
Class of 2028 – Summer Knowledge Organiser

1 God creating light God created light on the first day, but the Sun on the fourth Day. 2 Slouching During Passover, Jewish children are allowed to slouch on their chairs, to remember their escape from slavery. 3 Boo & hiss During Purim, Jews boo, hiss and stamp their feet whenever anyone says the name of the evil Haman. 4 Jesus’ first miracle Turning water into wine 5 Gelt Chocolate coins used by Jewish children to gamble with whilst playing Dreidel on Hanukkah. 6 Shabbat The Jewish day of rest – children are not allowed to do any homework on this day. 7 Jesus He was Jewish 8 Fundamentalist They believe that Eve was formed from Adam's rib. Christians 9 Jewish Commandments Othodox Jews follow 613 Commandments 10 Blasphemy The crime for which Jesus was crucified (he claimed he was God) 11 6 billion tons The mass of a teaspoon of matter from a neutron star. 12 20% The percentage of Earth's oxygen made by the Amazon rainforest. 13 Alkali metals These metals are so reactive the explode when they touch water. 14 206 The number of bones in the human body. 15 8 minutes, 19 seconds The time it takes for light to reach the Earth from the Sun. 16 Venus The only planet in the solar system that spins clockwise. 17 J The only letter that doesn't appear in the Periodic Table. 18 30,000oC The temperature of a lightning strike. 19 12 inches The wingspan of the Queen Alexandra's Birdwing, the largest butterfly. 20 Dark blue The colour of a giraffe's tongue. 21 The capital of . 22 Euro The currency used in Spain. 23 Spanish (language) The second most widely spoken language in the world. 24 Spanish population The fifth largest population in Europe. 25 Felipe VI The King of Spain. 26 Paris The capital of France 27 Euro The currency in France. 28 The 29 1789 The date of the French revolution. 30 1889 The year the Eiffel Tower opened 31 6% The amount of the Earth’s surface covered in rainforset 32 Asia The world’s largest continent both by population and by land area. 33 Longest river The Nile. It has a length of over 4000 miles. 34 8850m The height of Mt Everest and is still growing by about 6cm per year. 35 8 million tonnes The amount of plastic that enters the world's oceans every year. 36 80% The proportion of the ocean that remains unexplored. 37 37 million The populTokyo has a population of over 37 million.

38 Miss Barr Head of Year 7 39 Mr Lavy Deputy Head of Year 7 40 Miss Fisher Year 7 Pastoral Lead 41 8:30 Start of the day – line up in your tutor groups 42 9:00 Lesson 1 starts 43 10:20 Lesson 2 starts 44 11:35 Start of break 45 11:50 End of break – line up in your lesson 3 classes 46 13:05 Start of lunch 47 13:40 End of lunch – line up in you lesson 4 classes 48 15:00 Start of DEAR – go to your tutor room 49 DEAR Drop Everything and Read 50 15:25 End of the school day.