DIE MEISTERSINGER SALOME Janssen - Steber - Kullman - Thorborg / TWO PERFORMANCES Szell. Met Opera 1945. Finally the com- 1. Cebotari, Patzak, Rothmüller / plete performance with a great cast Krauss, Covent Garden 1947 brought to vivid life by Szell, in good 2. Welitsch, Jagel, Janssen/Reiner sound and with commentary by Milton Met Opera 1949 Cross. The first scene, heretofore miss- SalomeTwo of the greatest performances of ing, has been seamlessly filled out in one CD set. Improved son- from an earlier performance with the ics over all previous releases. This, at same Walther and Pogner. The booklet last, is the sound and production offers detailed notes about the per- both performances deserve. Cebotari formance, singers, and recording. recordings are the bonus. Rare photos. (3 CDs) Kerstin Thorborg - (4 CDs for the cost of 3) Rodzinski - Philharmonic 1944 A remarkable, good sounding broadcast with two singers closely associated with Mahler’s master- piece. CD 2 offers Thorborg in lieder and operatic broadcast per- formances and CD 3 offers Kullman in early Vienna recordings and Met operatic arias and scenes. (3 CDs for the cost of 2)

DON GIOVANNI DER ROSENKAVALIER Pinza, Lazzari, Rethberg, Helletsgruber Jessner - Novotna - Conner - List - Vienna Philharmonic Szell, Met Opera 1944 Salzburg 1937 WORLD PERMIERE This famed performance presented in a Although this cast and Szell can be new restoration making it the best in HISTORIC OPERA heard in a 1946 broadcast, this pre- sound over all previous releases. The miere release offers all concerned in bonus is Act II of Don Giovanni - 1941 St. better voice and sound, with com- Louis with Pinza, Roselle and Schipa. BROADCASTS mentary by Milton Cross. (3 CDs) Never previously released.( 3 CDs) AnD COnCERTS FROM RADIO’S GOLDEn ERA AS YOU’VE nEVER HEARD

DIE WALKÜRE ACT III THEM BEFORE! LE NOZZE DI FIGARO Herbert Janssen - Helen Traubel Pinza - Albanese - Novotna - Rethberg Rodzinski - Philharmonic 1945 Panizza, Met Opera 1940. This famous ACT II Met performance now offered in Melchior - Traubel - Thorborg highly improved sound with full com- Kipnis / Leinsdorf - Met Opera 1944 mentary by Milton Cross plus the A celebration of the vocal art of Helen bonus of a complete Act II from the San Francisco Opera (1940) with Pinza, TraubelWalküre in two thrilling performances. Sayão, Stevens and Rethberg. Not to be The concertTristan is complete for the first time; the never previously IMMORTAL missed if you cherish this era and these released. (2 CDs) PERFORMANCES voices and this work. (3CDs) www.imm ortalperformances.orgF F Email: [email protected] Phone: (250) 358 2475 Fax: (250) 358 2499