
Coherent States and String Amplitudes

Dimitri Skliros (Nottingham)

9th Crete Regional Meeting in (July 2017)

based on (published and unublished) work with: Mark Hindmarsh; Ed Copeland, Paul Saffin; Dieter Lüst optimistic objective:

To study non-perturbative objects (e.g., black holes) using perturbative techniques (string perturbation theory)

This would normally be considered “blasphemous”, but with appropriate resummations1 one can hope to get quite far (and the perturbation series is asymptotic2)

In particular we would like to construct a microscopic picture of black holes, black hole production using scattering experiments (hoop conjecture), understand origin of BH entropy, etc.

1(see e.g. Amati, Ciafaloni and Veneziano, . . . ) 2E.g., the Stirling approximation of the gamma function is also an asymptotic expansion but is remarkably close to the full result hints and basic idea:

String scattering amplitudes at high energies (and fixed angle) at higher genus dominated by saddle points [Gross, Mende, Manes]

Such a saddle point has the interpretation of a semiclassical highly excited string (minimising worldsheet area)

Suggestion: instead of searching for saddle points, construct “semiclassical” strings directly (coherent states) and use these to compute string amplitudes at high energies

This might qualitatively capture some higher genus contributions, while possibly providing a handle on non-perturbative string (black holes) Dvali and Gomez (inspired by a corpuscular view of black holes) suggested to view black holes as condensates of soft (classicalisation) at a quantum critical point

This has attracted a lot of attention. E.g., Dvali, Gomez, Isermann, Lüst and Stieberger (2015) set out3 to make this idea sharp by computing2 → N tree-level scattering amplitudes (with 2 hard and N  1 soft gravitons):

 λ N |h2|Sˆ|Ni |2 ∼ N!, λ ≤ 1, BH ↔ λ = 1 pert N They also conjecture to include non-perturbative factor (entropy) “by hand” (with multiplicity eN ) leading to

X ˆ 2 2 N |h2|S|Nipert| |hN|BHj i| ∼ λ λ=1 ∼ 1 j implying black hole production( λ = 1) dominates over λ  1 3Using powerful techniques (KLT relations, scattering equations), in both field theory and string theory However, it is unclear (at least to me) whether one can identify the resulting state in 2 → N as a bound state of N gravitons. Also, I would have expected the result to actually depend on three 2 independent parameters: N, λ and ξ ≡ `s /(4G4).

Then there is the issue of higher loop corrections. These was studied by Addazi, Bianchi and Veneziano (2017), where it was found that virtual gravitons should actually play a vital role, leading to a re-interpretation of the Dvali et al results.

One would ideally like to adopt a formalism where the notion of a bound state is sharp, and where one can freely speak about size when it is well-defined, as well as mass and charge. What we suggest here4 is to replace the N final states by a string coherent state (which is a bound state and one has full control over its quantum numbers).

4Dieter Lüst and DS (in preparation) Outline:

- String Coherent Vertex Operators

- Superstring Coherent Vertex Operators

- Decay Rates and Infrared EFT description

- 3-Point Amplitudes (2 gravitons → coherent state) Definition of string coherent state (my PhD thesis):

(1) continuity: depends on a set of continuous quantum numbers {λ, λ¯}; (2) completeness: produces a resolution of unity,

Z Σ X Z Z Σ1 Z Σ2 = dλdλ¯ Vc (λ, λ¯; ... ) V(λ, λ¯; ... ), (... )

so that the V(λ, λ¯; ... ) span the string Hilbert space, H. The dots “... ” denote any additional quantum numbers; (3) symmetries: transforms correctly under all (super)string symmetries 5 Note: - Vc denotes the euclidean adjoint of V (subtle phases..) - eigenstates of annihilation operators do not exist in covariant or lightcone gauge closed string theory

5 e.g., QB V(λ, λ¯; ... ) = (L0 − L¯0)V(λ, λ¯; ... ) = (b0 − b¯0)V(λ, λ¯; ... ) = 0. Coherent State Construction (practical approach):

Coherent states satisfying all defining properties can be constructed6 using DDF operators (α0 = 2) 7

1 I 1 I Ai = dz ∂ xi einq·x(z), A¯i = dz¯∂ xi einq·x(¯z), n 2π z n 2π z¯

2 i j ij with q = 0, q · An = 0 and [An, Am] = nδ δn+m,0, in terms of which (including a θ integral for level-matching):

