urban and spatial planning, architecture, housing building, geodesia, environment June 2015 33 11000 Belgrade, Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 73/II * E-mail:
[email protected] ISSN 1450-569X * spatium 33/2015 * International Review ISSN 2217-8066 (Online) spatium ISSN 1450-569X No. 33, June 2015, Belgrade ISSN 2217-8066 (Online) SCOPE AND AIMS The review is concerned with a multi-disciplinary approach to spatial, regional and urban planning and architecture, as well as with various aspects of land use, including housing, environment and related themes and topics. It attempts to contribute to better theoretical understanding of a new spatial development processesEDITOR-IN-CHIEF and to improve the practice in the field. PUBLISHER Miodrag Vujošević, IAUS, Belgrade, Serbia Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia, IAUS Saša Milijić, Director VICE EDITOR-IN-CHIEF ADDRESS Tamara Maričić, IAUS, Belgrade, Serbia Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia, IAUS SECRETARY Spatium Milena Milinković, IAUS, Belgrade, Serbia Serbia, 11000 Belgrade, Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 73/II tel: (381 11) 3207-300, fax: (381 11) 3370-203 PUBLISHING COUNCIL e-mail:
[email protected], web address: www.iaus.ac.rs Jasna Petrić, President, IAUS, Belgrade, Serbia Ana Niković, Vice President, IAUS, Belgrade, Serbia IN PUBLISHING SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH Milena Milinković, Secretary, IAUS, Belgrade, Serbia De Gruyter Open Ltd. Ul. Bogumila Zuga 32a 01-811 Warsaw, Poland FINANCIAL SUPPORT Ministry of Education, Science