Tuesday 12th July 2005

1/ Attended the Ringwood magistrates Court, where there was to be a hearing in relation to an intervention order Julie was seeking. Julie drove me that day and when we arrived at the courthouse she walked up to the register and told them she no longer wants’ to go through with it and they withdrew the application without us having to go into the court room.

2/ Julie took me out for lunch that day, to the Roxburgh Park hotel and told me I should start coming around to put the kids to bed every night and start having dinner with them also.

Wednesday 13th July 2005

1/ Attended the Federal magistrates Court, as Julie had applied to the court so she could stop me seeing the children.

2/ She told me all we needed to do was go in there and to agree that the children reside with her. She told me it didn’t mean she had custody. It only meant that the children were living with her so she could get the benefits from centrelink as a single mother. She had told the children the same thing the night before in front of me as they didn’t want her to have custody of them neither. I did as she asked of me as I didn’t what to have any trouble with her and I didn’t want her keeping the children and I apart.

Saturday 30th July 2005.

1/ Craigieburn police coheres my ex wife into making a false statement about myself. (BOTH MY CHILDREN WITNESSED IT). Police were NEGLIGENT, by not contacting the department of human services on this day, as they were told the children witnessed enough to warrant it.

Sunday 31st July 2005.

1/ Department of human services telephoned the Craigieburn police station and were told I assaulted my ex wife. (I HADN’T BEEN CHARGED FOR ANYTHING THEN) Conformation of above in DHS report dated 23rd September 2005. NEGLIGENT

2/ Also, if I attended the school. The Craigieburn police were to be notified so then I can be arrested. NEGLIGENT

Monday 1st August 2005.

1/ Senior constable Davey, telephone the Roxburgh Park Homestead Primary School where my two children attended and advised the principal(Darryl Lynch)

Tuesday 2nd August 2005. Police lie at Broadmeadows court, to gain intervention order on ex wife’s behalf. NEGLIGENT

*Broadmeadows court re- Application Intervention Order for Julie PAYNE. Constable Scott Garbutt c/o Craigieburn police station applied for the order.

RESULT *Interim order until 9th August 2005 on request from myself to the court, so I could arrange a witness and obtain legal representation. *Julie PAYNE was the only person mentioned on the interim intervention Order and not our two children Billy ANASIS & Nik ANASIS.

*I was charged for breaching the intervention order on the 6th August 2005 twice, by police from Craigieburn & Mill Park police over the same incident which saw our kid’s run away from Ms PAYNE due to her abusing behavior.

*The kid’s came to me after escaping their mother Ms PAYNE and Nik showed me a bruise on his cheek which he said mum did. The police didn’t want the kid’s with me at this stage because they were telling people that the Craigieburn police had forced Ms Payne to make a false statement against me which was used during the intervention order on the 2nd & 9th August 2005.

Wednesday 3rd August 2005

1/ went to legal aid Broadmeadows and try to gain assistance for the contested hearing of the intervention order to be heard on the ninth of August 2005.

-I didn’t receive any help and was told they are there to help people get intervention orders and not to defend them. I was then sent on my way.

Thursday 4th August 2005

1/ I telephoned the Derby Street children’s centre where Julie works and spoke to Louise. I expressed to her my concerns with Julie’s state of mind and that she maybe should keep a slight eye on her for the time being just for the sake of the children safety.

She screamed obscenities at me and told me she couldn’t believe I was telling her what I was about Julie and after a couple of minutes hung up.

2/ at 1 p.m. I telephoned Lisa from child protection. I told her what happened on the 28th of July 2005 and that my children are being kept with her which is an unsafe environment at the moment. She wouldn’t help me at all, I asked her for a guarantee that nothing would happen to my children physically or mentally, due to the fact I informed her of what exactly has occurred.

Her answer was, no we don’t give guarantees. I asked her she could arrange for me to see my children and she told me to call the week after. I also received a call from a lady by the name of Nikela Watt Department of Human Services and She Told Me They Have No Concerns for the Safety of My Children. I Also Asked Her for a Written Guarantee in relation to the safety of my children. She also said she couldn’t give me one.

I telephoned Julie sister Vicky’s Zoloumis and played her some recordings I had of Julie from the previous day is where she admits to going crazy 28th of July 2005. Vicky told me Julie hasn’t said too much to her and she wants to stay out of it. She also told me what Julie had said to her when she rang her around midnight on the 28th of July, which was, she wanted to kill herself and jump in front of the truck.

Vicky told me her reply to Julie was, get lost and she hung on her immediately. The call was made Julie’s mobile phone to Vicky’s house phone. The line

Friday 5th August 2005.

Police arrange for Stephanie Squires(Boarder), to make false statement against me. Which is then used at court on the 9th August 2005.

1/ I telephoned the Derby Street children’s centre where Julie works and spoke to Louise. I expressed her my concerns with Julie’s state of mind and that she maybe should keep a slight eye on her for the time being just for the sake of the children safety.

She yelled at me and told me she couldn’t believe I was telling her what I was about Julie and after a couple of minutes hung up.

2/ at 1 p.m. I telephoned Lisa from child protection. I told her what happened on the 28th of July 2005 and that my children are being kept with her which is an unsafe environment at the moment. She wouldn’t help me at all, I asked her for a guarantee that nothing would happen to my children physically or mentally, due to the fact I informed her of what exactly has occurred.

Her answer was, no we don’t give guarantees. I asked her she could arrange for me to see my children and she told me to call the week after. I also received a call from a lady by the name of Nikela Watt Department of Human Services and She Told Me They Have No Concerns for the Safety of My Children. I Also Asked Her for a Written Guarantee in relation to the safety of my children. She also said she couldn’t give me one.

I telephoned Julie sister Vicky’s Zoloumis and played her some recordings I had of Julie from the previous day is where she admits to going crazy 28th of July 2005. Vicky told me Julie hasn’t said too much to her and she wants to stay out of it. She also told me what Julie had said to her when she rang her around midnight on the 28th of July, which was, she wanted to kill herself and jump in front of the truck.

Vicky told me her reply to Julie was, get lost and she hung on her immediately. The call was made Julie’s mobile phone to Vicky’s house phone.

Saturday 6th August 2005

Both children escape their mother and the youngest has a bruise on his face that he begins to tell me about. After hearing the mother had been responsible for that bruise, by punching my son, I suggested he tell police. The boys didn’t want me to go to the Craigieburn police station, as they said, police there were on mums side. I took them to Diamond Creek police station. I was arrested for breach of intervention order and the children were spoken to by the SOCCA unit. Then their mother was called to come get them from the station and I was told to fuck off out of the state by one little police man. When this charge was heard on the 2nd April 2007. It was the first time I got to look at the brief. That brief contained court documents which had been altered. (I HAVE THE ORIGAN AIL AND ALTERED PAPERS). The reason documents were altered. Was to make it look worse in court, by having the children added on the interim intervention order to cover the date of the 6th August 2005. When Julie was the only person on the order. The DHS report dated 23rd September 2005. Page 5- Julie tells DHS, she is the only one on the order at that time. Then on page 6- Julie again tells DHS she is the only person on the order.

Later that afternoon , the Craigieburn police attended my address and told me to come in and see them the following day at 5.45pm.

The result of this charge was- $500 fine-No conviction.

Sunday 7th August 2005

Arrived at police station on time for my appointment and I waited 45 minutes before being seen. It was 8.30pm before I left the police station, without being charged for anything. When I arrived home a few minutes later. I noticed some of Stefanie Squires belongings had been removed, although much of her things still remained.

1/ I went to the Broadmeadows police station in regards to making two statements, that relate to incidents on the 11th of July at 2005 and on the 28th of July 2005. I statements related to Julie assaulting me on both those occasions in front of the children. I was told that I had to go to Craigieburn police station if I want to make statements in relation to Julie Payne and that Constable Garbutt was the officer to see. I explain to the police officers that the Craigieburn police were interested in what I had to say about the matter and that’s why I attended Broadmeadows police station. The police officers name at Broadmeadows was Constable Glenn Beadle c/3332S.

-I was accompanied by Penny Solomon.

2/ I telephoned the Craigieburn police station at approximately 1:45 PM and space to Sergeant Peterson or Patterson. He wasn’t interested to hear that I wanted to come in and make statements against my ex-wife and told me to contact DHS. He wouldn’t allow me to speak as always and kept telling me to shut up and listen. Just like everyone I’ve dealt with in the last week has done. At the end of my phone conversation with a sergeant, after he had been so rude towards me. He said to me, TAR TAR.

-I was so concerned with the safety and well-being of my children that I didn’t know what else I was going to do to protect my children. People that don’t know me or have never dealt with me, would speak to me that way when I would ring and ask for their assistance.

-and approximately 5:45 PM I arrived at the Craigieburn police station. As I’m in the police station’s car park still seated in my vehicle, I was on the phone to my son Billy and I could hear a struggle on the other end where Julie Payne tried to grab Billy’s mobile phone. Billy screamed out, ‘DAD HELP’.

-I went into the police station and at the counter were my two children and Julie. Once Billy and Nik saw me, they ran to me and told me they didn’t want to go home with Julie. They were both scared and I didn’t know what to do as I had police threatening me to stay away from them.

-as I was speaking to Billy near the front doors of the police station I heard Nik scream out with pain, so I turned around and saw that Julie had a hold of his jaw with her right hand and she was squeezing him pretty hard. Nick was trying to tell the police officer that mum was hitting him and his brother and that she lies about everything. No surprise that it was Constable Scott Garbutt who was on the side of the counter. Officer Garbutt was trying to tell me they couldn’t come with me, but both boy’s refused to go with their mum and so I took them home to my house. -something had been said about me, that made people want to be very rude to me and not want to help me.

Monday 8th August 2005

The children again find their way to me and I take them to the Broadmeadows police station, to inform them of the Bruise on Niks face. I was told both boys were interviewed and photos taken of Niks face,

1/ 1:55 p.m.. Billy telephoned Department of human services to cover the reasons why he doesn’t want to be back with his mum.

2/ went to the Broadmeadows police station with Billy and Nick as nothing had happened with the allegations the children made to the Diamond Creek police on Saturday the sixth of August 2005, when you can allegedly being punched in the face by his mother and had left a bruise on his cheek bone.

Monday 9th of August 2005 Broadmeadows Magistrate’s Court

1/ Broadmeadows Court house at 9 a.m. both Billy and Nick came with me to court that day as they were afraid to go to school just in case mum got the Federal police to come and take them.

2/ I was the first person to be waiting for legal aid and it wasn’t until 9:35 a.m. that I was seen by someone. I was with this gentleman for 20 minutes and had told him everything I could. He told me he wasn’t in a position where he could help meet today as it was a very big matter and he had other people to think about. He suggested I go upstairs and see if I could speak to someone up there. It was now 9:55 a.m.

3/ 10 a.m. called into court. I asked the magistrate for an adjournment as I had still been unable to find legal representation and I also had a doctor’s certificate stating I was ill for the past week. The magistrate refused and away we went.

4/ Not long into the hearing. Julie stood up and told the magistrate that she has a statement from an ex-girlfriend of mine. The statement was from Stefanie Squires who was my border that had been missing for the past few days. A copy of the statement was handed to me and when I realized his name was on it, I told the magistrate would fight everything that was in the statement even before I read it. The magistrate asked senior Constable Davey whether Stefanie Squires will be attending court. He answered No.

(The magistrate then told S./C. Davey. The statement couldn’t be used)


Senior Constable Davey in the witness box

5.1/ Thought Julie looked afraid and honest the first time he saw her in the early hours of the 29th of August 2005.

5.2/ Julie told him she and wanted her ex-husband out of her house on the 29th august.

5.3/ She didn’t want me charged at the time.

5.4/ He had acknowledged he’d told me it was okay to tape-record Julie if I felt she was up to something.

5.5/ Told the magistrate I telephoned the Roxburgh Park Homestead primary school and told them I was going to come to school and wouldn’t be nice.

5.6/ Constable Davey said it was a necessity Julie be given this intervention order, which should include the children on it.


More to come------Aris

Julie Payne in the witness box 9thAugust 2005

1/ Said she had been ringing women’s abuse lines for the past two years. Trying to figure out how to set me up if things didn’t go her way in our relationship.

2/ Said, was trying to take the right steps by the book, in dealing with this alleged domestic violence. As above, in why she did this.

3/ Said I’d kidnapped the kids on four occasions since April 2005. That’s all lies and defiantly no proof.

4/ Said a lady by the name of Caroline from the Department human services told her they wanted to children with her. That’s the same person who rang Dr. Parker and had him believing she’d seen me on a few occasions. All she did was trick him a touch.

5/ Said that on the sixth of August 2005 at the Johnny Young dancing school, she knew it was me as she could see the number plate of the car as I drove up to her. (IMPOSSIBLE WITH HOW SHE WAS POSITIONED IN THE CAR PARK)


7/ Said I helped her with ice after her bath time on the 29th of July 2005. (SHE DENIES THAT WHEN ASKED IN OTHER COURT HEARINGS)

1/ Dr Kevin Parker was spoken to by somebody from the Department of human services who misled my doctor in believing she had been dealing with me on many occasions and knew me quite well. The Department of human services report dated 23rd of September 2005 and addressed to the children’s Court. On page number 8 and on the last paragraph, it states that my doctor told the person he was speaking to from Department of human services that I was assessed to have no depressive illness.

-the Department of human services at one stage tried to make me look as if I was just a expressionist on drugs.

Tuesday 10th August 2005

1/ received a phone call on my mobile at 8:45 a.m. from Billy who told me his running away from school so he doesn’t have to go back to his mother. He told me his mum had locked doors and windows and taken the keys and the phones off the hook the night before. -Billy also told me that senior Constable Davey told him, if he or his brother attempt to see me. They would lock me up in jail.

2/ I went to legal aid in Broadmeadows again, trying to gain some assistance in his situation. It was a waste of time once again as I was told they couldn’t help me.

3/ 3 p.m.. I arrived at Pearson’s solicitors, Pascoe Vale Rd Glenroy. A where I was told I would need it least $4000 cash up front to start proceedings in the family Court.

4/ 6:30 p.m. rang Diamond Creek police station and spoke to officer Cauhci who I had met twice before and seemed as if he was trustworthy. I told him my theory of police officer Garbutt, Coercing Julie into making a statement against me on the 30th of July 2005 And how senior Constable Davey lied at the Broadmeadows magistrates Court on the ninth of August 2005. he told me Billy should ring children’s services and that he can’t help me any more than that.

Wednesday 11th August 2005

1/ I telephoned the police ethical standards department and spoke at man by the name of George whose surname sounded Greek. He was very rude to me and took a similar approach as the Craigieburn police had done towards me.

2/ telephoned the ombudsman’s office and spoke to a lady by the name of Poppy 9:10 a.m. I informed her of what was occurring and she told me she will put everything down on record of what I’ve told her but to write a letter to them with my concerns.

3/ telephone the police integrity board and spoke to are guided by the name of Josh. He also told me I had to ride in the complaint after I told him the many things that were occurring to me my children and that I was being threatened with my life by police. In the for

Thursday 12th August 2005

Friday 13th August 2005

Saturday 14th August 2005

Sunday 15th August 2005

Monday 16th August 2005

Tuesday 17th August 2005

Wednesday 18th August 2005

Thursday 19th August 2005

Monday 23rd August 2005

Was question at Craigieburn police station over breach of intervention order, which had taken place earlier that day. (THIS WAS USED AT THE CHILDREN’S COURT AGAINST ME THE FOLLOWING DAY)

Wednesday 25th August 2005

I attended the Craigieburn police station and gave to statements in relation to assaults on me by Julie Payne on the dates of 11th July 2005 and the 28th July 2005. Constable Slowvak was the officer I spoke with. He also heard my evidence, which was the assaults caught on a voice recorder. He suggested I play DHS the recordings as the children are heard on it fearing their mum. Slowvak also tried to talk me out of making the statements that evening.

Constable Garbutt gave evidence at the children’s court that my own children even fear me. Also that I had assaulted my ex wife when I hadn’t even been charged then. Sean Pascoe from Doug an O’Brien solicitors was to represent me at this hearing, but suddenly pulled out the day before.

24th October 2005

1/ released from the remand Centre

2/ Julie filed her affidavit in the federal magistrates Court of Australia. The affidavit was dated the 21st of October 2005. Which is also the same day I found that I was being released on bail come 24th of October.

3/ I went up to the second floor and spoke to a lady by the name of a Riga or something similar sounding. She tried to explain how it was that I came to have 2 separate interim intervention order forms both dated the second of August 2005 and both different from one another. Her explanation was, the magistrate probably put it on and I mustn’t have received the updated one. Very poor excuse.

-on the matter concerning Rowe, she looked up on the computer and found that the date it was to be heard was the 16th of July 2007. She then produced my files in hard copy and pointed out to me someone had changed the date on the front cover of the manila folder from the 16th of August 2007, to the 16th of January 2007.

-it isn’t hard to tell when looking at someone deliberately had changed the 7 to a 2 on the front cover. She was unsure of who may have been responsible for altering the date.

-she told me to write to Mr. John Bennett who is the main man at the Melbourne magistrates Court.

5th January 2006

1/ On today’s date, DHS declared they are no longer working with my family.

-I have documentation that says so.

23rd. April 2006

1/ Greek Easter at my mother’s house. Approximately 4 p.m. after we had had our Easter lunch, Billy and Nik asked their grandmother if she would take them to the police station as they had something to say about their mother.

2/ Prue from DHS after hours protective services, telephoned my mother’s house where I was and tell me I was not allowed to be near the children and to take them back home to their mother. As the children were afraid to go back to their mothers residence, I mentioned to Prue, my mother said she is quite happy for them to stay there and the children wanted that.

3/ I took the children back to Julie’s house where she had a big fight with Billy and there was no way he was staying their tonight. Nik said he would stay as he could handle mum better than anyone and soon, now that they went to the police and told them what happened, it wont be too much longer that he’ll have to be there. ( I took the children home under duress by them, but I didn’t want any trouble as I was still on bail and all Julie had to do was say one word and would have been back in jail)

24th of April 2006

1/ Julie filed another affidavit in the federal magistrates Court of Australia, which was listed for the 26th of April 2006.

27th of April 2006

1/ Received a telephone call from Vicky Ross DHS Glenroy. She asked me to attend the Glenroy office immediately and I did. She told me it was very important I get there ASAP so we can work out the children’s accommodation from tonight. She was being nice to me for a change and I began to think she may be wanting to help this time.

2/ When I arrived at the DHS Glenroy, I was sat in a room with Vicki Ross and other lady who basically insulted me through my nationality and tried to get me angry. It didn’t work though, as I kept the inside me like I had been doing for the past year. After approximately 45 minutes I was told they needed to check on a few things and it may take a couple hours. I told them I would wait outside in my car and they could call me on my mobile stay there we all come out and call me as a the few telephone calls to make to people wanting to know what had happened.

3/ while I was waiting I spoke to my mother on the phone and she told me she had been contacted by Vicki Ross, who told her the children will be coming to stay with her as that’s where they wanted to go and told her she had caller again soon.

4/ after approximately 2 hours of waiting I received a phone call from Danny Rigoni who was inside the DHS office in Glenroy with my children and Julie including other staff members of the Department of human services. I was asked whether I would go and arrange dinner for my children in the form of Macdonald’s days it was still going to take a little while longer. I immediately agreed and soon afterwards was handed a list that my children had written, stating what they would like for Macdonald’s. I arrived back at the DHS and met Danny Rigoni at the door when I passed over my children’s dinner. Danny Rigoni had been very nice to me up to this point, making me feel she was doing the right thing by me.

5/ about an hour to an hour and a half later, a four-wheel drive pulled up inside the DHS car park and a middle-aged man hopped out and had a very good stare towards my vehicle. He was looking wide direction like, maybe he knew me or I had done something to him.

6/ after around 20 minutes I received a phone call from Danny Rigoni telling me to come inside. I entered and I was placed in a room with Vicki Ross, Danny Rigoni, the bail justice and Julie. I could see and feel something had been done here while was outside to again tricked me with my children so they could keep them away from me.

Vicki Ross started to go through had occurred with my children and I could see it was only been said for my sake as these people have spoken of this before.

The bail justice kindly put himself in to the conversation and began to ask me what my story was. I began to tell him any cut me straight off and then asked Julie the same question. Julie said to him she blames herself for the situation and immediately he said it’s good that you honest and then turned to me and told me he knows who I am and had seen me around the Craigieburn area. Insinuating was a troublemaker around there. He spoke to me in a terrible manner and I felt humiliated with what was occurring to me. The bail justice told me he spoke to the children and they want to go to their auntie’s house in Fern tree Gully the other side of Melbourne. I know this is untrue as Vicki is mean to my children at times and makes them do things they don’t want to do.

-I was told to get out by the bail justice and he couldn’t stand men like me. -the girls all had a smile on their face including the bail justice who could hardly hold his back any more.

7/ I walked out of the DHS Glenroy just after 9 p.m. and immediately telephoned my mother and told her what had happened. She said that can’t be right as Vicki Ross told her the children were going to be staying at her house for a while and she had even gone to the shops and purchased items needed for the children as she was expecting them.

28th of April 2006

1/ Attended Melbourne Children’s Court which is the result of the Department of human services wanting to keep my children for me due to the recent allegations made which would involve the corrupt behavior of the DHS staff as well as others.

