able reduced. reduced. to use any special abilities. In addition to preventing special ability use, Ion Storms will disable shields. Defenders can purchase a Survival Training upgrade at their barracks to negate the effect of weather on their units.

22 23 TERRAIN OBSTACLES NOTE ON SKIRMISH PLAY Some terrain is impassable by most units, such as trees, water, and cliffs. Hovering units, however, can travel over water, and flying units can travel over all terrain. ECONOMY In skirmish games, you slowly gain credits over time. You can increase the rate of credit GOOD GROUND production by capturing mining build sites and resource pads. Infantry units can take advantage of strategically defensive areas on the map by activating their Take Cover ability. Units enhanced by their position on Good Ground will BUILDING UNITS appear green and receive a bonus to their offensive and defensive abilities. Unlike Campaign or Galactic Conquest, in Skirmish mode you construct units during the tactical battle. To construct a unit, select a structure and choose a unit to build from the production bar. When unit construction is complete the unit will be added to the reinforcement queue. To bring the new unit into the battle, drag it from the queue like any reinforcement. TECHNOLOGY LEVEL To increase your technology level in Skirmish battles, click on your command center and choose the technology level upgrade. This applies to both the Empire and the Rebels. As your technology level increases, new units and upgrades become available at your structures.

SAVING AND LOADING THE GAME You can save or load the game at any time by pressing the main menu button, or the ESC key, and choosing Save Game or Load Game. The game will also autosave periodically to retain your progress.

INDIGENOUS FORCES Many planets are home to various indigenous species. Some of the intelligent life forms will be friendly toward your faction, allowing you to take control of them and use them as your own. Others may be friendly to your enemy, or hostile to all factions. For more information, see Indigenous Forces, page 55. GARRISON UNITS In campaigns and scenarios, many structures on land and in space automatically produce garrison units. These are bonus units that are not affected by the population cap. When a garrison unit is destroyed, the structure produces a replacement. Garrison units are not produced in skirmish games. (See Garrison Units chart in Appendix on page 47.) SPECIAL STRUCTURES Many planets feature structures that either faction can claim. Controlling these structures can be the key to controlling the map. For example, finding a sensor array will completely dispel the fog of war, allowing you to see all your enemy movements. Capturing a turbolaser tower will allow you to obliterate enemy vehicles from a great distance.


As your faction’s technology level increases, new advanced units and structures will UNIT TACTICAL STRATEGIES become available for you to build. For complete information regarding your faction’s technology, click on the droid advisor and choose Tech Tree. All units have strengths and weaknesses that you must take into account when forming your strategies. For your reference a chart detailing unit tactical strategies in both land UPGRADING SPACE STATIONS and space battles. has been included with the game. You can also find this important information to help you plan your strategies by placing the mouse cursor over a unit to As your technology level increases, you will be able to upgrade your space stations. This get a tool tip. These tool tips will show you what the units are strong against, and what will not only allow you to build new starships, it will also increase your galactic unit they are weak against. You will show you see clearly what enemy units the unit is capacity. Also, upgraded space stations offer much greater defense for your planet. strong and against, and what they are weak against. A reference card detailing this information has been included with the game. This, combined with the planet’s weather ACQUIRING NEW HEROES effects, will help you determine your strategy.

Increasing your technology level may also attract new hero characters to your ranks. The UNIT SPECIAL ABILITIES heroes that join your faction after an upgrade will vary depending on the scenario. After a technology upgrade, check the hero icons on the Galactic Map for new additions. Most units have one or more special abilities, which can be activated by clicking on the Special ability icon in the Command Bar, or right clicking on the unit during a land or INCREASING YOUR space battle itself. Some abilities may need to recharge after use. While the ability is recharging, its icon will glow. Once the icon has returned to normal you may use the TECHNOLOGY LEVEL ability again. Place the mouse cursor over the ability icon on the Command Bar for more information. Empire – Research Technology Rebels – Steal Technology on Your Planets from the Empire

• Construct a Research Facility • Select the R2-D2 and C-3P0 hero unit • When the facility is complete, select on Galactic Map. the planet it was built on and choose • Drag them to the “Steal” slot on a Upgrade Imperial Tech from the nearby Imperial planet. production menu. • Select a technology to steal from • When the upgrade is complete, new the menu. technology will be available. • When all of the technologies in a • You will be able to research group have been stolen, the Rebels’ technology at this planet again to overall technology level will increase. increase your level further.

26 27 REBEL ALLIANCE UNITS REBEL CRUISER (Nebulon-B Frigate) SPACE UNITS Nebulon-B Frigates house both laser cannons and turbolaser batteries, and specialize in combat with Patrol Cruisers. Z-95 HEADHUNTER SPECIAL: BOOST SHIELD STRENGTH – INCREASES SHIELD POWER BY REDUCING SPEED AND FIREPOWER. Z-95 Headhunters are lightly armed fighters ideal for scouting the battlefield and locating enemy units. They do not hold up well in direct ALLIANCE ASSAULT FRIGATE (Assault Frigate MK. II) combat. Boasting laser cannon and turbolaser batteries, the “Alliance Assault SPECIAL: HUNT FOR ENEMIES - AUTOMATICALLY SEEK OUT AND DESTROY ENEMIES. Frigate” can handle the larger Imperial cruisers and destroyers. SPECIAL: BOOST SHIELD STRENGTH – INCREASES SHIELD POWER BY REDUCING SPEED AND FIREPOWER. X-WING (T-65 X-wing) The X-wing is a versatile dogfighter that fares well against the Empire’s MON CALAMARI CRUISER (Mon Cal MC80 Star Cruiser) TIE squadrons. It can trade off between speed and power to reach Mon Cal Cruisers are heavily armed and well defended ships that can distant points before the enemy. take on Imperial Star Destroyers. NOTE: Can only be built if the player SPECIAL: LOCK WINGS – INCREASES SPEED, BUT REDUCES FIREPOWER. controls Sullust, Fondor, Kuat, or Mon Calamari. SPECIAL: BOOST SHIELD STRENGTH – INCREASES SHIELD POWER BY REDUCING SPEED AND FIREPOWER. Y-WING Y-wings are the bombers of the Rebel fleet. They can disrupt shields, disable enemy ships, and provide air support during land battles. They GROUND UNITS are invaluable when assaulting space stations and capital ships. SPECIAL: ION CANNON SHOT – REDUCES SHIELDS AND MAY TEMPORARILY DISABLE ENEMY SHIPS. REBEL SOLDIERS (SpecForces Infantry Platoon) ENABLES BOMBING RUNS ON THE PLANET’S SURFACE. Rebel soldiers are key to holding ground during battle. They are small enough to evade anti-vehicle weaponry, and trained to take advantage of A-WING strategic cover. They can defend themselves against Imperial infantry. The A-wing is a fast, lightly shielded fighter equipped with jamming SPECIAL: TAKE COVER - DECREASES DAMAGE RECEIVED, BUT REDUCES MOVEMENT SPEED. INFANTRY CAN equipment that allows it to create diversions that leave enemy ships TAKE ADVANTAGE OF COVER ON THE MAP THAT OFFERS ADDITIONAL BONUSES. open to attack. SPECIAL: LURE ENEMY FIGHTERS – INCREASES DEFENSE AND FORCES ENEMY FIGHTERS TO ENGAGE THE A-WING. PLEX MISSILE TROOPERS (SpecForces PLX Missile trooper Platoon) Troopers carry PLX-2M Missile Tubes which fire rockets capable of CORELLIAN CORVETTE doing massive damage to vehicles. The Corellian corvette is faster and more maneuverable than Imperial SPECIAL: TAKE COVER - DECREASES DAMAGE RECEIVED, BUT REDUCES MOVEMENT SPEED. capital ships, allowing it to break through blockades and reach distant INFANTRY CAN TAKE ADVANTAGE OF COVER ON THE MAP THAT OFFERS ADDITIONAL BONUSES. destinations. It can defend itself from attack by smaller capital ships. SPECIAL: BOOST ENGINE POWER – INCREASES SPEED BY REDUCING FIREPOWER. INFILTRATORS (SpecForces Infiltrators) CORELLIAN GUNSHIP Infiltrators are stealthy infantry units armed with deadly sniper rifles Fast and deadly, the Corellian gunship can outmaneuver Imperial that can get behind enemy lines without being detected to sabotage destroyers and punch through their shields with its powerful weaponry. structures and vehicles. SPECIAL: BOOST ENGINE POWER – INCREASES SPEED BY REDUCING FIREPOWER. SPECIAL: THERMAL DETONATOR - PLANT A BOMB THAT WILL EXPLODE AFTER A SHORT PERIOD OF TIME.

