3Wm? SW #Mign^ Hayutin in on Published Daily, Except Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays by ARMY ARCHERD by Daily Variety, Ltd

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3Wm? SW #Mign^ Hayutin in on Published Daily, Except Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays by ARMY ARCHERD by Daily Variety, Ltd Mon., Jan. 18, I960. @/dR7%fP Sy Weintraub, News of tlie Show World (Trade Mark Registered) FOUNDED BY SIME SILVERMAN 3wm? SW #mign^Hayutin In On Published Daily, Except Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays By ARMY ARCHERD By Daily Variety, Ltd. Svea's Affair Syd Silverman, President GOOD MORNING: The "mystery malady" which laid low Marilyn Sy Weintraub and Harvey 6404 Sunset Boulevard Monroe Is an allergy to medication, she says. "At one time I was out Hollywood (28), California Hayutin have joined Gordon Mc­ Phone HOIIywood 9-1141 cold," she admits. "Now, the only thing 111 take Is an aspirin." MM Clendon and Jack Kotschack in the mystified guests at her cocktail party launching "Let's Make Love," coproduction deal revealed here Vol. 106 Jon. IB. 1960 No. 29 Friday, by showing up on time — George Cukor picked her up . last month, under which "AffaiAi Perry Lieber cleaned up betting she'd be prompt . ■ . And Mrs. Arthur Sweden" and other films willT>e Copyrlghl i960, by Daily Voflmty, lid. made in Sweden and Finland. Single Copies, 10 Cents Miller was her super­charming self, posed for all the lensers, talked with Kotschack. prexy of Svea Films Annual, $15 - - Foreign, $20 every pcribe . Her coatars, Yves Montand and Frankie Vaughan, got of Stockholm, also revealed that Second class postage paid at Los Angeles, their first true sample of a "movie star" in action . The Frenchman McClendon is partnered with him California. had difficulty keeping up with the fast conversation and the British in a bizarre scheme which would Vaughan seemed flabbergasted by the coverage . His wife arrived bring commercial radio to Sweden THOMAS M. PKYOR, Editor from England last night, by the way . Milton Berle, who guests in for the first time. the pic, Maid the crowd was there to see Arthur Miller, because he's At a cost of nearly $1,000,000, such a good writer! . Berle is sporting a new, small waistline, claims Kotschack said, he and McClendon he didn't lose the weight while in the disabled plane, says he's on a are outfitting a transmitter ship Who's Where health food diet . Miller said he expects John Huston's busted leg which will be anchored 35 miles from Stockholm in internati(A&l to mend in time for them to start lenslng "The Misfits" in May on the waters. To be ready in May^r UI v.p. Edward Muhl returns to Nevada location . The auto gate between UT territory and Revue Is his desk here today following 10­ June, the ship will broadcast tapes now locked, bolted so Ul'ers cannot drive from their offices to the stages day confab in New York with made at Stockholm studios and — must wheel out into the Lankershim Blvd. speedway, re­enter the helicoptered to the ship—which, in­ homeoffiee execs. I'hlio thru the main gate! And the return trip forces the studioites to Hdentally. will My the Nicarapuan Hag. partly because of McClen­ Pandro 8. Herman back to Metro break a traffic law, cross the double line to re­enter UI country. P.S. don's friendship with that country's today from N.Y. of course Ul'ers could walk, but it gets messy in the rain — like last dictator. week I . The new stages on the back lot of Revue leaked during the Mike Todd Jr. and Denholm El­ rainstorm . And rain washed out the "Spartacus" set from the Kotschack explained that the Hot In today from N.Y. for "Scent backlot, forced 'em to shoot indoors — it was a rain sequence. Honest! Swedish Government maintains a monopoly on radio and tv broad­ of Mystery" preem. "They shoot it on Friday," said John Ireland, "so the actors can cough casting and that other advertising weekends — on our own time" . And talking about time on "Spar­ Audrey Hepburn to Paris Jan. media are limited: e.g., an A tacus," Kirk Douglas says "There'll be absolutely no excuses for this 23 to attend "Nun's Story" open­ tiser must reserve n»wspapR* one — it's gonna be great! We've used the best, spent plenty, and ing there with Fred Zinnemann. space six months in advance, he took our time" . There's almost a month remaining on the pic. said. Dana Andrews American Air­ Douglas must also return to Columbia to complete two days filming on McClendon, operator of film fa­ lined in Friday from N.Y. "Strangers When We Meet" . Although Jean Simmons says Douglas cilities and a radio chain in Texas, is one of the greatest guys to work for and with, she'll nix his offer last month revealed he would co­ produre "Affair In Swed­n" with Wolfe GNbert in N.Y. for to costar with him and Rock Hudson in "Day of The Gun" — she's Knfschack and T. J. Sarkka of ASCAP board meeting; due back exhausted, admits having collapsed on the final day of "Elmer Gantry." Finland, the latter two providing Jan. 22. Instead, she returns to the ranch . Meanwhile, husband Stewart the be'ow­the­line costs. At the Granger, confabbed at 4­Star Friday to do a half­hour vidseries. He time, McClendon was said to be John Payne back from N.Y. to­ c day. nixed the hour­long Africa series . The Vine St. Gypsy says it's discu« ing a distribution deal on not the "mystery flu" In BevHills, just germ warfare between MCA the nicture with Paramount. ^ Ricardo Montalban planed today and Wm. Morris . Fortune mag is researching a yarn on MCA . Hayutin. present at the p^m for Mexico City. And Wm. Zinsser completed a mission to Hollywood for Life mag pen­ conference with K"t"ch*«"k, said, ning a story based on "the