2/ the duty lawyer was given was named Ian Gorman and he wouldn’t speak to me at all. All he did was walk around talk to other people and avoid me. When I would attempt to speak to him he would walk faster and put his hand up and say not now not now.

3/ mind matter was called in court and Ian Gorman still without speaking to me went in and spoke on my behalf and I had no idea what was going on.

4/ These people were going to trick me again and manipulate the court room in order to keep my children from me. So after lunch when I had an opportunity to catch Mr Gorman where he would speak to me. I approached Mr Gorman and asked him what was happening with my matter considering he had gone into the court room apparently representing me. He was very rude to me and in one tell me anything so I told him I no longer wanted him to do anything for me and not to go back into court when it was called again.

5/ as I was representing myself I needed to go to the first-floor counter and advise the court staff of what had occurred and they told me I have to liaise with the other barristers so they put out a call for the legal representatives in my matter to gather on the first-floor counter so I could discuss the matter prior to entering court room. I waited 10 minutes and no one turned up. Another call was put out for the legal representative’s and after 20 minutes the day finally arrived to the first-floor counter. None of them wanted to speak to me. Although whilst in front of a couple of other people which were nearby at the time. They started to talk only amongst themselves.

6/ As I needed to speak to these legal representatives and I desperately wanted to show them proof that Julie was currently not mentally stable and enough to have the children, I approached the barrister that was representing one of my children A big middle aged chubby man, who will immediately said ‘ I don’t have to talk to you’ when I approached him to discuss the case. I explained to him I was told this is what I needed to do by the girls at the counter upstairs and he told me he didn’t care and that he doesn’t have to speak to me.

7/ He immediately went to the nearest security guard and told him he didn’t want me coming anywhere near him

8/ The Security guard approached me and told me what was said and kindly asked if I would stay away from him. The security guard knew me from the Broadmeadows Court house that I had attended on many occasions and told me there isn’t anything he can do about it and apologize to me.

9/ The same security guard told me on the previous occasion, that the police and all others involved have put me through the ringer. When I asked what he meant by that. He told me he’d been doing their job long enough to know when they’ve got it in for someone and they definitely have got in for me. ( the security guard likes me and should be good as a witness for many things down the track)

2nd May 2006

1/ Melbourne Magistrates Court for two charges. Constable Brennan Craigieburn Police.

-Pleaded guilty. Received 12 month good behavior bond. No conviction.

3rd. May 2006

1/ Children’s Court. Bernard Keating tricked and lied to us and the court on this day. (see Bernard Keating Complaint)

4th. May 2006

1/ `Appointment with Bernard Healy 8am. Filled him in on what is happening as usual and gave Him any documents of importance I had since our last meeting.

2/ Told me to go and hire a private lawyer immediately.

5th. May 2006

1/ Call Minister Garbutt’s office. Spoke with Loren. Told her what DHS have done. Will see what she can do. Sounded very genuine and caring.

2/ Met Sue and Kelly at Sugar gum hotel

8th. May 2006

1/ Rang Minister Garbutt’s office as I hadn’t heard a thing from them. Was told someone will get back to me.

2/ Got a call from protective services. Angela was her name, a Greek girl. Told me Vicki Ross isn’t the boss at DHS Glenroy, as I had been lead to believe since August 2005. She’s going to contact Northern Region Manager and get back to me.

9th. May 2006

1/ Appointment was made to see Robert Ross from DHS tomorrow at Glenroy DHS. 9.30am.

10th. May 2006

1/ Met with Robert Ross, Angela Collier and Danni Region at Department Human Services Glenroy.

2/ Robert Ross began by saying, ‘We’re pressed for time’. That is to our meeting where he was already 20 minutes late All that took place during our 30 minute meeting was, Robert Ross saying his staff wouldn‘t do the things I’m alleging they did. Also said Vicki Ross denied saying things to me about Greek people and that it’s their culture to abuse their wife’s.

3/ Telephoned Minister Garbutt’s office and spoke with Loren. Told her I didn’t get anywhere with my meeting at DHS. She told me to hold on while she go find out what we do next and as I was waiting on the phone for her return. A smartarse of a lady got on the phone and told me to shut up and listen. Then she told me not to call there again in a very rude way. She wouldn’t give her name. The last words she said were ‘The region is dealing with it’

11th may 2006

1/ Dr. Parker 9.30am.

2/ Went to legal aid, Queen Street Melbourne and filled out forms for upcoming court hearing on the 16 May 2006 at Broadmeadows Court. (Julie’s application to vary intervention order to include the children)

(I was accompanied by my mother)

16th May 2006

19th. May 2006

1/ Went to Legal Services Commissioner (professional standards) 330 Collins Street Melbourne and handed more evidence to support my complaint to John Mazaris.

I was accompanied by Penny Solomon.

1/ Broadmeadows Court where an application was being made to have the current intervention order held by Julie Payne amended to include the children. She was supported by police at court.

2/ I hadn’t done anything for Julie to amend the order to include the children. It was the Department of human services and police who jointly agreed to work with Julie and have the kids added back onto the intervention order, because the Department of human services knew they couldn’t keep the children away from me for too long as I had done nothing wrong and they needed another form of keeping the kids away from me.

11th September 2006

1/ attended the Broadmeadows magistrates Court and filed for a hearing in relation to have been conditions on Julie’s intervention order altered were the children were taken off it, as the Department of human services had just withdrawn from a children’s court case that stopped me having any contact with my children since April 2006.

2/ I telephoned Victorian legal aid and left a message for Dominic who I’m led to believe was the superior of Patrick Harvey. The time was 9:30 a.m.

5th December 2006

1/ rang the Law Institute and they told me to contact the attorney general’s office, once she heard my problem.

2/ left a message for David Grace QC at the 11:15 a.m. on his answering machine. The phone number I called was-9600 0731. I was giving his number by someone from Holden Redlich lawyers, which I called seeking assistance.

3/ 11:25 a.m.. Left a message on the answering machine of Mr John Sylvester who is a police reporter for the age newspaper. I have never heard from him.

18th December 2006

7.30 AM Bernard Hearly. I called to make an appointment with Mr Hearly and spoke to his wife. An appointment was made for the 11th December 2006 at 1PM. For the first time, Mrs Hearly was very unpleasant towards me.

22nd of January 2007

1/ I went to the Melbourne magistrates Court and with me I had interim intervention order dated the second of August 2005. The original. -corrupted copy of the above. The fake.

-On original interim intervention order, Julie Payne was the only person on it. -the corrupted copy includes my children, Billy and Nik Anasis. The change was made around the time Constable Enzi’s charge’s for breach of intervention order x 2 were given to me January 2006 just a few day’s before it was to be heard at the Melbourne magistrates Court.

-The charges of breach of intervention order mentioned above, relate the incidents on the sixth of August 2005.

2/ also took in Constable Rowe’s date of hearing notice, for her charge of breaching intervention order relating to an incident on the 22nd of August 2005. The hearing date was set for the 16th of July 2007 and not the 16th of January 2007 when it was heard, unknowingly to me.

24th of January 2007

1/ went to the Melbourne magistrates Court with the six-page letter addressed to Mr John Bennett.

-also took with me the same documents I had when I went to the Melbourne magistrates Court two days prior. Including a nine page letter addressed to attorney general Rob hulls. I also provided a six-page letter to the office police integrity dated the 12th of January 2007.

The paperwork was taken off me by one of the staff members on the second floor counter of the Melbourne magistrates Court and was told to take a seat. After a few minutes Mr John Bennett appeared and introduced himself to me. He took me into a room and I explained to him my concern’s with my treatment in the Melbourne magistrates Court. Mr Bennett seemed very concerned with what I was telling him and including what he had read from the letters I have brought with me. Mr Bennett told me that he will check everything that I have concerns about and he will get back to me within two to three days maximum. * I have never heard from him again*

2/ sent e-mail to Rob Hulls that included a nine page letter to Mr Hull’s, a letter to the office of police integrity dated the 12th of January 2007, my letter to the ministers the children and the six page letter I gave Mr John Bennett. I telephoned and spoke with Gordon from Hull’s electorate office in Niddrie, so as to confirm the e-mail I had sent and he told me to call again if I hadn’t heard anything within a week.

12th. February 2007

1/ I took my letter of complaint to legal aid at Queen Street Melbourne. I handed to the front desk receptionist and A4 yellow envelope containing information for Mr Tony Parsons, director legal aid Victoria. The envelope was addressed to Mr Tony Parsons and include a message on the front that read,

-a message on the front of the envelope read, please call me once you have opened this Tony.

2/ I appealed the matter with Constable Rowe which was heard on the 16th of January 2007 at the Melbourne magistrates Court. It was booked to be heard in the County Court on the 20th of July 2007.

3/ Called Lee from the office of police integrity at 4:15 p.m. I wanted to know what was happening with the letters I had given him of late.

-Told me their waiting for the investigations manager to view it before sending it out.

2nd April 2007

5th. May 2007

1/ I telephoned Peter Renwick and asked him for the reports from Dr Alan Jager and Dr Simon Kennedy. He told me he didn’t get them, so he can’t give them to me.

8th May 2007

1/ Sue telephoned Dr Alan Jager’s office in an attempt to obtain the report he had written relating to myself. Sue was informed by the receptionist, someone from Kennedy Guy’s solicitors rooms also telephone not long ago requesting the same thing. That call was made at 1:05 p.m.. Sue told her they where no longer my solicitors and had no right to any documentation of mine. She was unsuccessful in her quest to obtain the report on my behalf and she started to get the run-around every time she would call and there would always be different excuse to why I couldn’t have it just yet.

9th May 2007

1/ telephoned Peter Renwick and asked why he was seeking the report from Dr Jager yesterday. He told me he didn’t.

15th May 2007

1/ attended the federal magistrates Court for a hearing I applied for In order to see my children as they had been kept away from me through intervention orders and Department of human services.

I was handed copies of reports completed by Dr Alan Jager and Dr Simon Kennedy. I explained to the magistrate the situation I was facing in relation to myself obtaining legal representation that would do the right thing by me. The magistrate’s set hearing dates 26-27 September 2007 and 31st of October 2007& first of November 2007.

2/ the other lawyers were trying to have the matter heard at the other federal magistrates Court, where it would have taken a very long time to be heard.

29th of May 2007

1/ barrister Justin Hannebery appeared for me at the County Court for a directions hearing relating to charges from a senior Constable Warren Taylor and in reference to the 29th of July 2005. I had never met Mr Justin Hannebery and when I arrived at the County Court that morning, my solicitor Mr Bernie Balmer approached me as I entered the courtroom and told me my barrister is there and everything is taken care of. He told me to take a seat and my barrister will speak to me shortly.

