? .el....-- i wmiiiriHiVi -'-J-

smc'itm: AOTICI2 Tin: -r niMHCiM i i. Aivi:itTisr.u. vi- C TO ADVERTISERS A X D s' IM'K I II Kit s. J;' .b-U- T p ... ana, tun. r.d i il.. li :: il'-- l iisei: or e.-- :i .."i. '.'-- ' Firry Th rail si A ? in. i.'i I jklifcr4 j Mornin;. 1: : .. ' ill i. l ,:l... t ' n - i;, !,., :. ...will 7 adveri-s- - .t. - - I t- :' r- ' wfl!'--- .Vi-- t , td .: t.s..t, d.spl.ii .d in l.irc- r t,n are A-- mrl-l- ? sr.') ti ii.nl, .ot rv .n.'...... jec- - "-- i...-- t- " ' ' " ...i.ii - i f..r r - ' T r:; for tie- - C..mmer- - Aoverti-t- r .drer- - n-- r r aTl :!.:!. ':' .lit paper?! r An. - il 1 " t s .ir..- p Vai l AHI 1 IX i'- r- - A "- t- - - -- p- - .;. t a- - .la IM ll'.l C..V11. t. i r tan u. . ss s i.!.:-.. . N ' tra'-.-.- a wdl rte-- I ttt r v- -i .1 V p...;..-- in .,! '. I ' 'I h r.ien;. in ui v . f' r i ' - r !, ? r Lave Mi:.. r -i fj j it. can ir - ' - 1 (' IT S'..- iii h:i pur; (.! - will , l ' r th- II it.i.: ai n. alaa) r, n'. i ry s - iti'f. " - .:. ,. v--- -: .o --"e f i - it r 5 . ?" COMMFRCIAI. I'ltlXriM- OFFICE. !(( .... H B td B II 1 M H H - - B 15:ii CirN, - p r ii'iMitn ., PLAIN AND FANCY i . f ! i t .:! I n. . . . RlHIli AND .1(111 -- - . PRIX TIXG : - .. v.------. - :- :t). . L r,--.- . v7 si r-- is ,f ' I'M::- 1 i. . 'n -'- '!Kv.)t,r,t .ii r.i n. f t BOOKS. BII.I.-i- ' KXCIIANGF 'i K-- ' . ti t-- F-- i ' rtin ...... CAT M.O.H Lll l.. UK LADING, is - - i - ! , V..'- - BILLHEADS, O'NM I.1M Pl.AXKS. iTHtl.T AfitKr.".- Ai!- c r..ir.--- al tlr f .Ilviu rt-s-i- .itSri- r I C1RCI I.1US. BLANK it . . f f Ti i;i.trt-- . DEEDS. Al CTION LII.IS. HAND Itll. I - i AM EPS, . P PHI. SHOP BILLS : 4:.,Iun.a, r (iu--r..- F,r tr!. u VIspriNG. r.l SlNESS AND ADI RKSS CARDS ;i k r ( IT printed ,r r lui:r...... Pr.-ss,- f iv-- ui.k-.-- Cod in the .tl Ie irf the art. jr miff O'iUn.i', X'1 iri" r...... 7 .

S SIX IMM.I.VliS I'HK ANl"M. I'I Itl.lsllKI WFF.K I.V HV iSii:). ) . Conmiprcial IIKMtV l. WIIIIVK1. IIOXOI.rLl". HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, MARCH VU.. I Xo.H. IVIIoK.!: o. .OI Advertiser.

A. r.VI'.UKTT, il;i'cllin.T5 ;i:iD ilc.il vf.'.l..t:. I Home Comforts. I. -- yi XT V Z. 3 TNT EI EX . H .r . :.:! . H. I t j: tf Oi'.ti. ! E a-- e: j. o. vkr;u , lilt. A. N. ( I. VKKi:, Tit l.V.T j.s: V IS & AOESTO.X, .i . IS . A i It " Where nre you froinq-- George ?" askeil !.') p. F I It 1 FKOOF w 1 li KliDI si:. IJ F.ST. V r ITLK.) ' I t:r--- . i Mrs. Wilson, as her luisband arose from the j. ui.i:ri:.v, Surgical and Mechanical Dentist. m:: .'. . 'i t rxn. ir ' M KT I I.. i'r. Iiis ATJCTl O 33 Z".n, Or!:.- i.. tt .(...r . w...: . . (Yoopers suid tJnimers. Mijijier table, ami took hat. - T J. "ir- - '.. r:. A M . t ! TYI'F. PI!i:SS:s. j'ltl.XTIMi 3177-- ! C) l; ------. It- (1o!iH!.issiou re- - i:- I - " I'm going the careless tjt a:, t l f.r t r.ii.'- Corner ul'lSethvl ami Kins; Mrvct., llercliants out, ivns IC t. C. II 111 ' U F.R I A L, rArr.n, CAliDS, IHU.tlM.V ri.lll ro.MIMNV. UK. 1IOTT SMITH, Ai.: i. ANU spone. l- J. v"- - ! A. K. -t Uttf.rr, Trr4ar, r a.i As.nt. FtOlT r i.'.on.i ; ii. j; i ! Mir; ruitii. Ami Prli.t t.k .tv. f . " Hut where ?" ! 1 j. tic-si-r I TO I.F.T A FX- j.-- Siiiiom-- Krniiri.ro. ir .rii r of ari l II UK NOW KKI'A KF.IJ - ("Iii'klrcrli Siu . C - l.;-l- y " What oil .Is does that make, ? I ii. i.Ku r.its, , LOT OX I F It II IXTSTIlUHT - ail i tin-i- i.t:- pr-'i- Aiii.M uF TI1L Emma l,t'-.r- t tiii: . -". a.i't it r ?(. il I'j.Vtf II ( f 1 1 titmir it m! l. I I. I .M M V vs. r :,..Mv r.a. s Tr. I It'll l.i ut-o- onul ill il lncUcl. shall be back at my usual time." III ii . Itrliliir : p..-- i .1. v c. ! . I1.-- r place Ar.plvti .r t A ,JA!'A l : a! - II Si AAA li VV, 1 .rv I xvife w. II. u. !.::-- in l.e-l- -r f l!r. a t it- The you ni? 0. bin .. Ii f T. C. IIKIXK. i r a t of ir lav. r. that "I i" All arnvine in transitu r the Sandwich Islands, hesitateJ, and a quick . IIIMOM) Ar SOV, !. :u i . pl. :n :o..l tr''ti:- - .'.v rii...-- of 1..H- -- S win wi'l be r.sa'iv.si arid forwarded I y the " Regular Dispatch Line" II. . - 1IAYK flush oxerspreaJ her face. She - . - lii.--- . t- - AI.I.M.IXD. Jr..A- seemed to AFSTIX, !! si.: r.- f s in tii- ir JOIIX mmis-io- s. J. TO I.F.T ! m to a f:i.r . st..iH..-:i-. I r i f u;: c of c l 1 d themselves iu Japan the'..uipo ATTmIINKV AT LAW. . .1 I c.i.-K- !i". i. l::.--n- H-:- AM' . N w ;iii-- h an al l!i . nv I have made up her mind to speak plainly m-- f . f T- - i:. c. in r" carrying on a ral C. They Partleul.ir atteution paid to f ar ti transhipment of on i.iri'!f ll-.- .i-t- FKF.M1SKS I'OKMHUI.V 0 , II 1. r;it- s. ,rr- - ,.-- tiit!.iin in- Orfiee .i.- ov- f TIIK -- re- -l h t!i :u t'le tnarl.c: . rile of n's other exchahe, in II Ill j r the p..t :!icr. "?U p. l l.y A. P'.f -- r. ..ti N Jil'l.iu tr. et, nevt l!l- - l:lve esl.iMii-h.- a Line I'ac.ets I. HHYn San meri'iiandis... vhalenn bids. a subject which had lain uneasily upon her 1':' . ic J-'J-- - . . surance of merehlndise and uud r open policies, suppv il- - u.-.- f J .!.'! II i .r parta-ular-- pi "I'ply Fr uic's.-- i an i I.i:i.i.ij, touchiiij! at Honolulu on ti.eir way to HF.Mtv I W.1. , w for . XX, (p'j-in- ) C. MiLHAN. J4i:e:i-aa- in i:.ilesh:ps, churterini: ship, etc. heart some time, and'she could not let the Win-- ir t t'i.-i-r ."tnr",i:iiisosWliarf, ll'im.lui'i. i:. IIOFF.'-- t Kanauawa. ahl t.iritn - I;; . K . Sail P!.j: an an.l .fcur.'- i:, Make'4 k, c r:. r i'li eu ail i ti8tias.M The bark Kurcr, the pioi.ter of the line, will leave 13 ami 15 Fuli It.niiii lrcrl. opportunity pass. It required an eilort, but hiJtnaliU tl A SON, ii'-- atr t. TO 11 II NT F'rancisc.i u; the 1st 'f April Kaiiaawa. K.. m : TB. C. HF.I I'K to she persevered. L. A.XO COM MOOIOl'S l.l) INFORM IMS FKIK.MIS AMI UEFKUENCtS : Captain Tl. F. Sxow, TIIK IKlH tell-yo- . Ite-- I I ..t t'-r- I he '..i- - .tnln- :c us a m:.snii u Von iii:i :k. .McCflJ.V, ai. v tin: pu"nc th..l rtc Wa T. C.t.FMiv c Co., San Francisco. Messrs. C. Bkkw kr V Co.. llonoluuc; "Let me what odds it makes to F.- ..I' noirv C. II - ll!-t- t 1 riap-r- . 11 pinchii?'-.- ! i in.ii.-- i li. ip I i w.il. i'.v II. .ii. "ireui.;. ia. 'fc irri'. f tatila at l. l. ii. iviini t M A: - " - Co., . 1 . ch- w .11 as ii'oMi:AY me," said, in kind, I'lM-'-- ll 1 1 t .f April, ! 'J. App.y t.. pared to i all w'lrk in his li:i a an as any j 11. I'lTMAX, L.-- , - - Hilo. she a but tremulous tone. jri ii o.i tl pi I1mi.i A: Co., China. C. K CO. K si I'.e.l .it r. laced prices, and l l'.'0-t- OK. FOKIl'S 1 J- -- in klir.WI.il other man in Honolulu. Honolulu. f I A IIIXTJ. FA KTW j It. F. cannot have your company here nt KHillT, . iL.---- "If OlDe- - and I'm? ?i.r-- K ;.!.ii"i,r.:.u et. M warranted. All mann-- r ..f to. it ! - ul n ii.iiit t.t, ll'rxiliilu, M.M-ii- . I. I Cuun.LKi'ii Mii..!n Ai' Ii., l'''i:i ii.e ih aU n'.il!".l, arul j lla v.ii an an Calif .mi a linn r sale. " hoaie, should at .east feel much better if I sai.i: , -. II. I. lo.V:f fois let-- I. N str- t, or at the Lime I HAS. WOLCOTT Hl.OOliS, ear. fulTy r. par--.!. TMF "HKCKWITII LOT" a fin.; site f r j f iif.l. vs ut is iiuau'i . knew Avhere you were." J T Il t.coi.i, v..H.r. h .w rati.l i:.rn-.a- t allh urs a liwelline. wait plenty water. Ht the i f i I! use, . street, U ittceii lvin?r an.l Merchant streets, anil lmh'nvrili'r's Notit't-- ll : ly 'i of : 11 r.--e II ilci, will Ik alien led to. lJ-ol- j SHiri'IXG AND I i ;!fui:v icnoims, Ki::ma street, nt ar the lloyal cli.i about .pK,.,lte the l.,k I BKF.X " But you know that am safe, Emma, rail K FXDKUSIGXKO. I1AV1XU i re. Ki.iiu.re of M for New York Hoard of Cmlcr-wri- t. i . 4i-- app.iinte.1 Purveyor the and what more can you ask ?" :tio-- H..n.tiUn. f .m. i , K. AUMSTK0N. shii-niasie- li.t fii as. I'jwjni rs,'' takes tlii- - meth.Ht of inforinin rs that he is iiit-.-.- f. ;fiii.of. (Onmiission iUe i l Navy, 4.iii.---ii .r I'hy.i.-ia- to piek to any business llcrdiniit, " I do not know that you are safe, George. . : ahvavs ready at the shertest notice to attend ;f.ik;f. iiowi:. e;irn.-- and e..n. ral practll:--ier- to li;t j rc'iuirvd of hiui in that capacity. AND I rei-len.-- and Turner. know 1 ti.-.-ta. (ahiiut nothing about you when you M an-- lliiiejin-- - are M-r- rh Ollice, Kaaliuiaaiiit aii rdiaiit l hivr wit Yiril on Ci.i kt II Sw . FFItXISIIKi AI'AKT.MKX rs. S. C. WlMMUll'FF, Laiur at M.tn-io- n. Iloi- -I ire.-t- Mi 11 C.iliK'iN, A XKAR j lUVlf Ir. V.r of rxilIF LI ST XI, 1IOTFL STKFFT. Corner of yti.-en'- Road and I'otiinger Street. FORWARDING AGENT, aAX'ay ?" , . ri.r-'ic- al iul Kn'ii-a- Spanish, and Chaplain street. : y Xletltra! :if.'l ice in Fr'iich, lJl-J- M. the corner Hon 'konc, N'ovemlK'r. ls&il. lt7-l- ! Italian. Furniture of nil kind made and repaired. " Pooh Would you have it that I am not Iv-- 123 Saii!.onie Slreel, San Frnucico, 'al. .v l i o. OlTiee h "roni 11 m. t 2 p. y.; MADK Fl , if. ii.'!Si:r.i Kir a. at other hours ni'iuire at COTT.VCi: TO I.F.T. (Hi haul and f.r sale. KK.IDY KXITrilK. A L A N D capable of taking care of myself T" C!iii.I1- - IIhhIuIu, hi rejnlei.ee. tf .loist an-- l Plank: Cedar, UUck Walnut and Cherry NEW Z Ii . Ucwnd CfT.iiiMif flits, .iul ri, I AP.IOIX- - Boanl. 3I0(;0NUI, lii-t- f KLIt. ULK COTTA F Mahoe:iy Ve:ie;riiijr. A X (JIVCX " You put a wrong construction upon my 1 ta!m,a. I. TIIK K..ewt.l an.l , R, TTKXTIO TO . L. ISiX.LS. R. II. i:ii the ilA'.'Uiiii; lately by the uu.lerii.'ned. A f ii:l; M .uI.liiiL-- and sized (ilass. i IJART'fVLAll gale of Merchandise ; to For-vrd- in " Misur. ino-1- Lire, assortment i. lare and two bath room, sc. IVrnis Chilili-eii'- WILLIAM-BUTLE- ; words, George. Love is always anxious Ac i'ontiin r.'in, tc, A variety of Rucking, Diuinu', Oilice and Chairs. and Transhipment of Gooiis in transit the Chartering INCOI.S STAXI.F.V. la--j- 0-i- , A.pl t A ; r PolUhcil oltiliS on hand anil made to order. CUSTOM HOUSE AGENT and Sale of cssels the Supplying of AVhaleships; and the when its dearest object is nway. I did not Imv-- .ni'l in !l.inlwar lry I'aint, Oi!, anJ ACCol'XTA N Ts' AND CON VKY ANCKIiH, IIoS .n i t . ll)-3- II. M. WIIITXKY. GEXERALMEHCHAXT& If : Negotiation of Fixchaue. i M .f Fwt arvl Kini; 105 t - 1 (nyiil ctxteT t D.k-uiii- love as I do, be N. 15. Avera;;' aljnl l. l'rol.-- exten I' d. y'al nts li. J. II. AI.LES. 3Ionsonui, you might not thus uneasy. i' r.-- i -- on Sum to nil. ee,-.i- t ' . with and Coiiitin il l: .l, TO I.F.T ! F.xrhaiiur iiuuoliilu iu KKOKliK ( A It It A X KM KXTS TO K KEI When are at your place of business I ; l.KK, cl rte.l, and Cus'.-u- Il Broker-lir- ihnie; its iV IASMADE yoj t II"'--- st.-i-- tt oitffd ant ine AT LAMAI.VA TIIK HAWAIIAN ALLEY, f constantly on hand well selected stock of IKnU-- r r. I Farwy - s 1 ll a lare and RKFERKXCKS: in Ifjr lrtwwn Nmiina ni.i'l,- up an I C.illiH-tii.n- faithfully atteinle.1 to lately occupied by T. L. Memtt. joiaso never feel thus, because I know I can seek II.k.-.IuIu- , ll'iTHL ISlTI.I'INti, un.l .Hjuiiakm s:-r- ti. I. 11 tf la7-j- lMuiviSLONS, li. F. Ssiiw. K.-- i , Honolulu. C. IIrkwsr, Ksq., Boitoo m l'u&sesfto u given iiiim. d.ately. Rent reasonable. SALT n M Apj.lv to C Brkwkh Ar Co , J AS. Ksq., " and find you at any moment; but you JriIX TIMDIAS WATKItllOI'SK, TII. C. Hi l t K. JiREAD, .1. S. AVai kkb, Ksu . " llKNHY A. PlKKCK, Ksq., " absent I A. r.VIUJKTT. Ac are during these long evenings, get OviH-m- l I. WlLCuX, AY. FlKI.P, " Ia..it-r,"W.i.4'sl-- I) 190-t- f. r I.. II. Anlhoii. Rkuakus Co., Baksih E:p, il i'i F O M M I S S I O X M i: It C II A N T , f &. Undertakers, FLOUR, Axondering xvhere (mil Mjiii. 44-- tl ('areiirrs, Joinrrs Honolulu to you are. Then I begin JimmIuIii. Laiiin;i, r le-t- hi t .tr'-et, IIoii'Iulu, I. r Bkxj. Ksip, Janion k, II. SALF. OK TO I.F.T, Slri-et-. ("oi-nr- Hotel Slrocl. CROCERIES, I'itmas, Hilo. to feel ; FOK Fori neur of 'SS-t- Ksip, lonesome and so one thought follows V C. S. Baktow, Ithaina ,IOSS3IA A SON, ItllFllliHNCK? TIIK FO It KTO I f I1 K.M IS KS OX KIXG .HM-HCriTLL- IXFOIt.M TIIKI'FH--i CLOTIIIXd", another, until I feel troubled . lilK-ra- prepared to execute any work the MOM. and uneasy. Ih-j!-.T , , Io-- r. .V Tapi-as- -- street. Terms Apply to lie that thev are V. C. MoSSAKRAT. JAMKS AI OnwTariI in Dry J'o-l- Nuuanu tret-t- il)) tfri B. puonc Bakrr. A: 4 100--tf C. AV. V1XCKXT, Furt Honolulu. ai.i ve line, and hope to merit a snare oi patronage. SHir CHANDLERY, O if you xx'ould stay xviih me a portion of 1. -T lf - :.. D. liai'iinn ., M ol.ilu, iihu, '1 always on hand and made to V " Kv.th ll'.l L, Koa. Pine and riinmed Collins and everything reiejired for a complete oiittd. JIOASAKKAT VLMOA, your ex'enings !" 51i-- tf O I. order. Fr--s- h all furnished at W. N. I. AIM). II ! iluu, July 1, li57. FT. - Plans and sp cifica XT supplies, potato", and GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Tj- Jol hini; done on reasonable, terms. the shortest notice. " Aha I thought that xvas what you xvere iin.1 Thafcr in IUbdware, Cm.mT, Mionnrs' HA BIIKVTKH, j Tin: iioFsti ix tiik ord- - lS2-t- t .r-- - lied to r. ImiTtT 2l. r :;. of theroinix." hite II e Hotel," with 12 Sepanit- ti.nn drawn Mungonui lies iu the south-ea- st part of I.anristan or Doubtless San Friii.cisro. California. Ar on the premises. 11 1- -tf 17U Viinc la. aiming at," said George, with a playful shake F. Kill U'I'It F., rooms, all furnishcl. Inquire Bav, and is in latitude Uo de. 6 min. S.,and longitude deg. Virtorit', 'un r'i ' M lloiioiulu, Oahu, II. I. tLi 1SS min. K. ISlMf RF.FKR TO of the head. " You xvould have me here i:4!3i:kt kisoava's - & ., KHr'ilH Tii TO I.IiT. BLACKSMITH HOl'. OX TIIK N LAY KSl'I.AX AI'Il, I'axk R:i--i nt.tr, -- Xt w Y'ork, I. S. A. j.vmiin, H.---p. ;kki:n 1 . evenings !" J AMrH IllNSi.WKI , 15 jst-.n- . . - Kirf-Prw- .f - ItOO.MS i tir- 1" WORK .Mcfsrs. Goupox. Bki r k McAri.iFF, C.OTtn'w'ioo Iluill:n3. CJueo tiwt. llllKXkli. I ... TIIK FOLLOWIXti BL corner of IS IMlKI'AItKOTO HAKODADI, JAPAN. 10-t- I'HiKLM ILI'INU, KoBepT f tice ill the HliK I'llO'lF lllllCK n prices t I C. Jamov, E.SJ., Liverpool, Great Britain. " Well can you wonder at it ?" returned A(.r.l 1. K,J. A; of Uiniis iu siyleat l.mol:.iu. 5l Ki kk M.:un:i.l.. ( n vi : all hrst rale o 11 Oiikkx Co., 1. 51k!!. Fan Fraucinco. Kaahumanu and ipui street, - tl Messrs. J tr Honolulu, II. H.--p, the ! Xo, Cll AS. Wol.i.-oT- B.l mm, i i ...... I over the feavinirs IS.iiik. f suit tines. Emma. " I used to be very happy xvhen you i ti... i,. t:,,r. directiv .' X. and nil POTATO KSlToTATOES A. .1. Caktwright, FisQ., " " 106f W. riSFIIF.K, . Wn. IV.T.i .V Co., Ilonckotii;. buildiiij.-- , of of liO'J .1 CART. CARRIAdK, Stnpt-t-, M.tt-- of the ulove capabl.- .tor:tj:e came to evening with xve n. tfie M,-r- A; w..rk in thi line, will be done with a neatness and dis spend an me, before Cabirwt MikTan.l h l'.il!hr, lltfl fpiiti? f.. l'.KLt, II HUH I. Co.. .Manila. oilier IFFLS OF IKISII POTATOES S UklFKITTSt JIOlOiAS. C. S. HATHAWAY. u. r. moa 41 - ...... Hot to I..- esc hous.-s- . tf l'O-t- f 're!- ... te l.ateh died. iu .store xvere married, and I knoxv I should be ll'u.. iuimed..itely. terms iium'T. i'I '.' , s - BREWKR. J llore s!io, ini.-- and all other business in the Farrier de- toooi: & ll:-- lf CHAs. r i'. ALSO, mum, stone co., Ac .M. : It I.MI A I'M, rKlllKKK K L. IIANk. KbWAIlD AKAMS. paiiment, promptly attended to. happy in your society now." A. S. S. Keef, Merchants, San Francisco, Cal I:i!-ri-u .Ki-nutlik- CI.hin?T Commission and F'orwardinir Avith I. Imxirtr4 aivl Wb.il r Halj, I L. II AX KS Ac Ac A. R. Nye, " Ah," said George, a smile, "those - iHJ..-:itl.-Tii-- KI'll'K Sale, &e. T. S. Ilathawiiy Esq. Messrs. T. L-- Mi mI vrry lari- tjr 0.. I.euse lur For lieference, la(x, Cornmii-- and hippin .Merchant:". iotiolulu, Hawaiian Ac Swift Ac Perry, New Bedford, Messrs. Griunell Minturu Ac business -- 4l.,. Ul LI-M- K xx'ere meetings. We xx'ere arranging Kim.L.h l;e li OTIKT r'Ti aim ll.iii-1- . 'IMF. OF TIIK IMtKMISFS, lireail, Ac. Per- ' I, oy Co., New York, John AI. Forlx s Ksq., IWtnn, Messrs. Ii.wj. lia-t-r li' f. rmeily by John ijnl and lately .ipi.un ISS-t- f A Ac Hi J.ilu. 0.!m. or sale bv KSTIi Ci)., Ilakodadi, Japan. A: then for the future. I'.EFKfl T , trrn. - ... A. KI Smith, New London, Du.el C. AVatrmiun Esq. Hon j ig. on AlaK- a street, nainj cic.eo JA KDirii kins n. Ac S hitvranl. .v..!. tf l. Ki Mt:itaii.l.. in Francisco. r- - . 5Ier. rn subj.-c- t to a nt of J.'.0 j olulu. " And not continue so to do, hus- r. Hawaii C-- , Mav 1st. lsiiO, to run. ht x'hy my A. mum, nr. s)!i, ialWet.1.. MlSTI KD A: New York. IX IlKMOVIXf. HIsm siXKSS J annum, pavahlc i sale. The luilldunts are Henry Shi ilia, At hvtivT -- New Be If r I. to his new COOl'KilAdK on he Ksplanade, Charles band ? I we could be AHKK IIAIIIIIS FO., Al.Lrs, P. pair. the - am sure us happy now ri. coiiveiiient f ,r a family, and are in c.I Fort street, takes this opportuni!- ot returu-i- n BARKY k PATTEN, i I'iias. t i.nr.ii ii Co., Klon-iie- .- ( U.ivr-ti- n IVo.tn-- T II .m.luIii.'fc.Jin. II. I. .Iw-llii- ip to the same, tie re is'a SIIIl'I'ING ANI COMMISSION MERCHANT, DeAlr in kiivli l.;-l- y house and his sincere thanks to his friends and the , as ex'er. If you remember, one of our plans .f ! I:Uut-- r Merrill, fatt in The furniture iu IMPOBTEP-s- AVHOl.KSAf.K AND It ETA I L DEAI.FR8 IN Ira iliiH Kw.:uf u r. pl as.iul cottage with two the yard. public in een- - ral. for the support and patr 1:1 IJH-t- f 1, auc-- Hakoilmli, .J:iitu. xx'as to make a home." e, will be sold by c. franrf o. I". S. A. Ai t!i- - hou-- by Mrs. John Lid which tlc-- bei n nl-a- si d to craut cf-- V. A. II. F. I'OOK...... 1. 4 11, .1 llV aire hav WINES, LIQUORS, DEMIJOHNS, ..I tl... 1. t- - .1 ...Il n..vl ...I ..'! i.'S hop- - s 1 y i busi- KKFKRS TO " And xxc ?" him f.r the past tenyear. and that 65-- haven't got one, Emma I.MFOP.TKIIS AND COMMISSION same tune. These premises , 1 1 5 ly Ac II A 1ST, .vir.I.l II.l.i lis, ,.r u. f,,r s.iie or to at tie of till orders intrusted to I'ikri-k- p, - oiilitoan-r- mI., San Frii uoinoo. ItlTSON - ness and promptness in the execution Hknuv A. Boston. rI i dim.- new. they would " We have a place in xvhich to live," an- i Jjri---- t' Mr H...iry K. JHnx.ci, Wh.Ijl Win anI P'irit IIKMM.I LC, OAIIC. PtXDWICll S LANDS. are In soo-- order, the buil nearly and l.in., .Mil merit a continuance of their favors. Wol.COlT lillOOKs Ks San Francisco. !..r,-.- - . he CllAttl.KS ll..ni'1-.ilu- , .t, I r .mlK-- Fi r farther narticuUrs, apply to the II. I , umK r tin.- Kikmii of A. J. RKFKR TO .i.. He has on hand for sale upwards cf 2o00 l.anvls of al sorts B. V. S.now, Ksq.. Honolulu. A: swered the xvife, somewhat exasivcly. uiidcrsi.-ned- . S. J. LADD. 1 -- ' El. WI2HSTB2II CO. atwl at tl.c t ' Kal.uiu.um JK. R'.l! F. .l.V, Ki ., Philadelphia. . and sizes. ' 1 n !nrl. Prlll Kxis-ulrix- IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN And it is Kl.l-l- ll K- - (., - " our home," pursued George. . C. It. 11IS11 )P. i .V ' ., Bo.-- .ii. - n. Messrs. K.:ai, i:n;ea r if HAY ISLANDS, a- , , " And," he added, xvith a sort of confident N-- w or estate John b.senaMl. new KFSSF.I.L, OF 33 o "trV 11 o i. soir, HlilHT .V C"-- , York, I'js 2in lt.ltl. tooinm;F.! ix cl A M s II O.iliu, Il.iar. Wali., I. Xt ;rrcLant. IlanJs. i i Ufiwral Cinmi i.n wlul'i, pan S NEW ZEALAND, r i Antral riir. Clark .V ".., Fmni ico. ANTIION-.- RUILDINC, MERCHANT ST. flourish, " home is the xvife's peculiar prov- Fraii'-isc- ! ai.pt ria BAtx.KB Ac l.iKDKB.i:i:i'K, San Sale Ijiifiiory every icjci ipiioai. ince. C3iie Hits 11 uirge ui n, mm mi Urw r.f .irol l3ckrt-4- . KalniUu ior cV c;o., of n. ...t. 10.-- Oahu, II. I. a tf ItK SOLO AT FFIILiF At ( Honolulu. hi: in davis 101 yiiO.T STREET, is there; xvhile the duties of the husband call WILL - CH AND LEES, i.- -r on 1j:1i day SHIP .":iU- - f 'r' l!ntn-- IV Wl'.ir M.rtaL TION, at th.- Court House in Honolulu, the HAS T A K FX Between Washington and Merchaut. SIVVLDI.NC.. JKX. - 1I1K TIIK Commi-kio- 115 SAX FRANCISCO him to other scenes." J. V. of June next, that larco land railed lli-.- I'XIKits:KIfor purpose of carryuip.ni the (irurrnl ii tf Men-haii- premises the Cintoin Ilousr A"riils.aiul Si Imj-octc- oiiiniis-Ji..i- i I r Honolulu, Oahu. S. I. and M ri-li- ill si. "Aye I admit that, so far as certain duties 8 a. . a. a Air-- t.t lor Win. Tii win.' Ac Co.' Bostou and Sandwich Island KAIIFKF," Hnsiness A LARGE COIIOACJK .'. . Cnu'ii'iinir XTLV OX HAXO I'ESAACISLO Pack.-ts- in the district .f Kau, Island of Hawaii. AVE FOXSTA SAA are concerned," replied Emma. " But you HISII4M Ar .. all various branches. and solicits a share of the public assortment of recruits of every description required by AC.KNT FOR - iu 12 months, with in is ikYh-- k 111' mi T. of Sill- cash, and the balance i Baalcr.4. In tlw :vt of .liatee' ck," - It. s rms Half patrouaec. whale ship: FACTOIIY. remember that xve both need relaxation from N:ertMi Ixsi ram k ion. me snan .1...- - I...... 1.. - Kx)hum:inu II n ilulu. i'.. inti lest ; the deed to Ik: delivered last payment, n- - n .ir Bills of exchan ge on the United States and Jlurope iHaro- tr. t UAXi L- Co., li. iinr a c.iper, natters - ini.K In.i lSl-5- m labor ; xx'e need time for social and mental tl'-f- ftrt-r- U ami ir Siri.rT - WiU tlic.mi)t ha.iu'- pIT. Ii.a.le. w us w. il an 1 on as u n o i in- - a. aoj ...nei es.i..no- liated. V SIZE t. " - i Ih- - ork icasi OF EVER roll-tinv- r. lli-- lf A M.rtioii of the laud said to well ada t.sl to the trrowth - CiORDAfJE T. m--- xvhat sea- att.nl to ! eTo! " " purposes, for (joats. in Honolulu or on tic- Saudwich Islands. to onler. Constantly on hand, a large as improvement and enjoyment, and ..f wheat, and all t it for praxim; 147-oi- FARDKN. AYisni-i'.T.i- " u' Bale hax--e ? " " The luoun'ain i.rtion - said to almun.l in pulu a. i. v sb CO., sortmentof MASlhA ASH HEMP HOPE, (all sizes). sons xve for this, sax'e our evenings W. A. AI.I)K H, K Al llAX. undersijiued. its: Ac r at the otlice of the Ac BBS CO., r 1 M.TrI.an.1!-- ; - further particulars inUirc COMMISSION" AGENTS AUCTIONEERS Tow Line, Oakum, Ace, for sale by TI Importt-- an-- lr:J. r in fJcnrral N. K. M- " ' - .MEliCHAXlS, Ro;, Why should not this be my home, evenings, i u.-n- '..tT. an-- l By ..I the Board of Kducistioii. v AiCT.t f tfie S'a'r of l an.l r. othT 51 ira or.b r X-i- 1:J9, Front Street, San F'rancisco. I r i . ivu.i n KixK ' " ARMSTRONG. A 1, lu7iy f r - R. luiru as xvell as in the and in the th-- Ijfir li.A'TATi-t- '"n fif- - pr N.f Mock 175 tf daytime night?" I Iii.. Aftil Store in Robinson T.iS-oi- education. .lK.it--.l- . nl' r XT C.'s u iifnm.riW of all kiinU of IUn. ITo.la POTATOES Well asked ' I 0;-- C HIPS SFIPLIEI WITH SHOP, " isn't it ?" George. l t' every description. PACIFIC rOUXDItV&illNE f..r !. II. W. SFVF.KAXFF, SaSe ! MACHINE CARPENTER'S SHOP and of " How can it be, if you are not here ? ; Ship Cliaudler an 1 Coii.ii.l;-i-.- n .Mi rchant, Honolulu, S. I. C'oflcc K'laiilalion lor lieierences : : . . I'Vaiicisco, u liao. ati an. ""' TO TIIK CK.LF.Hll TF.D WO FLO IXFOIt.M CapL. G. H. S011.E. ship M1I0. San What makes a home for children, if it be not Ar RF.FLUS riMIK FXIERSH:XEI lie will re- - FASTI.K fl hi and the public that on the Oth inst. A. Baubkii, ship Benjamin Tucker. -- Ca(-(:ii- It. F. Honolulu. PLANTATION, friends ? si ltt-t:i- J-.- Sow. the abode of What home can an-- l iI-t In Mrr. - .TIT;o.MI5 FOFFFi: business as a ESTABLISHED 1850. the parents Import.T an--l W'.i.4.':.l.r fiiwrtl lf-- r. D. C. Wati:iia- Ac ., sume his former J. II Austin, ship Goethe. Ihe t o rn---r of tlie Kins aiM S li.! AT II AN A LEI, KAUAI, i " Smith, sliip E. F. Mason. xvhere is xvife ? ct.amiw. at uii.. . Wtt.i.iAM.s K llAt rs, Ne.r Ix.ndoii. CARPENTER, MAXUFACTURE a husband have there no And I! t1:-- AND HOUSE - Lk.-- u M.wj.- - - up- liUILDElt riAIIE FXIERSI:XED n tin- t hurrU. Al at the .X Mki-.kii.i- I rancisco. off. Tie- tiie Plantation comprise " IIinius, sliiji Metacotn. AND 'rv.t. ar Mi Rri.a San Is red f.r sale. "f rs. Ac i fl. STEAM ENGINES BOILERS, l hiih-rt- -. occupi-- AVatsoii xx'hat xvife where in Kintf A-r- "taii-- by Gkamisaiuxk, ship Nil. real comforts can a enjoy nrV v',i 'y C. II. rvt, Swit r A: Ali.kx. New IWslf.rd. wards of O.jO and has uiM.ii it iO.OOtl Follre At the " Oscar i.k SAW, FLOCK AND SI GAR MILL MACHINERY', As-ti- . 11 Premises, Kin.g street. H ua every lacu.iy ior t r Ir. Jayiw A. l'Mi:. r-- - It. l. .11. Thelandisw. il adapted to the cultivation of suar on the S.vint.. " Daku axuai:i rz, ship Gen. d'ilautpool GEARING, SHAFTING, GAS AND WATER PIPE. there is no husband ? You do not realize H.xkt Xrcr. , - of 171 p- - by llftf II. AV. 5F. t.KAM'K will - ntinue the Ship Chandlery and cane. The i un- ncuinber-il- and will sold doing all branches Lkhastk, ship Cuulaiiicourt. tf AND 1 III IX AND BRASS CASTINGS OF EVERY F.v.-r- y i - I all alone during Commission Bnsim- - at the nil Stan.1. of nnple Title. For full particulars and term oi saie.iinpur.-o- XL7V x- Is. how lonesome am here ... c . e. . o will ... , r manner, II. rhip Chandlery an--l Merchan.Pse l.y Miippiuc. li-- tf ti th- - advautagi--ooclhe resMvtrully solicits a share of public Having every facility doing good work in theliest long evenings. They are the very sea- J. B.-- lest these 1 VrmWr in t an-- l Slxr ofpvrry . 1 tl A 12X. Tl A we confidence in calling the Mlanf.u turT, Im.rUT MI. t on hand and f r .ile al h..r rat. pal ron iL-- n r.IOII AI TII KV?, and at very reasonable rates, have r f xvhen com- tl.m hi'tioo. fh-i- riinlin?, I'nm., ., flircinir. llamas Eols Having "ecur.il the service of a first rate workman, he will C O M M I SS 10 N M K R C II A N T , attention of parties in the Sandwich Islands requiring any work sons I am at leisure to enjoy your - Water AVainalialuia ed :)IC Ii- e, aii'l WnfS I V Fnr-ria-"' t - Or.lers will be with aiwl I'.Ufiit "nt. WILCOX, II ("II A K I)S ('O., also ad.f FuliiiM'l MnUiS. Turiiiiis ami . in our line our establishment- panionship, and when you would be at leis- Ilht'. r Ul.u , s KKF.X IS Syrlin-f- A irTi-.i- Mu.Wa, k lIAVIXCi ).iu4). F"il. at. lit-a- Alerchandi.s.-- and Cotnm-- MAIIU. FXnKHSICXF.H husnicsii. tiri'ii I'lncp. dispatch. Truii. Ship Chainller. r in lou-- o to his other k t of I!ri.-- Shu of , ac.-n- for the sale and the Work S. 104-6- tn Ac act as inn. prusl'A. II c. toiv, eTur sion Iloi.-.Hilii- II. 1. S , Mutl sawed and planed by machinery for carpcutcn and XT Reference, to W. L. Gkkkx, Honolulu. I. X .Messrs. F. I.. Hanks Co. will receive orders, and ure to enjoy mi '.", if it is worth enjoying. t !f j F.-r- t anal Mfn-hiin- Il wiotutu. Ii. I. Keep c .nsi...it!y on han-- l a full -- apply "f every of AVaikalmluIti Lots oar Agentsf ii. Honolulu. xvhen ""' r" C. l.EWERS. GODDARD, IIAXSCOM V RANKIN, They are the seasons the happiest ':oercli:uidi' rripi'.reil by whale ships and others. Is-c- s to call the attention of Ship Owner. Pulators II. V. BUITiTiSii f. husi-ies- s lucte-- il 1S7-'J0!- Proprietor. ;t:ou(;F. f.siiikks. Motey advanced a: the i r. si rales. o'h rs M this fin. tract of land which is now V It lnml.r will he con hereto hours of home life might be passed. Come t- - an.l 1 an-- 1 Iron. I -l l- r - an-- th-- - wh--r- e be st.x k CFSTOM HOUSE & FO5IMISSI0X AG EXT MatirtnnT in Tin. t " . lots at reduced rat.- and on lileral l convenient fore on F .rt Street Premise.. the t select. - Ref refines red in - li'.f.-- tf fexv evenings J- - II. - t- - MANGoNLI, NEAV ZEALAND. will you not spend a of your Kaai.iunii C. nal'liiv" Il.':i"l"l. - - N.'WBelford. terms. will Ix- sold on the most reasouahU- iiiis. an-- l -r Uathins Tu)m, Aluv. - liOOFSl rf.';.i'-Tin '" M.h.S'tA Ih- particulars learned by application - terms. Ijit fumi'T l'.:ii.rr. lliri.;, . A1I.1S - " Plans may seen and all Shippi:.- su:ipliel or the mot reasonable xvith me ?" r . au-- lilll K, SSlS, Fire-pr- o ,1 1T : 4I-l- y iriYOlJH a .1 Font awl io"r-- Rilh-- Tin l Zinc llootin?. arl W - at C. anion's Building's. oj-- s., long, l'o-a.i- . - AVd. " to the nndersieiicl HONOLULU of Tit- work aith ii.cx, 1m: for " You see enough of me as it is," said the k ire. e:utfil Al I.IFI..KK. - " u. FUirly application should made choice l.ts. tf W. L. t.KF.HX, " M Messrs. Thomas I. es Ac Co., - " AMEROTYVE & HAC.UERREAN (JALLERY! husband, lightly. AlTO ll.'WI. NI, Ks.p, - " Auetit for the Sale of AVaikahalulu L-- ts. sA.iii.. CHILDS' av . 121-t- r I A . K A X D me to be the of that, George. a ii nr., K Pai'.kh-.- Ks.p, - Honolulu, Oct 1. 1S5S. II PF II X I LE RlvI!IJIMO It E EEP ER ELASTIC' FIRE AND WATER "Allow judge vi umn A 15 O V E S. Fat gK ; It 11 EOT V FES. M R T P Alit'.y bought and sol.l on cm fJATEXT for buildings of every ft Aik-i- . Pai-ako- an.l A w. A: - IF p- or .'E'.VA.7iJ. T. Gols f. of at I'Hit.i.iPS " AfTcnt r tl, Plantation Io, Sos., Ujf and AP11S. taken in the highest -s of DE- You be very lonesome here all alone." K.-ta- . Pllol'oiii: tuission. Ship and Family Stoies put up at the shortest notice This material imiss-ss- all the virtues with none TIIE , ; Inir.rt-.-- r an.l li"U al'- an.l A. PiKia-K- K?. - Boston. IOST OFSIKAIILE (10a-t- ) ". HINDI. at Pill IM.i , IIkxut the Art. f m.-r- and durable and Kit-- Si-- K Corner of (jckf.s's and Pottisuku trekt, Hnniikoiij; FECTS OF ASI'H ALTCM, lieing elastic " it xvas place of business, as it in China il ! : ha.v on h.in.l, at Uicir t:.h Messrs. Bi rn-i:-. Ac Co., - - " the Kin Not if my - . . i. . . : .. If...) Sale Itef.-r- A. CARTWitptitT. C lees brittle, while it is perfectly mrnt on ...II iwnnn. anu -'- i'HAs. W. Il.i - - San Francisco. liesidenci in Ilonoliiiu fur TT to Thomas Spksckb, J. J. is man. "You Kinf strict. lt'-l- y - of yours," returned the young M.iUn;, T.n, t ofToc, and a larce and iv, Sr nr. k Co , - F X HKItSH; X Klf til FHli IIOW LA MVS Sl'Al.oiNi., Honolulu, iNiu.lwichlslan.ls. Secure A;;aiiiit Fin- mill Wrdrr. rru. ' thor-ough- tiii.: . lv ir, TiH-- es-'- wives A. - New London. Ioj .in-- iiito'- .ses on street. .2 having been are used to staying here. All belong vari.I a;n..rtDn iit of AVilliais Il.ivrxs. r... c.... and c-- a: It is a erfect rosistent of the atmosphere, 5-- 1 y 17.j-- Wii.t.iA-- Ac - 11 a s. i, v. I!..i: !nl,l. AnL't I I, 137. tf C. A. Co., Honolulu. The premises are anione the most desirable and a isssoT vrs: n tried in New Engliind and various parts of the United t SA.DDLErA.Y, 5.C, States", everywhere at home." central in Honolulu. The main hui Ming contains a of KQaSE.S, including California and Oregon, and has SPEXMIK, would call the attkstius to " Just remember, my husband, that, previ- THOMAS Parlor. ri5HE FXDERSIGXEO Rn'-ms- . been found be the H of hisVrien.ls an-- l the Public to his over the fhip Chamllr, It-.il.-rr in Mcioliai:.li. ar.J Coiumiiou ca.kds. Diniii.2 r ".in. to Vttv. to 1 had society . ! 1 ihsuhance. Piw-ifi- Printing Oilice, (next the ChraiM'Mt nml Bent Roof in ous our marriage, pleasant kt-- ha-- Cnimnerrial Advertiser." Mercliant. ll..in ilu. .ilm, S. I.. J constantly on IIe.1 of f is Pictures which, elegance Call Them. can also be laid over .. rtiti- - nt of rvrry (C..i.ls 2 children's slecpinjr rooms, Post oiliee) where he and See It all the time. Of course I remained at an LI.OVO'S torn-- , cannot le excelled. l softness of ly l!al liip a"-- .thT. A.KNT FK Pantry, stvie an.l CM. A LOT OF XO. 1 skin LcaKy RowIm of Tin nml olhrr Mrlnls. ; rmd.-rsiei.-- Hot. to notify to Merchiiiits. Ship owners nnd And ro-.- P.. iiiL' in constant receipt of New Stock, Chemicals. c., he is CHOICE home much of my time but I had a father Phi.piniT furiM-h- f! w.th all kini of , .roviinn, 4iC, The bath saddles, w hich are warranted to be the liest article of for any part of the country, accompanied with l appointment id improvements. c Orders filled markt-- t he a received the t containing prepare-- Pictures with all the Utest r h-- But ice. --I the prutrs. that Then; are also two cot aires on the premises, one t.. take has teen in this market for some time. r application the material, which is easy ; and our evenings were at the fry - the kind that printed instructions and mother there Islands LLOYD'S LoNImiN. dres-im.