MARAUDER MISSILE CRUISER T2-B REPULSOR TANK The Marauder cruiser is a space artillery unit that can barrage an area The T2-B is a nimble reconnaissance unit that can travel over land and with missiles creating heavy devastation in the process. water. It is highly effective against enemy infantry and light vehicles. SPECIAL: BARRAGE AREA SPECIAL: HUNT FOR ENEMIES - AUTOMATICALLY SEEK OUT AND DESTROY ENEMIES.

28 29 T4-B HEAVY TANK R2-D2/ C-3PO (Artoo-Detoo/ See-Threepio) T4-B tanks can alternate between firing blasters to tear through R2-D2 and C-3PO are a droid duo with a knack for being in the infantry, or using rockets to pummel vehicles and structures. wrong place at the right time. They steal key technologies from the SPECIAL: ROCKET ATTACK – RANGE AND DAMAGE TO STRUCTURES IS INCREASED, BUT ACCURACY IS REDUCED. Empire, increasing the Rebel’s technology level. SPECIAL: CONTROL TURRET - TAKE CONTROL OF AN ENEMY TURRET. REPAIR VEHICLE - REPAIR A FRIENDLY VEHICLE. ASSAULT SPEEDER T-47 Airspeeder STEAL TECHNOLOGY (GALACTIC MAP ONLY) – STEAL TECHNOLOGY FROM Assault Speeders can travel just about anywhere on the map faster THE EMPIRE. than any other unit. They are the perfect counter for the lumbering Imperial AT-AT. SPECIAL: TOW CABLE ATTACK – PERFORM A TOW CABLE ATTACK ON AN AT-AT. COMMANDER ACKBAR MPTL-2A ARTILLERY Ackbar captains his personal flagship, Home One. He can rally his When deployed, the MPTL-2a can fire torpedoes over long distance fleets to take out the mightiest of opponents. that do significant damage to buildings, turrets, and other armored SPECIAL: REDIRECT ALL FIRE POWER - ALL REBEL SHIPS WITHIN RANGE OF THE TARGET FOCUS THEIR targets. The MPTL requires a spotter unit for maximum accuracy. FIRE DOING ADDITIONAL DAMAGE. SPECIAL: DEPLOY/UNDEPLOY - WHEN DEPLOYED THESE UNITS CAN FIRE LONG RANGE ARTILLERY SHOTS, BOOST SHIELD POWER - INCREASES SHIELD POWER BY REDUCING SPEED AND FIREPOWER. BUT CANNOT MOVE.

HAN/CHEWIE (Han Solo/Chewbacca) REBEL HEROES Han Solo is a young scoundrel who pilots the legendary MON MOTHMA Millennium Falcon. Chewbacca serves as Solo’s first mate. These two have a knack for getting themselves into and out of trouble. Mon Mothma is the Rebel Alliance’s quiet conscience and central leader; her strong presence spurs her forces toward victory. She uses her HAN SOLO SPECIAL: EMP BURST – DISABLES NEARBY MACHINES FOR A SHORT TIME. SPRINT – INCREASES MOVEMENT SPEED. political influence to negotiate better prices for the Rebel Alliance. CHEWBACCA SPECIAL: STEAL VEHICLE - TAKE CONTROL OF AN ENEMY VEHICLE. SPECIAL: DEFENSIVE MORALE BOOST – INCREASES DEFENSE OF ALLIED SHIPS. SPRINT – INCREASES MOVEMENT SPEED PRODUCTION COST REDUCED 25% AT HER LOCATION. MILLENNIUM FALCON INVULNERABILITY – TEMPORARILY RENDERS THE SHIP INVULNERABLE SPECIAL (SPACE):

KYLE KATARN Kyle Katarn saw the Empire’s true face after learning it was OBI-WAN (Obi-Wan Kenobi) responsible for his family’s death. His military training is now in Obi-Wan Kenobi is among the last of the Jedi Knights. In battle, the service of the Rebellion. Obi-Wan draws upon the Force to protect and heal his allies. SPECIAL: THERMAL DETONATOR – PLANT A BOMB THAT WILL EXPLODE AFTER A SHORT PERIOD SPECIAL: FORCE PROTECT - GRANTS A TEMPORARY DAMAGE-REDUCING BARRIER. OF TIME. FORCE HEAL - HEALS ORGANIC UNITS NEARBY. SPRINT - INCREASES MOVEMENT SPEED.

CAPTAIN RAYMUS ANTILLES RED SQUADRON Antilles is level-headed, schooled in diplomacy, and a capable pilot. These pilots are known for their daring piloting and tactics. Red His ship, the Sundered Heart, has been modified with the ability to Squadron is the only unit that can defeat the Death Star. diminish enemy weapons. SPECIAL: LUCKY SHOT - FIRE A DEVASTATING LUCKY SHOT THAT DOES FAR MORE DAMAGE THAN NORMAL. SPECIAL: WEAKEN ENEMY - ENEMIES SUFFER A SIGNIFICANT ATTACK POWER REDUCTION. LOCK WINGS - INCREASES SPEED, BUT REDUCES FIREPOWER BY HALF. BOOST ENGINE POWER - INCREASES SPEED BY REDUCING FIREPOWER.

30 31 GALACTIC EMPIRE UNITS REBEL STRUCTURES ALLIANCE SPACE STATION SPACE UNITS The Alliance Space Station serves as an orbital defense platform for a star system and manages the construction of ships. During battle the space station will defend itself by PROBE DROID (Galactic Map Only) producing X-wing fighters and firing turbolasers, ion cannons, and proton torpedoes at These droids can be secretly deployed to the Spy slot on an enemy planet, allowing the Empire to see the enemy’s defenses on the Galactic Map. the enemy.

ALLIANCE BARRACKS (Delvin Constructs Model MilBar F-221) TIE FIGHTER The Alliance troop barracks train Infantry Platoons and PLEX Soldiers. The mass-produced TIE fighters are disposable units well suited to ship-to-ship combat against small Rebel fighters. They rely on ALLIANCE LIGHT VEHICLE FACTORY (Delvin Constructs Model Fac L-83) overwhelming numbers to defeat opponents. The T2-B tank and Assault Speeder are both produced through this structure. SPECIAL: HUNT FOR ENEMIES - AUTOMATICALLY SEEK OUT AND DESTROY ENEMIES. ALLIANCE HEAVY VEHICLE FACTORY (Delvin Constructs Model Fac H-65) TIE BOMBER These manufacture T4-B tanks and MPTL-2a artillery. These bombers can plaster an area on the ground or use their precise targeting computers to disable vital areas of capital ships such as ALLIANCE OFFICER ACADEMY (Delvin Constructs Model Edu A-46) shield generators and engines. Allows the Rebels to train Field Commanders and Fleet Commanders. SPECIAL: ENABLES BOMBING RUNS ON THE PLANET’S SURFACE.

INFILTRATOR TRAINING FACILITY (Delvin Constructs Model Edu I-73) TIE SCOUT Elite Infiltrators units can be trained at this facility. TIE scouts can be dispatched to scout out distant areas and lift the fog of war, revealing enemy positions and defenses. ION CANNON (Planetary Ion Cannon) SPECIAL: SENSOR PING - TEMPORARILY REVEALS AN AREA OF THE MAP. An energy weapon built on the surface of a planet that the Rebels can fire during a space battle to disable an enemy ship. Though it fires into space, the Ion Cannon itself is on the planet’s surface and can only be destroyed during a land tactical battle. TARTAN PATROL CRUISER (Tartan-class Patrol Cruiser) Tartan Patrol Cruisers are fast, well armed ships that can hold their ALLIANCE COMMAND CENTER (Delvin Constructs Model Com C-52) own in combat against Rebel frigates and corvettes. This building serves as a base of operations on Rebel outposts, in skirmish battles it can SPECIAL: BOOST WEAPON POWER – INCREASES FIREPOWER BY REDUCING SPEED AND SHIELD POWER. be used to recruit heroes and develop new technologies. BROADSIDE-CLASS CRUISER KDB-1 (Missile Ship) Broadside-class Cruisers can barrage an area with deadly missile fire from a safe distance, acting as space artillery for your fleet. SPECIAL: BARRAGE AREA – FIRE A VOLLEY OF MISSILES AT A TARGETED AREA.

ACCLAMATOR (Acclamator-class Assault Ship) This standard Imperial cruiser produces TIE fighters and TIE bombers during battle. It has more than enough firepower to take on Rebel fighters, cruisers, and lightly armed space stations. SPECIAL: BOOST WEAPON POWER – INCREASES FIREPOWER BY REDUCING SPEED AND SHIELD POWER.

VICTORY-CLASS STAR DESTROYER These vessels house complements of TIE fighters and TIE bombers. They are extremely effective against Rebel corvettes and frigates. SPECIAL: BOOST WEAPON POWER – INCREASES FIREPOWER BY REDUCING SPEED AND SHIELD POWER.

32 33 INTERDICTOR CRUISER (Immobilizer 418 Cruiser) AT-ST (All Terrain Scout Transport) Interdictor Cruisers are powerful ships capable of disrupting the Rebels’ The AT-ST is a lightly armored scout vehicle that uses its powerful strategy by preventing retreat and interfering with their targeting. lasers to provide covering fire for ground troops or to barrage an SPECIAL: GRAVITY WELL GENERATOR – PREVENTS ENEMIES FROM RETREATING. THE INTERDICTOR CANNOT area; it is particularly effective at crushing enemy infantry and turrets. MOVE WHILE THIS IS ACTIVE. SPECIAL: BARRAGE AREA - FIRE A VOLLEY OF LASERS AT A TARGETED AREA. MISSILE JAMMING FIELD – CAUSES MOST ENEMY MISSILES TO MISS THEIR TARGETS. THE INTERDIC- TOR CANNOT MOVE WHILE THIS IS ACTIVE. SPMA-T (Self-Propelled Medium Artillery Turbolaser) IMPERIAL STAR DESTROYER (Imperial-class Destroyer) SPMA-Ts are mobile artillery that must deploy before firing their main These massive war ships make short work of all but the strongest Rebel cannons. They require a spotter unit to paint distant targets for them. vessels. They produce TIE fighter and TIE bomber squadrons for Their lasers cause incredible damage to any target they strike. defense during battle, and can activate a tractor beam to trap helpless SPECIAL: DEPLOY/UNDEPLOY - WHEN DEPLOYED THESE UNITS CAN FIRE LONG RANGE ARTILLERY SHOTS, Rebel ships. NOTE: Can only be built if the player controls Sullust, BUT ARE UNABLE TO MOVE. Fondor, Kuat, or Mon Calamari. SPECIAL: TRACTOR BEAM – A TARGETED SHIP WILL SLOW DOWN OR STOP. AT-AA (All Terrain Anti-Aircraft) The AT-AA has a flak pod that sits on a walking shell. It is capable of DEATH STAR traversing a variety of battlefield terrain to get into position and stop The Death Star is the Empire’s ultimate weapon. It is armed with a air assaults. super laser that is capable of destroying an entire planet. SPECIAL: MISSILE JAMMING FIELD - CAUSES MOST ENEMY MISSILES TO MISS THEIR TARGETS, BUT RENDERS SPECIAL: SUPER LASER – COMPLETELY DESTROYS A PLANET. THE AT-AA IMMOBILE.

AT-AT (All Terrain Armored Transport) GROUND UNITS AT-ATs employ four head-mounted laser cannons and their feet can crush enemy troops. They also can deploy Stormtroopers via rappel STORMTROOPER PLATOON lines dropped from the vehicle’s belly. Stormtroopers are trained to wipe out resistance from Rebel Infantry. They SPECIAL: DEPLOY STORMTROOPERS - DEPLOY A COMPANY OF STORMTROOPERS AT THE AT-AT’S FEET. can take advantage of strategic cover to enhance their deadly abilities. These units are essential for holding tactical ground during combat SPECIAL: TAKE COVER – DECREASES DAMAGE RECEIVED, BUT REDUCES MOVEMENT SPEED. INFANTRY CAN TAKE ADVANTAGE OF COVER ON THE MAP THAT OFFERS ADDITIONAL BONUSES. HEROES

SPEEDER BIKE (Scout Trooper) EMPEROR Scout troopers rely on their lightly armored speeder bikes to swiftly In combat, Palpatine draws upon the Force to sear his strike at targets across the battlefield. They can wipe out entire squads opponents with deadly lightning, or to bend them to his will. of infantry with their thermal detonators. Whichever planet Palpatine occupies will produce units and SPECIAL: THERMAL DETONATOR – DROP A BOMB THAT WILL EXPLODE AFTER A SHORT PERIOD OF TIME. structures more efficiently. SPECIAL: FORCE LIGHTNING – DAMAGES INFANTRY TARGETS. FORCE CORRUPT – CONVERTS ENEMY UNITS TO THE IMPERIAL FACTION. TIE MAULER (Imperial TIE ap-I) REDUCES PRODUCTION COSTS 25% AT HIS LOCATION. The TIE mauler sacrifices armor for speed and maneuverability. It is armed with rapid fire laser cannons and can use its tank treads to run over enemy infantry. As a last resort, it can self-destruct, causing massive damage. MARA JADE SPECIAL: SELF DESTRUCT - THE MAULER WILL EXPLODE CAUSING GREAT DAMAGE. TO CANCEL Mara Jade relies on stealth and cunning to sow confusion DETONATION, ORDER THE MAULER TO ATTACK OR MOVE. among the Rebels. She can force enemies to do her bidding and sneak behind enemy lines to plant deadly explosives. 2-M REPULSOR TANK SPECIAL: THERMAL DETONATOR – PLANT A BOMB THAT WILL EXPLODE AFTER A SHORT PERIOD 2-M Repulsor Tanks are shielded and highly mobile, allowing them to OF TIME. reach distant regions of the battlefield quickly while taking out enemy FORCE CORRUPT - CONVERTS ENEMY INFANTRY TO THE IMPERIAL FACTION. infantry along the way. SPECIAL: BOOST WEAPON POWER – INCREASES FIREPOWER BY REDUCING SPEED AND SHIELD POWER.

34 35 CAPTAIN PIETT IMPERIAL STRUCTURES Piett is Captain of the Imperial-class Star Destroyer, the Accuser. The Accuser has been modified with a proton beam capable of IMPERIAL SPACE STATION causing massive destruction to other vessels. The Imperial Space Station serves as an orbital defense platform for a star system and manages the construction of ships at Imperial orbital shipyards. During battle the space SPECIAL: TRACTOR BEAM - A TARGETED SHIP WILL SLOW DOWN OR STOP. PROTON BEAM – FIRE A CONTINUOUS BEAM AT A HARDPOINT TARGET. station will defend itself by producing TIE fighters and firing turbolasers, ion cannons, and proton torpedoes at the enemy.