Within a matter of minutes my name was called and Justin Hannebery when about telling the chief judge that we are ready for trial. I was shocked because I definitely knew that I hadn’t worked anything out in relation to this case with my solicitor Mr Bernie Balmer so how could the barrister say that will ready for trial?

Immediately after Mr Hannebery finished speaking to the judge, he immediately came past and told me to come outside with him. We left the court room and entered the first little private room adjacent to the court room. I was told to sit down and Mr Hannebery started to tell me that everything is okay and you’ll see me in a couple of weeks for the trial.

I said to him is no way we could be ready for trial when there are so many people yet to speak to and say much for me yet still to tell my solicitor Bernie Balmer. He told me not to what about that and that’s what he’s for. I explained to him the importance of the people that I wanted as witnesses and again he told me not to worried out that as I don’t understand what happens in the court room and that’s why he is a barrister and I’m not.

It’s his playground he told me, referring to the court room.

-a friend of mine by the name of Penny Solomon arrived halfway through my 10 minute dealing with Justin Hannebery. As she came to enter the room Mr Hannebery told her to wait outside. I told her to stay and I didn’t care what Mr Hannebery said and I wanted her in there. Ms Solomon stayed and couldn’t believe what she was hearing from Mr Hannebery. I turned towards Ms Solomon and told her not to worry about at as he was being the same as many others had been towards me.

Wednesday 20th June 2007

 Phoned the county court and booked mention for Taylor case which was to be heard on the 2nd July 2007.

 Mention booked for the 26th June 2007 am.

 10.20am Notified Office public Prosecutions by phone.  Spoke with Martin K------. I explained why I needed to speak with the chief judge and he said he’ll call Bernie Balmer and hurry him along.

29th of June 2007

1/ Appointment with Dr Kevin Parker at 9:45 a.m..

2/ 12 p.m.. Arrived at Valos Black solicitors with more of my documents as had been previously arranged.

5th July 2007


8th July 2007


12th July 2007

1/ Telephoned Bernie Balmer regarding my files that I wanted returned. Bernie spoke to be very revealing this occasion and told me can’t have them. I explained to him that those documents are mine and I need them for the county court case had next week. He asked me to call tomorrow.

13th July 2007

1 called Bernie Balmer’s office late afternoon once that I told them who I was they hung up on me When I called straight back there was no answer

2/ I telephoned Valos black solicitors. And the phone rang straight through without being answered.

17th July 2007

1/ 10:15 a.m.. Called Valos black to find out if there was any news but the phone rang without being answered again. 2

2/ e-mail to Bernie Balmer and associate, in reference to my files that I am requesting.

3/ 11:15 a.m.. I spoke with Sandra from Valos black. She told me she received approval from legal aid today for my County Court appeal dated the 20th of July 2007. She also told me she has been trying to obtain my files from Bernie Balmer associates but can’t get anywhere with them. I told her I would go on and get the files from Bernie Balmer myself and bring it to her by 5 p.m..

4/ I was accompanied in to town by Sue who went upstairs to Bernie Balmer’s office to grab my files while I waited in the car as I was unwell with my legs having blood clots and I couldn’t walk far.

5/ sue and I then attended the officers of Valos black where we met with Sandra. Where we spoke about the county court mention that was to be heard on the 18th of July 2007 and was called by the OPP.

18th July 2007

1/ arrived at the county court at 8:50 a.m. the office of public prosecutions failed to show up for the hearing

2/ immediately after Sandra and I had left the County Court building and just as we were walking across the first intersection, Sandra said, I hope that don’t call another mention tomorrow without letting us no.

19th July 2007

Tuesday 19th July 2007 7th October 2008

Defteros Lawyers

Suite 5. 209 Toorak Road South Yarra Victoria 3141


I Sue Mangiardi of 37 Watervale Boulevard Taylors Hill. Now say, as of the 3rd October 2008. I do not wish to retain your professional services any further, whereby you were to represent Aris Anasis with legal matters.

I thank you for your time and effort.

The $2,500 I paid to you on the 3rd September as a retainer, I understand will be refunded to myself today.

Yours Truly

1/ at 9:25 a.m. my mobile telephone rang, but only for a split second and then it stopped it was from number 0403129765 no message was left.

2/ I telephoned the above number at the 11.13 a.m. and there was no answer.

3/ 11:16 a.m.. I received a call from the same mobile number again. It was Sandra. She began to tell me that that OPP did call mentioned for today and she tried to call me earlier. I could tell she was lying and asked her to explain how it could happen. She started to be a real smart arse on the phone and began to treat me like everyone else had done since this began.

Monday 25th June 2007

Meet with James Valos, his office. Michael Mikhail was with me. Told me to seek an adjournment for my trial until at least September, then he can do it. Sue Mangiardi

3rd August 2007

1/ Briar Sinclair from the leader newspaper came to my residence at 37 Watervale Blvd Taylors Hill at 3 p.m..

4th August 2007


13th of August 2007

1/ I received a reply back to the letter I had handed to James Volos a couple days prior, requesting an explanation of what had occurred at the County Court the week prior.

2/ Michael Mikhail, told suit I only gave him $5,000 instead of the 10,000. Still stuffing us around with the return of the money

3/ Briar Sinclair called Sue, as she had left a message on her work answering machine earlier in the day. Briar tried to make Sue believe she didn’t have enough to go by. When a few days ago she had plenty. She has been gotten to 100%.

4/ Brian Sinclair then called me and tried to tell me the same thing. I politely asked her for all my documentation back that I had given her as obviously she won’t be needing it. She started to say things like, ‘don’t go off at me’ when I didn’t say anything. I told her if she could bring my staff back any time today or tonight would be great. Said she drop them off about 9 p.m. I then hung up.

14th of August 2007

1/ I went to the Victoria police complex where I was trying to find psychologist Dr Reina Michelson. Because on the Internet I downloaded a page which stated her office was in the Victoria police building on Flinders Street. I was told by the two security guards downstairs that they can’t find a person by that name working there. After they made a couple of enquiries over the telephone, they told me she had changed her name and now works at 412 St Kilda Road Melbourne.

2/ I arrived at 400 And Twelve St Kilda Road and found it to be police headquarters. I entered and asked the security personnel if they could look up Dr Reina Michelson. After a few minutes, a tall gentlemen in plainclothes came down and said he was from the property section and there isn’t anyone that works there by the name of Reina Michelson. This guy is spent over an hour with me in the foyer of police headquarters, making out that his trying to help me. But at the same time his trying to find out what I’m going to do next. All he did was waste my time.

3/ I met with George Halvagis in Parkdale at his local Orthodox Church and gave him a photo of my children with an account of what has occurred to me on paper. I asked him that all I needed was for someone to be able to speak to the media so I can get my story out they and the rest will be fine. Told me to leave it with him and he will go through the paperwork and then contact a couple of police officers he now knows pretty well, then he’ll get back to me. I haven’t heard from him again.

20th August 2007

1/ four police officers arrived at my place of residence with a search warrant at approximately midnight. They were looking for computers and printers glues posters or any material with allegations against Julie Payne. They took with them 2 laptops, printer, arrange of difference colored size A4 paper, 2 fake handguns which were given to my children by their mother. I had taken of them away from the children. And other things which I wasn’t aware of at the time. That include files for my upcoming court cases.

21st August 2007

1/ 4 p.m. I’ called the Broadmeadows Court house to try and adjourned the hearing on the 23rd of August 2007, as the majority of my paperwork had gone the night before. I was told to contact the informant Dennis Cunha.

2/ at two minutes past 4 p.m., I telephoned the Broadmeadows police station and asked to speak to Constable Cunha. I was told he is out of the office and my number was taken so he could call me when he gets back.

31st of August 2007

1/ Neil Mitchell’s producer from 3AW. Justin Smith, threatened me with police if I go anywhere near Neil Mitchell to alert him of my story. Neil Mitchell was at the Alfred Hospital doing he is program that day for 3AW.



This man has suffered tremendously and no one will help.

Please I beg you in the name of the lord Jesus Christ, this is not a joke and this man’s human rights don’t seem to exist.

Please please help .

Contact mobile phone number for Mr Aris Anasis Is 0412 352 120.

*He has been threatened with his life by police and others to shut up or they’ll send him to jail, as he was telling people of their conduct towards him.

Again please help. I don’t know what to do as I’ve called and written everywhere.

Thank you so very much.

Thank you

Yours Sincerely

8th October 2007


8 October 2007

Your Ref: TM ______Our Ref: Corrupt VLA 10001 Mr Thomas Moore Corps. Lawyer and Police Adviser Victoria Legal Aid 350 Queen Street Melbourne Victoria 3000


Dear Mr Moore,

I refer to your correspondence dated 3 October 2007 and addressed to Mr Aris Anasis.

1) I would appreciate any further contact with Mr Anasis being directed to myself or our, Future funeral, Function Organiser, Mini Bar Ordered Lawyer, Miss Moovin Onup.

2) As Mr Anasis was assaulted twice on Monday the first October 2007 at VLA office’s at 350 Queen Street Melbourne by Mr (unsure of name) short, facial hair and wears glasses. Were told he is Patrick Harvey’s Superior. Also including the many other times in the past two years that Mr Anasis has Attended your office’s and walked out feeling humiliated at the bare least, at the hands of VLA staff.

3) As Mr Anasis was assaulted in the reception area of legal aid, I then trust you will have video footage of the entire time Mr Anasis was present at VLA that afternoon the 1st October 2007. I request a copy of that footage to enable me to put together exactly what took place that day.

4) We have taken a statement from a witness, present during the aggressive actions of VLA staff On the 1st October 2007. (hope your cameras where on).

5) I must inform you Mr Anasis will definitely be taken legal action against VLA for it’s pathetic mishandling of his person in the way of physical attacks.

6) Mr Anasis will also seek damages for the blatant, deliberate act’s used upon him by VLA staff, trying to convince him to plead guilty to something he was innocent of and was known by VLA staff.

(refer to letter of complaint) Addressed to Tony Parsons VLA 2007. Mr Parsons reply wasn’t even worth using as toilet paper as it was full of shit already.

7) We have to many forms of evidence against VLA in it’s handling of Mr Aris Anasis, from witnesses to video and voice recordings. (Mr Anasis isn’t as stupid as you tried to make him look) IS HE?

8) I have had a brief read through what information was provided to VLA through a Mr Patrick Harvey(VLA lawyer) in 2005 and it is clear that VLA negligently and without reason other than to have this man go to prison innocent(which was the aim for VLA in its support of corrupt police, failed in it’s own so called vision of-

-A leading and responsible force for community access to the legal system and for social justice. FAIL-FAIL-FAIL-FAIL-FAIL-FAIL-FAIL-FAIL-FAIL- FAIL-FAIL-FAIL-FAIL & YOUR SO CALLED VALUES- FAILED THERE ALSO.