- . on Glass. Patent leather, India Money for whalcra' uals at the lowest AGENT at these two r.ioms and apartment ; an.l the other one Tim Pict.ir. i taken Paiier. Ther; is also a cheap lot of saddles to suit cheap and simple. XT a.laiar.l nit1t(. l.ii-t- f R C. J ANION, dressing There ure nls-- j Ilu'bl'icr. Ace. and warrant.sl to give entire satisfaction. happily spent. Finally I gave all up for you. sb epinj and a tit. a I I in barrels of forty gallons, at 10 barrel. Also, in , p. call and examine specimen, customers. f co k lions.-- two servants' rooms, wash house, wood house, sta- N Th- - Public are invited t SALE 1 with ipi-t- AV. V. HoWLAN D Artist F'R half barrels. left the old home, and sought a home I'LOKF.XS ST API'XHOKST. ble, carriace, fowl house, etc., etc. f Mm A will cover 800 square fee t of metal. - 1 Dr- - s.l-- All y K hu try horse, kind and that a lady may drive barrel F.R MAX CO.. A sent for the Br- m n an of Underwriters TV- - prcmis-- s are supplied with vall-- water, and also a brick my husband. And noxv, have I not a right li. (.: WAT (lSj-om- ) R. II. .".OIUNSOX. avir.ve claims .v iiiist the said Underwriters, occurrinp in capable of rout.'iinini; lo)l barr ls of water, with force ! anywhere. - n, fO.W.s70.V MZKCIIAXTS. him. cist' Views o(' Honolulu fox- Z?xcALi.lr. to expect some of your companionship ? How tl , Kir:c lorn, will have to be certified l.tore buildings. FU-ct- or ale.ut tins pump, which adds to the of the Scucl t- - iiit.T.--t of t Whalintr tf All promptly attended to by att. nti-- n pai.l the Majesty Kamebano-h- A OI5 NOTIF F. orders e ltoval patent from His III. VISITIXG RESiniXfi Agent, xvould you like it to have me away every - j.im.-ha.- an.l s lie of Kx. hamre, Oil, Tirt.K. i.r. PEIISDXS J. II. PURKITT, the furnil in.- of ftpi.l. l,j.-2- . Apply to II. M. W1HTXEV. on Islands, should not fail to send, a set C. II. I XDEIISICXED AVOl'LD these . TIIE lS5-3-- Francisco. Men-h:n.l- anil the .ricuriii: of reicht - ite-- i o" ox n 133 California street, San xvere obliged to Bone, Oet eral I'HH XOKTIIKKX ASSI IIAXFK COMI'A- j. - ol to their friends abroad, inform the public that he will furnish evening, while you remain Life Assurance at Kura- Virw Honolulu KKFKUKXCKS. 1 i:y, (esui..islie.l For Fire and K idea of the Scenery, Habits, ox yokes and felloes made in the T- - M- - lvi.) as tli y will c.nvev bv tar a tler carts, M. E. "''') here alone ?" low-doi- ie . lie.lf .r Cu-t-'- .r ever pub and the M-- r. II wlam-- J Co., New l home and abroad. EX.CH.A.N.G Ev in etc.. of this placc, than any works prints mo.t substantial manner, at ,i . F:. BURGESS, m- - warranted . I should like it well . K. I'ofK. Vi, Cnpilal l.c.'i.7U. Slcrliiic. lish-'d- To he LM of est prices. All work bv a: " Why enough." lit-i- i for San.lwich 1 . (pjiJ-Um- tr..is:s TTie undersigned aps.inte.l Afieiit the Kol.-a- 1 ; ') AVM. H. AVRIC.I1T. ocoaaoi:, t Co.,S5iM Francico. has lis-- tf ",l f;ri' Jan, IU, in ION. SOLE AGENTS FOR but you would not be willing to try il - 105-- tf R. C. JAN X SAX "Ah ;iKo:d MmMiL, a; Hon. lulu. KXFIIAXK FRAXFISFO. 7 ,f. TO SF1T. ItV T It V. AT V LINSLEV'S 3IELODIAXS, B2 12 , it." SALK IX sr.MS Ac A S A I Y Phelan's 3Iodel Billiard Tables, IJ. FIT.MAX, A. HAKRl? CO. New Haven. W I I. Ii I ven- FOIt TIIK IOU C:nn. ! " Yes, xvould," said George, at a ACKVT S KrJI- - AT TIIE OLD STAND CHAXULEK. I'mli-r- K FXSFRIMSSEO rtUl w lluiiril ss, SHIP York of rilrr. F.XFHAXt-- FOIt SALE. n-- richness and promptness ot tone. All ture. ;KNKi:.LMKRCIIAXni?E, Ship Masters, -- Ji ST RECEIVED PER "COMET," IMPORTEll VXD Kr.VLF.i: IN The itndersipiied takes leave to notify Merchant, v vi; "II AS. WOLFOTT th.-i- vari-- ti furnished at the American retail lot ol Is as Airent f r the .ir:ii r t'vrii nox "liliV a choice "Will you remain here every evening next Jtc. that he has dulv ai.iiitited Itl'.OOKS, San Francises sale, in sums t It. bv prices : llogskiu saddles, Ilile. Hawaii. AVALKLIl. " " ' l New Y'ork Hoard of I laierwnt. l.l-t- f J. S. N- 1 octave, legs xveek, .m me sjn'mi tlitm among my B. "SI a.lvar.re.1 on A hakrrs Bill.- - 194"tf r. scroll r Side do.. kt S. n y UJ-- tf ALEX. CART WRIGHT. IK) s. J. tl i clave, scr-.i- l lejs...... Round black briil'.-- A X(, . female friends V A: C O., EXFII E. o ft plan-- st ie IUe' Calif amia and Mexican saddle trees, CII.3IAN H I ; f I in C.e:H ral Merehan lise, Ai FAT FOK TIIK AXfi OX SAX RA.XCISCO, IX 4 5 piano. rpentiii" And a large assortment of " Certainly will and assure you shall S?hip Chan.llers nn l Denier : ., - 125 EXFIIto suit, ,H-- ivej.i in f 1:1. y s l pelitine I.ivrrpool FinITvritT' A.ofiiition. . ft5 G-oii-f be as A A 1 X M I, II. I. ow.-i- VON" HOLT Ar Ix'S. jl-- - 12a not so lonesome you imagine." 1. II A, Al Tlie UTid. t.cs leave to notify Merchants Ship rs, l'.'2-t- f HEl'l 0 octave, piano st si ricliii"; WliiiOH, f- - t - Manufactured expressly for this market, Ships Papplie.1 iriih rwruiM. facii.l.is -r atnrap?. fash and Ship m that he ha received tie- apintniet-.- .1 7 oi.-a- m- lisiiai ... double bank Imi With this the husband xx'ent out, and xvas isier. - R. II. ROBINSON. i I ' For further part iculars, i w.l,,, fnrnL-he.- 1 r b.11. of exchainte. Hy Islands th.- LIVERPOOL UNDER EXFIIAXliE OX SAX FRANCISCO. Kr. t an-l- dunes to he added. in- AGEXTatth.e D. D. BALDWIN soon among his friends. He was a steady, W RITKll'S A SS C I AT IO X . 5XCIIAX(JH OX SAX F It A XCISC'O. IX Ar ANION. I1111 xvife IKILI.KS CO., lOli--tf R.C.J sums te suit, sale ji.c.n La n:t. Mnm. CFSIIIOXS, &c, dustrious man, and loved his truly ; but A: p. iioai2i:k COMHIXATIOX ami Dealer- - in P'.'-t- f C. A. II F. nR. 1JAA" PATENT Ship Chin-'I-r- . an l Menl.ant A 11RICI1T HORSE, . rs AND ORE-- ON. like thousands of others, he had contracted a tUih-nin- W fu; Jhc.1 A: Ye.-- IN CALIFORNIA Ce a Maui. h .l. r N'olice. T!5.12IS,A ab:vb8i,5:, Four old. by import! h"r.e vr r -- Insurance .t Fire OREGON'. out i f an t.t Mare, .rt.-- notice, in exchange .l : habit of spending his evenings abroad, and Uhrelrmaattheh GEKErxA.L. DLACKS.MITHS, i s ISoom, or ! Tin.-- XOI1THKIIX ASSI RAXFK FO. NOTICES. will r Man this year at Kaimka, .Manufactory and Sales bill. -1 to not ify to th .se par mare. PIONEER is STREET, CAL. thought it no harm. His only practical idea 9511 K I XDKRSIUVHD .M. O.iim. at SlUea'h lsO AM) isj MnSTdOVERY f r CVSTO HOUSE, l sad-Il- and F..MF. KSOV. K ties who have ms:ired i: tills :liee buii.lin.'s OPPOSITE THE a horse, in Purchases of tai l s an ! apparatus can lie mad" through of home seemed to be that it was a place S. X. f-- TT Country Pro .f Honolulu, that in c .nse- - XOTIFF. - to iai i r two or three CAKTWRIGHT, r In C 51erch.rn.lije. their contents within the precinct liarn- s. If Mires are required A. D. Waiala. nht. ..o-- . K holds my of Att r pa-1- of, where he eits-ii-.- 01 I MEUSOX js.wcr v wi-e- t'l-- y car-- in cks, with xvhich his wife took care and Ilea Kanar.a, I.i;b.c. i.oe o.... FL X. THE rove ii.vvixt; rrrtciiASED. . will be taken lTl-fi- Honolulu rttice .uh a Com, . :":..., .11. ttt.'i-- Uk-:- it. t,.ti..i:f-..- - no more risks on riui- - SAM iluru-- tnv abs nee from this killgdota. pr s 1.. r::o rly ...vupied M. M w .t-- wea k. Every c;ire :, e!..- in narrow street, . t:.e of LT.ljS and at ;1 a could th-.s- (!7-lnC- ) .1. S. EMEUS-iN- , Carriage could eat, drink nnd sleep, as long as he V-l- lw-- r b,- I a ly Feb. o7 j. v to execute Ship, and Cart coiistnict'.oris iu the will an air. II. prepare-'- but 1. incurred. Apply to th-- - a:- -l lao-.- t reasonal-l-- : M ! will not le renew ed on tae cxpirati .f ir terms. u the- shorte.l ; pj:, l:n It. iFFITT. AI2W SIC STOIii: pay for it. In short, he treated it as a sort - . III WUKTII. taken - att-nti- t- - ANION, ai-.- i h- 1 bv s rict bus:::- m. lit a share J. . Hil- -. Hawaii- - Ship su lie.l li. C. J " e Dealer in l. r.han.li Notice. h- - - liU luj-t- prix-at- boarding house, of xvhich his wife n r.eral 62-- Ait-i- it for th- - X Co. pui die p:i retof.it- so ral'v f ! ( LAV HERWK.. of on o im tf rth ni St-- rc the L wi:h rei-ru- al luitice. rva'n)"'e h:v:;.g cl d his ,M FOK SALE 1 ...t.t tf FXIF.RSIXEr all bills, he . l CAR-- . landlady; and if he paid the Ki'.! of wanl'.ii. mK.H tr-.-t- requ-- st th.it nil accounts due ther", at.-- A A XI f Slr-i-l- California. exrhariir Mi;FKi:i-IIKi:.- M EN ! in f'OOIK SAFE EXTLE 17( Clay San Franrwa. II r- s- - ttl-s- i F .r sale c j tt,i"h have i e, 11 re d mat y times. must e l f.rth ith. THOU AS, RIAGE HORSE, suilal a lady's Use. considered his duty done. His xvife had fre- i). x. fi,itxi:h. ill un- - after the first day of Apr I will iiom:i: low. Apply to P1AXOS AND MELODEOXS, new Sre INSURANCE COMPANV li. c ill s tlo: FRANK PKN ER. M A SON, Ii. M. AVIIITN'KA. asked him to stay at home xvith her, Cootirm-v- . km . M e at '.h" new store in .M.ikee FIRE r SHEET AND ROOK MUSIC, quently 'l - 1: t.i.i-- l bv l'r. Ac of th" n'vivi r..in- .1: l:lli Feb. 21. lMiO. '111 THE ATlr'.XIIo.X pr.iof NiiMiinr, at the rwAIIE rXDF.KSlCXF.l) i.f il Lit FALL 11,1- but she had never upon any argu- id P- St'S-- of C. is;s llig Ot - Ac 8 I of an--l Kaahu')ia"U street. are prepf.r--- t risl.s lire the pilblie h: lll.ltert.il. PAPERlt HAN;!NiS. P.oRDEIL 85 - FLUTES AND CLARIONETS, l.'..Cni arm. e..rn. r 'lueen I te.nv. Fir- - Pla-t- -r ; an-- l I Clay. of Chrm-met- er l - f the Pt.irs .n Lime. Calif rt.ii Prick. ment before, and he had no conception r.t. lv ra:ior. win al- - 'it II lul !. NOTIF - - ROLLS ASSORTED I'Al'ER. a.liu.-'te.- i Ti! nn-- l l Brick, lit yam. op:v- in- . . t tra:i-:- acrurately to 'he F-- r apply at th eh, -t ire at i l r l.s r. CCORDEONS AND FLUTINAS, with t particular - A having in: the l'J-t- y hoxv much she missed him. She always t- IIR.- ,c CO. LL M sel'-cte- ' t.ne M KI.CH 1 City irket. Ki'ig was epr-ssl- f..r tl, market by ( :. i.t Honolulu. FartfuUir attention U'.ven , M.,.elF.ltss. i J.iha i. ee.,.' .! are ,u : pr nt the VIOLINS AND iUITARS. Uvere.l l th-- - larj- - b- - ; an.! c!aee II- - Oct. 11.1'V: .1 - th- - 1, :i;id all person i:i-- !. .1. F. it. Mars! Esq., a'l is .t seemed happy when he came home, and he wu:U in. s..-- within thirty 'In to R YVJO.S AND TAMRORIXF.S, I a.ljii.-te.- . an--l nautical irirtrumctiis ci!tant!y t!.- e ar.- d t. i::ak- - t.t V.i Ac ev- -r iliiport-- . i.:: wi at rates alxx-ay- s .i Iliart T A t - s.iid esta payi. Harvey MeClymoiil, supposed she could be so. 1 Kf K .V S PKX IM KST C. Ii LEWERS. mi han.l an tie. IIOFFSF'ILA E S. J. I. ADD I PA-- ER ASS INSTRUMENTS. f.r 4'f E. same parties i L ERS. Ll EES AND i g '- P INTERS, A'I Street. 1 anil George Wil- A Iilscreti-i- ary or b i s f.r music fill by one who u:.d rs.and Monday came, f" l;i? !! MV II A RLKS W. VIXFKXT, UXDEIU Ii. PEIi IIANUERS, . i:i all .st:i--- s pr-.-- ss. xvife A X I IMRM.ALX IVIAIU'S OF U'lj-ly- f pupils to his promise. His I'MUS .'- is. - - son remained true COXTR( Toi. AND r.l II.DKK. The wouM in- 1JS- - Ex. r.t. r of it - L...1 1. .! SHOP f.V .f.YG' STREET. C 3 V 1! A K 12 T The sul ca'.' particular attention to th- ir fine assort- V-- WRITF.KS. Ii en T . - t shawl, and he said he form hi fri.-n-l- an--l ll- puMie. t!ut he ha an.l ment of Pianos !.- - n. prise a fall of Instruinet.tS put on her bonnet and C Ilrewer n- - ft-- cele' rat--- makers : tt'te.1 up Hie .re.t.pte A A j Adiniais!ralor' Notice. SOAP WORKS. I XDERSIGXED II.UIAt. the would remain and " keep house." ( AUl-tNTK- w.ul.l solvit that VIS I' FFIILIF. HONOLULU HE - au--ri i. 2C Store, a a SlD.P.an.l ' inter- E. Miuth iu tlie iown .i - chased the st of CO., hep-t'f.r- e lil-n- illy All . l'.T - RROWN, ALLEN onl.r in s S..iIIssj-tu,- IlJlilin-- 3 .ijc-.i-.- fJMIF IXDERSIIiVED. iiayixi; i:eex T lat- - ly r;irrie. on i v i.ra.n- y co.. inc " What will you do xvhile I am gone ?" prtrn..4:e f liltllll l A.liil'lus'.r.iL r. .i in- - .1 ..-:i- i.ien-te- .f Mark-- in Honolulu, lot. 1 '.in-- and i -. du: ;lp.in:-'.- IsC-t- on r name of D. R. DAVIS CO., ranouA leu he ..f '. Plan, Go 1 ie i ds--a--- lr--- v XV. f will henceforth he earned ut.d. the IIALLET, t lir l Assurcurs ri ir:t.i..cs aris icux. i Maui. to KAWLIXS. business asked. e- ardson. Mai.n.u. i.ie J. - Emma with pr. nipti.- l.-.- s A: w!,-- . u.-a-- quility of butchers' A Coatrctii,attem--- to wji'f-1- C:pi-- . -- Vi la Co.. to furnish the best RROWN, le .u' lio en v. f p. r. is i i b l. l p. th said s al- - to inai.e inm.. i.ate WOODWARD - can and solicit the patronage cf I shall read, and sing, and enjoy my- m-- nt having claim ae nnst th- - sai.! WORKS. tn- at which the islands & O fi all other article r :iini-.- If ls ; lis, 'ii TiiteIlt t and all p rs..n THE 1IOXOI.FLF litOX . ROARDMAN CRAY. ; JJ. B. IK1;.--. WIN 'M'W SAH. att.l lbivin s in:uvli:i!i fr in - th- - puMt.-- 1 .l.-u- . -- tat-, pr. Sell same with prop, r vouchers and vermca- - repair or . Ac N t-- to the II E I" VIDA Ac CO. Mkloi-k.-vs- from CARII ART EEMIAM. renerally." 4. ainin buiHini. eonlantlr on hand and rt Ic cc en p:irti. ul':er, ue rj- XIIKKMIi XEI 115 D. R. self '' hooe ''raJ; les rcy.iUtne. of iiiac.uncrj mill irtiu wind tf V CO.'S Guitar l ccsj tions. manufacture ail kui.ls Also. G. A. PRINCE. Roman and Striii?! sea-so- n. i 111 lit'U itis f-- xvell. I be back in good tou les c:i .l":iv:iriet iiuniont EDWARD P. P.oXD. la- - genring. ship and smith work Price's No charge r packing an ! shipping. Or " Very shall SAI.F IJV i.'-rifi- ' ! low. extra FX XV BAC.S. FOIt lio-ln- EV h.ii:-- l an-- AUDEN SEEDS ALDRICII. il-- 1 Igiha'tta, Feb. 15, JsCd i TH"S A. IRETT. I. rge l acks, Ace c.n tiade to AVhitm-y- will G li7-t- f W. A. jemmes, 'levroiit, fiire iter ft Cart f anvil I de-- s forwarded through H. M. of Honolulu, be s r.'-e-'-. order. ?5RESH fJARDEX SEEDS. co.XM'A.x i.i Ic-- J lev.uit cha; p"'ir 1 the Royal Hawaiian Agricultural pr miptly attended to. Ir.,1. UI..1 U-s- t O J.llitV of c'kll f T on hand and fir sale at Concliil. d on next page. KXTKA 5IF.SMIKKI. 1JV :.!:.! Smith's 171-tli- itious les .l.ts OLE LEATHER FOR SALE D. M. WE.-To-X. i S Gsrlea. or.U.ITV-KK- O cntre aiireursi. T W. A A I.I. RICH. KIIIKKI.S BF.ST M HOKFSrilUHi.Eli v SfAPrMI'dl-- S 5 (J ,lalv MTo-rf- ) I C .'! I ? El ! ' i Oadaiel trm TjtC Fir 3 3 The wife wer.t our, an the husband ws .

l" r?-r- i to read it. j -- i- - 2? : ....4 - ft - C. o ' r ;- -r v i r r. BREWER CO. Tin: ..f;i:vr tiiV qriCK! ! 1J. I' w'A.'fiW rr Sale- M.rLM W teiois TU qur.tJy to the ir2fTr.e book did no: ir. :r-- I arzu of th.- l.if Hriii.h Hark est hiici as a-u- ah Ever and aeon he would OFFFR iiK I.K THF KllLI.OW IM; Nhi)jiijr Hudson!s Bay Companv " hi i -. "IH 'S ;.; .. r. come to a pesie .rj v. o j MlMfkF.Y XELx.x Iry :ooJ. '!;". :i v ' iaiereri nts w;;e. -.i '.z:r.:::x-.- r.e . - " MI V Tft-- 1 -- ... . S - a.c uu ; ,1 - (Cooil-- . 'v .1 Iry " - IX-- he-ari- V- -' . . 2..- - C3- r- half-pa-st .:. as r.-- ... -.c. f- - ! : rat-- . ; y -j Wife I - ,.-- - j - - A. V r.x j&r wn to At he i...... c O Ti Xi IS rrr-v- e e from fti cha r an i birsn !r pa re t.-.- nocr srj whrs:le. Then he w--- r : cut ar.i Hooi. Sho auJ Leather. T V.'' c-.- t his f jre, a-- .d perrsrrned evera: :. s :a-,r:-- I T K air?. After this. he re-- : a park of J ERl ll ciris.ar.ip.ayei a rarae of - H.rn. Le v. T-.-- n w.t.a an imar-if-.- " Mrr,?. h- - di, c GRSiLT BiLRGilZIJS ! ai.y :rj:k viz.. ir.: r..j iv.fe : a t v - ...

- Gec.-r- ? I r-- . Wei it. In i I. V.MT III. Vt K. A Hryw Lire you e.vovi vcursri;" I. I. rT'tlrT.-rr- Cap-.i3.:"- i r.:.a:.i. I iiirauiiiisrs S." r? , I- - ' i.. : . -- " S .... v w u '4-- - hiTe hid a . 4. - ! ; - - Oil. iMi URl K! t KJ'EII.Nt. O I hiirir.o ii-- a r.o .v rr. izzi EMPORIUM t v ,- - . v. 1.V-J-- f.- .Tj r. r, r.v. jzz.z.: ihrrr li:z:. - :t ' - . :.n i . BOOTS AND : SHOES. 1 j: SI'I.KXDID . - . Why r.r I ca.--.t -- , :..sl t KiM K l KV. inr h: II.HfdM it'-- . Moiy.. ALX-- - JjRIUKFVT.IUNNKR IMUt.l ITT T . f.r . - In cf rr::- -i E-- -r i v r.i. Lr :h rr.j;v c jre.sr-- j r. ; v. '?- ' - . - ... i . x i ...... '..fc.rr r r. Cj N.al tore.. Pain:.. Ac. 11 ! - v "- -;- I n t t e V u p - r. ' ilTJCTIOINr - Tore in " h -.i: ... cat. LIS THAN CHIXA uV. .V:iVAl lofC. 1 ? '...... S VI..MOV. On the v.n Errrr. J." : s - v.- 1 - - HitrJwnre. loO r.eit cz. i jrr;arfi :: BIRREL U.M(I. AT 1 . 'a ...... r"- - ' I "' a -- 1. --- . ' - .. .;" 1. "i aviiali.vc; AND rt.Jl 1- 5.e. A - . ; - !J, - Gri Whr are voj V'i:.'." IMF. KRI ITS, Ac. CAJ:-LI- f:J- - ivn. r P AXO BOILLIE. GltEEX CO R.V. I Ci-..- f." I r:-:- r .... - . ,. .. . aikeJ. - T t . ; - ''J' - : i; s ft -- -- K-- . O I an t u'A I r.. eia Hemp ! :.a:e-- . A ' and Manila fordaire -- Asricultural Implttaeui-- . rr: v - - - . -- 17. T re .ASM.Tr:!' F. v - . . - .- - - he ;r a r.fe'fa h - KKTTLK. Ac. aii iz.l . ?. . Ksira Ifau.. Vn Kttail. W.frr Brf.d: he f i.-.i ;t Lari work. Ever i.--.i a- - r. Prf.gmry. his r.--- .- woili car eve- uior: that r - - -- . acrl tie thought xo'.i c .rr.e, - H BEEF A X D PORK! r h- SnJrie. it hr if she were -r . - woli r 1 : 1.-- i- a MANILA ! i f. k a-- I .. -- V" 'OItIA;K f.r.ai'T s:r-:- r . . -- : r.;r.e, he I K-- terii toi;ir ;';r - . - . r .j B -- f 1,- i CO,Ir' AVI - MA- - the of hi .rife. h.-- j. ()(J THREAD s:p Hili'ar. r rr.ore . . .. . Cordage. f - i ty ani he verv - - t r . . THE HUDSON'S r.ervo.s '"I -. I.iinor la:r.e r.i 1:- - BAYlX 1 ' - PF.R?I EINti ABOI T TO 4 tIL. '. nVITHlJR TIICIR e-1 .:- -. I ALE AND P 7 '- HER RTER dectre." he tr.u-ir- to h..-r- r - OILLl IilEIiAKRLLORCAL. lf : 1- - : 'I z.::. f . .. . ill .civ: ':':'..-:.- .' 'j. . -- A -. ii". . , 'r, te hai il'rrei fir rr.e :in.e in ri;.-,- Tr..s L V ,,- -r . i..--. U i t V.;r o;-- ht ii She r.c: o- -- r, . " t5 tai. to i:tv -: . - 4 T - TV AL0 POLAR OIL. ,t.'T. POLAR B CHOICE - - OIL.Iil THE IRREL rr J y i - Bn: Le peaed re.-e.-z.r- in: Fir Lif to that he ir m m Vho!fi!f- and Tail L'uM'np. reir-alte- ill EUNCiT oflea -i away rrijrrh Ijzziz :ha.--i :ha . ir. r. t. so Le cohdaie-- j that he ' AH IMMENSE ASSORTMENT PI T T V. T.OM cake . l rnst the h;t 1 - - LB-i- . Dry i 1 i"S I KREH (iROl .ND PCTT1 IV ! f;ooJ. Ale. daily i:xpi;cn-:- : SAW rRAIi'CISCO nariir.irF, AVii. E.-r- --- At rtfreen rafnutea of r.a I! tea carae. 7 C i ba.-.-k -- VEnA,:ji LnjIMi Ale O O 3 J ? AVr.:;AN upenor and Porter! mofm. Lj0or,. ti A utile iate, OTHE- r-r ain't she , f K Ir saii. lookiar rr r T:rr- vr r , Tn.r? " CAKES' CRACKER! IV PINTS AMI ARTv. 7 t.r!r-- .'.1't-'"'- i MAj.n til up at the c::k. "But I fell ia w.tii "CTnsliiiistoii Allfiitoii 1EVVV LI.ND CAKE". A M CRACKERS. ;AI.Z E. " Hi 'i - Cnpt. GE. L. WOOllv. aw we a nrae o: Mrrsr . j- - r' jlr. fAN: AM hi.;. sALj. raaie it. 7 x.v ;;rK i n; h- H. ?i:VF a itaTe you K. enjoyea voarsej - rziTY - . iV riiEsii ru;s. f in: rite, returaei Ueorre, Lrareiv. I ;; FIGS IV .TITST RECEIVED IK!--- ilvriTt, pHOICE SMALL DRCMs. RE- - Af-t- L -c . m m thiak hoiae is a rreat clar'.' S..:i t E A V V M V II. f.--.c XA2-zrr- Ui t. 1: w. j.'. :t;:. AN ;v r; j " Especially when oae can hiTe it ail zo rOSTSCIMPT. ; Aa an; At-- J I,- - - - A "V SN LOOK AT GOMELZ . - t- SO P. ;F GIVGER THIS. hiraself," aided his wire, wi:h a s:ie.c-;- r ;i r u AI'S t. - ITVGLIH BROWV so A P IV GO A FIVE COLLECTION ,. w- - I'OCVD oE NEW BOOKS AT : y.:. u. ,vr rr . tr.f. ; :.5 ...... i , . :; :., A ; But te xade r.o reslr. - i.. T r fr "r I J. T. WATERHO USE'S T;r fi- - vt f ;.Vt u Oa the nexttterealaz rxn:a prepared 13 JIITF. LE VI). r E?T.ti. " ' o-i- t t-u- t as ; riRE-PRoo- r: )!'RK EVGLIMI " - tf.re she kissed her r :f-fii- - WHITE LE D. - j'i-- - .vv. - tii tie T Xl, .-. - PFRF Tt i. ' I. d I LE LOW. BV THE 1NDF.R, Luihcad ere she area:,aad see.-ae- to .nri f?" r. hesitate C- -- ; -- i u.v. t j. .iT Ij-rjr- l A- - .ANCE - - t- f - -- i; T. . ... - f ... f . - do --voa :Lir k of .i. L. - ... SPL n ' TFRPE.NTI.VE. -i. DID f.-.-i- t.'..-- Gr-- CRAPE Ac . . . Vr- IIHVLS I '7 v v.. i ss fl'ST iiKC i; KD! 3oLAR OII SPERM OIL. LINSEED :x. I.-- " I nav drop in to Ltc' Jo-- - rI,fIE fxiJEiiir:.M:o n. vir; the t.--cizs- a. ii.'r. SLl?'. t.y. Z'.'r.K : -- n-.-i-- !!i.t. ' r- . 'However, vou wont be aaasv " LZTxaaxaxla-a-o- - v' ' a: h-- . " VI ! C 1 . You'll know safe.4 . JJr; atkl:: - kelson," URE BREAD! Im I UO'i LIVERPOOL! . - TXTRA PILOT BREAD IV if.V.'!'!.--- AM- i ml;; iv zv.'L BARRELS. WheatThafband ! V EN 7 i i waa left to his owa re- - SELLING 0 FF TIRE C.lRfin iK A XD EtL!II W. sEVEHANCE. Ccmdit. flectlo&s. he began to ponder seriously c - '. HEWER 4-- C V Cement. 1 R EC E I V E I) B A the subject thus presented for coasiderat.'ii. Sllino- CkP -- I VARVIsh. Ac. 1 ""T R R E LS HI pelling Oil - PITCH. ROM.N. BLACK He could not read he co.j!i not plav he E k.vtire .tock FOR SALE. TR- VARNISH b r. ? v t. co--:- i IV i.vtradewill ,R.E( K 1 t: l K A 1 " not enjoy himself in any way, 'while I P R L T E R R A LS J 1J h w. v taat chair was eiactT. In hr.r v , REDTTPD PiilCES I avEUKE To PiircIirtsfMs nf ShnimH-r- :: -r .r . . -- a f. j i . j.i toiii.ori without n:s i . r1. - - Lorre cheerful was . -- nor - rrr,i Ar.aiN EI- I .. . . - - - " I de- Iare." he a:i to hi-'v- - .. t j , Country O x- cl c i- ... - " I i. - "SVIiE.N FROM BO.nTO.V. -- ' r ck think it would be so haeK-.T.-- . - -.. kc im Ar.i can it A . 4. ; ' 1 T. L : . ?. - t- - j, HROWVMEVS WOOLE.V !ee:s as f-- - t - inat do. when h i re a v ATiKli V.- - ffK..V.V t - r j , -- - - alone. It L r. f .u . ir.: .. nut. ' - --1 Ii-- a - - A f X . .. .J..y. l:i5 Tu- -t as sr.e savs. V-u.- ft., t : - CHARLTON VHARF JTJ?T RECEIVED ! Fv. LzzX liU WISE. BV THE .SPIRIT E(i'AR VXrVvr.OR r-- - . chiliads A.D r 4 c . iAVrtl: STORE "LET H r i I r v i : 1 - ' I - l : -i an i-- trv ro - ll-vvl-- - ' i". r. TO CALL Drv K- - . . : cu.t m2k . i. Goodi. incIuJir Prints, kc. - - . IV:: r r , i -- . -- u-t Grocerie.-"- ft i ''v- .r. A - 1.... - .IM.u.! n ifjuN ,;.;Ka room -T- -i -- .'r Liquors, ; t; f an-- - - eral then a-- aia v. -- -- tija. stopped J and corn--! i .rVV 1 5 Ale and Porter, including ; . Y :" 7, -- rL:,I1f:f' :xi - ' U.4k.llfiP.tlU lV.rifirrM,1 HEW can: tar. tar. J should die ia a tho double diamond .H wee-- r.,i. brand. h I: En..-- a were on!r here, ft-L- .- y Ale mill Purtpr White J:it per !" - Lend. ncfiud Stren -- : c d eaj-.- w E ou! m self wei;. H-.- r ; ... W ter.- !.r ; --- - lj:;!l-::.;;;ii;;;i;;i;;;;;- - i- v - - aaa ureary :t a. And or.lr ei- -.t Boiled Oil, kc, kc. oclork. I ' ec.are J iV-r- -- ALj- Ii i.; 7 Ire a rain to a C'r. X 1 i: - I r. tr " - STEAM COAI. L I !. N. K i J". . John s and see if she is I"! AM AT Ls. Hi.! k - then. It w'ould be 7 1 ! ::. .v i - ;t" B V V -- " E-- -. r. ESO . '- - " 1 -- - .l t.;- JAMt.J.Ji a re.ie: to see - 7 : j.. - r- v - V-- E. her fare. I won't -.- - !.:."- ' ' - - . : :, : roia - I- M-- -r i. - . v. s" ' J l'.nERMGXEII c r r;i wi:.f.LH-..-- - ". .- i. - -- knrivr ' - .. -1 Tir--,- I rv a- r-- : shan't yet that I hold "-- -- : . .". ! .z r ot so faiativ " i ; I'Ali i. :t ".' -- : 'e'.-:-- t .::i XI AX A. a . j- crTo - . i iAtr ;hw,:;;? -- i t It room. once ; EHr; f-- : -. ,asrf t;:e n: j fe;.; r . iHE-.v- , ,e: . ;. c wt , a . A:: -..'. 'lD :- - I: .' :i-L-:- I--. i-- then rr,k his hat and V100 CIGARS . . . went out. - j Asiir-..- - v: . . d-j- or "v w "- O.VIl.IIAL!' f : . is, s.-- 4 ;v. t'.e him. ; -- - r afrr aai then beat h:s IT L'" - . l.Ti:iIIT AKr T inis OiN. A.c. A ii IHNTScv A, h .v.::;-.tEAV- I( towards Tncle John's. It larse of Hoot 1: - - J a beaut.:'.; .1 1 aortment and shoe. s..- ht . i AND KI L L . : rao.nli-- nrc-'-.t- l lo hsi e MLT WORKS. CA." ,',n and ri I- - ' -- the air was :. cjl'rn'.".-"- r - ; - .' - '- He i.it :- - ' - ! traciair. was wa.a.nc a.or- - '" :" w . 'IHIK INDKRMIAlli. 1,1 t. - ..u .y r ii.. "; : ' - :i' so. eyeiWntdownunth I i i ; ini., i.mprom;.mi:nts and a.-- ...... J ! si..i:r am. n - ii- -t -- i ' V TOC"K r:;L. rniva- heard a sp li or TIIK FOOD FOR aod-hc- - THE MIND. looked up. o-!:i not' ! - -'r; ; . i.- - : - . - : Cr - - l'.VJSJl 5E ? - irr-sul- : saw La w.fe. H -- s . - -- - ;- - mI,i-,.,T..,.r7T- : IH.ArEXT.I. t r ,.: ' T ar WORKx II ZLY PAPERS AND r'----;--"-- - her. but sr- .- - yti AVE BEEN MAGAZINES. had rroaiz-- j him MALI AN r -- Meor-re," . ft H i'.iii i -- ! ' m - ". niwr m. ri.;-.- ae in :r--r .. ;V. T'1 - . - aid. :. . . lrir.V- - 1 (I ' ' - 3 I ... 3 r" - nr.l AHMI I.T J' you j -- r v. J. .? .rv It - r N- - V was th . - r ... - - r r .- i r.. -- ;or.e. r .- "'-i:- -f - -- . - 'r ' r r y . "And do I IMiL M T ! H V. ' HHE E.t S . yoj not pais your evenl:. M it j .i heme : s- r x: i t - A . ., - - I LA A.c larjf a..arIMrB of Laiii.-- "-"- ' T : I' VK. (.ailrr and i: i u.3 i3ii.tr arsx time I nare U--- a out. ' "- - ' 0--- j;K Slipp.r. K:rtv. Em,rr.a. upon VON HOLT & HETJCK my word, and even now I : DO har 'JtT:ZT-no- T Vol WANT LI , K.Kt"-IV- been aUent from Hi-- HOME. : - - the house ten minutes. . 1 :' FRof '' f .'.. Sl'GAIi AMj MUI.ASSMS I Ho Voii mere.y turned out t the - . Want More Do Vou Em- - uke fresh air. - hri-- : Ii : IS -- r.' 1 t waere are to j oin' I'rj . H. - - Ut - I.;kI-K.-,K,':t'.K.IVP:I,- ' ' - A . . -- ' "1 am ' - i ;. , 1 liV THE BARK KOf.OA PL.WTATIO.V I L v Io Von Want More - . Yea Pro- George. Wi.1 vou z.' V ' ;r .. I. 5 Io Wan! w.tn rr:e ?" !fc7'!T.r..n CXIOI5 lOGOI ?:- -t t.'-i.- - T Certain! thm, -- ..! r ?. ri- -, i ft r c Io Va ar.t lor Voa Wrist Ta v." retumeJ i; .:r-- r - f i n. nc. IX 'ir.VNTITIES TO SUIT. Io took Kni E H T V Lis ?rt"J-r---si.eo- . . arm. and they walked hoW" j ce. -- v. - in : '- - Vou - E.-.-- -- :. Io Want To Ve u t ! ' - - HA,.HFEI.r 4- CO. vi,.-- . Io Wau T,.: -- - lo When Ernma hai -- vi , 1.- .."' K - - - Rr taken off i.tlr'-- wx. 1 PAINT. Jc. thing's, she down r .Y-- ,, sat in her ro.'.:n.-- Alo. Flireci from Par- i- IRE PROOF PAINT. Io Vou Waul To Do W ' !Ti:i:iok poi.ai: :- Voa - : -- ; ' ant to v and razed up . i- -i - oil. at the clock. ft vrrr H;, r.. . celeiir A In atedr-- extracts, fr..-.:,- r.nrr, -- I . ' . LrIs ...... 4 :. ;j : ' f Quantities lo Suit. ' " 10!Jrrr,6 l i------,! " ftvl . - :. . t : i".4 Io Vou AVaut iwu.fcUi, v .:;-:.- ..; ; V vl ToUoVcaWa.taSfw renariea 7-'l- t SALE i Georee. r N MAklE FARINA I'.v. . i r :t-- :. ... ; -- - l -- " ' ..1 T -. ;.;-- - ' . . : SiiLrar Mo : Av . rise.- Ji.- ' and la . ii r... U u- The young- wife looked A-- : r sPn. kfeld I,0fVoj - Them up into her " r-- Io Vou Want a Vew fc- - THE s face, and with X'W ,rvl IROM BREWER,.PUNTlTION- - FX V ANKLE: an expression half .i '7 BARREL F'o she answered : Juxi Receiw d and for Sale ! H:i;..; J SALMON. Vou ,A.int To Do Vou W ant to sell AND CHOICE VELI.O M KF ? LI- - 4- - f'O. pRESH GROCERIES. W ET L. CO M PO T I O N VAILS. A on W . Io ant More Do Voa AVatll Vdj- - dren up the experiment. I marxared to taad trrr--- 'rr -.1 r ft - i"lllt"AS, VELLOW METAL. - I'.X VANKFI - I . T - A , '.- -: - -- 4' i. fA. C- -Jt AMI. : CIGARS' v0. ' i ; I M. 1.1 cer,m? coaM not bear it throu h CilTAR' RT POov. -ll F ... - .r A to-nig- if.-r.-- A i ;;-i F .". -; , -: When thcu-- ht DR. JAV.NES MEfl( EH ""(. r i.Li- 6- - ( .. I of ycu a)1 1':T-'- - INE. JLc. t n.'iiA' hr tWAF.t. manif.m. II I) alone. I wanted to be ii ff r A with you. It did u't . a.-- "' - i co r.s : : i: seena right. I hare not enjoyed myself I .:r--. C(iat f:r boat ton r. at LADIES. ATTrMTTflM a r a vp o k 5jo v a 25() bet en;lih coals R . no aorne I i. it of riocs "" R R nut tms. cei C - ir! 1 i"' '. A'- , t " Say v:-- SIIinL-Of- f ' 1 i T voa so cried Gr,r rr,r.t ! iifT' i r S.dfinr en; ort t . C. EREWF.?. r.-- FX VA I 5 1 ' ; . VKE F '"' eat to the side of his ' Mi-.--: i 5 wiiV and ' ' 1xrf. - I s " 1 "f!M,i- EI V BC - f JEFFREl RG II 4 C "Then Lt me 'con": . paper":" C V makenv atiiinc; ' J; . -- -. - A I) II II -- I 1: Crookfrv W'ai "ie ii h KFF.r.r- & c :. u T I I R V 1 A ion. have not stood V-'.- ; - r fR-"- T 4 T E i: a whit ,:;. r C)() 4KRI V5r Uttr ' - - I E ; - 4 w hen I left ham- ; , I i j v ' ? 1 - ii r E- .'j - - K y.zriA W-'i- r Preparation for Hair. i .' . c. '. - lon-r- I I! : " t no I found .- -. I S A I F i that this wu not home v e 4 , r - II II R R TO R A T I V T?- E. . . r . . . . - tar: pitch: N v -- VRRK,-HlK-VT- R roin: T was TV. - . . ; fc w.ie t1..-- . ! . . . absent.. . IiI VII.MIN(.TON TAR. lit: r. R iE I ... II . t - f5 .Jllu uo.vn ty s, . i: Lncle John C EHEH i fc . i i: and see - irr vour fap if wniii.'.'.,u.3 a j : -: V v it.iu.u i. .izej impiii: 4- Stone Ware. 'r " upon your r F r-- i- - I : i) empty chair till my heart ached."! JKfKivf:i per E P R E A O O N : I 1) arrivals Brxz. -- .s '. : : . r- -. lteF.';-- LHiHT WAtUOV IN A - U::-- t r. COMPLETE ji OR. t received: -- . i ;i.T R I, .. i ... Ware. f u.y R f s vr- - v popho. N" v. jj r1 N "i --- t : Received Ameihvst. HE' H ' . Jut s -. et E - " F 1 . - - - V x. BOSTON SCCiAR I RED II A MS. r CSFSi n v : -' -- ,' Cacft d - r : .. :. i: rr rvcYT-- .4:oee. our- jxes. j " " KARRKI--moK. f. xri " jia, c. ivxl cum.:.: r. . 1 O(H) " OILWfOOK' :. .: :w - ! f.tc ennv.t je!;y, v-- ;.l T ft t- - - - ,J. ALPHAHET IJLOf KS f,;, r.r,v : . fr.i cad, fr-- ij lj-r-. ii. Hri'.Tnnia W ar-- A A r-- evi l.l'II BET " HITNEV. 5 fp-- C'HILBREV 'ra"n. eft.- - h fta4&- -, Tor BLOCK. T."!:!.I:UsTI5TEn a vac. - ZtrtJi - ."I--. H M. WiJ'TNEV T-- ;- ... IRON. .Vr. L4nton lm fiwi f fr.- 2T a . ;.. HITVK U -- ft. A H!PITAL NOTICE t."1'' EOUsaEE. ALSO. THE l'X a--i. tcno ivr.p, rjOILER VP SHEET I ROV ' r... r A JARi:s WORKS. SunJrif. , E.-.- EK ' . . - MAf.IC AVrt i. - efc 0t, ... via--t . SifJKVF 4NI X'KVERV-- SI ,r.-- - W LANTERNS: j.. civ. j ,- . w - curry ft ,- - - -- . - r FEW MAtUIC a-- i i w ier. . - , ; v f ! , L :. . . . r UNTERNS. -- ,,,1-r-i. . V N I 1 1 ; r v:.: Ej I'mit t p.- k. A R r i. - - - l ... ' f. A I 6 F- -r s. A -- K1CHLT - ...... - ir. :. r.v.:r - AVjTIV .j j i .- "1. C : - 'V;ni F -- ft t. I "E ri-- r 13:"tr rr!f m ' i . f C" ft . .'"rra-.- . H. M. A UnSET. Fv:rE t, ' - -- " A LI F'O K VI ..!-(- vnr'Vftv ...... """ , , - T. 'f C R C "l I l ERS, IAJi'v ,K ,.,,R JV.T- FOR ,i BBI.s. rn'n...... DOR U.E - - r ... ft. r. h - :. co f - jvrin J1 "' Si a: pacific tii. coMMi-mciAi- a i v i : ic s n . i it oTit'i: I t T A NO M-1- K I BKR S. I, Hblihrd Krrry Tltar.Jay Morning. . ( AIMKIUIM.KS ' i hi:u ir. . f tnrr .! ii it;. ti I i."ii'T or on'tnnnirt;n. . lvri-hrg- l ?J 7, ht iutrn.li-.- i.i.lv t' xn in in i.'m.r lni'..-- will AH P"T" f led tofreiirn . P wr countries will he $7 S0prani,., SA a. !v'Tt:-m-:;t- th- - Atiwrwan which p.tijfc ami the of forward- - A. ia.-n- i .1 in r arr tub - rvriw It .t. Uri:. tyi nn uul. it.- fr. m the .coeeof AI! .... r-- r,.-a- - tm for An.. jt't t.. li- char.'. p-- Lave1 K IP " will I . State, pos'-i--- :a!.;p- - nth-- ir - C'lnm.-rrin- l A.lttr- - w:ll present1rf. n I Sti'w.'i'ii't.n A..rrrtlrr ail which America:! r .'J. .., nifi.u ''! oiR'.iHI r r - v pr. r- - th Mtwril. r.. who pr. i!,tati have th- .r J r N- tr.n.s...f nt i.l .r?:. !!.. !.; w..l l ii,wrtnl unl. M p o--r f.rwrtr-I"- through too Hawaiian mad. l'!l. ) K" fr..m f t! will alwayt ATI1 At Will' n i:VHT!-EK1- W II I. BE II Ifc.o r.. r rrv4!..i.. n.i .i .rt IVift AlitnuJ'" adverti. ni-- i.t 'firt insertion; - r I in..- Jo cr.. .K S8&VW I each uhei.:(.:,t . ... c .uiacst car!, ('it hn--.- ) t.. r ar.r.urn. n. COMMKKI HI, I'KINTI.M. OKFU'K. ( h a ! !.'.: line.) - - . j.j -ti' .... . l'l.AIN ASP FANCY 1- riyame a!jy. m a.lvaree. ) .I fir-- I!((1K AM) Ji.ij., f"..t exceed;!! l.:iii",a.-.- l insertion 1 fi" JOIU'KIMING y.Vh tube,(j.;I1t insertion I II ! ....Gocts. UOHKS. - ill.li'K KCllAXiK. t,t AtTtatr Ai.risn.iu will Ik- ch at the following rat. J, lAI'IMl. pay aMe st the end of each o,uarter . l'.Tl."i:rK.HILL IIKAl'S. Mllx'tO.INSI I.AR BI.ANKf, For one piar, the pac.-o- f Ji r . !" no lIHfl HKS. I'.I.ANK 1 .L1!, yr one-f.iir- l' a rolamii. per ja trti r.. "il.? AlTl"N HI1I. IIAOIULI--. one-ha- lf f a Column, ex column i,7 oo rAvrni wv hills. F-- a whole, c duiun. ler quarter. IUSINKS. A M APliKV4 CARlS .r.otrJ IT - i-k- a V:.nk.-- i':irl Ptv.," ii l!.'- hluht tyl of 'h art.

