THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY Dean's List AUTUMN SEMESTER 2014 Armenia Sorted by Zip Code, City and Last Name Student Name (Last, First, Middle) City State Zip Wang, Aoning Columbus 43202 THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY Enrollment Services - Analysis and Reporting June 21, 2016 Page 1 of 100 Contact:
[email protected] THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY Dean's List AUTUMN SEMESTER 2014 Australia Sorted by Zip Code, City and Last Name Student Name (Last, First, Middle) City State Zip Davis, Sarah Kate Dunlop 2615 McCallum, Harrison John Gold Coast 4218 THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY Enrollment Services - Analysis and Reporting June 21, 2016 Page 2 of 100 Contact:
[email protected] THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY Dean's List AUTUMN SEMESTER 2014 Bahamas Sorted by Zip Code, City and Last Name Student Name (Last, First, Middle) City State Zip Delancy, Lesa Nassau N7018 THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY Enrollment Services - Analysis and Reporting June 21, 2016 Page 3 of 100 Contact:
[email protected] THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY Dean's List AUTUMN SEMESTER 2014 Brazil Sorted by Zip Code, City and Last Name Student Name (Last, First, Middle) City State Zip Kenny, Phillipe John Dalledone Curitiba 80540 Franzoni Ereno, Gustavo Curitiba 81200 THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY Enrollment Services - Analysis and Reporting June 21, 2016 Page 4 of 100 Contact:
[email protected] THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY Dean's List AUTUMN SEMESTER 2014 Bulgaria Sorted by Zip Code, City and Last Name Student Name (Last, First, Middle) City State Zip Boyadzhiev, Kristian Daniel Sofia 1700 THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY