THE ART MARKET in 2015 Nota Bene : • All the Fine Art Auction Prices Quoted in This Report Include Buyer Fees
THE ART MARKET IN 2015 Nota Bene : • All the Fine Art auction prices quoted in this report include buyer fees. • For the purposes of this report, Fine Art includes paintings, sculptures, installations, drawings, photographs, videos, tapestries and prints. It does not include antiques, anonymous cultural goods and furniture. • “Western Art Market” means all countries of the world, except China. • All $ symbols refer to the US dollars and all ¥ symbols refer to the Chinese yuan. The exchange rate used by AMMA for the Chinese market data is an average annual rate. • The two main categories of Chinese art are “Chinese Painting & Calligraphy” and “Oil Painting & Contemporary Art”. • “Chinese Painting & Calligraphy” refers to traditional Chinese art forms usually created with Indian ink (Chinese ink) on various substrates such as Xuan paper, silk or fans. These may take the form of calligraphy, with subjects like poems, words and wishes, or traditional Chinese painting, representing landscapes, people, birds and flowers. • The “Oil Painting & Contemporary Art” category refers to artworks created by Chinese artists who have adopted Western techniques and media (oil painting, photography, sculpture, installation, pencil drawing, gouache, watercolor, etc.) after the first canvas oil painting was shown in China in 1579. • Old Masters: works by artists born before 1760. • 19th Century Art: works by artists born between 1760 and 1860. • Post-War Art: works by artists born between 1920 and 1945. • Contemporary Art: works by artists born after 1945 Thierry Ehrmann, founder largely driven by globalisation of the mar- IN 2015 the WEStern ket, with strong economic growth and an and CEO of Artprice: intensification of demand at the high-end “Wan Jie, CEO of Artron group and founder of the Western market.
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