PC Itl.lMIKII 1JV Commercial WKKKI.V -- S Advertiser. II KMC V . SIX DOI.l.lltv I'KK AXMM. d";tri!S. WHU.NKV. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, MARCH 2K KlU ) VOL. IV, No. 4 t. W llObb.Vo. Ml jorrip A'A ISIS VI-- : ATI sJustnrss t. C. M KI KI. j. c. maaiLl. IF THK business cinris. 3 :p.j ilc.ll Crstntf. arts. V LMIMSSV IcKMIC .llKKltllili, A3IEKinN TO VYKWK, A. 1)U. . ( TO T ! P. i:vi:kktt, A. LAItlii:. li: aV . mw a . w. m . w m mi aw , 1 LKWK .OItTO., In July, 1H.9. KII KKIKU'SK. II F.ST. m 4 & (1oiniission t s:T.-r-K.i- r r UNTI R.) llerelumls 6Vtr .TJCTIOArEEn,II (. Surgical and Mechanical Dentist. liuU.il.. t l.li.l i.a t..wii. i t:r proof 'jU.'SO'ltllll i.'.u, I. t M l -- BT 9. WELU WILLIAMS, LL. I., "KCKFTAltV AND :&: iie::t il'.r to V.k!'s II ;t an l sii.xr rl..r M rcl.ant S:ret. Lu.Miii.-u- :i t! lr. Kil iu'- - :.,r , r .:.ntiii;j; I)r t;r in . , mm - 17-- tr :t:.'i .. ii.l i ii 1'iu-- UiLcc l...ur- A. ll.tr. f:rv l TK-TKKJA- Ti IHE ESIUA.-sl-'. fioia J., tu I'.M. c uh the ookers usiucix L, ( li , TV M j. r. dbiti uv, ri i l c i: r. orner ol Isetltrl and King Strct-t- Pi:, PUKSSF.s. PRIST1SG i .11 1 ;. .Vi'p.y t T. l" j ntTio.i:i:us, IHt. J. MOTT S TII, Jim k. PAl'Kli. CAKDS, AOENTS OF THK The Srvt Embas.'y from the Uuitc-- l ?tntcs of Arnt-ri-t- ATJCTIOrJEEn,KHAt.uiii.'i.'iu trs-t- , II .ii .lulu, i ii. j. Kt'llTfT.,TVO 1'MUllj P.KLOW 1R. Jl'IH.'S M'.t i jToKE, And Priiiler'a irenera'ly, Chin I i 1 1. Min-i-t- ! Rritular Di.imtrh l.Urof Iarkrla. thi country in The r, 0!Ti.-- e DENTIST.II.j .1 TO I.C.T llalnln reth'l A r. : F'.rt a:.l i:s-- i -- KX- Caleb was HAWAII V R CO.MIMXr, ; , AUK .NOW IKKIAKKI lO - i'2 CIhi lr'i'l,nrarSiiii.ir,Siiu Krnucisrv. t'uxhin, instrnctfi to proceci to Fbdl TIIK O.V MKItCII N'T ST It K KT . lt:;t- m:A l..;-l- y XT' All freight arrivim, In transitu f.r the Kaiulwlch Island, 1 I.tT tCZ ail oT'l' iu tiieir at loo--tf e is A. P. EVKRK'IT, Treasurer an l:vrt-.-:- i CLMj.t-r..k'- - Is.-- Ijm" Peking, ut en his arriYI anj armouncenient i f this A:it. W IbblA.U II I'M 111 IC CVS, tariiei.N atwl J. II. rauw'. vA- r.tlcs. will received and forwarded by l!ie Regular lispaUh o. l tlt-a- , . (: liu.i.illif.' iot or I lacr raice. Apply to tn.-.- rann or coMiiis.-i- design, he t Notary I'uMic. O.li. e at ti.e Court II. up 9t.ur,-- lli.toKtul f. r past pi.trotiaje. ih.y cotiftdet.tly upi.ii ! the Emperor win unwilling tu . l'itf P. fl It r!v A A A - A transhipment of ii. i,i: i:iis, tf T. C. 11KI CK oM customers for a contitiuai.ee of ll.eir favors, hij.1 li thut Ii ii A. J.I IA Particular attention paid to forwarding and recene fjrein cmb issa.lori at hia nn l he r J ut or hills, excliaaire, in- rtpital, Lun.ls-- an .uil.iiir niavrijl-.l'o- rt it. Ii .ii..luln. 10i-i-f vV. th.-i- eiulcHVors to p'.tne, and extreme ..w rates ( chaivcs, will merchandise, sale whalemen' and other m:vle no go whi.-- h J. AI STIX, &. undei opea Hlictew, suppv attempt t there. The triity he ATT'iKNKV TO I.C.T insure to tle-- a fair share of business in their line. JOHN Aia.M AXD. Jr.. CO..HAVK surance of merchandise and teeie B. ANI Cul NiKLuK AT LAW. 's;allishe.l tie i:is Iv. s in Japan f. r the urpose (ST was at W ar.ghi an I Ac'ing'1! OIK'OD. w. B. HIM TIIK poitMKKbr occr- - X. 1!. New and sepon-- l hand and h. .ks always on i ing wiiaietimp, ciiaricriug rinpa, bic i, t at .i. I.-.- OtSi-e- . C5-t- . cai.s i'kkmisf.s i Office in Honolulu House, over f .. 9ir--t- nt-x-t ..n a Cnuinssi..li Husinesrt. They r Ac the pi.-- Oy A. IVt: r, o Nuu i!.u 1k.1o tl.e l'.'7-Si- carrying lieneral ." I'atit'jti the next by Ili'Mle. n lI.1IONI SOX, 'J hand, which they will sell at the lowest market rates. ???s" 43 antl 4 Califoruin wlrrrt. 0nmJ.re the II. H. K- -r please apply have ital.lished a Line of Packet San y of John V.L particulars H TO : mt ivi-iti.- t,t tr-t- Wayliinfoir. ImiKtrrs an.J .Inl. ri in l.:.r.Iare, j.aii.ls, oils an. I Francisco Kanau-awa- , on their way to KM lh of Tientsin at IIOITMAXX, to (PJ-- J n) i. C. M. I.KAN. at.d touching at Honolulu HS-t- f i:., Kana-'aw- Captain H. F. Svow. newljr mrclafi'lie. .ur'.-.-on- M a. the appintc! .'nini.ifr to t'hina, John E. I'livsiriau an.l il. Bl.vk, corner Queen and Kaa . . will M.srs. C. l'.H'wkB 4 Co., Honoluuf tcl hun.ai.ti atret-ts- tf ! ; The l.ark the pioneer of the line, Sail W;tnl, w:is to roceel to Piking to 'i. liver TO UK NT M A Kovrr, A. 1. KvKRirT, lvsg., V IIKXKV iiomxsox's O M SON, Francisco atKiut the 1st of April f..r Kanruawa. an autograph Inter from the Tresi lent to Empe-n--r, -, TIIK AM) 1 MOD IOCS It. Pitman, sy , . ll:ln. the sj.irit a... f'lirar ;tor- Charlton Wharf, j situ'it-- .l corner ..r - Ol'l-l- ) I.M OUM HIS FRIK.XDS AXD! KEFKUF.NCKtf : eir.-c- t I.. .HcttlM.A'. lin "ii the r.Tt ami liere- UO-t- f an'l there lVJ-t- f tli tit h.i-- - rv"iijini'tiCMl as a mason ... the exchange of ratiti.ntlons. In Attorney at l.Iticc, will. C. C. lil-t- pr-se-iil :cupi.-- l l.y Hon. L. iu''lic that Wji. Ai ?.-i- La. Harris f tama streets, at K w i T. CoI.kvan Co Francisco. p!i-tr.-- K. tJn'. and s.l;iir. Havinsr his materials ihr;i ca?h,is eon. with thcye Ilia pos.-es-io-u of April, l"0o. Apply to iurvl.asetl iiitrn;tioj.i. Excellency ar- B. VoS H..LT. TU. C. K . given on the 1st a.- fr Macom.kay Co. " UH Jk irtM'artni to do itll work in liis lino as cheap an l wvH as any 1 ,.i-2- C. UK l.V Kit CO. ' Ki s-- Jk vol(roTT"brooks. rive! in Shanghai on the 'Zsih of M.ij in the steaio-f- ii IK. I'OKH'S man Honolulu. at prices, i. Co., China. cms. . Von IIOI.TAc IIIM'CK, St.-r..- . othr in Kof siatsi redact! aud I'uu-hat-tn- Iirue Kaahumatiu Street. opposite Makee's li. F. now, Honolulu. ite Cetera I C.mii.issl..n M. II warranted. All manner of jubhii.-- attended to. j .noliil'i. Oalni. I. 105 tf I.lxk. hif' chests retit'e.t at..i prescnptloin s vi.i: liM-l- y SHIPriNG AND The two Impetiul Conimiioncrs, Kweilian arpl earefullv prei.are.l. colt fine site for Hawaiian and Calii".rma time fr sale. TIIK "BKl'K WITH l.T"- - J7" rde rs !ett at his residence, Nuuami gtr'trt, or al the lame ; ( A w:.;.-r- II were then at thi city, AI.I'X. UTU JTT Ilot,col.l, vapor, sli'.w.Tan.l ui IJATUs.at all hours with sitr.ated at the head of , wx"!riii. awaiting the arri- J. ItlCIIT, dicateJ a luveiiinr. Fort sirev-t- letveeii Kin; and Mrrchant stn ets, and I Uen-r- , ndorvi Notice. val of th? Enjr'i"h mi'l French Commissi. ki luii.t an.t tl shipping A;.'et.i, Honolulu, Ki:una strei-t- m ar the Koyal Schis.i :il.ut of au lyd-o- riler's minister, with whom 1 - opposite the lUack Horse Hotel, will be attended to. oiiuiiissioii jferdiant, w:s!,el II. I ll.re. Koo.iiic of HIE I NDKRSlCiNKD, HAVING 11KKX they to confer on some j points I untttle tefore ciias. v. crii.i.or, m. i , ft. AUMs-TKONi- 1 to the j jroceling capital. The treaties negotiate. at Lale surgeon I'ni; I Stat.- Navy, Cnsuinr Physician to sick C. K. WII.IIA.TIN, writers," takes this nietlonl of iriforininj; ship-maste- that he is fiiini-ter- -, itnoii:s, l : Tientsin with t!n.e two at wll as that IVholrsate Iieal.--coiirmirr Wine Al; American mir.i-- an eemral praetitiuiier. TO i.kt always ready at the shortest notice to attend to any business in an.l Spirits, orter. near r FORWARDING AGENT, Ilu-'win- arl Otlice. c.ni.-- Kaahuin.tnu an.l rn.iuin; repaired of in with the t:p.il.te--l that their r.itification t:.e IVstt M:hre. Honolulu. 4J-t- f aol residence IT'KXISIIKI) A I A KTMRXTS. Cabint't Maker anil Turner. him that capacity. . at W hI's l..ii-i.,i- i, Il t. . P. WOOD1U l lr. sire illi M I'ullKoN, X C. FF, tUulJ le ricli ine-- at IVking; hut the Arnencau Meilieal an.l a.U ire in tlKn'li-h- , French, Spanish, an l Chaplain street. rgMIK Oia STAND, IIOTKb STREET, EAR Corner Queen's 123 Sansomc Street. San Francisco, Cnl. (;r.oii(;i: Snrical the corner Fort. of Road aud l'oltinger Street. tre;iry rut nti..ne. no place where this ceremony iiowi I ff Hongkong. Iu7-l- must Italian. nt Novemlor, l!wu. L'liuber Merchant Yarl on Coi N w ' tin Furniture nil kinds made and repaired. le j.erf .rmc I. The time within which it iinjit he kt H.r?E jcaRir, Olhc from 11 A. M. tt J r. M.; at other hours in.piire at ' ATTKXTION GIVEN TO ui-t- COTTAIJK TO HIT. On hand and f .r sale, KKAHV MAHE- FrRXITCKK. Koa pL.H4.le. f , Ins resi.lei.ee. tf and sale of Merchandise t to Kor-- i..ne wn be:ir at hand, however, n l the presence of - It..anls, and Plank; Cedar, Ulaek Walnut aud Cherry ' YoxcVoYiT, fARTlCCI.R TIIK KI.IKIIil.K COTTACIK ADJOIN- Joist d7 w..rding and Tnioshipinent of Uo.sU in transit I the Chartering-an- ('omniiy.iner!i iiiL' iri;!liii hy the Hoards; Ros. and Mali ocany Venwrinir. : xeuealAaN tt.e fioreI an enrly arrangement of Ar L. INOOI-- R. II. .ST4SI.KV.' the lately undersieiud. .sl Sale of Vcrsels ; tliu Supplying of Whaleships ; and the II. lIA( KI'i:i,l CO. IX. Contain t.v.j ro.iiu.s, hath rooui, Alc, e. Terms Uiixl- - A larjeassortnientofC.il: Moulding, an.l la sized (.lass. th preliminaries. It was every way tlWiral.Ie to see , V Negotiation of Exchange. Orneral Commission Agents, an.l Ship Chai.ill.-rs- , INCOl.S A variety of Rockinu', Otlice and Children's Chairs. BUTLER, imnie-IiateTy- , Ilnnop.lu, STAM.I'.V. Apply to 1'iuin', WILLIAM then. anl at the first meeting; wa4 r CON HoNoi.ri.1 . 15s-- y au, it Ual.o,. I. loj tl ACCifNTAN ANH VKVANtfci:?, II. M. WHITNKY. Polish.Ml Collins on hand aud made to older. . GENERAL MERCHANTS CUSTOM HOCSE AGENT Etrkanjo ou Honolulu ia Su lo uil. thtt tiie Emperor intenlel to exchtnge X. IS. Avera.-- s a.lj-is- .1. Pr.tc-t- s ext.-- . Leal l.s'uinel.ts l.i.-- YZ. . JoHV-o-S. REFKREXCF: ratifications at i c ipital, ami maLe no .lintirction II AI.I exenitml, with neatness an.l .is.atch; 1'oti.iaercial It..ks TO I.KT ! H. ALLKN. .llonsonut, 1 llar-lvare- , ' , Bottoa Letween the three Igition.--; they Imjsnter an in Iry i..ls. Paints, Oils, and ois'ue.l an.l c.4-.l- an.! Custom House 1 AT L.AIIAINA TIIK HAWAIIAN ADE A K R A N ( K M K N TS TO KEEP It. F. Sxow, Esq Honolulu. C. UHKwRit. Esq., tut a'Mel. that as I i...TL-- iii-t- t ...... l.v T I. f llRKWER CO Kq-- , (l ICerral .M.Trhal!e, crner of i.irx an.l Kinn Mr- -i ts. In5 ma.le up an.l 'oIl.Ttions faithfully attended :o. 'r I.l v.: slOI2SO nASM ou hand a large and well selected stock of C. k , " Jas. ' the ilies connected with the whole devoIve--J . matter UJim. l'os-ssio- eiveu iinni di itely. Kent reasonahl". J S. WAI.kKH, Ftq., " llKXRV A. 1'ii.hch, Kq., ou them, there was no neel of Mr. WarJ being in CKOHC K CI. A It K , Apple to SALT PROVISIONS, WlLA'OX, Kit HARDS k CO., ItARXl'M W. FiKLO, Eq., " hrvte to leave Shanghai for the north. It wouM re Dealer in I'ry an-- l FBs-- J kIs. ll 'l'l trs-- t Nuu.nu A. P. KVKKKTT. Til. C. HKVCK, Ml J5READ, Honolulu. 1 sir-et- s. IjO-t- Amtiit for Anthon. Pitmax, Flsq., Hilo. quire Wit two months for them to reach the aivt Maunakea Honolulu, 5. I. 11 tf COMMISSION M E K CHANT, f If. BNJ. capital Cai )enters, Joiners it UndertaKers, FLOUR, ISS-t- r C. S. Haktow, Ks.,., Uilutina. ly the I:inI route, ana if he arrived in tu.it t of JOHN' THOMAS J anion's new l.l.wk, Queen street, Honolulu, II. I. on h WATI'ItllorsH, roit sai.i: to li:t, Fori Strrrt, near Corner of Hotel Street. (.ROCERIES, MOSSARBAT. JAMRS AIKOa. China firt mo.ft wait for them. hoi-sal- e M. C. Iajporter, W ami Retail Ivater in tjen-- ml Merchan-lise- i KKFKRKNCKS. TIIK FOKKTOP I'UK.MISKS ON KINO The policy of the Chinese in 4t-l- , . INFORM THK Government important Honolulu, an.i l.al.aiaa, Maui. f essr,. A: Ti-rv- - Rton. u strt-t- .Tins liis.ral. Applv ti fOF.SI'ECTFlM.V to execute any work in the CLOTHIXf;, V ALalOiV, s .llO.VSARIMT cri.-H-- fipit is .levolve mis-"o- A: luu-- W. VINCKN1', fort street, Honolulu. to the management of a special n I K. li. Kkioiiau Co., tf C. t. H..S..KK. r Xi..viX,JII ahove line, and hoe to merit a share of puhlic iatroiiage. SHIP CHANDLERY, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, on one or two of its best servant, ami make them " Kk;ti! A: Hill, Kg i. Pine and Trimmed Collins always ou hand aud made to MOSS II AN Ai 53-- and everything required for a complete outfit. SON, Honolulu, July 1. tf .'i I.KT. order. California. re!r'niot? fur its termination, rather than commit it Baker. jrjcrr,ar.. dealers In lry JoeIs. Xuuanu street. Hon IN XT Fresh supplies, potatoes, and firewood, all furnished at San Fraucitr. K. ( HAS I'OUIIIIM. IIOCSK THK I y Johhing done on terms. Plan and specifica- Victoria, 1. KULHUAX fL. UKKWkB, - in-- to ollictrs as part of their ordinary duties. This po- oluiu, Katiu. s. U7 tf idTlli: W hue Hotel," witii 1J sepal ate IsJ-t- the shortest notice. Y.uiorr'ili. - r i.r of the tions drawn to order. f REFER TO licy rulers have founJ, . IJItKWKIt A- CO., rrt all furnisheil. Iu uire on the premises. lH-- tf Mongonui lies in the south-eas- t part of I.nnristan or Doubtless the after long experience, to r..tus, " New York, K A. insure, more any W. N. j ltl, Commission and Shipping' Merchants, Honolulu, Oahu, H. T. Ray, and is in latitude o5 deg. 6 min. S., and longitude 173 drg. Han oir Tn RKPiiiLir. I. than other which they know, the j lS9-t- GoKDON. Importer anl in 11iiiuihk, CtTLrnr, M ic ha vtca' RKFKR TO M'.T. .:ozsi:i:t 38 min. E. f Messrs. tlHIVB k McAri.iKr. t . TO s5i:va?s str.-et- Great Britain. ureeM of an undertaking. It was exhibited in the T.h.u a:ul Aoai. i lm-L- hcvts. Fort Ilouo- - JiVKS Hi NNKWU I., Ks.p, I - TtLACKSMITH SHOP, ON TIIE NEW ESPLANADE, HoBkKT t J anion, Ks Liven.Tol, ROOMS AND ur- - e, ltihil $ Boston. FObbOWIXK 4- Co., - Honolulu, H. present ca.-- and there were many reawms adhe- lulu. lo5-- tf ClIlKI.eS llKKWKK, Ks.p, TIIK W 111 corner Messrs. Jasios, Grkks I. f..r lices in the KIRK PROOF IIRU lLl'l .M., ol IS It KD TO DO WORK , 44 ? rSt-- IIIKIV I HAKODADI, A. CAKTWRI.illT. KsvJ., " lUflrff Mrs,Ks. M. L, f JAPAN. J. ring to it until all the treaties were in operation; hut llr:R Mkkhii ?un Francisco. K taliuiiianu and Queen streets, yit : S. ..(nil timU in lirvt ri'i. Mfvl.o.t Iiri..-- til .A JAMO.N, Ac ., ) Ciias. V.'oi.(..tt ItKo..Ks, Ks. , J 1 I :itlKN I he on second il.s.r, directly uver tne savins i.anK. suit trie 1 as one con I see j . otlice the times. ! S CRIKriTTS UORIJAX. C. 8. BATHAWAT. f.r none of thoe reurtonii involved Fire-Pfw- .f MlASR-i- Wm. PfsTAf A: Co., ol" i Commi.i' Men.d.ants lu:ldinrs. tjuecu street. llonckon?. The Cellar of the aWe hull. ling, c.i;-ihl- e of storage liou SHIP. C A KT, CARRIAGE, and all POTATOES !P()TAT0ES needless delay loi-t- j 1'KKLK, 111 & the of going north by the common post Honolulu, April 1. IMj'J. f ll..U. BBfcLL CO.. Manila. barn-l- . oth.-- work in this line, will he done with a neatness and dis- - - MORGAN, STOXB & CO., was 16S-t- f m. si. to not Im PICl'LS OF IRISH POTATOES routes, and every argument ued by the Ameri- - .,.sM.s;oii given imintdiately. Terms n.te. .ppiy patch to excel!. d. fgLJF now in store house. w. ll'i-- tf CIIAS. PRKWKlt, 'n. :XJT Horse shooing, atid all other business in the Farrier's de- V J Commission and Forwarding Merchants, Pan Frandtvrw, Cal can minister to convince the Commissioners of the risciir.it, A . rRKUKHK KI.W.tRU M.S. AV Fren.-I- K I.. HANKS. P. All T.J-t- f AIO, Hathaway Esq. A. It, importance of adopting a different cou A Cahinet Maker an.l Polisher, Hotel Street, opposite the partment, promptly attended to. References, T. 8. Mcn.l. ny, "c. passage Hons-- 41 tf ,w lleef, & Swift At Perry, New Bedf.nl, Messrs. Grinnell Minturn a otTere.1 riti:i'K i hanks o., Lease Sa!e Forln-- s Per- to Taku the frig.ife .fmii was them Commission and Shipping Merchants, Honolulu, Hawaiian lor Pork, Co., New York, John M. Ks.., Rosbai, Meri. by Commodore Tattnall; but they alleged that until A. S. Ac .11. S. CIMMIAr.1I, THK I.KASK OF THK PKKM1SKS C2 earizo. kins & Smith, Xew London, Daniel U. Waterman Kq. Hou I.a.l.l, ami lately i,y Captain op II I '-- tf l.y rend, Ac. . formerly John o t.l u u. received permission from J Imp-ter- s and Whole.-.!- Iieal.-r- in Ka-- .nal le Clothintr. Hats, REFER TO they the Emperor it won!. on A lak-- a street, havtiig year ISS-t- f 1 I, every variety Oentleiiien's Messrs. MfRrra S: Mkkrii.i., - - San Fr.meico. Edwards, eleven ironi JAMES A. BURDIHi or sale by ESTRA k CO., Hakodad Japan. Le i in possible f..r thetn to accept the toIite otfer. Il.s, and rhs, .f .May IVmi. run, to a er.und of JJou r It 'as. of Fort KiNSetL. MiNTt h k Co, - - New York. Is! , to sulj.vt d. Uri..r I uriiishin i.ls. Corner and pa.vahle is for Mitf. The luni.li:igs are BARRY & PATTEN, nmy be ot,ered th it the Chinese not regird tiie ll'J-t- f pwirr Ai.i.kn, - New aniiuui. IN UKMOVINfJ HISIU SIXESS Merchant streets, Jlonoiulu. Oahu. for a family, are in g ...l repa.r. P.. sal. s the to his new COOPERAGE ou the Esplanade, Charles Renry Sinitli, exchange of the ratifications of a treaty by the day Ciias. Saii.ikk Co., lloston. conve.ii. i.t and IMPORTERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DKALEBS IN same, is , b ...... 7...... , - l'W-l- y i dwt llinir house and to the there a '. I, t.,., ft... v. .v.u...- d.M-- s A. HAKKIS, OAHl'. V. B. SWAIN, HAWAII fixed as of paramount importance, nor an una- ... iu in.? siiu-er- friends and SHIITING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, pleasant cottage with two r.s.ins in the yard. The furniture his thaiil.s to his the WINES, LIQUORS, DEMIJOHNS, fc. voidable iu their opinion impair itsol- - AI'.K I. IIAUUIS A CO., iV the house, now Mr. John L'd I, will We sol. I hy auc- puhlic iu general, for the support and patron Kaliodatli, Jnpnu. C. A. II. F. I'OOK. which leased to 1 1 O 6ft-- lj Iigations; they have hot yet le.trned the customs of Dealer in nil kirtls f Haiv.iii in rrmlu.", Honolulu, Oalin, II. I. tion atx.ut the JO:h of April next, and t!; premises oc npied hy aire thev leen i. erant Moutjjoiuery at., San Eranciwro. IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, h- - Is.-- pr.-mi- s him for the past ten years, ho)H.-- l.y attention to husi-n-- ss REFERS TO Iraw Hills on Mes.-r- s. McRuer & M rrill, r will for sale or to at the same time. These and that the est in these particu'ars. m new. they would ac- and promptness in the execution of ail orders intrusted to - f ran.-isc.- i UO-t- f UONOLCLl", O.MIC. SANHWICH I?LANIS. are in g.d order, the liuildin's arly and Henri- A. Pikrck, Esq.. Ros ton. - A: Arrang"tients were made for an exchange of visits RKFKR TO commodate a larg-.- family. F r further particulars, apply to the him, he will merit a continuance of their favors. Chaki.ks Woi .mtt Ukooks, Esq., - Sau Francisco. 11. WKBSTTKU CO. between the Chinese and the .American I'lenipr.ten-tiarie- s. ,V Of.Hi.K F. PtABot.r, Ksp, l'hil.idel.hia. undersigned. t1- - J- - KAKH. He has ou hand for sale upwards cf UOO LarreU of all sorts IS. r . SNOW, Kaq., Honolulu. IM PORTERS AND DEALERS IN ItlTSON HART, 170-l- y . Eli.siia Ha-k- m - - New Executrix. and sizes. IVJ-C- which took place on the --d and 4th of June Successor Mr. y RoMnson, Wh.. sale Wine an.l Spirit l, K.p, , , x. C. R. P.ISIl IP, X3 o W" 11 o at Cart-wrig- Messrs. Kkad, U - - lloston. cl was Merchants, Honolulu. II. I , under the of A. ht, iki.nkh C;., r ft n i AXD i t ShangbaL At these interviews it agreed by lt.ni J. .V HS-2n- I.ad.I. deceased. . 3-- Wali.o, Co., - New York. i Executor of estate of John c i and at the foot ! .nu strc-t- tf Hahkt m:v oorERKiE uirssKM,, ii ay or th former, that as theneeesfity which lay upon them Ahkknktiit, Claiik k Co., - Pan Francisco. isl,anus, every. meeting English minister before they returned hAto.tR Jc Lim.k nbi:ruer, - San Francisco AXTHOWS KUILDINC, MERCHANT ST. NEW ZEALAND, liiquory ol Ic.,ciiiilioii. cf the 11. SNOW, K a liul u lor 101 FRONT would in Peking in I. l'i4-- tr STREET, to Court prevent their arrival General Commission .Merchant, Honolulu, Oahu, liaw. Islands. AVII.I. UK S()M AT 11 Ill.iC I C- - Honolulu. OiiIiii. II. I. A lit I & Between Washington and Merchant. in on the 15th day III Dl VIS CO., time to exchange the American treaty lit that place AUNT FOfc :. si1 TION, at the Court House Honolulu, SHIP CHANDLERS, lib tf SAN MIANCISCU specified, to do sh Reirnlar Line ..f and Honolulu Packets. J. vldim:. of June !ic.i, that large land called H E 1NDKRSI(;NKD HAS TAKEN THE within the time their failure should R..stn Importer and Mi reliant, Honolulu, Oahu. S. I. ri aho.-- of Coff.-- i.remises lor the purjiose cjirrying on the Custom House Ascitis, (General have no effect on the validity of the compact. The ale of from theTilcoinl. Plantation. Arent tor Wui.Thwiiii; Co.' and Sandwich Isiands "KAIHTK1V and Comniit Sale t Cr.-- r Itn.thers Co s Yellow Metal. i ion Merchant. SAV FIIAACISCO COUDAfeii: delay had ari.-e-n from causes which they could not I'ackets. in the district Kau. Isl-m.- of Hawaii. Business New Finland Rooting Company. 1 23-- tf rf Cooju'iin V ON A LARGE sati.-fie- AGENT FOR FAVE CONSTANT!. HAND felt d Emperor k Sale cash, hul..nc in 12 months, with in r.ll various branches, and solicits a share of the public control, hot they that the NrprrxB Insi-ranc- Co., - - Boston. Terms of Half and the its I assortment of recruits of every description required by IMCTORV. CBA. . Wlf. A. AUIiBH II interest : the deed to he delivered when the last payment shall patronage. whale ships. would regard it as immaterial. The fact in respect 1TAKI.K SaKKTV ISol RASlIC, C..., , was, be IIISIIOP aV CO., " Is- - made. lining a practical cieip.-r- he flatters himself that he can do Hills of exchange on the United States and Europe nego- OF EVERY SIZE MAXITAC to the excbinge that more time must granted, Itri.sTs esahlish-me- nt CiORDAGE Office Rlm - A portion of the land is said to he well adapted to the prowth work as well and on as leasonable term as any other tiated. 181-5- to order. Constantly on large c-- py Rankers. in the east corner of " Makee's on ItosToS " " hand, a a. for the day was only a fortnight henfe, and their k" ' of wheat, nil for grazing purposes, especially for goats. in Honolulu or on the Sandwich Islands. Kaahumanu street, Honolulu. WashixotoN " " - " and edit (all u.e). Bale ' is to uhouud in pulu li;-:S- C FARDEX. ortmentof MANILA APU HEMP ROPE, of the tre ity was in Peking. Will rewire depos.t. discount tirst-chi- ss husinoss paer, and ALI.IAV.'K " " " The mountain portion said For particulars inquire at the otlice of the undersigned. A. 12. &, CO., RoiK?, Tow Line, Oakum, tSto., for sale by Tl lllli? A: CO., Kweiliarg obervel, that mf the right granted to attend to collecting, etc. lli-- tf N. K. MlTfAI. " " - " further wiiiti: Envoy to go capital was deriva- Sai.em Makin-- ' " Salem. Ily order of the Hoard of Education. MERCHANTS, COMMISSION AGENTS & AUCTIONEERS l'J7-l- y 139. Front Street, San Franci.ro. ihe American to the I Dre-pro- . It. ARMSTRONG, W. A. AM) II, XT Store in Rohinson Co.'s hl.s-k- 17o-t- f tive, dependent on articles in the treaties with Eng- UK' i lCis-o- President Hoard Education. Al.aroa, New Zruhiii.l. land and France, and on arrangements made in car- Imporfr and lieal-- r in ; Commission . PACIFIC FOUNDRY & MACHINE SHOP, Akjent f..r the SaV of Su.ir. M .lasses and ClTce, and other ii. skvku anci:. ! srPPLIED WITII POTATOES rying them out, there was a propriety in Mr. Ward Inland 1'rn.ltice. -m the Lint r. Plavtatios. Con Ship Chandler and Commission Merchant, Honolulu, S. I. Co.Iec I'laii.uiion for Sale .WHINE CARPENTER'S SHOP. SHIPS of every description. same with the envoys of siKiiments of all kind of Island Produce solicited. Or.l.-- REFERS TO THE CELEBRATED Reiereiices : ging thith'r at the time , XVOI LI) San Francisco, f..r Merchandise promptly lOi-t- f Captain Tt. F. ..-- l'NDERSINKI INFORM Capt. G. II. Sot i.E, ship Milo. thosw nations. He knew that His Mijety deired attended t.. Honolulu. public ou the Olh inst. he will re WArKKM N A: - fjjTITCOMIt COFI'KK PLANTATION, his friends and the that A. llARnKit, Henjamin Messrs. P. C ...Co., " T a ship Tucker. as ESTABLISHED 1850. them all to visit his met ropolis, and tlierefoie assured AW SI. COOHE. sume his former business L. CASTLB. Aos. S. j Williams , IIavfs, - New ln.l..n. AT HAN.U:i, KAl'AI, J. 11 ArsTtx, ship Goethe. Mr. Ward would be received with the A-- tc - S.MiTn, ship E. F. Mason. that be ( ASTLi: COOKK, MrRri a Mi liltlLL., San Francisco. I olT-r- ed for sale. The Lan.l of the I'hinta'ion comprises up- l.UILDEIl AND HOUSE CARPENTER, " flMIK I'NDERSIGNED MANUFACTURE .V Ai.i.kv, - - New c " IIixpks, ship Metacom. STEAM ENGINES AND ROILER.1, respect that was given to the others, and mig'it pro- Importer and Wholesale and It. tail dealers in General Mer Swiit lledford. wards of lO.'ill s, and has upon it iilMKIO Colft-- hitherto occupied bv Messrs. Watson A: Leonard, Il IlKVhV A. I'kiio'K, - - Itoston. Arri At the stand " Oscar dk GitAxnsAKiSK, ship Nil. SAW, FLOl'R A S I) SI 'tl A R MILL MACHINERY, ceed north when they went. He and his colleague chandise, at the old stand, corner of the King and N ti.s.1 Trrrs. Tiie laud i.s well adapted to the cultivation of sugar on the Swiii Premises, King street. With every facility for j . tn ship Gen. GEARING, SHAFTING, GAS AND WATER PIPK, str.-eLs- II. W. SEVER ANCK will continue the Ship Chandlery and uueucnniiH-reii- hoi.i .y " Dabmasdaritz, d'Hautpool. near the large Moil.? Church. Als. at the Store cane. lie estate is ami win ree doing all branches of IK-SCR- allowed that every stipulation had been fulfilled by , Itu-m-- -. Kv.-r- e, 171 IRON AND CASTINGS OK E ERV tr.-et- Commission at the Old " Lkbasi ship Caulaincourt. tf AND ItRASd formerly occupied t.y C. 11. Nai.olson. in Kinir opjM Stand. description of Simple Title. For full particulars ami terms of sale, jmpiire of -- - 11- who to exchange rati- Ag.-m- Ship Chandlery and M re.juired hy will iO'.-- - V. ION. the latter, had arrived in time ttftC Seamans Chas l. f .r Jayue' Medi-ci- Miippitig, le tf SNoW. JW "W o i- Is. lr. kept on lour rat-- s. 14 lM-- oocl public Having every facility for doing good work in the best manner. fications before the year expired; but their duties ia ll5-l- f hand and f.r sale at .Ml tc the advantage, he respectfully solicits a share of patronage. -- r. .TO II A A I. RX . I21YS, and at very reasonable rites, we have confidence in calling th connection with the other treaties prevented their AValer Lots II IIATII requiring any work WIM'O.V, KK'IIAKDS A CO., Wiiikahaluhi Having secured the services of a first rate workman, he will C O M M I S S I O N M E R C II A N T , attention of parties in the Sandwich Islands conipleting tl.;s ceremony by appointed day. J. II. WOOD, Chai.dl.-rs- , K.N in our line to our establishment. Orders will I executed with the -- r Ship Ileal. r in General Merchandise, and Coinmis K r.MlKKSICNF.I) IIAVIXI UK also tld Turning ami Car- Manuf.i tiin r, Imn.rt.-- an.1 Dealer iu R..ts and She of every of Cabinet Mahiiii!. CJ dispatch. Thee condition and arrangements were put in . llarn.-ss- , sion Merchants. Honolulu. H. I. appointed agent for the sale and lease the to hi other business. ii' l'lace. Syalney. description. Sh's? Fili.iii.es. Pump, S..e, T riage Work tiii' F. L. act Keep constantly on hand a full supply of every Stuff sawe.l and planed by machinery for carpenters and Ui ference to W. L. S. 104 -- XT Messrs. Hants k Co. will receive order, and tt writing by the Commissioners. In their 1 and Patent Leather. Calf. Goat, Hoc. and llu. k Skins of X.r XT Orkkx, Honolulu. I. 6m merchandis.- - required Py whale ships AVaikahaliilil Lots! others. our Agents in Honolulu. alises, til"vvt. Foils, and Masks, Hl.ick and others. Loi-- the of Ship Owner, they explained the reasons of their remaining at Trunk. SiiTit.t: Mon.-- I to call attention c. GODDARD, I1AXSCOM KANK.IM, " 5. adiaiice. at the lowest rates. now of- h. lf:wf.r?. vTTlljTM2I6 inif, llmshes, Rrick Sh.sr store, corter of finely situated of land which is C Shanzhai f..r s long a period, but ?a;d that they H'T'. and others to this tract X. It. General lumls-- r business will be conducted as hereto- Proprietor. and Merchant ,.. Honolulu, II. I. tf R. f rences : fered iu lots at reduced rates and ou liln-ra- l and convenient un-eftl- -d the best selected stock would !tart f.r the north as soon ns the Messrs. Swirr k At i.kn. - - New Ile.lford. fore on the Fort Street Premises, where CISTOM HOCSE Jt CDMMISSIOX AGENT term. . will he sold on the most reasonable terms. lbo-t-f MAXGONI I, NEW ZEALAND. points wer arrange-- They aTluded to the necessity CKOKCi: C. MHERS, GlI.KoV, Ali.ks .V S.x, - " Plans nny -- en and all particular learned by application LOOK YOUR they were under to go overland; but when the three Manuf irturvr and iu Tin. Sh.-- l Iron, and Copfs-- r ware. Wn. Wn.c.i, - " to the nu at l:..l.rt '. Janion's Ituiiiliugs. XT Shipping supplied or; the most reasonable terms. Lat TO ROOFS! Kaa.-.un.aii- strs-t-. C. S;aldine" H. Wm. GriioKt.. - X. It. Earlv ai.tdicatioti should le-- made for choi. e HONOLULU 35-- S., long. ITo SS.E . 41-l- y Ministers ratifi-ei- ti r.pesite J. Honolulu. lits. retched Peking the exchange of the Summer Tin and Copje-- l'ume(, Itathin.; Tul.s, Iesrs. Til. mas Knowi es .k Co., - W. L. GREEN. e 1 ns of their treaties would at on.-- made, F. and Show.-- Hai!s, Tin and Zinc R":ini;, an.l a iren- - W,-T..- N II I M, Ks.., - Atreiit for the Sal-- : of Wa.kahalulu l..ts. AMP.ROTYPE Sc DACUERREAN GALLERY! S V. 1ft AH I.. In thi' manner the relations between the seve- as..rtiu-i- it of Tir w i re. Miip work rtrrutnl with KRf lOHI. PtlikKR. Ks., . Honolulu. Oct 21. W.S. Ul-t- f W(MM)ltlFr, erl I ,v , I A I . K AND to dispat. tf j Messrs. Wn. nn lies - " II PC II N L E R STO R E E E P E R AND F:LASTIC FIRE WATER be pla.-e- on per-Ttune- nt atnes. arid h. . IBATENT ral part:es to these compacts will a - I buildings of every description. IIfnhv A. PtK-i- e.. Esi - Ihst.n. .MOST IM'SIUAIII.K and PHOI'OGR VPUS taken in th. highest perfection of tiEyHHAI Adl'.y r. Goods bought and sol.l ou Cora for .... . TIIK DE- - I D Family all the virtues with none of THK an amicable f.s.ting. and all their provitivns Hi ti.kk. Sisk A Co., - the Art. (lOi-lf-) F. H1NDT. mission. Ship anil Stores put up at the shortest notice Thi material iiossesses a ah i:i:, W. Corner of Qikkn's Road and Pottim.kk .street, FECTS ASPHALTt.'M, lieing more elastic- and durable ausl carried out to the common advantage of all." In i'tai ' Chas. Rhooks, - - San Francisco. Hesidence in Honolulu for S lie Huijkon; iF A jent for the Sugar I1ai.tati.si of Aiko. it Papakoa, an.l 1", A Co., - : Refers Thomas A. C less brittle, while it it erfeA.1ly h: rer Mr. Ward t. k precaution to ppe.t - ' Mssr. Minfas. M'ixf XT to J. Cartwkk.ht, J. lr, the at I'ulo. III. : ln;ert.-r- and Wli..eal- anl Retail le!- v il I.I.Ms ; - New Lon.l n. TIIK CNDKRSHJNKD OFFERS IIOWLAXD'S Sl'ALDINi.. Honolulu, Saridwichlslands. 104 Havks, -- ; on f r his dw -- Ilinj; and ou t tr. et. ly Seen re Again! Fire and Water. w!,at had a?re.Iy mentioned, and Mated tiiat na er iu China have hand, f.r sale, at their e.tah 175-t- f C. A. V n I iaMs - Hoiiolulj. sale ti.l f.i., mI-- - th- d- is rrf-c- of having lieen thor- - King stm-t- a i l na, Afaui , L The pr. inis- s are anion.' - m st siial le and .11 12 It a t re.istent the atmoihere, he had .'orn.aKy proffrre-- l them the President's rati- ment "ii H"iioluli, at no u i i, v. . r it , a ii oiiL'hly triinl in England of the United ColT-e- I in Honolulu. The building contains a ri: Xeir and various part, Mol is-- Syrup, an large and central main i fication regard.tl the S.ik'ir, T' i, a 5s..C. everywhere within the Mipulated time, he l i HORSES, SADDLERY, States, includinir California and Oregon, anil baa aned ass..rtnieiit of geii-ra- ii.erch.iu.liss; . Parlor, would call the attentios of 59-l- y INSURANCE; CARDS-- lNIKRSIfJNKD been found to be the exchange as havinz Keea made ilr jurr, and that all Honolulu. Auu-- t 12, 157. j Dining r.s.in. of his Friends an-- l the Public to his Room., over the rights .lepen. lent thereon accrue.1 from that date. Red room, TPacific Commercial Advertiser." Printimr orhce, (next to the Chen pent nntl Rent Roof in I'm. 'J children" sleeping ro-m- i of y been com-p'ete- d. THOMAS SPKNI'I'Iti rou Post otliiv) where he takimr Picture which, elegance Call and See Tliein. It can also be laid over ' after the ai;knt Li.ovirs. . To arrarcenient , Men-hants- - - exct-U-sl- bl Ship Chandler, Ivah-- r i i l Merchan li.-- and C mnrr ssion The nr.ieri--ne- to to Ship own.-- and Pantry, sty!- and softness of tone, camn t Is- the English and An.l r..- m. their Exce.Irncie. Frnch Merchant. Hon.4i.lu. S. I., ke. e constantly n hand Shipmasters, that he t.a the appointment ol bath H-- iug in constant receipt ..f X. w Slock. Chemicals, kc, he is A CHOICE L.T OF NO. I HOG SKIN Ienky Hoof of Tin ltd other Metals. n.litt. T!i--r- - th-- " Oth t - arc two eott.ie- on premis s, one containing saddles, which are warrant-- d to be the hestarticle of Order filled any tiart of the country, accmpanled Willi llenipiter.tiaries. rrachel Shanghai on the of an a..-rtmeii- of ti n of g sl re- AGENT al the- !,l.iud LLoVD'S LoXimN. al. to take Pictures with all the latest improvements. t etet.ive f.r si.s-p-.- dr.-s-i- . ; and paiK-r- . in for of which negotiati ns with the quire.! hy whal.-shi- and o"h-rs- loi-t-f R. C. J AN ION", two and apartineiit the other fine Picture taktn on Glass. Patent leather, India the kind that has been this market for some time. printed instructions application the material, it Jane. The se.juel of their - tlres-in- 17 i. ro-.- ij There are of of i.r.