∞ Z 2πdθ n X 1 o V (z, z¯) = C exp einθλ · A coh 2π n n −n 0 n=1 ∞ n X 1 o × exp e−imθλ¯ · A¯ eip·x(z,z¯), m m −m m=1 with p2 = 2, p · q = 1. (In compact spacetimes there is also an iM0 Nas overall phase, (−) a , and pL, pR independent, etc.) 6 Hindmarsh & Skliros PRL (2011), Skliros, Copeland and Saffin (2017) 7 Del Giudice, Di Vecchia, Fubini (1972); Ademollo, Del Guidice, Di Vecchia (1974) Carrying out Wick contractions and contour integrals leads to a complete set of conformal weight (0, 0) primaries: Z 2π dθ Vˆcoh(z, z¯) = C U(z)U˜(¯z), 0 2π i i i where, defining ζnM ≡ λn(δM − p qM ), the chiral half reads,  X ei(n+m)θ U(z) = : c(z) exp ζ · ζ e−i(n+m)q·xL(z)+ 2nm n m Sn,m n,m>0 r 2 X einθ  + ζ · Dnx e−inq·xL(z) eip·xL(z) : α0 n n z L n>0 transversality conditions ζn · p = ζn · q = 0, and defined:   Dn ≡ Pn Z (a (n)) i ∂r ,  z r=1 n−r s (r−1)! z  P`  Sm,`(z) ≡ r=1 rZm+r (as (m))Z`−r (as (`)).

ZN (as ) are cycle index polynomials and as = −nq · α−s . A rest frame only exists in an expectation value sense (α0 = 2):

µ µ 2 X 2 X ¯ 2 2 hpˆ i ≡ Mδ0 , M = |ζn| + |ζm| −2, M ∈ [−2, ∞) n m

When Vcoh has a semiclassical interpretation it has spatial extent, R ≡ ph(X(z, z¯) − x)2i:

X 1   R2 = |ζ |2 + |ζ¯ |2 − 2Reζ · ζ¯ e−2inτM  n2 n n n n n>0 for R  `s , and to every coherent vertex (when a semiclassical interpretation exists) there corresponds a classical (lightcone gauge) trajectory:

X 0(z, z¯) = −iM ln zz¯, X i X i X i (z, z¯) = λi z−n− λ∗i zn + λ¯i z¯−m− λ¯∗i z¯m, n n n m m m n m Notice we can make R arbitrarily small for any given mass M. Superstring Generalisation of Coherent Vertex Operators Superstring Conventions

It is efficient to work in superfield RNS formalism and focus on NS-NS sector

The matter action reads: 1 Z I = d2zd2θED X ·D X . 4π + −

With appropriate gauge choice, can work in flat superspace (superconformal gauge), where E = 1, and xµ is promoted to a scalar superfield, X µ(z, ¯z) = X µ(z) + X µ(¯z), the chiral half of which reads: µ µ µ X (z) = x+(z) + θz ψ+(z), 2 D+X = ψ+ + θz ∂z x+, with D+ = ∂z Vertex operators take the form:

Z 2 ¯ V = d zOh(z)Oh¯(¯z) and will be superconformally invariant (and hence can be inserted ¯ 1 1 into path integrals) provided their weights are (h, h) = ( 2 , 2 ).

They should also depend on continuous quantum numbers and there should exist a complete set (defining properties of string coherent states)

8 Furthermore, super-U(1) invariance requires #D+ = #D− in V (when {D+, D−} = 0), and GSO further restricts to #D+ = odd (from summing over all structures9).

Proceeding by analogy with bosonic string, we will be needing super-DDF operators to construct V... 8 e.g., D’Hoker and Phong (1988) 9 Seiberg and Witten (1986) Superstring DDF Operators

The superconformally-invariant (!) Grassmann-even DDF operators read: 1 I Ai = dzdθ D X i einq·X (n ∈ ) n 2π z + Z

2 (with q = q ·An = 0) and there are also Grassmann-odd counterparts:

I i 1 i q ·D+X irq·X 1 Br = dzdθz D+X 1 e (r ∈ Z + ) 2π 2 2 (iq ·D+X ) 2

(with q ·Br = 0) and (anti-)commutation relations:

i j ij i j ij [An, Am] = nδ δn+m, {Br , Bs } = δ δr+s Superstring Coherent Vertex Operators i i Introduce continuous quantum numbers, λn, ξr , and define: P∞ 1 2n P∞ 2n−1 A ≡ u λn ·A−n, B ≡ u ξ 1 ·B 1 n=1 n n=1 n− 2 −(n− 2 ) for some u ∈ C. The vertex operators satisfying all defining 10 D−1,1 10−D properties are then (for type II superstrings ) on R × T :

I du   ¯  V(z, ¯z) = eA sinh B eA sinh B¯ eip·X (z,¯z) 0 2πiu (up to overall normalisation) and correspond to a complete set of coherent state superstring vertex operators, with p2 = 1. H - du enforces super-U(1) invariance, #D+ = #D− - sinh B enforces GSO projection 0 a - in presence of KK and winding charges include uMaN factor and take pL, pR independent 10 for Heterotic string replace anti-chiral half by bosonic result The momentum expectation value of these superstring coherent vertex operators is (recall p2 = 1, p · q = 1 and q2 = 0):

∞ ∞ ˆµ µ µ X 2 X 2 hP i = p − Nq , with N ≡ |λn| + r|ξr | , n∈ 1 N r∈N− 2

The corresponding mass expectation value is:

M2 = 2N − 1, in precise agreement with what expected for NS sector mass eigenstates, but here N is a continuous . (There is no “tachyon” if11 N ≥ 1/2.) We can also enforce “classical level matching” N = N¯

In what follows we switch back to bosonic string for simplicity

11 2 P 2 1 i.e., M ≥ 0 if r r|ξr | ≥ 2 Before proceeding further we should check that there is agreement with low energy effective theory at low energies:12 Z √ 1 D −2Φ 2 1 2  Seff = d x −G e R(D) + 4(∇Φ) − H(3) + ... 16πGD 12 Z 1 µ ¯ ν  − 0 ∂X ∧ ∂X Gµν + Bµν + ... 2πα S2 and the coherent state corresponds to evaluating the source with:

X 0(z, z¯) = −iM ln zz¯, X i X i X i (z, z¯) = λi z−n− λ∗i zn + λ¯i z¯−m− λ¯∗i z¯m, n n n m m m n m We can check agreement noting that at large distances from the source gravity should be weak and there will be massless radiation ⇒

12 where Φ, Gµν and H(3) are the dilaton, spacetime metric and 3-form field strength, H = dB, respectively The decay rate into massless radiation can be computed from the imaginary part of the coherent state 2-point (1-ploop) amplitude using the optical theorem: Z Z Z 1 D 2 −I 2 D µ ˆµ c ˆ A1→1c = d P d τ D(bcX ) e |(µ, b)| δ P − P V V 2 F1 The b, c are the Diff(Σ) ghosts, τ, τ¯ is the modular parameter of 13 the torus and P the loop momentum . The result in the IR is:

dΓ X 16πGD D−4−δ 2 = D−4 0 2 ωN N dΩSD−2 (2π) (2πα ) ωN h  1  ih 0  1  i J02 + − 1 J2 + ... J¯ 2 + − 1 J¯ 2 + ... N z2 N N z¯2 N where δ = 1 yields a decay rate, δ = 0 a power, and the frequency of emitted radiation,14 4πN ω = , with N = 1, 2,..., and L = 2πα0M N L 13 D’Hoker and Phong (1989); DS, Copeland, Saffin (2016) 14 ¯ Here z =z ¯ = sin θ, the JN = JN (Nz), JN = JN (Nz¯) are Bessel. Carrying out the analogous computation in the EFT (power into 15 Gµν, Bµν and Φ radiation) leads to precise agreement Having gained confidence that our coherent states have a sensible low energy limit we can now start to explore the UV where EFT is expected to breakdown while also probing for black hole signatures

In particular, inspired by the 2 → N graviton scattering computation of Dvali, Gomez, Isermann, Luest and Stieberger (2015), I finally mention some preliminary results for 2 → CS (2 graviton to coherent state) scattering amplitudes

15 DS, Copeland, Saffin (2013) Writing Vˆgr(j) for graviton vertex operators (j = 1, 2) of momenta j kj and polarisations ζ , and Vˆcoh the most general coherent vertex operator allowed by symmetries and charge conservation; the amplitude of interest is:

−2Φ c A2→coh = e Vˆgr(1)Vˆgr(2)Vˆ (3) coh S2

For illustration purposes, the simplest interesting case is where the coherent state has a single harmonic (n) excited with mass expectation value M and size R (when well-defined). Write:

