Rupsiyabagar-Khasiyabara Hydroelectric Power Project
CENTREFOR WILDLIFESTUDIES August3,2012 Admln. Ofrice: # {669, 31st Cross, l6th Main, Banashankari 2nd Stage, Dr.P.J. Dilip Kumar, IFS Bengaluru - 560 070, Indla. Chair,Forest Advisory Committee Tel. : +91 80 26715364,Tele Fax : +9'l 80 26715255 DirectorGeneral of Forests WEBSITE : Regd. Oflice: 26-2,Aga Abbas Ali Road (Apt.403) Ministryof Environmentand Forests Bengaluru - 560 042, lndia. ParyavaranBhavan CGOComplex, Lodhi Road NewDelhi-1 10003 Sub:Final Report of thesub-committee of the FACon the Rupsiyabagar Khasiyabarahydroelectric project i n Munsiyari (RKH PP), Uttarakhand. Sir, This reportpertains to the site inspectionthat I had carriedout withAIGF Sri HC Choudhryon April21-22,2012. The site inspection was relatedto the 261 MW Rupsiyabagar-KhasiyabaraHydro-Power Project ("RK HPP" for short)in Pithoragarhdistrict of Uttarakhand,proposed by the NationalThermalPower CorporationLimited (henceforth NTPC). The StateGovernment of Uttarakhand videtheir letter dated 21.12.2009 submitted a proposalto obtainprior approval of CentralGovernment under the Forest(Conservation) Act, 1980 for diversionof 217.522 hectare of forestland for 30 years,in favourof the useragency. The proposalwas examinedby the ForestAdvisory Committee ('FAC", for short)on 25.05.2010and rejected. As you are aware,in responseto a representationfonryarded by the Nodal Officer,Forest (Conservation)Act, 1980 (Government of Uttarakhand)in his letterdated 15.09.2010, requesting the MoEFto re-considerits decision to declineapproval of the CentralGovernment, the ForestAdvisory Committee set- up a sub-committeeto undertakea site inspection. Accordingly,the abovesub-committee of the FAC,headed by me, inspectedthe site identifiedfor constructionof the RK HPP in orderto assessfirst-hand the floraand faunaavailable in and aroundthe forestland proposed for diversion and the ecologicalvalue of the area.The mandatedinspection was carriedon 21stand 22nd April 2012.
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