COLONEL VEERS GRAVITY WELL GENERATOR Colonel Maximilian Veers pilots his own advanced AT-AT This space structure denies Rebel fleets the ability to tactically retreat from a space battle prototype named Blizzard 1 and is recruiting for an assault force once it has begun, allowing the Empire to destroy their entire force. of the mighty behemoths once full scale production begins. Veers’ AT-AT is immune to airspeeder cable attacks. MAGNAPULSE CANNON (Kuat Drive Yards KDY m-68 Planetary SPECIAL: DEPLOY STORMTROOPERS - DEPLOY A COMPANY OF STORMTROOPERS AT THE AT-AT’S FEET. Magnapulse Cannon) MAXIMUM FIREPOWER – CHARGE THE CANNONS FOR TREMENDOUS FIREPOWER. This cannon lobs plasma balls at enemy vehicles causing massive electrical disturbances that disable the target for a time.

GRAND MOFF TARKIN RESEARCH FACILITY (Corporate Sector Authority Res-a Technology Tarkin is a commander that cannot contemplate retreat as a viable option; as such, fleets under his command will not be able Center) This Research Facility is used by the Empire to develop new technologies supporting the to retreat from a space battle. war effort. SPECIAL: BOOST FLEET EFFECTIVENESS IN COMBAT. REDUCES THE COST OF RESEARCH FACILITIES AT HIS CURRENT LOCATION. IMPERIAL BARRACKS (Delvin Constructs Model MilBar C-427) The Imperial barracks can house several companies of Stormtroopers and scout troopers. BOBA FETT Boba Fett is a walking arsenal sporting wrist blasters, a flame IMPERIAL OFFICER ACADEMY (Delvin Constructs Model Edu-A-34 ) thrower, and a jetpack. His ship, Slave I, boasts deflector shields New space and ground officers are trained here before being sent off to command troops and a devastating seismic charge. in battle. SPECIAL: JETPACK – FLY TO THE DESIGNATED LOCATION BYPASSING OBSTACLES. FLAMETHROWER – COVER AN AREA WITH WAVES OF FIRE. IMPERIAL LIGHT VEHICLE FACTORY (Delvin Constructs Model Fac L-113) SEISMIC CHARGE (SPACE) - DROP A BOMB THAT EXPLODES AFTER A SHORT DELAY. These factories initially produce AT-STs, but can be retro-fitted to handle the production of 2-M Repulsor Tanks and TIE mauler.

DARTH VADER IMPERIAL HEAVY VEHICLE FACTORY (Delvin Constructs Model Fac H-121) As a Dark Lord of the Sith, draws upon the Force in The Heavy Factory was designed to construct the middle-range walkers including the combat to devastate his opponents. In space, Vader pilots a SPMA-T and the AT-AA. specially designed TIE Advanced x1 starfighter and is protected by a team of loyal wingmen. IMPERIAL ADVANCED FACTORY (Delvin Constructs Model A-Fac 333) SPECIAL: FORCE PUSH – EMITS A DEADLY SHOCKWAVE AROUND DARTH VADER. HIGHLY EFFECTIVE The Empire’s Advanced Factory constructs AT-AT walkers and SPMA-T artillery. AGAINST INFANTRY. FORCE CRUSH – SEVERELY DAMAGES VEHICLES OVER TIME. CALL FOR WINGMEN (SPACE) – REPLENISHES LOST WINGMEN IN VADER’S SQUADRON. IMPERIAL COMMAND CENTER (Delvin Constructs Model Com C-38) Imperial Officers use one centralized location to direct all operations on a planet.

HYPERVELOCITY GUN (Imperial Department of Military Research/Taim & Bak HVs-2 Hypervelocity Gun) A planetary defense weapon that fires metal slugs at high speed at ships in orbit. Though it fires into space, the weapon itself is on the planet's surface and can only be destroyed during a land tactical battle.


These special unit types can be found in either the service of the Empire or These special structures may be used by either the Empire or the Rebellion. the Rebellion. POWER GENERATOR FLEET COMMANDER Power Generators keep communications arrays, base shields, turbolaser towers and mining facilities functioning, and are are built automatically at your base. Fleet Commanders improve the combat health and sight range of all space units under their command. SHIELD GENERATOR (CoMar Weapons SLD-14 Shield Generator) Shield Generators prevent orbital bombardments and energy attacks directly on the FIELD COMMANDER base it protects. It does not prevent enemies from entering. Shield Generators require Field Commanders improve the combat health and sight range of all ground units under a power generator to operate. their command. MINING FACILITY (CMC-22 Mining Facility) BOUNTY HUNTER The Mining Facility can extract almost any precious resource as raw material. These For a price, Bounty Hunters will track down fugitives and eliminate heroes without buildings provide a substantial boost to credit income. initiating a tactical battle. On the Galactic Map, drag a Bounty Hunter to the neutralize TURBOLASER TOWER (Taim & Bak XX-10 Turbolaser Tower) hero slot beside a planet and pay the fee to take advantage of their services. The XX-10 is a surface weapon that will automatically track and fire at enemy units. It is highly effective against vehicles, but inaccurate when targeting smaller infantry units. SMUGGLER To steal credits from an enemy planet, drag a smuggler on the Galactic Map into the steal COMMUNICATIONS ARRAY (MicroThrust Processors credits slot beside a planet. At the end of each Galactic Day you will receive credits from Communications Array) your smuggler on the enemy planet. The Communications Array transmits battlefield information and radar locations to SWAMP SPEEDER (Infantry Support Platform Speeder) the troops, revealing more information on the mini-map. The Swamp Speeder is a repulsor lift vehicle that can travel over water. Its sensors allow ORBITAL LONG RANGE SCANNER (Loronar Corporation OLR Scanner) it to hunt units wherever they may be on the map. The Orbital Long Range Scanner detects ships in hyperspace over many light years distance providing advance warning of approaching enemy fleets. SKIFF BRIGADE These fast moving vehicles make short work of enemy infantry and can be used to CANTINA Smugglers and Mercenaries are often found here. Cantinas can only be built on supplement your scouts. Abregado-rae, Atzerri, Corellia, Nal Hutta, Ryloth, and Tatooine. POD WALKER (All Terrain Attack Pod) HUTT PALACE The AT-AP is a light scout walker with a single laser cannon that slices through Bounty hunters can be found here. The palace will reveal commander units above the enemy infantry. planet. Hutt Palaces can only be built on Atzerri, Nal Hutta, Ryloth, and Tatooine. BACTA HEALING STATION (Zaltin Bacta Corporation Field Bacta Tank) IPV (IPV 1 Imperial Patrol Vessel) Bacta, a synthetic chemical developed from an ancient remedy to heal all but the most These lightly armored pirate cruisers can enhance their weapon power to destroy serious of wounds, is automatically dispensed to any friendly infantry units nearby. enemy fighters. REPAIR STATION (Loratus Manufacturing Automated Repair Droid) PIRATE ASSAULT FIGHTER The Automated Repair Droid can repair damage to any friendly vehicles in the area. These well shielded fighters are ideal for neutralizing enemy bombers, but lack the firepower to counter larger ships. SENSOR NODE (MicroThrust Processors X2-a Series Sensor Node) Sensor nodes can be placed in the battlefield to monitor locations for any kind of activity. PIRATE INTERCEPTOR FRIGATE MERCENARY OUTFITTER Add these ships to your fleet to counter enemy corvettes and fighters. Boost their weapon Field commanders in need of an edge can purchase available equipment upgrades here. power to do maximum damage to enemy craft. MISSILE DEFENSE SATELLITE (Corporate Sector Authority Md-12 Satellite Platform) The Missile Defense Satellite is armed with missile launchers that target mid-sized ships, causing a considerable amount of damage.