2 2 2 2 `s 2 `s M `s X ≡ |ζn| = M , n = , ξ ≡ 4 2 R 4G4 The correspondence with the Dvali et al computation is: R 2 X = ξ2 s = ξN `s R  √ n = ξ s = ξ λ R The result for the full amplitude is16

√ 29 −1/2 X A = i(2π)4δ4(k) 32π I 2X  Z Z¯ , 2→coh `s ξ 0 n a a a=1

1 α0 where, writing γ± = 2 (1 ± 2 k12 · q), e.g.,

1 2 1 X A  X −1 Z1 = (ζ · ζ )( B) 2n H X √ Γ + 1 , Z2 = ..., 4 n B n

The Hn(x) are Hermite polynomials and I0(x) modified Bessel functions. We have defined: r α0 1 1 A = (k · ζ )F , B = (ζ · ζ )γ γ F 2 2 2n 12 n n n n n + − n sin(πnγ ) F (k · q) = (−)n−1 − Γ(nγ )Γ(nγ ) n 12 πΓ(n) + −

Asymptotics pending . . .

16 Dieter Lüst and DS (in preparation) Conclusions

- I have presented the first covariant construction of string coherent vertex operators in bosonic, type II and heterotic (super)string theories - These vertex operators have well defined mass and momentum expectation values, and (when sufficiently macroscopic) size. In latter case they’re in direct correspondence with semiclassical trajectories but extend fully into quantum regime - Computed decay rates and power into massless radiation (in IR!) using both EFT and string amplitudes with coherent states finding precise agreement; (after chiral splitting results resum into Bessel functions) - Preliminary results for a 2 → CS (two gravitons to most general coherent state allowed by symmetries); For nth harmonics the full tree-level result is given in terms of Hermite polynomials and Gamma functions. Is there evidence for black hole production? EXTRA SLIDES Coherent States in QM

Consider Hamiltonian,  1 Hˆ = ω a†a + , with [a, a†] = 1 and a|0i = 0, 2 a†, a are creation and annihilation operators. Coherent states usually defined as eigenstates of the annihilation operator, a, a|λi = λ|λi, with |λi = exp λa† − λ∗a|0i, which therefore lead to classical evolution of expectation values, e.g., d2 1 hx(t)i = −ω2hx(t)i, with hx(t)i = √ λ∗eiωt +λe−iωt . dt2 2 This procedure does not work in string theory (for a variety of reasons) and we need a more general definition of coherent states Coherent State Construction (intuitive approach):

Excite string (of momentum pL, pR ) with r massless + vertex operators (of momenta −nj q, −n¯j q, j = 1,..., r, nj ∈ Z ):

P P (j) 17 set i ni = i n¯i and ressum (Vmassless are ) : ∞ X 1 (r) V = V = :exp V : coh r! excited excited r=0 Then promote massless polarisation tensors to (renormalised) continuous quantum numbers, λn, λ¯n and normalise: g 2 Vc (z, z¯) V (w, w¯) ' D + ... coh coh |z − w|4 17Taking into account factorisation and conformal invariance This procedure produces physical vertex operators, Vcoh, that depend on continuous quantum numbers.

(j) To obtain a complete set relax level matching in, Vmassless, (i.e. take −nj q and −n¯j q independent) and project onto Vcoh satisfying,

(L0 − L¯0) Vcoh ' 0

→This procedure produces coherent states,  Vcoh(z, z¯) = :exp Vexcited(z, z¯) : that satisfy all defining coherent state properties

(a) One can think of this as a “coherent state of gravitons” . . . when a special choice of polarisation tensors is made (b) Vcoh are not eigenstates of annihilation operators! The cycle index polynomials, ZN (as ), are defined by:

N I du X 1 Z (a ) = u−N exp a us N s 2πiu s s 0 s=1 X 1 a1 k1 1 aN kN = ... k1! 1 kN ! N k1+2k2+···+NkN =N

