H2990 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 22, 2006 8 of rule XX, the Chair will postpone ‘‘SEC. 620K. LIMITATION ON ASSISTANCE TO THE ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Subsection (a) shall not further proceedings today on the mo- PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY. apply with respect to the following: ‘‘(a) LIMITATION.—Except as provided in tion to suspend the rules on which a re- ‘‘(A) ASSISTANCE TO INDEPENDENT ELEC- subsection (e), assistance may be provided TIONS COMMISSIONS.—Assistance to any Pal- corded vote or the yeas and nays are under this Act to the Palestinian Authority estinian independent election commission if ordered, or on which the vote is ob- only during a period for which a certification the President transmits to Congress a cer- jected to under clause 6 of rule XX. described in subsection (b) is in effect. tification that contains a determination of Any record vote on the postponed ‘‘(b) CERTIFICATION.—A certification de- the President that— question will be taken tomorrow. scribed in this subsection is a certification ‘‘(i) no member of such commission is a transmitted by the President to Congress member of, affiliated with, or appointed by a f that contains a determination of the Presi- foreign terrorist organization; and PALESTINIAN ANTI-TERRORISM dent that— ‘‘(ii) each member of such commission is ACT OF 2006 ‘‘(1) no ministry, agency, or instrumen- independent of the influence of any political tality of the Palestinian Authority is con- party or movement. Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, I trolled by a foreign terrorist organization ‘‘(B) ASSISTANCE TO SUPPORT THE MIDDLE move to suspend the rules and pass the and no member of a foreign terrorist organi- EAST PEACE PROCESS.—Assistance to the Of- bill (H.R. 4681) to promote the develop- zation serves in a senior policy making posi- fice of the President of the Palestinian Au- ment of democratic institutions in tion in a ministry, agency, or instrumen- thority for non-security expenses directly re- areas under the administrative control tality of the Palestinian Authority; lated to facilitating a peaceful resolution of ‘‘(2) the Palestinian Authority has— the Israeli-Palestinian conflict or for the of the Palestinian Authority, and for ‘‘(A) publicly acknowledged ’s right other purposes, as amended. personal security detail of the President of to exist as a Jewish state; and the Palestinian Authority if the President The Clerk read as follows: ‘‘(B) recommitted itself and is adhering to transmits to Congress a certification that H.R. 4681 all previous agreements and understandings contains a determination of the President Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- by the Palestine Liberation Organization that— resentatives of the United States of America in and the Palestinian Authority with the Gov- ‘‘(i) such assistance is critical to facili- Congress assembled, ernment of the United States, the Govern- tating a peaceful resolution of the Israeli- ment of Israel, and the international com- SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. Palestinian conflict; munity, including agreements and under- ‘‘(ii) the President of the Palestinian Au- This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Palestinian standings pursuant to the Performance- thority is not a member of or affiliated with Anti-Terrorism Act of 2006’’. Based Roadmap to a Permanent Two-State a foreign terrorist organization and has re- SEC. 2. LIMITATION ON ASSISTANCE TO THE PAL- Solution to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict jected the use of terrorism to resolve the ESTINIAN AUTHORITY. (commonly referred to as the ‘Roadmap’); Israeli-Palestinian conflict; (a) DECLARATION OF POLICY.—It shall be the and ‘‘(iii) such assistance will not be used to policy of the United States— ‘‘(3) the Palestinian Authority has taken provide funds to any individual who is a (1) to support a peaceful, two-state solu- effective steps and made demonstrable member of or affiliated with a foreign ter- tion to end the conflict between Israel and progress toward— rorist organization or who has not rejected the Palestinians in accordance with the Per- ‘‘(A) completing the process of purging the use of terrorism to resolve the Israeli- formance-Based Roadmap to a Permanent from its security services individuals with Palestinian conflict; and Two-State Solution to the Israeli-Pales- ties to terrorism; ‘‘(iv) such assistance will not be retrans- tinian Conflict (commonly referred to as the ‘‘(B) dismantling all terrorist infrastruc- ferred to any other entity within or outside ‘‘Roadmap’’); ture, confiscating unauthorized weapons, ar- of the Palestinian Authority except as pay- (2) to oppose those organizations, individ- resting and bringing terrorists to justice, de- ment for legal goods or services rendered. uals, and countries that support terrorism stroying unauthorized arms factories, ‘‘(2) ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS.—Assist- and violence; thwarting and preempting terrorist attacks, ance described in paragraph (1) may be pro- (3) to urge members of the international and fully cooperating with Israel’s security vided only if the President— community to avoid contact with and refrain services; ‘‘(A) determines that the provision of such from financially supporting the terrorist or- ‘‘(C) halting all anti-Israel incitement in assistance is important to the national secu- ganization Hamas or a Hamas-controlled Palestinian Authority-controlled electronic rity interests of the United States; and Palestinian Authority until Hamas agrees to and print media and in schools, mosques, and ‘‘(B) not less than 30 days prior to the obli- recognize Israel, renounce violence, disarm, other institutions it controls, and replacing gation of amounts for the provision of such and accept prior agreements, including the these materials, including textbooks, with assistance— Roadmap; materials that promote tolerance, peace, and ‘‘(i) consults with the appropriate congres- (4) to promote the emergence of a demo- coexistence with Israel; sional committees regarding the specific pro- cratic Palestinian governing authority ‘‘(D) ensuring democracy, the rule of law, grams, projects, and activities to be carried that— and an independent judiciary, and adopting out using such assistance; and (A) denounces and combats terrorism; other reforms such as ensuring transparent ‘‘(ii) submits to the appropriate congres- (B) has agreed to and is taking action to and accountable governance; and sional committees a written memorandum disarm and dismantle any terrorist agency, ‘‘(E) ensuring the financial transparency that contains the determination of the Presi- network, or facility; and accountability of all government min- dent under subparagraph (A). (C) has agreed to work to eliminate anti- istries and operations. ‘‘(3) DEFINITION.—In this subsection, the Israel and anti-Semitic incitement and the ‘‘(c) RECERTIFICATIONS.—Not later than 90 term ‘appropriate congressional committees’ commemoration of terrorists in Palestinian days after the date on which the President means— society; transmits to Congress an initial certification ‘‘(A) the Committee on International Rela- (D) has agreed to respect the sovereignty under subsection (b), and every six months tions and the Committee on Appropriations of its neighbors; thereafter— of the House of Representatives; and (E) acknowledges, respects, and upholds ‘‘(1) the President shall transmit to Con- ‘‘(B) the Committee on Foreign Relations the human rights of all people; gress a recertification that the requirements and the Committee on Appropriations of the (F) implements the rule of law, good gov- contained in subsection (b) are continuing to Senate. ernance, and democratic practices, including be met; or ‘‘(f) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: conducting free, fair, and transparent elec- ‘‘(2) if the President is unable to make ‘‘(1) FOREIGN TERRORIST ORGANIZATION.— tions in compliance with international such a recertification, the President shall The term ‘foreign terrorist organization’ standards; transmit to Congress a report that contains means an organization designated as a for- (G) ensures institutional and financial the reasons therefor. eign terrorist organization by the Secretary transparency and accountability; and ‘‘(d) CONGRESSIONAL NOTIFICATION.—Assist- of State in accordance with section 219(a) of (H) has agreed to recognize the State of ance made available under this Act to the the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 Israel as an independent, sovereign, Jewish, Palestinian Authority may not be provided U.S.C. 1189(a)). democratic state; and until 15 days after the date on which the ‘‘(2) PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY.—The term (5) to continue to support assistance to the President has provided notice thereof to the ‘Palestinian Authority’ means the interim Palestinian people. Committee on International Relations and Palestinian administrative organization that (b) AMENDMENTS.—Chapter 1 of part III of the Committee on Appropriations of the governs part of the and all of the the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 (22 U.S.C. House of Representatives and to the Com- (or any successor Palestinian 2351 et seq.) is amended— mittee on Foreign Relations and the Com- governing entity), including the Palestinian (1) by redesignating the second section mittee on Appropriations of the Senate in Legislative Council.’’. 620G (as added by section 149 of Public Law accordance with the procedures applicable to (c) APPLICABILITY TO UNEXPENDED FUNDS.— 104–164 (110 Stat. 1436)) as section 620J; and reprogramming notifications under section Section 620K of the Foreign Assistance Act (2) by adding at the end the following new 634A(a) of this Act. of 1961, as added by subsection (b), applies section: ‘‘(e) EXCEPTIONS.— with respect to unexpended funds obligated

VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:02 May 26, 2006 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 D:\FIX-CR\H22MY6.REC H22MY6 May 22, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2991 for assistance under the Foreign Assistance grams, projects, and activities to be carried section 620L of the Foreign Assistance Act of Act of 1961 to the Palestinian Authority be- out using such assistance; and 1961, as added by subsection (a), in providing fore the date of the enactment of this Act. ‘‘(ii) submits to the appropriate congres- assistance to nongovernmental organizations (d) REPORT BY COMPTROLLER GENERAL.— sional committees a written memorandum for the West Bank and Gaza under any provi- Not later than 180 days after the date of the that contains the determination of the Presi- sion of law other than the Foreign Assist- enactment of this Act, the Comptroller Gen- dent under subparagraph (A) and an expla- ance Act of 1961. eral of the United States shall submit to the nation of how failure to provide the proposed SEC. 4. UNITED NATIONS AGENCIES AND PRO- appropriate congressional committees a re- assistance would be inconsistent with fur- GRAMS. port that contains a review of the proposed thering the national security interests of the (a) REVIEW AND REPORT.— procedures by which United States assist- United States. (1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 60 days ance to the Palestinian Authority under the ‘‘(3) DEFINITION.—In this subsection, the after the date of the enactment of this Act, Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 will be au- term ‘appropriate congressional committees’ the President shall— dited by the Department of State, the United means— (A) conduct an audit of the functions of the States Agency for International Develop- ‘‘(A) the Committee on International Rela- entities specified in paragraph (2); and ment, and all other relevant departments tions and the Committee on Appropriations (B) transmit to the appropriate congres- and agencies of the Government of the of the House of Representatives; and sional committees a report containing rec- United States and any recommendations for ‘‘(B) the Committee on Foreign Relations ommendations for the elimination of such improvement of such procedures. and the Committee on Appropriations of the entities and efforts that are duplicative or (e) SENSE OF CONGRESS.—It is the sense of Senate.’’. fail to ensure balance in the approach of the Congress that the President should be guided (b) OVERSIGHT AND RELATED REQUIRE- United Nations to Israeli-Palestinian issues. by the principles and procedures described in MENTS.— (2) ENTITIES SPECIFIED.—The entities re- section 620K of the Foreign Assistance Act of (1) OVERSIGHT.—For each of the fiscal years ferred to in paragraph (1) are the following: 1961, as added by subsection (b), in providing 2007 and 2008, the Secretary of State shall (A) The United Nations Division for Pales- direct assistance to the Palestinian Author- certify to the appropriate congressional tinian Rights. ity under any provision of law other than the committees not later than 30 days prior to (B) The Committee on the Exercise of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961. the initial obligation of amounts for assist- Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People. ance to nongovernmental organizations for (C) The United Nations Special Coordi- SEC. 3. LIMITATION ON ASSISTANCE FOR THE the West Bank or Gaza under the Foreign As- WEST BANK AND GAZA. nator for the Middle East Peace Process and sistance Act of 1961 that procedures have Personal Representative to the Palestine (a) AMENDMENT.—Chapter 1 of part III of been established to ensure that the Comp- Liberation Organization and the Palestinian the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 (22 U.S.C. troller General of the United States will 2351 et seq.), as amended by section 2(b)(2) of Authority. have access to appropriate United States fi- (D) The NGO Network on the Question of this Act, is further amended by adding at the nancial information in order to review the end the following new section: Palestine. use of such assistance. (E) The Special Committee to Investigate ‘‘SEC. 620L. LIMITATION ON ASSISTANCE FOR (2) VETTING.—Prior to any obligation of Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights THE WEST BANK AND GAZA. amounts for assistance to nongovernmental of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of ‘‘(a) LIMITATION.—Except as provided in organizations for the West Bank or Gaza the Occupied Territories. subsection (d), assistance may be provided under the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, the (F) Any other entity the Secretary deter- under this Act to nongovernmental organiza- Secretary of State shall take all appropriate mines results in duplicative efforts or fund- tions for the West Bank and Gaza only dur- steps to ensure that such assistance is not ing or fails to ensure balance in the approach ing a period for which a certification de- provided to or through any individual or en- to Israeli-Palestinian issues. scribed in section 620K(b) of this Act is in ef- tity that the Secretary knows, or has reason (b) IMPLEMENTATION OF RECOMMENDATIONS fect with respect to the Palestinian Author- to believe, advocates, plans, sponsors, en- BY PERMANENT REPRESENTATIVE.— ity. gages in, or has engaged in, terrorist activ- (1) IN GENERAL.—The United States Perma- ‘‘(b) MARKING REQUIREMENT.—Assistance ity. The Secretary shall, as appropriate, es- nent Representative to the United Nations provided under this Act to nongovernmental tablish procedures specifying the steps to be shall use the voice, vote, and influence of the organizations for the West Bank and Gaza taken in carrying out this paragraph and United States at the United Nations to seek shall be marked as assistance from the Gov- shall terminate assistance to any individual the implementation of the recommendations ernment of the United States unless the Sec- or entity that the Secretary has determined contained in the report required under sub- retary of State or the Administrator of the advocates, plans, sponsors, or engages in ter- section (a)(1)(B). United States Agency for International De- rorist activity. (2) WITHHOLDING OF FUNDS.—Until the velopment determines that such marking (3) PROHIBITION.—No amounts made avail- President certifies to the Congress that such will endanger the lives or safety of persons able for any fiscal year for assistance to non- recommendations have been implemented, delivering or receiving such assistance or governmental organizations for the West the Secretary of State should withhold from would have a material adverse effect on the Bank or Gaza under the Foreign Assistance United States contributions to the regular implementation of such assistance. Act of 1961 may be made available for the assessed budget of the United Nations for a ‘‘(c) CONGRESSIONAL NOTIFICATION.—Assist- purpose of recognizing or otherwise honoring biennial period amounts that are propor- ance made available under this Act to non- individuals or the families of individuals who tional to the percentage of such budget that governmental organizations for the West commit, or have committed, acts of ter- are expended for such entities. Bank and Gaza may not be provided until 15 rorism. (c) GAO AUDIT.—The Comptroller General days after the date on which the President (4) AUDITS.— shall conduct an audit of the status of the has provided notice thereof to the Com- (A) IN GENERAL.—The Administrator of the implementation of the recommendations mittee on International Relations and the United States Agency for International De- contained in the report required under sub- Committee on Appropriations of the House velopment shall ensure that independent au- section (a)(1)(B). of Representatives and to the Committee on dits of all contractors and grantees, and sig- (d) WITHHOLDING OF FUNDS WITH RESPECT Foreign Relations and the Committee on Ap- nificant subcontractors and subgrantees, TO THE PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY.— propriations of the Senate in accordance that receive amounts for assistance to non- (1) ASSESSED CONTRIBUTIONS.—The Sec- with the procedures applicable to reprogram- governmental organizations for the West retary of State should withhold from United ming notifications under section 634A(a) of Bank or Gaza under the Foreign Assistance States contributions to the regular assessed this Act. Act of 1961 are conducted to ensure, among budget of the United Nations for a biennial ‘‘(d) EXCEPTIONS.—Subsection (a) shall not other things, compliance with this sub- period amounts that are equal to the apply with respect to the following: section. amounts of such budget that are expended by ‘‘(1) ASSISTANCE TO MEET BASIC HUMAN (B) AUDITS BY INSPECTOR GENERAL OF any United Nations affiliated or specialized HEALTH NEEDS.—The provision of food, water, USAID.—Of the amounts available for any fis- agency for assistance directly to the Pales- medicine, sanitation services, or other as- cal year for assistance to nongovernmental tinian Authority. sistance to directly meet basic human health organizations for the West Bank or Gaza (2) VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS.—The Sec- needs. under the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, up retary of State shall withhold from United ‘‘(2) OTHER TYPES OF ASSISTANCE.—The pro- to $1,000,000 for each such fiscal year may be States contributions to the voluntary budget vision of any other type of assistance if the used by the Office of the Inspector General of of the United Nations for a biennial period President— the United States Agency for International amounts that are equal to the amounts of ‘‘(A) determines that the provision of such Development for audits, inspections, and such budget that are expended by any United assistance will further the national security other activities in furtherance of the re- Nations affiliated or specialized agency for interests of the United States; and quirements of subparagraph (A). Such assistance directly to the Palestinian Au- ‘‘(B) not less than 25 days prior to the obli- amounts are in addition to amounts other- thority. gation of amounts for the provision of such wise available for such purposes. (3) DEFINITION.—For the purposes of this assistance— (c) SENSE OF CONGRESS.—It is the sense of section, the term ‘‘amounts of such budget ‘‘(i) consults with the appropriate congres- Congress that the President should be guided that are expended by any United Nations af- sional committees regarding the specific pro- by the principles and procedures described in filiated or specialized agency for assistance

VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:02 May 26, 2006 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 D:\FIX-CR\H22MY6.REC H22MY6 H2992 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 22, 2006 directly to the Palestinian Authority’’ does or with funds provided by, the Palestinian arming of militias and the elimination of all not include— Authority or the Palestine Liberation Orga- instruments of terror; and (A) amounts expended during any period nization during any period for which a cer- (4) recognizes and accepts all previous for which a certification described in section tification described in section 620K(b) of the agreements and understandings between the 620K(b) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 (as added by State of Israel and the Palestine Liberation (as added by section 2(b)(2) of this Act) is in section 2(b)(2) of this Act) is not in effect Organization and the Palestinian Authority. effect with respect to the Palestinian Au- with respect to the Palestinian Authority. SEC. 11. DEFINITIONS. thority; or (b) ENFORCEMENT.— In this Act: (B) amounts expended for assistance of the (1) ATTORNEY GENERAL.—The Attorney (1) APPROPRIATE CONGRESSIONAL COMMIT- type of assistance described in section 104(c), General shall take the necessary steps and TEES.—The term ‘‘appropriate congressional 104A, 104B, or 104C of the Foreign Assistance institute the necessary legal action to effec- committees’’ means— Act of 1961 (22 U.S.C. 2151b, 2151b–2, 2151b–3, tuate the policies and provisions of sub- (A) the Committee on International Rela- or 2151b–4) and which would, if provided by section (a), including steps necessary to tions and the Committee on Appropriations the Government of the United States, be per- apply the policies and provisions of sub- of the House of Representatives; and mitted under such sections, or under chapter section (a) to the Permanent Observer Mis- (B) the Committee on Foreign Relations 4 of part II of such Act (22 U.S.C. 2346 et seq.) sion of Palestine to the United Nations. and the Committee on Appropriations of the to carry out the purposes of such sections, by (2) RELIEF.—Any district court of the Senate. reason of the application of section 104(c)(4) United States for a district in which a viola- (2) PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY.—The term of such Act. tion of subsection (a) occurs shall have au- ‘‘Palestinian Authority’’ has the meaning SEC. 5. DESIGNATION OF TERRITORY CON- thority, upon petition of relief by the Attor- given the term in section 620K(e)(2) of the TROLLED BY THE PALESTINIAN AU- ney General, to grant injunctive and such Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 (as added by THORITY AS TERRORIST SANC- other equitable relief as it shall deem nec- section 2(b)(2) of this Act). TUARY. essary to enforce the provisions of sub- It is the sense of Congress that, during any section (a). The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- period for which a certification described in (c) WAIVER.— ant to the rule, the gentlewoman from section 620K(b) of the Foreign Assistance Act (1) AUTHORITY.—The President may waive Florida (Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN) and the of 1961 (as added by section 2(b)(2) of this the application of subsection (a) for a period gentleman from California (Mr. LAN- Act) is not in effect with respect to the Pal- of 180 days if the President determines and TOS) each will control 20 minutes. estinian Authority, the territory controlled certifies to the appropriate congressional Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, I by the Palestinian Authority should be committees that such waiver— rise to claim the time in opposition. I deemed to be in use as a sanctuary for ter- (A) is vital to the national security inter- rorists or terrorist organizations for pur- ests of the United States and provides an ex- am opposed to the bill. poses of section 6(j)(5) of the Export Admin- planation of how the failure to waive the ap- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is the istration Act of 1979 (50 U.S.C. App. 2405(j)(5)) plication of subsection (a) would be incon- gentleman from California (Mr. LAN- and section 140 of the Foreign Relations Au- sistent with the vital national security in- TOS) opposed to the motion? thorization Act, Fiscal Years 1988 and 1989 terests of the United States; and Mr. LANTOS. No, Mr. Speaker, I (22 U.S.C. 2656f). (B) would further the achievement of the strongly support the motion. SEC. 6. DENIAL OF VISAS FOR OFFICIALS OF THE requirements outlined in the certification The SPEAKER pro tempore. On that PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY. described in section 620K(b) of the Foreign basis, the gentleman from Oregon (Mr. (a) IN GENERAL.—A visa shall not be issued Assistance Act of 1961 (as added by section BLUMENAUER) will control the time in to any alien who is an official of, affiliated 2(b)(2) of this Act). opposition to the motion. with, or serving as a representative of the (2) RENEWAL.—The President may renew Palestinian Authority during any period for the waiver described in paragraph (1) for suc- The Chair recognizes the gentle- which a certification described in section cessive 180-day periods if the President woman from Florida. 620K(b) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 makes the determination and certification Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, I (as added by section 2(b)(2) of this Act) is not described in such paragraph for each such pe- ask unanimous consent that debate on in effect with respect to the Palestinian Au- riod. this matter be extended by 80 minutes, thority. SEC. 9. INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL INSTITU- equally divided. (b) WAIVER.—Subsection (a) shall not TIONS. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there (a) UNITED STATES POLICY.—It shall be the apply— objection to the request of the gentle- (1) if the President determines and cer- policy of the United States that the United tifies to the appropriate congressional com- States Executive Director at each inter- woman from Florida? mittees, on a case-by-case basis, that the national financial institution shall use the There was no objection. issuance of a visa to an alien described in voice, vote, and influence of the United Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, I such subsection is important to the national States to prohibit assistance to the Pales- yield half of my time to the gentleman security interests of the United States; or tinian Authority unless a certification de- from California (Mr. LANTOS), and I ask (2) with respect to visas issued in connec- scribed in subsection (b) is in effect with re- unanimous consent that he be per- tion with United States obligations under spect to the Palestinian Authority. mitted to control that time. the Act of August 4, 1947 (61 Stat. 756) (com- (b) CERTIFICATION.—A certification de- scribed in this subsection is a certification The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there monly known as the ‘‘United Nations Head- objection to the request of the gentle- quarters Agreement Act’’). transmitted by the President to Congress that contains a determination of the Presi- woman from Florida? SEC. 7. TRAVEL RESTRICTIONS ON OFFICIALS AND REPRESENTATIVES OF THE dent that the requirements of paragraphs (1), There was no objection. PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY AND THE (2), and (3)(A), (B), (C), and (E) of section GENERAL LEAVE PALESTINE LIBERATION ORGANIZA- 620K(b) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, I TION STATIONED AT THE UNITED (as added by section 2(b)(2) of this Act) are NATIONS IN NEW YORK CITY. being met by the Palestinian Authority. ask unanimous consent that all Mem- The President shall restrict the travel of (c) DEFINITION.—In this section, the term bers may have 5 legislative days to re- officials and representatives of the Pales- ‘‘international financial institution’’ has the vise and extend their remarks, and in- tinian Authority and of the Palestine Lib- meaning given the term in section 1701(c)(2) clude extraneous material on the bill eration Organization who are stationed at of the International Financial Institutions under consideration. the United Nations in New York City to a 25- Act. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there mile radius of the United Nations head- SEC. 10. DIPLOMATIC CONTACTS WITH PALES- objection to the request of the gentle- TINIAN TERROR ORGANIZATIONS. quarters building during any period for woman from Florida? which a certification described in section It shall be the policy of the United States 620K(b) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 that no officer or employee of the United There was no objection. (as added by section 2(b)(2) of this Act) is not States Government shall negotiate or have Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, I in effect with respect to the Palestinian Au- substantive contacts with members or offi- yield such time as he may consume to thority. cial representatives of Hamas, Palestinian the gentleman from Texas (Mr. SEC. 8. PROHIBITION ON PALESTINIAN AUTHOR- Islamic Jihad, the Popular Front for the Lib- DELAY). ITY REPRESENTATION IN THE eration of Palestine, al-Aqsa Martyrs Bri- Mr. DELAY. Mr. Speaker, I thank the UNITED STATES. gade, or any other Palestinian terrorist or- gentlewoman for bringing this resolu- (a) PROHIBITION.—Notwithstanding any ganization, unless and until such organiza- tion to the floor and to the gentleman other provision of law, it shall be unlawful to tion— establish or maintain an office, head- (1) recognizes Israel’s right to exist; from California for his support for this quarters, premises, or other facilities or es- (2) renounces the use of terrorism; resolution. It is incredibly important tablishments within the jurisdiction of the (3) dismantles the infrastructure necessary that we bring this resolution to the United States at the behest or direction of, to carry out terrorist acts, including the dis- floor today, and I rise in strong support

VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:02 May 26, 2006 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 D:\FIX-CR\H22MY6.REC H22MY6 May 22, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2993 of the Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act bate. But I am also struck by how we moderate Palestinian legislators or which reaffirms America’s support for are seeing elements of that vibrant de- government officials who oppose our allies in Israel and protects Amer- bate within the American pro-Israeli Hamas. It would prevent the PLO, of ican interests. community over the bill that is before which Hamas isn’t a member, and It also brings an end to the dan- us this evening. which was not impacted by the election gerously infantilization of the Pales- As someone committed to Israel’s se- of Hamas, from having representatives tinian people, who through this legisla- curity and to the vision of the two in Washington or at the United Na- tion will finally be held responsible for states living side by side in peace, I re- tions. I am afraid that this legislation their political decisions. luctantly oppose the legislation this may well backfire by actually In and of itself, January’s Pales- evening, despite my deep respect for strengthening the hands of extremists. tinian election was a victory for the my colleagues who are bringing it for- Remember, this past winter, the civilized world in the war on terror. ward on both sides of the aisle. House, in our wisdom, voted to demand The elections were fair, nonviolent, The bill before us is one that the ad- that the Palestinians prevent Hamas and added further evidence in support ministration does not need nor want. It from running in the legislative elec- of democracy’s fundamental compat- sets permanent and inflexible limits on tions, telling the Palestinian people to ibility with Middle Eastern culture. the United States, whether or not reject them. I don’t think it was any The outcome of that election, the as- Hamas is in power. It could potentially accident that Hamas election banners cendancy of the unrepentant terrorist limit the United States’ ability to help had: ‘‘Israel and America say ‘no’ to organization Hamas, was another story our friend Israel if Israel decides in the Hamas. What do you say?’’ all together. The Palestinian people future that working with a non- I can’t help think that any objective have made their choice; and while we Hamas-controlled Palestinian Author- appraisal would suggest that the must respect their God-given right to ity is in their best interests. United States Congress, telling them self-determination, the choice they Remember in 1995, Israeli Prime Min- what they could do, may well have pro- made has consequences, chief among ister Itzhak Rabin asked the United vided that extra boost for Hamas’ pros- them the immediate end of foreign as- States to support a flawed Palestinian pects at the election. Authority because he felt it was impor- sistance to the Palestinian Authority. This bill provides no diplomatic hori- tant for Israel’s security. Had the American aid to the Palestinian peo- zon, no sunset. It is in perpetuity. It stringent conditions in this bill been in ple must be predicated on their rejec- does little to prioritize on the basis of place, we would have had to have said tion of terrorism. And as long as our strategic interest and provides no no. prospect for Palestinian reform coming Hamas seeks the destruction of Israel In 2003, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel through the process of negotiations. In and the murder of innocent Israelis, Sharon asked the United States to sup- so doing, it weakens the hands of those the United States cannot financially port the Palestinian Prime Minister, who advocate for peace negotiations support the Palestinian Authority. Mahmoud Abbas. Had the stringent When the day comes that Palestinian conditions in this bill been in place, we and supports those extremists who be- leaders reject violence, break apart would have had to say no. lieve in violence. their terrorist infrastructure, embrace Should a future Israeli leader come Democracy is a complex process in freedom, and seek membership in the and ask us to support the Palestinian the Middle East and all too rare in the civilized world, we will welcome them. Authority, after Hamas is forced from Middle East. The election of Hamas Until that day, not a dime. power, we shouldn’t allow the condi- shows that for the kinds of democ- Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, I tions in this bill to force us to say no. racies we want to see, elections aren’t yield myself such time as I may con- Unfortunately, this bill defines the enough. We need to promote the kinds sume. Palestinian Authority to include the of democratic institutions, free civil Everybody on this floor wants to Palestinian legislative counsel, as long society, conducive to sustainable, lib- send the same loud and clear message: as members of Hamas are in the Pales- eral democracy in Palestinian terri- that Congress is united in its opposi- tinian Parliament. We would have to tories. tion to terror and we are all deeply say no to Israel’s request. The President needs to be free to do concerned about the future and secu- As has been pointed out with Libya, just that, with congressional oversight, rity of our close friend and ally, Israel. the debate over Libya, sometimes we not congressional prohibitions and This debate is not about our shared allow diplomatic relations with imper- micromanagement. I understand the revulsion at those who would murder fect regimes because progress can best sincere concern that many people who innocent citizens or sow terror for po- be made through engagement instead support this legislation have, but it is litical purposes. of isolation. This bill goes far beyond too onerous and burdensome on an ad- ministration that needs to practice di- b 1915 the ramifications of January’s election and Hamas’ rise to power. plomacy. It is not about current law, which It would restrict relations with and Democracy is a continuing process prohibits any assistance to Hamas or a support for Palestinian groups and in- that helps transform those who prac- Hamas-controlled government, which stitutions that have nothing to do with tice it. I agree with the rabbi from my Congress unanimously reaffirmed ear- terror or rejectionism. It places sanc- district who wrote that, ‘‘change is ev- lier this year. For many people, we will tions on the Palestinian leaders and erything in politics, no matter how find tonight that this is a very per- parts of Palestinian civil society who bleak the situation currently is,’’ in sonal issue. For anyone who has visited support peace with Israel, oppose ter- expressing his opposition to this legis- Israel, you understand. rorism and who, if the two-state vision lation. We cannot support Hamas or When I first visited Jerusalem, I comes to pass, will form the backbone other terrorist groups, but neither couldn’t help but be struck by how of a democratic society. should we close the door on change. close the holy sites of the three great There is, in this legislation, no rec- Most of the Members of this body religions are, less than the distance of ognition that Palestinian society is consider themselves to be strong a Tiger Woods 5-iron shot. I will always deeply divided, and that it makes no friends and supporters of Israel. So do cherish the opportunity in a more opti- sense to put sanctions on President I. That is why I will urge a ‘‘no’’ vote mistic time, to visit a security check- Abbas, reformers, even activists for de- on this resolution. point outside Ramallah, jointly mocracy, peace and coexistence. The Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of manned by Israelis and Palestinians. bill would prohibit the assistance we my time. The possibility of that moment, its fra- give to schools that teach peace, to Mr. LANTOS. Mr. Speaker, I rise in gility and the ramifications of failure, democratic and peaceful political orga- strong support of this legislation and have been brought home to me repeat- nizations, to groups promoting co- yield myself as much time as I may edly in recent years. operation with Israel on shared envi- consume. I was and am impressed by the diver- ronmental challenges. During the course of this debate, I sity of opinions in Israel, by its vibrant It would even punish the democratic will rebut point-by-point the items tradition of democracy and heated de- opposition by prohibiting visas for raised by my good friend from Oregon,

VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:02 May 26, 2006 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 D:\FIX-CR\H22MY6.REC H22MY6 H2994 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 22, 2006 for whom I have great respect and ment of suicide attacks on both Amer- nounced just yesterday to release $11 great affection. But let me just say ican and Israeli citizens. million and let these funds be used for that while I am convinced that his po- Now, despite the pathetically naive medicine and equipment for Pales- sition is motivated by the best of in- hopes of some that Hamas would tinian hospitals, bypassing entirely the tentions, he totally misrepresents the change its stripes upon assuming terrorist government of Hamas. nature of our legislation. power, if anything, the anti-Israel rhet- Mr. Speaker, representatives of the Mr. Speaker, it was my great pleas- oric has only been stepped up. The for- United States have been meeting with ure to join my friend and distinguished eign minister of the terrorist govern- their counterparts from Russia, the colleague, ILEANA ROS-LEHTINEN, in in- ment, Mahmoud al-Zahar, recently told United Nations and the European troducing the Palestinian Anti-Ter- the world that he dreams of, and I am Union to discuss the financial crisis rorism Act. It has also been an honor quoting again, Mr. Speaker, ‘‘hanging a that Palestinians have faced since to work with the chairman of the com- huge map of the world on the wall at Hamas came to power. Our bill is fully mittee, HENRY HYDE, in bringing the my Gaza home, which does not show consistent with the positions and poli- bill to the floor in its present form. I Israel on it, because there is no place cies of the so-called quartet. would like to thank all 295 of my col- for the State of Israel on this land.’’ Mr. Speaker, we in this Congress are leagues who are cosponsors of this bill, So much for moderation. sickened by the fact that the Palestin- which was reported out of the Inter- Mr. Speaker, such statements by ians chose Hamas as their leader, and national Relations Committee on a bi- Hamas government officials make we are sickened and appalled by every- partisan vote of 36–2. I repeat, the leg- crystal clear the rationale for our leg- thing that Hamas stands for. Our bill, islation was reported out of the Inter- islation. We must isolate the new ter- H.R. 4681, demonstrates that America national Relations Committee rep- rorist authority in the West Bank and will stand firm in the fight against ter- resenting the broadest spectrum of Gaza. The situation in the Middle East rorism, while remaining true to the views and positions by a vote of 36–2. is alarming. The Palestinian Authority hope for a peaceful Middle East. Our This is a bill that enjoys the broadest is now governed by a group of killers, legislation will serve as a model for the bipartisan support. like Iranian President Ahmadinejad, right policy to take against terrorists, Mr. Speaker, a little more than a who believes that Israel, quote, should however they take power, and on be- month ago, a 16-year-old boy from be wiped off the map. half of the democratic ally that is the Florida, Daniel Wultz, arrived in Israel It is therefore incumbent upon us, target of suicide bombings by a govern- with his family. They were celebrating Mr. Speaker, as the ally and long-time mentally-organized campaign. Passover, which commemorates Jewish supporter of the democratic State of Allow me a personal word, Mr. liberation from brutality long ago. On Israel, to do everything we can to dem- Speaker. As all of my colleagues know, a pleasant evening in , Daniel onstrate the bankruptcy of Hamas’ vi- I am the only Holocaust survivor ever met his father for dinner at a popular sion and to ensure that Hamas receives elected to the Congress of the United falafel restaurant in a working-class no help from the United States in im- States. My family was wiped out by a neighborhood. plementing its evil plans. government that systematically Moments later, a Palestinian ter- Our bill does exactly that. We will sought to eliminate an entire people. rorist detonated 30 pounds of explosives end all assistance to the Palestinian I am here today to tell you that what just a few feet from the father and son. Authority with exceptions for humani- Hamas has in mind is a holocaust on Daniel suffered severe internal inju- tarian aid. We will also end all contact the installment plan. I repeat, I am ries, and his leg had to be amputated. between U.S. diplomats and the here today to tell you that what Hamas After a valiant struggle for survival, Hamas-controlled Palestinian Author- has in mind is a holocaust on the in- Daniel died last week. As for his father, ity. stallment plan. It is being done one he faces a long and painful recovery atrocity at a time. As long as support b 1930 physically; the psychological repercus- continues to flow to Hamas, this holo- sions one can only speculate on. Our goal, Mr. Speaker, is not to pun- caust on the installment plan will con- This tragedy was compounded several ish the Palestinian people. Our goal is tinue, and ultimately, it might suc- times over, Mr. Speaker. In this one to demonstrate to them, and to their ceed. But our bill will stop it. terrorist incident, perpetrated by government, that hatred, murder, as- I strongly urge my colleagues to join Hamas, 10 people were murdered, more sassination and non-recognition of me in supporting this important, vital, than 60 were injured, and hundreds of neighbors is unacceptable in a civilized bipartisan piece of legislation. loved ones are suffering the atrocities, world. Accordingly, we want to make Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of the effects of these atrocities for the sure that the U.S. taxpayer will not my time. rest of their lives. supply one penny of aid for which the Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, I Mr. Speaker, during the murderous Hamas government can claim any cred- yield 6 minutes to the gentlewoman Intifada, orchestrated, planned and it, and we want to make sure that from Minnesota (Ms. MCCOLLUM). perpetrated by Hamas, more than 1,000 Hamas and its government are ac- Ms. MCCOLLUM of Minnesota. Mr. Israelis were killed in incidents like corded absolutely no legitimacy by the Speaker, tonight we should be working this recent one, barbarous, random, United States or our diplomatic rep- to ensure security and peace for Israel sneak attacks on men, women and chil- resentatives. and for more hope, opportunity and dren, just going about their lives. Our bill, of course, recognizes that peace for the Palestinian people. Given its comparatively small popu- humanitarian emergencies will arise Among our colleagues in the U.S. lation, less than 6 million, the loss of and that we should be supportive of ap- House, there is unanimous intolerance 1,000 innocent lives in Israel is the propriate NGO activities. Just to cite and condemnation for the current equivalent of losing 50,000 here in the one example, Mr. Speaker, I wrote Sec- Hamas-led government of the Pales- United States. I wonder how many of retary of State Condoleezza Rice re- tinian Authority. The refusal of the po- our colleagues would stand up for the cently asking that the United States litical leadership of Hamas to recog- terrorists if we had lost 50,000, not 3,000 provide funding to assist the Palestin- nize the State of Israel, renounce vio- on 9/11. ians in dealing with the serious out- lence and terrorism and agree to pre- What was the response of the Hamas break of avian flu in the Gaza Strip, vious agreements and obligations of government to the restaurant bomb- and I am pleased that our government the Palestinian Authority is unaccept- ing? The spokesman for Hamas said has been responsive to my request. I able, and, therefore, they must con- that it was, and I quote, Mr. Speaker, think we would all agree on continuing tinue to be isolated by the inter- ‘‘legal.’’ This monstrous act, the most the U.S. tradition of dealing with the national community. recent terrorist attack, killed 10 peo- humanitarian needs of any people, in- Congress should be here tonight ple, and Hamas leadership says, it’s cluding the Palestinian people. unanimously passing a bill that sup- legal. No condemnation, no promise of I am sure that all of my colleagues ports Secretary of State Rice as she pursuing the perpetrators of this vi- will join me in praising the govern- leads the international community to cious crime; just a blanket endorse- ment of Israel for the plan it an- keep firm pressure on Hamas until

VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:02 May 26, 2006 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 D:\FIX-CR\H22MY6.REC H22MY6 May 22, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2995 they agree to internationally recog- Palestinian families and children Israel has been fighting a war on ter- nized and civilized standards of con- must not be targeted. They must not ror for more than 60 years. Presently, duct. At the same time, Congress be deprived of their basic human needs Israel finds itself in the unique position should be working to support the Bush by this Congress. Instead, this House of facing a terrorist organization that administration and the international should assure that Palestinian families is hiding behind the legitimacy of the community to avoid a serious humani- and children will be treated in a fash- Palestinian Authority. Some have cho- tarian crisis among the Palestinian ion that reflects our values and the be- sen to recognize Hamas, a terrorist or- people. lief that their lives are valuable. ganization, as a legitimate governing On May 9, 2006, Secretary Rice said NGOs with significant experience in body for the Palestinian Authority. We as she announced $10 million of med- delivering humanitarian assistance in the United States Congress find this ical assistance to the Palestinian peo- have expressed serious concerns with unacceptable. ple, ‘‘We will continue to work and the lack of flexibility in this bill. On Hamas believes that terrorism is a le- look for ways to assist the Palestinian April 6, 2006, a letter from the United gitimate tool of political negotiation. people and will encourage other coun- States Conference of Catholic Bishops Hamas does not hide from its endorse- tries to join us in this effort.’’ She goes to Chairman HYDE expressing concerns ment of homicide bombings or its de- on to say, ‘‘We will not, however, pro- regarding this bill states, ‘‘The legisla- sire to use this tactic to achieve its vide support to a Hamas-led govern- tion provides for the urgent needs of goal of destroying Israel. ment that refuses to accept the calls of the Palestinian people. A further dete- Make no mistake about it: Hamas the Quartet and the broader inter- rioration of the humanitarian and eco- kills. It murders. It maims. It orphans, national community to renounce terror nomic situation of the Palestinian peo- and it robs. It blunts the future of in- and to become a partner for peace.’’ ple compromises human dignity and nocence. It takes away the happiness of I strongly support her efforts, and it serves the long-term interests of nei- children, and it tears apart families. is unfortunate that the bill tonight ther the Palestinians nor of Israelis Hamas believes that this behavior is could not have been drafted to come to who long for peace.’’ somehow acceptable. the floor that would be supported by In its present form, this bill will not Today, we must send a message to the State Department. The State De- allow NGOs to properly carry out the Hamas and President Abbas that the partment’s comment regarding H.R. very assistance determined to be nec- free nations of the world reject their 4681 is, ‘‘this bill is unnecessary.’’ essary by Secretary Rice, ensuring suf- desire to be recognized as legitimate Instead of advancing the U.S. inter- fering and misery to the Palestinian leaders of their people. Both Hamas ests, H.R. 4681 does not recognize the people. and Fatah’s al-Aksa Martyrs Brigade three criteria set forth by President Later this week in this Chamber, we have a record of terror and their lead- Bush, demanded by President Bush and will be honored by the presence of ers have a demonstrated lack of hu- the international community, for Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert. In manity by allowing these murderous Hamas to commence any form of en- an interview last week, Prime Minister activities. gagement and to work with the U.S. Olmert said the Palestinians ‘‘are the Mr. Speaker, today the United States and the international community. victims of their own extremist, fun- House of Representatives sends a H.R. 4681 sets an elevated threshold damentalist, religious, inflexible and which makes U.S. leadership for peace unyielding leadership, and we will do strong message that our government in the Middle East nearly impossible, everything in our power to help these does not and will not deal with terror- even if Hamas does agree to recognize innocent people.’’ ists, nor in this Congress should we or Israel, does renounce terrorism and I strongly associate myself with the will we allow American taxpayer dol- does agree to abide by all previous honest and courageous comments of lars to fund the terrorist activities. agreements. the prime minister and his desire for Israel is engaged in a war on terror. The outcome of this bill, if it were to security and peace. I oppose this bill It is a war that is part of that which is become law, would be to isolate Pales- because it is a missed opportunity to worldwide and in which we find our- tinian leaders who have been com- keep pressure on Hamas. selves engaged as well. mitted to advancing the peace process, Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, I b 1945 isolate leaders who have denounced yield such time as he may consume to Make no mistake about it, the very terrorism and isolate leaders who are the gentleman from Virginia (Mr. CAN- freedoms that we hold dear are at working with Israel for peace and a TOR), the chief deputy majority whip. stake, and we must never stop fighting permanent two-state solution. How Mr. CANTOR. Mr. Speaker, first of this war until the last terrorist on does this advance the U.S. goals in the all, I would like to salute the region? It does not. gentlelady from Florida on her unbe- Earth is in a cell or a cemetery. This bill’s real result will be to iso- lievable leadership in bringing this bill Mr. Speaker, unfortunately, I stand late the U.S. among the members of to the floor and her tireless efforts in before you as the violence and pain of the international community that are the promotion of freedom and the re- Palestinian terror was felt by my fam- working for peaceful solutions between jection of terror around the world. I ily. As Mr. LANTOS, the gentleman Israel and the Palestinians. thank her for that. from California has said, last week, One of our partners in isolating I also would like to salute and thank Daniel Wultz died of wounds he suf- Hamas and delivering humanitarian as- Chairman HYDE for his leadership in fered in a homicide bombing in Tel sistance to the Palestinian people is bringing this bill to the floor, and cer- Aviv in April. Daniel was my cousin. the United Nations. A section in this tainly the gentleman from California He and his family were visiting Israel bill calls for the withholding of a por- for his dedication to the rejection of celebrating the Jewish holiday of Pass- tion of the U.S. contribution to the terror and the promotion of freedom in over. United Nations, as if this valuable such a tireless way and such an articu- Daniel and his father were eating partner were an enemy. For this bill to late manner here on the House floor. I lunch at a cafe in Tel Aviv, when a target the United Nations, a member of thank the gentleman as well. homicide bomber blew himself up at the quartet, in such a fashion is a clear Mr. Speaker, I do rise today in strong the restaurant. For 27 days Daniel signal that this bill’s intent is to un- support of H.R. 4681, the Palestinian fought for his life, but last Sunday he dermine the Bush administration’s Anti-Terrorism Act. The policy behind died as a result of his wounds. Daniel multilateral leadership. this piece of legislation is identical to was passionate about his family, This bill places extreme constraints that which undergirds the Bush doc- friends and the community around on the delivery of humanitarian assist- trine. It is simple: Terrorism is evil him. He was an excellent student and a ance by non-governmental organiza- and will not be tolerated. Murderous member of the varsity basketball team tions to the Palestinian people. This acts carried out by the terrorists must at the David Posnack Hebrew Day bill’s unnecessary obstacles have the be stopped, and those who perpetuate School in Plantation, Florida. potential for very negative human con- this evil deserve nothing less than con- He was active in the Chabad sequences and would exacerbate a demnation and destruction. That is Lubavitch of Weston and hoped to pur- human crisis. why this legislation must pass. sue his religious studies further after

VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:02 May 26, 2006 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 D:\FIX-CR\H22MY6.REC H22MY6 H2996 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 22, 2006 high school. He was a handsome, witty ready has ample authority to impose medicine. But it makes no provision and compassionate young man, and did all its restrictions, and constrains the for other forms of humanitarian assist- not hesitate to speak out against any executive branch’s flexibility to use ance, such as aid for the homeless or injustice he encountered in his daily sanctions as appropriate as tools to ad- displaced families and orphans. life. dress rapidly changing circumstances. Mr. Speaker, some have pointed to He was devoted to the laws and These are the words of the adminis- Presidential waiver authority in the teachings of Judaism and Tikun Olam, tration. And I think the Congress bill and suggested that it would allow the Jewish ideal that we must work to would do well to consider them. critical assistance to reach Palestin- make the world a better place. Daniel Mr. Speaker, I yield 51⁄2 minutes to ians. Not so. Unfortunately, all aid be- was a young man with a bright future. the gentleman from North Carolina yond health-related humanitarian as- Now he is gone, robbed of his bright (Mr. PRICE). sistance would be prohibited unless the and promising future. (Mr. PRICE of North Carolina asked President, on a case-by-case basis, were Daniel is survived by his parents, and was given permission to revise and to certify that assistance is required by Sheryl and Tuly Wultz, and his sister, extend his remarks.) U.S. national security. Amanda. I join my colleagues in send- Mr. PRICE of North Carolina. Mr. And then he would have to consult ing our deepest sympathies. Speaker, almost exactly a year ago, I with Congress 25 days in advance and Mr. Speaker, I want to again salute joined a bipartisan group of Members submit a written memorandum ex- the gentlewoman from Florida and her in visiting the Hope Flowers School in plaining why such assistance benefits efforts on this bill and want to say that the Palestinian village of al Khader, U.S. security. How many projects I wholeheartedly supported her bill in just outside of Bethlehem on the West would survive such a gauntlet? Think its original form as well. Bank. about the kinds of aid programs that Mr. Speaker, I would draw the Hope Flowers teaches its students a would be cut off, projects that focus on House’s attention to page 8 of the bill curriculum promoting tolerance, non- building democratic institutions and and section 2 in which we speak about violence, democracy and peaceful coex- civil society, projects that promote the exceptions to the prohibition of as- istence. Our bipartisanship delegation economic development to stabilize the sistance in the Palestinian Authority, witnessed the signing of a USAID territories, projects that ensure that especially to section 620K of the law in agreement to renovate several class- school curricula provide students with which the bill provides for an exception rooms and other key facilities at the a progressive education rather than to fund the President of the Pales- school. fundamentalist propaganda, curricula tinian Authority for nonsecurity ex- Projects like this are supported by that teach tolerance and conflict reso- penses. the United States throughout the Pal- lution skills. Surely programs like this It is this provision, Mr. Speaker, that estinian territories. Other projects are are in our interest. I hope that we will be able to limit and paying for modern school books to en- Mr. Speaker, they are exactly what remove in the conference with the Sen- sure that fundamentalist propaganda we need to reduce violence, to build the ate. Hamas must renounce terrorism, has no place in Palestinian schools; po- capacity of Palestinian civil society, destroy all terrorist organizations that table water projects to prevent the and make progress toward a peaceful are allowed to operate in the Pales- spread of disease, economic develop- resolution; and yet they are exactly tinian Territory, and it must recognize ment to improve job prospects for Pal- the programs that would be eliminated Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state. estinian youth, and construction of in this bill. Mr. Speaker, there are other prob- Hamas and the Palestinian President, hospitals, schools, sewers, power grids lems with the bill as well. It would sig- Mr. Abbas, must understand that we in and business centers. nificantly handicap any effort to en- These types of projects are critical to the United States Congress are serious gage the moderate elements in the Pal- our interests, to Israel, and to the pros- about this policy. estinian Authority, such as Palestinian We must make it clear to the world pects for peace. They help prevent hu- Authority President Abbas, by oppos- that the U.S. does not see terrorism as manitarian crises and diminish popular ing restrictions on visas, travel, and of- discontent, and they also inculcate val- a viable tool for negotiations. This is a ficial Palestinian Authority represen- ues like those taught at Hope Flowers. first step in the process. And I would tation in the U.S. like to bring to the attention of the They train peacemakers; they im- Mr. Speaker, because of these funda- House that I strongly disagree with one prove America’s standing in the Middle mental flaws in the legislation, it is op- of the speakers from the opposition East. Why would we want to eliminate posed by several leading voices for who stated that this bill does not pro- programs like these? Are they not Israel and Middle East peace, including vide for humanitarian efforts for emer- needed now more than ever? And yet the Israel Policy Forum, Brit Tzedek, gency aid for the people in the Pales- that is exactly what H.R. 4681 would Americans for Peace Now, Churches for tinian Authority. It does. do. It would cut off U.S. assistance to Middle East Peace, a broad Protestant Mr. Speaker, I look forward to work- the West Bank and Gaza. coalition, and the U.S. Conference of ing with the gentlewoman, to working Mr. Speaker, I stress, despite the way Catholic Bishops. with Chairman HYDE and the gen- some proponents are trying to frame The Bush administration also op- tleman from California to strengthen this debate tonight, the issue is not aid poses this bill. In a paper delivered to this bill. I urge passage of this bill, and to Hamas or to the Hamas-controlled the House International Relations note that we all must stand for the ab- Palestinian Authority. Nobody on this Committee, the State Department solute rejection of terrorism and abso- floor tonight has any tolerance for calls the bill unnecessary and says it lutely no U.S. taxpayer dollar being Hamas. unduly constrains the Executive’s spent for terrorist activities. The issue is rather the bill’s ban on flexibility. Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, I aid to all nongovernmental groups, pri- Mr. Speaker, there is no denying that yield myself 45 seconds. vate groups, and organizations, many Hamas’s election victory was a signifi- Mr. Speaker, invoking the Bush doc- of whom are diametrically opposed to cant step backward in the quest for a trine, the previous speaker talks about Hamas’s philosophy. Let me clarify peaceful resolution to this conflict. humanitarian assistance. One of the some further misconceptions about There is no disagreement here tonight concerns that the Bush administration this legislation. I am not speculating that we should send Hamas a strong has in not supporting this bill is that it here, Mr. Speaker; I am referring to message that the world will not tol- is too narrowly drawn, talking about page 12 of the bill. I invite colleagues erate its violent and irresponsible be- ‘‘health,’’ and not broader humani- to read it. havior. tarian assistance. Mr. Speaker, some have suggested But this bill goes far beyond sending Mr. Speaker, I will discuss that later the bill contains sufficient exceptions that message. Instead, it sends the in the course of the evening. Due to the to allow humanitarian assistance to message that the U.S. wants to punish mandatory nature of the bill, its lack pass through. Not so. The bill makes the Palestinian people for Hamas’s ac- of a general waiver, the executive an exception for health-related human- tion, a message that serves no good branch thinks it is unnecessary. It al- itarian aid, such as food, water and purpose.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:02 May 26, 2006 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 D:\FIX-CR\H22MY6.REC H22MY6 May 22, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2997 We can unanimously support, and ment before. There are a lot of dif- racy and transparency, although their that is what we should be doing to- ferences, but there is one common immediate benefit is a little unclear in night, my colleagues, we can unani- thing. the Middle East right now. But I be- mously support legislation blocking as- When this House helped override the lieve that if there were a strict inter- sistance to Hamas, and to a Hamas- veto of Ronald Reagan against sanc- pretation of this criteria, we could not controlled Palestinian Authority. tions against the hateful, racist regime have helped the Camp David Peace But if we adopt legislation that pun- of South Africa, we were told by many Agreement with Egypt which was nei- ishes the Palestinian people, instead of that we would be hurting the people of ther democratic nor transparent, nor is isolating the terrorists, we lose the South Africa, and that was true. The Jordan, nor was the PLO and the PLA moral high ground. Let us reclaim the average South African, the average before Hamas. moral high ground, signal our resolute black South African who was victim- Let me put it this way: If Abbas’ opposition to terrorism and also our ized by apartheid was, in the short team had won instead of Hamas, I be- support for those Palestinian individ- term, victimized by sanctions. And we lieve there might have been an argu- uals and groups who are working for a did not apply sanctions only against ment that they don’t meet the criteria. peaceful and democratic future. the racists who ran the government; we So I would ask the gentleman from Mr. Speaker, we should defeat this applied sanctions against the whole California, how strictly are we going to bill and ask the IR Committee to bring country. interpret these criteria? Can he give back a bill truly reflective of American It is sometimes the case that appro- me some assurance that these criteria interests and values. priate public policy will have short- will not be so strictly interpreted that Mr. LANTOS. Mr. Speaker, I yield 7 term negative effects. But here is our you would make it impossible to deal minutes to my good friend and our dis- problem, as I say. We have been told with the very imperfect regimes that tinguished colleague from Massachu- that Hamas won that election in part we are going to have to deal with? setts (Mr. FRANK). because of its skill at delivering goods Mr. LANTOS. Mr. Speaker, will the Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts. I and services. That means if you sup- gentleman yield? thank the ranking member. port peace, it is very much in your in- Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts. I yield Mr. Speaker, first the criticism of terest not to aid Hamas’s ability to de- to the gentleman from California. the procedure. This is a difficult and liver goods and services. Mr. LANTOS. If I may take the floor, complex bill. It has no business being So I fully support the part of the bill I fully agree with the interpretation of before us under suspension of the rules. that says, no aid for Hamas. I have to my friend from Massachusetts. We are It ought to be subject to amendment say to some of my friends, I do also not looking for protection from Hamas. and unrestricted debate. It’s not like want to warn the President, as some of There is no perfection in any of the we didn’t have enough time. my liberal friends have come here to governments with which we have diplo- And to show our commitment to de- defend his right for flexibility in the matic relations and which we support mocracy by muffling it here serves no foreign policy, please be warned that with huge amounts like the govern- good purpose. But we do have the bill that is a very temporary alliance. ment of Egypt. We are merely asking before us. I plan to vote for it after for minimal standards of civilized be- some conversation in which I hope I b 2000 havior, the termination of suicide can be joined by the gentleman from Mr. President, please don’t assume bombings and the acceptance of their California. that your allies here arguing for your neighbor in peace. Mr. Speaker, let me explain my basic flexibility will last much longer than Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts. I reason. We were told when Hamas won tonight. But I also am very skeptical of thank the gentleman. Reclaiming my that election, tragically, when the ma- those who say, well, let’s give the time, I hope as this process goes for- jority of the people of Israel were ready money so they can have better schools. ward in the less restricted other body to make significant concessions, had Let’s give the money so they can learn that we can clarify that and sharpen it. already begun to do that, an historic reconciliation, et cetera. No, I don’t I will say that with regard to the inter- moment when Israel was ready to think a Hamas government is going to national financial institutions over make significant concessions for peace, allow that. So I am very much in favor which the committee on which I serve they were totally repudiated. We were of this bill insofar as it says, no, we has jurisdiction, we struck from the told, well, don’t overinterpret that will not contribute to the further polit- bill the requirement of democracy as a election, because the victory of Hamas, ical growth of Hamas. I want that gov- prerequisite for peace in the Middle which in percentage terms wasn’t as ernment to fail and fall. And that does East. great as in the Parliament for a vari- mean, as it did with sanctions in South Let me also note, by the way, I was ety of reasons, but we were told that Africa, some short-term pain, although struck, the gentleman from Virginia victory for Hamas was not simply from this bill, more than it has been de- lamented the inclusion in the provision people who agreed with their scribed by its opponents, does allow for in this bill which some of the oppo- rejectionist, hateful philosophy; but it humanitarian aid. nents have denied existed. It is kind of was probably because they were so Let me say for those of my liberal an odd thing. The poor provision is at- much better than Fatah at delivering friends who mourn for the President’s tacked by people who don’t like it and services. flexibility: Don’t you know that when- denied by people who do. That is the To some extent, we got the expla- ever we grant waivers, no matter how provision allowing aid to the president nation, frankly, for congressional ear- complicated the process, they are of the Authority. The bill does provide marks. Why do Members here like to waived? There is nothing about a re- that the aid can go to President Abbas earmark? Because they can go deliver quirement of a Presidential waiver to make peace, not just for his personal the goods to people back home and that ever stops the President from security. then get votes from people who don’t doing what he has done. The President So I disagree with the gentleman agree with them. That is, we all know, can certify that Abbas was pregnant if from Virginia. It is that amendment why we have earmarks. he had to to get the bill through, and and some of the other amendments Well, I don’t want Hamas getting any he would do it. The history of waivers that we have had in there. So I will be more earmarks. I don’t want to con- is they have been no obstacle to what voting for the bill at this point in the tribute to a situation where Hamas can policy is. spirit the gentleman from California deliver the goods because they are well But here is my problem, and I would has mentioned, namely that, yes, we funded, and then can convert the good ask the gentleman from California to say ‘‘no’’ to Hamas because we have no will they earned with that money into respond in this way, I agree that we interest in funding Hamas so it be- votes for rejection. shouldn’t aid Hamas. But this bill says comes more politically popular in sup- That is why I fully support a strict we should only aid any entity if it be- port of its rejectionism. But we do not refusal to fund Hamas. And people say, comes democratic or has taken steps to interpret this bill as being an obstacle well, you will be punishing the Pales- become democratic and to become to negotiations of the sort that we tinian people. I have heard the argu- transparent. Now, I am all for democ- have with Egypt, with Jordan, with

VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:02 May 26, 2006 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 D:\FIX-CR\H22MY6.REC H22MY6 H2998 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 22, 2006 Arafat, certainly no winner of the civil ion, and this serious debate tonight of this Congress, and I speak my heart- liberties award from anybody. about which there are serious dif- felt condolences to Daniel’s family. With that assurance of the gen- ferences that I deeply respect, this de- May we act in such a way that Daniel tleman and the hope that we can refine bate tonight about the future of Amer- and his loss will soon, some day soon, this as it goes forward, I will vote for ican financial assistance to the Pales- be simply a part of a history of a time this bill. tinian Authority is such a debate. gone by, a history that will be remem- Mr. LANTOS. We appreciate the gen- Let us say plainly, Hamas is a ter- bered as other violent pages of the his- tleman’s support. rorist organization that advocates for tory of mankind have been remem- ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE its political ideology the murder of in- bered, with respect, with grief but rep- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. nocent civilians. This Congress, this resentative of a time that is past. And KUHL of New York). The Chair would President, his administration and the that will be my prayer. remind Members to direct their re- American people have been clear, the Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, I marks to the Chair, not the President. United States does not support, nego- yield 4 minutes to the gentleman from Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, I tiate or fund terrorist organizations, Michigan (Mr. DINGELL), the Dean of yield such time as he may consume to even those that have won a majority of the House. the gentleman from Indiana (Mr. a legislature. Tonight we will say (Mr. DINGELL asked and was given PENCE), a member of the International clearly in this Palestinian Anti-Ter- permission to revise and extend his re- Relations Committee. rorism Act: Not one penny for Hamas. marks.) (Mr. PENCE asked and was given per- The Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act Mr. DINGELL. Mr. Speaker, this leg- mission to revise and extend his re- promotes, however, a democratic Pal- islation should be considered under an marks.) estinian Authority that denounces and open rule with lengthy debate and full Mr. PENCE. I thank the gentle- combats terrorism, de-arms and dis- opportunity to discuss it, not at 8 woman for yielding, and more to the mantles terrorist agencies, networks o’clock at night with the corporal’s point, I thank Representative ROS- and facilities, and works to eliminate guard here on the floor. LEHTINEN for her extraordinary leader- anti-Israel and anti-Semitic incite- I yield to no man in my support for ship of the Subcommittee on the Mid- ment and the commemoration of ter- Israel. I have voted for hundreds of bil- dle East and Central Asia where it is rorists; one that agrees to respect the lions of dollars for it over the years I my privilege to serve. My heartfelt ap- sovereignty of its neighbors and ac- have served here. And I yield to no man my position to terror and terrorism preciation to Chairman Henry Hyde to knowledges, respects and upholds the and terrorists. But that is not what is demonstrate that the lion still roars. human rights; and one at its very core His leadership in bringing this legisla- at issue here tonight. that has agreed to recognize our cher- The administration says this bill is tion to the floor is meaningful and of ished ally, the State of Israel, as an not necessary. It points out that this global significance. And to my mentor independent, sovereign, Jewish, demo- bill constrains the administration in and friend, the ranking member, the cratic state. delivering meaningful diplomatic effort gentleman from California (Mr. LAN- Now, there are criticisms tonight to resolve the problems of the Middle TOS) I rise with gratitude for your well spoken and no doubt well inten- East. The Middle East’s problems and tioned that say that the administra- moral leadership again demonstrated the problems of the Palestinians and tion and our country will lack the on this floor this evening with your el- the Israelis will not be resolved by oquent and powerful words. flexibility to meet the humanitarian starving the Palestinians or by cre- I rise today in strong support of the needs on the ground. But I must say, ating additional hardship. They are Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act. As an Mr. Speaker, with the clear language of desperate people, incarcerated in walls, original co-sponsor of the act, I come this legislation that I would argue oth- afflicted with high unemployment, suf- to this floor tonight saddened. I am erwise; that this legislation excludes fering from health and other problems. saddened at what seems to be a dimin- funding for ‘‘basic human health The non-governmental organizations ishing opportunity for peace. In the needs.’’ There is also the allowance of point out that this will strip them in wake of a world hopeful with the elec- security for President Abbas, and then substantial part of contributing to tion of President Abbas, we saw it fol- perhaps the broadest exception that this. It will in large part almost totally lowed with the election of a legislative has even met with some criticism to- strip the United States from the abil- majority within the Palestinian Au- night, an exception for nonsecurity ex- ity to address the needs of the Pales- thority of a terrorist organization penses that are ‘‘related to the facilita- tinian people and to address the hu- known as Hamas. I am saddened to- tion of a peaceful resolution of the con- manitarian concerns which we have night by the story of Daniel whose flict between the Palestinian people about them. family’s loss will be remembered, not and Israel.’’ Peace in the Middle East is not going just as it was poignantly this evening Back in southern Indiana, we call to be achieved at gunpoint. It is going by Congressman CANTOR on this floor that a hole that you could drive a to be achieved by negotiations, by peo- as he spoke of his own flesh and blood, truck through, and it is precisely the ple working together; and that process but will be remembered later this week kind of flexibility that we need in these may be ugly, dirty and slow, but it is as the Prime Minister of Israel comes uncertain days. In these days, even in the only process that will work. To cre- with some of Daniel’s family at his the last 24 hours, where we have seen ate additional hardship and suffering side. nascent evidence of even a civil war for the Palestinians is simply going to The gentleman from California (Mr. emerging within the Palestinian Au- guarantee more desperate, angry men LANTOS) reminded us of the human cost thority, as much as I might like a who are fully determined that they will about which we debate tonight, and the much more narrowly construed bill, I go forth to kill Israelis or Americans policies and the messages that we will am prepared to endorse this legisla- or anybody else. Our purpose here to- send from this well to a waiting world tion, carefully crafted for the exigen- night should be to look to the well- will speak to real human loss, a loss of cies of our time. I pray for the peace of being of the United States, craft a pol- opportunity, a loss of promise, to the Jerusalem and for all the people that icy which is good for this country. And loss of Daniel. It has been said many live there. that policy can only be one which is times tonight, and I take my col- Mr. Speaker, the Palestinian Anti- good for Israel and for the Palestinian leagues at their word, that the State Terrorism Act sends a clear signal once people, one which is fair to all, one Department has said that this legisla- again that the United States will not which puts the United States as a tion is ‘‘unnecessary.’’ tolerate terrorism, and we take a crit- friend and an honest broker of peace to But let me say, as one of 435 Rep- ical stand at this moment in history in both parties where we can be so accept- resentatives in the United States advocating for meaningful reform to ed. House of Representatives, that the the very center of the Hamas charter. I world waits for the leadership of this salute my colleagues, both Democrat b 2015 Congress and this Nation, and they and Republican, for bringing this crit- To take some other course is simply wait for moral leadership that is clar- ical and moral legislation to the floor to assure continuing hardship and a

VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:02 May 26, 2006 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 D:\FIX-CR\H22MY6.REC H22MY6 May 22, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2999 continuing poisonous, hateful relation- If this legislation is signed into law we will Hamas. Having taken over the govern- ship amongst the parties in the area. lose once and for all the Palestinian people. ment of the Palestinian Authority, When this Congress realizes that and Our rejection of them will create one clear vic- Hamas has reiterated its commitment when we, this Congress and the others tor—the government of . If we pass this to violence and the destruction of here, will recognize that that is the legislation, Iran will win by default. Instead of Israel. The charter of Hamas is quite way peace is achieved, then there will textbooks for Palestinian children being written clear about this. I have read that char- be a real prospect for peace. We can ex- by USAID they will be written by the Iranian ter time and time again. It is unaccept- pect that the Palestinians will receive Revolutionary Council. Schools will be built able, and it is the duty of all nations to the justice that they seek. We can ex- with Iranian oil money and our ability to influ- keep pressure on Hamas to renounce pect that the Israelis will achieve the ence peace will be weaker as a result. terrorism and recognize the State of security that they need and they want What I find so strange is that this legislation Israel. and they deserve and that we want is being championed by people who believe The resolution before us today is an them to have. themselves to be the staunchest supporters of effective and noteworthy vehicle for This legislation will do none of that. Israel. Mr. Speaker, in order to strengthen the Congress of the United States to This legislation promises further angry Israel peace needs to prevail in the region. In send this message. The United States men, more bitterness, more hate, more order to guarantee Israel’s survival the Pal- will not give assistance, financial or ill-will; and it assures that the thing estinians need to find prosperity and view the otherwise, to Hamas or any Hamas- which we must use to bring this miser- United States as a friend. This bill will only controlled entity. Terrorism cannot be able situation to an end, honest, honor- stymie those efforts. I ask my colleagues to tolerated. We will not treat this gov- able, face-to-face negotiation, will ei- vote no. ernment as legitimate as long as their ther not occur or will be moved many Mr. LANTOS. Mr. Speaker, I am very current dangerous policies and rhetoric years into the future. pleased to yield 4 minutes to the gen- remain in place. Think about it. The needs of Israel tleman from New Jersey (Mr. Many of us in the House are in favor are not served by this resolution. The PASCRELL), my good friend. of a peaceful, two-state solution to the needs of the United States are not (Mr. PASCRELL asked and was given Israeli-Palestinian conflict, but this served by this resolution. The needs of permission to revise and extend his re- will be unattainable while Hamas re- the Palestinian people are not served marks.) fuses to renounce terror. by this resolution. Mr. PASCRELL. Mr. Speaker, I We do not want to punish the Pales- Let us vote it down and get some- thank the ranking member. tinian people. We know that the over- thing which makes sense and which I am going to support this resolution whelming majority of Palestinians and serves the interests of all concerned. when it comes to a vote tomorrow. I the overwhelming majority of Amer- Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong opposition to want to take this opportunity, if I ican Palestinians and Palestinian the resolution on the floor. I oppose Hamas. I may, to speak about some of the issues Americans do not adhere to the de- oppose what they stand for. I oppose their use that have been raised during this very structive philosophy of Hamas. Hamas of violence, their targeting of civilians; their vi- important debate, very critical debate. must reject its charter which calls for sion for the Palestinian people; their rejection We have lowered our voices, really, and the destruction of Israel. Nothing less of Israel; and most of all I deplore their rejec- raised our commitment on all sides of is acceptable. tion of peaceful reconciliation. this issue. For all these reasons, and many more, I do The United States must encourage I represent one of the most diverse not think that Hamas is a true partner for the meeting between Israeli Prime districts in the United States of Amer- peace. But while Hamas may not be, the Pal- Minister Ehud Olmert and Palestinian ica. When I was mayor of the city that estinian people are. The vast majority of Pal- Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, was the center of my district, estinians want peace. The vast majority value planned for next week, a very critical Paterson, where I have lived all my peace, follow the law, oppose violence—and time for this legislation, as an impor- legislation like this only hurts the vast majority life, Jews and Arabs and Muslims and tant way to keep a dialogue going be- we need for peace. Palestinians, we worked together, we tween the Israelis and the Palestinians. I understand the House’s desire to ostracize prayed together, and we still do. I will vote for this legislation be- Hamas. But I do not understand how we keep The conflict is very serious, we know cause I feel strongly that the loudest making the same mistakes by punishing the that. Building bridges is part of my message practicable must be sent to very people we all say we want to help. The bone marrow. You learn that when you Hamas. restrictions on aid in this bill will not hurt are a mayor. Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, I Hamas, they will receive plenty of money from The conflict in Israel is the axis on yield 4 minutes to the gentlewoman Iran, but this will hurt the Palestinian people. which much of the Middle East and from California (Mrs. CAPPS). Under this bill assistance will be limited only much of the Middle East politics spins, (Mrs. CAPPS asked and was given to ‘‘basic health’’, a restriction we reject for al- but let us not forget that what we do permission to revise and extend her re- most every other nation. This bill would stop and say here has major implications marks.) economic development assistance, sanitation across the globe. This is true in the Mrs. CAPPS. Mr. Speaker, I thank assistance, environmental assistance—and Congress, as well as when the President my colleague from Oregon for yielding. most ironically, at a time when we are criti- speaks. Mr. Speaker, let me begin by paying cizing their choice of government—democracy The United States is strongly com- special tribute to Chairman HYDE. This assistance. mitted to the security of Israel as a may be his last year of service in this Make no mistake about it; their vote was to Jewish state. There is no question that House, but his legacy of trying to bring get back at our own repeatedly misguided at- our friend and ally has every right to peace to Israel and the Palestinians tempts to punish rather than cajole, to batter defend itself against those who oppose will live on for many years to come. rather than build trust, and to impoverish rath- freedom and democracy. Mr. Speaker, I must rise in opposi- er than to uplift. When we provided Mahmoud The record will show very clearly, tion to this bill. Abbas no deliverables and only hardships, it Mr. Speaker, that I have not put my Let there be no mistake, Hamas is a made Hamas’s promises hard to ignore. signature on every one of those pieces ruthless terrorist organization. Unless Our actions emboldened the Hamas, and of legislation over the past 10 years, Hamas recognizes Israel’s right to exist we are about to do it again. My friends, pas- but I think this is different. Many of and renounces terror, the Palestinian sage of this legislation will create yet another those pieces of legislation I think exac- Authority should receive no direct U.S. failed state and humanitarian catastrophe in erbated the situation in the Middle assistance. Direct aid to the Hamas- the Middle East. However, this one, unlike East. The ranking member and I have controlled PA has been cut off. The Iraq, will be surrounded by our staunchest ally talked about that many times. Not this basic goal of this bill has already been in that region. If we destabilize Palestine we time. This is a clear denunciation of accomplished. will destabilize Israel. If we help create chaos Hamas, an organization motivated by But H.R. 4681 goes well beyond this we weaken the chance for finding peace be- hate, not pride. objective. It is a punitive measure tween Israel and her neighbors—and even The world community harbors deep aimed at punishing the Palestinian threaten the very viability of the Jewish state. trepidation regarding the rise of people. It will undermine U.S. national

VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:02 May 26, 2006 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 D:\FIX-CR\H22MY6.REC H22MY6 H3000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 22, 2006 interests. It will do nothing to carefully crafted and aimed at the ter- Hamas recognizes Israel’s rights to strengthen Israel security. rorist organization called Hamas. exist, renounces terrorism, agrees to I have two main objections with this I did not know, Mr. Speaker, when I abide by previous PLO and PA agree- bill. First, it places nearly insurmount- spoke about the 16-year-old young ments with Israel and the United able efforts to future U.S. efforts to en- American citizen who was killed by States, and does not have a member of gage Palestinians and Israel in peace- Hamas that he is the cousin of one of a foreign terrorist organization in a making. It lacks the normal Presi- our colleagues, and I would like to ex- senior policy-making position. dential national security waiver; and tend my condolences to my friend from And despite the prohibition of direct unbelievably, it would limit United Virginia who suffered this personal assistance, the bill includes exceptions, States diplomatic contact with mod- loss. as it should. For example, the Presi- erate, non-Hamas Palestinian officials. The avalanche of misrepresentations dent still may provide assistance for Why is this? These are the very leaders can only be ascribed to a sloppy read- nonsecurity expenses directly related who recognize Israel and who support ing of this legislation. It is extremely to facilitating a peaceful resolution of peace, and it makes absolutely no carefully crafted, and if, in fact, the the conflict. Furthermore, the bill re- sense for us to undercut them at this issue would not be as serious, I would stricts indirect assistance through non- critical time. find it ludicrous that some of the governmental organizations unless the Second, except for very limited cir- sharpest critics of the Bush adminis- certification described above is made cumstances, this bill will cut off hu- tration have suddenly found great af- by the President. manitarian aid to the Palestinian peo- fection for the Bush administration be- However, let me add, this provision ple at the very moment when a horren- cause, like all other administrations, it contains an unqualified exception for dous humanitarian disaster is looming. wants total flexibility. basic human health needs, such as The United States, our Quartet part- It is ludicrous that the most virulent food, water, medicine and sanitation ners, and Israel are all hard at work at critics of the Bush administration sud- services. I tell some of my friends, if present to avoid catastrophe and to de- denly find themselves in bed with the that were not in here, I would have res- liver assistance around Hamas to cred- Bush administration. This is, to say ervations, but those basic services are ible and transparent NGOs. H.R. 4681 the least, unseemly. fully excepted in this legislation. Mr. Speaker, this bill is, I think, goes in the opposite direction. Mr. Speaker, I yield 4 minutes to the measured and balanced and dem- I simply cannot see how denying gentleman from Maryland (Mr. HOYER), onstrates the refusal of the United chemotherapy treatment for Pales- the distinguished Democratic whip, my States to reward terrorists for ter- tinian children increases Israel’s secu- good friend. rorism. It should not be, and I think it rity or advances U.S. national inter- Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, I thank is not, punitive as it relates to the Pal- ests. the gentleman for yielding. estinian people. It provides, as I said, Mr. Speaker, there is significant op- Mr. Speaker, I want to thank Mr. for health needs, food, water, medicine position to this bill in the pro-Israel LANTOS and Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN for and sanitation services. They are in community, and I highlight again, re- bringing this legislation to the floor. need of those services, and we ought to spected national groups like Americans The premise of this bill is eminently provide them. for Peace Now, Israel Policy Forum, reasonable, in my opinion, and one But what we ought not to do and and Brit Tzedek strongly oppose this with which the American people, I what we ought never to do is to give legislation. They tell us voting ‘‘no’’ on think, strongly agree. In short, the aid and comfort to terrorists or to ter- this bill is a pro-Israel vote. United States of America should not, rorist organizations or to terrorist gov- Groups like Churches for Middle East indeed it must not, provide assistance ernments. Because if we do so, that Peace and the Conference of Catholic to a government run by terrorists will encourage others to commit hei- Bishops, with decades of experience whose very policy and purpose is the nous acts of terrorism, as were done providing humanitarian relief, they op- destruction of another nation. here, as are done in Israel, and have pose it as well. All of us are concerned about the been done around the world. The State Department also opposes plight of the Palestinian people, who Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, I the bill, calling it unnecessary and have suffered tragically for decades am pleased to yield 4 minutes to the criticizing its provisions as objection- under the leadership of Arafat and now gentleman from Illinois (Mr. LAHOOD). able. Hamas. (Mr. LAHOOD asked and was given On Wednesday, we will welcome I share those concerns. I have been to permission to revise and extend his re- Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert to Gaza. I have been to the West Bank. I marks.) this Chamber. Yesterday, this is what have met with President Abbas and Mr. LAHOOD. Mr. Speaker, I thank he told his Cabinet: ‘‘We have no inten- other Palestinian officials, and I have the gentleman for the time. I think tion of helping the Palestinian govern- seen the deprivation, the frustration, this is not a carefully crafted bill. I ment, but I say we will render such as- and the lack of opportunity in the Pal- think this is, as much as I respect the sistance as may be necessary for hu- estinian territories. chairman and the ranking member, and manitarian needs.’’ He also dispatched I think there is not one of us on this I do respect the chairman, I have his top two ministers for a substantive floor who is not concerned about their known the chairman for the 20 years I meeting with Palestinian President plight, as we should be. However, our have been in politics, and I respect the Mahmoud Abbas. legitimate concerns for the Palestinian ranking member, but I think the ap- If this policy of shutting the door on people must not obscure the fact that proach that is offered in this bill is Hamas but opening it to Palestinian the Palestinian Authority is now con- what I would characterize as a meat- moderates and the Palestinian people trolled by Hamas, an organization des- axe approach. themselves is good enough for the ignated as a terrorist entity by the This does not help common ordinary Prime Minister of Israel, it should be United States and by the European citizens. What it does is it hurts com- good enough for the U.S. House of Rep- Union. No one here, I understand, mon ordinary citizens. There is no resentatives. stands to defend Hamas; but it is a other way around it. You can protest So I urge my colleagues to vote ‘‘no’’ movement that is committed to the de- as much as you want about Mrs. CAPPS on H.R. 4681. struction of another nation, in this and what she said, but she is right. Mr. LANTOS. Mr. Speaker, I yield case our ally Israel. Common ordinary citizens, common or- myself such time as I may consume. Mr. Speaker, I believe this balanced dinary Palestinians are going to be Before yielding time, I would like to legislation is warranted. hurt by this, because the funding is just say a word about the avalanche of going to be cut off for educational serv- misrepresentations which we have b 2030 ices, for health services, for the serv- heard on this floor. Among other provisions, it prohibits ices that these people need very badly. This legislation does not in any sense direct financial transfers to the Pales- And what we have now, it looks to provide any punishment for the Pales- tinian Authority. That is our policy: me like at least a couple hundred Sec- tinian people, just the opposite. It is until the President certifies that retaries of State, as reflected in this

VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:02 May 26, 2006 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 D:\FIX-CR\H22MY6.REC H22MY6 May 22, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3001 bill. Do you all know more than the like to yield half of my time to Mr. Israel. I support this bill because Secretary of State? Do you know more LANTOS, and ask unanimous consent Hamas has claimed responsibility for than the President? Do you think your that he be permitted to control that the murder of 26 American citizens. policy is better than the administra- time. Those American citizens include: David tion’s policy? Yes, you do. Well, I don’t The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Applebaum of Ohio; Nava Applebaum, happen to agree with that. I really objection to the request of the gentle- also of Ohio; Alan Beer of Ohio; Marla don’t. woman from Florida? Bennet of California; Benjamin And I ask Members, I may be the There was no objection. Blutstein of Pennsylvania; David Boim only Republican to vote against this. I Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, I of New York; Yael Botwin of Cali- am obviously going to be the only Re- yield such time as he consume to the fornia; Dina Carter of North Carolina; publican to speak against it, but I ask gentleman from Illinois (Mr. KIRK). Janis Ruth Coulter of Massachusetts; Members who representat large Arab Mr. KIRK. Mr. Speaker, I thank the Sara Duker of New Jersey; Matthew populations in their districts to think gentlewoman, the chairwoman of our Eisenfeld of Connecticut; Tzvi Gold- about this. This hurts the Palestinian committee, and I want to applaud her stein of New York; Judith Greenbaum people. There is no other way to put it. and Congressman LANTOS, two Mem- of New Jersey; David Gritz of Massa- And I do not know why you are doing bers who cut through the partisan ran- chusetts; Dina Horowitz of Florida; Eli this. In the name of protecting Israel? cor of this institution to act with clar- Horowitz of Illinois; Tehilla Nathanson I just think this is a bad idea, and I ity against murderous intolerance. of New York; Malka Roth of New York; don’t understand why it is being done. Mr. Speaker, we sometimes may ask Mordechai Reinitz of New York; I would say this: The new prime min- the question: If I was alive in 1939, Yitzhak Reinitz of New York; Malka ister of Israel is in this country. In a what would I have done? If I was alive Roth of New York; Leah Stern of New day or two, he will be walking down in 1939, would I have recognized the Jersey; Goldie Taubenfeld of New York; this middle aisle. And if he were able to coming danger to America? If I was Shmuel Taubenfeld of New York; vote and have a card that would allow alive in 1939, would I have seen the Nachshon Wachsman of New York; Ira him to vote as he walks down, he would seeds of genocide? But we do not live in Weinstein of New York; and Yitzhak vote against this bill. He has recog- 1939. We live in 2006, and many of the Weinstock of California. nized that it is a bad bill. And if he had dangers we see today have parallels in My colleague from New York talked the opportunity to put his voting card history. about the common people that this as he walks down, he would vote Across the sea now, there is an intol- would hurt. Common Americans have against it, as would a large part of this erant dictator rising who says that one been killed by Hamas, and their blood administration. Why? Because it hurts Holocaust is not enough. The people in is on the fingers of Hamas leaders. It is common ordinary people. That is why. Israel rightly fear a new intolerant Is- time for us to call it as we see it: intol- If you are going after Hamas, go after lamic mullah who might say that an- erant murderous leaders, people who in them, but don’t restrict the funding other 6 million should be murdered. other uniforms at other times we have that helps people. The reason that The Iranians have many allies in the seen before; and for us to cut off their Hamas won the election is the Pal- world. None of their allies are better funding, to say that the only Hamas estinians didn’t have the right people than Hamas, leaders trained by ty- moderate is a Hamas radical out of on the ballot and didn’t work the bal- rants, funded by murderers and utterly money and bullets, and for us to say lot in order to do it. And Hamas has clear in their political program. One of that we wish this government, this gone out into those communities and the lessons of history is that dictators Hamas government to fail, that in its provided services, and they have en- say what they are going to do and then place a more moderate government deared themselves to the Palestinian do what they said. And Hamas has told will rise, and at that time, it will be people while the leadership of Pal- us that they are for killing innocent ci- the time for the United States to sup- estine has been pocketing a lot of vilians, and they have done that. They port it and not a minute before that. money. That’s the reason they won the tell us that they support international And I want to take one more per- elections. They ran better elections. terrorist attacks, and they have done sonal privilege to say to the gentleman But why fault the people for that? And that, too. Hamas has told us that they from California, Mr. LANTOS: Thank why take this kind of funding away wish to drive our democratic allies in you. Thank you for your leadership. from common ordinary citizens? Israel into the sea, and we cannot let Thank you for your history. And thank Now, for all of you that come out on them do that. you for cutting through all of the rhet- this floor all the time and talk about Democracies are best when they de- oric and giving us clear direction to what we should be doing and what we fend each other, and the best way to use your eyes and your experience to are cutting and what we are not cut- defend our allies is to support mod- teach us of how the past can inform the ting, this is an opportunity to say to erate Arabs willing to join in peace. So future so that it does not happen again. common ordinary citizens in Palestine: we did that. The United States, the Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, be- We care about you. We care about your Congress, this House over the last fore I recognize the gentleman from health care. We care about education. many fiscal years, provided hundreds of Ohio, I would yield myself 5 minutes, We care about your opportunity for millions of taxpayer dollars to support because I have been sitting here re- jobs and to really be able to do the moderate Arabs. flecting on my good friend from Cali- things you want to do. We in this House funded the rise of fornia’s comments about people who But if you vote for this, we say: The Yasir Arafat. We created the Pales- suddenly are the best friend of the ad- heck with you. We care more about tinian Authority. We embraced the in- ministration who have been critical of sending a message to Hamas leadership effective government of Mahmoud them. than we do about the people of Pal- Abbas. And each of these efforts, at a Well, I have only been here 10 years, estine. I think that is what the mes- cost of hundreds of millions of tax- not as long as my distinguished friend, sage is. This will not hurt the leader- payer dollars from the United States, but one of the things I have tried to do ship of Hamas. It will not. Because have failed. And so now we see Hamas with Republican and Democratic ad- they are going to have the money and taking power, a Hamas that what it ministrations alike, when it comes to the resources that they need, and they does not get politically is taking mili- foreign policy, is to attempt to be sup- will say what they want, but it will tarily. Yesterday, Hamas tried to as- portive when I agree but to be clear hurt common ordinary people. sassinate a top key official who works that when I disagree, when I think they Vote ‘‘no’’ on this resolution. for President Abbas. A civil war is are wrong, to stand up. Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, I breaking out on the West Bank because I take a back seat to no one in terms ask unanimous consent that debate on Hamas does not have enough power yet of my opposition to this administra- this matter be extended by 60 minutes, and is willing to kill anyone in their tion’s reckless conduct in Iraq. I have equally divided. Perhaps the opponents way. been consistent on that from the begin- of the bill would have an opportunity Mr. Speaker, I do not support this ning. One of the concerns I had about to read the legislation. And I would bill just because I support our allies in this administration was their disdain

VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:02 May 26, 2006 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 D:\FIX-CR\H22MY6.REC H22MY6 H3002 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 22, 2006 for nation-building. You will recall the wants flexibility. They do not want regrettable. It is imperative that the inter- rhetoric of then Governor Bush. congressional restraints. national community (including the U.S.) But part of our obligation as Mem- Our legislation provides for re- make a concerted and coordinated effort to bers of this chamber is to be supportive straints because we are a co-equal pressure Hamas. However, H.R. 4681 rep- resents a case of Congress using a blunt in- when we can. Because in the conduct of branch of government, and we wish to strument where a surgical tool is needed. In foreign policy, it would be nice if it did express the policies that we want to see doing so, the bill risks undercutting such ef- stop at the water’s edge. I appreciate our government pursue. forts, harming U.S. national security, and that the administration has changed To claim that on this issue the ad- undermining those Palestinian officials and its position on nation-building and has ministration should have total flexi- activists who recognize Israel, reject terror, actually requested more assistance bility is contrary to the interests of and support a two-state solution to the than it looks like this Congress is the Congress as a body. Israeli-Palestinian conflict. going to give them for foreign aid. Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, to This legislation is fundamentally flawed respond to my distinguished colleague, and deserves to be rejected by the House. b 2045 nowhere here have I said I want the ad- APN urges Members—including those who When they were willing to work with have cosponsored and/or plan to vote for the ministration to have unrestrained measure—to speak out on the House floor us in water and sanitation, I embraced flexibility. Not once. And I am not ex- and submit statements for the record draw- that. I think we should reinforce posi- pressing delight that we are on the ing attention to the many serious problems tive things that we can agree on. That same side. with H.R. 4681. is what the American public wants. I What I said was when I find I am in APN talking points on H.R. 4681: do not think we should be reflexive and agreement, I look forward to ways to H.R. 4681 unnecessarily risks U.S. national negative. work with them. When I see them move security. The U.S. can maintain a tough line The administration has raised a le- in directions I wish they had done with against Hamas without compromising our gitimate concern about flexibility, Afghanistan and Iraq, for heaven’s own national security or unreasonably tying about being able to implement it, and the President’s hand in the conduct of for- sake, I am going to move in this direc- eign policy. Rejecting terrorism is not in- these are consistent with Republican tion with the stakes so high. With all compatible with ensuring that U.S. national and Democratic administrations in the due respect, it is not a question of giv- security interests remain the primary con- past in terms of not wanting sanctions ing unlimited flexibility to the admin- cern of U.S. foreign policy. to go on forever and wanting to have istration. I have never said that, am H.R. 4681, however, irresponsibly and un- the flexibility to respond, not after 25 not interested in it. necessarily subjugates U.S. national security days of consultation according to very, There is a framework here in terms interests to political grandstanding. It does narrow little channels, but to be able of the sanctions that we are talking so by eliminating the President’s authority to act responsibly to practice diplo- about, things like extending beyond to waive sanctions in the interests of U.S. national security—a waiver that is a stand- macy. the narrow definition of health to deal ard component of virtually all U.S. sanctions The history of this House of Rep- with humanitarian assistance and envi- legislation. This waiver, which has only rare- resentatives is not very illustrious ronmental cleanup. There are a whole ly been invoked, represents minimal flexi- when it comes to many of these ques- host of things that could have been bility for the President to waive sanctions tions. Congress has sort of flitted dealt with here in the ambit of this leg- on assistance when U.S. national security in- around and has been subjected to the islation. terests are at stake. It is unfathomable that pressures of the moment and has not I share with my good friend an inter- Congress would decide that, in the wake of always been a constructive ally. est in having this administration be the Hamas election, the President no longer As we know, this House passed a more accountable to Congress and needs or can be trusted with such authority. Indeed, it is not difficult to imagine sce- draft by only one vote immediately be- come forward and answer our ques- narios under which U.S. national security fore World War II. Lots of simple, com- tions. I would like oversight about might clearly call for direct, quick assist- monsense straight-ahead solutions that what is going on in Iraq and what is ance—for instance, following new Pales- we have been involved with have not going on in Afghanistan. Heaven knows tinian elections or in the wake of a natural always been the best and most care- I would. disaster. Moreover, the Bush Administration fully crafted. But that does not mean that we has already put in place tough new restric- I come forward not being a fan of this ought to have unnecessarily restrictive tions on aid to the Palestinians, clearly indi- administration in many areas, in many and burdensome activities that are cating the uncompromising stance this Ad- ministration is taking in response to the areas, but in this one, as I listen to going to work against what I think are Hamas victory. APN urges Congress to de- them, as I look at the requested flexi- the interests of the Israeli people, the mand that a real national security waiver be bility, as I look at independent experts, Palestinians and citizens of the United added to this bill, enabling the President to as I hear from religious leaders back States. waive the various sanctions if he deems it to home and the National Conference of Mr. Speaker, I yield 5 minutes to the be in the national security interests of the Catholic Bishops, I see a wide range of gentleman from Ohio (Mr. KUCINICH). U.S. to do so. people that support the concerns that (Mr. KUCINICH asked and was given H.R. 4681 risks undermining Palestinian the administration share with us. permission to revise and extend his re- moderates and strengthening extremists. In marks, and include extraneous mate- response to the Hamas victory, we should Mr. LANTOS. Mr. Speaker, will the seek to strengthen those Palestinians who gentleman yield? rial.) Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I thank reject violence, recognize Israel, and support Mr. BLUMENAUER. I yield to the a two-state solution. In doing so, we put gentleman from California. the gentleman for yielding me this pressure on Hamas to reform, and we Mr. LANTOS. I appreciate my good time, and I include for the RECORD a strengthen those Palestinians who, we hope, friend yielding, and allow me to point statement by Americans for Peace Now will replace Hamas if it fails to reform. out the fatal flaw in your logic. We are relative to H.R. 4681 and also a state- H.R. 4681, however, undermines these posi- not discussing the fact that some of us ment by Brit Tzedek v’Shalom, the tions and the Palestinians who hold them, by occasionally support the administra- Jewish Alliance for Justice and Peace. providing no political horizon for an alter- native leadership to strive to reach. Under tion, and you just expressed great de- [From Americans for Peace Now] this bill, the PA—even if replaced by more light that on this issue you find your- H.R. 4681: GRANDSTANDING ABOUT PALESTIN- welcome leadership—will likely be unable to self on the side of the administration. IANS, AT THE EXPENSE OF U.S. AND ISRAELI meet the reform requirements in the short- The issue logically is flexibility. The INTERESTS. or medium-term, especially outside the con- people who have criticized this admin- Tomorrow the House is expected to sus- text of progress towards a peace agreement. istration most vigorously over the pend the rules and take up H.R. 4681, the Thus, even if new elections were held and years have claimed that the adminis- ‘‘Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act of 2006.’’ won by a different party, all sanctions would tration is riding roughshod over the This legislation would impose sweeping sanc- remain in place until the other reform re- tions against the Palestinians in response to quirements had been met. APN urges Con- Congress, not asking for more flexi- the victory of Hamas In the January Pales- gress to demand that a ‘‘sunset clause’’ be bility. This is a spurious argument. tinian legislative elections. added to H.R. 4681, providing a political hori- This is a phony argument. This admin- Hamas’ victory in the elections for the zon for moderate, reasonable Palestinian po- istration, as do all administrations, Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) was litical leaders and activists, and sending a

VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:02 May 26, 2006 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 D:\FIX-CR\H22MY6.REC H22MY6 May 22, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3003 signal of real support and hope to the Pales- APN urges Congress to reject this bill’s velop Palestinian civil society. A humani- tinian people. [A sunset clause is like an ‘‘ex- misguided effort to attack the UN, especially tarian crisis in the Palestinian territories piration date’’ for legislation, stipulating a at a time when Israel is asking the UN to will only increase support for extremism, date or event after which Congress will ei- play a greater role in providing services to thereby endangering Israel and further de- ther let the legislation lapse, renew the leg- the Palestinians. This attack has nothing to stabilizing the region. islation, or amend it in some way.] do with the Hamas election or UN activities H.R. 4681 restricts US diplomatic relations H.R. 4681 loses sight of the real priorities. in the West Bank and Gaza, and instead risks by prohibiting visas and travel (with limited H.R. 4681 seeks to precondition U.S. relations sending the message that the real goal of waivers) for all members of the PA and the with the PA—and impose sweeping sanc- this bill is to assail Palestinians in every PLO regardless of whether or not they have tions—based on the demand that the PA possible forum. APN is the premier Jewish, connections to Hamas. In this respect, the meet a list of requirements that include Zionist organization working to enhance bill prevents the US from fully engaging and wide-ranging reforms unrelated to the elec- Israel’s security through peace. APN believes bolstering moderate Palestinian leaders, tion of Hamas. Important as these reforms that strong U.S. leadership is the best hope such as President Mahmoud Abbas, who rec- may be, neither the U.S. nor Israel has ever for reducing Israeli-Palestinian violence and ognize and support peace with Israel. Exist- considered them a prerequisite for engaging bringing about a political process that can ing US law already forbids members of with the PA (or, for that matter, the PLO, eventually pave the way for security and Hamas and other foreign terrorist organiza- Jordan, or Egypt, in the context of their peace for Israelis and Palestinians. tions from obtaining visas or having diplo- agreements with Israel). Adding these re- matic relations with the United States. forms as preconditions for engagement loses Brit Tzedek v’Shalom—Jewish Alliance for As American Jews, we share profound dis- sight of real priorities—like saving lives— Justice and Peace may at the election of Hamas to the Pales- and undermines the incentive for the most Brit Tzedek v’Shalom urges representa- tinian Authority. Yet in this challenging critical demands to be taken seriously. For hour, we urge you to maintain a cautious ap- example, under this bill, if Hamas renounced tives to vote no on H.R. 4681. Brit Tzedek v’Shalom, the Jewish Alliance for Justice proach to the new Palestinian government, terror, changed its charter, acted decisively so as to preserve the future possibility of against other terrorist organizations, dis- and Peace, is the nation’s largest Jewish grassroots peace organization with a net- bringing Israelis and Palestinians back to armed its own militants, and recognized the negotiating table—which is the only Israel, but had not yet made substantial work of over 34,000 supporters who are com- mitted to Israel’s well-being through a nego- path to achieve true peace and security for progress toward replacing all textbooks with both peoples. ‘‘materials to promote tolerance, peace, and tiated two-state resolution of the Israeli- Palestinian conflict. Vote No on H.R. 4681. coexistence with Israel,’’ all sanctions would Mr. KUCINICH. I want to extend my remain in place. APN urges Congress to re- H.R. 4681, the Palestinian Anti-Terrorism ject preconditioning U.S. relations with the Act of 2006, fails to serve the long-term in- condolences to the family of our col- Palestinians on requirements that are unre- terests of either the United States or Israel. league Mr. CANTOR and also thank Ms. lated to the specific issues raised by the Despite improvements over the original ROS-LEHTINEN for her leadership and Hamas election; rather, Congress should set version, H.R. 4681 weakens moderate pro- her commitment to attempting to cre- peace Palestinians and emboldens extrem- focused, meaningful performance bench- ate peace, as well as to speak directly marks. ists, ties the President’s hands in dealing with emergency security crises, and dras- to my dear friend, Mr. LANTOS. H.R. 4681 loses sight of U.S. strategic inter- I think it is fair to say Israel has no ests. A serious response to the Palestinian tically cuts critical US assistance to the Pal- elections should clearly target Hamas and estinian people. While there is international greater champion in the Congress, and its control of the Palestinian Authority. Ef- consensus that Ramas must renounce ter- the American people have no greater fective sanctions should clearly differentiate rorism, recognize Israel, and abide by all pre- champion for human rights than Mr. such targets from, for example, elected mem- vious agreements, this legislation goes well LANTOS. His escape from the Holocaust bers of the Palestinian Legislative Council beyond those demands and undermines the is a story worthy of being taught in all (PLC) who are not affiliated with Hamas or U.S. role in bringing Israelis and Palestin- of our schools. any other terrorist organization—political ians back to the negotiating table towards the end of achieving a two-state resolution I am here to ask: Is the past pro- leaders and activists who, running on plat- logue? Is war and violence inevitable, forms that included rejection of terror, rec- of the conflict. ognition of Israel, and support for a two- Specifically, H.R. 4681: Obstructs a return or do we have the ability to create a state solution, beat Hamas candidates in the to negotiations. H.R. 4681 requires an impos- new future where nonviolence, peace January election. sible-to-achieve Presidential certification, and reconciliation are possible through However, H.R. 4681 not only fails to distin- composed of an overly extensive number of the work of our own hearts and hands? guish between Hamas and the PA, and the requirements, in order to bypass the bill’s I would not take issue with my friend non-Hamas members of the PLC, it explic- many sanctions. This standard of certifi- Mr. LANTOS’ informed experience, and I itly defines the PA as including the entire cation goes well beyond the Quartet’s de- join him in defense of Israel’s right to PLC—extending sanctions to longtime sup- mands, setting unprecedented preconditions porters of peace with Israel (like PLC mem- for U.S. engagement with the Palestinians. survive. Mr. LANTOS is my brother. The ber Salam Fayyad). Moreover, the bill in- Because these demands are unachievable in Israelis are our brothers and sisters. cludes extraneous sanctions that, while os- the near term or outside the context of a The Palestinians are our brothers and tensibly aimed at Hamas, will in fact have peace process, they prevent a return to nego- sisters. When our brothers and sisters zero impact on Hamas, but only serve to tiations and provide little incentive for are in conflict, when violence engulfs punish Palestinians who recognize Israel and Hamas to moderate its stance towards Israel. them, it is our responsibility to help reject terror, and make it difficult or impos- Without the Presidential certification, our brothers and sisters end the vio- sible for the U.S. to talk to them. These in- whose requirements as noted above are near- lence, reconcile and fulfill the biblical clude restrictions on visas (Hamas members ly impossible to meet, this bill prohibits all are already barred by law from obtaining direct aid to the Palestinian Authority (PA), injunction to turn hate to love, to beat visas), limits on freedom of movement for of- with the small exception of a very limited swords into plowshares and spears into ficials of the PLO in the U.S. and sanctions Presidential waiver for funds to support pruning hooks. on PLO representation in the United States independent elections and the peace process. These are universal principles that (Hamas is not a member of the PLO a group Current law already forbids direct U.S. fund- speak to the triumph of hope over fear. that recognizes and has signed agreements ing to the PA but allows the President much We must call upon Hamas to renounce with Israel), and an entirely superfluous at- broader discretion in waiving this prohibi- terror. We must call upon Hamas to tack on the United Nations that does not tion in the interests of national security. disavow any intention for the destruc- even make the pretense of having anything Limiting this waiver undercuts the Adminis- to do with Hamas. In the interests of U.S. tration’s ability to offer the PA incentives in tion of Israel. national security, including our concern for addition to sanctions or to respond to unex- This ought to be a principle of nego- Israeli security, it is vital to open the door pected security or humanitarian crises. tiation with Hamas, not separation for dialogue and engagement with alter- At a time when the UN is reporting an im- from the aspirations of the Palestinian native leaders and representatives of the pending humanitarian disaster in the West people to survive. Palestinians. APN urges Congress to reject Bank and Gaza, H.R. 4681 restricts U.S. as- I think we can speed the cause of provisions of this bill that will have no real sistance to the Palestinian people delivered peace by calling upon Israel to accept impact on Hamas—except, perversely, to through non-governmental organizations the Palestinians’ right to self-deter- strengthen them while undermining mod- (NGOs). While the bill makes a small exemp- mination and economical survival and erate Palestinian political leaders and activ- tion for ‘‘basic human health needs,’’ it still ists, and making it more difficult for the creates onerous pre-notification require- humanitarian relief, for food, medical U.S. to engage with alternatives to a Hamas- ments for all other NGO assistance to the care, for jobs. led government, like President Mahmoud Palestinian people. These NGOs address I ask, how can we arrive at a two- Abbas or the PLO. pressing humanitarian needs and help de- stage solution if we attempt to destroy

VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:02 May 26, 2006 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 D:\FIX-CR\H22MY6.REC H22MY6 H3004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 22, 2006 one people’s government’s ability to to this measure by good intentions, not afford to send that message, even provide? A two-state solution, I be- false claims and by shrill prophecies of in the smallest, most unintentional lieve, can be achieved with our mutual, doom. way. thoughtful patience and support. A ‘‘no’’ vote on this bill will not ben- Let us recall for a moment just what At a time when the U.N. is reporting efit the Palestinian people. Read the the international community has de- a pending humanitarian disaster in the bill. The bill already allows humani- manded of Hamas, three words. All West Bank and Gaza, I believe this leg- tarian aid to flow under congressional Hamas has to do is to say three words: islation would restrict U.S. assistance scrutiny. And with the President’s Israel, peace and agreement. Israel, to the Palestinian people delivered judgment, it can continue to go to non- Hamas has to accept the existence, just through nongovernmental organiza- governmental groups. the existence, of a U.N. member state. tions. We know that, today, up to 80 A ‘‘no’’ vote will not benefit Pales- percent of all Palestinians, particu- tinian President Mahmoud Abbas. The Peace, that there has to be two states larly in parts of the Gaza strip, live at bill already creates a clear opening to for two people and that they will live or below the poverty line. Unemploy- keep him relevant and involved to be- side by side in peace and agreement. ment stands at 53 percent of the total coming a channel for pursuing peace. Hamas has to accept the resolution of workforce. A ‘‘no’’ vote will not support the the conflict, which will only be Just as I join my good friends on peace camp in Israel. Israelis just went achieved by peaceful means and that both sides of the aisle in speaking out to the polls and put Prime Minister agreement will be honored. against violence against Israel, I object Olmert into power with a government This is not a difficult list, three in the strongest terms to any measure that strongly supports congressional words. Hamas could win the inter- that will increase the humanitarian efforts to sanction and block assistance national community over. Hundreds of crisis of the Palestinian people. It is to the Hamas-led Palestinian Author- millions of dollars would begin to flow true that the recent Palestinian legis- ity. to the Palestinian people. Salaries lative elections have created a tense could be made, projects could be start- b 2100 situation in the international commu- ed, roads could be built, schools could nity. It is a situation that demands I sat here in amazement as my good be constructed. Before you say no, thoughtful and deliberate action in friend from Illinois (Mr. LAHOOD) said those few people in the House who will, pursuit of peace. Despite the best in- things that were absolutely unbeliev- ask yourself why they will not say tentions of those who wrote this legis- able. The politician people, what do those three words. Why won’t they? they have to do with Hamas? Duh. lation, I do not believe this legislation The answer is that Hamas thinks They elected them. will advance peace between the Pales- that their religion forbids it. They be- Elections have consequences. People tinian and the Israeli people. lieve that they are engaged in a holy have to live with that. They can’t elect There are people in this Congress of war that can only be resolved with the a terrorist government whose purpose goodwill and good intention who want destruction of Israel and the Jewish is to destroy another people and then to see both the Palestinian people and people and to put their population in say they have nothing to do with it. the Israeli people survive. Let us con- exile or subjugation. tinue to work towards that end. That makes no sense at all. A ‘‘no’’ Mr. LANTOS. Mr. Speaker, I am very vote will not impress our allies in the There can be no compromise, accord- pleased to yield 10 minutes to the gen- Quartet either. The United States and ing to them, of their view. Cease-fires, tleman from New York (Mr. ACKER- other members of the Quartet remain temporary borders, negotiations for MAN), my good friend and a distin- in lock-step in rejecting any funding Hamas or just way stations on their guished senior member of the Com- for the Hamas-led PA and are working, path to the ultimate destruction of mittee on International Relations. as this bill does, to find alternative ap- Israel and the Jewish people. They will Mr. ACKERMAN. Mr. Speaker, I proaches to assist the Palestinian peo- not waiver, and we must not waiver. want to thank Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN and ple, and that is who we intend to help. Hamas has made clear again and the chairman of the subcommittee for For someone to say that the Prime again that they will not be held an- bringing this measure to the floor. Minister of Israel is going to walk swerable for the hundreds of innocent As for Mr. LANTOS, the distinguished down this aisle, and if he had a voting civilians they slaughtered with bombs. ranking member, I have to say I abso- card would vote for Hamas is an ab- They will not be held accountable for lutely marvel at his eloquence in the surdity. It defies the imagination. their overt racism and vile anti-Se- opening statement that he made. It is one of the many things that op- mitic bigotry. They will not be pun- The very fact that he is, is impor- ponents of this legislation carefully, ished for all the times they shatter the tant. The very fact that he is and is carefully constructed, have been saying fragile peace or destroy a nascent here is proof positive that if people of mischaracterizing this bill. If you trust. goodwill are determined to stand up to think that the Prime Minister of Israel All they have to do is say those three the forces of evil, that the forces of would vote to give aid to Hamas, then words. A ‘‘no’’ vote tells them they good can win out, and not unless that you must be on another planet, and don’t have to. A ‘‘no’’ vote says hold happens. you should vote ‘‘no.’’ fast. A ‘‘no’’ vote reassures them that And those forces of evil, whether A ‘‘no’’ vote will do only one thing. It they will not have to say Israel, peace they be called the Nazi Party or the will give hope to the terrorist Hamas. and agreement. Hamas Party, each of which came to It will give them hope that the wall of power in uncontested democratic elec- opposition in the West is cracking. It Until they do, we must assure that tions, each of which have in common will give them hope that their embrace they bear the full brunt of responsi- the destruction of an entire people and of terrorism will not have to be aban- bility forever the condition of the Pal- were uncompromising in their attitude, doned in order to govern. It will give estinian people. Not a humanitarian in their philosophy, in their belief; how them hope that support for Israel is crisis, but a firm sanction of the do we compromise with the notion of not as strong as it seems. It will give United States against the government administrations and evil forces whose them hope that with tenacity and will born of terror, bred on violence, and goal is the destruction of another peo- their terrorist objectives will succeed. bound for ruin. Contrary to this lead- ple? Where do you begin to compromise No Member of this House wants to ing report, this bill absolutely cannot unless they denounce those goals, send that message. No Member of this and will not be used to deny humani- which has not happened in either case? House supports Hamas. But make no tarian aid. Mr. Speaker, with 295 cosponsors of mistake. A ‘‘no’’ vote will be used The bill will not allow, with proper this bill, there is not really much of a again and again to show that the path oversight, the Presidential confirma- question about how the House is going of Hamas is correct and that com- tion that it serves our national secu- to act. The bill will pass overwhelm- promise will come only from the West, rity interest, continued assistance ingly. The only question is how many and there is no price to be paid by through properly screened and audited Members will be lured into opposition those who espouse terrorism. We can- nongovernmental organizations. The

VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:02 May 26, 2006 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 D:\FIX-CR\H22MY6.REC H22MY6 May 22, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3005 bill provides a clear channel for Presi- H.R. 4681 subjugates U.S. national se- estinian reformers by denying democ- dent Mahmoud Abbas to show our con- curity interests to political grand- racy. No, quite the opposite. That it tinued appreciation for his vocal sup- standing. It does so by eliminating the has unbearable roadblocks to non- port for the peaceful two-state solu- President’s authority to waive sanc- government organizations to provide tion. This bill constitutes a carefully tions in the interests of United States assistance to the Palestinian people. crafted balance. national security, a waiver that is a Absolutely not. Some wanted it stronger; others standard component of virtually all The bill requirements are to ensure wanted it more flexible. But the bill is U.S. sanctions legislation. that humanitarian aid goes to the in- strong enough to prevent American H.R. 4681 risks undermining Pales- tended recipients for the intended pur- money from subsidizing a government tinian moderates and strengthening ex- poses, oversight. The United States run by terrorists and flexible enough to tremists by providing no political hori- must make it unambiguously clear allow the administration to engage zon that an alternate Palestinian lead- that we will not support such a ter- with Palestinians who are willing to ership can strive to reach. rorist regime, that we will not directly seek peace. H.R. 4681 preconditions U.S. relations or indirectly allow American taxpayer Members will have a choice. Let the with the Palestinian Authority and im- funds to be used to perpetuate the lead- perfect be the enemy of the good, and poses sanctions based on criteria that ership of an Islamic jihadist group that in doing so undermine the peace they are unrelated to the issues raised by is responsible for the murder of hun- seek, or stand firm against doing busi- the Hamas elections, and 4681 makes it dreds and the wounding of scores of in- ness as usual with a governing entity more difficult for the United States to nocent Israeli civilians, of U.S. citizens controlled by a terrorist organization. engage with alternatives to a Hamas- and other foreigners throughout the I know some Members are conflicted. led government like President years. There have been mixed signals, even Mahmoud Abbas or the PLO. This pro- It has been almost 4 months, Madam misleading information about this leg- posal, unfortunately, is itself extreme, Speaker, since this Islamic jihadist ex- islation. I want to be perfectly clear. and as such, I believe, would do no tremist won a majority of seats in the The pro-Israel vote is ‘‘yes.’’ The pro- good. Palestinian parliamentary elections. Palestinian vote is ‘‘yes.’’ The pro- Rather, it will strengthen the posi- We have made our conditions clear, but peace vote is ‘‘yes.’’ The pro-engage- tion of extremists and increase the vio- Hamas’ commitment to bloodshed has ment vote is ‘‘yes.’’ I thank the House lence and destruction which has be- remained unabated. for their attention. come more prevalent as the result of Mr. BLUMENAUER. Madam Speaker, b 2115 the expression and implementation of as I yield the gentleman from New policies such as those contained in H.R. Hamas’ leaders have expressed their York 4 minutes, I would give myself 30 4681. support for rockets being launched seconds to make two observations. I believe that we should defeat this from Gaza into Israel, and stated that One, there will be no aid to Hamas, proposed legislation and instead focus the recent attack, a bombing that whether this bill passes or not. It is on something that would be more pro- killed nine innocent people and wound- against United States law to give as- ductive to achieve the kinds of solu- ed 60 at a Tel Aviv restaurant, was sistance to a terrorist organization. ‘‘justified.’’ Their words, not mine. Second, I would reference the exact tions that we need to the problems Since the elections, the leaders of language of the word where the exemp- that exist in the Middle East. Hamas have officially expressed their tion is assistance to meet basic human Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Madam Speak- refusal to change a single word in its health needs, not broad humanitarian. er, I yield myself such time as I may charter. Their hate-filled covenant is The language of the bill is actually consume. Hamas’ most valued document. It fo- quite clear. Madam Speaker, Hamas’ political Madam Speaker, I yield to my friend, victory in the January election pre- cuses on killing Jews and destroying Israel. Mr. HINCHEY, for 4 minutes. sented an opportunity for this Islamic Mr. HINCHEY. Madam Speaker, I jihadist group to lay down its arms, to I would like to read some of the want to express my appreciation to the renounce terrorism, to recognize the words that are included in the charter gentleman from Oregon for yielding me State of Israel, and to dismantle its of Hamas and that accurately depict this time. militant infrastructure, to become an the group’s violent views: ‘‘The time of I also want to express my admira- entity that could lead the Palestinian Muslim unity will not come until Mus- tion, respect and affection for the gen- people to peace, to prosperity, to secu- lims will fight the Jews and kill them; tleman from California, who is the rity with the Jewish nation. until the Jews hide behind rocks and sponsor of this legislation. But I do dis- But, unfortunately, much like its trees, which will cry, ‘O Muslims, there agree with him on the effects that this predecessor, who never missed an op- is a Jew behind me. Come on and kill legislation would have. portunity to miss an opportunity, him.’’’ I am a strong supporter of the State Hamas has instead continued its vio- The Islamic extremists running the of Israel. As such, I believe it is impor- lence, has aligned itself with pariah Palestinian Authority have made it tant to maintain independent and prin- states and with state sponsors of ter- very clear, crystal clear, that they do cipled positions on Middle East issues. rorism that seek to extend their ex- not intend to moderate their vicious I believe that that requires a ‘‘no’’ vote tremist, hateful ideology throughout views nor seek a peace agreement with on resolution 4681. the region and, indeed, throughout the Israel. They may speak of a long-term Hamas’ victory in the elections for world. Hamas has chosen to dedicate cease-fire, but this is only a temporary the Palestinian legislative council was its resources and its energy to sup- means to regroup and rearm for yet indeed regrettable, and Hamas govern- porting continued terrorist attacks more terrorism. ment’s failure to condemn, much less against Israel rather than to helping A two-state solution envisioned and take steps to prevent acts of terrorism the Palestinian people. proposed by the Quartet is not part of is abhorrent. It is appropriate that the It is its choice, so Hamas can spend Hamas’ agenda, because it runs con- international community, including, of its money on suicide and homicide at- trary to the core principles of this ter- course, the United States, make a con- tacks; but it is up to the United States ror group that says, ‘‘The land of Pal- certed and coordinated effort to pres- to support and provide for the needs of estine from the river to the sea is con- sure Hamas. the Palestinian people. It is our respon- sidered an Islamic endowment, and no However, H.R. 4681 risks undermining sibility, instead of Hamas’. Muslim has the right to cede any part such efforts, harming United States na- Previous speakers in opposition to of it.’’ tional security and undermining those the bill have said, Madam Speaker, So our actions here tonight and the Palestinian officials and activists who that this bill will deny chemotherapy vote tomorrow must be clear and it do recognize Israel, who do reject ter- to cancer victims. It is preposterous; it must be firm. We must work toward ror, and who do support a two-state so- does not. That it would hurt the com- eradicating such Islamist jihadist ha- lution to the Israeli-Palestinian con- mon Palestinian citizen. No, it does tred and the extremist ideology that flict. not. That it would undermine the Pal- feeds it, or we will compromise our own

VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:02 May 26, 2006 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 D:\FIX-CR\H22MY6.REC H22MY6 H3006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 22, 2006 immediate as well as long-term secu- There was no objection. gle man, a single individual, as a sym- rity interests and the stability and the Mr. BLUMENAUER. Madam Speaker, bol to the West. security of our allies in the region. I yield 6 minutes to the gentlewoman I thought about the ‘‘Refuseniks’’ in In an effort to promote U.S. national from Ohio (Ms. KAPTUR). the Soviet Union, how we connected security and foreign policy priorities Ms. KAPTUR. Madam Speaker, I with them, helping them to publish and to help ensure that U.S. taxpayer would like to thank the gentleman their works, helping to hear a voice dollars do not reach the hands of from Oregon, Mr. BLUMENAUER, for from inside a closed society, and I Hamas and other Palestinian terror yielding me this time, and to thank asked myself, in this situation, what groups, I introduced, with my good Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN, a staunch supporter are the parallels? What are the par- friend the ranking member of the of human rights, for coauthoring this allels? House International Relations Com- legislation with our dear, dear and re- In this bill, no one wants to support mittee, Mr. TOM LANTOS, this bill that spected colleague from the State of Hamas. All we are asking for is the is before us tonight, Madam Speaker. California, Congressman TOM LANTOS, right to amend this bill to find other It has 295 cosponsors, and it opposes who is the once and future chair of this non-governmental groups that we can the provision of assistance or political committee, I am sure, some day, and to help to support, to help educate, to recognition to any entity under the tu- say, as many others have stated this help inform, to help teach, in the hope, telage of a terrorist organization such evening, we respect your life. Many of even though we are all walking as Hamas. us love you and love your family. through the tunnel and we see no light This bill does prohibit direct assist- Perhaps some of us have a deeper un- at the end of the tunnel, that we give ance to the Palestinian Authority, but derstanding of some of the tribulation the ordinary person, the moderate, and it has exceptions, and we have talked that you have faced in your own life there are some moderates, some hope, about them. Many of the people who because our families have faced the some ability to connect. have spoken here tonight want to over- same. We had relatives in what is now I read from the statement of the U.S. look those exceptions. It does seek to the nation of Ukraine, but in the So- Conference of Catholic Bishops, who prohibit travel to the United States by viet Union, our uncles, who were sent say in opposition to the current form members or associates of terrorist enti- to the gulag for over 20 years by Joseph of this bill, ‘‘A further deterioration of ties, it provides for the United States Stalin. One died and one survived, mi- the humanitarian and economic situa- to withhold contributions to the raculously, after 20 bitter years. So I tion of the Palestinian people com- United Nations proportional to the think our family shares a deep personal promises human dignity and serves the long-term interests neither of Palestin- amounts the United Nations provides understanding of what despotism and ians nor of Israelis who long for a just to these duplicative Palestinian-re- terror is. I rise this evening because I have to peace. lated entities that are directly tied to ‘‘Non-governmental organizations say that this act, the Palestinian Anti- the Palestinian Authority, and it calls have a long history of helping the Terrorism Act, I fear will result not in for the Palestinian Authority to be world’s most vulnerable people. Their less terrorism, but in more. I do not designated as a terrorist sanctuary humanitarian role should be respected. really believe it is in the interest of the under the 9/11 bill. While this work is not easy,’’ and sure- United States, of Israel or the world to But it is not just about what is right ly the gentleman from California further radicalize elements in the Pal- for the U.S. in terms of our priorities knows it is not easy, surely the estinian population, and I do believe and our allies, Madam Speaker. It also gentlelady from Florida knows it is not this bill will do exactly that. is about honoring the memory of all easy, ‘‘it is essential. It deserves Con- It is not in the interest of the govern- who have died at the hands of Hamas gress’ continued support.’’ and other Palestinian jihadist groups. ment of the United States nor Israel I would hope that with the Prime That is why tonight we have spoken nor the world to make it impossible for Minister of Israel coming here this about and we have given our condo- Palestinians to become more educated week, that we would have a proposal lences to our good friend from Virginia, and to learn how to govern an emerg- that would take the Quartet and actu- Mr. CANTOR, whose 16-year-old cousin, ing nation. Indeed, if our current poli- ally somehow have discussions, even a Daniel Wultz from South Florida, close cies as a world were so intelligent, they resolution, to try to restart the failed to my congressional district, died 2 would not have yielded a Hamas to the peace process between Israel and the weeks ago after suffering these fatal point where it actually won an election Palestinian Authority. Wouldn’t that injuries caused by an April 17 suicide and other elements of Palestinian soci- be a great moment? Wouldn’t it be bombing in Tel Aviv while he was hav- ety were so crippled and so inept and so worth being here and serving here? We ing lunch with his father. Daniel disorganized that they were not able to need resolutions that will not fought courageously for 27 days for his govern in a way that an emerging na- radicalize, that will not divide, that life, but the injuries were far too se- tion state would. will make peace possible. vere. I have asked myself during the grue- Mr. LANTOS. Madam Speaker, before Our thoughts and our prayers go not some Soviet period, what glimmers did yielding, I want to thank my good just to Daniel, but also to all who have we have, what connections did we have, friend from Ohio, Ms. KAPTUR, for her lost family members and friends to what elements were we able to nurture thoughtful and very serious comments, Hamas and other jihadist groups, and that even provided a road forward? as I want to express my appreciation to the list is, unfortunately, too long for I think of our family’s East European all of my colleagues who have spoken us to mention all of their names. We heritage in Poland and enduring the against this resolution. want to pass this legislation to help en- most repressive times in Poland. This Madam Speaker, I am very pleased to sure that we in Congress have done ev- country found a way to support a non- yield 5 minutes to my good friend the erything possible to prevent another governmental organization in the form gentleman from New York (Mr. ENGEL), Daniel Wultz from dying at the hands of Solidarity, and there were church the distinguished senior member of the of these extremists. groups working and there were other International Relations Committee. Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues groups that provided just small glim- Mr. ENGEL. Madam Speaker, I thank to render their full support to this leg- mers of light. my colleague for yielding to me, and I islation. I remember a dear, dear friend, Rev- would say that all the compliments Madam Speaker, I yield 8 minutes to erend Martin Hernati born in the that have been heaped upon him and the gentleman from California (Mr. homeland of Congressman LANTOS, who Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN during this debate LANTOS), and I ask unanimous consent said to me, ‘‘MARCY, I am walking are certainly well-deserved. that he be permitted to control that through a tunnel. It is very dark in the Madam Speaker, some of our col- time. tunnel and I see no light at the end of leagues here who say they are voting The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mrs. the tunnel, but I must keep walking.’’ ‘‘no’’ also tell us that they are good DRAKE). Is there objection to the re- I remember Cardinal Mindszenty in friends of Israel. Well, to Israel, I quest of the gentlewoman from Flor- the nation of Hungary, locked up in the would say that with friends like that, ida? U.S. embassy for many years, as a sin- she certainly doesn’t need any enemies.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:02 May 26, 2006 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 D:\FIX-CR\H22MY6.REC H22MY6 May 22, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3007 Israel and the civilized world and the it and therefore we should go along. 1993 Oslo Accord, the United States has United States do have enemies. The The administration opposed the given more than $1.8 billion to the Pal- enemy is called terrorism. And in the Accountability Act, and ultimately we estinians. In that same time we have Middle East, terrorism has another persuaded it to go along and support given over $130 million directly to the name. It is called Hamas. the bill. Palestinian Authority. We have to deal with things, Madam This bill passed, as was pointed out, After decades of aid and billions of Speaker, as they are, not as what we in the International Relations Com- dollars, it boggles my mind that there wish them to be. The Palestinians mittee 36–2. I was proud to be one of is no economic self-sufficiency and no elected a terrorist organization, those 36 people. And I think that to- improvement to the quality of life for Hamas, to run their government and be morrow this bill will pass overwhelm- the Palestinian people. Why is this? their leaders. We are told by people ingly. This Congress has got to send a Because the desperation of the Pales- who oppose this bill, oh, the poor Pal- strong message that it opposes terror. tinian people is not about money, it is estinian people. This legislation hurts It opposes terror whether it is Hamas, about the Palestinian Authority failing the poor Palestinian people. it opposes terror whether it is al- to do what any responsible government Well, let me tell you what hurts the Qaeda, it opposes terror whether it is would have done with several billion poor Palestinian people: The govern- Hezbollah. All terrorist groups must be dollars, provide security for its people, ment they elected, Hamas. That is opposed. That is what this legislation build infrastructure, improve health what hurts the Palestinian people. does. That is what this legislation care, provide economic opportunities, This bill has been called inflexible says. improve education and move their peo- and stringent and other such nonsense. The United States and Israel are ple into the 21st century. Not true at all. And I am proud to be strong allies in the fight against ter- The money is not going to housing. an original cosponsor of this bill. This ror, and this legislation will go a long Palestinians continue to live in bill is flexible. Humanitarian aid is al- way in saying to Hamas, we will not do wretched conditions in refugee camps lowed. Some of us have some questions anything with you or help you in any with corrugated roofs in dilapidated about that, quite frankly, because way as long as you do not renounce ter- ramshackle huts. The money is not money is fungible and can be moved ror. going to schools. If it was, the Pales- around, and we don’t want money that Mr. LANTOS. Madam Speaker, I tinian children would be sitting in is being given under the guise of hu- yield to the gentlewoman from Nevada classrooms being trained as the next 3 generation of doctors and engineers manitarian aid to be transferred and (Ms. BERKLEY) 5 ⁄4 minutes. used for other things, and we know Ms. BERKLEY. Madam Speaker, I who would lead their people in the 21st Hamas is capable of doing that. want to also express my gratitude to century. The money is not going to security. We are told by some of the opponents Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN, my very dear friend Rather than imposing security, the that the bill has consequences. Sure it on the other side of the aisle, and of Palestinian Authority forces first at- does. Elections have consequences. No- course my very special friend and men- tacked the Israelis, now they are at- body denies that the Palestinian people tor, Mr. LANTOS. His eloquence was al- tacking each other as Gaza is close to went to the polls and voted for Hamas. most matched today by Mr. ACKERMAN civil war. and Mr. ENGEL. They did a remarkable But when you vote for someone, there The Palestinian Authority under job. And I do not believe I can equal are consequences, and this is the con- Fattah was corrupt and morally bank- theirs, but I would like to speak on be- sequence of electing a terrorist organi- rupt. Is there any wonder that the Pal- half of this piece of legislation. zation as your leadership. estinian people turned to Hamas, the Madam Speaker, I rise in strong sup- most dangerous terrorist organization b 2130 port of this bill and I am hoping for its operating today, to have their basic Now we are asking Hamas to do three immediate passage. Like some of my things, it has been said many times needs met? colleagues, I also want to express my Year after year, we have given hun- here before. I want to repeat them. sincerest sympathy to my colleague dreds of millions of dollars to the Pal- Three things. They have to say that and good friend on the other side of the estinians despite no accountability, no they are opposed to terror, that they aisle, Mr. CANTOR, for the unnecessary modern financial controls, no trans- are ending their support for terror. loss of his 16-year-old cousin, Daniel. I parency, and no actual knowledge of They have to recognize Israel’s right am heartsick about that, and did not where our tax dollars are going, and to exist. They have to recognize pre- know until this evening that he had the continued attacks on innocent vious agreements that were signed by died. Israeli women and children. previous Palestinian governments. This bill, Madam Speaker, is not I am an original cosponsor of this What is so difficult about that? How about punishing the Palestinian peo- legislation. However, it is substantially can we ask Israel to sit and negotiate ple. This bill is about reasonable de- weaker than the one that I originally with a group that does not recognize mands for United States assistance. authored. In my opinion, we should be their right to exist, with a group that There are three requirements on the eliminating all aid to the Palestinian wants to destroy them and kill them, Hamas-led PA to receive and to con- Authority, not granting the adminis- and have another Holocaust? This is tinue to receive financial aid from the tration broad-based exemptions to con- nonsense. United States. tinue to fund this regime. All this bill does is simply say that You must recognize Israel’s right to The legislation grants direct aid to we will be cutting off aid to Hamas. exist. They must denounce and combat Abu Mazen for nonsecurity expenses. It And for my colleagues who say that terrorism, and they must accept the also grants direct aid for his personal the administration does not want it roadmap and other past agreements. security detail. Abu Mazen is a power- now, we should not do it because the These are the three simple require- less and ineffective leader. Since being administration does not want it, Ms. ments that must be met in order to re- elected president, he has had every op- ROS-LEHTINEN and I were sponsors of ceive continued financial aid from the portunity to create peace with the the Syria Accountability Act. United States. Israelis and establish a Palestinian The administration at first opposed The problem the Palestinians have, State. it. Do you know why? Administrations as I have said so many times before is When he had the power he would not always oppose bills like that because not money, the problem has been and or could not take the first step to dis- administrations do not think that Con- continues to be a complete failure of arm the terrorists and end the violence gress should play any role in the con- leadership. against Israel. Now he is the President ducting of foreign policy. If one was tuning in tonight and lis- of nothing. Why is the United States Well, we do. We are here. We have a tened to some of my colleagues, they continuing to prop him up? Why are right to pass laws that express the de- would think that the United States has our tax dollars being used to support sires of this Congress and the desires of been rather stingy with the Palestin- this guy in the first place? the American people. So it is nonsense ians. But I would like to enlighten This bill also grants a broad-based to say that the administration opposes those that do not know, that since the exemption for indirect aid through the

VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:02 May 26, 2006 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 D:\FIX-CR\H22MY6.REC H22MY6 H3008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 22, 2006 NGOs within the West Bank and the power. And that is a mistake. It goes b 2145 Gaza. Why should Americans be forced far beyond dealing with the ramifica- But there is one other accolade be- to foot the bill when the PA is unable tions of January’s elections, and cause Mr. LANTOS is a professor, and I to provide us an accounting for lit- Hamas’s rise to power, essentially Pal- appreciate the scholarly approach he erally billions of dollars that we have estinian moderates and institutions brings that tempers his experience and spent? that have nothing to do with Hamas. his emotion that makes this a learning Madam Speaker, it is time for the Most independent observers feel that experience. And I truly believe that as Palestinian leadership and the Pales- that is counterproductive and it may a result of his input this evening that tinian people to stop blaming Israel well end up backfiring and actually this has been a valuable learning expe- and the United States for their utter providing further strength to the ex- rience for me, and I think it has en- failure to provide for their own needs. tremists. I listened to the delightful riched the record. Whatever happens exchange between Mr. LANTOS and Mr. Yassar Arafat stole millions of dollars with this legislation as it goes through FRANK on the floor earlier. I always from his own people. the course of the legislature, as I do marvel watching two parliamentary If Hamas needs money to provide not doubt that it will pass tomorrow, masters go back and forth. I listened to basic services for the Palestinian peo- that we will all be a little more knowl- Mr. FRANK’s argument tying it back to ple, let them hunt down Yassar Ara- edgeable as a result of this, and I earmarking. And it was a thoughtful fat’s widow and get the millions of dol- think, in the long run, we will be able and amazing argument. lars that her husband stole from his to do our jobs better, and for that, I own people. The problem is a lack of But one of the concerns I have, given the nature of Hamas, and listening thank him. leadership, a lack of vision, a lack of Madam Speaker, I yield back the bal- very carefully to Mr. FRANK’s words, is hope for the future, lack of civilized be- ance of my time. they are going to claim credit any way havior, not a lack of money. Mr. LANTOS. Madam Speaker, before they can for anything that happens, Until Hamas agrees to recognize yielding the balance of our time to my much as we see political processes gen- Israel’s right to exist, denouncing and good friend from Texas, let me express combating terrorism and accepts the erally do that. It is important that in our desire to my deepest appreciation to my friend roadmap and other past agreements, from Florida, who has done her usual not only should we not be giving one stop Hamas from either assistance or a foothold for claiming credit, that we extraordinary job, for her principled more dime, we should be asking for a statement and impeccable logic. We refund from the Palestinian Authority. are very surgical about what we do for the Palestinian people, and the ability are all in her debt. Mr. BLUMENAUER. Madam Speaker, I want to express my deep apprecia- to move forward with peace. I yield myself such time as I may con- tion to my very good friend from Or- sume. Madam Speaker, I think it is impor- tant for us to review the administra- egon for his unduly gracious comments Madam Speaker, as I prepare to con- which I deeply appreciate. And I want clude my presentation and yield back tion’s concerns. They have stated that they feel it is unnecessary, as the exec- to thank all of my colleagues who have my time this evening, I truly have en- spoken on all sides of this issue. This joyed the give and take that we have utive branch already has ample author- ity to impose all its restrictions. It has been an excellent debate, and it is had this evening under the leadership does constrain the executive’s ability appropriate that it should be wound up of our subcommittee chair, Ms. ROS- in the flexibility to use sanctions as by one of our best debaters, my friend LEHTINEN, the work that has been done appropriate to address rapidly chang- from Texas, SHEILA JACKSON-LEE. I by staff members on both sides of the ing circumstances, which we all sin- yield her the balance of our time. aisle, the passion, the emotion, the cerely hope happen for the positive in The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- concern, and the professionalism that 1 this troubled area of the world. tlewoman is recognized for 3 ⁄4 minutes. we have witnessed. Their concerns about the mandatory Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas. The I personally have appreciated it. I nature of the bill’s sanctions, the rel- gentleman is very kind. Before I start, think it is a healthy give-and-take that ative absence that relates to activities may I ask for additional time from the we have had. I think it is an important absent an unachievable certification, a distinguished gentlelady from Florida, debate. It is not the last word that we lack of a general waiver authority on 11⁄2 minutes. I thank the distinguished are going to enjoy. I would simply its key ban on assistance, and that gentlelady very much. make a couple of points in closing. I these limitations should be time lim- Madam Speaker, let me thank Mr. continue to be concerned that we not ited. LANTOS for his extreme kindness to talk past one another. There is going The administration has also raised yield to, in essence, a non-member of to be, under existing United States the concern that the exemption for this great committee this time. Let me law, no aid for Hamas. It is illegal to ‘‘basic human health needs’’ is too nar- acknowledge my good friend from Flor- give assistance to a terrorist organiza- row and should be broadened to ‘‘basic ida for her leadership, and also I might tion. Hamas certainly is. human needs’’. Indeed both sides on the add my appreciation to the distin- And they are not going to be entitled floor this evening often used those two guished gentleman from Oregon for to aid regardless of what happens with terms interchangeably, but they are bringing his vast perspective to this de- this bill. I continue to be concerned very different under the bill. bate. I believe this is what democracy that the language of the bill is not, as But I do think we have reached the is all about. some of my friends who have spoken on point where both my leg and my store Certainly I could not stand here to- the other side of the aisle refer to, of information here has been ex- night and not add my appreciation for talking about how humanitarian aid hausted. I wanted to make one last Chairman HYDE who I believe has can go through. That is not what the point, because there has been reference worked over the years to seek a level bill says. It is health that is the auto- this evening to the joy of serving with and a plateau and a place of, if you matic pass-through. Mr. LANTOS. will, harmony and bipartisanship. Education, as has been referenced, is I never cease to marvel, when we are Tonight is a very difficult time for not a part of the automatic exemption. in the midst of this, that he adds a di- many of us. And, in fact, I think we This lack of flexibility is one of the mension to the debate that I think is have had an enormously thoughtful de- reasons why this bill is opposed by very important. I never cease to learn bate. We find ourselves this evening, as Americans for Peace Now, the Israel something in the course of what hap- I offer my sympathy to the family of Policy Forum, Brit Tzedek, Shalom, pens in the committee or here on the Congressman CANTOR for his loss, we Churches for Middle East Peace, and floor. Reference has been made to him find ourselves on the piercing horns of the United States Conference of Catho- as the only Holocaust survivor who has dilemma, and they are piercing out- lic Bishops. walked these halls. side. That is that we find ourselves The bill sets permanent and inflexi- And it adds a dimension, not just to fighting for peace between the Pales- ble limits on the United States’s abil- this debate, but one that carries tinian Authority and Israel, and we ity to be involved with Israel and Pal- through in activities in Asia, in Africa, find ourselves fighting for the exist- estine, whether or not Hamas is in in the bigger picture across the world. ence and recognition of the State of

VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:02 May 26, 2006 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00044 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 D:\FIX-CR\H22MY6.REC H22MY6 May 22, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3009 Israel and the acceptance by the world and they can be read clearly that Palestinian governing authority that denounces of a two-state position that has been health and humanitarian needs can be and combats terrorism, upholds human rights authored and supported by so many, in- taken care of and educational needs for all people, and has agreed to recognize cluding the now ailing former Prime can be taken care of with the consulta- Israel as an independent Jewish state. Minister Sharon. tion of this Congress. This is a very dif- The Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act of 2006 I was in Israel just a few months ago ficult time. There are hard choices to would freeze aid to the Palestinian Authority visiting Prime Minister Sharon at the make and I would argue that the Arab (PA) and nongovernmental agencies (NGOs) Hadassah Hospital, listening to a vari- League has been, if you will, absent unless for educational needs and overridden ety of individuals pontificate about the from the team. The Arab League has by the President, operating in the West Bank pending election and having some been absent from this process. and Gaza so long as Hamas, or any other ter- small iota of hope that Hamas, if elect- So as I close, let me say that there is rorist group, is a part of the Palestinian gov- ed, would assume the realm of leader- fault everywhere. We can blame anyone ernment. The Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act ship and stand up and acknowledge we and everyone. But it is clear what has puts in place a stringent benchmark that must want two states, we reject terrorism, to be done. That is the denouncing of be met by the PA before America resumes and we reject any idea that Israel violence. I want to say to our friends aid. The aid will not be resumed until the should not exist. Unfortunately, this here in America, Palestinian friends President certifies that the PA is not controlled did not happen. and others, you can be part of this so- by and does not include terrorist groups and This reminds me of the time that Dr. lution. We are not here to undermine that the PA has demonstrated substantial King led as he moved into the time the children of Palestine or the women progress towards a number of specified goals. when more groups began to circle and or the families or those who are sick, I know we can have peace if people of good intervene in ‘‘the movement’’ as we but we are here to heal the land and to will—no matter what their faith help denounce called it; and he welcomed the young- cause an opportunity for peace so that violence and begin to work for two peaceful sters and those who had provocative two states can live along with each states. and different thoughts. He knew that other. I hope that this bill will not be misinterpreted the ultimate end was what they all I cannot be a hypocrite tonight, and as stifling the Palestinian Authority or harming cherished, and that is the elimination as I cry out for Sudan, I must cry out the Palestinian people. This bill has been of the shackles of segregation and rac- for peace between Israel and the Pal- carefully written to make a compelling state- ism and the divide of this country that estinians. I hope this legislation will ment against any government that would chal- was then black and white. But Dr. King begin the debate, and I hope the Arab lenge the sovereignty of another nation, and had to make a very important decision, League and others will join us in this yet preserve the international aid and support whether or not this movement required fight for freedom. to a people in need of stability. his standing firm on denouncing vio- Madam Speaker, I rise today to support, We welcome Prime Minister Ehud Olmert lence. So he had to reject some of the and express my views, on H.R. 4681, the Pal- this week to address a Joint Meeting of Con- gress. I hope that, while he is here, we may groups who came to the circle of the estinian Anti-Terrorism Act. movement. He had to stand for non- For the last few months, we have watched discuss actions that will serve to dissuade violence. He had to stand for the move- the Middle East transform once again, and stakeholders from violence, and actions that ment being one that we could seek the every day, we have witnessed history in the will be a catalyst toward peace and stability in the Middle East. plateau of freedom without violence. making. One event occurred this week that fills me And so I stand here today because I Israel experienced the end of an era when with hope: Deputy Prime Minister Shimon want to at least express the fact that the Honorable Ariel Sharon was disabled by a Peres and Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni met those of us who argue for the opportu- powerful stroke. Israel also resurrected its with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on nities around the world, for the peace government into an entity focused on stability the sidelines of the World Economic Forum in around the world, for the elimination and the necessity of safety. The Palestinian Sharm el-Sheik, Egypt, achieving the highest- of the shackles of the Sudanese people Authority successfully elected a new govern- level public talks between Israel and the Pal- and who claim that we want that kind ment in the spirit of democracy. estinian Authority in months. While the discus- of fierce and absolute pressure on gov- I had the opportunity this past January to sion focused on ideas for alleviating Pales- ernment, have to be able to understand visit Israel, to once again tread the soil of the tinian humanitarian problems, both sides said this legislation. I want divestiture and Holy Land, and meet with state officials to dis- it could lead to a first Olmert-Abbas summit. I sanctions in Sudan. And so, clearly, I cuss the ramifications of Mr. Sharon’s illness, am pleased that conversations between the have to understand that there are and prospects of peace in the Middle East. At governments continue, and I hope that we do, times when we must intervene in order the time, apprehension toward the upcoming indeed, see such a summit in the coming to make the point so that freedom Palestinian elections was tangible, and the months. might live. Israeli elections were not too far in the future. Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Madam Speak- I hope President Abbas will meet All of Israel and the Middle East knew that this er, I yield myself the balance of my with the prime minister, the new prime was a turning point. time. minister of Israel. I hope that they will Now, however, we have a conundrum. Madam Speaker, I thank all of my find a common ground and a way to Where we want to encourage and celebrate a colleagues who have participated in promote peace. But at the same time, I democratic election, we are dismayed that the this debate and most especially my think it is important that we make a party elected has a history that disappoints dear friend from California (Mr. LAN- firm stand to find in our hearts and our hopes of peace and a mutually beneficial res- TOS). He is always on the right side of minds the ability to stand up to Hamas olution in the near future. all of these issues. Thank you, Mr. and ask them to reject violence but Until we can achieve a two-state solution LANTOS, for your friendship and your also to say these three words: Israel with lasting peace, we must address the fact leadership. can exist. That is what we are asking that the government now in power has not met Madam Speaker, Hamas has a choice for tonight. the baseline requirements for returning to the to make. It can be part of our broader I guess I speak as one who has a great discussion table. post-9/11 policy of being with peace-lov- kinship and friendship with many Mus- Over the last few months, we have seen the ing, freedom-loving, democratic na- lims around this Nation and this world. Palestinian people elect a government that tions, or it can be with the Islamic ter- Particularly, I speak tonight to those promised more organization and resilient pub- rorists. Yet, this is what Hamas’ choice Palestinian Americans who are frus- lic administration, as well as less corruption has been. trated and confused by legislation such and abuse of its citizens. However, the charter On its commitment to terrorism, the as this. I beg of them to link arms with of Hamas remains committed to the destruc- security forces head says, ‘‘We have all of us and demand of the Hamas that tion of the nation of Israel, and the supremacy only one enemy, they are Jews. I will they rid themselves of this violence so of the Islamic faith around the world. The Pal- continue to carry the rifle and pull the their children can learn, so the sick estinian Authority is struggling to deliver the trigger whenever required to defend my and the feeble can be taken care of. But stability it promised on the campaign trail. people.’’ I do thank the authors of this legisla- H.R. 4681 states that it shall be U.S. policy On refusing to recognize Israel, the tion for putting these exceptions in, to promote the emergence of a democratic Hamas spokesman says, ‘‘I believe that

VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:02 May 26, 2006 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00045 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 D:\FIX-CR\H22MY6.REC H22MY6 H3010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 22, 2006 the question of recognizing Israel will Marshall Plan after World War II. By rebuilding meet, Madam Speaker, given our need to en- never be at any time on the agenda of Europe, America continues to be stronger. sure that such projects do not in any way ben- the Hamas movement, the PLC or the Yes, there were communist factions that the efit Hamas, either politically or economically. Palestinian government.’’ United States deplored, but we knew the need Nor, Madam Speaker, is it too much to ask The foreign minister has said, ‘‘Even was real, and punishing the whole for the acts that the consultation period be a bit longer if the U.S. gave us all its money in re- of the few was wrongheaded in the extreme. than usual—25 days instead of 15—given this turn for recognizing Israel and giving Today, our actions must be motivated only unprecedented situation, in which we would up one inch of Palestine, we would by our intense desire to achieve a just and provide aid to a people whose government is never do so even if this costs us our lasting peace. The compassion and charity of controlled by terrorists. This is new territory, lives. Our right to pursue the resist- the American people should be reflected in and we owe it to the taxpayers to proceed ance will remain as long as the occupa- this legislation, though sadly, they are si- cautiously. Indeed, we cannot be sure that the tion continues over our lands and our lenced. new Hamas-controlled Palestinian Authority holy sites.’’ Madam Speaker, make no mistake, a vote will not exert control over schools and other This is the leadership of Hamas. So cast in favor of H.R. 4681 is not a vote for institutions currently run by non-governmental we have a choice, Madam Speaker. peace, it is not a vote for America and it is not organizations. Allow American taxpayer dollars to a vote that I will cast. In this unusual and potentially explosive sit- help support Hamas and other Islamic I urge my colleagues to cast their votes uation, it seems to me the very least we extremists or prevent such a manipula- against this unwise and unproductive resolu- should ask is that our assistance to the Pales- tion of U.S. funds and ensure that they tion. tinian people clearly further our national secu- help promote our U.S. interests. I hope Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas. Madam rity interests. This is our minimal obligation to that our colleagues make the right de- Speaker, I rise in strong support of this legisla- our constituents. cision tomorrow, and I hope that they tion. We will insist on this basic standard, Madam will help us pass this bill. Earlier this year we watched as the Pales- Speaker, and we will give assistance for ap- Mr. RAHALL. Madam Speaker, I rise today tinian people went to the polls and voted into propriate purposes—and I am quite sure the to urge my colleagues to exercise restraint power a group that has employed car bomb- level of our assistance will continue to be and perspective in our consideration of H.R. ings, suicide bombings, mortar attacks, greater than that of any Arab nation, including 4681. Qassam rocket attacks, and assassinations to those who have been wallowing in ever-in- President Bush’s Administration has already achieve its stated goal of destroying Israel. creasing windfall profits over the past three stated the bill is ‘‘unnecessary as the Execu- Last January, Hamas—the radical Islamic years. tive branch already has ample authority to im- Palestinian organization that has sought to Also, Madam Speaker, H.R. 4681 cuts off pose all its restrictions and it constrains the expel Jews and destroy the state of Israel to U.S. contact with those who represent ter- Executive branch’s flexibility to use sanctions, establish an Islamic Palestinian state based rorism, not those who represent democracy. if appropriate, as tools to address rapidly on Islamic law—won a majority of the seats in H.R. 4681 establishes a policy that the U.S. changing circumstances.’’ With that kind of en- the Palestinian Legislative Council. should not negotiate or have substantive con- dorsement, we must ask ourselves what this This group has been recognized by the tacts with terrorist organizations such as legislation seeks to accomplish. United States and the European Union as a Hamas or Palestinian Islamic Jihad. Additionally, the so-called Anti-Terrorism Act terrorist organization, and has committed hun- H.R. 4681 explicitly recognizes that working of 2006 limits diplomatic visas to members of dreds of acts of terrorism against Israeli citi- with Palestinian moderates is in U.S. interest the Palestinian Authority and would tie the zens since its creation in 1987. by allowing assistance to be provided to Presi- I fully support the democratic process, but hands of the foreign policy community when it dent Abbas to facilitate a peaceful resolution the views of Hamas are at odds with that comes time to negotiate peace between the of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. PA and Israel. How many times has peace process and its principles, and I do not believe H.R. 4681 allows travel to the UN and gives been brokered on American soil? Eliminating we should continue providing funding to a the President an authority to waive this restric- dialogue does not help to advance peace in group that’s stated purpose is the destruction tion to allow Palestinian moderates who are in the region. Peace only comes through mutual of another democratic country. the Palestinian Legislative Council to come to understanding. This legislation sends a message to Hamas, the United States to visit. Reasonable, even intelligent people can, but protects humanitarian assistance for the I urge all my colleagues to support H.R. and frequently do, disagree on how best to Palestinian people by continuing U.S. assist- 4681. achieve peace in the Middle East, but, peace ance through NGOs and USAID. must be the goal of our foreign policy tools, H.R. 4681 also gives the President authority Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Madam Speaker, I at- whether they be by the stick or by the carrot. to waive many of the provisions of the bill if tach an exchange of letters between Chairman Peace cannot come from punishing the Pal- Hamas changes its stance or a new Pales- HYDE and Chairman OXLEY concerning the bill estinian people. Even Israel’s Foreign Minister tinian Authority government emerges. H.R. 4681 ‘‘Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act of knows that. He states in Reuters, that, ‘‘Israel We cannot allow U.S. taxpayer dollars to 2006.’’ is prepared to release Palestinian tax reve- get in the hands of a Hamas-controlled gov- HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, nues into a proposed aid mechanism being ernment to be used against Israel, and this bill COMMITTEE ON FINANCIAL SERVICES, Washington, DC, May 15, 2006. will prevent that from happening while pro- set up by Middle East mediators to avert the Hon. HENRY J. HYDE, collapse of the Palestinian health sector . . .’’ tecting humanitarian aid to the Palestinian Chairman, Committee on International Rela- Instead, this legislation seeks to accomplish people. tions, House of Representatives, Wash- exactly what President Bush’s Administration Madam Speaker, we need to send Hamas a ington, DC. and the Israeli Foreign Minister realize is message that we will not stand by while it con- DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: I am writing to con- counterproductive. I can tell you that after 30 tinues to endorse terrorism and violence. firm our mutual understanding with respect years in Congress, I have seen legislation I urge my colleagues to join me in sup- to the consideration of H.R. 4681, the Pales- succeed and fail. This legislation is rigid, and porting H.R. 4681. tinian Anti-Terrorism Act of 2006. This bill Mr. LANTOS. Madam Speaker, in conclu- was introduced on February 1, 2006, and re- unnecessary. ferred to the Committees on International To put it plainly, when you take from people sion I reject the claim that our bill does not Relations, Judiciary and Financial Services. who already have nothing, you breed trouble, allow our government to support worthwhile I understand that committee action has al- you don’t combat it. How easy will it be for Al- projects for the Palestinians in the West Bank ready taken place on the bill. Qaeda to tell a man whose child is dying that and Gaza. In fact, it makes every possible al- Section 9 of the bill as introduced falls the doctors are no longer there because the lowance for such projects, consistent with U.S. within the jurisdiction of this Committee Americans took them away? How easy will it national interests. and could be the subject of a markup. How- be to recruit a whole new generation of list- First of all, our legislation makes an explicit ever, in response to a request from this Com- less, impoverished youths? exception for supporting the basic human mittee, I thank you for your agreement to support in moving this legislation forward Madam Speaker, I reject the idea that this health needs of the Palestinian people. the modification of section 9 to remove from legislation will combat terrorism. I reject it be- Second, it includes a waiver that requires the certification requirement for inter- cause we have history as our teacher. the President only to certify that such assist- national financial institutions a determina- The best nation-building, goodwill act that ance furthers our national security interests. tion of the President that the Palestinian the United States has ever produced was the That is not an unreasonably high standard to Authority has taken effective steps and

VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:02 May 26, 2006 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00046 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 D:\FIX-CR\H22MY6.REC H22MY6 May 22, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3011 made demonstrable progress toward ‘‘ensur- lenge. The bill which is before the House because they support terror, but because they ing democracy, the rule of law, and an inde- today is based on a proposal by our col- were desperate for a better quality of life. pendent judiciary, and adopting other re- leagues, ILEANA ROS-LEHTINEN and TOM LAN- Hamas was providing basic services that their forms such as ensuring transparency and ac- countable governance.’’ Given the impor- TOS. existing government was, for whatever reason, tance and timeliness of the Palestinian Anti- The fact that the Palestinians voted, albeit unable to provide. Terrorism Act, and your willingness to work by a plurality and not a majority, to put Hamas I would like to take this opportunity to say with us regarding these issues, further pro- in power in the Palestinian Authority does not that supporting this bill is not a rejection of the ceedings on this bill in this Committee will mean that the United States has to support Palestinian people. America’s position is clear: no longer be necessary. However, I do so only that government. The Palestinian people must we support a two-state solution in accordance with the understanding that this procedural live with their own decisions; the United States with the Roadmap. route should not be construed to prejudice need not, and should not, deal with, let alone the jurisdictional interest of the Committee And although we cannot and should not on Financial Services on these provisions or support, terrorists—whether elected or not. support Hamas, we must not abandon the Pal- any other similar legislation and will not be The legislation we have before us today estinian people. We must continue to support considered as precedent for consideration of provides a series of firewalls to prevent fund- humanitarian aid—including health, education, matters of jurisdictional interest to my com- ing under the Foreign Assistance Act from and civil society initiatives—to ensure that the mittee in the future. Furthermore, should flowing to the Palestinian Authority, from which next generation of Palestinian children can these or similar provisions be considered in a it could support, or be seen to be supporting, know something other than violence, despera- conference with the Senate, I would expect the Hamas’ terrorist leadership of the Pales- members of the Committee on Financial tion, and hatred. Only then will we have any Services be appointed to the conference com- tinian Authority. It also provides for ways, sub- hope of achieving true peace. mittee on these provisions. ject to appropriate findings and consultation Mr. FOSSELLA. Madam Speaker, I rise in Finally, I would ask that you include a with the Congress, to get funding to the Pales- strong support of H.R. 4681, the Palestinian copy of our exchange of letters in the Con- tinian people through the funding of non-gov- Anti-Terrorism Act of 2006. I was deeply con- gressional Record during the consideration ernmental organizations. of this bill. If you have any questions regard- cerned when I learned that the Hamas party We have provided exceptions, subject to was elected to take control of the Palestinian ing this matter, please do not hesitate to certain certification and consultation require- call me. I thank you for your consideration. Authority. In FY 2005, the United States ap- Yours truly, ments, for—among other things—assistance propriated $275 million to the West Bank and MICHAEL G. OXLEY, to the President of the Palestinian Authority. Gaza, with $50 million of that funding going di- Chairman. Mahmoud Abbas, the current Palestine Presi- rectly to the Palestinian Authority. But now, dent, is clearly not a terrorist, and having with Hamas in control of the Palestinian Au- COMMITTEE ON INTERNATIONAL RE- worked with him, we must make it possible for thority, not one dollar of taxpayer money LATIONS, HOUSE OF REPRESENTA- him to be protected, if required, and to be an TIVES, should go to this terrorist organization. The effective negotiator. He still has a lot of institu- Palestinian people have every right to elect a Washington, DC, May 15, 2006. tional power under the Palestinian constitution, Hon. MICHAEL G. OXLEY, terrorist organization to control their govern- Chairman, House Committee on Financial Serv- and he should be encouraged and enabled in ment—and the United States has every right ices, Washington, DC. exercising that power responsibly. to eliminate any financial assistance for it. Under the Foreign Assistance Act, it will be DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: Thank you for your Under H.R. 4681, the Hamas-led Palestinian letter concerning H.R. 4681, the Palestinian possible to provide assistance, even to a ter- Authority would become eligible for United Anti-terrorism Act of 2006. As you noted, rorist-dominated Palestinian Authority, to deal States foreign assistance only when Hamas this bill has been referred to both of our with health emergencies such as avian flu. renounces violence, dismantles the terrorist in- committees as well as the Committee on the That sort of assistance should flow, and in- Judiciary. The Committee on International frastructure in the West Bank and Gaza, rec- deed flows today. Relations has filed its report on the bill (109– ognizes Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state Finally, we establish, by statute, a policy 462, Part I). I concur that provisions within and accepts all previous Israeli-Palestinian that officials of the United States should not Section 9 of the bill, as introduced, fall with- agreements. in the jurisdiction of this Committee and negotiate with members of terrorist organiza- could be the subject of a markup in your tions such as Hamas and that our government Hamas is responsible for countless homi- committee. In order to expedite consider- should oppose funding the Palestinian Author- cide bombings that have killed hundreds of ation of the bill by the House, I am willing ity, under the current circumstances, through Israeli citizens. They have waged a terror war to modify language in Section 9 relating to International Financial Institutions. with the sole intent of murdering innocent peo- international financial institutions. ple. Hamas is responsible for some of the Based on the agreement to modify the With that brief outline of the bill’s key points, Madam Speaker, I would like to express my most horrific terrorist attacks in recent years, manager’s amendment to reflect our under- including the March 2002 standing, I appreciate your willingness to thanks to Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN and Mr. LANTOS forgo a committee markup of the bill. I un- for their efforts. that killed 30 people; the June 2002 Patt Junc- derstand that this waiver should not be con- Ms. LORETTA SANCHEZ of California. tion Massacre which killed 19 people; and the strued to prejudice the jurisdictional inter- Madam Speaker, I rise today in support of this 2003 Jerusalem Bus attack which killed 23 est of the Committee on Financial Services bill and in support of peace and prosperity for people. And recently, Hamas backed the Apri1 on these provisions or any other similar leg- all the people of the Middle East. 2006 bombing of a Tel-Aviv restaurant that islation and will not be considered as prece- For years, the international community has killed 9 people. dent for consideration of matters of jurisdic- The Hamas Charter reads: ‘‘Israel will exist tional interest to your committee in the fu- tried to work with Israelis and Palestinians to ture. I also agree that, should these or simi- forge a lasting peace in the Middle East. But and will continue to exist until Islam will oblit- lar provisions be considered in a conference the election of Hamas to control the Pales- erate it, just as it obliterated others before it.’’ with the Senate, I will request the Speaker tinian Parliament was a shock to all of us, and Hamas’ victory further jeopardizes the to name members of the Committee on Fi- the announcement that their party would rule peace process and creates greater instability nancial Services to the conference com- alone disheartening. in the region. I have no confidence in Hamas mittee on these provisions. It remains to be seen whether participation as a responsible leader of the Palestinian Au- As requested, I am inserting a copy of our thority nor do I believe the terrorist group exchange of letters in the Congressional in the democratic process can truly have a Record during the deliberation on this bill. I moderating effect on organizations that have wants peace with Israel. I urge the new gov- thank you for your consideration. supported terror. But until we see evidence to ernment to proceed with caution and exercise Sincerely, that effect, we are forced to deal with the restraint as it assumes power. Any provo- HENRY J. HYDE, world as it is—and in that world, Hamas is a cation on their part will rightly be met with Chairman. terrorist organization. fierce resistance by the Israeli people. Mr. HYDE. Madam Speaker, the election of Hamas uses violence against the innocent H.R. 4681 does allow for humanitarian as- Hamas to a majority within the Palestinian to further its political objectives. It does not ac- sistance, including providing funds to Fattah Legislative Council and to the formation of a cept the Roadmap, and it does not recognize party member Mahmoud Abbas, President of terrorist organization-led government in the the right of Israel to exist. Clearly, we cannot the Palestinian Authority. Under this bill, the Palestinian Authority poses a serious chal- support—with our words or with our deeds— Palestinian People may be eligible for addi- lenge to the United States and its allies. The such an organization. tional aid on a case-by-case basis. While Committee on International Relations has At the same time, we must recognize that strong against Hamas, this bill is not need- crafted an excellent response to that chal- most Palestinian people voted for Hamas not blind to the people of Palestine. Just recently,

VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:02 May 26, 2006 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00047 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 9920 D:\FIX-CR\H22MY6.REC H22MY6 H3012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 22, 2006 the United States sent $10 million worth of House Republicans are focused on their come addicted to alcohol than someone pharmaceuticals to local clinics in the Gaza concerns and are working very hard to who starts drinking at age 21 or later. Strip on May 10. lower the costs of gasoline over the Prevention efforts have been, I would Mr. SHAYS. Madam Speaker, the founding mid and long term. say, very minimal. The Federal Gov- charter of Hamas reads, ‘‘Israel will rise and Republicans introduced and passed ernment currently spends about 25 will remain erect until Islam eliminates it as it the Gasoline for America’s Security times more annually to combat youth had eliminated its predecessors.’’ Madam Act which will ban price gouging and drug use than to prevent underage al- Speaker, when your enemy says he is going increase U.S. fuel supply by encour- cohol use. to kill you, you better pay attention. aging new refineries while at the same Alcohol is a gateway drug. Usually The Hamas victory in Palestinian parliamen- time promoting conservation efforts. those who begin to use cocaine, heroin, tary elections is of great concern to me and The bill passed the House but still and methamphetamine do not start many others and presents a major challenge needs immediate attention in the with those drugs. They start with alco- to the peace process. Hamas ran a campaign United States Senate. hol. Television ads for alcohol products primarily based on cleaning out the corruption Republicans also passed the Energy outnumber responsibility messages by of the Fatah party. The Palestinian people re- Policy Act which reduces the cost of 32–1. In other words, those ads that pro- sponded to this pledge, but sadly in the proc- energy, reduces our reliance on foreign mote the consumption of alcohol are 32 ess elected a terrorist government. oil sources, encourages the use of alter- times more prevalent than those ads Unless Hamas recognizes the State of native power sources and improves our that urge restraint, responsible drink- Israel’s right to exist, ceases incitement and electricity transmission capability. ing or discourage underage drinking. permanently disarms and dismantles their ter- The bill also provides relief to our From 2001 to 2003, the industry spent rorist infrastructure, there is no hope for hardworking farmers by providing tax $2.5 billion on television advertising peace. The bottom line is neither our govern- incentives and money for research and and promoting their product and only ment nor Israel can meet with or provide as- development by ethanol and biodiesel $27 million, a mere fraction, on respon- sistance to a government led by this terrorist energy sources. sibility programs. organization. In addition, House Republicans have Underage drinkers currently account Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Madam Speak- repeatedly supported legislation to for 17 percent of all alcohol sales in the er, I yield back the balance of my time. open up the Arctic National Wildlife United States, and that is a huge mar- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Refuge to oil and gas exploration. gin. In my State, Nebraska, underage question is on the motion offered by The Democrats, on the other hand, drinking accounts for 25 percent of all the gentlewoman from Florida (Ms. have opposed building new refineries, alcohol sales, and of course, those sales ROS-LEHTINEN) that the House suspend have opposed drilling in ANWR and, in are all illegal. the rules and pass the bill, H.R. 4681, as fact, voted against both of these bills. Recent studies have found that heavy amended. Madam Speaker, Republicans have exposure of the adolescent brain to al- The question was taken. worked hard to address America’s en- cohol interferes with brain develop- The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the ergy needs. And the Democrats? They ment. In other words, drinking at age opinion of the Chair, two-thirds of vote ‘‘no’’ on every solution. 10 is qualitatively and quantitatively those present have voted in the affirm- f different than drinking at 21 or 25 or 30 or 35 or whatever because of develop- ative. b 2200 Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, mental aspects. on that I demand the yeas and nays. SPECIAL ORDERS This is a brain scan showing a brain The yeas and nays were ordered. The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mrs. scan of two 15-year-old young men. The The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- DRAKE). Under the Speaker’s an- scan on the right is a 15-year-old male, ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the nounced policy of January 4, 2005, and heavy drinker, a binge drinker, the per- Chair’s prior announcement, further under a previous order of the House, son who is sober at the time of the proceedings on this question will be the following Members will be recog- brain scan, drinks regularly, binge postponed. nized for 5 minutes each. drinker. The 15-year-old young person f f brain scan on the left is someone who The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a is an abstainer, someone who does not REPORT ON RESOLUTION PRO- drink at all. These young people were VIDING FOR CONSIDERATION OF previous order of the House, the gen- tleman from Oregon (Mr. DEFAZIO) is asked to perform memory tests, and H.R. 5384, AGRICULTURE, RURAL you see the brain scan on the right DEVELOPMENT, FOOD AND DRUG recognized for 5 minutes. (Mr. DEFAZIO addressed the House. showing minimal brain activity, as ADMINISTRATION, AND RELATED compared to the young person doing AGENCIES APPROPRIATIONS His remarks will appear hereafter in the Extensions of Remarks.) the same memory test on the left. So ACT, 2007 we see what excessive exposure to alco- f Mr. HASTINGS of Washington (dur- hol does to brain function. ing debate on H.R. 4681), from the Com- UNDERAGE DRINKING Many young people drop out of mittee on Rules, submitted a privi- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a school, who do not perform well in leged report (Rept. No. 109–477) on the previous order of the House, the gen- school, are simply people who are resolution (H. Res. 830) providing for tleman from Nebraska (Mr. OSBORNE) is heavy drinkers. An estimated 3 million consideration of the bill (H.R. 5384) recognized for 5 minutes. teenagers are full-blown alcoholics at making appropriations for Agriculture, Mr. OSBORNE. Madam Speaker, un- the present time, and that is about six Rural Development, Food and Drug Ad- derage drinking flies under the radar times more than those who are ad- ministration, and Related Agencies for screen for most people. Alcohol is legal dicted to other kinds of drugs. the fiscal year ending September 30, and widely accepted by adults, and yet Alcohol kills six times more young 2007, and for other purposes, which was many times we do not realize the dev- people than all illicit drugs combined, referred to the House Calendar and or- astation that this is causing for young all other illicit drugs. Underage drink- dered to be printed. people. ing costs the United States roughly $53 f The average at which young people billion annually. So this is something, begin drinking is 12.7 years of age, and again, that I mention that ofttimes REPUBLICANS OFFERING ENERGY that age is declining annually. people are simply not aware of. SOLUTIONS Binge drinking is something that is The bill that we have introduced in (Ms. FOXX asked and was given per- very common among young people. On the House that we think is relevant to mission to address the House for 1 average, teenagers drink more by dou- this problem is called the Sober Truth minute.) ble what adults drink per sitting and on Preventing Underage Drinking Act, Ms. FOXX. Madam Speaker, many per consumption. the STOP Act, and what it would do is Americans are concerned about gaso- Teens who start drinking before age create a Federal Interagency Coordi- line prices. They can rest assured that 15 are four times more likely to be- nating Committee to coordinate efforts

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