-er- . provision. poii; and a a artuient. ais a Rul.U r, warrant.-.- to give entire satisf,iction. There is also a cheap lot saddles to auit cheap and simple. by Phippmc furnished with all kind 4c., I Ac, and Chinese Commissioners was briefly rrferted to the two wash house, w.wd h mse, sta-bl- -. Isold in barrels of forty gallons, at per bar re L Alto, la at the hoc'.-s- t resirr. at the verr lowest m.irk. t price. I'l.onr.Ns .rvaiits N.ll The Public are invited to and examine specimen, Customers. flu Mr. Ward, d ted - sTAPi'.Nimnsr. f latter in a ron.muni.raf ion to the y advanced for wli.il- at the lowest A f. Ilr-i- u lr-.xle- Ihnir.1 I'nderwrit) "1 house, etc., etc. m-t- r W. F. HOWLAND Artist- - FOR SALE half barrel. XT Mn r" t. rate. .rent r the and of r All - a luj-t- i I h.- pr-iii:- are s ij.j.ii.-- witfi vall-'- water, ami a t.riclc A barrel will cover 800 square feet of metal. in whi h they tol l hirn that the Alliel Minis- f rl.i-m- the ;inl 1 also A bugcy horse, kind and gentle, that luclv mav lri". e Lira llfh. n, in barr f water, with force beca'i-- e or alft.,ut Kingdom, will be c ui.unin.' l.i ls. (lS'.i-'J- m) R. il. ROBIN. ON. . ters could not r main longer in Shanghai, this have to certified huu. buil-linc- anywhere. D. W ATEHMAX. r..p. pump, whii h ad Is to the of the VieMS of Honolulu JSoxx-3- C. r. tf r. Cirovilftr. so Maj-st- v Kani"h.-m--Ii- thtimef.r exchanging their treaties is near at ' A. Tift.. Royal patent from His III. AH orler promptlyforattended to by W ATE KM IX 0.. ,, ' A PERSONS VISITING OR RESIDING were therefore to I. Is.'---- Apply to il. M. WHITNEY. I.L notk:k. H. PUKKITT, Ag-- nt, hind;" and as they thftnsehes CO MERCII 1.YTS. HE NOICIilERN A ssl'R A NC K COM PA- - on these Islands, should not fail to send a Set of G. II. XVOLLD J. f.-- rXI)F.RSI(;EI) ae r Mr. WO.V ny, (es.abl.shcl lvW.) For Fire Life THE ISMra 133 California street, San Francitoo. Peking on the 13th with their retinues, at;. ntn pai. to the interest of the Whalitnr Fleet, by T' and Asurance at RiirrM' Vi-- of Honolulu to their friends abroad, inform the public that he will furnish ox ETial home and abroad. asth- - y will convey by f ir a - r idea of the Scenery. Habit, Wan! could do so when he pleased. the tunushiiift! fun purchase and le of Exchiture, iil, carts, ox yokes and felloes made in the . B. T. At. oV no a -, I. I GO. exchange:.. of place, any works or print ever pub in on H-- n- tietjer.il Merchandise, and lhe o! Capital .."!," Slerlint:. Customs, etc., this than mot substantial manner, and at the low rchk. The impression which was left the minds tf The undersigned Ik n . has appointed Asent tor the Sandwich Lsh.sl. To he had of E. Ul RGESS, est price,. All work done bv me warrant-.!- ,V: those who l.earl the remarks of Kweiliang and REFERENCES. R. C. JAN MX. f F'ort street. lsr,9. WM. H. WRIGHT. iii:s o cowiut, - in Isaa-- A N Knloa, Jan, lo, (l!3m'j Hwashana in relation to visits, and Mer. II i Ati. Ja., .k Co.. New f. at Honolulu. EXC II f K tN sN FRANCISCO. POLE AGENTS FOR thee pr.red E-- W. .. K I' .i r. do. s ALE IN M'.MS Tt SI" IT. Ill aS: their own with their objects, was very L7"R A: TUKAT MNSLi:V'S .MKLODIANS, connection M ..x. r. .sr. & '..., Sin Friiieic. A (il'.XT FOR TIIK I Jl.l-tf A. HARRIS CO. A 11 XI S A I I In i: Y , Phelan's Jlodfl Rilliard Tables, tr.ng that they were sincere in their how-san- plans M. R' m . Mkrkii L. do. New Haven. Conn. It I'M New Yorlt Don ral of I'mlrrn I" AT OLD STAND ! bring this perplexing and difficult mission to a - rilrr. EXCHANGE FOR SALE. NSC R PASSED FOR SWEET- - THE t The nn.lersiirne.1 tak- leave to notify Merchants, Ship Master, ss, rii'hue-- s an-- l promptness of tone. All 1 PITMAN, II A NG K ON C 1 1 A S. O prosperous Conclusion. is much to regretted II. Ac, he ba lt-- duly a EXC W I.COTT th.-i- r JCST RECEIVED PER "COMET," It that ap.inted Aent tor the SIGHT ., to R ( varieties furnished at the American retail N'.-- - Sin Irancisc f.r sal. , iu sums suit, ly a choice lot of V York Hoard .f : that they would not on the responsibility of SHI CHANDLER. I rsrit- r. p.l-t- t. s venture 13-- f J.S.WALKER. nc Hogskin saddles, ' tf ALEX. CARTWRIGHT. 1 . violating the of their post, and go by one of IMP.JRTER AXD IE AI.ER IN G EN KR 1. M ERCH AX DIsF. , J. Xo. octave, scroll - $ 75 Side do.. EXCHANGE. J C octave, scroll ) Round black bridles. the steamers at their service; their declinature, with Hilo. Hawaii. I'OU 3 o octave, piano style 100 ' A(;i:xt TIIK California and Mexican saddletrees, all the information they possessed, what they X. It. M advanced on Whaler !U-- tf XCIIANGE ON SAN FRANCISCO. IN 4 5 serpentine 110 ny Rio. Liverpool l iiilcrwri Association. sum to nuit, piano, And a large assortment of und.-rsiti- s 1. av-- . K at o thought With I - 5 piano, fancy 1J5 they would incur by such a step. the ; The to Ship owners, A- CK'S. a l Ij.ii a n a ii. . YuX H'I.T HEI 6 pi mo style fite bef.-r- who can wonder ? Still co.. and Ship mast. r. that he has received the appointment o lia NVMxii:K, of Kiying them, G.-n- mel.-iia- G - Dealer in ral Merchandise, T Or.-ar-i double bank onfManufactureil expresslj- for this market. Sl.ip Chandlers and Ai.KNTatth.s.. f..r the LIVKKI'OuL I'XDKK A NC1S ). 10 more deplorable is it that they did not state at least EXCHANGE ON SAN FR be F r further 199-l- K. Tl. ROB IX SOX. I. A II A I X A, M A V I, I! . I. WRITER'S ASSOCIATION. Frfieht and duties to ad particular, what they knew defenses at Taku. ami the ar- lui-t- EXCHANGE ON SAN FRANCISCO, IN pleas.-addres- s D. HALDWIN. of the l R. C. ANION". - I. Lac. lit:. f..r , J Ship suppliej with recruit. tiooJ storage. Cash J S.l to suit, for s.k- by 141-i.- rangements ma le receive the foreign Ministers at - I.nhninn, Maui. : to fiirnislie.1 f..r bill .f exchang- . t Tl F I'. rp. imoi:i:k PATENT COMHI.VATION CUSHIONS, e.. Pehtang. Tbeir only observation to the American Fire Insurance Nolice. A It RIG II T HAY HORSE, Le?aM.-- AT v i.iid, by imp.rte.l IN CALIPOKNIA AND OREGON. on this point, was "that the Toyinm IKIM.IIS CO. THK NORTHERN A SSC R A NC K CO. tiio.iifsoa a.:vilm,i:, Four Years horse n an-- l GENERAL NOTICES. "OREGON," out of an excellent Mare, one Ship Chandler a:.d Coinm:-i-- in I BLACKSMITHS, ou!d not Itf allowed to go up to Tientsin." So Idlers DKRSIC; NKI notify to those cov.-- .Han ii Ij.h.iina M Whal-- 1IIK IN t. ,nr will Mares this year at Kahuku, factory and Sales Ilooms, is IteneriAl mi. r fu: ihel t:-- i fiAV m-- I :n vr -- m 11 responsi- , wf.t tro o'r.c? ISO 1S2 perhaps able to the degree of their :ic-- A i"ui or Oahu. at JlOeach mare. PIONEER is ASTJ MONTGOMERY STREET, CAL. n.. exchange f r 4"..iit-T-- r wi'h at the shortest in tresis tl :r w;:. m th- prttiipt- 4f ..;iol' :In, th'it i Ti OPPOSITE TIIE CUSTOM HOUSE, bility, knowledge i-- a very gentle hone, good in saddle and through and determine their of the latter tf t . NOTICE. XT Purchases '.f tables and apparatus ran be made or bill. of cnrin.i-- t f larj- h- th N" . KM Ms my power rf Attor harness. Mare are requited to remain for two or three D. CART W RIGHT, with the - el- .tr--ts- . VMCF.L F.RSON A If , A. particular, ail who are acquainted tiuii'hiik- t "ircih r in n. ri-- fro-- ki::ird--tn- . k UOVK f.r r:irr"W iiir--' i':i lim- n y .luring mv a.s.-u.-- this THE HAVING Pl RfllASED they taken care of in ..cure paldi-ks- with 171-Cr- a In-- is- - week, will Ilonololo. reticence of N. in tfin I t!i"-- . s the pr;n. s formerly by Af. .V. Mittirwi, s Mafecraft of this people, are aware of the s. i:.mi:kso, , will t.ikn. it:. air a tv II !. 1 !. tl.-T-l- .'. S. EMERSOX. plenty of and wat- - r. at $1 a week. Every care taken, l -- I' T MTi!iJn'!i-- Country -- reiiA-w.-.- t- - ev-cut- (.'art its uuwillingntss to Wai.itu, 'ha, in i'nt nl lro taeti wnl not on the expiration of th-- ir nns. 5 are prepared to Ship. Carriaite and Apply to functionaries, and also of their e m.-s- but no jirtsibi;ity incurred. R. C. e Work, the shortest notii-- and t reasonable r' : J AM. IN, 195-Ht- n R- - MOFFITT. interfere with proceeding of others over whom fij-t- - nti.-- bus::i--s- s n the f Airent for the Co. Notice. term, and hos.- by strict att to to erit a "hare afw iiussc stoui; b-- their direct does not extend. In judging c! of th-- - public patn-nair- h so lib. rally red. 105--tf authority I'NDKRSH. N KD htivinr .".! his M tore FOR SA LK ! CLAY UEKWIti, IIU'U.II-HUi:.MK- N 1 -- r- k thc?e point, some allowance may be made for per?oi.s J. WORTH. II T in H..t s:re. t, r".iu t that all a.'C..u:rts due tie - and Merchandise, d. A A CAR tzya- intrigues Dealer in General Hilo, Hawaii. Ship supplied wln-- I iv- - r.-- tinnv tim- -. nine be forthwith GOO D. SAFE XI) GENTLE !?( Clay Strerl, San Francisco. -l to the caprices cf a despot, and the sh rt.-it t snitwble a use. Califaraia. with at the notice, on reasonah. r.ns FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Ail letnainine uns--ttl.-- aft.-- the tirstdav of Aj.ril wi'.l In handed thoiias, RIAGE for lady's Forsale of tf i:o.:i: . rival. Bills of exchanire wanted. to .solicitor f.r c...!-etio- n. FRANK SPKNCKR. 31 A Apply t PIANOS AXD MELODEONS, Pou--hiita- A. . - SON, .j-;- Mr. Ward left Wusunz with his suite in the t'XIF.KM(;XEl). er.ts f the al".ve Cm- Honolulu. Feb. J4. I'.C-- it H. M. WHITNEY. I p any, ar- - pp t. ir.-- to insure ri ks against i: lo... LD CALL THE ATTENTION OF .SHEET AND BOOK MUSIC, flag-shi- p N. I.1TN K tire roi . Commodore Tattnall, haviny II. It, T puM-- mat.-riai- Ha- - the of I the to his of consisting of r aS.ut lloiioluiu. HAN;iN(;S. IiOKDKi:. Ac. Continue hi '11 business at the re st. re in Makee's new f.re wa-- PAPFU FLUTES AND S, the chartered steam-tend-er Tofifvun iu compang. For ..rticui irs aj ply at the office. NOTICE. in Lime. Calif mia Lime. Brick, Cement, Fire Clay, Piaster pro-.-f . i.1 i 1 Pei-h- 1:1 at st.i occupied by Dr. A 1 or demand, against of G. Til-- - and Fir- - Brick, his yard, op-.si- te the IOLI ASSORTED PAPER. and o on the st of MELCHERS Jt CO. I.L ERSON'S htvimr claims the Paris. rtnan at "ilWl1 1 l reached thi mouth of the ..f ":i-- .i:.d Klahiima-.- . 160-l- y t oj rolls assr.rt.-t- tyonler. H .fTtnann. r m. .! 1. . e -1 1 iit ACCORDEONS AND FLUTINAS, street. 11. 6-- st at- - f I. id 1. is .1, the City Market, on King 'J ,J' were al- I Ilono.uht. Oct. 157. f.iwt. by June. The Enzlish and French Ministers Chr..:i.-mete- rate by :.s ,.f th- - sun and s:.r, s day-d- th- The above invoice was selected expressly this market . within thirty to - un. a:.d all Es-j.- . VIOLINS AND (iUITARS, lju-t.- -l t- - B. is largest l iustrun-.- r:' lv a -.l 1 J. F. Marshall. and the and t assortment ready there, an I a fleet of 17 steamers under the with a transit the E. HO FFSC IILA Ef; ER &. ST A I" E N" 1 1 O U ST to fi- - sal estat are re U- to make pivr.iont to the .V of Honolulu. Purtieu .r att-rit:- uiv.-- t- - fine Earvey 1Ic:iynioiil, ever imports,rin.l will sold at low rate by JJAN.JOS AND TAMIiOKINES, e.mman 1 of Admiral Hope; which, with the French A sau.e parties. S. J. LADD. watch and pia iraut classe silver.v! linn for lhe PAINTKKS, fiLAZIKRS. till.DKI.S AND PA- - C. 11. LEWERS. BRASS INSTRUMENTS. , 'orzazuray, made in I .1 UNDER-WRITER- !.',- friate Durhuytu and tender an and iiauti constantly ANL S. tf Foit Street. I'lrtrt PA US RilRliEACX ni.RIS OF C. Tl. P.lsUMp, filled by one who understand 44-t- pf:h for was an-- l han;kijs, Discretionary order music 'l 21 steamers nt anchor outside of the I!ar. It r.n hand f.r sale. f of estate r.f John l.ol.l. SHOP l. A.VG STREET. IV.-l- v the want of pupils in all stages of progress. reported that forts had tcen rebuilt since last C3 11 fine aatoH-me- nt the ClIAHLKS W. V KNT, I T Y II A It ii. T The subscribers oall particular attention to their year on Utter principles of fortification, and three or IN' AVIS AI' m N, of Pian-.- s wfjet comprise a full of IntrumcM d w in- prm.ic. Id in ral ors" Notice. CONTRACTOR AND RI ILDKR. The rsi.rned .uld following-celebrate- : four lir.es of heavy timber booms laid vU-- Air-n- t l- - IIONOLl'M" SOAP WORKS, H F. I'NDERSIGNED II AVINK I'CR- - from the ir.aker iron stakes and th- - tak-- n Lrs tiy'itit noninit'- pour . form hi friend puMic, that he ha and MIE I'NDERSIGNED. II WING UF.EN I the int.-r- st of K.J. mith in the Town and City tol I -- As-i.r.-- itr l A it.-- R;.-h- cros the channel. The Admiral had already on F rt tr t, op--it- C. r ni irititnos ..le et cle iy im.nfr f t'.e if J.hn T ALLEN it CO., up the pretn:. Puri Iiorleitix, Mark- -t i i Honolulu, lately rarr.e.l on by Bradley ex Co., BROWN. W d- - the I - t ! Is .:e f a. il. u. Maui, e. hep a'.v,- i. .ti.-- AV the Chinese purpose of his a rival, ' a C sill" ENTER SIl'iP. an would that U Caj.i-- to AV. A I. n.-s- c ou of A: at the forts the S..re. . p'll.Iio '1 I J. It INS. ls.tf bu will arried uii.b r tne name 1. R. H ALLKT, DAVIS CO., ft t I th- j thea'-at-t;- s .atr.-iuL.'- ber-t- of re ... I - I w- Al! ..rl.-r- ' ite t.-s-t and d through r.:iv l. in - iv-- i iii'irch-in- I l"f Ida ; Co.. who lo furni-- b the .(uality of butcberh At sired them to open a passage . line- le n t ito.-i;- .jui t . an I to all p. s t WOODWARD BROWN, v rv ;! PI s;- - ii and I;; cr.t m-- ;.t h ves-el- s. go tie it... THE IlilMILI IRON WIIHKS, whir is' can and the patronage of bis Itritish Minister might e. ; le r- . to pr- s :.t th- - ...-.- pr p. Lr & f.r that the .. sf.er. .:h pr t:.p...e.. ;.t.-- i.s y.i'iine, en partio ulier. 'j'lf l itis .th s r. r . to or th-- .U''1 r. Bo.VRDMAN GRAY. to to do. W. I I t- - I I'NDERSDiNED . At T.entsin. This they had declined Cll KLKS NC EXT. u !.s c is .jiij iiur iicnt lion in res oif.ft.-- . kind ma. hu.. ry. m.;l wn. 1 146 t? D. R. VIDA A CO. ..h..!.s,fr.-- c ARH RT NEEDHAM. 1 Fl-- RD P. Mm s ten- WIND'iW r -- R.iND. . -- , S The tid? allow dispatch-boat- and ft !"... SAll.a..d ail ..tl.. artich t j;.- -, i'.s cr .,r-- j, a .1 i Al-- G. A. PRINCE Co. R.4itan iolm and Ouitar Ptrlnpi did not the 1 las no! 1. V.1- ri i.t, filto r it Feb. -' ' w. i. t miou to h e l 1. g. const ii.tiy on Land and - li. Hi" i.urrr I . l.ati-- pri.-- No charge for packing hlppiluf. Or ders iTn!f. - s art Ac. ri and l ! low. extra and to cross the I5ar till the 24th. by which day, I 1 t.i.Ait;t V- er ,,t anvil. made t: a sr. r.ns if em js.tir . or-lr- rikn A der, forwanled through H. M Whliney, of Ibnoluiu, will fourteen and I sRESII SEEDS "ON ST XTI.V .S'orzagariiif t GRDEN- of them, including the l"NNV UAGS. HV tn:ti. tin r. les t'-- n FOR SALE bfif asiireiir. OLE LEATHER FOR StI.K H V Irn snd and n.i.lity ' f miI." eoJ f r sale. 1 on haul a- I f r '.. at t1 " Hawansa Agricn'.tural pnmpt'.v ld to 1 A I ! if DUTCH K! A v bt WF-T'.- rt.nMt on G 1" tf II"KI HI tli.CK FT TFN H"KT s A M.M'.D"II 2 't ! M N .. . Ii..l. j i'o tf ITlm I 1 Leap" "r (For the 1'ciC Commercial Advertiser.) Year. A Scotch statute of 1228 did twenty-fiv- e years ago ? The fact is, the do- rtA, j Spring Fleet or Whalers. THE NOTES OF TIIK WEEK. follows : It is sUtut and ordaint that during PACIFIC circum- 1 mestic training of this people, in the A SoHleny an the Saul. reine of her maist blissit Magestie. ilk forth vilf SBarTA- means any- Qcees's Hospital. The following is the quarterly known as leap year, ilk maiden Udye i. I- air's bams. CArTAI3T rsoM. moTttu orr.j g,. m-- bocsd.; sailed. Commercial stances, is more a question of than this spark of both giwBB Advertiser. What means this fluttering inhabitant, and low estait, shall hae liberty to liw tr thing else, and can only be secured at great ex- report of Dr. HillebranJ. to the Trustees of the bespeak va m January 23 Ilibrrnla . Hoablne !. of fire celestial ! Within this earthly tabernacle she likes ; albyit, he i Booker 27 45; ... :CondinuKd Queen's Hospital : if refuses to tak hir to ba h February 1 1 Mfeorge Wsh;ngtoo Brightmaa Off Hawaii 2i .. Arctic Feb. 24 pense, which neither the government nor private years of time; when morn- wif, he shall be mulcted in ye :::!::::!: i Y, dispe- thou hast dwelt, in early sum of ane rxmnrr 13 Repuhlik (Branca) Sayer Somtr Islands IS Arctic Feb. JA TJIURSDA MARCH 20. Gentlemen : Since January first, 2G4 new less a liberality, to any extent, can afford. with or as his estate moi be, lfOmr-r- Sanborn Tahiti 2S " .. Arctic March 19 great ing d.twned on earth, thou didst connect thyself (1) except and awisi 11.140 Several of the late numbers of the government nsary-patients for hospi mak i l AaMvjea Bryant JCape 8. Lucas ..Arctic Feb. ac The editor seems to think there was a great have applied relief at the this bo3y and he can it appear that he is betrothed to j the frailties of roort&lity. Between a.e CI 'Cumet (Oldenburg) Wilheini Bremen m ...'....I. ..JcboUk March 14 organ L:ive contained articles on the eubjeet of tal. 0C4 prescriptions have been made up in the woman, that he then shall be free." 27 'Majestic Cheater iMarguerita Bay 31 ...I 50. ..lOchotok 19 falling off in regard to the religious instruction thyself there has existed the closest intimacy; thou t 97 'Monmouth jOrmsby (Marquesas 3" .. cnoik 12 Kuication". We liave porpoeely abstained front same space of time, which number also will represvut 1 KoUi.-w- of the schools, occasioned by the course pursoedm with it in all its wants und woes; March D. Thompson iCoaa of California yj a hast sympathized SALE I $ J. !suyer H commenting on tiu-i- till now, not because we are tolerably correctly the aggregate of consultations rO'! i 1 'Kcpubuk (Bremen) 'Sea, mutiny on bo'rJ 13 Arctic 12 denomina- thou hast lit the fires j OX j.Neal by the government, in ignoring their thou hast bloomed in its beauty, THE PREMISES THE WEST Sine. 3 'Levi Maoruerit Bay SI Arctic M imlilTerent to the great importance of the subject, given in the dispensary. During the same period, i WAS of Nuuanu street, a few rods shore the 15 6' fclectra Brown New 70 . Kotlia:!c glowed m its life, strengthened London IS 5 tional character, and assuming the entire control house-patien- ill its eye, thou hast as the "Shady Mower" premises, and ' twenty-seve- n ts been at naSSf!" V Montezuma it 'Coast of California 20 1J0 . 13 but that he might deliver himself of whatever new have received, by Capt. Mclntyre. Inquire of "pfc iwnu I of them, simply free government in its strength, aud crowneJ its maturity with honor; I 11 Alice Beebe Line 11 90 chiwk 14 as institutions 2K--- m id :u8 he has had to forward, without being which number, added to eleven piesent on the 1st cf P. j. GCLICK. 1' Juliaa Winegar Line and Tahiti 19 25;, Kod'k & Arc. 21 put and yet, between us two, there exists An immeasura- - j - for all, without any regard to sect. He epeaks house-patien- 13- Congress 2d 'Stranburg :Marqoeaas 'jo 10 January, gives 33 ts for this quarter. n .... chitik lel off into bide issues. articles on this sub-- spirit-Whe- I 15' I Ilis : distance, a strauge'eontrast of matter and n TO LET. oral maaoa Uoe is- .... WlM.t?k 15 thus ble IS Phillip 1st Hempstead Lahaina - .. .. VJ j?ct have been in Out of this number four have died, fourteen have Vr THE LARGE AND tli..tk ntther discursive, indefinite lan u Bat even this faint influence which the denominations had labor and toil have exhausted these physical on hutahumanu COMMODlora 11, MarcU , Billions Liae :m W ... . 27 been dismissed, and ten are remaining The srllK Street, formerly ..'Arrtic possessed over the moral and religious instruction of the chil- thu dy. J- - Colburn. l'lease oecn.iii. Bay :;o . guage, and incorrect in many material points. fatigue have closed these t. apply to 19 Adams Thomas iMarguerita 700 ...'Arctic In port house-patien- energies, and weariuess and ..'(K-hots- dren in school, was now to be withdrawn, in 1S54 ts 20' Cam brim Ccastand Line 17 . k March 23 about and the greatest number of present at one time J. O. CARTER, ill In fact, the general reader, after perusing them. schools were secularised, their denominational character ex- eyes in silent slumbers, and all Nature has sunk into 200-S- in Commercial 21; Fkrida c. p. run Home j 7 40, 1J0( 7 JO Arctic 23 was during Advertiser Offi , ' ' is punged, and reliiuus instruction ceased, by i.nltrof Ue depart- seventeen. The prevalence of bri weather over crea- 21 Callao roller .Home 19 ... KamartiatLa 21 left quite unable to discover what his object is, ment, to be young repose; when night has drawn her curtain 21 'Planet (Oldenburg) Hallman Bremen 5 ... Okhotsk port imiartM to the and tender who, the months of February and March, and the bad Y.y.'.'.y. la except that a change some kind in our school none at home, needed it most." tion, the hum of business has died away, the busy 22' Jeaooette jWioaloa Gallipagos 17 ... Ochotvk March 27 of state of the country roads resulting therefrom, to- JUST RECEIVB it 23 'George IlowUnd iPotmrroy iMarguerita Bay 23 "soo'I ... Orhotak JH system is sought for him. It the editor can lay his hand on a copy of this throng have left the streets, the tread of hurried and : i 24 Navy Sarveut Home 72 ISO . .. 'Arctic 26 bj gether with the extraordinarily good state of the From New York, via San Marquesas 30 3ft " order of the department" and hand it to us, we ceased; thy thoughts are busy as Francisco : 25 Hercules Atbra 24. ..'.'Arctic 25 We agree fully with the government editor on eager footsteps then ' 25 Martha ;IaUry Coast of California, 20 ... Arctic 25 general health, which ruled at the same time, have A ND FOR SA Ml BV h "750 the should feel much obliged. We have searched for the stars that shine the whole night long and never THE l:XDERSIPv 25 Onward A lieu Margneriia Bay 14 ... Oc!iotk 27 importance of the subject of education, for it caused a considerable falling off in the applications UM. ed,oneof the CHOICEST and .MOST KLKUANrVlT 25 Joan Weil (Wood bridge Coast ol California 23 ... Ochotsk 28 it in vain, and in a where it ought to be weary; and as their individual lustre is more distin- ments of Ladies' anil Oenliimpn'a !IL .". ie8 at the foundation of the domestic and social quarter I m ..-. 1 I..... m. -- I ever 25 Coostantiae (Russ'n) Undbolm Scammon's Lagoon 20 I06 ... Ochotak 27 for relief in the dispensary. With the first appearance V. 1 IW VI.k him . - contrast of night, so the )' ,rh 25 U C. Ricbmoud Hatbeway Marguerita ISay 23 700 ... Ocbouk In port happiness, the political peace very found,- if it ever was issued. The fact is, such an guishable, because of the 20C3m for sale Cheap.V A. 8. CLEOnORX-g- . . security, and of good weather, however, the attendance has begun 24 Nimrod lilowes Oaliipagos 30 ... Uchutak 'March 28 identity and discovers her if ! order never teas issued, except from the brain of soul shows her 27! Thomas Itje Hotly 'Lice 2a . v Uchitsk 24 existence of the Hawaiian nation. In his issue again to increase-- TO LET ! XT 'Henry Knecland Kelly Scammon's Lagoon 21 .. ' Arctic In port the editor of the Polynesian. From the time the when the visible anl material structure has of February 4th, he commences with a very de On the 10th of March, the hospital was moved to A STORE TO LET IX 1 Hippie- - 'Morgan 'Scammon's Lagoon 500 . - . . . Xaoaaa. . reef. a government first assumed of pub- resigned itself into the arms of a temporarj' uncons tu c .i T ads marfcrl (1 entered the harbor. Those not marked, simply touched outside. served commendation of the efforts that are being the charge the the temporary establishment on the newly acquired " 13 KlrCin In ciousness. Strange that thou dost never weary, for- - gas made, by private charity, for the domestic educa lic schools, we have had no law in regard to reli premises at the foot of Punchbowl. We have reason fitted with fixtures, and has a spacious yard In the rear rest. The wheels of thy existence ami is in every respect well adapted to the retail business. gious instruction in them ; it has been left out, to satisfied with the charge ; the new building is thou dost never COXfXXVXXSIlCXAXi. Veearla Expected iren Foreign Porta. tion of Hawaiian girls, and thinks it will inevit be ac- For particulars, apply to on and yet they never wear on 2frJ-3- m and the to own discretion, un- more spacious, affords accommodation for twenty run continually, A. S. CLKQHORX. ably lead to a separation of the sexes in all our teachers left their episode Am bark Frances Palmer. Paly, to sail from San Francisco patients, and being less cut up in small apartments count of this constant friction. There is no THURSDAY, MJRCH 29, 1S0. I im- - der the guidance of the pastors and parents, us due here about March 26 to 30. schools, " without which it would be almost than the old one, admits of freer and safer vertilation. in thy history, there is no parenthesis in thy exist- NOTICE I Am ship Samuel Robertson, Tsbcr, sailed from Boston Jan. 24, 9 rifhfiuifilA to what would offer, or religious Tst brig 37 days from M'Keaa's Island, belonging to r ulnMfa tKa iri.la Inlrt infr.TIi.Mnf worship they The climate of the new location is greatly preferable fires RESIDENTS THROUGHOUT Jfatt, wild muse w v. nrewer & lo. ence, no respite to thy activity; the that burn FOREIGN' desire to aubscrit fir the next VoIubm mere ar-- .am instruction so long as 44 of the Pbxenix Island Guano Company, is the only riant or g joseptune, atone, due from Baker s Island, April 1 to women, faithful wives, and conscientious moth- they would impart, they to that of the old one. upon the of this spiritual temple, are the vestal the liae Hawaii." to commence the first week of Anrii Che 13. altar requested to forward a riral w have had amee our last issue. brings adrices also have not neglected the branches required by the Respectfully submitted : are their names and fees immediate! t-- Am steamer Kiiaoea. Bush, seileri from New London Jan. 5, to ers." And moreover, that it will be the " end fires of the universe. There are no analogies in nature, the undersigned. from Jarris and Baker's Islands. At the former all the ships m William Hillebrand, M. D. v. A. iiiianis lo. tint Jiar 1st. law to be taught, only excepting in mixed schools 2003t Acting Editor. ii bad been kwled awl despatched, while at Baker's Island two Am schooner Nettie Merrill, Brown, sailed from New York for of the Hawaiian school system, with its mixed Honolulu, March 26, 1860. with which to represent thee, an intangible, invisible ship remained, the Dmrimg Mid Joriak Bradltt, hotk loading Honolulu, imc. Z. schools and profitless labor." of Protestant and Roman Catholic children. In The following preamble and resolution was passed and indestructable essence; the most subtle elements Am bark Hyak, Mayhew, would sail from Teekalet in all ! slowly, and wouid probably not get off before the end of March. Feb.. these, which compose a very 6mall part, say one- - ' IMHIOVAL. with canto of lumber and spars to liaekfeld A-- Co. He declares our common 6chool system is by the Board of Trustees of the Queen's Hospital at of material substances, are infinitely gross when com if extremely with the heavy that The wealarr had been bad, and this Oldenburg bark Genoa, Lubbers, sailed from Bremen in Nov., eighth, no worship has been allowed, offensive to to rays of light eep not pace m constructed the model of those of other their quarterly meeting, March 26, 1860: pared thee; the swiftest G. HOWE HAS REMOVED surf and poor anchoring ground had proved serious drawbacks iur jioDuiuiu, utbeu wnaier. after GEORGE Court square, the conscience any No " Is necessary for Yard to Tlouse on the Uvm island without any wharf. Still, it is Am bark D. Godfrey, Cook, tailed from Boston Nov. 11, with countries, and not inas- of parent. constraint or Whkrkss, It the information of the Board with thy movements; thou hast forever eluded the Esplanade, where will be to see his old is loading ship at that cargo to ffpaliliiir at all adapted to this, of Trustees of the Queen's Hospital, they may be enabled to hi happy friends and means assorted j. c lue March 20 to 30 that most patient and pro- customers, and hopes to see some new ones. He will probable that time will overcome all obstacles, and some Am ship Charles Pbelps, Brown, sailed from New London Nov. much as the girls and boys are combined together compulsion on the subject of religious instruction judge or their ability to erect a suitable building for the necessi subtlest rules of analysis; the Eutrantes or pay to sell as cheap as any dealer or importer in Honolulu. 19 a fcr more rapid shipment, be prepared. J. with coals to V. A. Williams A Co. the same free schools, has been allowed. This fact we find stated again ties tne Queen's iospitaI, to know who have neglected to found researches have failed to disclose the mysteries The last news received from the East, In regard to Pacific Am bark Wssbiopton Allston, Woods, from Boston, sailed Jnne in day and are wanting in their subscriptions, that they may ascertain whether they are 22. with assorted merchandise to C. Brewer and again in the official reports and circulars to oe realized : of thy life and the enigma of thy destiny. When to JM. was decidedly favorable. Pales had been made at satis it Co. Re " family training." While they learn with as- of Perfumery, by J. Smith & Co. rauw ported at ralkland Islands Nov. 10, repairing. Resolved, the Secretary requested to furnish this habitation 1 We the Department of Public Iustruction, and we That be at the the silent mansions of the dead, of factory rates, and a fair demand existed the article. tonishing rapidity to read and write, " where do next meeting a list of the subscribers who have not paid their SUPERIOR COLOGNE WATER, seen pamphlet issued by the American Guano Company, know to be from subscriptions amount Uue thine shall be carried; when to its mother earth, its lavender water, hare a they learn not to abuse these accomplishments it a fact other sources. But and the from each." Superior Florida water, giving lb resaM of a great number of experiments made with VESSELS IX PORT MARCH 29. congenial dust shall have mouldered; when freed let- morals, and by this we mean Christian morals, Lubiiis handkerchief extracts, Arris and Baker's Islands guano on crops daring 1859. The into forging deeds, or writing prurient love in liLOOM. A. tew mornings since we from these material weights, whither wilt thou stray ? And a genuine assortment of Son pa and J I". 8. steamship Ssginaw, Schenck. honesty, chastity, truthfulness, charitv, are iiieriues Extracts. returns are from various parts of the Coioa, and show a very ters ?" How many deeds, or other important Ac, visited Capt. Adams garden, Kalihi, to see some DKCO STORK, Am t ark Comet. rnilh. at what will be the mode of thy action, or the laws of I99-2- m Cornur Fort and Hotel streets. I I flattering result, which cannot but tend to create a demand for Am brirk Yankee, enjoined upon every teacher by law ; and by Lovett. documents, we ask, can the editor show to have fruit trees which he has recently imported, and which thy developments ? A conscious, sensitive, intelligent the guano. Am clipper ship Syren. Green. order of is duty been forged Can " the department," a part of his ; we were We CRACKERS, Ac. Quite a number of whalers have arrived during the past week, Am wb bark Kipple, Murjran. by natives? he produce a half had heard thriving finely. found the ven and individual existence is thine; what will be the! Am wh ship Henry Kneeland, Kelly. und this is as far as the law ought to go. MM) CAKES, meet of thens sfauphr "lying off and on," only bug enough to L. dozen cases? We doubt it. And if he did, or erable patriarch hard at work as usual iu his garden, theater of thy action, the play of thy immortal pow JEXXr Oyster Am wh ship C. Richmond, Hathaway. As to religious books, crackers. f procure ard mail their letters. The ships appear to be as shy Am Ttrig Arate. Lawton. if he finds occasionally a " prurient love note, such as are found in the not merely superintending, but combating with his ers, undimmed by the veil of flesh'? What will be the Butter crackers. of oar harbor this spring, as the whales are becoming of the Am wh hark Kliza Adams, Thomas. native tongue, they are in every school, of every Ginger snaps. Just rs Am wh bark Ionia. laid up. it would argue nothing more against our free own hands the ever intruding weeds. A row of extent of thy vision ? What wonders will burst upon ceived per " Yankee," and for sale by xhipa AKhT this creates rather dull times on the beach, it class ; 19?-- W. Am sch Olivia, Kedflekl. Bos- as much now as when they were under yearling cherry.rees attracted our attention, two of thy view, when unrestrained by material impedi II. SEVERANCE. is hardly to be expected that whalers win enc Inside in the Oldenburg wh bark Planet, . schools than can be argued against those of the care of the American Mission ; at least we 1 pring snlesa to ship o0 or make repairs. Haw. bark Gambia. ton or Berlin, the best jn the world. which were in full bloom, and covered with white ments How ripid will be thy advancement in Fresh Molokai Butler! duCaeas in which have never seen or heard one, without some blossoms, ! Much complaint Is made about the of trade, The great want in our Hawaiian education he of while on one of them the fruit was setting knowledge and holiness Eternity will be thy orbit, FROM there appears very Bttle prospect of hnprevement. The month I M I'OIITS. such books. In his report to the Lesitlature of quite thickly, and the little cherries appeared on it God thy center, a blooming immortality thy destiny, now dosing wta, last spring, a very goud one in almost every considers to be family training." That is very 1852, the Minister of Public Instruction stated : from the size of a pea to that of a small marble. and an unending duration thy reign. Illimitable MYERS' DAIRY ! I .ranch of business, and though a falling off was anticipated From New Loxdo per Emma Rooke. March 20 tooo true; nothing can be more true; nor is this i matter of fact, however, religious instruction is impar- will be by ear asercbanrs, it has bar much greater than any supposed. nr.cka, so bags bran. 120 bass Hour. "Asa Whether they will ripen remains to be seen, but we will be the fields of thy researches, unwearied Retfilarly received and ranstantly far sale by rrom per training to be obtained in native families. True ted freely, without hindrance, iu all the public schools; in no 19S-fl- m STEWARD, Grocer, We publish ortow the cargo of the ship Seas' RofierUon, Vbsuks fUnet. 