38 39 SECTION 6 LASER DEFENSE SATELLITE (Corporate Sector Authority Ld-12 PLANET FEATURES Satellite Platform) Armed with laser cannons, it can tracking and fire upon fighters and smaller ships. ASTEROID MINING FACILITY (Corellia Mining Corporation CMC-A14 Each planet features a number of unique land and space attributes that will affect its Mining Facility) value in your overall strategy. Zoom in on a planet from the Galactic Map, or use Map These facilities found in asteroid fields substantially increase credit income. Filters for more information. MERCHANT SPACE DOCK Special space units can be purchased from these small orbital stations during skirmish battles. SPACE FEATURES

RESOURCE PAD (Corellia Mining Corporation CMC-RP05 Resource Pad) 4All planets include a space tactical map where battle may occur. Both the Rebellion and the Empire use Resource Pads to quickly mine raw materials to sell off for credits. They are not as efficient as full-sized Mining Facilities. 4Space tactical maps include different hazards such as asteroids, nebulae, and ion storms. ABANDONED HEAVY FACTORY If you capture this structure you can use it to produce heavy vehicles for your faction. 4A space station may be constructed above any planet. 4 ABANDONED SENSOR ARRAY Different planets permit different levels of space station upgrades. Capturing a sensor array will reveal a great deal of information on the mini-map, including 4All planets include two areas where space structures can be constructed. enemy positions. 4All planets include three space areas that can contain an unlimited number of units. CREATURES LAND FEATURES The galaxy is teeming with life, some friendly, some hostile. Creatures such as Wampas, the Sarlacc, rancors, and others may encounter your troops. Always keep them in mind 4Most planets include a land tactical map where battle may occur. when planning your strategy to avoid losing troops to a hungry creature during battle. 4Different planets have different sized tactical maps, including different terrain. PIRATE FORCES 4Each planet features its own weather effects which may penalize some units. 4Many planets feature indigenous forces which may be friendly, hostile, or Pirates can often be found piloting a variety of ships and vehicles like frigates, fighters, neutral (see chart on page 55). and skiffs in addition to fighting as foot soldiers. They occasionally take control of planets and establish asteroid bases and land bases. While not as well armed as the Empire or the 4Planets with a land tactical map can contain ten standard units on the surface. Rebels, the pirates are fierce combatants that will challenge either side for control of a 4Planets with a land tactical map will include two to eight areas for building planet. You can take control of pirate technology by completing some missions, or by structures on the surface. purchasing units at a pirate structure in a skirmish battle. PLANETARY BONUSES INDIGENOUS FORCES Planets give special bonuses to the faction that controls them. Some planets give bonuses Many planets have sentient species inhabiting them; they may decide to aid your forces. only to a specific faction. See page 52 in the Appendix for more information. You can control friendly indigenous forces as though they were your own troops. Indigenous forces do not count toward the population cap. They make excellent scouts and advance units, and can be used for diversionary tactics as well. See page 55 for more information.

INDIGENOUS FORCE STRUCTURES Indigenous structures automatically generate indigenous troops each time a group is defeated. The structure will continue to generate troops until it is destroyed. 40 41 GAME OPTIONS SECTION 7 OPTIONS There are a number of game options you can adjust to personalize your game experience: GAME SPEED You can customize STAR WARS: EMPIRE AT WAR from the options menu. Access options from You can speed up or slow down the rate at which time passes and the speed that units the main menu when you first start the game, or by pressing the ESC key move in Galactic and Tactical modes to find a pace that’s right for you. while playing. Many options have a default setting which you can restore at any time by pressing the Defaults button on the menu. SCROLL SPEED Adjust this option to change the rate at which the screen scrolls. You may want to speed it up to get to distant areas quickly, or slow it down to see more of the map clearly as AUDIO OPTIONS you scroll. Adjust the sound effects, music, and dialogue to find your favorite sound settings for the AUTO-RESOLVE game. You can also select your sound output mode and toggle subtitles. When this option is selected, combat is automatically resolved for you, allowing you to bypass tactical combat and focus on your galactic strategy. This is recommended for VIDEO OPTIONS experienced players only. Auto-Resolve is never as efficient as when you are controlling your troops and ships directly. In this menu there are many options that you can customize to improve the look of the DELAYED ENCYCLOPEDIA POPUP game or increase your system performance. Click the Auto Detect button to use the When this option is selected, there is a delay before tool tips appear on screen. settings recommended for your system and video card. Click on the Advanced button to further customize your settings. Auto Detect is available for advanced settings as well. ABSOLUTE PUSH SCROLL If you are using a widescreen monitor and resolution, you can choose widescreen mode Limits the duration that the screen will scroll when pushing the cursor to the edge of from this menu. the screen, giving you more direct control over scrolling the map. ALTERNATE MOUSE CONTROLS NETWORK OPTIONS Switches the left and right click functionality to an alternate control scheme. Left-clicking selects units and issues orders, and right-clicking will deselect units. Holding down the There are a number of network options that you can configure to ensure an optimal right mouse button and moving the mouse will scroll the map. Multiplayer experience. USE RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON FOR SCROLLING NOTE: Please refer to the Troubleshooting Guide in the game launcher if you experience If enabled, holding down the right mouse button and moving the mouse will scroll any problems while adjusting your audio, video, or network settings. the map. KEYBOARD OPTIONS

You can customize the game’s keybaord shortcuts to create a control scheme that’s ideal for the way you like to play. There are separate tabs for Units, Land, Space, and Interface settings. For a complete list of the default keys, please refer to the back cover.

42 43 MULTIPLAYER GAME OPTIONS SECTION 8 MULTIPLAYER CAMPAIGN OPTIONS GAME MODES STARTING CREDITS Determines the number of credits each faction begins with. There are four different ways to play a multiplayer game: STARTING TECH LEVEL CAMPAIGN Sets the initial technology level for each faction. Two players battle head-to-head on a custom Galactic Map, taking over planets and MAX TECH LEVEL vying for control of the galaxy. You can win the game either by conquering all the Sets the final technology level that can be achieved in the scenario. planets in the galaxy, or by killing the enemy’s leader (Mon Mothma or Emperor Palpatine). Depending on the size of the galaxy you choose, games may be short and AUTO RESOLVE intense, or epic in scope. You can save and load your Multiplayer campaign, so games Sets the conditions under which battles will be resolved automatically. You can set it to can take as long as you want them to. Ask before each battle, or Always Auto Resolve. NOTE: Auto Resolve is only available in Campaign mode. LAND SKIRMISH ALLOW RANDOM EVENTS Land Skirmish has all the features of a single player skirmish battle, but with up to four Turn this off if you only want to deal with your opponent and not be given missions Empire and four Rebel players (Human or AI). The two teams battle it out to see who will from characters in the game. wipe out the enemy and their base first. SKIRMISH AND CONTROL OPTIONS SPACE SKIRMISH ALLOW HEROES In Space Skirmish, up to four Empire and four Rebel players (Human or AI) battle to Choose whether or not to allow heroes in the game. defeat the enemy’s space station and fleets. There are resources and pirate stations located in the asteroid fields that can turn the tide of the battle. Work together with FREE STARTING UNITS your teammates to become the dominant space fleet. Choose whether or not to start the game with free units. ALLOW SUPER WEAPONS LAND CONTROL Allows you to disable special attacks such as the Ion Cannon, Hypervelocity Gun, and Land Control is like Land Skirmish, but instead of trying to wipe out the enemy units and Bombing Runs. their base, you need to capture all of the reinforcement points in order to win. Two PRE-BUILD BASE teams with up to four players each battle for control of the map until one team has Choose whether or not your base will be built when the game starts. taken control of all of the territory. STARTING CREDITS Determines the number of credits each faction begins with. WIN CONDITIONS Choose what conditions must be met to win the battle.