9) We will be seeking public opinion on the actions of VLA in this matter.

10) Lie detector test, also for Mr Anasis and whoever he say’s did wrong by him at VLA. (tell them there is nothing to worry about, if they have done no wrong) MR ANASIS IS KEEN TO DO THE TEST

11) We demand VLA immediately relieve of their duties, all persons employed by them that have been involved in the illegal, discussing treatment towards Mr Aris Anasis.


VLA will not exist after this most inhumane treatment it has used on this innocent man. (you can bank on that ). You have the general public believe VLA is a safe place for those needing assistance in law, but you are nothing but a show piece for the government.

Your entire concern is that no one VLA has wronged, will bring them undone. All that money our tax’s go towards and instead of aiding the needy, VLA make them fell more vulnerable in their situation. VLA and the Government sure have tricked the community in a big way for a very long time. Accordingly, I advise you take the appropriate steps NOW, before the entire community storms in to get the evil out themselves. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

I believe I speak for the majority when I say VLA day’s are numbered, because there isn’t a thing that could save VLA now that Mr Anasis has shown me all of his colleted evidence since 2005.

One intelligent man is Mr Anasis, he has even got Mr Patrick Harvey’s Voice on tape telling Mr Anasis to GET FUCKED. (two witnesses heard him say it to Mr Anasis also as they were on three way)

You bastards deserve everything you get from the public backlash with what you’ve done here. It’s a certainty just like Mr Anasis told everyone who decided to join in on the conspiracy against him and his children.

I’m sure with the result from the county court trial last week where Mr Anasis faced years in jail for the charges he faced. The same charges he gave VLA evidence proving his innocence. You can see and feel trembles underfoot, knowing he will keep his word and shame everyone responsible.

What a joke Mr Long Titled Lawyer Moore, an uneducated man walked out the county court with nothing but praise from the judge, something VLA lawyers told him he’ll go to prison for, just like he did when police lied to local court during bail hearing. WHAT YOU GOT TO SAY TO THAT YOU BUSTARDS


As you can see we are blessed to have Mr Anasis acting for us in this matter, so you better start training someone who might have a chance against him in court. (his record speaks for itself)

Yours truly

Mrs Moovin Onup Lawyers lawyer, corruption killer adviser, Destroy Assignments lawyer and many others. (don’t want to confuse you with all my titles)

9th OCTOBER 2007

Roxburgh Park Homestead Primary School Mc Person Blvd. Roxburgh Park 3064


Attention the Principal, Barb Adam.

Dear Barb,

I would like to bring to your attention, recent court hearings involving the Anasis family namely Bill and Nik.

There are two cases I refer to being,

No.1 Federal Magistrates Court (Application by Mr Anasis in 2006) Is part heard with completed day’s as follows, 26th, 27th & 28th September 2007. Day’s remaining for completion of hearing as follows, 31st October & 1st November 2007.

No.2 County Court (Police charges re Mr Anasis Trial) County Court Trial of Aris Anasis Vs Queen. Duration 2 day’s as follows, 1st & 2nd October 2007.


1* Michelle Middenway was motioned to the courts by Mr Anasis as being part responsible for the conspiracy against him and his two innocent children from 2005.

2* Ms Julie Payne(mother to Bill & Nik) gave contradicting evidence to that of Michelle Middenway at the children’s court, August 2005.

3* Monday 1st October 2007 at the County Court, Mr Anasis defied all odds and legally unrepresented, exited without even a conviction to his name. Only praise from Her Honour Judge Rizkalla, who herself witnessed this corrupt behaviour at trying to convict this innocent man.

4* The end of this month see’s the final 2 day’s hearing in the Federal Magistrates Court for the Anasis family. The result of Mr Anasis’s application to the court, as intervention orders(obtained by lying police and Ms Payne) were used to alienate him from Bill & Nik.

5* Michelle Middenway lied at the children’s court hearing in August 2005 whilst giving evidence under oath and again when she spoke with DHS workers in July-August 2005. Documented in DHS report to the children’s court dated 23rd September 2005.

6* Roxburgh Park Homestead Primary School must take some responsibility for the disgraceful treatment towards Mr Anasis, a parent of your school who was loved by many students and for what has taken place with Bill & Nik since June 2005.

7* I ask you to relieve Michelle Middenway of her duties at once until this is publicly aired and the truth is known by all. I have asked Mr Anasis if he will sit a polygraph test and the answer was YES. We challenge Michelle Middenway to sit one also.

8* She painted a false picture of Mr Anasis to Dhs and the children’s court, when she’d never met the man.

9* She never thought she’d get caught for her deception, but truth always prevails. Middenway should know this being a teacher, teaching our kids. That’s one reason why she should be straight out pending a full public inquiry.

10* Failing to do so will only instigate a mail out to all Parents and residence in Roxburgh Park, out lining the above and more.


We seek only the truth and have nothing personal against any one person.

Everything of late is pointing towards the unforgivable actions of police, dhs, Teachers and many more, who’ve taken it upon themselves to destroy an innocent man and two children which were great students in a corrupt school, as now we can see.

Nothing could begin to explain the unprovoked, unwarranted attack upon Aris, Bill and Nik Anasis, that has seen an innocent man jailed for 9 weeks and face charges that could’ve seen him imprisoned for many years.

A perfect example of a gentleman is Mr Anasis who always had time for anyone in need. A man that many students at your school adored due to his one in a billion personality and the plain sense he made when he spoke to them.

My personal evaluation of this saga involving Michelle Middenway is, She used Mr Anasis Greek origin and painted him to be a made soccer dad who abuses his child after a bad game.

(Truth is, Mr Anasis never liked soccer and supports both his children in their chosen sports or interest. He is also a mentor for some of the children at your school during football games outside school hours and is loved for it).

As I’ve been privileged to ample evidence supporting the above, I then trust you will make the decision necessary at this point in time and try save the schools reputation if you can while your at it.

I’m totally disgusted and feel Mr Anasis has every right to sue the arse off you and the education board.

He has come this far on his own and with everyone against him, but the man’s love for his children is so great it has driven him to reach points no one thought he would.

The best ever, Against all odds victory one will every witness is this.

** I remind you again that failure to relief M. Middenway of her duties, pending a FULL PUBLIC INQUIRY into above allegations, will result in a planed mail out of parents and residence of Roxburgh Park.

I leave you with this to ponder.

Mr Anasis taught Bill & Nik all the right things to see them grow into fine young respectful men. The children were a credit to him as they reflected his exact image in terms of truth and honesty, which were a high priority in things he wanted his boy’s to achieve through-out life. (The unethical people who’ve involved themselves here, have shown those kids and many others, Lying is the way to go).

Don’t destroy anymore life’s R.P.H.P.S.

The mother Ms Payne has been heard to say she will murder, suicide her and both kid’s if she were to lose custody to Mr Anasis. All recent indications through court hearings point to Ms Payne Not only loosing custody of the kid’s, but see her going to jail for a list of jail able offences.

To confirm the above see result of Mr Anasis County Court Trial 1st 2nd October 2007 and Federal Court Matters still pending (already sat 3 days in September 2007)

I await with urgency, to see the action you choose to take.

If there is nothing to hide, I then suggest the appropriate action to take would seem to be anything that gets the truth out quickly.

The longer it is allowed to go on for, the more damaging it is to the innocent here and we wont stand for that.

We have now place you on warning to act appropriately and with integrity whilst dealing in this matter from now.

Thank you

Yours Faithfully

Monica Flannigan

Let the love held in ones heart for their own flesh and blood Mature and grow for what it is Which is the greatest love of all


22nd October 2007


22 October 2007 Aris Anasis PO BOX 144 Glenroy Vic. 3046 PH. 0412 352 120 Sunshine Magistrates Court 10 Foundry Road Sunshine Vic. 3020

Dear sir/madam,

This letter accompanies other documents in relation to a interim intervention order where I am the defendant.

This order was handed to me on Friday 19th October 2007 at Pam, therefore my reply comes to you the on the next business day, that being today the 22nd October 2007.

As I have stipulated on the supplied doc’s from your court which I’ve included along with this correspondence, I will be defending the granting of any such order against me.

Therefore, I ask the court to allocate a date for this matter where enough time is available for a contested hearing. At this point in time I have 4 witnesses to arrange in relation to this matter.

I am also representing myself in these proceedings and would therefore appreciate contact details of any legal representation acting on behalf of the complainant.

Below is a list of unsuitable dates on my behalf-

31st October / 1-2-6-8th November 2007.

I am currently part heard in the Federal magistrates Court. The remaining dates are included above.

You can reach me on the mobile phone number provided on first page of this letter.

I await your reply.

Thank you

Aris Anasis

13th October 2007 13th October 2007

To all my fellow citizens, please help.

Dear friend and/or fellow citizens,

My name is Shirley Smith from Pascoe Vale South and I am 78 years of age. My grandchild who’s 14 years old recently asked my advice about a disturbing issue that has me feeling sick every time I think about it. My late husband was a solicitor when we first married, so I’ve become grandmother of the day when anything legal arises.

I have researched what was available to me to the extreme and I do not have a doubt in the world, this is all real.

2 young boy’s have been kept away from their father since April 2006, because they witnessed police acting in an unethical manner back in July 2005 and police didn’t want them taking about what they saw.

They were threatened with being placed in foster care and their father a hard working honest man, would be jailed if they didn’t remain tight lipped with what they had seen. The father was a man who had never been in trouble with the law in 40 years to date.

The children’s mother is a local childcare worker who was in a relationship with a heroin addict who was an escapee from a country prison facility, where he was serving time for a string of serious offences. Julie Payne(mother and Ex wife to father of both kid’s, Aris Anasis) was engaged to this person for 5 years and she hid him from police for approx 1 year until police raided her home to catch him living there. Julie Payne was never charged for harboring an escaped criminal.

The family unit of mum, dad and both children ended in April 2005 and both kids went with mum but after 2 or so months wanted to live with dad as mum was physically aggressive towards them both. It was around the time both children witnessed corrupt police activity.

As the children were telling people what they had witnessed, police then began with the threats of placing them in foster care and telling their dad he’ll be jailed if he doesn’t shut them up.

That’s what ended up being the case when police lied to a local magistrate in order to have the dad jailed and the children were shifted from their school of 6 years and their home.

Dad spent 9 weeks in jail and was released on bail after four attempts that had failed. Police even had the prison Dr. called to one of the bail hearings in order to keep him in jail. The prison Dr. had never been called before to do that. They really wanted him in jail no matter what.

Dad(Aris Anasis) was facing 15 years jail for a crime he didn’t commit in relation to the charges he was jailed for and that’s coming from the corrupt lawyers he had and that he believed at first.

Uneducated tradesman, Aris defied all odds and chose to represent himself in the county court trial for those charges. He had all the proof to show his innocence and his past lawyers refused to acknowledge that.