new audacity of film making." however, that a major release was Millie Perkins left for England not being s«uirht and that the nartners (each indenendent of his over the weekend. respective commnv) would nr^ide Thai's snow bis: a plane loaded with "Ocean's 11" wardrobe turned the hacking. Havn+in and Wein­ John Wayne To Get traub hive been releasing through back from Las Vegas on Friday when the snowstorm got too heavy, Paramount. Texas Headliners returned to L.A. until the "don't pass" snow line cleared . Troy Dona­ hue may have to drop outta "Dark At The Top Of The Stairs" because "Affair" concerns some Kin*ey­ tvne interviewers w^o go to Swe­ Award For 'Alamo' "Parrlsh" Is getting the rush treatment for a March start . Although den to investigate t^e sex situa­ John Wayne will be honored Stephen Boyd has been paged by Jerry Wald to "Return To Peyton tion. Kor«chack «*id that A ser­ond with a special citation by the Place," 20th­Fox may cast the suddenly­popular Boyd into other pix film might, be "P„rM­n NeektW' Headliners Club of Austin, Texas, . Jonie Taps tapped Stanley Styne and Freddy Karger to pen a title based on a storv bv Mika WaltW. at Its annual awards festivities on tune for "Gidget Goes Hawaiian." Their "Gidget" song for the original Kotschack *ald h° had fir<t re­ Jan. 30. Recognition is by way of pic was such a smash, Taps figures lightning can strike "Hawaii" too fusal on Waltari's books and that saluting the star­producer for his . It'll be Fabian who sings the 1930 vintage tunes in "High Time," the co ­ production arrangement nlm of "The Alamo." which he while Der Bingle will ballad the songs of the '60's . No, the Groaner could include other Waltari stories. shot entirely on location in Texas. won't rock'n roll . Marlene Dietrich waxed a Columbia album, "Diet­ Wayne will Mv Jan. 29 to Austin Reeves Kennedy Techni for affair at which Senate Majority rich in Rio." See what the boys in the back room will have — coffee? Leader Lyndon R. Johnson and . Irish McCalla met with L.A. Dodgers' outfielder Chuck Essegian Successor To Shattuck Mrs. Oveta Culn Hobby, president in the Orient, resumed now that both are back from the USO tours New York. Jan. 17.—Reeves L. and editor of the Houston Post, . George Hamilton is down to his Rolls Royce — his '59 Chevy was Kennedy has been named as suc­ al"o will be honored. wiped, so he's gotta drive the "39 Rolls — unless Susan Kobner wants cessor to David 8. Shattuck am Headliners Club, cemnosed of him to drive her T­Bird . Georgie Jessel's suggested line for The treasurer of Technicolor Inc. Ai journalists, business and profes­ Voice Of America: "Fight Truth Decay." its subsidiaries and as secretary­ sional leader*, annually makes treasurer of Technicolor Corp., ef­ awards to some six prize­winner fective Feb. 20. reporters and photographers and Since 1949, Kennedy has been to a limited number of prominent Sunday's Screen Producers' Guild Milestone feed honoring J. L. Warner la ;i sellout . Anna Kashfi and Stephen Boyd a duo at Marlon Brando's assistant to the executive vka Texan s, who are natives or adopted president. Shattuck recently an­ sons and daughters of the Lone favorite eatery, Chianti . Mark Damon has his work cut out in "Fall nounced his resignation. Star State. Of The House Of Usher" — he's in 128 of 125pp. of script and in all Citation* will be presented by but one scene . Jim Hutton, Metro thesp discovered in an Army show Clift 'Misfits' Costar Governor Price Daniels at Head­ in Berlin, and who bows in Arthur Freed'* "The Subterraneans," gets a Montgomery Clift will star with liners Club luncheon to be held in top role in Joe Pasternak's "Where The Boys Are" .
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    iTunes Package Film Specification 4.3 2010-02-02 MERCHANTABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. AS A RESULT, THIS DOCUMENT IS Apple Inc. PROVIDED “AS IS,” AND YOU, THE READER, ARE © 2010 Apple Inc. ASSUMING THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO ITS QUALITY AND ACCURACY. All rights reserved. IN NO EVENT WILL APPLE BE LIABLE FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR No part of this publication may be reproduced, CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM ANY stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in DEFECT OR INACCURACY IN THIS DOCUMENT, even if advised of the possibility of such damages. any form or by any means, mechanical, THE WARRANTY AND REMEDIES SET FORTH ABOVE electronic, photocopying, recording, or ARE EXCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF ALL OTHERS, ORAL otherwise, without prior written permission of OR WRITTEN, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. No Apple dealer, agent, or employee is authorized to make Apple Inc., with the following exceptions: Any any modification, extension, or addition to this person is hereby authorized to store warranty. documentation on a single computer for Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation personal use only and to print copies of of implied warranties or liability for incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or documentation for personal use provided that exclusion may not apply to you. This warranty gives the documentation contains Apple’s copyright you specific legal rights, and you may also have notice. other rights which vary from state to state. The Apple logo is a trademark of Apple Inc. Use of the “keyboard” Apple logo (Option-Shift-K) for commercial purposes without the prior written consent of Apple may constitute trademark infringement and unfair competition in violation of federal and state laws.
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