Games can be played over the Internet, or through a Local Area Network. GARRISON UNITS

INTERNET Structure Garrison Unit 1 Garrison Unit 2 Garrison Unit 3 Garrison Unit 4 Selecting this option allows you to battle other players over the Internet through the GameSpy matchmaking service. When selecting this option you will be asked to login to REBEL SPACE GameSpy or create a new GameSpy Account. To create an account you must create a Station Lvl. 1 X-wing Squadron Y-wing Squadron GameSpy nickname, designate a valid e-mail address (which will be used to send you your Station Lvl. 2 X-wing Squadron Y-wing Squadron Corellian Corvette password if you forget it), and choose a password. You can also set this screen to Station Lvl. 3 X-wing Squadron Y-wing Squadron Corellian Corvette x2 remember some or all of this information for logging in quickly. Once you log in you will be able to search for games in the games list, select Quick Match to Station Lvl. 4 X-wing Squadron Y-wing Squadron Corellian Corvette x2 Nebulon-B Frigate automatically find a game (1v1 games of any type), or create your own by clicking the Station Lvl. 5 X-wing Squadron Y-wing Squadron Corellian Corvette x2 Nebulon-B Frigate x2 Host button. REBEL LAND Barracks Trooper Squad PLEX Squad LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN) Light Factory T2-B Selecting this option allows you to play games with other people connected to your Heavy Factory MPTL + Spotter computer locally. Any games available will appear in the list, along with the players in the games and any map settings. You can also create your own game by clicking on the Infiltrator Facility Infiltrator Host button. EMPIRE SPACE OPTIONS Station Lvl. 1 TIE fighter Squadron TIE bomber Squadron Here you can adjust your network settings. You can also set the game type to search for Station Lvl. 2 TIE fighter Squadron TIE bomber Squadron Tartan Cruiser when using Quick Match through Internet multiplayer games. Station Lvl. 3 TIE fighter Squadron TIE bomber Squadron Tartan Cruiser x2 For more information on improving network performance, or working with firewall, proxy, or Station Lvl. 4 TIE fighter Squadron TIE bomber Squadron Tartan Cruiser x2 Acclamator anti-virus software, please refer to the Troubleshooting Guide in the game’s launcher. Station Lvl. 5 TIE fighter Squadron TIE bomber Squadron Tartan Cruiser x2 Acclamator x2

EMPIRE LAND Barracks Stormtrooper Squad Scout Trooper Squad Light Factory AT-ST Heavy Factory SPMA-T Advanced Factory 2-M Tank

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d Dantooine Human Rebel t e v o y i o o h a e t h r d d t o d l l e t n n a m g e a a s e p % v a a n a r e e Endor Ewok Rebel o g S 5 c e d h h n g g o r a t 3 l t a e n n b y y % i i s m r u c l l a l l . 5 o a a d n n n Fondor Human Rebel w w s d y a a n - - s 2 l d e o o o i u m c c i i i a s e i i e A A t t t a i s n a t t d s . A c c c p , , h e g o a a s e . .

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p Atzerri Human Pirate o o l d d U n l r r p H D H o o o I t a a a - - - e P P s E o o o U e e i t e V o o o o B B B h r g t t t e G r p p t i i