End result, Mr Anasis walked out the court without even a conviction to his name, The Judge had the opportunity to see the police corruption and the set up against this man by police and lawyers.

There is a current Federal Magistrate court hearing in progress which was the dad’s application to the court for his children, as mum had used intervention orders with the help of corrupt police in order to keep the children from dad.

The Federal Magistrates Court Case has run for 3 day’s and has 2 day’s remaining, those being 31st October 2007 & 1st November 2007.

The information I’ve been able to obtain, shows me Julie Payne will without doubt loose custody of both children as she has lied like there is no tomorrow. I Believe it is inevitable Julie Payne will end up in jail in this matter.

I have heard Julie Payne, has previously said she’ll take the children’s life and her own if she was to lose the children. My understanding is, Ms Payne will never work in childcare again and 99% she will be incarcerated for at least a 2 to 3 year period.

I managed to contact the father Aris Anasis so I could gain more information as to what has and is happening with himself in this matter to date. I arranged for Mr Anasis to meet with me at my Retirement home, where we spent hours going through the entire situation. He reported to me many things I managed to find out for myself and much much more.

He was bashed by Ms Payne’s current partner on William Street Melbourne, outside the Federal Magistrates Court On the first day of the Federal Court proceedings, the 26th September 2007. The attack took place in front of hundreds of onlookers as it was peak time of 4.25PM. No one assisted Mr Anasis and the police that attended the scene still haven’t questioned the attacker. Mr Anasis was with a 41 year old female friend at the time and witnessed everything. Mr Anasis was bleeding from all parts of his face and head and the automobile he was driving prior to the attack was damaged by the attacker in the form of a kick.

If police charged Julie Payne’s partner for the assault, they then risked their misconduct being bought out into the public eye. So they have allowed him to heal the cuts on his knuckles from the bashing he handed out to Mr Anasis.

I believe the attack was a way of breaking Mr Anasis down so he couldn’t maintain the pressure of representing himself in the court proceedings as he was forced to do. Mr Anasis didn’t hold back on the first day of the Federal Court proceedings and told the magistrate he had evidenced that he hasn’t been able to present in previous court cases bought before him by police in this matter, due to the corrupt lawyers he had hired in the past.

The magistrate allowed Mr Anasis to present what he had and Ms Payne was in shock as police told her they took all the evidence Mr Anasis had some 4 weeks earlier during a set up involving a search warrant on Mr Anasis residence where all the computers and evidence where taken of him.

Mr Anasis informed me he had made many copies of all information he had as police have done that before and he didn’t trust them. So when he turned up for court and had with him evidence that will bring many people undone, Ms Payne was shocked and had no idea what to do as she has been protected by the corrupt forces up till this stage.

We saw the other day a parent was found guilty of taking his 3 children’s lives, so he could get back at his estranged wife. This is much worse and I fear with what I now know, Ms Payne would take her children’s life to avoid detection of her actions. My efforts to have the media report this story have failed and that only shows me the corruption is as deep as I once was informed(up to the media). A lady named Dr. Reina Michelson who was Australian of the year in 1997, came across the same corruption while investigating child sexual abuse back in 2005, You can find her on the internet also and see what she has to say.

I found Mr Anasis to be a father that has been through hell and has a love for his children that is touching to say the least. He has fought on his own the corruption of this country and has had everyone shut the door in his face.

The children have been lied to in relation to their dad and why they haven’t seen him since April 2006, in order for them to think he doesn’t care for them and just took off and started another life without them.

Untrue of course as Mr Anasis has done nothing but try to get his children since April 2006.

I am proud of the man for showing the fighting spirit within him, in order to save his children. I don’t want to hear about more children’s lives taken by their parents and therefore I Ask of you my fellow citizens to get on your telephones and don’t stop ringing until something is done.

My attempts at the media have only bought me their excuses as to why they haven’t reported on this story. Mr Anasis allowed me to see correspondence to media agencies- channel 7, channel 9, channel 10, 3AW, ABC, HERALD-SUN, AGE AND MANY MORE.

The producer of the 3AW show featuring Neil Mitchell ,Monday- Friday 8am till !2pm, will not put calls through to Mr Mitchell in relation to this matter. Lets get on the phones and show them us retired elderly citizens are a force in this community by hounding them to report on this.

Don’t take their lies as truth and just keep at them. It will be to late if the children’s lives are taken.

The corruption in our police force and Government is totally involved in this and the media has been told to stay away.

If you look on the internet about the corruption in our police and government, you’ll quickly see how this was done so easily to these innocent people.

Names to enter on internet are- Detective sergeant Bill Paten Detective sergeant Simon Illingworth who was on Australian Story(ABC TV) in 2004 and spoke out about the enormous corruption in this State.

Again the names of the parties involved are- Father (Mr Aris Anasis) Mother (Ms Julie Payne) Child 1 (Billy Anasis) Child 2 (Nik Anasis) Mother is employed by Derby St. children’s centre in Pascoe Vale.

Her corrupt friend of 14 years, the disgraceful labour MP Kelvin Thomson has played a big part in this also. All starts to add up doesn’t it?

Again please help me to help these children and possibly save their lives. Thank you so very much my friends and fellow citizens. I pray for them children to stay safe every moment I get. We can do it.

Yours faithfully Shirley Smith

Wallet stolen Watergardens Shopping Centre 18th January 2008

18th January 2008

 As I crossed the pedestrian crossing, near the exit where the reject shop is. I dropped my wallet as I was putting it into my back pocket.

 A female was standing on the opposite end of the crossing and she seemed to be taking on a phone. She saw me drop my wallet and she picked it up and went back into the centre.(caught on security cameras)

 I noticed as soon as I got to my car, which was parked in the second closest parking spot near the crossing. So I traced my steps back to the last time I recall having it, which was as I was from the time I exited the last time I needed it(reject shop).Then I checked the car and myself over and over and decided to speak with security there.

 I explained the situation and left my details.

 I was told to report it to police, which I did the following day to Keilor Downs police station. The person I reported the matter to was, Constable Lazzaro Giovanni Ph. 9365 3333

19th January 2008

 Attended Keilor Downs police station to make report. Spoke with Constable Giovanni Lazzaro. Sue was present.

 Was told a report will be sent to me or I can wait and get it in 30 minutes.

 I decided on the mail option and left the building.

23rd January 2008

 Spoke with Lee (Watergardens security). Told me police haven’t contacted him as yet, but he will call them.

Wednesday 6th February 2008

3.25 PM received call from a Detective-Acting Senior Sergeant Dawson of the Broadmeadows police station. Had just been given my complaint from the 10th October2007 to the Office Of Police Integrity. Had no idea the police at Caroline Springs conducted an interrogation (interview with cassette provided on completion) on the 30th October 2007. Said will look into what I just informed him of and get back to me.

8th February 2008

9.20 AM Attended county court to hand deliver the Chief Judge, a letter I wrote dated 8th Feb.2008, concerning my treatment by Judge Ross. I also gave a copy of my complaint to the OPI dated 10th October 2008. I was out of there by 9-55 am and mission completed.

10 AM Put yellow envelope under the office doors of Zarah Garde-Wilson and in it , was the same letter I gave to the judge.

Monday 11th February 2008

 Emailed the OPI regarding my complaint dated 10th October 2007.

 Also mailed hard copy, Signed.

 1.02pm Emailed Slater & Gordon for assistance with civil action against the Victoria Police. Sent copy of letter to the OPI, dated 10th October 2007

12th February 2008

 1.46 AM Emailed Julian Burnside if he can help with the assaults on me by police. Included the OPI letter dated 10th October 2007.

16th June 2008

10.30AM County Court re- community work. Couldn’t obtain legal aid for this matter as centrelink had stopped my health care card.

Judge Nixon cancelled the existing order and re sentenced me to a fine of $300. 00. Fine will be sent to me via mail.

27th August 2008

Received new summons for Taylor charges. To be heard on the 15th October 2008 @ Melbourne magistrates court. Delivered to my door by police.

4th September 2008

Received Summons in letter box of 37 Watervale Boulavard Taylors Hill 3037. It had not been posted by mail. Someone left it there. The summons is in relation to Constable Denis Cuhna and due at Broadmeadows court on the 6th October 2008. The informant- Sergeant Donovan Broadmeadows police station.

5th September 2008

1.30 PM Met with Kim Southey at George Defteros offices. Sue was present.

9th September 2008

Court for tomorrow changed to the 15th October 2008(SEE NOTES THIS DATE-George Defteros Lawyers) for more detail.

10th September 2008

Broadmeadows court re: Taylor charges. Recently bought up again after 1 year since result in county court 1st + 2nd October 2007.

17th September 2008

Arrived at appointment with George Defteros at 2.30pm. Sue was present.

29th September 2008

Appointment with Bernard Healey.

9th October 2008

Mr Bernard Healey 9th October 2008 ------

Dear Mr Healey

I am putting on paper, what is on my mind that I need you to know and understand, at this time. Without proper guidance and support from someone as yourself with my legal matters, I will face court not knowing if I will have a corrupt magistrate or an honest one.

I don’t seem able to tell you all the things that you need to be aware of when I have a consultation with you, due to time restrictions on your part.

May I start with Thank You, for the service you provided me in 2005. You were the only person, even back then that was honest with me. I was informed a little while back, the police did in no way want me released from jail in 2005. My source told me that the only reason I did get bail, was because my friend Penny who was employed by Cain & Laymers at the time, arranged for you to see me in jail without the police being aware. (So they weren’t prepared for your report) I was told they would get me back in jail, but next time I’ll be going out in a body bag.( Just another statistic inside they said) Referring to me hanging myself, or I should say, They will hang me and make it seem as if I did it myself.

The same thing with my then barrister David Hancock. His services were obtained without legal aid being aware at that time.

I have been traumatized with what has happened to me and my two beautiful children. But I haven’t been able to work my way free from that due to the ongoing harassment I am being subjected to.

I fear for my life and have nightmares and flashbacks of the things that have been done to us. I awake only to find I’ve sweated so much, it’s as if I just got out the shower.

Everything I have provided you with to read, is the truth. I have suffered a great deal and really don’t believe I will ever fully get over it.

So many teenagers commit suicide every day, but that doesn’t seem to bother anyone when it comes to my children. They live in silence with fear drummed into them against contacting me. My kids don’t want to see they dad go to jail again, as they did last time. And I certainly don’t wont to hear about one of them taking their own lives. They too have been traumatized and need to be with me as I need to be with them in order to start the rebuilding process.

I’ve been through the court system and have been treated in the most inhumane way with no human rights to speak of. The corruption I’ve witnessed and been subjected to, is disgraceful and needs to stop at once. The people in this society are not safe with those animals free to do it again and again. My kid’s could not possibly grow up trusting the law with what they’ve seen. I had taught them otherwise.