3Iarch 229 bxs. 1 nkire. and 14 country is it more so see no good reason why they should not, and why the vigor of thy nature, and imperishable the proper J. notel street. Dates uiupeciueu muse. also. As a general thing, native children do not so, long as lb: branct.es required by luw which sailed tor this port Jan. 24. That, and the Gedftrg and are not neglected." cherries may not be raised here in favorable localities. ties of thy existence. The present is but the begin- lessons AlUtn't are the only large cargoes of assorted mercl andixe receive in their families those of modesty And in his report in 1S53, he saya : We shall watch the success of this experiment, and ning of thy unending career, the budding of thy Salmon, Teas, &c. 1 we aware being now on the way cut. There ill un CARGO u hat an of and refin tent" thaf go a great ways towards In the Protestaut schools, everywhere, the New Testament, hope to report aga'u on them. is being, immortality, the scintilla- SALMON IN' K1TTS, Urge in imports after the new tariff Of Skip Sakcil Bobsstsox, u si'cs tailed from Boston Jan owing to its cheapness, and the want of other books, is the great It a treat to walk the embryo of thy OREGON'cod fish. questionably he a decrease mc securing good behavior at school and abroad. Fresh layer raisins, tern w'01 wCling, can aanamc itiatuu t In reading book, (in the public schools,) and it is here that thou- through the spacious grounds and view the various tions of thy future glory. Strange that while within icoes Into operation, as merchants be or af young Smoked salmon. per cent, Agncuituraitmplements,cs,10 Iron safe, 1 this respect, however, they do not differ from sands of luinils are becoming daily stored with its pure fire, ii? ford, to risk huportatioM under a tea duty, and other aocnor and stock, 1 Iron wheels. 1 and elevating doctrines. On this most perfect basis more than loaded fruit trees peach, mango, orange, and other this breast there burns this spark of living it Sperm candles. increased charges, which are barely found to pay cost and Anchor, 1 Ink, bxs, 20 those in other nations. Children of the poor any other, is the morality of this jwrtion of the nation being trees which are the pride of the old gentleman, who should be so unheeded; strange that a diamond cf Fine black tea. Axe-hand- cs, 2 sugar pans, founded and built up." Fine gr en tea. Just targes ander the present rates. Iron 8 Regular Dispatch "rooms, case, Iron rivets, case,.... 1 and uneducated classes do not, to a great extent, devotes his morning, noon and evening to them, such exquisite beauty and brilliancy; dimming the received by the Line of Packrts, Iwirk "Yan- sale condemned United States Government coals took ...... I ...... Roman Catholic children also use religious (iyS-t- f) , A of Boots and scoes, cs, 15 Iron hoop, bnj'i, 344 such kee," and for sale by 11. W. KVKKANCK. There are perhaps 0 to 100 Ions, and the lot in any country, receive moral training at home, watching their progress, and warding off the attacks lustre of ten thousand suns, and shining through all Jaot on the 23d. """it! 3 Looking classes, case, 1 books in the schools, even those of the most sec- letmsht S510. Boots, ...... 0 Lumber, feet, .39,4.(6 and still they are sent to the public schools, with of insects. One mango tree, standing before the this night of time, and rising undimmed among the - tor and Blinds and fixtures, bxs 2 Liquors, cases, ...... 46 tarian character, and portions of the holy scrip- - - In sugars, we notice more firmness, and prices- dark Blacking. all their bad habits, because that is the best that house, is a curiosity, loaded as it is with thousands of splendors of eternity, should be so neglected. Urge sale have eask,...... l Lines, case, 1 tures, as their parents or priests furnish P. C. JONES, fine browa as well as refined have advanced. So Books, papers, 4rC , cs, 0 Lead, kegs, 440 them, mangoes, which hang in crowded clusters, that Jr. Baskets, can be done for them, and is a great deal better been made, nor is the stock large. nests, 50 Medicines, cs...... 27 without opposition. If this is a true statement threaten to break the bending boughs. We could not A table giving all the arrivals of whaler, at this port, up to Blinds, window, bndls. 63 Matches, cases,...... 8 than nothing. B'rto g.bfrtiscmfnts. Cloths, and let one 6how Eden-bow- OPENED A VARIETV STORK case, 1 Melodeons, cases,...... any that it is not then what leave this er of our oldest foreign resident, this date, wtfh their season's catch, will be found at bead of this , bales, 7 But where shall we look for this domestic HAVING UN FORT fcTKELT, Mia. goods, pkgs, 9 becomes King Is supply the column. We are indebted to A. Carwright, Esq--, for it, and Clothing, pkgs, 2 Nails, kegs, of the lame u tat ion of the government without heartily wishing him many years of health, LAD- (between Merchtnt and Streets) prepared to J. M training for nine thousand native children ? The PROTECTION HOOK AND - wants of his FriendB and the Public generally, in quantities to Crockery, 5 kgs. four-sco- as much care has been taken to make it correct, it may be re crates. Nails, 135 editor, that "religious instruction ceased by an his re years. der Company No. 1 ! Attention ! A regular Crockery glassware, 3 Oil though he has already passed uit purchasers. A full assortment constantly on baud of lied oa. r csks, csrpeting, cs, 4 Polynesian says "it should come from the church." Monthly Meeting of this Company will be held Crockery A glassware, crate, 1 Oil --cloth carpets, cs. order of the department to be imparted to the at Dry Goods, Craft 1 And to prove this position, lie reverts to the state thsir room on Monday evening next, at 7 o'clock, at which all whale, but, Ox yokes, 0 young and tender." Sios Raisixo. A gentle hint that a sign would be Groceries, LATEST DATES, received si this OfMce. Coal. tons. 1891 Pails 240 of the schools previous to 1840, when the govern the members are requested to attend. Per order. Hoots Shoes, Coal, casks, 39 I referred meats, Ac, bxs, 14S The native school masters, from 300 to 500 in raised somewhere on the Esplanaife, on Monday, at FRANZ BINDT, and Confectionary, ease. Paints, half brls, 10 ment first assumed the care and the expense of Hardware, ...... 1 to 201-- lt Secretory. Baa Francisco...... March 10 London, (papers). ....Jan. 22 Clothing, cases, 8 Paper, pkgs, S4 numlcr, who have been employed in the public 12 o'clock, nttracted us that way note what was Fancy Goods, Q. Feb. . teiegrapkic...Jan. 29 Candles, boxes,.. them. At that time, he seems to think things iananw, N. 15 ...... 39 Paper ami stationery, pkgs, 63 schools during the last 15 or 20 vurs, have not going on. It did not take long to discover that the Clothing, 4c. Jlew York, (papers).... Feb. 6 Paris- - Jan. 20 Chairs, cs, 10 murc, case, ...... 1 on was lacking in CLOTH BUGGIES ! - ' Hongkong 10 Cider, cs, went about right. What the excitement was about the lumber premises of Mr. SUPERIOll LINED AND A LARGE. VARIETY OF tefcrgrachic..reb. 12 .....Dec 00 Paint, cases. been regarded as competent teachers of religion, A Feb. Melbourne, Vic Oct. 20 Chain, cables. 2 kegs, ...... 53 TIlPPli! VPBV I'YTIf I'lVICIl. it Tahiti...... 4 Paint, 43 family, the church, in other words, the mission George G. Howe, whose sign had just risen over his daily per Washington 3NT . Cordage, bales,,.. Paint, casks, 10 beyond the simplest elements. This is not their YixZ?Z ed, expected " AHstn' 7aixlx.oo .....9 (2Ul-q- r) Ladies particularly Invited to call and examine the Stock. Cordage, pki, 31 Plows.. ..61 aries, made up. The State, seeing the want of new store and shone out like a full moon. We found for gale by J. C. SPALDING. otlona Cordage, .11-- office. It is the work of the pastor and his au- . Ships Maila. coils...... Plow skeletons, bndls,..'... .23 this family training, " was obliged to appeal to the gentlemanly proprietor ready at the door to greet Country Orders Domestics, pkrs, ...... 85 I'lows, rc. pkgs, 18 thorized coadjutors; and yet such religious in- COAL! COAL I COAL I Filled at the LOWEST MARKET RATES. T9S4m Fob Sax Faasctsco per Comet, April 2. Doors and windaws, bndls,. . .0 Sugar, half oris, 10 the religious element through the pastors and his guests who were almost as numerous as bees about ripo FA MI I.IKS AND HOTEL. KEEPERS I Foa LsaAixa per Xarm, Doors and windows, pes.. . . .20 Miellers, 4 struction as they have been capable of giving in Jl A choice lot of Lackawana and Lcjjixh coals, suitable for : 1 ner Lihotibo, Friday. I Doors, 266 Saddlery, teachers of the various denominations," &c. a swarming hive. Of the fare and the cheer provi- Foa Kawahab pkgs, 11 their schools, they have been not only allowed, cooking. For sale cheap, in lots to suit, by ! Foa Huo per UhaHho, Friday. Furniture. pkea...... 38 Screws, box,...... 1 And the early missionaries nobly responded ; ded, it is useless to say a word, for every one came J. II. COLE, New Furniture Store Hawaii per Khhd Rooke, Saturday. Furniture, cases.. Sewing 201-3- F. Colburn's, Foa Koba...... 6 machines, cs,. but encouraged to give, but not by authority. 6oarrftn-plac- At J. Kaahumanu street. Figs, pipes, 2 Stoves,...... 32 and for many years the schools taught ethics as away satisfied it was the best in town. ON FORT STREET, Fish, kits, 173 rtraw goods, cs...... 7 There is no authority on the subject and very Mr. Howe has selected one of the finest locations for "Yon Can Safe Half of your Market PORT OX aOZrOIsTJZsTJ. H. I. Groceries, pkrs, 29 Tubs, nests,...... 10 well as rubrics." wisely so. Because the government recognizes At the old Samsing &t Co.'s Premises, Glass, boxes...... 54 Tobacco, bxs, 21 to ask a question or two. his business that Honolulu affords, and purposes to Expenses, by Purchasing of a Practical Glaasware, casks, 9 Tobacco, cs, We pause here, just no denominational character in our public Att, ...... 67 keep as heretofore everything in the lumber line Butcher." Miss Beecueb's Cook Book. per EYREX, an assortment r ARRIVALS. Hardware eutjery. pkgs, 102 Tin, boxes H Wh;n wa3 this appeal made by the government JUST RECEIVED, Hardware, pkes. 39 tsroisb, cs,...... 4 schools, und leaves the matter of religion to the Those contemplating an extension in the area of their consisting of A "PRACT- book-cas- e, March Sch Uarcaret. from Haaaiei. Kauai. Hardware, cases, 6 j inegar, brls, to the " religious element," and in what way? THE UN DERSIGNED, Black walnut secretary and BUTCHER," having served book-cas- e, 23 Am wb ship Geo. Howland, Pomeroy, tm Margarita Haw and bonneta. cs. 10 tV ...... 5 discretion of the teachers, only requiring them domestic freedom will always find him home," ICAL for nine Black wslnut owlenware, pkgs...... 32 in state- "at years in the iVew York Markets, would Bay, 750 bbls, season. Hata, straw, cases, 10 Kicking, bales. The editor isnot historically correct this to call the Black walnut sofas, a 2t Sch Ueary. MMregor.from Kawaibae and Isihalna. llata, ...25 to pay strict regard the rights of conscience of and ready to serve them with the best and the cheap attention of Families and the Public to his NEW Alack walnut easy chairs. eases...... 33 Wagons...... 2 ment, we are properly informed. The truth BUTCHER. on one U--la wh shin bar, iiarvaat. 7 asoaths fat New Bed Hose rubber. 3 Wiiie. caaks, if all, d3es it follow that there is actually no reli- est the market affords. SHOP, Kiso Sthkkt, door from Fort street, Complete painted chamber setts, ford, ISO sperm; sailed strain on 26ih for the Nurth. bll,...... C lies in the opposite direction. The missionaries where he will be happy to serve them with the beat meat, Ilair mattrasses. 25 Am wh skip John W eus, r oodDnuge, cyan, iy uag gious instruction imparted in them ? at fair prices. 1 20 Kit WILLIAM DUFFIN. Looking glasses. to do what Sand- off and on.) PASSENGERS. appealed to the government they, The entire statement therefore of the editor on The convicts in the prison at Honolulu, Arm chairs, 25 Am wb ship Martha. Daly, clean, sailed 28th. wich Islands, are fed on poi and salmon. The latter Rocking chairs, If, wh bark Iterates, Atbcam. p. 3S humpback ; themselves, had not the means of doing. From chairs, b roBBios. this subject leaves a false impression, attributable is expensive eating in these parts of the Iiuing aaiied sasae day. the time schools first began to be established in rather FOE, SALE Parlor chairs, to. - ?AS LOW 25 8cbs Kxcei and Jeanette, fan Kauai, with 15 tons so- For Fbaxccmto per Yankee. March 27 Rev J S Green. either to ignorance or malevolence, but if we former we have no experience. Portland Trans. ALSO saota es, Mrs Starr K Gr-.-e- C W Savre. V Carew. W Johnson. Mr TO CLOSE ' gar. to bbts Ac. 1822, until 1840, they had no regular support. Always on hand, an assortment of ready-mad- e Furniture, pro- MaU- -t Ten-ne- nt, thought him inspired with any real interest for As there is no probability of our cotemporary's 24 fie Kaioaa, AaSomov ba Hawaii, with pula and - Burns. Mrs Burnf and child, Mrs and child, Mrs slating Mrs Macfarlane and son. Henry 8 Tall man. The chiefs were liberal, and being sensible of the the religious welfare of the rising race, we should having an opportunity to test practically the price of Kichmohn, Hathaway, fan Marga-rH- a From M'Kkas' bLAXD per Agate, March 26 Drys. ! Bedsteads, three sises. Bureaus, 7 ass wb ship L. C DrR II value education, gave orders to their konohikis we CONSIGNMENTS "ay. 700 bbts. humpback. dale, A MitcheU. of be gratified at the pious turn his mind has taken and quality of poi in the above institution, will AMOSKEAO AND Washstands, Commodes, Lindboun, ISO barrels COASTWISe. were CASES cs Tables, Chairs, 25 Rt. h brig 8. Constantine, to supply the school teachers (who natives, inform them that its price is about a cent and a half sheetinps, Hamilton pink printa, (Uiulie,) Curled whale, fm Csiifornva coast, sailed 27th. From Kacai Excel. March 26 Mr. Prun. wife and child. of late; for it.is not long since the same govern- Kales blankets, cs Dwight blue drills, hair, Sofa springs. rudi Furniture varnish, Ac. 2d Pch Liholioo. ha Hilo, mult pala, molsises and su- For KarAi aeritKxceL March 27 Dr R W Mood, wife and and then acquainted with only the simplest ment scribbler came down upon our common a pound, and a glance at the robust condition of Cases shirting stripe, do tickings, bales brown drills, Ac, Ac, gar to A. Harris A Cv Child, 2 Misses MKihhiit, Capt Lambert. ments of knowledge) with food, or land from the prisoners who compose the chain-gan- g is enough Ceges denims, do denim frocks and overalls, XT Varnishing and Repairing done with care and promp- 2d An wh ship Sisnrod, Howes, fta GaUipagos Island From I.abaisa ner Maria. March 27 His Malestv the Kin. schools, because they taught nothing but the Cases men's shoes, all descriptions, do blue flannel, tness. C. II. LEWKR8, . via lahaina, clean sailed 24th. n A Neilson, Ir Hutchinson,) M Spencer, Dr McKibbin, W which to get They also ordered school houses to satisfy the most skeptical that it is the healthiest Cases blue and red flannel shirts, lBS-3f- a Proprietor. n uov it. Bible and the Tilgrim's Progress." 2Cow, the 28 Am brig Agate, latwton. tm M'Kean's Island. cosier, anaoteiua. vavM KaUkaua, and 30 others. and food in the world. Cases fancy and checked shirts, do cotton thread, 24 Am ah ship Onward, Allen, fm Margarita Bay, 750 to be erected, in the ordinary native style, trouble is, they teach neither. Have the schools Oasts assorted thin summer clotl.inp, bbls. hnaipoackt aaiied 28th called upon their people, old and young, to at- For Japan. The Russian whaling brig Constan- Cases men's thick clothing, do umbrellas, 25 Am wb ship Thomas Bye, Holly, fa line, clean; FOXIT OF :L A changed, or has the editor? Or is he merely Bxs starch, E. WILLIAMS tine, sailed yesterday for Japan, taking the official sailed 28tb. tend them and learn. But in process of time talking to say something and earn his pay? Tierces sugar cured WOULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM Ills FRIENDS AND 27 Sch Kamot, Wilbur, fm Lahaina, with eU. left here by the Ambassadors to be for- hams, eases Catawba wine to be entirely inadequate ; dispatches Krig-lis- THE PUBLIC THAT UK HAS OPENED A 27 Maria. MoUena, from Lahaina ARRIVALS.- this support was found Another point, and we have done for the pres bitters, kegs pure extra and h , 28 Am wb bark Ripple, Morgan, fa Bcammnn's Lagoon the schools languished for want of support ; warded to the Emperor of Japan. So that' in the white lead, reels of , J and 1J inch 600 hsnpk the season. March 21 Am wh ship Thomas Nye. Holly, from Slsrquesas, ent. The government editor does not the lead pie, best convex plows, casks London NEW FURNITURE WAREROOM, bus e give from 24 moaths out, 300 sp, 1MH voj-ag- course of a month this, and within eighty days 29 Sch Moiketke, ether bee, fns KabuluL wh,2600 bone, ; teachers got tired of working without pay, and reason for to recognize our porter, casks Jamaica ruin, bairssalt, casus oil carpets. T s'ctock, A. M-- A wh bk eutsule. suppused to be Tempest. 1500 wh, on board. correct ceasing free of the Embassy's leaving Yeddo, the Emperor will Assorted demijohns, cases cheese, half barrels dried apples, 100 o- n- off 23 Am wh ship Oliver Crocker, Cochran, from Califor- in the year 1S38, at a meeting of delegates of the 3 best sprung boat Alas a ship SeSrgraphed Coco Head. schools as sectarian. He savs, it was "in order that from them. tons steal coals, davits, bundles nia. 17 moot hsout.700 wh, season ; 93 sp, 1500 wb, American Mission at Lahainaluna, the King, have had dispatches roun i and fiat iron, bundles hoop iron, eighth DEPARTURES. 8O00 bone, royagv ; 1000 wh, on board. the principles of religious liberty should be car casks Pinet, Castillon & Oo.'s bran'y, - XT The Hercules arrived the 23d, boiling u t yet entered. Her Koyal Highness Kaahumanu 2d, and several About Peking. On our first page, we commence 6 gallon kegs Bourbon and 3E" x- s ried out." Monong hela whisky. o Stroot March 23 Am wh ship Cambria, Pease, tor Ochotsk. high chiefs, were present by invitation, of the visit of the American Embassy 33 Am wh ship Florida, Fish, for Arctic. other It was no sucli thing. The reason given by an account to Cases Schiedam tor Kahaloi. DIED. Schnapps, 25 8rb Moikeiki. Wetberbee. Lahaina and with a view to deviso means for the more efficient Peking, last summer. We will give the remainder of NEARLY OPPOSITE 24 Sch Mary. Berrta, tor Kawaibae. the Minister of Public Instruction in his official BMs coiil tar, Bbls pitch, week. . is written by Mr. S. Wells Bbls Bbls 2 Deb Margarita, tor Hanskrt. Matt At Kawaibae, Hawaii, on the 17th of March, Chas. support of the schools throughout the kingdom. report to the Legislature of 1854, and on which it next It Williams, tar, bright varnish, 27 Am hark Yankee, Lovett, tor San Francisco. n. Macy, brother to Geo. W. Macy, of that place. (Nantucket was to Bbls Ilaxall flour, Bbls Carolina rice, Ilis Majesty and the chiefs took a lively interest de- who secretary and interpreter the Embassy. Bbls vinegar. Bbls prime 27 eh Kama. Wilbur, tor Lahaina and KahufciL papers piease copy. I " that body acted, for ceasing to recognize any pork, 27 deh Kxcei and Jrartla, r prta oa Kauai. in the subject. Mr. Richards was about the same Mr. Williams is a practical printer, and superintend- Bales gunny bags, Kegs nails, E. O. Hall's St'oie. 27 ch K arena. Aatoraa, for Kawaibae and Hilo. nominational distinction in the free schools, was Bbls Bourbon whisky. Cases cherry cordial. 1 ed for mauy years the American Mission printing es- time called to their service as teacher and trans- 1 nave Crates asstd crockery. Boxes handled axes, port or economy. " uut serious aisauvantages arisen Half bbls -- hilo. schools was not tablishment in China. bide poison. ases aiconoi. HE OFFERS FOR SALE AN MEMORANDA. lator, and the subject of for late from this state of things, (separate schools Cases boiled linseed oil, Casks pale ale, WHERE of FURNITURE, consisting of ARRIVALS. of Cases spirits turpentine. Cases currant wine, Koa gotten. Collegk. re- and raahopany center tables, C7 Cap. W. IL Alleavaf ship OavaTa,7M brla this season, for each sect.) In some places two schools arc President for OAno Advices were Cases preserved meats, Cases oysters, Koa and pine dininji, side toilet Man-- b 13 Am wh ship Onwsrd. Allen, from California Coast, and tables. the voyage. Also reports as toDows : Two years afterwards, the first school law was ceived by the hist mail that Rev. C. T. Mills has beeu Cases gre-- corn, Cases olive. Black walnut side and corner whatnots, 6 and 6 shelves, 750 wh season'; 2300 w h voyage. supported, where one would be sufficient; or Asstd lines, Cases powder, 7a - Laouos, Fsa. Fainted chamber setts, complete, wardrobes, sinks, le csaaos'a lit 18 Am wh bark American, Pease, from cruise uo oil published ; a very crude, imperfect one, it ia true, appointed to the presidency of Oahu College, and Signal halyards. Tom Koa ' 14 whales. - seamos three, where two would answer ; and hence a uia gin, sc., and pine washstands, do do bureaus,' Tempest,. 11 wkaJeS. Victoria. between Do do bedsteads, Delaware, 11 - Harmony, 14 - 20 Am wh ship Rebecca Pima, Howes, from cruise, 30 like everything else in those early days, but it only-- that he may be expected out some time during the And a variety or aesorted Family Groceries. hair mattresses, . waste of funds," is his language, and he 201-q- IiouWe and single cottage bedsteads, Kipple " Paulina, 13 - brls bUckfUh. r J. C. SPALDINO. J H - answered the purpose for the time, and prepared states such sectarian schools were not coming fall. He is highly spoken of by those capable Spring beds, double and single, koa side boards. New bemad, Urk, U that "in Sofas, lounges, settees, ottomans, footstools. eharoa. The Paris of 20th January, pub- the way for a better. This statement may be with the theory our laws," and of judging of his qualifications for the office. 21 Italt. f'iirrr. accordance of Wines, Malt A VARIETY OF la Tnrrta Bar. Fss. lishes a letter from the Pop to the Archbishops ami fully relied on as true, for wo have received our irits and Liquors. Ohio, (5d0 Wia)....14 whaanv I Kria. JOObrls. ought to cease. Sport. A Wicket club has been organized among Rocking, dining, office and parlor chairs, Fortaoa...... 8 " I Oeatalgee. 100 sp, 350 rfpaack. Bishops, setting forth the motives t( his refusal to information from one who was present at the CASKS Children's spring chairs, children's cabs. 4 Mary - Fabhas, JOObvta. or or to The legislature, both Houses, referred the sub the young men of this city and students of Punoheu fhlURTEK AXn EIGHTH MAR. Children's carriages, diirercnt pattern. George ... accept the advice the trance give above and took part the discussion tells. I'inet, United Proprietors pale and dark brandy, Capt. Prase, of bark asrrieaa, at Ullo, reports (through J. up the Ronwirn. The project of the annexation cf ! conference, in ject to committees, who rcjiorted decidedly in College. They will play their first game on the Bbls and 5 gall kegs Bourbon und Monongahela whisky, ALSO, I Kegs Tj--vJ GalUpagoa to correct his American brandy cs sherry and port wines, mmi Ceney. the knowing ships spoke off Savor and Nice to France, was being penlr alluded And we have made it, in order a i -j Furniture of every Dracriplion Made B. favor of the recommendation of the Minister, E. Esplanade Friday, at 4 P. M., and will probably con- Puncheons and barrels Jamaica rum. IsUnds: Feb. a, Edward Carry, nothing Dartoxooxh, 240 sp to by the French semi official journals as an almost because 1 Repaired. torical error of importance here, it has Allen in the Upper House, and E. P. Bond tinue the same every week. Wicket is a most Cases, dozen each, brandy, cases, 1 dozen each, rum, French polishing. Sacrasaento, 3Sw Deasinga, M apt Mary Ann, 354 sp I accomplished fact. The ttateneiit that Prussia had I. Cases, 1 dozen each, Holland gin, anchor brand, Iff ., ,. " A i , Varnishing, led the editor, and it might his readers, astray. ; and we will be up as 1 Aurora, lUOO sp I See Queen, 150 ip. Whales scarce, weather consented to the annexation is denied in reliable in tne ana tneir reports were aaopieu. healthy sport, trust it kept a Case. dozen each. Old Tm gin. iwer, Cases and barrels Byass', Bridge's, Bass' and I'pholiitering, 1 Cape matter history, the j Jeffrey's pale gM ami lni The Mini laiitte was Been off Ft. quarters. We maintain, as a of that See the lucid and able one of the latter in the permanent institution . And turn of i ale, quarts and pints. Done id Jaaaary, cutting a targe sperm whale and to all Bridge's with neatness at dispatch. Lacas about I2th of LiTtiiiT Mortality. The following appalling " religious element" appealed the State Polynesian of June 17, 1854, in which he says : Cases and barrels and Byass' porter. N. B. Orders from the other islands promptly attended to. booing. Tama tone saw the Nitarod, of S. --. dean. facts revealed by the tables of literary mortality are Trial Trip. The schooner Emma Rooke will For sale very low, in large or small quantities, by along for the support of schools; and not the "Thev (the committee) would at the same time distinctly 201-q- r to-da- J. C. SPALDINO. XT Ship JTery. took ane whale off the Rio Platte, and another not very encouraging to young aspirants for literary declare their opinion, that the laws onrht not to recocuixe any make au excursion y or down to Pearl seen no State to the " religious element," which, through rcsject-full- y ea the Hoe in the Pacific, each staking 90 LbU. Has fame : Oat of 100U published books, COO never pay sectarian divisions in the public schools, and they would I should not be re- River, to give our residents an opportunity of testing velaria this side of Cape new. ' - - - the cost of printing. &c, 200 just pay expenses. 100 the aid received from the chiefs, kept them in advise that in future such distinctions Dissolution of Copartnership. Notice tojihe Public! C cir- - ' humpback whale, while garded, in anv new organization of the free school, that her sailing qualities. The party will be composed of tor Bark Hrrrult. Atbsara, tool a return a slight pro6t and only 100 show a substantial operation, and exercised a general control over cumstauces may make expedient. They (the school rpiIE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE lyina off and onyafT OwsOue, which ma le 3d bbis. gain. Of tbesa 1000 books. 050 are forgotten by the olBcers) must make the best possible use of the mesns at their ladies and gentlemen. JL existinar between the undersigned under the name and style j of M. R. HARVEY CO., UNDERSIGNED, sjasU. last from Tsrtle Har, reports hav- year, and 150 more the end them. disposal. To scatter these among many small schools, would lie it has this day been dissolved by THE XTShip Rtmrf far end of the at of three I mutual consent. M. R. HARVEY, having every facility at hand in tb - we inquire, as a matter of history, dur- - to squander them ; fir the expense of sustaining a small school I from on Tues- - sand, wank, wailaanteriag Bolina Bay. break- seven years publicity. Again His Majesty returned Lahaina 20l-- 3t ing toecbod a a years; only 60 survive or a large one are about the same. Yet the funds must be thus Honolulu, March 27, 1S60. J. McCLYMONT. shape of aaij toiingaarlo hev filse lied, which she baa" schools were i life in her rudder Thk Wa or Spaix with the Moors. When the ing those early years, when the scattered, if we recognize the right of sects, to a separate school day last, in the Maria. Mr. Neilson also returned TIMBER AND MACHINERY " UowUnd, wHh 400 come bx le repair. BeporU John barreia. war between Spain and Morocco was about to com- as well as rubrics," was their "do-- , maintenance." in the same vessel, though in a very feeble state, un- NOTICE I would inform the public that he l War-r- tiught "ethics Capt. acasBssna's bark with two tenders, 100 bbls. Sarah e Spaioiards imagined they were going to Here is all a nut-slie- ll ; it was the voice of rTMHE BUSINESS EXIST- - -r--"" prepared to manufacture mence, the which the editor justly regards it in able even to.sit up. He was brought on shore on a JL HERETOFORE of Baa Francisco) 700 barrebC ar meetic training," ing under the name of M. R. Harvey & Co. will hereafter f have in rapidity and effectiveness of execution sec the people, and as true as the first proposition of ' be carried on by undersigned King Ox aaU Florae Carl.. Wageaa and Oz Takes, 5 no How was bed, or rather palanquin, made for the purpose. We the at the old stand, street, XT Brig Jgt it potts Left M'Kean's Itland Feb. IS ond campaign of Italy; they were going to conquer as so important, attended to? much east of Fort, Honolulu. and deliver them at any port in the kingdom at very reduced Euclid. time the reader will see tbat the 201-3- mo vessels Umm at that dale. Touched at Baker's Island Feb. 18. Moon a month. now mat two months done in this way up to 1340 ? Were there sepa- Iiy this hope the change will result in an improvement of bis t J. McCLYMONT. prices. All work made of the best materials and in the the in iut thorough workman-lik- e Vest arrived at Baker's Ialand, date not named, sailed progress been Polynesian is very poor authority on the subject anl manner. The Far have elapsed, and no serious has made. rate schools for boys or girls when the public health. Ox yokes drt.'vered in Honolulu, Ironed complete, at M ' a the 15th February, outward bound. The Josephine arrived notwithstanding: several battles have been fought, the of Hawaiian schools and education ; but we close Q?" The weather this spring has been thus far per piece. at BakaW Island on the l'lh, having touched at Jarvis and old enemies of Marshall O'Dcnnell have come to the schools were dtnominational, the platform to ! is also ready to contract for (lie puUing up of '. here, hoping to refer to the subject at another most decidedly Marchy cool and stormy, nobody JUST X'Keaa'i Islands, 17 days from Honolulu-- The Flying Dragon surface, and are organizing in Madrid a regular op which the editor would have us return ? Not at ARRIVED I mid-da- PER CLIPPER BARK mile J y. BUILDINGS on 7th. Feb.,with 1?5 loos guano. on time. complaining of the heat, even at Whether otherwise sailed tor Hampton. Roads the position to his Ministry, based bis mismanagement all. With the exception of a large boarding of every description, and furniidi the mat-ria- ls or The Daring and Jostah Brad lee were loading. Weuther bad of the war. The fact is, however, that the war was those "spots" on the sun intend to disappear by-an- d- as parties may choose. school for girls at Wailuku, another not so large : Being practical to construct bat both these ships would be loaded by the 1st of April. N. undertaken in the most unpropitious season of the The Next Packet. The Comet is our next mail bye, and give us our accustomed summer heat, is a FROM a Millwright, be is ready long. 1M 30, spoke Brttiah bark Heather BeU, heoce - on.l that th rmv at th rirMrnt mnmpnt. litfi at Hilo, and a few girls taken into mission fam- LIVEKPOOL, MILLS, tat. 36. packet, and will sail about Monday next. With the question which the weather-wis- e are discussing every WATER WHEELS, SAW for Islaod ; obtained provaiona from her. j the English formerly at Balaklava, is literally mud- - domestic duties, all of which SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OP N'EW Tmiaan'il ilies and trained to strong spring winds prevailing, she stands a fair morning. A GOODS, HORSE POWERS, bound in its position. cheap - Jar-vi- e lesaael Marlse Rrpsrt. did good, and produced some fine women, the chance of making as good a passage over as her rival. Scprkme term SELECTED EXPRESSLY FOR THIS MARKET, AND FOR Or anything in that line of business as cheap as the I him the Court. The April of Supreme SALE BY s put up ASSITALS. Lord Macaulay has left behind materials schools, throughout the group, though taught THE UNDERSIGNED, Two of circular saws on hand nd ready to Dec 10 Am dipper ship Webfunt, Hedgn, 10 days from Hono- for another volume, the publication of which may, We publish a supplement this week, on which Court commences on Monday next. The schooner Consisting iu part of those that want. Came to the buoy hnmedtately. some well as were mixed, as they One tubular water wheel on hand, thirty inches in diameter lulu. for private and family reasons, be time delay- " ethics as rubrics," Com- Kamoi, left on Tuesday last, for Kahului, to bring Beautiful New Styles of Prints, 30 Am wb ship Carolina, Harding. 