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Childs Paul Purdy Carlos Bustillo James Morris Matt Gallaher Catalina Edmond Herr MN Charlie Howell SR. LEAD COMPATIBILITY ART DIRECTOR ORIGINAL STAR WARS FINANCE Melanie Jacobson Adrianna, Paul, Rui CONCEPT ARTIST TECHNICIAN SENIOR LEAD TESTER MANUAL DESIGNER Chester at village Gary Cox SOUND EFFECTS Mike Ethridge Chris Susen and Vanda Daniel Miller Dan Martinez Chane Doc Hollander Dan Nystrom Patty Hill AUDIO DIRECTOR Ben Burtt Karen Downey Rich Murillo Colin Carley Rumpole IT SUPPORT LEAD COMPATIBILITY QUALITY SERVICES MASTERING LAB/ Frank Klepacki ORIGINAL STAR WARS Mary Beth Ratto Robert Santos Cynthia Martinez Sam Saliba TECHNICIAN AND COMPUTER TECHNICIAN PRODUCT SUPPORT Curtis Shellman MUSIC COMPOSED BY Melissa Galicia SUPERVISOR Sean Tisdale David Zemke Susan Schneider TECHNICAL DIRECTOR MULTIPLAYER LAB LEAD John Carsey Sean Whitacre Tcherniavskii Family COMMUNITY MANAGER pJohn Williams Neena Bonetti Jay Geraci Dino McBarber Steve Tall & © Lucasfilm Ltd. & Kim Jardin AUDIO AND Thomas Chan Terri Dome Christopher Rubyor Rita Flores MASTERING LAB Don Mesa LEAD PROGRAMMER TM. All rights reserved. COMPATIBILITY INTERNATIONAL Victor Tancredi- Elina Shcop Tim Moore Michael Legg GENERAL MANAGER Used under authorization. TECHNICIANS DEPARTMENT MANAGER INTERNET DIRECTOR Eric Rauch Ballugera Trish Visita Chuck Kroegel Published by Bantha Music Darragh O’Farrell Paul Ens Jay Tye Eric Antanavich LEAD GRAPHICS (BMI). Administered Brian Deksnys Wes Anderson Gary Chew Winnie, Valerie, STUDIO DIRECTORS INTERNET PRODUCTION Scott Taylor PROGRAMMER and/or co-published with Isaiah Webb PRESIDENT BUSINESS AFFAIRS Greg Robles and Virna Villas Greg Hjelstrom Steve Tall Warner-Tamerlane Music John Shields Jim Ward Nicole Love ADDITIONAL ART Anne Marie Hawkins Heather Desurvire, Joe Bostic Publishing Corp. Christopher Inclenrock LEAD AI PROGRAMMER Lester Siat VICE PRESIDENT OF Gregory Harsh Jannett Shirley-Paul Behavioristics, Inc. INTERNATIONAL Scott Barrett Bret Ambrose PRESIDENT PROGRAMMER PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT Greg Knight John Garrett Jason Alexander PRODUCTION Michael Legg Charlie Smith Peter Hirschmann Dennis VonGalle IT SUPPORT PROGRAMMERS ASSISTANT, LEAD Mark Barbolak Jim Diaz ENZYME LABS VICE PRESIDENT SENIOR MANAGER OF Akira Hiyama Seth Steinberg Joanie and Aiden Brian Hayes Phillip Berry STRATEGIC MARKETING Oksana Kubushyna LUCASARTS MANAGEMENT OF FINANCE Brendan Lloyd LUCAS LICENSING Deksnys INTERNATIONAL Carolljo Maher Kevin Weston Sean Denny Chad Williams Jose Estrellado, Sr. James Richmond ASSISTANT PRODUCER PRODUCTION ASSISTANT Chris Gollaher Nicolas Liorzou VICE PRESIDENT OF GLOBAL Jason Curtice David “Rogue” Ken Balough James Yarrow ENZYME LABS PROJECT MARKETING Silverstein INTERNATIONAL MANAGERS AND SALES CAST Gary Martin Lloyd Floyd Temuera Morrison Andre Arsenault LEAD TESTER PRODUCTION ASSISTANT Christine Baxter John Geoghegan INTERDICTOR CRUISER, TIE LUKE SKYWALKER BOBA FETT Yang Li Hector Yee Jason Pimentel Eric Yiskis Bertrand Reyes Darren Keenan SENIOR DIRECTOR OF Brian Bascle MAULER COMMANDER, QA TESTERS KYLE KATARN, REBEL PILOT, ADDITIONAL VOICES Nick Jameson Timothy Watson Estrellado ENZYME LABS PRODUCTION SERVICES SENIOR ARTISTS REBEL TROOPER, ADDITIONAL EMPEROR PALPATINE, AT-AT COMMANDER, IMPERIAL SUPERVISING PRODUCER Aaron Sarver LEAD TESTERS Atsuko Matsumoto Grant Albrecht A-WING PILOT, RED LEADER OFFICER, Elie Arabian Ahmad Abbott VOICES Eric Kearns Chris Williams Francis Favreau DIRECTOR OF IMPERIAL OFFICER 1, REBEL ADDITIONAL VOICES Alex Colom FIELD COMMANDER, Paul Darrow ASSOCIATE PRODUCERS Francis Labrecque GLOBAL MARKETING Carolyn Seymour ARTISTS Carlos “Scud” Godinez MON MOTHMA ADDITIONAL VOICES Tom Kane Matt Fillbrandt Jean-François Pilon Kevin Kurtz C-3PO, ADDITIONAL VOICES Michael Amerson Christopher Gross Rupert Degas Adam Pitts Chuck McFadden ENZYME LABS TESTERS DIRECTOR OF Chris Cox Jamie Glover Chris Thomas GLOBAL SALES COLONEL VEERS, ADDITIONAL CAPTAIN PIETT, IMPERIAL Wayne Grace ASSOCIATE Aki Holopainen REBEL TROOPER, UI ARTIST Clay Norman VOICES OFFICER 2, ADDITIONAL VOICES ALLIANCE SHUTTLE, PRODUCER, WRITER Dominic Norman Kevin Kebodeaux X-WING PILOT, Herb Ellwood Dani McCoy ADDITIONAL VOICES GALLOFREE TRANSPORT Justin Lambros Daniel Eanes Frédéric Blanchette DIRECTOR OF STUDIO John Armstrong Scott Lawrence DESIGNERS OPERATIONS DARTH VADER PRODUCTION ASSISTANT James Snyder Corey Burton HAN SOLO Patrick Pannullo Gabriel Bootz VERY SPECIAL THANKS James Morris Gregory Quinones Joey Lockie Matt White TIE FIGHTER PILOT, Steve Blum Dan Etter V-WING PILOT , Kath Soucie George Lucas Maxime Turgeon ASSOCIATE PRODUCT EMPIRE HUD, STORMTROOPER, LOCALIZATION PRODUCER Henry Hall ADDITIONAL VOICES MARA JADE,REBEL HUD Christopher Rubyor Philippe Masse MANAGER ADDITIONAL VOICES Rich Donnelly Hiromi Okamoto Jeff Manners John Edmond Yan Ouellet Matt Shell Denny Delk Lex Lang Joe Gernert TECHNICAL DIRECTION SCOUT TROOPER, T4-B TANK Stephen Stanton Eric Bissonnette MARKETING NARRATOR Jonathan Craig COMMANDER, ADDITIONAL CAPTAIN ANTILLES, AI DESIGNER Jonathan Williams Stefan Stanczykowski COORDINATOR Julian James Edmund Dehn VOICES OBI-WAN KENOBI, Steve Copeland Nick Pavis ENZYME LABS Michael Ward Yelena Kozlova COMMANDER ACKBAR ADDITIONAL VOICES INTERNATIONAL TESTERS CAMPAIGN DESIGNER, LEAD TESTERS Ken Barnes DIRECTOR OF WRITER Nick Eberle Kip Bunyea Félix Gauthier PUBLIC RELATIONS Adam Isgreen Mark Montuya Neilie Johnson Iain Williamson Anne Marie Stein Luc Cruz LINE PRODUCER, ASSISTANT LEAD TESTERS Nick Dengler PUBLIC RELATIONS ADDITIONAL DESIGN Brandon Hutt Russ Ogilivie Norbert MANAGER Michael Fetterman Eric Brummel Serge Tcherniavskii Landertshamer Jason Andersen Paul-André Renaud OPERATIONS MANAGER Michael Blair Seth Benton Philippe St-Amant STUDIO PUBLICIST 56 Cristy Huender Chris Baker 57 ASPYR MEDIA, INC. ASSISTANT PUBLISHER: LEAD GRAPHIC DESIGNER: Pete Knaus ASPYR TECHNICAL SUPPORT Elizabeth Howard Robyn Hellvetica Laurie Wicker SENIOR PROJECT MANAGER: Anderson Paul Harrison Kelly Bates Scott Lippman To register your copy of this game please go to: ADDITIONAL ART: BUILD ENGINEER: DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT: LOCALIZATION PROJECT Jennifer Becker Sam Morris http://www.aspyr.com/register Glenda Adams MANAGER: TECHNICAL SUPPORT Karin Groepper Boosman QA SUPERVISOR: REPRESENTATIVE: If you are having problems installing or using this software, we want to help. You should read DIRECTOR OF QA AND Bard Alexander Jason McClure through the manual and the Readme file on the game disc before contacting Aspyr Technical TECHNICAL SUPPORT: PROJECT COORDINATOR: Andrew Horwitz Tim Attuquayefio Patrick Rogers QA LEAD: Support. Please ensure that your computer meets the minimum system requirements that are Ryan Stocks MACINTOSH DEVELOPMENT: DEVELOPMENT MANAGER: DIRECTOR OF MARKETING: Brad Oliver listed on the bottom of the box. Our Technical Support representatives will not be able to help Mark Krenek Leah Heck QA TESTING TEAM: customers whose computers do not meet these requirements. So that we can better help you, Michael Blair please have the following information ready: TECHNICAL SUPPORT/COMPAT MARKETING MANAGER: Michael Greene LAB MANAGER: Amity Ponsetti Aaron Kelly -Complete product title Andy Brazell Crystal Todar PR MARKETING ASSISTANT: -Exact error message reported (if any) ASSOCIATE PRODUCER: Karri Scott COMPATIBILITY LAB Matt Scates TECHNICIANS: -A brief description of the problem Cory Gere Jessie Boyer -Your computer’s processor type and speed (PowerBook 1.5 GHz, Power Macintosh G5 1.8 GHz etc.) This product contains software technology licensed from GameSpy Industries, Inc. ©1999-2006 -Amount of RAM (MB, GB) GameSpy Industries GameSpy Industries, Inc. GameSpy and the “Powered by GameSpy” design are -Make and model of your video card (ATI, Nvidia) trademarks of GameSpy Industries, Inc. All rights reserved. -Speed of your CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive(16x, 4x, etc.) zlib.h — interface of the ‘zlib’ general purpose compression library version 1.2.1, November 17th, -Operating System (Mac OS 10.3.8, Mac OS 10.4 etc) 2003 Copyright ©1995-2003 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler CONTACT US OVER THE INTERNET: expat -XML Parser Toolkit Copyright © 1998, 1999, 2000 Thai Open Source Software Center Ltd. If, after reviewing all the known issues in this Readme file, you are still having difficulties, please Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of expat -XML Parser visit our online technical support page at http://support.aspyr.com, and click on the "Browse Toolkit, and associated documentation files (exclusive of any documentation files or copies of expat Knowledgebase" link. If your problem is not currently listed under "Game Issues" , then please -XML Parser Toolkit that may be associated with or part of Star Wars: Empire at War) to deal in gather all information regarding the problem, including attempts to resolve the problem, error the expat -XML Parser Toolkit without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, messages, and computer specifications and open a support ticket located at modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the expat -XML Parser Toolkit and to permit persons to whom the expat -XML Parser Toolkit is furnished to do so, subject to the following http://support.aspyr.com. This form will then be sent to Aspyr Media Technical Support. conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice located at the website CONTACT US BY PHONE: www.jclark.com/xml/copying.txt shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the expat - You can also contact us by phone by calling (512) 708-8100. Note that this number is for XML Parser Toolkit. technical assistance only. No hints or tips will be given out over the Technical Support line. libpng versions 1.0.7, July 1, 2000, through 1.2.5, October 3, 2002, © 2000-2002 Glenn Randers- When calling our Technical Support line, please make sure you are in front of your computer Pehrson and prepared to provide all necessary information about your computer. Lua programming language Copyright © 1994-2004 Tecgraf, PUC-Rio.