Please help me, even if it’s just advice on what I’m able to do. I have not broken the law in my fight for justice to date, but I’m running out of choices and time.

The idiots responsible for this mess deserve everything that is coming to them. I did nothing wrong and believed myself to be an upstanding citizen of my community. I in no way deserved such treatment. Nobody does.

It isn’t any point wasting my time searching for another lawyer, as I’ve been through more lawyers than I care to think about.

I get very ill when I must attend court these days, with the stress of knowing they can do whatever they like to me and I can’t do a thing about it. Then add to that the death threats I’ve received and the assaults I’ve suffered and you can see the pressure I’m constantly under.

Please Mr Healey, I need your assistance. Thank You 22nd October 2007


22 October 2007 Aris Anasis PO BOX 144 Glenroy Vic. 3046 PH. 0412 352 120 Sunshine Magistrates Court 10 Foundry Road Sunshine Vic. 3020

Dear sir/madam,

This letter accompanies other documents in relation to a interim intervention order where I am the defendant.

This order was handed to me on Friday 19th October 2007 at 9pm, therefore my reply comes to you the on the next business day, that being today the 22nd October 2007.

As I have stipulated on the supplied doc’s from your court which I’ve included along with this correspondence, I will be defending the granting of any such order against me.

Therefore, I ask the court to allocate a date for this matter where enough time is available for a contested hearing. At this point in time I have 4 witnesses to arrange in relation to this matter.

I am also representing myself in these proceedings and would therefore appreciate contact details of any legal representation acting on behalf of the complainant.

Below is a list of unsuitable dates on my behalf-

31st October / 1-2-6-8th November 2007.

I am currently part heard in the Federal magistrates Court. The remaining dates are included above.

You can reach me on the mobile phone number provided on first page of this letter.

I await your reply.

Thank you

Aris Anasis


Aris Anasis is my name and what your about to read is 100% true and can be proven.

I am 41 years of age. Divorced and two children. Billy aged 14 and Nik aged 11. I separated from my ex wife (the children’s mother), in April 2005 after 13 years living together and married for the last 3 of those years only. The relationship was volatile, as my ex had an uncontrollable anger problem, which saw her be not only verbally aggressive towards me , but physically aggressive as well. She would always be sorry later and promise to never do it again.

I attempted to assist her pursue the services of a professional to help her with her anger, but due to her employment in childcare she thought if they found out she had this problem with anger, then she wouldn’t’ be allowed to work in her field any longer. Her job was, and is everything to her. Because she gets to feed her hunger for socializing with her many workmates. She was a constant drinker of alcohol and drank at home on a regular basis. In her employment where she’s been working now for around 15 years. She became friends with the Corrupt MP, Kelvin Thomson who had his children minded at the childcare centre she was employed by.

We separated on mutual grounds and the kids resided with their mother, which I agreed with at that stage. After 3 months the children told their mum, they no longer wanted to live with her because she was always getting angry with them which then lead to her physically abusing them. The children then wanted to live with me until she got herself better.

Up to this moment in my life. I have been a model citizen, who’s always helping out wherever kid’s are involved. I had no criminal record and police had no record of myself.

All of a sudden, I have the Craigieburn police treating me as if I’m a mass murderer, by attending my premises at all hours and dragging me into the station to rough me up. Telling me to stay away from my children or they will jail me and my kids will be in foster homes. My children had witnessed police cohering their mother into making a false statement against me.

Police also lied during a court hearing, to obtain an intervention order on my ex wife’s behalf. That also included the children. The police officer lied so much, that the magistrate handed me a 3 year intervention. I was the only one who told the truth during the hearing. But as the magistrate told me on that day. He said, “Of course I believe the police officer”. After I pleaded with the court in telling them the police were lying. Then of course I had no hope.

My children began to run away from their mother and come to me telling me they cant live with her any longer. I called DHS for help and it was the worst thing I could’ve done. They immediately went against me and forced my kids back with their abusive mother. This happened around 4 times until police jailed me. It was the only way they were going to get the kid’s to stop running away and telling people what police had done. I spent 9 weeks in jail and finally gained bail after 4 attempts. I went to jail over one policeman’s lie. I faced trial at the county court in October 2007 for the charges police laid on me the time they jailed me.

I had many lawyers come and go, who all told me I’m going to jail a long time . Finally I ended up representing myself against 2 prosecutors from the Department of public prosecutions and I walked away a free man. I couldn’t’ believe that everyone knew I was innocent, but tried in vain to have me incarcerated for a very long period.

The last I heard from or saw my kids was April 2006 when they again attempted to tell police at another police station, their mum is abusing them. I had been warned along with my kids, that if they didn’t stop saying things about the Craigieburn police. They would then be placed in foster homes, separately and I will go to jail again. Same as they had done before. Until just recently, where I was hospitalized with an amputation of one of my limbs. The children rang me on regular basis after that time, all with their mother listening to everything they said. The children wanted to come see me everyday since their last visit, but the mother wouldn’t hear of it. Suddenly the phone contact stopped and I was told the kids wouldn’t be seeing me or contacting me every again. She was concerned with the amount of love my children still had for me and feared she’d loose them.

I recently had to represent myself at the family court for 5 day’s and I failed. The corruption even goes that far. I have tried to obtain the recordings/transcripts of that hearing, but 15 months later, I have yet to get them. The magistrates reasons for judgment do not reflect the evidence of the case in a big way.

I was attacked by 5 police officers which was caught on security cameras and been witnessed by someone else in October 2007 and my correspondence with the Office police integrity and police ethical standards, has got me nowhere. Except, police from Caroline Springs questioned me about the attacks and showed me footage which had been tampered with, trying to blame me for it.

I was also attacked by my ex wife’s new partner after leaving the Family court in September 2007 with a female companion. I was punched in the face many times on the middle of the road in William street in front of heaps of onlookers as it was peak time, around 4.30pm. I was left with smashed glasses and a few cuts and bruises on my face. Police have done nothing to him.

Police are currently trying to jail me by taking me to court and saying I beached the order. They know the magistrate will lock me up eventually.

Other things that police have done-

Took away a female boarder who was living at my place for only 2 months. She was here from WA. She was my witness until she disappeared. She was placed in a female refuge and told she was never to contact me ever again.

I have enough proof to make sure at least 4 police officers go to jail for the perjury they’ve committed alone.

The media has done nothing, but avoid anything about me. How corrupt.

There is much more, but I think enough for now.

I shall never stop in my fight for justice as I have shown them. My entire life destroyed by the people there to protect us. They are the worst criminals with all the power.

I love my children more than anything and the past 3 years without them near me has caused me so much grief and pain.

I know by the ease in which they did this to me, that they have done this many times before. NO MORE. How can we live in a society like that?

Aris Anasis My contact No. 0412 352

10th March 2009

* Was to front the Melbourne Magistrates court for two matters. Informants Reid & Taylor. * Was allowed to leave hospital around 12pm from the previous nights attendance by myself. * Dr Louisa Lee faxed medical certificate to Melbourne magistrates court between 9-10am.

20th March 2009

* Operation re- tail bone. In and out in the one day.

14th June 2009

15th June 2009

16th June 2009

17th June 2009

18th June 2009

* Received call from Mr David Nolte with relation to the email I sent Lester Ellis. * 10am appointment with James Jamison who knows David. Also gave Dr Jamison Vic Roads form to fill in regarding my license. He’ll fill it out and send it to them. * Sent David email which included George Defteros experience’s-Chief Judge letter. 19th June 2009

* 2.45pm. Dr Parker appointment.

20th June 2009

Monday 16th November 2009

Wednesday 18th November 2009 * Dr Parker gave me letter for use at Broadmeadows court stating my medical condition and suggesting a 6 month adjournment.

Thursday 19th November 2009 * Received phone call from lawyer George Douglas who was approached by Mercedes Lekka regarding my court matters. Told me, due to Victor Andreou having already acted for me with these matters, legal aid won’t allow me to change lawyers.

Friday 20th November 2009

Monday 23rd November 2009

Tuesday 24th November 2009 * Mercedes Lekka filled documentation at Broadmeadows court RE: my court hearings dated 1st-2nd-7th and 10th December 2009, which included letter from Dr Parker stating my current health and seeking an adjournment. * Rang Henry Nissan to explain what happened with the lawyer he arranged for me to see, Robert Stary. Advised me to contact Robert again and stress to him that Victor Andreou isn’t doing anything for me. Suggested Peter Dotchin for my family court matters.

Wednesday 25th November 2009

Thursday 26th November 2009

* Received confirmation from Royal Melbourne Hospital Re: Bypass operation on right leg on the 3rd December 2009. (OPERATION WAS BOUGHT FORWARD TO MONDAY 30TH NOVEMBER 2009)

Friday 27th November 2009

* Admitted to Royal Melbourne Hospital in preparation for right leg bypass and amputation of little toe on right foot.

Monday 30th November 2009

* Had bypass on right leg which lasted 8 hours.

Monday 14th December 2009

* Had operation to amputate small right toe and clean up of toe’s No. 2 & 4 of same foot.

Wednesday 16th December 2009

* 3.11pm Telephoned Father Bob Maguire on 9696-0644 and asked for his help in getting an appointment with Neil Mitchell for me. Asked me to email him a little about it so he has something on paper then we’ll go from there.

Thursday 17th December 2009

* 4.15am Emailed Father Bob a little of my situation. See Below-

ather in dispare From: Aris Anasis ([email protected]) Sent: Thursday, 17 December 2009 3:10:06 AM To: [email protected]

Dear Father Bob Maguire,

This email follows our brief telephone conversation yesterday afternoon when I contacted you. My problem has been ongoing since 2005 and two of my three children have been kept from me since April 2006. Why, because they witnessed police cohering my then wife to make a false statement against me stating I physically assaulted her, which led to myself being incarcerated on remand for 9 weeks. The kids were told they will never see me again by the police if they continued telling everyone what took place at the police station. I have had lawyers misrepresent me at court and not wanting to produce the evidence I have that proves my innocence. I've had dozens of lawyers in the past 4 & 1/2 years and not one has represented me properly. I was told no lawyer will represent me as someone high in our government has put the red light up for me. I have so much proof to bring down the people responsibly but cannot get anyone to represent me in our courts. Even Michael Kizilny wont represent me and his excuse is that he's just to busy. Their is so much to tell you and show you and hope you'll want to get involved then you can see for yourself what a corrupt country we live in. My health has suffered due to this terrible nightmare and I now find myself with one leg amputated and toes from my other leg. The stress is killing me Father and I miss my children so very much. Allot of people have done the wrong thing here and many heads will roll once this hits the public arena. Even the media has been told to stay away from my case.