15 days ft Honolulu, will be found a domestic story, entitled " Home warranted to give full satisfaction. M Went. ed. But whatever delay may unavoidably occur in are now, arid from them have sprung up many of down some thirty or forty persons subpoenaed as wit- Victoria Lawns, Having engaged a practical Cabinet Maker, I am ready bound forts." toourgs, jaa. Am wh ship Maria Theresa, Coop, from Honolulu. , the publication of the narrative of William III. and leading men, Wiltshire Cheese, manufacture f Tobey, West. onr most worthy people; in fact, nesses in the trial of the natives charged with the Marine White Soap, ft Am wh ship Oregon, boad I Queen Anne's times, we sincerely trust that at no 17 from Honorolu, bound recently announced the death Orange Shirtings, Koa or 1 a. brig Agate, Lawtun, day very distant period our country may be instructed both in church and State. But where was the A German magazine murder of Mr. II. Bigham, at Makawao, which case other Furniture Wesc of a schoolmaster in Suabia, who for fiftj-on- e years inch Baggies, at the shortest notice. XT AU orders promptly Stone, days Honohila. i and enriched by a faithful account of the part which 'domestic training" even though the " religious is among those on the calendar. Clothing, 11- - WRjG"!: Am hrgtne Josephine, I fa with ed WILLIAM feb. - i fortn- -i had superintended large institution Groceries, DsrAa-rcsss- the historian played, of the friendship which he re- Koloa, Knuai, March 10, lflOO. ' with element" controled ? And should the system an average, inferred by means Saddles. Dee. 14 Ocaan Kxpreas, Willis, for Hampton Roads, 2465 ed, of the judgments which he passed on the men and severity. From Next Mail. The Frances Palmer will probably vert to the old platform, and the schools become of recorded observations, one of the ushers has calcu- Carpets, I measure of the times in which be lived himself. If Jan. tS webtoot. Uedge.f liampbw Bonds, 140S tons guano. lated that, in the course of his exertions, he had given being our next mail of February 20th. She would Liquors, . ARTHUR & SOxj fcr Baker's Island. we might judge from those epecimens of his corres-- sectarian as ever, where is the evidence that the 5 Beer and Porter, I. fen. lO Josephine, stone, 911,500 canings, 121,000 flojrginirs, 209,000 custodes, i leave San Francisco from the 26th to 81st of March, IMPORTERS AND IN AGRICULTURAL fornished by B. O. WiiDsa. pondence which it has been our fortune to peruse, a domestic education we all long for will be any Oils, DEALERS 130,000 taps ruler, 10,200 boxes on the ear, ; be jj White Lead, j collection of Lord Macaulay's letters extending over with the and due here, April 10th to 15th. KINDS, more general und efficient thaa it is now, or was 22,700 by heart. It was further calculated Perfsimery, j. IMPLEMENTS OF ALL the last thirty years would be a history or r.ngiana and tasks Rice. . O EXPORTS. he had made 700 boy9 stand on peas, 6,000 de- SOLD in the age of Canning and Grey, and Peel, and Pal- formerly, or that the girls would be separated tbat Off at Last. The 1'ankee, which had been Fencing Wire, y OF WHICH WILL BE - on sharp edge of wood. .",000 wear the fool's ALL most reasonable terms, and at the lowest prioes- mers ton, quite as fascinating, quite as brilliant, and kueel the laying her departure day after day for some And a great variety of English Goods. of sts, San Francisw oa 8a FaActaco--p-e Tankee, March tl 128 cs from the boys and be better trained than formerly? cap, roa. now vast time. Warehouse, corner Davis and Washington 17 porter. 11 ton-av- lt. 3 hats, 21 Horace Walpole's and l.TUO hold tne lexeia.ius Samples of Prints, and other Goods, can be seen Order promptly executed. JI3 67 ea ale. e infinitely more instructive, than come over the missionaries that j 'waiting for the Liholiho," sailed on Tuesday at 12 IT at the XT EETpoln, and Lord What change has the journalist) the quantity of human misery inflicted Store of the undersigned. TO : 474 Pkgs chronicle of the age of Chatham and North. I REFER Ifc eoflVe, SVaI ! o'clock, with a full freight. 20O-3- m - bahi 4ried roots, jjs nkgf avolasrs, bags saubes, London Pott. they would do differently now from what they by a single perverse educator JANIOX, GREEN 4 CO. A. J. Cartwbigbt, Esj.r Honolulu- 12 bales foura. passport to THE FAOiriO bim too. They looked at one another and Wiaed's Ick Wiard's steam ice boat was said Boat. fcbtriisrnitnts. tipping. sometbip, and then they whispered to the in- put into successful operation at Prairie du Chien on Commercial Advertiser. terpreter to tell me that they would'nt care if I gave the 11th January, and proved a deci Jed success. Tbe trial to Layfayette, thirty-tw- o miles, them a passport too. So I hollared out for some trip a distance of ! ! For San Francisco Direct ! BY A. P. EVERETT. BY JOHN COLRUItN. was made in 2 hours 10 minutes, returning in two New Goods New Goods F. Interesting Correspondence. paper and ink, which tbe Captain's clirk brought gjvhl hours and carrvinr twentr nassenirers. On the 12th THE A 1 CLIPPER BARK in, and I sot right down to make a passport; and Jan., at 4 P. M., the large party Goods tbe (olio wing somewhat boat left with a Dry and Sundries. COXTIIYCJATIOIY SALE rWt franJ hanioroas pro. to show them that the Yankees bad some larnin as for Galena, instead of St. Paul, on account of there Comet, AT day TO-MORKO- n oar table a or two since, which pur-r- tj well as being less snow on the ice in direction Profes THE ATTENTION OF PI'R Capt. JAMES SMITH, will hare immediate dispatch ror the W! ictio the King's Ministers, I writ the followin that INVITES re- py sor Wiard hopes from following assortment of Hardware, just above port. to tw of letter forwarded by the right straight off in" to make the trip Prairie du ceived by the Syreu" from Boston : Store of Messrs. Blelchers &.Co, Latin, and handed it to them. Chien to Dunleith in less five hours. The in- For Freight or Passage, having superior accommodations for FRIDAY, March 30, at lO o'clock, A.M., The o wham it refers, hate One of than JPn. the interpreters could read Dutch and Latin, ventor and his friends are greatly elated with the Plated Ware, &c. about ten cabin passengers, apply to At Sale Room, will be sold a large assortment of merchandise, On MONDAY Next, April 2, lO Ukea op roach of oar space, this consisting ut' prints, tron ciittou, umbrellas, palm leai bats, at o'clb. jTjtaJy bat account and so he read it to thera. They were mighty tickle! success or the ice boat, winch will prove a new era iu Silver plated table cantors, 200-t- f WILCOX, RICHARDS tc CO. Will be sold, beside the stock of Dry Goods and Clothing per Forks and brogan. calf boots, dried apples, saltwater soap, hams. Manila will prof eaboat as readable a any of them. Brother and bowel, and steam navigation. Orders have been eiveu for the soons. roe, 1 case ladies Leghorn hats, China mailing, bbls vinegar, late arrivals, a small assortment of Hardware. Furniture aod said they would be sure to visit you Plated candlesticks, Mas-ca- thinks that bis story ought to construction of another ice boat, which, when com- - For Kanagawa, casca turtle soups, white lead, &c. Groceries. Also, cases Brandy, Sherry, Marieira, Bitters, t, Jonathan appear i a while they was a goin through the country. I Carriaf tamts, Japan. Kirsrh, Sauteroe, Curacao, Old Tom, Abbot's India I'ala sud will run between tea co.Tee pots. mm fire-pro- as well as the others. you pieteJ, Galena and Prairie du Chien. Britaunia and A I For Aecoaui of Underwriters, or wham Ale. Alio, a few Money aod Book Safes. print a copy of it, so that you may see it aforehanl : Jiockford .Veirs. Old Dominion coffee pots, THE AMERICAN BARK (.) Britannia and bras, candlesticks, 24. it May Coarern Ex PLANET, SALES Or LIQUORS AT 12 O'CLOCK. Owhthek, March 2Cth, 1860. A Blst Mas. The busiest man in the citv of New Case charcoal irons, 'Barrels whiting, ItoYer, DoUmann. froul Bremen: HH.Xo. 4791 bale 24 d blue serge S shirts; UU No. 471 1 bate Uo pieces pink and jellow priuta. jlT DC TJkile Zake : I have been intendia York, is Mr. Burdick, the publisher of HIper's Case handled axes, 'Barrels glue, Captain ALBERT DRAPER, will touch at this place about TO LET, Cases axe tr shingling hatchets, Barrels chalk. Two-ae- at Urn "impending crisis." A man cannot walk Nassau s 10th or 15th of April, And n 11 O'Clock A (Ter since I armed at these blanls to let yoa know Cases varnished ox bows, cut naiW, tbe and will have immediate dispatch for Extra COTTAGE ON IIOTKLSTREET, street without the "Crisis" staring him in the face. Cases ox yokes, Kegs cut spikes. Kanagawa. For Freight or Passage, apply to Rsckawar Carriage opposite tbe premisrs of Capt. B. f. tmow. V BOw I go here safe and sound. Some how a MTHE to rather E PLUKIBL'S UXt'M." A New York exchantre savs : We encountered Mr. Cases grindstone cranks, Kegs coopers' rivets, 193-3- t B. F. SXOW. particulars, apply J. t. COLBl'RM. mail-bo- ffery time at has left for your parts, I Burdick in his shirt sleeves, on the steps of the third Cases axe helves, ; Cases pick helves. lvtf R. UlLLILAND. Per aavem Will pertnagwam I'swhalan." EG Real Estate. eonM'nt scare up pluck to write you, but this time flight of stairs, giving orders to a small at my of men Pumps, &c. It UL All DISPATCH LINE Hoc scripto est pcrmissum regio Sixmi-Booze- x, who were working the ropes of the hatchway. He I shall sell at Public Auction, at Sales Room, on DIMOND 4t SON regular" boat has been a waiting and a waiting Douglass' pumps, with hose, com- FOR SAN FRANCISCO. II. tie Iegatori primo suae majestatia terrarum Japanarum held in his hand a telegraphic order, just received, suction and force ke., Saturday, March 31, 12 JUST RECEIVED PER AME jotsrnall long, that I reckoned plete; common lifting pumis. THE FAST SAILING CLIPPER BARK at o'clock I, HAVE a fine assortment of laaies and gentlemen's toota that perhaps she loiperatoris bono Moohaqaki-Awag- e, for nine hundred copies. He by order of Uie Trustees, property of the OAHC et magnoque informed us that the ALSO, the and shoes, which tbey very low C. CHARITY SCHOOL, situated on King street, and lately occu- offer fnr sale at prior. vaa a holdia oa to take one more letter, and so I Iegatori seenndo suse majestatis, Japana-ru- m sale had just turned sixty thousand copies, and was Gutta percha hose, with couplings and hose pipes. free J. Lovett, Master, terrarum Yankee, pied by C. A. Taner. off fur 'the beach to find Captin. ImperatoriM, cum principe Ooooli-Bc.ng- o increasing at the rate of from a thousand to sixteen Will hare immediate dispatch for the above named port. FRESH EGGS X EGGS X starts tbe and.sez I at que Plows. TERMS. I cash ; balance 1, 2 and 3 years, with interest se- FRESH omnibus iiscum natis in terris Japanis ; maximo hundred a day. Eight presses are kept running to For freight or passage, apply to cured by mortgage on the premises. A. P. EVERETT. SUPPLY OF FRESH EGGS. LAID BY Csptin, if you'll jist hold on till I'll J.XD EXTRA HEAVY IROy PLOW'S. fat grain fed fowls, always to be had at optimoque avunculo mihi Sam doini in urbe Wash- supply the demand. Paper had just been received EAGLE STEEL 198 D. C. WATERMAN 4 CO., Agents. A the write a long pistle to my uncle Zake. who lives out FKED STORK, ington! visitato, prcficisci ad mihi pat rum do-mu- m i.jr ntteen thousand volumes. 196-- 1 m Fort Tennessee, and Sundries. FOR NEW BEDFORD DIRECT I rxL Schooner "Henry" at Auction. street, Bear Hotel. west there in tell him all about what's agroeque in Tennesson, et avuuculum mihi Zake Bco.vaparte's Views. While at St. Helena, Na- Pick Axes, Garden Shears, Slick Ko-to- A 1 COPPERED AND COPPER FASTENED WANTED. goin on of late here in these diggins. I know the sal u tare. Atque orunes, quibus est auctoritas, poleon expressed himself as follows on the u, re- liiLL IIuokis, Pruning Scissors, 5 THE IN THE EARLY "paUT OF APRILS e THE UNDERSIGNED, A SITUATION nuni autici an inimici hoc pa-re-re "Will be sold A 1 45 tons burden-Th- book-keep- book-keep- folks oat there's a cussin and snarlin because I inatrumeuto obedire et quired of all who visit the Emperor of China, and Grass Hooks, Garden Trowels, iSfe Ship the schooner HE.VRF," BY er or assistant er la any mercaoUl "Syren," copper-fastene- imperantnr. which the American Minister refused to perform : " Henry" is nearly rew, heavily d and near'y or other establishment, lie writes a good and legible hand, and don't write, bat that can't be helped nohow." The Ox Yoke Irons, Steel Shovels, Capt. M. W. GREEN, will take Freight low for the above coppered, and well fouad in every respect, and has on board 11 na is well Datum tnea manu sigilloque in nave belli per-mag- It is my opinion that whatever is the custom of a versed in accounts. Apply to Spades, Scoops, port, and having portions of her cargo already engaged, will tous pig iron ballast, and is a superior vessel for tbe island trade. 193-2- m Csptin laagbed right oat. and being a good natured hoc sol is deci-ni- o Native Grain H. rOSBROOKK. Powhatan," die, quinto nation, and is practised by tbe first characters of that " have quick dispatch. sex one Cutting Spades, Grass Scvtdes, fcller, bell wait day and take my letter, as calendas martias, Anno Domini milessirno, nation towards their chief, cannot degrade strangers For Freight or Passage, apply to ditfer-entcuston- Garden Hoes, Planters' Hoes, 'twill add two cents to his freight list. octingentesimo sexagesimo. who perform the same. Different nations have is. 197-- tf C. BREWER & CO. Real Estate on Merchant street Ladies of Honolulu, L. 8. Sash Cords, Hand Screws, Jonathan Suck. In England vou kiss the hand ! R I tell you what ancle Zake, we've been a bavin kind's FOR SALE l'Ot-- ATTKjmo 13 t, Findin the Ambassadors so mighty pleased with at court. Such a thing in France would be consider- Iron Braces, Door Sheaves, RESPECTFULLY CALLED TO THE grand time here of lite in looking at them are ed ridiculous, Ship Scraters, Adze Handles, THE PREMISES KNOWN AS THE FOLLOWING ASSORTMENT OF my passport, and thinkin I'd show off my larnin a and the person who did it would be OF Bull's Head,' situated on Merchant street, near Nuu- Japanese, what they call an Embassy, who have been held up to public score, but still the French ambassa- Day & Martin's blncking, Braces and bits. anu. with a ba:k entrance from Nuuanu street. Tbe little more, asked tbem they Bow pins, porcelain hooks, Spring steel hand saws, building is two stories, with a fine cellar water from the Itoppio here, and are now on their way to Uncle I if wouldn't like another dor who perform it in England would not be consid- HONOLULU and FANCY GOODS! Sash rollers, jStrawlwrry forks, & BOSTON PACKETS! government pipes, a'.l in first rate order. Title fee simple. NOW ON HAND AND FOR SALE BY THE UNDERSIGNED; in Kanaka, to which they said yes, and I sot down ered to bave degraded himself. In England, some vommon ana une scissors, .imu:ii mics, For terms, apr ly to Um's farm, via Frisco and Darien. They came W A L' 1 1 1 kc, and years was Spring punches, Brass wire. 1EiVC?r,1 1 11.'1 201 A. P. EVERETT. DRESSES, PINK t crape, writ the following in our vernacular, which I hundred back, tbe king served kneeling. I aA?f9 1 I BALLribbons. White kid gloves.blue: ia on of hia hig pleasnrw boats, with the AJmiral The same ceremony now place Spain. Boxwood and ivory rules. Bright fry pans, T hinges, told tbem would let them pass tree among the injuns takes in In i Framing .g3& WILL BE DISPATCHED White aatin and kid lioes. Flower and ribbon bead dresses, aboard. It seems kinder bard to take away tbe?e Italy you kiss Plyers, cross cut saws, chisels. anywhere in North America the Pope's toe, yet it is not considered Harness buckles, Bench planes, butcher knives, BOSTON TO HONOLULU IN MAY Black lace mitta. Chenille head dresses, feUer ereeturs from their homes in Japan, where as a degradation. A man who goes into a country Boot lasts, ' Medium blacking, FROM Bonnet ribbons. Linan lawn. and ;Sledge AND SEPTEMBER I JUST Lisle thread gloves, Pink and blue flannel, I Palapaln Ae must comply with the use Plumbs levels, hammers. RECEIVED! they've been penne up all their lives like so many IIolo. ceremonies in there, and it Hoe Or ofteoer, inducement offers. Freight Berlin . Berlin wool patterns. would have been no degradation for Whitewash and paintbrushes, rakes, if takes at lowest PER not allowed see Ma Ions o km moktuhl manava o whatever Lord Percussion caps. Wooden faucets, paid filling or Ladies' heeled gliters. Children's alios and stockings. siggers, and to nor bear anything of Powhatan," Amerika batks, and particular attention to the of 44 eye Brown Huipnia. Amherst to have submitted to such ceremonies before Ink aud pencil erasers, , Scale beams. Birds' diaper, linen, bonnet ruches, eatside barbarians, as they call us civilised people. ders, shipment of machinery and other mdse. CLIPPER SHIP SYREN P CheekMl IlnllnrMo. Toys and perfumery. - L'a ae ka met klekie !nm Boozss, tuna kittle o ka Moi the Emperor of China as are performed by the first ALSO Agents Wx. & Co. Anpuni Leholehu Xipoa, me men is Bostos., ..Messrs. Trwino And a general aasortmenf of Fancy Articles usual!;' required I didn't know nothing at all about them bein here a ka baiiobaoo Maragake, mandarins of that Empire. Sheet lead, lead pipe, nail rods, and a large variety of articles AGKST IU llONOLt-L- ... C. SraLDiNO. 153 loom lua o ka Moi Aopuni Leholehu o Xipoa, a me ke lii opto o J. From Bostoni by ladies. MRS. Dl'COX&ON, 19-2- Ogooli-Bung- is not FOR SALE BY till 1 hear'd the papers making such a tarnal fuss o, a me ka lakuu poe a pau, be poe kamaaina o It an error, but still one which is very gene- particularized. Chaw1 aln at reel N ipoa, mahope nae o ko lakou hele ana e ike 1 ka mea haoohano rally believed, that an ambassador represents the For stale at the lowest market rates. i&mt them, that you eould'ct see or bear anything u 197-e- t sandwich;mrm a "M 13 . . L'ncle Sam," ma kona hate maloko o ke kulanakauhale o sovereign. An ambassador, however, does not re f i rnisland F SNOW. else the Japanese. So I concluded come into Wasinetma. e nolo lakou t kalii mahial o ko'u makua ma CURLED HAIR, KEGS PURE bat I'd present bis Sovereign, as in fact none of stipulations U. JUST RECEIVED EX Troest, a e ko'u o Saronela, a ke ; ONLY REGULAR LINE FROM THE BALES 25 and 50 pound kegs, town and take a look at them. And you'd a langhed mh.ilo makoakane kauohaia or ! akta nei oa hina o Da aina launa a me na aina lokoino mai, e anairs he signs are valid until after a ratification; :E3lVt C2VE3 FIRST CLASS SHIPS Kegs Pacific white lead, 25 pound kegs. "SEA MYHPHJ' right strait out to have seen them are fellers as I nu-ioo- acta oieio ae nolo mnana. and as to his rank in etiquette, there never has been Kegs and tins Lewis & Brothers superior cine paint, did. STYLES! Will be despatched quarterly from Commercial Wharf, Half barrels sine paint, cherry cordial, 2VT TUB": men's) Kauia ko'u inoa a me ke malana o ka mokuaLl - Pow- an example of Sovereign having treated them as LATEST Xt all dresseJ in wi fixins, and their hair all iled hatan" i keia U, 13 o Malaki, 1S0O. Boston, in the months of March, May or June, Indian vegetable bitters, essence peppermint, SUPERIOR ASSORTMENT OP - equals never having way for nor and stack ap with a sort o varoibb, and skivered up (I- - Joiathax Buck. given them, treated srptrmber and December. Lemon syrup, Stoughton's bitters, AVERT FIPE3. For sale by them as tbey would have treated a foreign Sovereign. For further particulars see special advertisements in daily Hot drops, essence wormwood. JOHN CATTANACn, jLt like a pig's tail, only it was cut square off. And So I got through with my official visit, and took papers of the above months. Ladies' superior kid shoes, etc., etc., etc. Nuuanu few door Royal Hotel, The false idea that ambassadors represented the freight passage to, or drafts on Honolulu, apply to 8t a maaka of the For or ALSO 188-3- m two doors King everybody was a starin at them, and they was a my bat to go, aud told the Ambassadors to be sure Sovereign is a tradition of the feudal customs; accord HENRY A. PIERCE, from Street. starin at everybody else, as if tbey were half fright- aud call on you, for you'd be ready to see tbem. ing to which, at the rendering of homage, when a Sandwich Island Packet Office, INVOICE OF SUPERIOR HATS. BUILDERS, great vassal was prevented from tendering in per- 67 Commercial Wharf, Boston. ARCHITECTS, and all connected with Mech- ened, jist like so many sktered grialey s. A nd reckon And I tell you, Uncle Zake, when you do see tbem, it AGENTS. I son, he caused himself to be represented by an am- Palm Leaf Hats, anical aud building operations, should ace tbe was so, for very next day they you'll be proud of Ihe day that I gave theui pass B. F. Snow, - - Honolulu. it tbe all cut sticks for bassador. In this cae, the ambassador really receiv- Sutton k Co. - New York. Leghorn Hats, ARCHITECTS' MECHANICS' JOURNAL, th ship, and you could'nt find a soul on 'em any- ports to you. You'll see that they are feller creetcrs, ed the honors due to his master. Tbe character of an Cook & Snow, - - New Bedford. Containing engravings of practical details, valuable to every M--tt White Pedal Trimmed Hats, Constructor and Decorative Artist. It ia the only weekly illus- where about the town, and all yoa could hear about though some sez they aint, and that they are nothin ambassador is of the same nature as that of a minis- milE UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLY trated paper of the kind in this country; requires only to be seen ter plenipotentiary or an envoy, with this difference, M. begs to notify her friends, and the public iu general, that to be taken regularly by all engaged hi the above pursuits. eo what tbe papers bad to say. bet heathens. Well, jist as I got out on tbe deck well supply, just Brown Canton Hats, ws that ami is in the first degree, a minister she has on hand a larfe and assorted arrived. Freeman & Co's Published every Saturday --price, acenta obeoriptlc? $2 per everybody was goin off to big all the soldiers were must ere 1 in injun file, and til per "Yankee," of boys', girls', infants', todies' aud men's hats of year, or $1 for six months, payable in advance. Edited exclu- I found a the ship the second, and an envoy the thirJ; and in negotia- legnoru, ana TRLASUItE, FREIGHT, PACKAGE & LETTER Drab Canton Hats, makin the moat infarnal noises with their muskets. every variety consisting of tuscau, dunstanie, sively by practical men. which they called the Powhalam (after old Capt. John tions, these three have the same rights; whatever straw of all varieties. Also, lailies' gauntlets, gloves, noops ana 33 Boys' Trimmed Hats, e The Scientific American, ot October 39, says it la Alto- What on the ? sez I. You they stipulate or sign must be submitted for tbe rati- skirts of the newest and must approved pattern. xpross, gether the beat work of the kind ever published In our City. Smith's Indian gal, I spose) and so thinks I, I'll go arth's matter " aint M. KEEGAN. each Month. fication Ou the 5th and 20th of Lace Hats, Published by ALEX. HARTU1LL, Son BuikHnc.m Fulton luakin for ? of their prince; but in etiquette there is a 19-3i- it. loo, for I'm a rael Yankee, and have got as good a all this ere fuss me, are you You might n Fort Street, next door to the Black Horse Tavern' TO ALL PARTS OF THE New York, to whom all subscriptions must be resBiUed. have saved well great difference. The English and Russian ambassa- News agents supplied through any bouse, who supply thersj right 'to see Code Sam's visitors as any on 'em. I that fuss jist as as not, and a tarnal Uuited Stales, South America, m-3- m Children's Hats. dors bad a right to the same distinction, and ought ENGLISH WHITE LEAD I with other papers. 197-- 6 warn't 'spectiag to go till some day after Sunday, sight better, for there's no use of musterin the sol- to bave followed the same etiquette as was practised each, Caaadas aud Europe, r IRON DRUMS OF 28 to 50 Iba. NEW" WITH THE AMBRICA.1-Kl.K- or can diers on a Sunday for nothin." the Cap-- L of superior quality, For sale by COaSkCTINU IN YORK bat when I beerd that they was a goin to sail right Jist then, by the princes and chief mandarins. Now, these last - PRESS COMPANY TO EUROPE. by Express from 197-3r- a A.P.EVERETT- Just Receired ko-to- u, Just and straight off on that day, I det armined I'd put on my tin comes up, and sez he, Mr. Slick, don't be iu performed tbe and therefore the ambassador NEW YORK. received per Syren haste, wait a minit till the Minister in gone, for we're ought to have done the same, and the Emperor of DUST.COIN AND BULLION best coat, wi th brass buttons, which tbey tol l me offi- China had a right to require it. A mau charged Just Received ex Yankee. GOLD and insured on Open Policies, held from the best T ADIES BONNETS, LATEST STYLE, OTHER LATE ARRIVALS ! : London. M-- a showiu off to bim." That quieted my feclins, and OTS- - Insurance Companies in New York and M r.legant sash aim bonnet ribbons, uowers, cials required, and start off for tbe boat instead of goin mission ought to ASES IIAMKLEN AND BAKER'S Semi-monthl- y, ' with a diplomatic have performed cases ground allspice, cases ground Packages, Parcels and Letters forwarded via Superior kid gloves, white and colored. then I ko-to- ters, glng, to sex Uncle Sam allows his walked with the Captin all around the deck, the u, and could not refuse it without being c Panama and Nicaragua, in charge of Special Messengers. Gauntlets, various styles, mitts, Crackers and Biacnits. meetio; for, I, if boats to Cases crenin tartar, cases carbonate soda, and he showed me the rooms where tbe Japanese ! wanting in respect to the Emperor, iu the same man- saleratus, cases French prunes, A Special Express is made up by us for Panama, Callao, Lima, Nets for ladies' hair, opera hoods. go to sea a Sundays, he can't blame me if I make my principal ports of the west coast of South WATER CRACKERS. ' smoked salmon, cases California cheese. For sale Valparaiso, and all the Nubias and rigolets, black velvet ribbon, BOSTON servants slept, and all their curious fixins. was ner as this last could not refuse to receive him with- " b English Steamers Scial visits on a Sunday too, not by a long chalk. I by (19l-tf- ) SAM SAVIDGE. America, which is promptly forwarded the Sewing machine cotton and , acedles for do, Boston butter crackers, surprised out showing disrespect to his character of ambassa- leaving Panama on the 14th and 29th of each month. Cherry belts, black lace edgings, worked collars, So off 1 in one them shore-boat-s, called raelly at the injenuity of these fellers, for j to legitimate Boston oyster crackers, starts of dor." HOT Collections made, and all orders pertaining a Black lace veils, black fringe, ruches, Bo'iton milk nau j crackers, JJall Columbia, aud steered the craft right up luey ait sorts oi tbe cunosest flxius that ever l A CAItD. Forwarding and Express business, atteuded to with dispatch. Black railroad canvas, with patterns and worsteds asstd, Boston wafer bread, while acknowledging with Black ana wmte Berlin wool, lancy outtons, -- see, and you never seed the like anywhere. The J raiHE UNDERSIGNED, Boston ginger snaps, alongside the big ship Powhatan, which was sur- JL gratitude the very liberal patronace bestowed upon him Principal Offices). Gala plaid, all wool, silk and cotton elastic. Boston jumbles, Captin thought as I did, that they were genuine ! during the last fourteen years, would inform his friends, patrons Children's stockings, etc., etc For sale by 8. water rounded with best of boats, enough to have taken first-ra- te - - - - F. crackers, a and the ubllc generally, that lie is now prepared with. A. P. EVERETT, Honolulu. 191-t- f II. DIMOND k SON. feller creeters, we J Assorted English biscuits. - possession on her, if they'd jist been a mind to. 1t and that ought to treat 'em as workmen, and the brtt material ever seen in this country, to 124 Montgomery San Francisco. THE BEST REMEDV FOR KIIKUMA execute orders for Boots and Shoes at short notice, and in work- street, SAUCEPANS, 1 TO 4 QUARTS, sicu. 3--tf rjlINNED Case Goods. was only when I came alongside on ber that I seed lUm Hall' Banuiparilla, Yellow tack and ItoliJe of Putasa. manlike manner. JL Sheet iron kettles, 4 to 12 quarts, English jams, what a nighty big craft old Uncle Sam had been a After they'd got through a drillin, I bid tbe Captin N. N. Repairing and Treeing done with di'patch, and all Croton hose, I inch, hose bib cocks, inch, " Jellies, work done to order will be tvarranted, both in the material and FARGO & CO.'S Britannia niters to Ot tbe cocks, superior grindstones, " pie fruits, good bye, and jumped up ftgiu over tbe gangway, Dasha-wa- y WELLS, sendin out to get these ere Japanese. I jumped Ol ICE. At a Regular Meeting of the Honolulu workmanship. Collin's Yankee handled axes. For sale by American pie fruits, 197-3- m when that feller with eppalets touched me on the Association, held March 17th, 1S60, the following resolution XT The undersigned invites attention to his large assort- W. A. ALBRICH. . " pickles, pints and quarts, right straight ap the gangway stairs, and jut as I ment of now on hand, which will lie re- English pickles, shoulder, eez Mr. we was unanimously adopted : Root aiiU Shoes EXPRESS, 1x3-- 8, was steppin over, a feller in eppalets and a feword and he, " Slick, shall be happy plenished by invoices now on the way per ships Washington IRON. 1 1 " Durham mustard, see you on board Yes sez T, as All members who are in arrears, or who have been absent iu Allton, D. Godfrey, Samuel Robertson and via Isthmus. FLATHxj, Uxi, Uxi, lUi, Uxi, 2ixi, 2x1, 2x, 2JxJ, sauces, - Your ? to agin." " sir," I BY THE REGULAR PACKET3 BETWEEN HONOLULU OX,. " et me, and, sei he, " name sur " My violation of Article 6th of the Constitution, be requested to re- ltfS-- lt J. II. WOOD. 3JX J, 3X, iiXl, 35 XJ, " Lea Ferrin's sauces, down glad to AND SAN FRANCISCO. Round iron. 1 to 14. inclusive. For sate by k name ! everybody knows stepped the stairs into the boat, mighty port themselves at the regular meetings of the Association dur- Jrench olives, sur It's Jonathan Slick, as speedy safe conveyance of Merchandise, Coin, Let 197-S- m W. A. ALDRICH. get rid of the pesky smell of powder and tar, for I be- ing present For the and capers, jia these diggins ; and I want to see the Admiral and tbe month. I'nless this requext be complied with COLDS. COUGHS. RHEUMATISM ters and valuable parcels, to all parts of the peas, they will not be lunger considered members of Association. and Consumption, with their inevitable pains, ADDLES AND BRIDLES " gan to feel a leetle rily about the stomach, and was Ue STATES.-CANAD- A Fresh apples, in grass them are Japauese that they're makin such a tarnal Doctors' bills and other attendants, may be UNITED AND EUROPE. . For sale by and tins. A. HARDY, s m Strawberry jam, . II. 197-3- glad enough to get ashore agin. avoided by purchasing at the Uric It Store a pair of those sell Bills of Exchange in suras it W. A. ALDRICH. fuss about here." Tbe feller grinned, and sex he, 200-2- The Agents at Honolulu Raspberry jam, 1 Secretary of Honolulu Dashaway Association. neatly-finishe- d Cork Insoles, to be worn inside the shoe, pre- San Francisco or New York. Also Write me soon, and tell me all about the visit of through soles to the on Wells, Fargo k Co., Cranberry jam. This wav air." Everything aboard there looked venting all dampness from penetrating the Wells, Fargo Co.'s franked L . S. Uovernment envelopes, ITEGS WHITE ZINC PAINT this ere Embassy Wash- AL.TuS S A DOCK foot. 193-- U k Jim. For sale by Peaches in syrup. war-lik-e, to Uncle Sam's residence in II USA PA KILL A, YELLOW which pass free over the California and coast routes, aud over Blighty and made me feel rael pesky, but ly7-3- m W. A. ALDRICH. Quinces " " ington, and what be of the fellers. and Iodide of Potans is prepared from the finest red Jamaica the Atlantic route from San Francisco to ew lorn. Pears u " there was no gettin round and had to face the thinks to. it, I Sarsaparilla and Knglish Iodide of Potass admirable as a re- Commissions and collections promptly attended KILLER- - Fresh peaches. Your affectionate nefew, 1856-t- f. Agent. AIN Mince-pi- the masie, like brother Jotham on trainin days. storative and purifier of the blood, it cleanses the system of all New Goods! New Goods! Oct. 1. F. L. HANKS. For sale by e meat, The deck dressed so Jonathan Suck. morbid and impure matter removes pimples, boils and erup P197--3 tn W. A. ALDRICH. Pure honey, was covered with men all like EX & Owners Whale True lemon syrup. many militia men, carrying swords and guns, and tions from the skin cures rheumatism and pains of all kinds. 66 Notice to Masters of ARRELS VENETIAN RED Oysters, In 1 and 2 ft tins. AH who can afford should nse it, as it tends to give them strength !" For sale by Lobsters, in 1 and 2 lb " all sort of thing that I never dreamed of set in on Forrisn Summary. SYKEN Ships. iy;3m W. A. ALDRICH. Clams, in 2 lb tins, that and prolong life. Sold by Druggists generally, at $1 per bottle BY Sardines, In and 4 b tins, board of Uncle Sam's boats. There were some The death of Professor James P. Espy, of the Na- R. HA Lb CO.,. UNDERSIGNED BEG LEAVE i THE ot public ARRELS YELLOW OCHRE Salmon, in 2 B tins, Washington, paralysis, took Proprietors, Wholesale Druggists, 143 and 115 Clay street. 