i s and for vertex operators: as = (−nq) · (s−1)! ∂z xL. A number of useful properties are: s  N  ZN b as = b ZN as (scaling relation) N 1 X Z a  = a Z a  (recursion relation) N s N m N−m s m=1 N  X   ZN as + bs = ZN−m as Zm bs (multiplication theorem) m=0 1 1 Z a/bs  = b−N (beta function relation) N N B(a, N) Superconformal transformations generated by the super-stress tensor, T (z),18 1 T (z) = − D X ·D2 X 2 + + Consider a superfield V(z) = V[X (z)] of conformal weight h. That is, Under general superconformal transformation 1 1  (z, θ) → (z + δz, θ + δθ) = z + V − 2 θz D+V , θ + 2 D+V , parametrised by infinitesimal superfield W (z) 1 I δ V(w) = dzdθ WT (z)V(w), W 2πi z with poles in contour integral generated from OPE:  δθ 1 δθ  T (z)V(w) = h + 2 D + D2 + ... V(w) Y 2 Y + Y + with Y ≡ z − w − θz θw , δθ ≡ θz − θw . Contractions carried out with:  hX (z)X (w)i = − ln z − w − θz θw 18 Note that z = (z, θz ) and w = (w, θw ). Superstring Vertex Operator Vacuum Again, by analogy with bosonic string, act with DDF’s on a vacuum state, e.g., eip·X (z) 1 2 This will be physical (i.e. a weight h = 2 superfield) when p = 1. BUT! by GSO we know that physical vacuum requires: #D+ = odd. . . (eliminating the tachyon, etc.)

i i DDF operators A−n and B 1 contribute generically: − 2 (2n−1) i A−n → #D+ = 2n i B 1 → #D+ = 2n − 1, with n = 1, 2,... − 2 (2n−1) to the corresponding vertex operators. i ip·X (z) → So need ODD number of B−r ’s acting on e . Annihilation Operator Eigenvalues i Construct Grassmann-even polarisation tensors, λn, and i Grassmann-odd counterparts, ξr . Then, define: P∞ 1 2n P∞ 2n−1 A ≡ u λn ·A−n, B ≡ u ξ 1 ·B 1 n=1 n n=1 n− 2 −(n− 2 ) for some u ∈ C. Then consider the quantity: eA+Beip·X (z)

i i This is an eigenstate of An and B 1 (for n = 1, 2,... ): n− 2

i  A+B ip·X  2n i  A+B ip·X  An e e = u λn e e

i  A+B ip·X  2n−1 i  A+B ip·X  B 1 e e = u ξ 1 e e n− 2 n− 2 so is a candidate (chiral half of a) coherent superstring vertex operator. However, GSO condition not satisfied . . . GSO implies #B =odd, so we should decompose eB into even and odd #B’s, and drop even pieces, i.e.,

eB → sinh B

Consider therefore quantity:

A ip·X (z) Ou(z) ≡ e sinh B e

i This is an eigenstate of An (for n = 1, 2,... ):

i  A ip·X  2n i  A ip·X  An e sinh B e = u λn e sinh B e

i but not of B 1 , n− 2

i  A ip·X  2n−1 i  A ip·X  B 1 e sinh B e = u ξ 1 e cosh B e n− 2 n− 2

It is rather an eigenstate of two Br ’s, with Grassmass-even eigenvalues. (This is seemingly forced upon us) Picture Changing

In the bosonic string the position of the vertex operator (z, z¯) may correspond to a symmetry, and so we should in that case not integrate over its position. Instead we replace: Z d2zO(z, z¯) → δcδc¯O(z, z¯), with c, c¯ (ghosts) associated to translations generated by CKV’s (the number of which depends on topology and is constrained by index theorems). Z d2zO(z, z¯), and δcδc¯O(z, z¯) correspond to different pictures of the same state. Picture Changing Similarly, in the superstring, either locations of vertex operators (z, z¯) or (θz , θ¯z¯) (or both) may correspond to a symmetry, and so we should in that case not integrate over these positions. Instead we replace, e.g., Z Z d2zd2θV(z, z¯; θ, θ¯) → d2zδγδγ¯V(z, z¯; 0, 0), with zero modes of superghosts, C(z) = c(z) + θγ(z), associated to translations generated by sCKV’s. Focusing on the chiral half of O(z, z¯; θ, θ¯) = O(z, θ)O(¯z, θ¯), we say that: Z dθ V(z, θ), has picture number 0

δ(γ)V(z, 0), has picture number − 1 → Above superstring vertex operators contain both pictures. Example As an example, consider the chiral vertex operator:

i i ip·X (w) O(w) = ξ B 1 e − 2 µ ik·X (w) = ζµD+X e , with ζ · k = k2 = 0. In terms of components, X = x + θψ,

µ ik·x µ µ ik·x O(w, θ) = ζ · ψ e + θζµ ∂w x − k · ψψ e , and we recognise immediately the two (−1 and 0) pictures respectively:

µ ik·x µ µ ik·x δ(γ)ζµψ e , and ζµ ∂x − ik · ψ+ψ e .

Similar remarks hold for the full superstring coherent vertex operators above