I mentioned to you Neil Mitchell has been lied to by the executives at 3AW including his programs producer. I was told he is the man who'd bring this out into the open and I therefore attempted to contact him, only to be pushed away by others at 3AW. One lawyer told me a couple of years ago, that what has taken place against me and my children is one of the worst cases against an innocent man in this countries history and the compensation payout I'd be entitled to would be the biggest this country has seen. Mind you Father, I'm doing this for me and my children and money will never undo what has been done to us. In saying that Father Maguire, if you decide to help us, I will donate to your church and the Father Bob Maguire foundation a considerable amount of money from the compensation we receive at the end of all this. Please help us Father as I don't know what else to do and I don't know how much longer I may have to live considering my ongoing medical issues.

My contact details are as follows,

Aris Anasis Ph. 0412 352 120

The corruption and abuse of process

occurring in my life currently.

Written by Aris Anasis on Saturday 20th April 2013

Police acted improperly recently when my car was stolen which was reported to them within 10 minutes of it happening. My car was written off three days later and that’s when I knew for sure that police had acted improperly on the day I had reported the car stolen. The police involved have lied to the many people I had asked to make inquiries with them, to see if they had located my car, including myself. Although police know dame well who stole the car, they have not charged them for it and they don’t intend to do so. Around the same period I had broken up with my fiancé with whom I have a four year old daughter with. She has then alleged that her house was burgled five days after our break up and was making allegations to my family that I was the one responsible. I became suspicious about the alleged burglary with the information I was receiving and started to get the impression that my ex fiancé had something to do with it. The day after the alleged burglary she, obtained an interim family violence order against me which included my four year old daughter on it. A few days later my ex fiancé made contact with me by telephone and some of the things she said to me relating to the burglary made no sense and when she knew my thoughts were heading that way, she immediately hung up on me. They are current family court orders in place regarding contact arrangements for my daughter from November 2011, that were instigated by my ex fiancée during a break up in our relationship at that time. We were back together about a month or so later where she started to plan for our wedding. It was a on and off kind of relationship and when it was off, she would alienate me from my daughter and tell me she’s getting my daughters surname changed, so she doesn’t have any connection to me and that my daughter doesn’t love me. Then when she felt she inflicted enough pain on me she would resume our relationship and tell me how much she loves me and that my daughter does love me. I always said that if I’m not together in a relationship with her, I will lose my daughter forever. Which is now obvious with her actions presently. She has never stuck to the court orders we have in relation to our daughter and only applied for them so she could control me. She is well aware that my daughter means the world to me, hence why she uses her to hurt me whenever she feels like it. Four days after our latest break up, I stumbled upon some information regarding an aggravated burglary from back in October 2009, where I was living at the time, in a property owned by my ex fiancée which I was renovating for her. Everything that was stolen belonged to me which was just about everything I owned. The information I came across was in the form of text messages to my then the fiancée from her daughter’s partner admitting he was the one who committed the aggravated burglary and that he did it for her. Also messages from her daughter, telling her mother not to call the police and that she will bring everything back that night. Which never happened. An insurance claim was lodged by my fiancé as the insurance was in her name, being her house and when the insurance assessor came out to see her and asked if she had any idea who might have committed the aggravated burglary, she said no, that was obviously a lie as the text messages to her were on the same day that the aggravated burglary occurred. $15,000 was paid by way of cheques in her name which she never gave me and the rest of the stuff was replaced. A couple weeks after the burglary my fiancé purchased a Mercedes-Benz for her daughter and also paid for her and her boyfriend who committed the aggravated burglary, to spend a night at Melbourne Crown casino. Bit like a thank you it now seems. I hadn’t completed the renovations on that house when I was told to get out and that she was selling the house, which she did not long after then made $115,000 profit from that sale and all she put into its renovations was two tins of paint. The rest all came from me and I was given nothing in return. All of my belongings are spread across two properties registered to my ex fiancé, which included everything from furniture, clothes, Medical Equipment, tools, machinery and many household items, which she refuses to give back to me. She knows without having access to my medical supplies/equipment, my health will deteriorate as it has done in the past couple of months. My attempts to get the police to go with me and get the important things I need from her have lead to nothing except the run around every time I call to try arrange a time with them to go to her place. The police have done everything they can, (unlawfully I might add) to see to it my life goes nowhere but downhill, so I am then unable to do anything about their wrong doing against me. Which dates back to 2005. Recently whilst at court for a mention hearing in relation to this current family violence order, I was mislead by a lawyer who was appointed to me from legal aid and when I made it clear to her that I was aware of her fraudulent advice, she said she can’t help me and walked out. I tried to seek another lawyer through the legal aid office there at court and what I got was a rude person telling me the conversation we were having, is over. The registrar in the court room that my hearing was to be heard, was extremely rude to me when I asked her the name of the presiding magistrate prior to the magistrate making her appearance telling me, “YOU DON’T KNOW HER”. I didn’t ask her if I knew the magistrate, I only asked for the magistrates name so I could have for my records. The magistrate was shocked that my daughter was placed on the order to begin with as there are family court orders in place already and also because the allegations made on the application for the family violence order were not serious enough to warrant my daughter being added to that order. So the magistrate in an angry voice asked my ex fiancées barrister, ‘WHO WAS THE MAGISTRATE WHO DID THIS’ and when told she wrote it down obviously disgusted in that magistrates actions. I had also made my own inquires in respect to the granting of the interim order, only to be told the allegations of that nature do not warrant the granting of a family violence order and that came from other magistrates court registrars who deal with family violence orders. Which I have recorded them saying so. One of them even told me there is no way a magistrate will grant me an order with those allegations. So how did she get it I wonder?(Because the court staff where the application was made had a hand in achieving that result, that’s how).If you see the application for this order, you will see that many of the conditions being asked for are repeated up to 3 times throughout the application which is something I’ve never come across before and not believed when I’ve mentioned it to people in the know, saying that’s ridiculous and I’m just making it up. The court staff have acted inappropriately towards me by not including me in the process when allocating the future hearing dates for this order, but my ex fiancées barrister was. Not only that, but as I wasn’t privileged to know the name of the mentioned barrister, who failed to give me his name at court, I rang the court and spoke to the court registrar and asked for the barristers name, as I had papers I needed to serve to him that were very important and I was told they don’t have his name and I can ring the police to ask them to call my ex and seek the name from her.(Knowing dame well the police are against me and will only stuff me around, cause why wouldn’t she offer to call my ex then?). I knew what she told me was rubbish and that they knew who the barrister was and deliberately mislead me by telling me she didn’t know his name, I decided to call a few other magistrates courts and ask if that is something they would know,(I’VE RECORDED ALL THESE CALLS, EVEN THE IRST CALL WHERE THE MATTER IS LISTED IN) and you only have to hear for yourself the responses I get, to then see I was being lied to by the registrar who told me she didn’t have any record of the barristers name. The barrister had represented my ex twice at that court for this matter also and he was called up at least 3 times to the intervention order desk when last at court and they don’t know who he is.(SOUNDS LIKE A DELIBRATE ACTION THAT WAS DONE TO AFFECT THE PROGRESS OF MY DEFENCE IN THIS MATTER). The barrister himself is also guilty of misleading me on the day of the mention hearing where, after the legal aid lawyer told me she couldn’t represent me and I exited the interview room we were in with my son and his friend next to me, he asked me if I’ve had any luck in obtaining a lawyer yet when he knew very well the entire situation in respect to that and I replied with, “ I did have but was told they couldn’t represent me. He then said, “could you point HER out to me”.(WHAT MADE HIM THINK IT WAS A SHE)?Also the legal aid lawyer on 3 occasions left the interview room to go and speak with him to see if another arrangement can be made to settle this matter as I wasn’t agreeing to the proposed deal offered by the ex’s barrister. Now if this isn’t a case of unfair treatment under the human rights act, I don’t know what is. My further attempts to gain legal assistance with this matter and also to have proceedings initiated in the family court for contravention of the family court orders by my ex and a filing of contempt motion against her, only caused me more grief as I was mislead by the local community legal centre for an hour and 20 minutes which again was recorded and is something in itself to listen to, so then one can see what’s lengths these animals have gone to in making sure I don’t get anywhere in my quest for justice. These individuals can and will be held personally responsible for their fraudulent actions upon me. Getting back to the polices involvement and I can prove to you by way of recordings that the police interfered with my insurance company, thus delaying my payout for my car. They’ve also made sure that nothing happens to those responsible for the aggravated burglary I mention earlier and also the latest alleged burglary at my ex’s place where I have provided evidence to the insurance assessor for the current insurance claim. You can see now how full on this all is and how much the police must want me out of the way, where they’ll do anything to achieve that result even if it means ending my life. I have a sleep disorder called Narcolepsy which was diagnosed in2004 and have been under the care of the sleep specialists at the Royal Melbourne Hospital for the past few years and received medication throughout that time for it, which is extremely important to the everyday life I live. When I was first diagnosed with this disorder, I was told that the severity of my disorder rates in the top 5% of the people who have narcolepsy. Now my medication was stolen when my car was stolen as I had it in the boot and my ex fiancée had the rest at her place and as mentioned above, won’t give me anything of mine. So I have been without my medication since late February and I recently had an appointment at the hospital to see the sleep specialist where I was to get another script and while there I was refused any further scripts by a Dr. id never seen before , on the grounds that she didn’t believe I had narcolepsy at all. Just because I don’t have hard evidence as I do the other things I’ve mentioned above, that doesn’t mean I don’t know who is responsible for this, which is the work of the police no doubt. My body and mind have taken a battering due to the withdrawal of this medication I’ve been on the past 8 years to then come to a complete stop in taking it as you can imagine. I continue to have my life threatened and due to my deteriorating health which has affected me to the point where I’ve become completely immobilised, I am in the most vulnerable position one can be in and know I cannot defend myself against any form of attack upon myself whatsoever. I have made sure this has all been documented as it has accrued, just in case my life is taken from me and my previous experiences tell me that my fear is more than just a passing thought of paranoia. My daughter is being manipulated and brainwashed about me her loving dad which will have a detrimental effect on her mentally and is left in the sole care of a mother who abuses her and has her sleep with grown men that she herself has barely known(sisters boyfriend). The mother has no regard for my daughters well being and subjects her to such shocking situations and many many more that are unacceptable. But that doesn’t seem to bother anyone except me the one person she can trust 100% to look out for her safety and well being. I have court next week on the 24th April 2013 which is a directions hearing for the family violence order and it needs to be hit on the head and not allowed to progress any further for the many reasons stated above. I think I’m lucky to still be alive at present when you consider what has happened and all I can say about that is, god is keeping me alive for my daughters sake and for the fact that I am a freedom fighter who will stick it to those responsible and fight until they are all exposed for what they do to innocent people. If you would like further information or want to satisfy your curiosity with the evidence available, let me know and it will be arranged for you.

Aris Anasis PH. 0412 352 120