8c to announce to masters whale ships, and the For sale by Green peas, mighty big guns that they call peacemakers, large tional Observatory at of COOKE in ireneral. they have succeeded in leasing from the B 1963in San Francisco. CASTLE that 197-S-m " place Cincinnati in January. Uis weather theo- railway heaving down W. A. ALDRICH. Green corn, , enough to crawl into, and some fellers standin by at AS- Freuch Government at Tahiti, the and Carb. ries have given him a wide reputation. I The A LARGE AND VERY DESIRABLE - premises, including storehouses, etc., etc., and are now prepared Soda, them and a watcbin tbera as they'd been so many OAIIU CEMETERY ASSOCIATION X m. sortment of any ASES ZINC WHITE Cream tartar, if above Association hereby piv! notice tlmt the applicaton fnr to execute repairs with dispatch and at lower rates than at For sale by Saleratus, Lord Palmerston has just appointed a Methodist, . , port me vm v. c197-5- m tigers. I felt kinder ekeered at furst, but when DRY GOODS, otner in i ciuo. i.. W. A. ALDRICH. Yeast Powder, son Methodist preacher, to the responsible burials in the Nuuanu Valley Cemetery must be made to Sam 199-l- y Shipwright! the of a GROCERIES, Herbs, assorted, the Captain met me on tbe deck, sez he, How Solicitor-Gener- al uel Savidge, Ksq., Fort street, for the current year. " and lucrative office of of England. CROCKERY, LI E FLANNEL Curry powder, do yoa do, Mr. Slick," and seemed so all-fir- ed glad Per order of Trustees. C. II. LKWEKS, ! For sale by Cayenne pepper, . Tbe person referred to in the above extract is a REWARD 197-3- m lSM-3- m Secretary. WOODEN WARE, $800 W. A. ALDRICH. Pepper sauce. to see cf?, that I began to feel again, I tell relative of our respected townsman, J. T. Waterhouse, T.OT. T SRA. FROM BAKER'S OR Catsup, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, New Nantucket Island. on the 30th September, an iron ANCT CHECK PANTALOON COTTON- - Tomato you. M'ell the Captain, he asked me right into tbe IIOXOLUL.U KIFL.ES, ATTENTION! buoy. tney were by Flavoring extracts, Esq. STATIONERY, boat and an iron can hen wensauritt ade For sale Ground pepper, The Members of the above Company are hereby notified paint, Guano Co.," F197-3- m W. A. ALDRICH. back cabin where tbe Admiral and big Ambassadors Lord Macavlay. Macaulay's death was so sud- FURNITURE, in good order, marked in white "American Clarke's corn starch, that, after this date, notices will not be issued as hereto ana in olacE paint tue name oi me matters, isecor o. vo., nov Oswego 'were a sittin, with some other fellers around them, den that none of his relations were present. Lady PAINTS, OILS AND GLASSj elty Iron Works, New lork." rney prooauiy noatea lowara (4 ILK PARASOLS- - " fore. vvno For sale by Ground spices, a talkin about all sorts of things. shook bands Trevelyan bad left bim at four on Wednesday, very IIOLLOWWARE, the westward, and may be fallen In witn ty wnaiers. White spices. I Regular Drills will be held at the Anno of the Corps shall be re- 197-3- m . W. A. ALDRICH. much in bis usual state of health. She was sum- HARDWARE, ever will deliver the above in a usable condition Ground ginger. with the Ambassadors, and tbey seemed mighty glad on the 2d and 4th Friday evenings of each month, at 7) warded as follows . For the boat, $600, if delivered at Bak jr's moned at eight, to find him a corpse iu his chair. GLASSWARE, or Honolulu; for the buoy 4300, at Baker's, or AND BLACK BROAD CLOTH to see and o'clock P. M. Per order : Island, $500 at . r TJLUE Provisions. nie. I asked them all about their country Tbe immediate cause of death was collapse, conse- loo at Honolulu. i i ii't. M.M For sale by Yorkshire hams, KRUQER, BROWN, TINWARE, j u.x..i.ui, 197-3-m F. C. JOHN n. 180-6- m Superintending Agent Am. Guano Co. W. A. ALDRICH. Westphalia their religion, for I had beern folks say they were quent on a most violent and prolonged fit of coughing. Orderly Sergeant. hams, Captain. CUTLERY, Boston sugar-cure- d hams. only a set of darned heathen after all, as they can't The owners of the Pemberton Mill have made Head Quarters Honolulu Rifles, SADDLERY, Kits tongues and sounds, December 3, 1859. j 187-t- f JJUNTING For sale by for tbe . CodQsh, convert anyhow. I bad'nt more nor got fairly to claim upon the Insurance Companies entire FANCY GOODS, 197-3- m W. A. ALDRICH. some 415,000, and have BOOTS AND SHOES, Fresh lard, in tins. talkin about their gods and temples, when I heerd amount of the insurance, POLYNESIAN ENCAMPMENT, No. 1 ROOTS AND SHOES, &c, &c Half and quarter barrels mess pork, retained able counsel in case the claim is resisted. O. O. F. Under the jurisdiction of the R. W. G. of the promptly attended to. 171ANCY CALICO AND WHITE SHIRTS California cream cheese, a tremendous rumpus and a scrapie outside on the I. Ige UTT Orders from the other islands Made to order of the Undersigned M. For sale by Madame Bodisco, widow of the late Russian Min- United States. The regular meetings of this Encampment are 197 3m ; W. A. American purse, deck crew was risin up in arms Agents for the sale of Dr. Jayne's Cele ALDRICn. Oregon smoked bacon, as if the whole a ister, attended the President's levee on Tuesday held on the 1st and 3d FRIDAY EVENINGS of each month 198-t- f and a goin to slaughter as right out. And who evening in ber court dress, which according to Jen- Resident and visiting members are respectfully invited to attend brated Jledicines. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF UN POWDER, SHOT, CAPS Sc. FOWL- - Sundries. Per Order. C. P. G ng pieces. or sale by Currants, in jars. should come along the honorable Minister of kins, is valued at $50,000. 197-o- ra A. ALDRICH. but Honolulu, Nov. 10, 1858. 124-l-f TO THE LADIES W. Raisins, in i boxes. Foreign Relatives, with the queerest old bundle of A Miss Thompson, in Tennessee, has recovered Citron, orange and lemon peel. CUSTOM MADE CHROME GREEN Soft shell almonds, 5,000 in a suit for a breach of promise against a Si. Lb Pbogkks L'Ockanie Looks, No SUPERIOR CIASES sale by papers under his arm, all tied up with red tape and SI A, F. AM si EX " SYREN," 114 DAYS FB0M BOSTON. For Jordan almonds, man named Patterson. The verdict is the heaviest jurisdiction of the Supreme Council of the new 197-3- m W. A. ALDRICH. lots of As soon he came in, we all 124, under the call the attention of the ladies to their and beautiful by Filberts, big red seal. is case kind in Tennessee. Lodge of working in Scotch ivi of For sale low at the Brick Shoe Store, sugar, ever rendered in a of this Grand Central France, the ancient assortment , 197-- H. WOOD. Loaf topped stood back, we thought the Flowers, Calico trimmings. 1 m J. RI ED APPLES, II AMS,CI3EESE. LARD. Crushed sugar. a talkin, and from holds its regular meetings on the Wednesday nearest ror by (Wi-J- m) fr Rosa Donheur is going to America to paint Rite, Straw trimmings, Cnttou trimmings, sale tt. a. ALUMtn. Light brown sugar, Kiug himself was a comin too. But as Soon as tbey which she the full moon of each month, at the old Lodge Room, in King Light life a herd of wild butlalocs, to accomplish White and buff marseilles. and dark calicoes, Ex Syren ! ASTILE SOAP, SAGO. CURRANTS Brown sugar. all got through their everlastin long bows, and got will bave to visit the Western prairies, fche is coin street. Visiting brethren respectfully invited to attend. Ruches. Wrought collars. by Fresh Hawaiian flour, Dimity U U A For salt M lOO-t- fl P. C. JO.VE3, Secretary. Velvet ribbons. bands, AND MARTIN'S EH LEU 197-3- m wheat meal, and com-Bene- ed missioned by an opulent Frenchman, and will leave August 13. TkAT W. A. ALDRICH. fairly seated agin, the Minister, be got up Silk and cotton elastic, Guautlets, EJ blacking (3 sizes), Mason's unequaled blacking, " corn meal, a hero m in and a bawin, and a kickin up the in the spring. Moirhair mitts. Lisle gloves, fans, &c Luminus, Miller's, and Partridge's leather preservative, 'RAPPING PAPER, SALT IN BOXES Scotch oatmeal, Professor Felton has been chosen Presi ! Skeletons, with 30, 25, 21, 18, 17, II and S ribs. Also, extra N'eats foot oil, edge blacking, shoe kit, For sale by Pearl barley, begun Harvard. Ex Bell,"' from London isra-- w darndest hocus pocus you ever saw, and a Healhcr ribs. Sparring gloves, foils and masks. 197-3- m ' W. A. ALDRICH. Carolina rice, dent of Harvard to succeed Walker. . He is just-th- e HOSIERY, &c. talkin about some big names which nobody on arth A XI) FOR SALE iu Bond, IIT THE IX-- Men's, boys', misses' and children" Maccaronl, person, and will, doubtless, bave a popular reign DEKSIUNED: At the Brick Shoe Store, by (197-l- J. H. WOOD ALT WATER SOAP, RICE Vermicelli, ever beerd on, and all about His Bord and Master and over tbe enterprising creatures who co to college. Hhds Martcll's Superior Dark Brandy, JUST RECEIVED! s For sale by Pearl sago, tbe Portergeese. which tbe Japanese couldn't tell They are hoping to get Professor Huntington to re " Brown Cognac Brandy. Ex YANK EE, Lad ICS 197-3- m Y. A. ALDRICH. Split peas, AL0 PER LATE ARRIVALS. W hite pepper. Tbey sot there as patient as old Job, consider his resignation. . 1-r- "l d RRLS. Superior Salusou, custom made VKTIIITING, CHALK. SCHOOL SLATES, Chocolate, aothin about. Quarter casks Sherry Wines, various brands, 50 brls Cement, TJOSTOV AND PHILADELPHIA D The Great Etulern steamship has cost nearly J JL glove calf, glove kid, English serge, rox tipp'a ana plain V Hayues' handled, round pointed shovels. Yellow soap, till he got through his thunderin long yarns, and Martell's Brandy. J Cases Powder (rifle), Rubber belting, 4 and 7 inches. For sale by -- 44 Bath bricks, company her got tired of Vineyard 197-3- like so many 85,000,000 ; the that built Eighth United Proprietor's Brandy, Mustard, ! m W. A. ALDRICH. Cider vinegar, then they rix up and said "Thank you," expending mo.ey, and sold ber for less tbnn half her " Jules Robin Brandy, " Fresh Apples, Congress Roots HEELS. Also, KID Congress boots, 1-- Polar oil. lying 25 baskets Curtice's" Champagne. " Saleratus, With and without WniTE 2 2, gentlemen, and sot down again. That pesky cost, to a new company ; and the stock of the new slippers. reeeivert per -- y dTEELPLOWS,NOS. 1, AND U.G.3 Sandwich Island syrup. For sale cheap by 197-3r- a A. P. EVERETT. " Green Corn. French kid buskius, ties and Just Ragle plows. Nos. d. 2 and 20. For sale by (19"-l- BRICK SHOE STORE. l 197-3- B. SAVIDGE. paper printed here by the Ministers, sez tbey cried company is now selling for 50 cents on the dollar. Xensett's Little Keck Clams, ren," at the J197-3- m W. A. ALDRICH. "u right but that's a darnel lie. for they were only The Liverpool packet ship John Boyd took fire in ! ! Lobsters, out. CLOSING OUT CLOSING OUT " Pehcbes. OFFEE MILLS, HAY R A K ES, RAW HIDES, fresh deliv-er- ia bold, her dock in New York, and her cargo 44 GROUND COFFEE and batter laa jhin in their sleeves all tbe time be was a the at Preserved Meats, Gentlemen Superior grindstones, cranks and rollers. FRESH band. For sale by damaged i"J00,0u0. Ves c prongs. y was to the amount of about Snip and Boullie, OF A BOOT, Shoe, Brogan or Slipper, Hay forks, 2 and 3 For sale 197-tt- m o. SAVXDvaw clunibuogeou speech. He made tbe most ! WANT 197-3- bis sel and cargo fully insured. Tbe fire is attributed to Sixty Days Only " Roast Turkey and Chicken, IN will fit smooth and easy look veil and wear long, m W. A. ALDRICH. For 14 over yoa ever heer'd on, and you'd " Koiled " " will find a MUCH LARGER and BETTER assortment at the TEAS, In boss almighty fuss it spontaneous combustion. 44 ASSORT-men- SUPERIOR OOLONG HAS REMOVED French Peas, than any other place in this city. ARRIAGE WHIPS. A LARGE t, VERY 10 and pounds each, . seen him. rauiE L'NOERSIONEU 44 lir irk Shoe Store, dray whips, bush scythes and snaths. For sale by li a liaghed right oat to have The reply of Lord John Russell to tbe address from from his old stand on the corner of Merchant and Nuuanu Sjierm Candles, 197-l- m Ships' tea in boxes of 30 ami 35 pounds each. c197-o- iu a. AL.Dn.n 11. (19T-3- Well, after he'd got through a tellin about himself Glasgow on the policy of tbe country with regard to mreeU. to tbs (tKEMEK PRKMISKS, immediately opposite. Cans Allspice, For sale cheap by S. BAYIDGH.. Majes- where he now offers for sale the following goods, mostly at coil, II slf firkins Butter, ' is upon as an indication that Her - Jfoa- -, Misses' 2, 3 Si 4, be said he'd represented, Italy, loked .- Cotton Canvas, light OPPER RIVETS.SICKLES.NOS. - and a lot of other big folks and many btlow eott Log iewsharps, gun Mints, sale by UPERIOR MANILA SEGA RS, Havana afaapr- ty's Ministers will support those Liberal sentiments cloth cuau and pants, cassiinere pants, Ilenip Sail-Twin- e, And for sale ny Congress lace boots, with chains, for cheap by of Span-yar- d stuff, which Black AND GO AT, and c197-3- m W. A. ALDRICH. vo. Cheroots. For sale then he begun to real a lot 19S-2- m BREWER - with respect to the Italian question, which his Lord Alpnca coats and pants. C. k CO. SERGE HEELS fa lartre r.ssortsBeot). s197-3- m 8. SAYIGE..-- he called a passport, and asked the Japanese if they ship has repeatedly avowed. While ami colored shirts, ALSO Misses' long rubber boots, kid and goat boots, shoes C! II OE BRUSH ES,PENCILSHARPENERS, tbey were Licht clothing, children's hats, asstd, and slippers, will be opened early next week at the Hogskin horse collars, pocket knives. ETC MARIA FROM HONGKONG. would'at like to take it along, just.as if Church, (Rev. Mr. Ceecher's,) Notice. itf7-i-hrrhm The Plymouth California hats, Panama and felt do, asstd, SHOE STORE, ex " Syren." Roller harness buckles, to li inch. For sale by 7IVAMLA SEGARS. HAVANA SHAPE. gout tell you what Brooklyn. N. after an excited discussion, decide! Blankets, assorted colors. 197-3- m W. A. ALDRICH. Manila cheroots. For sale by to visit the darned Spanyards. I Y.. pea THE SUMMER MONTHS THE X'JL con- Pea jackets and coats. DURING will continue to receive Boarders at the fol- ! 179-- tf SV SAVTDOm 'tis. Uncle Zake, he only wanted to show them that by an overwhelming majority, to continue the Merino shirts and drawers. Children's Shoes to tbe American Board of Commissioners caps, lowing chanres : IJLATED GIG HARNESS, COTTON GIRTH he was varsed in the dead languages, and wanted to tributions Assorted different style, Board, per week t 00 A VARIETY OF STYLES ex "Syren," at the JL web, red worsted do, rein do do. For sale by A PT A I NS requiring Cabin Stores will fist a large a Grain leatlier sea boots, 197-l- m very for Foreign Missions, thus endorsing tbe conservative Iht. do. Private Table, 5 00 BRICK SHOK STORK. 197-3- m W. A. ALDRICH. sortment, and cheap, at the store of X. c m git theca to take his autograph, and show it to the India rubber boots, woollen stockings, Lodgir.g, per week, - 1 00 l7-3- 8AM SATTDGB. views of Mr. lieec her. coats and pants. Emperor. behind on the transum cushion India rubber CJWEDES SHAPES, NAIL RODS, ODD FELLOWS' HALL, Fort street. I sot right Bu)SDix. Blond. n has decided to amuse the Oil clothing and P. S SHOWER BATHS on the prtmi$e. Benkerl's Swedish iron, flat, ljxi, 2xJ, Jjxi, lookia . he was a fusain season. After inspecting Double barreled guns. quilted 3 square. , 1 and 1 i- - Tor sale by POTATOES. on all the time, while Quebeckers the coroine pistols, Single Baths, 12 cts. DUMP. DRESS. SO.UARE EDGE, and " close Rides, Colt's etc., etc. - L sole boots, per Syren," at the 1973m W. A. ALDRICH. and openin his bundle, and gettin out such a thun- the several localities, he has fixed on a position J. H. STRAUSS. Baths per week 60 ' OLOA SWEET POTATOES. AT TUB (197-3m- ) MRS. K. THRUM 197-l- m BRICK SHOE STORE. FEED STORE, point, imme 197-2- To boarders, free. K from point to Orenicr premises, Nuuanu street. m derin lot old papers for tbem to take away. to Montmorenci Falls, ICKORY SHIRTS, DENIM PANTS. 190-I- Fort street, neas ILoUf-- of says span be in- For sale by diately below the cataract. He the denim frocks. X H m Between as much about l7-3- W. A. ALDRICH. POSTS yoa and me. if they know'd tends to walk is 1.4U0 feet long, being J00 feet longer FHCSIi GROCERIES. leather: leather: 2. B. FENCE our political fusses as do, they'd throw the whole Niagara Falls. Tbe Falls undersigned has on hand a AND BOSTON custom made ANI FENCE POSTS FOR SALE BY I than tbe span he walked at of suerior island tanned leather, tanned on Hawaii PHILADELPHIA and water proof boots. Just re apiREY FLANNEL SHIRTS, FINE DO. DO., MAM C. BREWER it CO., lot of and bis passport of Montmorenci are nearly '2iVt feet high, being 100 bythea first-rat- e practical tanner. The assortment consists of sole VV Fancy satinet and cassimere pants, ror sale by 197-- tf Market Wharf--. his darned stuff overboard, SALE. BY RECENT ARRIVALS. THE ceived per syren." W. A. ALDRICn. the of Niagara. choice assortment of Groceries, at the store of the and pump leather, saddle leather, calf skins, goat skins, and ALSO Hand trunks, valises, and traveling ham. Cheap! 1973m too. One of big Japanese then asked him if he feet higher than rails ON Fort street, Hotel the undersigned, viz.: hog skins. For sale at the Feed Store, near Cheap ! ! at the (197-l- BRICK SHOE STORE. MANILA CORDAGE. following paragraph 193-3- m A. D. CART WRIGHT. ADIES BOOTS, GAITERS AND SHOES. assorted sixes, ma. e osder, foe sale) Wool'nt take a drink. So they brought in a lot of Marshal McMahon. The Preserves, Summer savory. T For sale by pr COILS, to Marshal de Mc-Mah- on Fresh apples. Curry powder. JLi "Urejr VF by v. ruut m w., liquors, some civilized make, appears in the Basle Gazette: " The" Civil Code! 19T-3-m W. A. ALDRICn. some of Japanese and of Fresh quinces, Ground cassia, COOPERS' PUNCHING MACHINES. 197--tf Market Wharf. has applied to the Emperor to know whether Ground and they health of all the Fresh peaches, bl:ick pepper. A EDITION, printed from the types used in 4- -4 drank all standin, the accept the sword of honor offered to him by Whole OOPERS PUNCHING MACHINES, CHEAP mTIIEA TON'S BLEACHED COTTON, LACK SILK RIBBONS, SHOE LACES he should Fresh pears. do uo, Coopers Truss Hoops, r or sale by .V. tbe Commercial Advertiser, and bound iu quarto form, V T Rartlett's J bleached cotton, Julian Hall dodo, For sale by Kings and Queens on including Uncle Sam's. Napoleon III. has returned a negative Pimento, c ., arth, the Irish. Raspberry jtro, U. BK.twt.rfc for sale. Price, l oU. 4 bleached sheeting. For sale by B197-3- m W. A. ALDRICH. Cranberry Cround cloves. 197-- tf 198-- 3t M. WHITNEY. After he'd got through all his talkin, the Minister answer, which has produced a very favorable impres- jam, Market Wharf. II. 197-3- m VT. A. ALDRICH. offer sword was looked Strawberry jam, c, ke., tic--, Ground ginger. took his sera pin sion in England, as the of the Cream tartar, 3- -4 1 1- -2 ROUND COMBS, DRESSING DO. hat and commenced a bowin and a Mincemeats. UfAMLA CORDAGE TO INCH. FANCY, LONG by upon as a hostile demonstration on the part of tbe gage S. C soda. It It FAD. 1TJL For sale by (197-m- ) W. A. ALDRICH. AM1LTON CHECK PRINTS. fine ivory do. For sale jist as when be eame aboard, and so went out on the savory, Haxall flour, ARRELS SUPERIOR PILOT BREAD, small figured Merrimac prints. For sale by 197-3- W. A. ALDRICH. Sweet II197-3- ui W. - deck. Irish." Fresh currants, in tin, Casks superior pilot bread. For sale by A. ALUKIlJl- work on Fresh rti'ins. C. liKEH S. LANCE POLES. CENTRE-BOAR- T Mixot Ledge. Bostox. The preparatory Tins water crackers. Tins butter crackers. til IU, For sale by D SURF BOAT, 197-- tf Market POLES The Japanese, they grinned and looked at each Light is slowly progressing. The Tins sugar crackers. Tins oyster crackers. Wharf. LANCE C. BREWER k CO., I A PER. PRO WN DRILLING, DOLIXEIt, ONE long, 1 feet beam, for sale by the Minot Ledge Printed drugget. For sale by V. BH.M.W tun. m JU., other as if they was a funny man, are nearly bewn and ready. Tins soda crackers. Tins wine crackers, 197-- tf Market Wharf. D thought he heavy granite blocks Fresh RAVEN'S DUCK, See. l7-3-m W. A. AliUtticii. 197-- tr Market Wharf. will be finished in a few weeks. Fresh oysters, lobsters. antil at last they ed right out, and This part of the work Sardines, French capers, AND HEAVY RAVEN'S DUCK, SUGARS. is now raised to the height of sixty feet. Enclish r,e fruits, Enslish pickles, LIGHT Cotton Duck, BBLS. BOSTON No. 1 CRUSII-e- d AM ASK COVERS. FINE WHITE joa'd a thought they'd bust their sides a laran ; and The work E. TABLE ny JUST RECEIVED. Two stories, one twelve, tbe other nine feet, English sauces, English mustard, V. S. Pilot Duck, For sale by HALF Sugar, flannel, fancy cotton handkercnieis. rorsaie CLOTH additional 197-- Sugar. 197-30- 1 ENAMELED Aej asked me he wasn't the Ziogoon, for he'd is put together French mustard, Smoked hams tf C. BREWER k CO., Market Wharf. HaH btils. East Boston Granulated ALiinivu. CASES and Russet Leather, if are erected on shore. The whole work - For by Smoked herrings. Green corn, Boxes Loaf Sugar. sale . - aT W Tm A occna'ulkin about Ziogoon all tbe time he'd been fitness and adjustment Oolong C. BREWER CO., - w oi. Children's (Jab. in separate stories, to test the Best tea. Hops, NAILS. k flL.tCK ALPACAS. ruAi riuin.i,u' Children's Carriages, various patterns, by 197-- tf ngurea, taere. I answered them, be wasn't, not by a long of the several parts. This is believed to be the strongest Craihed and loaf sugar. Soap, 4c. CASKS, assorted sizes, for tale Market Wharf. JL Blue alpacas, plain and lancy piaas, For sale by C. BREWER k CO., N. B. Fresh Island butter and ground coffee always on hand. 6Tff 197-- tf C. BREWER k Co., Market Wharf. Colored and black eoourgs. or saieoy and best work of the kind in the country. The ALDRICH. 197-- tr Market Wharf. ehalk ; that the King was our Mikado and Ziogoon, built 197-l- y II. MclNTYRE. mfJ FIREWOOD! 1973m W. A. work of building will be resumed as soon as the sea- FIREWOOD! And nobodv la. Thn I tellin them all about be SULKIES. UNDERSIGNED KEEPS ON HAND AXES X hran son will permit, and tbe whole work probably different VL. BEST QUALITY BROOK'S IRE BRICK, SPRUCE POLES. FLAG IVE EXTRA LIGHT FANCY SULKIES a full supply of firewood from the islands, which 1 aTk DOZEN y nr great country and my Uncle Zake, away down in next, provided the fc for sale by C. BREWER L. CO., willTbe sold lowest rates, 6 JF superior patent mace epooi ror are rL CASES SIMMON'S AXES. FOR SALE completed early in September Stones, for sale by C. BREW ER CO., at the Jf (193-3- m) A. HARRIS It CO. F197-t- 197-- m W. A. ALDRICH. Lf by Tennessee, and asked them if they would'nt like a needful appropriation is secured. F197-t- f Market harr. f Market Wharf. m-t- f n. W. SEVERANCE. J a Maneha civilian, holding the cSc of superintea-de- nt HDtrtistatiils. Smitrttstctnts. 3H5frtisixttnt5. 11 oi; of transportation and a brevet commissioner of werv aocW insula. The hA-i- rnrir. l'.ir, the g belle, with Chang Pingtob, a Chinese colonel - Mr WtrJ J tfc Comiaodor. proceeded bwyoojftborith others, with the LntenUoa ia the army with brevet rank cf general, to be his i?5 f approaching sub-prefe- cr. UECEIVED! a Mar to tha fcrt as tit ktakra woulj permit. la eocort. Associated with them was Li. a Provisions ex " Svren FOR SALE TO ARRIVE JIST E. O. A-i- and amounting to AND FOR SALE BY HALL oj t a Uok Lbw trounj. rn.nl AJa:;rI ethers still lower in rank, ia all SPBLBSEAS0Jf,lS60. WOCLD CALL ATTEXTIOX TO THE thooh ttear!y twrnty cScials above the Tth grale. ET fOLLCarw- - Hopa (Mt kindly ih jcub-Us- U Flovrr to sjaTMXxT or u ml Mr. Ward accorJicgJy appintel th 20th July as -- (v'tinf oar c.T. al rvtaaiDtvl auder th aittit-t- r St E3 X3C -- 3NT thr the day fjr and me&tioe-- l the C. J. C. SPALDING, Xt O A. Q . starting, numler BREWER CO. M D 1 aiil the tide Scat! her at aunaet. tht THE CARGO OF THE AM. BAKK W. A. ALDEICH DAILI EXPEiTED TEE I W.U im this a party fir was ft nis party wool J t.cmmoa.re vert& r. sale thk rouovrisa pcaittoa, of wot ia ir.c. cm-pcll- AS- ed FOLLOWING UESIHAULE th tar to laaj at the first Jettj which led frosa tha Tattnall at first intended to go. but his health THE CLIPPER SHIP him to decline the jurne'T. The prepatii-.i- s "ID. "SYREN j, otithwro warer-jrx- t u lh rier" cdj. It waa above Jr IT "V JO. & , GODFliEY !" SORTMENT t!to boom for departure were made, and the Minister and bis O S 0 W. B. COBB, Master, or arc Ert cf irco atalr. aaJ 4 rimUir cam SELECTED EXPR156LT FOR THIS MARKET r TOOL C1RDK. suite left the 15th, to pro- : farther ap aff.rJJ additional facilities fvT enteric; foaa.ia cn Taejay. the FROM BOeTOX TI E MARC II 1, VIZ. v Loukibf class piates, ceed into the river. At his deparrare from the tn-chor- ce BARRELS EXTRA PRIME PORK. Saw clasps, fcoye ja rirTM th Cel. Oa approkohiog Dry Arc. . th first jettr. three or MESS PoRK. Coods. MERCHANDISE, Bed keys. a. t tW j .. ar aea down to by he was saluted by the two Radian steamers OTIS OE.MMS.CAE$ WESTERN no Keel the botMoweJ then t!sere, and General Mouravieff, BARRELS EXTRA MESS BEEF, CASES Cut brads. sword.-- , His Eswlleay . half a doata ethers armed wi:h spear acJ Fa-I- stript-s- Buiiet XKHi&It, the Gjveroor-eenera- l tn.Tern Siberia, came oa TIERCES HAMS. Cases karmuS dcuims. cs s Co. who remained" few rods behind; all were droaed ia cf Caw fcrow a driisi, cs twurhx Jo ii i, Bed fpficcK Woe boari th tender to take e and hand b.itn a letter CAMvi? srPERIOR FLOUR, Lnus Haad svrrews. i f eocsttea clothes with The first par? k f turban. fi . Wrocfbt chest c"f r General Ignatieff. the Kissiaa minister at Peking. CASKS NEW BFJFOKl BREAD. I nxa 4--4 btracikni cotv-n- tanalW. . rprBted themseiktw As beknginj; to ft ewe pan y Cart PorceLaia rmi The persocs coairos cz the Eatbisy were as ful- - CASKS BOSTON" NAVY BREAD. Cases 41 bl?acbcU ccx!. Clipper drawer ktoc4, iMauaaaa ooe V: c C. cnopasses. rvitutrer brat e. which had been placed ia the fort Mtrr-.aia- 2 Kts c IVruaaUi j : Cws prmi. btinf, dmrv-- men-of-w- kws CASKS BOSTON PILOT t Brass pocket rwies, to pirate, and prwyest ar going up OILMAN & CO, BREAD. CaaeS boofy cuaib acd ptqa-- iifUra. btuJ LXL PXaj 19i-t-f Htj-u- J Weateohotis's ccaetvated aaa eUM the rivet; aod their orders were ajx-- a 100 BARRELS 1IAXALL FLOUR crasli, Jj txeacbeU do btaaAna. fcatta, to fir whoever Bls pocset kairra. Crper . Ej-- LA IN A, tacks. fttietspted the passage. Th epoemaa of tb ooiu It. S. Wi: tibials VT. Wi'w Wart, j Scrtijrm HA MAUI, Clothing. Sftts croct aeedlea, b::t?J Oral brad Carajos rpaotic feiwiw. assured as that he knew Hide; N" iirt, mirrars. , ica, PJ. W. A. f. Ilia, Re. W i Altcfcj ARE PREPARED Prawitr rts, Best q mailt .1.-- - that the Laperor Ufued orders to conduct the K. tl Ta. ot WITH THE ISIAL aaJ uJi3i t crvi w aueka, , kd asRwroseot Goat Soarh-- t irty SoH !iirts. Cncket Bs cast JTrrr- - fjreijra iflnifrrs to Ptkinj; furthermore, be Lrat- - S. D. TreaetarJ Skins. al bi. asi hai Cv. Tttn..l. Ueiaia paats ani troca. KaoLr spoose Kaare taeT- fcar--i Coveror-genera- L ir. c.i. aaj that Haagfab. th I of the Jzta fix Ship : . . ii -- B-- F. r 5'?m. Ship Chandlery, Tallow, Stores. iwfa proriace, hai that da arri-e- d from Panting. a& J Purtrr. &c, HarrrLj 'aral W celt ox ycke irocs, iu Lim. Airs. W. Uairrhan. Lar. tali a; asd cacj Horse had to Pehticg. Fee fxrinj S--ai' ar-- di.-i-t nads. a toan a few miles cn the WTUJiia H. SJwk Chie this taic4s. ! eooKi riotfa3y Sluh Bnb.l varnish, Pck l.wcksi. n. Brass f Cgirr. a cncQooanre o bmabea, suit, cast aorth of the preseat e& trance. lie was asked to Airrrnoo . Tjt-3- sm a .Variae. lie fari of tbe trxali aad avu. Tbey Pura aad ctxai tar. lLobl and scrub Clout nails, asacd, Umrw ool-- "f aareoa haad j Ktrs cere &od extra wbl: Vad Cab sead Mr. Ward's card over to this place, which was fcr. ri. Old Boutii ou. craare sprirf buita, Jo&a W. $adfjnt. Jr. 5ore- - Copper. aad xioc paict. Ua5ra &up adaes. aakaown to aU f us, bat declined to do so cn the Axlmt .4 MERICAX MESS BEEF, Cam cisroto pwn, ?f xsii turpetiUue, groao'i that it won!J b presumptioa oa his part; Old Composition. Cpvr-J-c tuiWHi, 1 aarf aea,y Bother coo Id he famish Tar ILL WA1IAX Ceiescal bhw. iijch room. T a carriage or a sedu to take Uufan aad imxn. wuh tea wiv. MESS PORK, in fintaosaa tea pors, messenger there, nor a pUul to guide the steamer to The company laadel the next morning, and were Old Yellow 3Ietal. Uawau'a ad Americanecsigv. "SYREN ta saoata of ta river. These did received by the escort, which provided J. MAKEETS .Va. 1 ArfTSS BEEF, Mines and S;irit. Vtstracs. it thine not pertain hsi carrii.es ASED AT THE HIGH BjT MAR. UooocgaheU hi hH tM 10. 6 aad to him. bos ha had bo doabt we easily to convey theta across the country. These vehicles tJTRCH C. U&EWtiK Masnoiia aad could find the a CO.. railoo krr. BU'ECOTTOX, ioter-Tea- SL'GARS A XD SYR CP, Market V"iarf. , riASES tewtt oarselte. for th masts vUible acrcas the are drawn by one horse, t r driven tstiem; they ar Casks Locdoa casks Duff fionion sberrT, A Caes Uacultue caeca prists. juuwer carry ra.tw, sixes tnia un I J ka land were toco of Junks Wing ia the river covered with canvas and ci'e-- cloth, and both the ElghJ cogaac cases c&axpace. Cases two-bin- e prtata. Rnbfcer propeller cencJ. iwoc. . horse protected MOLASSES, " Cases cbeck cigjrams. Jadd's poeivx,a pteta.i' sear. it. There was a eonSdeoew in the bearing aod driver are avrcin;. The Provi ions Q ex ,. cf bran Svren Tobacco. Cases bieacbed jemts. .rrM!i-Ji- body is incon- " Msvf Led this man and his comrade, which, made as suspect destitite cf springs, tut the principal Ticti-Hri- K !b tufcacro. 4- ' BOOTS, BREWER i CO. OFFER FOR SALE Cases j t Cases -4 bieaciie4 rVif. . rlww fckles, brass swrre a, ja.x .ja, that they were assuaiicz their present character. a venience to a foreigner is the want cf seats; the pas- c. Ui Sjtjcwize rrotisaxEA. $iltclc trzrtii-- . far tiis Cases workuif tape's mxr.tr'!, " Caikus; irotrv, duor a, Iv t pa"p aapicka which th onasnal quiet rather cccSnaexi. senger is usually expected to fit it with cushions, and SHOES, Cases Scevart's Tb tobacco. Baies ABMSkec deoiiss. PtaaterV Sue aaac-- . ra! ne Whi! talking with arrange the inside as be pleases. An application had Barrels exira prime pcrfc. Cum Taraaaia t 5 tobacco Bales 27 in. Aetik:ket stripes. Kuu abcet Lrx.. aVmtUsA ser-- t ?im.. hia, three or fcor others were Barrvt toe$ pert. Bales 27 h . Stietuckrt ticks, een in tL gateway, and perhaps a doten mere cn been made for fceartrs to carry two sedans, and they Barrels eaira bms teel; ProTiion, Crocerie, Ac. Baies P aama ticks, w Bedford Baked Bread, T.excca Ebb mess bevs aod prime rork. Kite taroes aad soaods, Doubie Manchester qata,Irr Aaira o tfc tipper jetty, with as many half dremed boatmen could doubtless have been cttained by waiting f.r ban:. Ba Vestern tiaK bro. at ' 4, Cade aper"w Tierce hazas. Coditli. carry powder, sbrti", White AaaiMri budicc aea trdtmm iteriag scows. No them to arrive; but a few hours' experiexee the Bla k reecair jackets, kkf- abcit their Sags were fljinj cf w Bfcis (iaiWso &wr. Sorilie wires. CsjiKBBere "Wfcite warsted traal. ,n- !... rKM Cai Beiibrd breaJ. , from this or th other fcrts. aor were any men to be road vindicated the reasonable objections of the Chin- ITIill Co. Cukt Booioa nary Tni cf 100 tba eucii best pttoi eora and peas, Couooade parts, Elacz sJc furauar frmp. eartr . a as Hawaiian Bifad, tnaj. bread. TinsJrnsxakd terrinp. BcKnJered K a een oa th parapet of th nearest. Th mats which ese to that mode cf transportation ever this tnaddy Casas Bocba puc bread. , Assorted (aocy pants. bocaatek :o'H. as- Carlo W A b-- Ji port-aole- Cases of tias of water and - Boxes uf grocod sait ta bajrs 's biack ta3:ta rlUaca, Mar. s withi- plain, for the coolies would eocn have been knocked 1M barrsis Uaxaa tear. Baiea sop. drilia, . hasg vr iu prevented observations M tirowa be--- ao-- i n- Amer. and Haw. Flour, Vr surced crackers. Cases invoihl saii nil boxes. White aod kit t.t rtbeaa, s SomII iron caltrops were scattered along the Half btis dried a: pies. Boxes iaj er aad boacb raiaics. Ct Trimmicc riso. water's adge. aad wear th wall ran a wid ditch, Oa getting out cf Pehting, the cortege proceeded Faney Goods! Cass cNeee ia uos, Ha l bJirr es saar, Sennett, White Jiton, Panama, 'H ide nscwa, frr(.'tfi,1 m. u', -- SLOPS irt fttai. who at th jetty was deep. The nearly due west across the plain, whc-- e continuity AXD FIXE CLOTHIXG, lialf ttts batter. Baieso, . F.ne bird's rye draper, oat!t chief speaker ST S frcn Ca.-c- s Leg level RECEIVED PER YREX, Eoc, Gruaad pepper ia glass. er.fVctiooery, and Brown horn Hats, OI sDt, woald gir no inftrmatica respectisgth force within stretched ia an uc.bn.ken as far as could be Tprtrx. aier:ajC Cases sardioes. rtos; piok aad btoe La.! PAIXTSAXD OILS, JI Ouofcao. Eaaaeled trantiicj bags. Pre cosK luS inch, Vtktt. tarrvse. es' mul th forts, bat be assured as that no harm b seen, relieved only by a few conical graves near Kits mackerel, i Roood back codba, Coo i ir k. Extra fine Srcwa 4--i, C ".I"'. - Virrt Jo bari, wnuaf win. done to Um Thryeaa if no attempt was made to re- the town; ut 1 htu.