H2990 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 22, 2006 8 of rule XX, the Chair will postpone ‘‘SEC. 620K. LIMITATION ON ASSISTANCE TO THE ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Subsection (a) shall not further proceedings today on the mo- PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY. apply with respect to the following: ‘‘(a) LIMITATION.—Except as provided in tion to suspend the rules on which a re- ‘‘(A) ASSISTANCE TO INDEPENDENT ELEC- subsection (e), assistance may be provided TIONS COMMISSIONS.—Assistance to any Pal- corded vote or the yeas and nays are under this Act to the Palestinian Authority estinian independent election commission if ordered, or on which the vote is ob- only during a period for which a certification the President transmits to Congress a cer- jected to under clause 6 of rule XX. described in subsection (b) is in effect. tification that contains a determination of Any record vote on the postponed ‘‘(b) CERTIFICATION.—A certification de- the President that— question will be taken tomorrow. scribed in this subsection is a certification ‘‘(i) no member of such commission is a transmitted by the President to Congress member of, affiliated with, or appointed by a f that contains a determination of the Presi- foreign terrorist organization; and PALESTINIAN ANTI-TERRORISM dent that— ‘‘(ii) each member of such commission is ACT OF 2006 ‘‘(1) no ministry, agency, or instrumen- independent of the influence of any political tality of the Palestinian Authority is con- party or movement. Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, I trolled by a foreign terrorist organization ‘‘(B) ASSISTANCE TO SUPPORT THE MIDDLE move to suspend the rules and pass the and no member of a foreign terrorist organi- EAST PEACE PROCESS.—Assistance to the Of- bill (H.R. 4681) to promote the develop- zation serves in a senior policy making posi- fice of the President of the Palestinian Au- ment of democratic institutions in tion in a ministry, agency, or instrumen- thority for non-security expenses directly re- areas under the administrative control tality of the Palestinian Authority; lated to facilitating a peaceful resolution of ‘‘(2) the Palestinian Authority has— the Israeli-Palestinian conflict or for the of the Palestinian Authority, and for ‘‘(A) publicly acknowledged Israel’s right other purposes, as amended. personal security detail of the President of to exist as a Jewish state; and the Palestinian Authority if the President The Clerk read as follows: ‘‘(B) recommitted itself and is adhering to transmits to Congress a certification that H.R. 4681 all previous agreements and understandings contains a determination of the President Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- by the Palestine Liberation Organization that— resentatives of the United States of America in and the Palestinian Authority with the Gov- ‘‘(i) such assistance is critical to facili- Congress assembled, ernment of the United States, the Govern- tating a peaceful resolution of the Israeli- ment of Israel, and the international com- SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. Palestinian conflict; munity, including agreements and under- ‘‘(ii) the President of the Palestinian Au- This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Palestinian standings pursuant to the Performance- thority is not a member of or affiliated with Anti-Terrorism Act of 2006’’. Based Roadmap to a Permanent Two-State a foreign terrorist organization and has re- SEC. 2. LIMITATION ON ASSISTANCE TO THE PAL- Solution to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict jected the use of terrorism to resolve the ESTINIAN AUTHORITY. (commonly referred to as the ‘Roadmap’); Israeli-Palestinian conflict; (a) DECLARATION OF POLICY.—It shall be the and ‘‘(iii) such assistance will not be used to policy of the United States— ‘‘(3) the Palestinian Authority has taken provide funds to any individual who is a (1) to support a peaceful, two-state solu- effective steps and made demonstrable member of or affiliated with a foreign ter- tion to end the conflict between Israel and progress toward— rorist organization or who has not rejected the Palestinians in accordance with the Per- ‘‘(A) completing the process of purging the use of terrorism to resolve the Israeli- formance-Based Roadmap to a Permanent from its security services individuals with Palestinian conflict; and Two-State Solution to the Israeli-Pales- ties to terrorism; ‘‘(iv) such assistance will not be retrans- tinian Conflict (commonly referred to as the ‘‘(B) dismantling all terrorist infrastruc- ferred to any other entity within or outside ‘‘Roadmap’’); ture, confiscating unauthorized weapons, ar- of the Palestinian Authority except as pay- (2) to oppose those organizations, individ- resting and bringing terrorists to justice, de- ment for legal goods or services rendered. uals, and countries that support terrorism stroying unauthorized arms factories, ‘‘(2) ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS.—Assist- and violence; thwarting and preempting terrorist attacks, ance described in paragraph (1) may be pro- (3) to urge members of the international and fully cooperating with Israel’s security vided only if the President— community to avoid contact with and refrain services; ‘‘(A) determines that the provision of such from financially supporting the terrorist or- ‘‘(C) halting all anti-Israel incitement in assistance is important to the national secu- ganization Hamas or a Hamas-controlled Palestinian Authority-controlled electronic rity interests of the United States; and Palestinian Authority until Hamas agrees to and print media and in schools, mosques, and ‘‘(B) not less than 30 days prior to the obli- recognize Israel, renounce violence, disarm, other institutions it controls, and replacing gation of amounts for the provision of such and accept prior agreements, including the these materials, including textbooks, with assistance— Roadmap; materials that promote tolerance, peace, and ‘‘(i) consults with the appropriate congres- (4) to promote the emergence of a demo- coexistence with Israel; sional committees regarding the specific pro- cratic Palestinian governing authority ‘‘(D) ensuring democracy, the rule of law, grams, projects, and activities to be carried that— and an independent judiciary, and adopting out using such assistance; and (A) denounces and combats terrorism; other reforms such as ensuring transparent ‘‘(ii) submits to the appropriate congres- (B) has agreed to and is taking action to and accountable governance; and sional committees a written memorandum disarm and dismantle any terrorist agency, ‘‘(E) ensuring the financial transparency that contains the determination of the Presi- network, or facility; and accountability of all government min- dent under subparagraph (A). (C) has agreed to work to eliminate anti- istries and operations. ‘‘(3) DEFINITION.—In this subsection, the Israel and anti-Semitic incitement and the ‘‘(c) RECERTIFICATIONS.—Not later than 90 term ‘appropriate congressional committees’ commemoration of terrorists in Palestinian days after the date on which the President means— society; transmits to Congress an initial certification ‘‘(A) the Committee on International Rela- (D) has agreed to respect the sovereignty under subsection (b), and every six months tions and the Committee on Appropriations of its neighbors; thereafter— of the House of Representatives; and (E) acknowledges, respects, and upholds ‘‘(1) the President shall transmit to Con- ‘‘(B) the Committee on Foreign Relations the human rights of all people; gress a recertification that the requirements and the Committee on Appropriations of the (F) implements the rule of law, good gov- contained in subsection (b) are continuing to Senate. ernance, and democratic practices, including be met; or ‘‘(f) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: conducting free, fair, and transparent elec- ‘‘(2) if the President is unable to make ‘‘(1) FOREIGN TERRORIST ORGANIZATION.— tions in compliance with international such a recertification, the President shall The term ‘foreign terrorist organization’ standards; transmit to Congress a report that contains means an organization designated as a for- (G) ensures institutional and financial the reasons therefor. eign terrorist organization by the Secretary transparency and accountability; and ‘‘(d) CONGRESSIONAL NOTIFICATION.—Assist- of State in accordance with section 219(a) of (H) has agreed to recognize the State of ance made available under this Act to the the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 Israel as an independent, sovereign, Jewish, Palestinian Authority may not be provided U.S.C. 1189(a)). democratic state; and until 15 days after the date on which the ‘‘(2) PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY.—The term (5) to continue to support assistance to the President has provided notice thereof to the ‘Palestinian Authority’ means the interim Palestinian people. Committee on International Relations and Palestinian administrative organization that (b) AMENDMENTS.—Chapter 1 of part III of the Committee on Appropriations of the governs part of the West Bank and all of the the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 (22 U.S.C. House of Representatives and to the Com- Gaza Strip (or any successor Palestinian 2351 et seq.) is amended— mittee on Foreign Relations and the Com- governing entity), including the Palestinian (1) by redesignating the second section mittee on Appropriations of the Senate in Legislative Council.’’. 620G (as added by section 149 of Public Law accordance with the procedures applicable to (c) APPLICABILITY TO UNEXPENDED FUNDS.— 104–164 (110 Stat. 1436)) as section 620J; and reprogramming notifications under section Section 620K of the Foreign Assistance
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