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of Lua programming You can also contact Aspyr Technical Support by mail: language and associated documentation files (exclusive of any documentation files or copies of Lua programming language that may be associated with or part of Star Wars: Empire at War), to deal Aspyr Media, Inc. in the Lua programming language without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, P.O. Box 5861 copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Lua programming Austin, TX 78763-5861 language, and to permit persons to whom the Lua programming language is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Lua programming language. Uses Bink Video Technology. Copyright © 1997-2006 by RAD Game Tools, Inc. MPEG Layer-3 playback supplied with the Miles Sound System from RAD Game Tools, Inc. MPEG Layer-3 audio compression technology licensed by Fraunhofer IIS and THOMSON multimedia. 58 59 SOFTWARE LICENSE AND Program and should not be construed as a sale of any rights in the Program. All LIMITED WARRANTY rights not specifically granted under this Agreement are reserved by Aspyr and, as SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT applicable, its licensors. IMPORTANT - READ CAREFULLY: YOUR USE OF THIS SOFTWARE (THE “PROGRAM”) IS SUBJECT TO THE SOFTWARE LICENSE TERMS SET FORTH BELOW. THE “PROGRAM” LICENSE CONDITIONS INCLUDES ALL SOFTWARE INCLUDED WITH THIS AGREEMENT, THE ASSOCIATED MEDIA, You agree not to: ANY PRINTED MATERIALS, AND ANY ON-LINE OR ELECTRONIC DOCUMENTATION, AND ANY AND ALL COPIES OF SUCH SOFTWARE AND MATERIALS. BY OPENING THIS • Exploit the Program or any of its parts commercially, including but not limited to use PACKAGE, INSTALLING, AND/OR USING THE PROGRAM AND ANY SOFTWARE at a cyber cafe, computer gaming center or any other location-based site. Aspyr PROGRAMS INCLUDED WITHIN THE PROGRAM, YOU ACCEPT THE TERMS OF THIS may offer a separate Site License Agreement to permit you to make the Program LICENSE WITH ASPYR. (“ASPYR”). available for commercial use; see the contact information below. • Sell, rent, lease, license, distribute or otherwise transfer this Program, or any copies of this Program, without the express prior written consent of Aspyr. LIMITED WARRANTY: • Use the Program, or permit use of the Program, in a network, multi-user Aspyr Media warrants the original purchaser that this disc is free from defects and materials arrangement or remote access arrangement, including any on-line use, except as and workmanship for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of purchase. Aspyr Media otherwise specifically provided by the Program. will, at its option, repair or replace this disc, free of charge, postage paid with proof of date • Use the Program, or permit use of the Program, on more than one computer, of purchase, at its offices. EXCEPT AS SET FORTH ABOVE, THIS WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF computer terminal, or workstation at the same time. ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, WHETHER ORAL OR WRITTEN, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, • Make copies of the Program or any part thereof, or make copies of the materials INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR accompanying the Program. PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT, AND NO OTHER REPRESENTATIONS OR CLAIMS OF • Copy the Program onto a hard drive or other storage device; you must run the ANY KIND SHALL BE BINDING ON OR OBLIGATE ASPYR AND/OR ITS LICENSORS. Program from the included DVD-ROM (although the Program itself may automatically copy a portion of the Program onto your hard drive during installation When returning the Program for warranty replacement please send the original product in order to run more efficiently). disks only in protective packaging and include: (1) a photocopy of your dated sales receipt; • Reverse engineer, derive source code, modify, decompile, or disassemble the (2) your name and return address typed or clearly printed; (3) a brief note describing the Program, in whole or in part. defect, the problem(s) you are encountered and the system on which you are running the • Remove, disable or circumvent any proprietary notices or labels contained on or Program; (4) if you are returning the Program after the 90-day warranty period, but within the Program. within one year after the date of purchase, please include check or money order for $10 • Export or re-export the Program or any copy or adaptation thereof in violation of U.S. currency per CD replacement. Note: Certified mail recommended. any applicable laws or regulations. IN THE U.S. SEND TO: Warranty Replacements OWNERSHIP: All title, ownership rights and intellectual property rights in and to the Aspyr Media, Inc. Program and any and all copies thereof are owned by Aspyr and/or its licensors. The PO Box 5861 Program is protected by the copyright laws of the United States, international Austin, Texas 78763 copyright treaties and conventions and other laws. The Program contains certain licensed materials and Aspyr may protect their rights in the event of any violation of LIMITED USE LICENSE: this Agreement. You agree not to remove, disable or circumvent any proprietary notices or labels contained on or within the Program. Subject to the conditions described below, Aspyr grants you the non-exclusive, non- transferable, limited right and license to install and use one copy of the Program solely LucasArts and the LucasArts logo are registered trademarks of Lucasfilm Ltd. (C) 2006 and exclusively for your personal use. All rights not specifically granted under this Lucasfilm Entertainment Company Ltd. & (R) or TM as indicated. All rights reserved. Agreement are reserved by Aspyr and, as applicable, Aspyr’s licensors. The Program is licensed, not sold, for your use. Your license confers no title or ownership in the 60 61 NOTES NOTES

62 63 NOTES


U N I T S L A N D Create Group x1 through 0 Force Crush xC Select Group 1 1 Force Push xF Select Group 2 2 Force Lightning xL Select Group 3 3 Force Corrupt xR Select Group 4 4 Force Heal H H Select Group 5 5 Force Protect xP Select Group 6 6 Deploy/Undeploy xD Select Group 7 7 Take Cover xZ Select Group 8 8 Flame Thrower xT Select Group 9 9 Jet Pack xJ Select Group 0 0 Capture Vehicle xV Select All xA Eject xE Select Like xQ Thermal Detonator K Next Unit F Drop Thermal Detonator xK Previous Unit D Emp Burst xS Guard G Rocket Weapon x G Attack A Cable Attack Q Stop S Sensor Ping xO Move M Control Turret xY Waypoint W Repair Vehicle xU Retreat E Boost Weapon Power xB Reinforce R Self Destruct x X Place Beacon B Deploy Stormtroopers xH Super Weapon xW Maximum Firepower xM Sprint x N S P A C E I N T E R F A C E Boost Shield Power qO Game Options s Weaken Enemy qK Initiate Chat e Gravity Well Generator qG Scroll Up/Down/Left/Right i/k/j/l Barrage Area qB Reset Camera u Hunt For Enemy q H Camera Center ˚ Boost Engine Power qE Camera Home h M Lure Enemy Fighters q L Camera Zoom in MOUSE WHEEL UP M Missile Jamming Field qM Camera Zoom out MOUSE WHEEL DOWN Lock Wings qW Tactical Overview w Tractor Beam q T Camera Tether X z Proton Beam qP Movie Mode Call For Wingmen qC Cinematic Camera Mode C Lucky Shot q S Screen Shot ≠ Redirect All Firepower q R Quick Save § Ion Cannon Shot qI Quick Load ∞ Seismic Charge qX Mission Holocron t Invulnerability qZ Planetary Information c Destroy Planet qD Taunt 1 / 2 / 3 /4 NUM PAD 1/2/3/4 Give Credits (Multiplayer) q + Y Toggle Interface I Toggle Droid Advisor - Toggle Player List P

LucasArts and the Lucas Arts logo are registered trademarks of Lucasfilm Ltd. © 2006 Lucasfilm Entertainment Company Ltd. or Lucasfilm td. & ® or TM as indicated. All rights reserved. The ratings icon is a registered trademark of the Entertainment Software Association. Aspyr® is a registered trademark of Aspyr Media, Inc., and the Aspyr star logo is a trademark of Aspyr Media, Inc. Mac and the Mac logo are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. GameSpy and the "Powered by GameSpy" design are trademarks of GameSpy Industries, Inc. All rights reserved. 11490-1MNA

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