- or a hillock was in sht, PRESER YED MEATS, Playii! cards. Las p wick. Hoot .' Kiaa-liisg-cb- Sundries. fcwiacap in dis- Beams paper, Spir Is tcrpeatiae. lltl mote the booms. Tiis toibrmatMa. meager as it anl it was Dot till near 16 miles WixJ nutcs. do M Bates Wecoea's ca welt bwsk oa. .i rar. 21 barat brick. faacy bas. wwa. was coamaaicated to th Admiral, who bad al- tant, that the scil repaii cultivation, cr was even AXCIIORS Jfr CHAIXS, V rivtrf do. Haoila lra:s. Boxes wsp, Boxes sa& niet soap 4 C.iSES --iSSORTt PATTERN'S Ilea's pef rad cA writ bass. decide-- Tab baoe, Kair cuTcricr, . Xea rd ready i to open a passag up th river. generally covered with ether than saline plants. Cases taddies, Nests painted tubs, . Paiaiew! Oil farp-t- uii Ls. That sight The provincial treasurer, Wa&hiuh. tcet Mr. Ward at Ciitlrea' eahs. Paiia, la?cck's powder, Vds b.a. and the next day the attempt was mad, TAR, PITCH, Do. carriages, diJcrect rasmu. Backets, sta basceta. Pot rrocmJ lead in 25 lb ke p. Lavaca'rrr ka which brought oa th but the teoder received this place, and begged him to remain till morning, as Tor ate l C. BEIWE8 a CO., Cades Cases wheelbarrows, Botied Linseed Hi. raioai sjo 'LaadJaes. Java's a. if l-- j tuj wheelbarrows. ad bat; ef BO inHiIT Uarinr it. Srh went oat cf th ntrr on the next storp:nr-p.'ic- e was less ccmmoaious. A ROSIX, Marst WLart Cades spera caaiies, llaodied boes. Assorted sises desisa aad r a Meram ot sUar tamp, A Charcoal Wire testing, I9 do do a:iar bu&p t'la.it, Grtxeriea. t. tae zcta. towtcg two beats of wounded to their I U'g? boase cad been prepared ftr car acccauaodi-- 1."". irecs. S.C.toda, cien WiU-i-- Sciar lasp c&im&eys aad wic Is. Ta.fs. r. arpearance ft Boyer stOTes. FVws. Ortmid M aaur4, shiw-- and returned the next day to assist as Hon. wh.ch exhibited in its gveeral such U00kS aa--i Uoarded (lobe, top iaa( eras. f.Ofer. further BRAND AND TRACY'S GUNS, itocrs wioiow saabes, Bxes, ba Sir?, IrrMitinu might b weeded. So was therefor wot ready to a superiority to the mud hovels in which most cf the A LF" BARRELS SHOOKS. 190-- tf Paste biackisz. Ox Ctu: pet, was needed IfK 1 fcii r oi 1 aad 4 ja r r"ifc"a pevoaed to th villagers lived, no further proof cf fulls. . town of Pehting until Wednesday, that WITH A GENERAL ASiOETMlST OF kn ca..aaje faii. FURNITURE. solera:a. lda r utaia. this regie n. lur ty 1 bock case secretary, ! Cases JamHes. C whew ah was dispatched with a letter for the th general poverty cf the population in BRE-ws- ! mm. c k ca. AVIXES 1 do do da. CaSkal Cases su.k crackers. Th evoaat in this direction is so low The company moved cn at an early hour next Sirtii 'Wbarf. AXD SPIRITS iiof rwi, morning, and arrived the afternoon at the village HARDWARE, Cases kvuer cruiera. C. ia .i.'.. fr that th estraacw cannot easily be dintiaguished ; and ia rilHE 1TTEXTIOX OF PFRCHASERS IS Cif enctcn. 1 r fmnr.tm Captain Stomcs did wot fed safe ia ra&ning very cf Peh-ta- cg cn the Pei-h- o, about tea miles above For FamilT trse ! M. reuaested to th tuiiowiaz eoactxc ascraca of abor 3riiitoclEaca settCliaialoorn;rT I tBreaa, Sotts iUfaitfik 1 MfW, , GROCERIES, artjeies. to tiiaea, by tL cratfv '.r.-- do ia, as wo swrvwy had been A boat was Tientsin by the river, wearied out by the hot ride of fcraie at wacfesale, at prices sait tiie I edstead, BocW m"d. i.- utad. txa: tf.-a- f towards a vClag which thirty mile aerces th same unbrcken plain, much BARRELS CLEAR PORK, qurter&x anarstfae Cau &m imU eaato. ami, rat sear three junks lay; PROVISIONS, HALF rrcTtfvi - sttmi." Ict aae by 1 Vapoy, Hiiit M reaching way through miry reads aad aerces half de- jxr asi mk tou. tat oa them, they were foaad empty, and cf the c. B&EWEa a co Per " Sea 'Jlllph,, from London. 4 md proceeded aaooru. Th fieJ ap luged Sells. The country was covered with good !artel Wharf. ia.r. Ilala Caps. it inhabitants at iu NAVAL STORES, Cases 4 dosea eacb Byass' a. I jeciic? 4a. Ecyf biack Wir-- r baas. key". t 4c pnath. bat whew th threw gentlemen from it reach- crops cf millet, sorgum, malte, beans. Chinese yam, 1 znDTr bracjT. 1 tiwH smitl. By's csiK-re- Oermsa kwis. sxea a i.."rt kaa. Case seat back -. its ed th village, a few of theta heap (StXt.) sesaoum, seionsand other vegetables, Whale Boats " 1 " raspberry braaIy, !ar chairs. Men's biack aad trwa Ht h kr; married, aad said, thai V, 1 11 Caoe seat back i were scanty. Twelve vil- CROCKER cherry curdial. htt chair. Veo's Hack pfavs.terS kata. t tc : m. a--. earing an attack, aad not knowing th Americaa but fruit and ether trees whA twau. do. Up Wafcaat -- BOTTOM Uficri 1 Jamaica ram, teteaetea, Men's CaaUia ftats. a. 1 a a-- T e (4. lages were passed, and twice that nuacer seen during SMOOTH j-.- rvoeiieu Syrea." Aw a by 1 Easy i flag, which they had sever before see, they had all pr " saemrwio. chairs. Boy's Morpty caps, Lr t t n, St-ti-t- TIN WARE, . mik' fied into th country, at the nam time sending a the day. at one of which called cn a canal BREW EK CO 3 " Bridres, Worthi?ton k Seas, a4 Asstd sirrora 1x9, ISili, 21x14, 3Iarfc Wbarf. Lessoa Ball & Son's' bocCed port. CIh9 aud CrorLery liVarf. to encampment crvsaicg the ccustry between the two rivers, we rest- EXTRA CUSTOM : lAt-- v aBgir the to obtain prctecucw CLOTHING, Quarter casks best J. k J. VarteU dark bracdr, I Cct Tiaerar asd castat 4 btaa. agaiaat th iavadera. Th two parties were becom- ed Cr two hours. Whitehall Boats ! Jamaica rum, warranted pcre. Il-- t f.il, pict a&i tain iwMn ing acquainted, when so th villagers exclaimed, Five beats of difereat sixes hai been provkied at Case OUi Tool gia. ifiaM pi ji i Ka .. cf JlC. ROCKAWAYi w , M Th hutstsstu are ecvaiag ! Toa t Pehtsaeg for th Embassy, ia which the gentlemen ice ice RECEIVED iJiip fcr sais by w kt" rv.t dc4 rsxa. had better rua JCST Jr C. BRXV EX a CO.. w a.w a ut nut, tir t jJL to your boat V Another of thesa wiUiagly accepted found good accommodation. The escort occupied as rsTAlXT WASTE BY WUALA31 EX. " Market Wharf. To arrive per Washington AI- I- WITH HARXESS COMPLETE, th tw threw geotle-B- ea meay more. The whole fUrtilla started early ca the Paittta aad letter to tak it Pshtaag. aad th (WS Ea iitfc wXKxt, Tung-cha- a evening ston. rareith. fun hastened back across th uocevered beach to th ild. aad reached cn the cf the WHICH WILL BE SOLD LOW, TO RE And 1 extra Express Wagon. aa H. Jnt ljeeeived per Ship Sjren !' 100 rases CtaV ria. Afervcaa icperal psca, rai u boat, which they reached Just aa sum troopers ap- 27th. drawn by tracktrs the entire distance cf mere barkis New Jersey crcqnd txc r t.rf .U aad. fcaX dvx, kit Quarter casas aad octares ITecaefST's brasdy. Corn aod jote docw mats. Tam r'booped pails , -- . X. IL living near Fei-h- o J)L'CK OUR STOC1T. HERRINGS. Bbb buled haseei wi, Laa. p peared ever th book. note was received to aeat than S0 The people the BARRELS aarter barrels dx. Vurrer casas Hartsocy saerry, Caoai wbjeeibarrvws, Ha fct carts. .: ed Best rrvstod rs, atsm. day fr&sa th th throe ged the landings to see the stran Kt tocaes acd scoods. Barrsfc rye wtisky. Ox yocesv t x b.;wv wi Mrtiu sil Sua. lateadaat cf Tkataia Circuit. lacfliijes 0a ttte -- can Orooad ttHjBHt yeiiw in eH. ! Bst prrctn parse itru U coarsved th report mad by the soldiers at Ta-k-a gers, their euncatty stimulate-.- no aou'-- cy tie re-- t Tins Urd. Cases caasa cider. Cast steel, ustd sixes ;S5ie tine, rn. fTa'f bits, crashej rarar. Bales evrki. ccapo aod Qi-s- iates-Je- d late occurrence. The pcpaiaticn alcrg 1 rad. saarF, rcspecticg the receptkn of the three pert cf the ti'.v cranuiated d'X Barrels cU Bocxbwo wsiy, Cast sttet fia;".td spars, Tung-cha- u leas Ix sioets Asil Fmbassrea at Pehtaag; h us that th Gov. the river near is than aicve Tientsin. rsr a by CmWKKk CO, Quarter casks Rivierre braodf . ! Bay state socket 1 Asstd trca tacss, LUMBER., tasiol 1 Storage, ". ernor-graer- well lT-t- ts. al waa thea at Tieotsia. but that th let- but the banks art everywhere equally cultivated. Ai alau Ijc f Market Whart ter would be immediately fbrwarded to him, 1 acztsua is the largest town between these two cities. ! Coster'a Celebrated It; it Eitermiiator, LI MBEK EX - R CV r aad aa 1ROX, A.C. On Hand in Bonded Store;. DO, answer seat as soon aa pnswta reported to contain upwards cf a hundrel thousac-- i ; casks ami Piaet Castulua braady, ASSORT EH CARRIAGE A3 R AV WUIPS, '1VHITE PINE HELVIW,tHl. II AXD. eifMb. caks t t J p tot,. i nxBars Iroa, T T Wet fcoiaris. spra m artk. This not was aaswered oa th 2d in Mr. Ward's ? - PROVISIONS. J relaed kezs and barreia M'MPceateia wharity, CIsOClTS, 3 Sprwre eiapiaris. puae ja:. Tutg-chA- U gv-- iaarter eaas aod braadj, DA7 AtJJ3 OTHERS. The lies at the bead cr tiav taes vh-i- t puxe aaate. aad the 5th cf Ja'y prepcaed as the day cf city cf CcEiss' hantN-- d Park Irs p.ama, li u i Pet-b- BucdW Shapes. keirs American brandy. axes. c& saSs ExceUeacy two bow the e near anu Sr - "Syree" C AUfcfl. saeetittg ITs ; but through th delay of hi Ucn: tnbutanes into it, 7cr sal r Cases Oil Tom cm- - oarrels Ba pal- ale. Eaw biles. Eaxfc . PTows, N - L, i and 2D, crwsasy juaks. hi answer did not reach th ship un- ptoiv intended for the carital are landed here. The c EarvrEk 1 Co.. Case lituT aV azd porter, rs cfismpaae eider. Umdocetaa on stoce, Wlii twash bros&es. '. til th evening af that day. It waa eoached ia civil beats extended for about three miles in a nearly ua-- l-- tf JLvrkec WarC Cases vrosimi coniiaL s spice acd wornwvod bitters Percisxi caps, Io t acd siasie barrel fasa, Weg grain SPECIAL. NOTICE. Ca&s Te&Eiast's xlt aad purtcr in pises, serua aaii sharics bross, Powid p? i Lnciber! Lnabrr! terma. expressed his lateaucsi to carry Majesty's brckeu Rutss. besides ether lews cf junks A-- Hit W II IFFLETREES. CHAINS. Cses ciierry cordial, cs comas wine, c? firmer wioe. Hoe wasi tuarii. Wire kares. TBI iato aad to do everything to facilita: acchered tek;w the town, the wfcole fcrming a very JL ETS I If A. Cbcppia; trays, Tabe carpetitera" peocib. rnnErXDERSICXEP WOfLD HIE rars eect. pILMAX CO. BEING DESIROTS OF SIP. WH . F LET R EES CHAIN'S. JL g" re awcice ta as aaC ta r " mi. - Turg-cha- a, uarrvw-s- cestoeT. scene. aocr sseit -- t the jewrwey of th Americaa Embassy- to Peking. busy anl curious The pg;da cf V1 cuia t tbrir bttstcess s Sy? 14 prepare! b TJ 4 A tmsf a from a ccEpi-do- us Hani Cu.rars. reeeired per 'Heather BelP Grant's Grain Cradles, Complete. cc by s.tviT as cae -- i r?. H aba adJed that he had been directed to prepare the osly cee met coming the cvast. is Seed Jnt Saanciy. bcs. r rm uf ew iTarers. ct w mm fr K aat aa tscort fcr the English and French but ebjeer, bet the city itself d:es net appear to thi present Year, Ox from London Direct. prxa is saaraek. la ocier jt ta, v;a w. limbos:, Darin? T, Tks. . Groceries. iUi-c- his comatuaicatioa to the Mr. Brace adtastXire from the river. It contains about 40O.0CO Iroo Pt-ws- (sottekatrs. C b. LiiA lioa. had been , OdScr t sa tkeir stack ia trade, Ac--, Ae, Casks i:Tin ech Briilyes best pocner, ess is built Tientsin. fmaei. beiocLif r irsajfby C. ERE" ER k CO- -. - - - Boxes Salt "Water Scup, decTned ea the 25th, the ground "that criers had tahabitaats. aad raxhetetter -- 4 paleaie. t ks siaeir escabisAsxaa. IX 3m 17 cf Jaaraet WkarC - " Ln ruber. Sbinzle. and f meo-cf-w-ar Cases 4 Bobert Tjcci's pcrtcr, iijptor. already been given te the to cxaxesce Carriages were here provided to cvnvey us to Pe - " A " B. B. Brass- pZe aie, Boxes Corn Stare i, the bax:la. He expreced his Mwoder and alarm" king next morning, tut the stcc roal Wading there i AVIIALE LINE. A.r. - ( browa scjct porter. i we 1). aV 11 ALE Jei-ey-s nt en hearing this, for he 'suppesed that the real ieten-ti- oa was up, that after a short trial prefer-- C WATERJIA. Co. LINE. 4 - J. k Co.'s paie Isdia aie. Cases Cheese, 400.000ardd. aad xiiirSiM a.1 sua. ecca iiij-- 1, the Fnglita Ptswipoteatiary was cerely to red to ride oa horseback or walk- - Th escort use! - - - - ft-- . 1 1X.i.4 ius'Xs, tavsi, Miant aad f Offers A Cases Sago, Pom Clapboards. A. a aivi Li V--t as-so- ' for Sale: " Sf arklirx red so people XLirtiiap. preeved to Peking to exchlsge the treaxj; aad the same vehicles themselves, asi do the a. d-- 4 acai - Is7-t- f J. C. Sf kLX'LSG. i fas Mr. Ward -t- hat the wcrks at Taka were mere- generally ; :a fact, we caiy saw cue seiaa chair, car-- BBLS. EXTRA MESS BEEP. rWsab-C- .." Barrels Alihonds, irxRed W3od au.i 4 : OfinC praae BSiiWEK Cii!:arl. r. li desVnd locality, wife th time, daring the whole pTi. CO. Wiiite eaa. L, aai ne-jr- ly erected t the aad with bo sinister rvine an ctScer's at r sacks . V. fciuc, Mark- -t W- -t li Eag-lia- h aa--i le-a- l7f Barrels ?ilberts, 5&eatM!.:i- - aal i lxX. Wgw whatever if the minister wished to made no attempt to get them a!ter 1 cases bacKi -- vurtev. i sides. DAILY EXPECTED! f it S otiwe. Sycau. I'T. J te . go to the capital that way. thcre&re, a full discussioa j tag Pehting. Th travel upon this read is so greet. 1 eases brvcacs. crxxr BAGS : roa SALS BT Boxes aii kinds Maierra. . tr T -. 4 boxes asd Candles, Aad'r i kuiiln iaMi wpen shew lef- soil so soft, cvastaat care wvuld be ae-- fie ikuciMo tea. BALES crXXlES-FO- SALE ir saie at a,west .. A the matter id have been heii with aia and th that M M R BT Hv3 C3--. lvtf t rales f I. ti 1 0 crxra, A ztnt it- ceseary keep while no repairs to tni'x SO C. B5.fcE& CO.. a, g . js Xj tjd x I56ca Boxes Bees Wax. t,re aucsspciag - to it ia order; ieeta 0o.tM ! bread. (Otc. aaey asi BMdlcai, Karket WtarC appears suitable to th unexpected turn ! have teen made siace Sir Henry Ellis tctk his night TUB rOLLOWISG MES.CH J C'Ii PEa Windoir It cfaairs. kes bctarr. t Door. Sab. CUeK j 1W eoOs Sew Bed5.Td s& the swapiooea which the batGeaf the 2jch would j August. 1S16, which be decrites in such Sewaea, AY vo. ? ' aad riie ia W Vjjw IRON SPIKES. IRE. ic. WASHIIIGTOU ALLSTOlil" IIEI CK ZX - MODERN TIME.-- When was ; 5.:ctw noir aatarally cause ia the salads the Chinese with re- moviag last laid tj Kiealasg. it 1 IRON ASSORTED SIZES, roa sale, rs QCAsrrrL' e - tim m SuLi 5i inch. i. . riAST SPIKES. -. CASES ROB ROY CANTON FLANNEL, offes to srrr. tes tol- M ITH j Ii. DOORS. ASpRT gard to the iatcntioes cf ail those whcee xUga had j aa apprvach to the capital worthy cf that monarch, 31. J. ir'. : Eaids troa wvre. dv jrway siiar- Just rsceiu Per LOWTXG CHOICE A25C OP El 'lUt. 3. 3i. ti. ii. II aad tccit. Jbr sa by C. CO.. 6 .TMET been seen to quote sentiments des- j Th country co either side was we. I cultivated indeed. 5d cviLs thread. tdrraj aarli Li BBAwer 4 caws cuctbc. basdkerrh6. there, the cf this " dresd, iasa I:rs. ws. , Karxet Wliari 1 water, ") 00 "io-J-.-- would from teov j Sells and mauscle-- thepub-- f Chaia cabirs aad aactscrs. tics Xa cj. xx T3 o x ! J" t patch; Lr it seea ia that the let but the fartcsteal. the 2 aaa t i an cl o af-- Copper baser, ors w-i- I ! piae,4 aad axb. 5 iCJ:iTEI' PES. 16 parf wjls aaii .' 'tt w ters frees Shanghai seat by KwetltaBgoo the 11th lie pavilion, asd the temples cccarriag ca the way. i CHAMPAGNE CIDER I 50 case 1 case, Jnt B.:rt. sa Chip's castwoam. 3 2, assorts! oa wc, J eaci th . s 1 1- - ',. csplets Ns. aal J r xarVrt, aa ia received, ' exhibited the same Mature cf neglect. At the north-- a tkaue ti a fmia . j Sfeod elrfr .j aad act been aad that Hasfuh had cose .raoa, tucpe 'xcs. FEW CASES OF A GOOD ARTICLE I irr-t-r . r.: t a :. 1 froaa Pa ating on heariag of Admiral Hope's era en--1 the roal is bordered with weJ bai.t sacps aie boats, xai 1 yawl buati. A juss riceired per syren.' Fur sale bi tia lutr, j HEATHER 3 ELL !,f l arrival rr A-- CO di-)l- g ' Cocro dack. 2, A. S, 7, 5. aad T3 C. BkkTEK 3 cases prists. &.r up to i, ?t ia the Galf. Steam had probably beea too quick. more than half a mil, quite the pia f U.-k- Wtarf. ' pi. breiad. 4 MOST CAREFCIi,V SELECTED ta-v. Hard &ea.bz:. mrh -- 6:rtthis Mirkes by Hr. L. H. r the pcrts aad the circa aIocatioa-cSi.-- e. -- or Morning San Gate; their size and g.tdicg 3 tarrja. tikacy fccrles A Art rir. TIC33 ' 1J cases . oum pr. ass, (Ii Nscits atuhJi per B taais gia, Tht frst appwiatsseiit having Cxi.Vd. acciier was present a retaarXAtle ccarrkst t? the ceaa s&cps ia i TOBACCO. IIOrSE PAPER. tw aii. SO - (1 b.iCUes - 1 case tLicie trjRS. eacfc.) - - iafcrteij di- Competition the Life of 7n.de! Bade Lr the Sth; aad Hacgfuh's repiy was received the coctiaaatxa cf ih jase avenue withia the gate. SUPERIOR TOBACCO. lOw 4 LARGE ASSORTMENT rect fr'.m acattVam, Keif t se best e . OF CHOICE 3 cases detiiia fnscks. Try anici ia ti ap- saw by paKeras asd tcr-irs- jrjiklf j ia fall tisae to move the frigate t. wards Pvh'acg. Several fine hcorary gateways added t the gay !50? a f b. S4 M .rt 1 in. 5 is. 150 St taarkec WEST LI MBER AT St rrftM row," P. C. TATISMiX Jk CO. C. BSEWIX A i'kjvs txriT?, 3 S3 cases best Jiarte-l- s kcaady. VORTH Oa that day. Mr. Ward aad Com scdore Tattnall, pearance cf the tut the wretched read ts.k a wy : I Karket Wbart Maneixy's a aai sm-- Lc qiar! t ar.1 pcyw. cajes 4 acd acccmpasivd by a sata3 warty, proeded in the ten- J all apprectatica cf their elegance. Jl A TV ILA CORDAGE, Wiyi'ANiySPIRTTsS ! each. gnidAoce I The waj city near gate is :a crier, OAK BOATS. A.. INCH ISO A n to the river, the D. der eatraace cf the under the ' cf tha gxl "nOR SALE LOW TO CLOSE COXSIGX-- !S. cf a pilot. The hand ecwid act be seen frcm th frig- risiag about sixty fee:, and the five stcrred garl--j JT neoc. f lod-- tf f C. W ATIRMAN A C VESTS OF OAK BOATS PAILI EXPECTED PES BARS 2t3 a 1 rfJerBSiWES A CO ate, bat two fccts faraished a wayaiaxs: a the ea- over it nearly forty more; they presented al- -; Ii7 Maritst Wiar VV Best Bra ad A LEI ia piala. nsliixkstori. Xid-- traace; aad when withia half a league, the parry oret together aa ispcaingappe&raace; set a man was sea hemp siinorDixc. rOR SALE TO AiSIVEAllston!"BT Cases s tah. at reasm ahie prices. f 3(1 T 1- -S A! sent to receive them. vessels ( upon them, ncr any caaacn. The avenue wi:a--( INCH TO INCH SIIROCDING the three juaks These ia cr C. VACExkHAN X DAILY EXPECTED! ZS carefully fitted ver hundred Srec wide and eapaved, the 3 E.ra.by i. Ca J. C. SPALDING. : had beea up Sir the eceasioo. aad iu ia is a aal rrK ARRIVE PER SHIP WASHINGTON dairy ifc- it X Q CARTER CASKS AND IOOCTATESOI roils: a -. i co of theoa the fcTreigaers proceeded to the laadiag. ! center cf it ia cociseuetice of the receet rain, was X A LLf Tv" . J Lieacessey's jarx brandy. BARRELS ONLT OI' THAT EXCEL-- ' ! ! ! 3 SCFXIoa FIANOFOSTT, fnt the KjaaiiCftiry of P.tJk.. aad keki--t fcr Mr. E. W. which was Lkewwe Jestvxca. now quagmire, which horses, earriagts, I ;oarar Exraocy" sherry. X-y-10er, Lit oraasxared with silk a through SALT SALT SALT i EiZIttt ir Comstoo. firsa!6T cas Koiikai a cauarr- artartriit for Foi!y a-- ti Cabd Tact 1 1 rye VAU!. J eaxrfis wiiskr. beira inili-fo- i, LUMISKIt Aa isssaeos crowd lined the banks, the boats, asi ( as-- drivers douadered ia great cecfusico. The swee c satwra Sresh, aa i a superior ar J.ir me ar t NEW I' cojes chao:?ajr3e I-- . M ED c. cuier, tf A-- W j who ANVFACT CR AT THE ss Yjs fiOLT EEtCS-S- V. 61 fc 7LT the streeta. prcceedeJ ia carriages to the pUce was dapjjint:3g to all entertained hih rr-.- win ci UNDERSIGN EI II k Ct ! hl f JL LttJE 1 n '. ef meecag between files ofjnaskeeters spearsiea anl expectatices cf tie gry cf the metrpclis cf Chiaa; ! 2i bas?5 e!.npqj?. est.kouscMt er irt HOOP IRON. jce-tta- LARGE ASSORTMENT OF GROCER, J ? 4 a-a- 2HO lf Cwrt rvxue. acd w;ixi m,J tewmen. to da further aooor to ih occasion, a yet vast cr ant c rea LOA SALT WORK tows tr"i'.aes. ies asd pCi. jsLocs, per Lit t. r saie t rvsvc" aa! the crowi tno: v:aro. PI t HOOP IRON, A irr.n chap r 4 Uikt we seU r NEW BEDFORD - Lociioa CTufi" ackinJajB 14 iirwi L-a- xkey Wl-t- J. rars J fin, f bae ef cavalry had also beea drawn sait ca the quietly staadlag ia dece multitudes ia frcct cf the IS FCR- - BrXDLES receireiA aod 6 saie br SAH s A IDOB. ' rpHErXDERMGXED READTTO "ii btrts iii Bjirri wzkj. i a- - ! eppoeise houses, sMes the carriag? way ia aa C. EiiWEB k CO 3 :T As Lov bank, all ia uai&rm. Thoah the aad liaing the cf ' . Juaif pipes triply. 1J D V the X.oiet swperwr ar-ie- U AIR PORS. t.-- ef these vehaeVs. aai the disezpHn aol apparel uabrckea row, escst ef theat well dressed ia white cr Tery IWClL T IH BtjT lKP".TtD Xarvtt iarC h : cf SALT, sad at a prwe m Dwfy 4"na w-- ! Wnr tei ms DAIRT PORK. JVST REtniVED Cedar ed it iw NwS. these sokCers were act cult equal to those ia the blue garmeats, together with the yello temple, appty a i'A ILL jiON EST. CVTTING FALLS. BEST r sae by K.ny. t.'H j-- cf bmri. , ptl lk-c- 1- ! rcy a there was all the evaieece ef respect in the ar-- honorary gareways. asd shocr craaaieated w:th f PnaJiia iiu w.jrks. Mil REE -4 CCTTING FALLS. t eolt Errcs. FLceti wiir ,'?rf'fc that the iscec persca ccsid tars and faacy sigabcaris, rendered it aa irteresCBg L i C. BiE'ti k C JUST EECEIVED ClaHr-r.- . AJXD BT BRANDIES. Lr. a.-- r-- I twase the iJ7f Karket Wiar Tit SALS T'K3 jei have drnrei- - aad aaimatei sight. The prepared fcr To Whalemen ! FINE BRAN D V. SIIERRT AND '' A large eoacoarse of &Scers was asseoabied, ' Fahassy was situated the Old r Maacha pcrtica CASES Oa Aaad (kr sai by asg ia I wxrU rrsoeetfony suuc-- A aa: p NE CENTRE-BOAR- D SCRP BOAT. 81 C. aai V. ACT SPALDIXG, s we j froea J. li-t-f EOLT HXTCX. isiaa-f- . w : whom were several had kaowa last year; ece cf f the city, atcat half a league the gate, ia tfiojiCt obi T A tet S.'c, 7 feet oe t.Ti , .r sa.e cy VC' 513 toe 'ttuer ;r. t ! G. herti?'re eaj?d ti Sm o THE CAitiO OF AXEHJCAN HIP f suh-pre&- Lau-kiu- a- t ct A--r . theaa was the mercurial Pirn, the cf Thirtiecth Street, aad tie neiatorhood cf i Law. at escaiXis.Vfd AijLemir" Stpoiies.at Ka Kwwk Bw rd. asd Vs.il rkrw Cw. 1.--1 f. BLANKETS, ! w-- tT5a.-- a. Hawaii, N? i rt : tr. Tsaag-eaa- as bosceg as ever. The red covered tABg. These qa arters to rmeriy ccge4 to tie prime woJa. were 6xzri at al saws a icrt irciy s A ! T?riiJV v k f a---w 'JOSIATT ETS. e ccclsc-Aie- i BnA DENIMS. BLANK t l Fwwliry. ceie. -- FUNNEL were his dis- P.rk. iie Cwm warn jvi--rh taj-J- .. I4d sables, pcied up with SAacers of fruits sweetmeats, asd ca ken-.e- d fik ad A. aider BEST . aad minister. Saisaaara. j Bf.AWAlHAjS JCST RECEIVED. II. DCNBAR. aserui rs ami in r. 01a ia or. by K'LT"a- - aad plans cf cowl vtisN. with the chairs aad other grace ia ISoi They contained altogether niaeteea ! Tie aovw artms!.caa be iraieit a: the (twvst raxs. an J a ENAMELED CLOTH, CO"5riTT5i OP THE rOLL.JWTJ K E5CB A't I5E : Ftt ta.e 'Lt KECCZ. court-yarl- s; : etV--r CASES li ; thiags anoad theta. were set cut a exactly Lks those ruoote with iaterve&iBg the builiirgs tucker urn liaj at aoy pi.rt as th i?iais. AJi beef aoii Ktwrt Leather, M LBS. PILOT IO DOZ. VERDALE - SHIRTS. LUMBER M.UMBEIt! May Last th plainly fira-khe- d. vtd by m will b warrxsseii ru keeo ta any CSiidren's Cacs. I had left stasdiBg at Takx ia year th day 'sere cf cee story, asd apartaiears dau. s i Carraj--s. txt-dc- paserss. J'- - P pr- - 4 FEW DOZEN OF ij I Beats. SCIXKIORa MADE s i befixw Useevaelas beea It was reported that the qaArters Stted ap r ! 7i-- tai a.ns. a.1 EDorn vb the baKe. tat if just ' if W. XACT. ,'iFjcsai C-- BiEEX k CO 1 J peme pi;rk. ) en cijra. hren. Aji. nod cs Usa twtoa, rxPERsioasx--i sux a jf h rrstt c t narrqw r The Eeg-bs- - etc w?c& Br:ad moved over to this roocz. The principal personages the &nl French Leganoas were ocaer palaces Marsi-- t Wa- j) brtis. essn mess beef. J- a w)( aod 3.iis. n. r U7f Nt sai. T-- Goveraor-geuer- I tf A EETTCS. havvog beea aeaxeJ. the al lel the which hai also belonged 0 this graatee. tKUd nee. I cases sa.t. I'M tuf . aa?r crick ;rs. EOLf WIjST I.rMliKIl. ir-e- NORTH meat euoc:il--- TO CAPTATNS BRICK. SPRUCE POLES. FLAG 23i f s paie i3 ha.? ti;vi aj ccammrSf. aad ia the qa'et maaser, it)uired T ke i vest wr.' FIRE Sir sas ?y C. E3.S A AS. A CO . prreer.a. eases ajevdui. cs. HAWAIIAN FLOI'R.Ac. War--a TES-5S-LS !4i':a Mr. what he Irad eosae for aad when be ar- WHALESHIPS AND OTHER Jtarket - ' ef xt sapenL-- r Varf- LioT tVw, irt MB, Irt iw 2 pes. meaca, HAWAIIAN FLO CR. DO. CORN OF at uauy eaa be a; ec-Kaotl- -- IE at d'-- FRESH rived; aad as if this isJbrutoboa was sew to bier, ; Sua 3d I tb tLOS W bH. wseat autair k bar i 1,1a r u? 9 t CX , $j per co frrs.1! Nfef at 4 wurs t s&eep.iiat $J per Sead ; crivn, wrfy. I'W-t- ri S f va t E LT A t O ft proceeded ta ask. "Have yu heard that there has aid jas as M Asu. rracurs rarunta l GARS. I I cases currant wu. 5 titrazs. iu stripes. EECCK. tl Srta asi sf 1 ca--- pr-ct- 1 1 !a3 th 1J ciws w-.- JUST RECEIVED! b prucar--ield t2t aamed BBLS, E. BOSTON CRCSH- - eases xe. 2 naies been Taka Eng'Jaa This at pies. X. - iet a eooct the ?' lsds um 3 It oi a. ways 5 sx I'M cas-- Lomi'-'- .ce eiaS- SATINS. Jt.; qwsauua bsvsg aaswered. the was. Then E uFR.tMES PAL3IER." Wjd c wai at a dewed siasitiVs to sail IP' Eaijt next jvu C o) Ex? Gnrra'aed, 4 baes red aaii ii j btacaeta. yurroaser. t.'M-- JE:4iE (tUiXAX. ai'n BLACK. WHITE AMD BLCEiATl5, A A T Is I A C es. SC have heard pe.'ple speak f re?" H teen, after a AXD OTHER LATE Boxes Ltrni iznr. I :r Mt Sy iv. 30 cases Claris win bit 3i rws deoiass. FINE etc S(a-r- s:ii Sir tr-ss- ) lacs ARRIVALS. d C. BHJEWXi A CO.. .irvjs. 9r-t- Jew v vat uu say. tape-ri-al A X.ES tees. ! afs brnwa CWtil aod cibcittt k F r vi b fast 1. went ca to that as the AT THE eL Lorni-x- pajaiea I .'Tf itarkec Waair. 1T5 ci" Bysda' per-- W baj? Sie tri."!. V'J ( HOLT - BECCE. CmausMuoera had act yet arrived ia Peking, CASES SII MUX'S AXES. FOR SALE 2 n?ya! buae I - ter. 3.es "" , A asai treaty eeulol be exchanged uatU SAN FRANCISCO A. HA5tKi A CO- W baies btiie sceeccus.' T isikreereaua fmmt. tae act thee COOPERS PCNCHING MACHINES. i3 "ws ?t J ilea dlRC. ; aam:rte-- t 3 ii a bin SmiuM Wool. Goat Hides, wi st.a jtr.er earn, he wins el to kaow where th Master prer-r- vl CALIFORNIA OATS. PCNCHING MACHINES caes 'i3u.3 rini. sr.mt. Skini POOPERS pipes PVaet mjzdj, 5! 4m . I ta wait uari: that aad then cf-te- ! Cwoerj' Trsss eiitiii ri iianet sii.ra. Tallo-r- Baildin Kedctfed Halr. WutarUj Clothing scrr PCRCH ASERS. FOR Ext. i J nsnfarsoirts. Ccmposiiion, 5IateriaN al Emporium lots to - C. A Cv, iari; 9Cwi rem-- Ot ; k ai.l, A COi EaJffES d tae aeeessaryti. ariers Sir him to a ,114m iiAiiii- 3 pipes id .kw str-jje- lirawwrs. tocaia Jk Mxrke warf. fssrrer BssawhiS ia Pesiug as a dvaired. Lr he had t MERCILANT FUF.T ara.; ij is j mm tjuis acd rrjck?, Did Copper. SALMON. 33 ca T. P. bracdy, 1 feajt leacaeti ef Kwewaag'a wahia the lag pipes C far.rei. RATES ! de antral THE BEST SELECTED STOCK OF BBLS. SALMON FOR SALE BT BREAD. iarx.) aerees PCRCHASEDATTHEHICHEST the meenag. he tacodasel a scuut cslcer. who. CLOIHLNG, lSim ABEL Eliil- - A C. SCPERIOR PILOT BRE.1D. Zjiamio ox the mnramt he aegaa speak, was recogsisrd as 50 BARRELS cilut srrad. S :r sa.e oj A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF FIXE u it UATS .0T CAPS. C. iSTTEi A CO, AMERICAN" AND ENGLISH ENSIGNS. chief soeaxar en tae jetry at Taka. aad vra hreught li?-t- CLOTHING. BOOK AND H0D5, Preparatioii for Hair. f Market Wiirf. 44 Njixs aod cases cirj3 strpenca, RECEIVED BT EXPRESS AND FOR "JEXXY to expLsIa, he there g vea ias ill JCST C. Spaji-n- x. ford:" lirwari uat hai ccrrect ! 01L J. A5T US HklR RESTORATIVE, SI' fiL.rs yinny iHws.s.. iM osks ii'.eii 'iceed Aaxerjcaa tTT,rB.arin ia. aU he Lad stand. Laprea-ti-oa A !en"s 1 ecsixns. 4t? that Ih F1 Xrv Zrufisasiam. RAVEN'S DrCK. A,. ii! es n;'s. bae iuru. il tnses souat Enttrisii Jtr Seit via w waa Bocsr"s F ' IK.'.'VfS - SUA3. '.SO nrs Uait. eaifins. ir jvi. sArr this rum that the pcaviaci al CaentleiueiiN Goods 3rxnoa. IGHT AND HEAW RAVEN' DCCK. I a.e kneracaa aad 4 ' yx;-- - Furnibin? Rxrrj's L-- C. cs'Q IT itaaiileii XT!s. 1 am.-tiis- . ;jhs. fw i cftjerw were ssoiswaat eoxharrassed, aosr that they ETIH. IX?.ntTED IVT THI3 J BLa:a? :rt LUira. ! jixrj's a AL20 ' ET UE ICIJ EOia MAiiTT. Coet. .' sa--- .n BitT3t"s ? bw . P"j;t Fir sa I I xaJ oiS xuid pi.iauo. s jt in. r C rcA. ajtiry. IS-- -tf A'netVaa Minister xa kw n-- fr-t-n x-s-. Tsi'Vs'a.id ae "i 4 ji - 5mad the still Jesr.as pnceeel, wiica rrpirmsted by arrmi Sib raaciacv., J. Ji iJCTH w CvX. Larr-- s Wxarf. iU S cais u.hI rpeT ,r;r. ina. f i. t an a.i .w a. U I-- :anal I ri ia m- lrE as wasts f F !- b4in&x.w si aad Bad this ti:n to ehcaia definite direct irris trad rewr. C:rarr n and K.ci - als. 7Ci:.5 woxieiicacx. 5i par AN D 31 1 4.k ic r. their Goveraaaeax. order NAILS. 1J viae pade. PRIME PORK EX. ES BEE F i 1 O. v 1 the taseaoisn ef ia . s r A wr-Hiwl- saTe rr ! tr-w- cs puw-fc- ) BO N A V ' 1 - iir HESE GOODS ARE ALL SELECTED BT jcst received: C K S. St nuiies. I bois lar. ii piara. D. W R RANTED I F I RATE K.t t iu- " w 4 sot to asccaas thersseivea m m-c- C. B3LSWT3L O.K. WXjrt JN sa y RT j I M. te xrv. ta aaa TacTro. a pel Vll f k 1)0 es jii 9Qis sar. Ii crates crjeery. Fir 1 0.tH - The toetx F.Tihaa'aaieat.) : u str. htposphos 200 w jii.---. j ef Pehtaag (vjrthera rf waaas ot a sahie as--l tS wtaantt Seet, chcrcuillsi;a: aad sulx. irnedr's Liseireery. J i.j:r. V. C ?a Lt LS. ! !- - i grvus ka aasa to the river whjca dwws aorth f U. a and bni sorAaMrd at LOW Fi ji. ilS. 9 suid at dr.timrrk assursaseat pacect SMdsaaes aal drsk, SCLKIES. ALSO, I SA.TVN s , , rj , ENGL1SU Vet 14 r-J- w i . narfT ky T-U- WHITE LEAD. 201J00 mr.M sacft LvEX F.r O ta ase aaa aceearaace axaujar to the FANCT Cam-brla- 1 SO.O-.V- r--d . tceaai d EXTRA LIGHT SCLKIES ail j iul years. Ofcaraa aod 9traacer fcr-te- t caU J X. k OX. t.--r lOO ton Scotck Spliat Io. r t;x wm atf t 5ttTH JL sa.e By B24PE3. A CO.. Coals ' RECEIVED AND fOR SALE BY t. w Ea vae nrmTE a H-- t'M-i-a str-e-ts. I'j-t- JCST JkAA-N- I iarfi pir jr, w bt ol aad ice Ar tSaiai 'ea. A. . a . iiL ACM. Ccraer Fin aod Smith Co.aI. T - C. t- r4 F.-r-t p'XJr, wi:a:w iam a.:.i 3.iL aheve Taka. ta the Eaacera Cinwls of the metivrilitaa Ccraer aod XerLaos "- -- ita NOTICE"? - 3. iiCes ra t"! r- f psefhiaaiw ef Soexfcew. aad ia the district cf agao. HOSPITAL ORANGE HEDGES. JrST RECEIVED PER YANKEE a tows abowx twenty ailes up the river. J Aig-.a-g kRr ATTACHED TO THE London Jockey Club Gin, and PCRE JAMAICA RCM. !" KEEP COOL! THEDIPENS il jm. JL 'leea I cl.'spiu. ? w-- "t lay PERSONS WISHING TO PLANT THE cajcs supen;r Snips KeceiTed e rh..5tdn frooi the scares 0 jaais at Vrriea. the dscas ksx na Cti3Ml.it Orajute S b iroiie--i w-- Jat g ia aal ! ! i.-n- t ? acfcl . A. s.r the stc I r ieus o."e. ' C. M - 'ti-n- Ice Creaiai lee Creams ! ai ?c-.J-5- i?ALC'ti. SHAVED trn lee Creaias yiA-Tc- s i ae CL lTA-- tat theta, is p issmni'i a targe trads. The iiTd r' .ea.uiir tiwiwisixi V. -. WHIIlis r r aol gr.it onrenetjTfc.:ie .leiiirr 5:raji ky paz:c aod rs ALE AND PORTER, 3()0 nrei. Torvai- BipntV is iwaicsaed to he ever inexuding Eiuua J-- W. Pie tixs f. "at BOILED LINSEED OIL. tne W- - ia 9f.V, M . H. HTDDT IS Arrnx. of n aese jMiasdss. it besc imx PREP kRED FROM aHtir rpj.to. ranter u GALLONS A new ?r-i- . t wk 1 ahe pecea a srw haaaeaTtherwahcus. They T aad eoemftr Ty a supwy a.- - taw iecrecarr. Iier- -. RECEIVED PER HEATHER BELL VEkl sl PERIOR. 'it if i f frmis 3ixrtt r iacjcjted Ijaf JCST L:aa.c aad o Jl jraw ;nii.r. I .r .e 77 ;J. C. -- bottjes V Crwun SW01.fi. HLicif ai 00-pu-Mr "f ?LZ Ix t t kicn a.i.1 dwell srahe of the .. at k d-- 00O ia a tecaauus a street. 3eary i!ii pa i ) sci. aal Socitei. wttA any MAGIC i 'lta 3j'vi'" 4e. i Smiav's w I. aexs. tiiey crev. asni w LANTERNS! (Aa need to be streagtaeaed ansa. siilZec whtn ta rirs iu ".roe ED LO N N A A N A C. .) iu J. Je!frsy" pa.e (1 !.i jjiacs. OARS. sci aramca a reev s soar at O pamna jw THE ILLCSTRAT I3 LI i a!j Km FEW magic ti J) sonntjinir- - a. aade Ssc-.-we- Lanterns. A iu ::0 iu puro?r, TO iaas walla. Whether frees the cf the ' A FOR SALE-- ALSO. FEET OARS R SALE BV A 5a.-"i- rt - iravi i s AA FEW COPIES THE r. !'s tot i3aj. mr aissuxs nsair-- A X. p.ii-ts- IW i.i saJ if k..K . K- -- IsiU. ?.0 ij X:ti"s i. C. suU or ether ta usn. alsMSt ao grass cr trees, I auorw' aucx-.- Snaiays eicepced. :J Mw--tf - x - rv?iuiti Anooac r J il?Xiir i. aracj. jtvii. :it wHrrTT- r. K K. WHTTSIT. S3, a 16. anything green, seen near place. aide 3 3. ar l.:wist .TT latks I "" d are the -- CHAMPAGNE CIHER. With asi wd Axas as. Uu the dspusnh was received Gov-- A ALPHAUET BLOCKS! 21 ve""- - casks J to;t.ca tm. w.fm loth a ma the a Ice! Frth nppiv: do y li !:s brxail CASES JCST RECEIVED rl ua si rl, Mh-jsr- FAMILY BIBLES. "t. AND ir IZ-i- auuug taac teen r aP HI LP REX ALPHABET TOT BLOCKS. i- - Ax . .uw ' i? be had HOXOLI LI UEroMPvxv. II A V ' ;r &y . V. ? uirk tc. lOO j J. C. ALDlii. ! THE nkrs.ii suts. B.;ciO tl - tih Hi hlajMty's Aaeri-aa- Av a;jc reeeiTed a aresft sapp.y o ta aruciie Crvm wiS FEW ELEGANT AND. RICHLY f svutmaads. permittieg the a m. BtiiSies, x WTT.'y wc.-is- .". DOOR Ctl- A U rasrs : h. wHrr7rr. juices. a Fir .e e BASS WIXDOW lu fc,r v tKraaKr Sttpt? at j ALE. - s,.i. tfty tb capital aa dar he pleased tnct-a- Ww a. Ji. w tel. !XT. I T r 3wouIy csscuwrs. ieu'errd Sy cart, la ; LATE ARRIVAL- fur ika Itfth ul lie ELS. 4 DOZ. EiCH.O CARTS. oO t;rv. s I July, Uar to await th arrival ef yuutuaes sue jess im. pvr iay . svr ;v VARNISH! DAILY EXPECTED PER FRANCES FaSJ" oy (.::- -; xJ I i O O c. ? a ld w w . ij Nr-i- is toe 4tpeul tVmuUoiaara, with whoo the retiaca-ji- os j Lar sutd as so x"e-i- ua rjr street, tlr 0 3 I J fajoa 2iJ.y LEECHES x"a J n: ra. a' li CASES ..!; i ir.a ck, I At 8.':n.ix. a., vws, U lU ?) j imta. SALE BY SOO Jwkey Cl ex MESS iar - Jtttj auM U aaohaagsd-- Hia-H- Cs Gia. al?nr airs EXTRA BEEF. B liMia. . ta ' 25 J"OR W. CO E f Li ssaCiar fa- A F la w?feti S ea- r s 5XITH . I ad f4 hs had &trt ti strand. i?ni, aad r J . Soty Fanoiiai."' ixa r arrrv at BARRELS BEST Q. T A Y !rs " apjs.iiii T.oaghau. !- - C. H LIWtAA f 1 LIT F RO F tr w at ta Mr ji - 2-- rt iut v IJtU'-